Competition for the best organization of secondary education. Akmola region Egindykol district

Data updated: 07/01/2017

In accordance with subparagraph 8-7) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On Education” I ORDER:
Footnote. Preamble as amended by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 22, 2016 No. 67 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
1. Approve the attached Rules for the competition for the award of the grant “Best Organization of Secondary Education”, establishing the amount of the grant and the procedure for its award.
Footnote. Clause 1 as amended by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 22, 2016 No. 67 (shall be enforced upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
2. Department of Preschool and Secondary Education, information technology(Zhontaeva Zh.A.) ensure:
1) in accordance with the established procedure, state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) official publication of this order in periodicals and in the information and legal system “Adilet” after state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to Vice-Minister E.N. Imangaliev.
4. This order comes into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

Minister A. Sarinzhipov

by order of the Minister of Education and Science
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 26, 2014 No. 544

holding a grant competition
“The best organization of secondary education” with the establishment
the size of the grant and the procedure for its award

Footnote. The rules are as amended by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 22, 2016 No. 67 (shall come into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

1. General provisions

1. These Rules for the competition for the award of the grant “Best Organization of Secondary Education” with the establishment of the amount of the grant and the procedure for its award” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with subparagraph 8-7) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On education" and determine the procedure for holding a competition for the award of the grant "Best Organization of Secondary Education" with establishing the size of the grant and the procedure for its award.
2. These Rules use the following basic concepts:
1) the organizers of the competition are local executive bodies in the field of education;
2) grant “Best Organization of Secondary Education” (hereinafter referred to as the Grant) - money allocated annually by local executive bodies of the region, city of republican significance and the capital to state organizations of secondary education based on the results of a competition based on rating indicators;
3) rating indicators - criteria established by these Rules, which state organizations of secondary education must comply with.
3. A competition for the award of the “Best Organization of Secondary Education” grant, establishing the amount of the grant and the procedure for its award (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held annually by local executive bodies in the field of education.
4. The competition is held with the aim of identifying, summarizing and disseminating effective pedagogical and managerial experience, stimulating professional and personal growth teachers and heads of secondary education organizations, identifying trends in the development of the secondary education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. The grant is awarded to the winners of the Competition - the best state institutions of secondary education.

2. The procedure for holding a competition for the award of the “Best
organization of secondary education" with the establishment of the size
grant and procedure for its award

