How to stop skipping classes and start studying. How to skip work without unpleasant consequences? Absence from work - the most valid reasons

Hello reader! I decided to write my next article specifically for teachers, so that they understand why students don’t go to classes? Indeed, such a problem exists among both contract workers and state employees, and some lecture halls are completely empty.

Let’s try to figure it out together about what causes such omissions and how the teacher reacts to them. The most important thing that is important to understand is the student’s motivation, otherwise it will hardly be possible to instill in him a sense of diligence, punctuality and responsibility. So let's reason together.

Reasons for student absenteeism

Many teachers do not want to know why a student misses a class, and if he fails to show up, they not only begin to be loudly indignant in the presence of the entire group or class, but also threaten. As a rule, these are menacing promises of not passing the upcoming session, so you won’t hear anything original at such moments.

However, this is an incorrect and non-pedagogical approach to the problem, since the clarification of relationships should proceed on a purely individual basis, and before shouting, you should understand the reasons, which, by the way, can be valid or disrespectful.

1. Family circumstances. Sometimes things arise in a student’s life that can only be resolved during educational process. Such “unexpected circumstances” can affect all areas of life and require immediate response.

Of course, in such stalemate moments, it is best to find a teacher and ask for time off, but it often happens that every minute counts.

2. Problems on the personal front. Sometimes students skip classes due to mental trauma, for example, after a breakup with a lover. At such moments, you don’t even want to study, you don’t want to eat or breathe.

Even the most diligent and responsible student can deliberately neglect his studies and spend meaningless days in mental anguish. Here, little depends on the teacher, but the help of friends and fellow students will certainly be useful and needed.

3. Part time job. Some senior students manage to earn extra money during their studies. Such an increase in the scholarship, of course, will not hurt, but it can significantly spoil relations with principled teachers who do not agree with the systematic absence of students from their classes, especially lectures.

It is best to compromise here, otherwise there may not be a scholarship next semester.

4. Personal irresponsibility. In this case we're talking about about student slackness and systematic absenteeism without a good reason. Teachers do not like malicious troublemakers in their classes, so in this case, without attending the university, you can not only “fly” with a scholarship, but also easily find yourself on the verge of expulsion from the university.

So here it’s not all about the teacher, but about the student, who must understand why he entered the university - to study or to hang out. The last motivation is a failure.

5. Antipathy towards the teacher. There are also students who, for one reason or another, do not perceive the teacher, and answers in class turn into bickering and conflicts.

This situation is unpleasant for neither the student nor the teacher, so the former prefers to ignore the pairs. He can do this out of malicious motives, in order to create trouble for the teacher at the department, but such cases in pedagogical practice are rather isolated.

Perhaps these are the most common reasons that prevent normal studies and regular attendance at the university. It is advisable to eliminate them, otherwise the student’s performance will be noticeably reduced, and promising and bright plans for life will be distant.

What should a student do?

If a student skips classes, then the first thing he should understand is that such an attitude towards studies will not end in anything good. He must adjust himself and perceive his unloved teacher according to the principle: “Everything will pass, this too will pass”!

You just need to be patient, try to understand the essence of the subject and, if possible, please your unloved teacher. And how he will do this, intuition will tell you. It is pointless to give any advice in this matter, since all teachers are different and each requires a different approach.

In cases where work interferes with normal study, it is best to talk with the teacher about free attendance. It will be difficult to convince him, but in principle it is possible (I know from my own experience); and most importantly, then, with your knowledge, grades and overall performance, make it clear that the work did not in any way affect your interest in studying and a specific subject.

Here I’ll tell you my example: in order to achieve free attendance in the 5th year, I begged individual teachers almost every week. They made concessions to me incredulously, but demanded the presence of a complete note.

It was a hard time, and rewriting the “doodles of fellow students” only resulted in sleepless nights. But there were never any complaints, and my academic performance and scholarship did not suffer in any way.

In cases where absenteeism is caused by a love drama, it is very difficult to pull yourself together and get ready to study. Yes, and breaking out of depression and painful memories on your own will not be easy.

However, friends and sports should come to the rescue here, helping to switch thoughts and set the sufferer up for further study. On my own behalf I can add: no relationship is worth higher education, so don’t give up a promising future for an imperfect and doomed relationship.

If family circumstances arise, you must notify the teacher about your absenteeism so that he can important information I did not find out from third parties. During a personal conversation, you can explain everything and, as it were, ask for time off, rather than confronting the teacher with the fact of your absence from his subject. It is also advisable to remind about diseases, otherwise you can mistakenly give the impression of a slacker truant who ignores knowledge.

What should a teacher do?

Since I dedicate this article more to teachers, it is precisely their behavior that I would like to talk in more detail about. Students are different, but a teacher is not just a teacher and mentor, but, above all, subtle psychologist.