6. State secondary education organizations (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) of all types are allowed to participate in the Competition.
7. The competition is held in two stages:
Stage I - district (city), held annually in April, where the participants of the Competition recommended for participation in the second stage are determined;
Stage II - regional, in the cities of Astana and Almaty, is held annually in May, where the winners of the Competition are determined.
8. In order to organize and conduct the Competition at each level, local executive bodies in the field of education, by decision of the akim of the region (city of republican significance and the capital), district (city), create a competition commission chaired by the deputy akim of the region (city of republican significance and the capital), district ( city), which oversees education issues.
9. The composition of the competition commissions of stages I and II includes specialists from regional (city of republican significance and the capital), district (city) bodies in the field of education, experienced teachers, methodologists, psychologists, representatives public organizations, scientists, employees of departments for control in the field of education.
10. The announcement of the Competition is published by local executive bodies in the field of education in periodicals no less than a month before the start of the Competition and must contain:
1) date, time, place and procedure for the Competition;
2) place and deadlines for receiving documents.
11. To ensure the competitiveness of Kazakhstani education and achieve high rating indicators, the selection of participants in the Competition is carried out by the competition commission according to the following criteria:
1) introduction of information and communication technologies for education ( efficient use modern educational technologies, number of students per 1 computer, Internet connection, share of provision of subject rooms of the new modification);
2) ensuring accessibility quality education(share of graduates who received a certificate of general secondary education “Altyn Belgi”, share of graduates who received a certificate of general secondary education with honors, share of children enrolled additional education);
3) staffing educational process(completing advanced training courses for teachers once every 5 years, the share of teachers who have completed advanced training courses in the use of information communication technologies and in level programs, the share of teachers teaching science and mathematics subjects in English, the dynamics of the share of young specialists who arrived to work in the organization of education in the current year, the share of teachers with the highest and first categories, the share of teachers participating in district (city), regional, republican and international conferences, seminars, forums, exhibitions, shows, pedagogical readings, participation in experimental, research, and applied work , scientific projects (programs), examination of educational and methodological publications, availability of author's manuals, programs, scientific developments, publications, introduction of advanced teaching experience, providing career guidance diagnostics of students’ aptitudes);
4) logistics, equipment and equipment of educational organizations (efficiency and effectiveness of financing, rationality and proportionality of distribution of funds);
5) creating conditions for preserving the health of students, ensuring safety and creating labor protection conditions for participants in the educational process (covering students with sports sections in educational organizations, providing free fortified hot meals to students from low-income families, dynamics of student morbidity, compliance of learning conditions with sanitary rules and regulations, the availability of full-time positions of school inspectors, psychologists and social educators, turnstiles and CCTV cameras, the proportion of children registered with the school and the juvenile affairs inspectorate);
6) creation of conditions for professional and personal self-realization of teachers and managers (availability of information and methodological space in the organization of education, provision of teachers with information communication technologies, results of a monitoring study of qualitative changes in professional activities teachers who have undergone advanced training according to level programs);
7) creating conditions for receiving inclusive education (the proportion of children with special needs enrolled in inclusive education, from total number children living in the microdistrict assigned to the educational organization);
8) high rating indicators in student education over the past three years, a feature of the mission of the educational organization (dynamics in the proportion of students who have successfully completed general education training programs);
9) education quality management (adoption management decisions based on the results of educational monitoring of the needs of students and parents, the effectiveness of activities board of trustees educational organizations);
10) results of external and internal assessment of the quality of education (results of procedures for external assessment of educational achievements, unified national testing and international research, criteria for the formation and development of functional, mathematical, natural science and reading literacy of students, the proportion of students who are winners of regional, republican and international olympiads and scientific competitions for schoolchildren);
11) implementation international cooperation(number of agreements with international organizations, share of students and teachers participating in international projects).
12. Based on the results of Stage I of the Competition, the competition commission sends materials for consideration to the competition commission at the regional (Astana and Almaty) level, as well as an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the competition commission at the district (city) level, indicating the names of schools.
13. Meetings of competition commissions for awarding a grant are considered valid if at least two-thirds of their members attended them.
14. The voting results are determined by a majority vote of the commission members. The vote of the chairman is decisive in case of equality of votes among the members of the commission.
15. To participate in the Competition, educational organizations submit the following documents to the competition committee:
1) application for participation in the competition;
2) submission of relevant materials in accordance with the criteria specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules.
The application form is established by local executive bodies.
16. Documents submitted within the established deadlines for acceptance in an envelope marked “Grant Competition” are accepted for consideration by the competition commission.
17. Educational organizations that submitted documents after the deadline for accepting documents are not allowed to participate in the Competition.
18. Based on the submitted documents, the competition commission at the appropriate levels carries out registration of participants in the Competition.
19. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted materials, the competition commission determines the winner of the Competition and makes a decision on awarding a grant.
20. The decision of the competition commission at each level is documented in a protocol, signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the voting.
21. The winners of the Competition are awarded special honorary diplomas “Winner of the competition “Best Organization of Secondary Education” and certificates of receipt of a grant.
Diploma and certificate forms are approved by local executive bodies.
22. Payment of the grant is carried out by decision of local executive bodies at the expense of local budgets based on the results of the Competitive selection.
23. The amount of the grant is eight hundred times the minimum wage at the expense of the republican budget, established by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year.
24. Government institutions secondary education, which received the “Best Organization of Secondary Education” grant on a competitive basis, spend the grant on improving the material and technical equipment of the educational organization and scientific and methodological support of the educational process.

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The results of the Competition have been summed up. The organizing committee of the competition summed up the results of consideration of the methodological developments submitted to the competition. The meeting was attended by members of the organizing committee and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science. 1. Chernoskutova Inna Anatolyevna - co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of the competition, director of the Department public policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 2. Nikolaenko Andrey Vladimirovich - co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of the competition, rector of the Moscow Polytechnic University 3. Ovchinnikov Alexey Yurievich - member of the Organizing Committee of the competition, head of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education of the Moscow Polytechnic University 4. Oleynikova Olga Nikolaevna - member of the Organizing Committee of the competition , director of the ANO "Center for the Study of Problems of Vocational Education" 5. Tsarkova Elena Anatolyevna - member of the Organizing Committee of the competition, deputy head of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education of the Moscow Polytechnic University 6. Fayzulina Irina Eduardovna - head of the department of regulatory regulation in the field of secondary vocational education and additional professional training of the Department of State Policy in in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 7. Popova Tatyana Sergeevna - Deputy Head of the Department of Regulatory Regulation in the field of secondary vocational education and additional vocational training of the Department of State Policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia The competition was held in order to stimulate the scientific, methodological and creative potential of administrative workers, methodologists, teachers and industrial training masters, scientific and educational organizations, ensuring the development of the system of secondary vocational education aimed at improvement and implementation in the educational process modern techniques ensuring the achievement of the quality of vocational education at the level of international standards and advanced technologies. A total of 129 works were submitted for participation in the competition. At the first stage of the competition, in the period from September 1 to September 30, 2017, the FUMO SPO for the relevant enlarged groups of professions/specialties collected and registered competitive works submitted by participants, and an initial documentary examination, including an assessment of the submitted materials for compliance with the goals and objectives of the competition , completeness of materials and their practical significance for the open source software system. The results of the qualifying round were documented in the minutes of the meetings of the expert groups of the FUMO SPO, indicating the number of points for each of the selected works. SPO selected by expert groups of FUMO competition works, applications and presentations thereto, along with minutes of expert group meetings, were sent to the Competition Expert Council. Expert advice of the competition, a substantive examination of the submitted works was carried out according to the criteria specified in the Regulations on the Competition. The results of the examination, presented in the form of completed expert sheets, were transferred to the Organizing Committee of the Competition. The Organizing Committee of the Competition, based on the results of the assessment of the submitted works carried out by the Expert Council of the Competition, based on the total points for the participants, determined the winners and prize-winners of the Competition: P O E D I T E L I: Nomination No. 1. FUMO for UG 18.00.00 Gorbunova Irina Anatolyevna, methodologist GBPOU Novosibirsk region "Novosibirsk Chemical-Technological College named after. DI. Mendeleev"“Methodological support for the development of a program for an educational organization based on an approximate basic educational program with a description of the methodology for distributing the variable part by profession 01/18/33 Laboratory assistant for quality control of raw materials, reagents, intermediate products, finished products, production waste (by industry)" Nomination No. 2. FUMO for UG 15.00.00 Petrenko Svetlana Vladimirovna, senior methodologist Morozkina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, specialist of the research department GBPOU of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Educational Complex" (GBPOU MGOK)“Basic department - personnel potential of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia” Nomination No. 3. " FUMO according to UG 08.00.00 Dubrovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher Glumenko Olesya Viktorovna, teacher Rebrina Emilia Mikhailovna, deputy director of the college for educational and methodological work Balabanova Olesya Viktorovna, teacher GAPOU Krasnodar Territory "Novorossiysk College of Construction and Economics" (GAPOU KK "NKSE")“Methodological support for the organization and holding of regional and national World Skills Russia championships in the Plumbing and Heating competency” Nomination No. 4. FUMO for UG 20.00.00 Dudchenko Andrey Evgenievich, head of the educational department GBPOU of the city of Moscow "Technical Fire and Rescue College named after Hero Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk" « Organization and conduct of state final certification in the form of a demonstration exam » Nomination No. 5. FUMO for UG 15.00.00 Korotenko Olga Vasilievna, senior methodologist KSAOU DPO "Khabarovsk Regional Institute for the Development of the Vocational Education System" Baryshnikova Anna Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for educational work center of education and upbringing Bazhin Evgeniy Vladimirovich, master of industrial training KGAPOU "Governor's Aircraft Construction College of Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Interregional Competence Center)" "Formation of assessment materials for organizing a demonstration exam within the framework of the state final certification in professions and specialties of secondary vocational education" Nomination No. 6. FUMO according to UG 43.00.00 Natalya Vladimirovna Zatsepina, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work Zhmakin Roman