That is why the issue of absenteeism must be treated with particular caution, so that later you do not get a bad reputation or some kind of malicious nickname among students.

So, your student doesn't show up for class? The first thing you should do is write down his last name and go to the dean’s office to find out if he is sick or if he has any extenuating family circumstances.

If the reasons for absence from classes are really compelling, then it is best to temporarily postpone a serious conversation. But if teachers report that the truant attends other lectures, it’s time to think about it.

Of course, you shouldn’t put yourself in his position, since all students know why they decided to study at the university. But again, the circumstances are different, but first it is recommended to convey to him “fervent greetings” through the headman. After this, you can wait for a period of time - 2 - 3 pairs, and, if the situation does not change, take more radical actions.

You can meet and stop him at recess, but it is also recommended to visit the couple where he is clearly present. In this case, you cannot do without a serious conversation and warning, but still try to understand the arguments. If the reasons are disrespectful, and in front of you is the most ordinary loafer, then threatening problems at the session will not hurt.

When such beliefs again remain useless, make one last attempt, which may make him think. If not, then you don’t have to worry about his fate anymore, but ask him to the fullest during the exam.

No, of course, I cannot teach and give recommendations to honored and qualified specialists, but I am simply sure that the method of shouting and intimidation does not work from the very beginning. No matter what, students are people too, with their own reasons and circumstances, which can sometimes be understood by an adult, even a teacher.

On the other hand, the teacher should not run after students and persuade them to attend classes, but from a purely human point of view, it would not be superfluous to inquire about their progress.

How to officially skip couples?

To avoid problems later with teachers for systematic absenteeism in their classes, you can officially register for free attendance or transfer to correspondence form training.

The first option is ideal, since the student does not lose a scholarship, maintains the duration of his studies and skillfully combines two useful things at the same time. The second option is more radical, because distance learning lasts a year longer (5.5 or 6 years), is carried out exclusively on a contract basis and has a number of its own nuances. So it's best to use the first option.

If absenteeism is justified, involves a certain period of time, and does not require systematicity, then you can write an official document in the dean’s office and have it signed by the dean. But in this case, be sure to promise that all the “tails” will be pulled up in a timely manner, and that no problems will arise during the session.

Conclusion: From now on, neither students nor their teachers should have questions about why students don’t go to classes.

I hope that all the suggested tips on the site will be informative and useful, and the attitude of the student who is a slacker to his studies will change as well as the attitude of teachers towards some of their careless students.

Now you know why don't students go to classes?.

Best regards, site team website

P.S. Or maybe students are doing the right thing by not going to some classes? Watch a video of one of the typical days of an American student:).

Question for a psychologist:

Hello! My name is Anastasia, I'm 18 years old. This year I moved from my city to St. Petersburg to enter university. Entered technical university at the Faculty of Hydrology. In the first weeks everything went well, I went to classes, studied, and had time to walk around the city. Gradually I started missing classes. First one lesson, then two, then a day. In November, I came to the institute only a few times. This month I came to find out what my English debts are. There are so many omissions that I can no longer count. Tests are due next week, but my head is empty, only scraps from the first classes. I’m afraid to go to teachers about debts, I think they will scold me (although I deserve it). I live in a dormitory, my neighbors are first-year students at the same university, and everything is fine with them. I'm considering several options for not going to class. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I was disappointed with the choice of university. To be honest, I don’t even know who I should work in the future. Have knowledge English language, maybe something from biology. I know that I am not the only one who made such a mistake, that many people go through this, but this does not give me an answer. I told my mother about this, and she suggested taking the winter session and moving to another department. I don’t tell my mom about absenteeism because I’m afraid of her reaction, or I just don’t want to upset her. Mom lives in another city and only learns about her studies from me. The second reason is lack of rest. We didn’t have time to really relax in the summer, filling out documents and sending them to different universities. But I would not consider this point. The next reason is I call it "good girl rebellion." When you study for 11 years in a row, without missing a lesson without a good reason, you study, afraid of getting a C, and when you get a C, you get it yourself - all this leaves some kind of imprint. Perhaps, far from home, I feel free from obligations, because here it is, the goal is to act, it has been achieved and I should breathe freely and give up on prohibitions, which is what I do. Or maybe I’m just lazy to such an extent that I can only study under pressure? What if I don’t have the innate gift to learn, it’s not given? I envy people a little who are happy to go to university, who are not afraid of difficulties. I will be very grateful if anyone answers my question.

Psychologist Mainali Larisa Valerievna answers the question.

Hello, Anastasia. You have analyzed your situation well and possible reasons because of which you missed classes. Yes, unfortunately, if there is no interest and emotional involvement, then it does not bring satisfaction.

I would be interested to know what you do and what you do when you don’t go to classes? Which need prevails? How do you feel when you make a choice - to take a walk or go to lectures?