Evgenievich, teacher of special disciplines GPOU "Novokuznetsk College of Construction Technologies and Services" Methodological recommendations “Introduction of distance learning into the educational process” PRIZERS: Nomination No. 1. “Methodological support for the development of a program of an educational organization based on an approximate basic educational program with a description of the methodology for distributing the variable part according to a specific profession (specialty)” FUMO according to UG 54.00.00 Polevaya Tatyana Mikhailovna, head of the Megadesign faculty Merkulova Lyudmila Anatolyevna, methodologist Karelina Irina Grigorievna, methodologist State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Technological College No. 21" Methodological support for the development of a program for an educational organization based on an approximate basic educational program with a description of the methodology for distributing the variable part by profession 01/54/20 Graphic designer" FUMO for UG 11.00.00 Bozrova Irina Grigorievna, Deputy Director for Organization of the Educational Process Mikerova Victoria Nikolaevna, head of the methodological department GBPOU of the city of Moscow "College of Communications No. 54" « Methodical recommendations on the development of a basic educational program based on POOP with a description of the methodology for distributing the variable part in the specialty 11.02.15 Infocommunication networks and communication systems" Nomination No. 2. “Description of the best practices for methodological support of interaction with representatives of the world of work in specific professions (specialties) to equip the educational process and increase the practice-oriented nature of programs” FUMO according to UG 26.00.00 Andrienko Natalya Veniaminovna, methodologist Lyapina Irina Yurievna, head of the department of information and industrial technologies and shipbuilding“Description of the best practices for methodological support of interaction with representatives of the world of work in specific professions (specialties) to equip the educational process and increase the practice-oriented nature of programs” FUMO according to UG 44.00.00 Shemina Tatyana Borisovna, teacher Istra Professional College College - branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "State Humanitarian and Technological University" "Creating a model of the educational environment with resources of network interaction between the college and preschool educational organizations" Nomination No. 3. " Methodological support for organizing and conducting competitions professional excellence, Olympiads, championships" FUMO according to UG 43.00.00 Lyadova Olga Sergeevna, head of department international programs tourism and service Luzina Elena Alexandrovna Vakhmanova Olga Valerievna St. Petersburg GBPOU "Petrovsky College"“Methodological support for the organization and conduct of professional skills competitions, Olympiads, championships” according to UGPS 43.00.00 Service and tourism” FUMO for UG 23.00.00 Lapukhin Vladimir Ivanovich, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work Sazhneva Valentina Mikhailovna, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Proskuryakova Irina Sergeevna, methodologist Tolstykh Nina Borisovna, methodologist Tambov Regional State Pedagogical University “College of Engineering and Technology of Land Transport named after. M.S. Solntseva"“Organization and conduct of regional (final) stages All-Russian Olympiad professional skills of students of secondary vocational education in UG specialties 23.00.00 Equipment and technologies of land transport" Nomination No. 4. “Methodological support for organizing and conducting a demonstration exam in a profession (specialty)” FUMO according to UG 07.00.00 Petrova Irina Anatolyevna, teacher Vasilyeva Anna Yurievna, teacher KGAPOU "Perm Construction College""Demonstration exam as a model intermediate certification according to PM.01. Design of objects of the architectural environment (specialty SPO 07.02.01 Architecture)" FUMO for UG 23.00.00 Dolgushin Alexander Ivanovich, master of industrial training Efremov Leonid Sergeevich, master of industrial training GBPOU of the city of Moscow "College road transport No. 9"“Educational and methodological development of conducting a demonstration exam “Body repair” Nomination No. 5. “Methodological recommendations for supporting the formation assessment materials to organize a Demonstration exam within the framework of the state final certification(by profession/specialty)" FUMO according to UG 08.00.00 Dobashina Elena Yurievna, teacher of special disciplines OGBPOU "Ryazan Polytechnic College"“Methodological recommendations to support the formation of assessment materials for organizing a Demonstration exam using the example of PM. 05 “Performing work in the profession of “Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment” of the training program for mid-level specialists 02/08/09 “Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings” using international competency standards WorldSkills International” FUMO for UG 15.00.00 Birintseva Gulgena Tagirovna, teacher of general professional disciplines Gaidabura Valentina Anatolyevna, teacher of general professional disciplines Kirillova Valentina Ivanovna, master of industrial training GAPOU " Technical College them. V.D. Potashova" (Naberezhnye Chelny)“Development and implementation of assessment materials for conducting a demonstration exam in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” Nomination No. 6. “Methodological support for the formation and application of e-learning and remote technologies for organization educational process according to programs in secondary vocational education (by profession/specialty FUMO according to UG 39.00.00 Chernaya Elena Vasilievna, head of the scientific and methodological center Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky teacher training college FSBEI HE "Sakhalin state university» "Model of organization independent work students in specialty 02/39/01 Social work through the use of technology distance learning» FUMO according to UG 07.00.00 Yakovleva Ekaterina Evgenievna, teacher GAPOU Sverdlovsk region "Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship"“Methodological recommendations for creating a system of online educational resources based on google services when studying disciplines of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle”

Akmola region Egindykol district

Akmola region

Egindykol district

(materials for the competition “Best Organization of Secondary Education”)

Poltavskoe village


Introduction of information and communication technologies for education……….3

Ensuring accessibility to quality education ………………………….7

Staffing of the educational process……………………………10

Material and technical support, equipment and equipment of educational organizations …………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Creating conditions for preserving the health of students……………………. 14

Creating conditions for receiving inclusive education ………………… 15

Education quality management………………………………………………………………. 17

Results of external and internal assessment of the quality of education……………… 18 Without educated and successful people the country has no future. This is well understood at the Alakol Secondary School, which has been operating in the Egindykol district of the Akmola region for almost half a century. This educational institution first opened its doors in 1954 as a primary school, then an eight-year school, and in 1975 it was transformed into the Poltava Secondary School. In 1977, a 2-story standard school was built, which still operates to this day. “Alakol Secondary School” received its current name in June 1998.
Currently, 81 schoolchildren, representatives of more than 5 nationalities, are studying here. Since 1992, Alakol secondary school has been teaching in two languages ​​- Kazakh and Russian.
Alakol Secondary School is proud of its students, who every year become winners of regional subject Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, various competitions and mind games.

There are 23 teachers working at the school. Among them are many teachers whose experience exceeds 25 years. Such experience and knowledge of teachers gives us hope that the school will always give Kazakhstan worthy daughters and sons.

Introduction of information and communication technologies for education:

Modern information technologies, the basis of which are computers and computer systems, various electronic means, audio and video equipment. Implementation computer technology in the classroom allows you to increase student interest, develop creative thinking, to form a holistic attitude to information knowledge and skills of information activities, to education and self-education using information technologies and multimedia and Internet resources.

Teachers widely use critical thinking methods in their lessons: the six hats method, filling out the tables of the book, directed reading, reading with notes, making a cluster, Venn diagram, etc. They use various shapes work: group, pair, individual. In mathematics, biology, Kazakh language lessons, etc. I use a differentiated approach to teaching: teachers prepare cards with tasks of different levels, route sheets that offer tasks of a mandatory level, and tasks of a creative nature. In humanities lessons, teachers use elements of modular teaching. Many teachers use project activities: students prepare presentations “Kazakh bileri”, “Kazakhstan at the Olympic Games”, “Key to the word key”, prepare essays various topics on the history of Kazakhstan, on geography, on physical culture.

Using the Power Point program, students prepare small presentations on their own: biography of writers, history of the Olympic Games, rules traffic, with participation in regional competitions, UID and “Dance Olympus” prepared a presentation about their team.

One of the areas of using computer technology in the classroom is the development of lesson accompaniment using a digital projector, carefully selected video sequences that help illustrate the theoretical material presented in the lessons.

The school widely uses the capabilities of the Internet, and the number of lessons using Internet resources is increasing. During lessons, teachers use online tests to prepare students for the UNT. Students also take tests on their own, search for the necessary information using Internet resources, and participate in Internet Olympiads. In this academic year Students of our school took part in Internet Olympiads: in biology, world history, Kazakh language and Russian. Students independently develop their creativity; find information from Internet resources, for example, how to correctly assemble modular origami, watch video programs “The Lost World”, “Space”, “Sea Animals”, etc.

The creation of a school website helps develop the creative activity of teachers and students: Today, our school’s website has the following sections: lessons (in Kazakh and Russian languages), educational work(in Kazakh-Russian languages), history of the school (in Kazakh and Russian languages), lessons from lessons, generalization of the experience of the teacher of Russian language and literature Omarova Zh.A., teaching staff, student work, photo gallery, work with parents (in Kazakh Russian languages)

The number of students per computer is 10 people. The provision of subject classrooms of the new modification is 16% (physics classroom and JIVT).

Ensuring accessibility to quality education:

The main mission of the school is to create the most favorable conditions

For self-education and personal development. (M.M.Potashnik)

The school guarantees graduates a quality education. The effectiveness of the implementation of program objectives for the implementation by school students of the current requirements of the state educational standard determined by monitoring studies of the quality of student learning, measured by various types of knowledge presentation.

One of the most important indicators of the success of any educational institution is an external independent control of the quality of preparedness of graduates at each level of education in a comprehensive school. In the Kazakh education system, such a system is gradually emerging expert assessment the effectiveness of the educational process in the form of UNT (grade 11).