The fact that you escaped from parental care and control, including the grades you received at school, of course, can also become a reason for absences, like many others. But you definitely have an “innate gift for learning,” otherwise you would not have been able to finish school and go to college.

It is of great importance by what criteria the university was selected? Was this your desire, or was the most important thing to do somewhere? You can spend years studying, unlearning, under pressure, because it is necessary, or your parents want it.

It’s very good that my mother supports me in moving to another faculty. Take your time with your choice. Analyze, what would be interesting to you? What talents and abilities have you noticed in yourself? What activities are of interest? What do you like - communicating with people, counting, writing, etc.? Read what professions exist, take career guidance tests, and try to choose several, realistically assessing your capabilities and abilities.

Maria Soboleva

How to skip work without unpleasant consequences?

How to skip work - well, admit it, this question arises at least sometimes even for the most disciplined employee. We understand that this is not good, but we are not robots and we can afford to not show up once workplace. You just have to come up with a valid and convincing reason.

How to skip work and not get fired

If you are lucky and have loyal management, then almost any excuse will do as an explanation for the reasons for missing a day of work.

In general, for absenteeism under strict management, any employee may well face dismissal. At best, a reprimand or fine. This means you will have to think in advance about how to skip work without consequences.

Absence from work the most valid reasons

You can ask your boss in advance for an additional day of rest, or time off, for working overtime or on weekends. It won’t be paid, but it’s relatively legal to skip the boat – it’s quite possible. You must notify your intention to take time off in writing.

Another option for not showing up to work for a valid reason is to donate blood. Do a good deed in the morning and the whole day is at your disposal. This, of course, is not suitable for everyone. Not everyone can become a donor due to health reasons, and many of us are afraid of the procedure.

If you still decide on this option, fill out a certificate at the donor point and an official explanation of your reluctance to work today will be provided.

An alibi will be provided by a certificate stating that you visited a doctor, an entry in the outpatient card. You might feel bad and decide to urgently visit a doctor. But about your intention to apply for medical care You should notify your superiors on the day of absence from work.

A certificate of illness of a child or relative who needs your help - escort to the hospital, care, supervision - will also save you from trouble.

How else to skip work and not be fired: in case of an urgent call for a repair team to eliminate an emergency situation - problems with gas supply, a burst pipe, a clogged sewer.

But the installation of plastic windows or the installation of entrance doors, which forced you to skip work, will clearly anger the strict manager. Can you convince talk to your boss- you're lucky.

If you have the opportunity to obtain fake certificates, do not expect that you will get away with it. The number may work once or twice, but when you abuse it, management can check the authenticity of the documents.

Reason for no-show - what to say

Truancy, of course, is not good. But since this happens to almost everyone, let’s look at the most popular reasons for not showing up for work.

Most often, employees refer to poor health, and then there is a chance to take a day or two off from work.

For example, you caught a cold, and in order not to infect your team, you decided to get treatment at home. Look for the cause of a cold depending on the season - in winter - infection (infected from Yulia from the accounting department, picked up on a crowded trolleybus), in summer - air conditioning or draft.

Or a terrible migraine has broken out, which in no way will give you the opportunity to work fully. Or you have a toothache - you will urgently need to visit the dentist.

The version of your food poisoning sounds convincing; this could easily happen to anyone. We ate something like this at a party or in a cafe - and this is the result. Just sit at home for a day.

You need to call with a complaint about your poor health early in the morning - it’s more convincing, your voice will sound more like a patient when you’re asleep. In addition, you are very worried about your absence and warn about it in advance.

You can simulate a cold by sniffing water through your nose, which will create the illusion of a runny nose. When you return to work, continue to feign weakness and take some pills. Play the role until the end.

I missed work - what to do?

What to do if you missed work - write an explanatory note, and even before you are asked to present it. Describe more convincingly the reasons and circumstances of your absenteeism; it is better if the note is supported by some papers (certificates, telegrams, letters).

For example, a telegram about the urgent arrival of relatives, you must meet and accommodate them.

Those who work with clients can come up with a meeting with one of the respectable people as an excuse for their absenteeism: they played bowling (billiards, squash) and discussed the details of a future contract.

Sometimes a trivial fiction that your husband (child, mother) took both sets of keys and you couldn’t lock the apartment helps you get away with it.

Women have a completely natural reason for missing work - critical days.

Lack of transport, accident, natural disaster - these are completely valid reasons for not showing up at your place of residence. labor activity. To don't be late for work as a result of such force majeure, you decided not to come at all and work this day fully at another time.

Each person may have a personal need to miss a day of work, but it is always better to negotiate with management and work out your hours later. Then there will be no need to rack your brains about how to skip work. A short break will help you work with more enthusiasm later.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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