Average test score UNT participants


Total graduates

Participated in UNT

% participation

Average score

Average score by area

Difference between average score and average score for the area

Number of graduates who received an average score below the district average.















+ 1,2








- 2


UNT is one of the mechanisms for checking the quality of teaching and the work of a subject teacher. Therefore, since September, some targeted work has been going on to prepare students.

This academic year, students had the right to choose the form of final certification: in the UNT form or in traditional form. Of the 5 11th grade students, three chose to take the UNT form, and 2 chose to take the state exams.

In general, the results of passing the UNT in all subjects in the 2011-2012 academic year were as follows:

% quality in subjects for the 2012-2013 academic year


Total passed

Got marks

% of progress

% quality





Kazakh language







Russian language






History of Kazakhstan

















World history





Total by school







UNT results indicate that 11th grade students mastered the program material for the course high school. Of the 26 graduates from 2009-2011, 10 graduates received grants, loans and are studying on a budget basis. In total, 27% of graduates continued their studies at universities, 42% at colleges, which indicates a conscious and purposeful choice of profession.

Average test score by subject






Kazakh language





Russian language










History of Kazakhstan





World history















English language









Number of 11th grade graduates awarded for special academic achievements

UNT results for 10 years


Average score

Number of “Altyn Belgi” awarded

Number of certificates with honors









































Staffing of the educational process

The quality of education is largely determined by the scientific and methodological potential and high-quality composition teachers. From them professional competence, the results of educational achievements of students depend on the systematic growth of the intellectual, creative and general scientific level. Analysis of the qualitative educational level of teachers indicates that teachers are constantly improving their qualifications. This is facilitated by systematic work on planned retraining courses and incentives for teachers as part of certification teaching staff.







4 %


35 %


This academic year, 9 teachers were certified: 2 teachers highest category(1 - confirmation, 1 - promotion), 7 teachers for the second category.

Every year teachers undergo advanced training courses

Academic year

According to 12-year education

By subject






















This year a young specialist was hired as a teacher physical culture Kasym Bekzat, graduate of the Astana Humanities College.

This school year, teachers of our school participated in the following competitions:

Pedagogical reading (Rakhmetova G.T.) report on the topic “ Critical thinking in mathematics lessons"

- “Teacher of the Year” (Matveeva D.Yu. nomination “Erudic Teacher”

Correspondence competition for mathematics teachers Meirambekova R.K. lesson on the topic “Arithmetic and geometric progressions”

Internet Olympiad for teachers “Ethnography of the Kazakh people” - 3 teachers (Alpyspaeva G.A., Huang A., Sovtekhan S.). Huang Aigul's results were marked as best result district.

Teacher of Russian language and literature Omarova Zh.A. in 2012, the publishing house “Keleshek” published the author’s manual “Lesson developments in the Russian language in the 11th grade with Kazakh language of instruction”, the brochure “Development cognitive processes students in Russian language lessons."

On pedagogical councils, at meetings of methodological associations, issues of introducing the best practices of school teachers were considered (Omarova Zh.A., Meirambekova R..K., Schmidt T.V. Badel M.)

Omarova Zh.A. distributed didactic material on a CD for a literature lesson in the 9th grade, Theophrastus “Characters” and work on the meaning of the words of the 7th grade student Aldabergen J. “The key to the word key.”

Theophrastus (Theophrastus)

372 - 287 BC

natural scientist, philosopher,

from Eres

(Lesbos Island)

On the basis of our school in 2012, regional seminars were held for physical education teachers (Ermagambet A., Alek H.), teachers of self-knowledge (Schmidt T.V., Badel Marta)

Logistics, equipment and equipment of educational organizations

The school is located in a standard building.

The material and technical base of the school is an indispensable condition for the quality of education.

A lot has been done over the past two years: in 2009, according to the road map, a major renovation of the school was carried out, a major renovation of plumbing with tiled interiors was carried out, and the boilers were replaced.

The material and technical base of the school has been significantly expanded and updated over the past 3 years. classrooms new modification (physics room), interactive whiteboards (physics and computer science room)

This year, a magnetic marker board was purchased for the office of the mini-center. Four classrooms (mathematics, Kazakh language, history, CVP) have new desks and chairs. The medical office is equipped with new medical devices and furniture. The dining room is also equipped with new furniture, and tableware for the dining room is purchased annually.

Sports equipment is replenished every year: in 2010, sports uniforms (volleyball, basketball), volleyballs, basketballs worth 80 thousand tenge were purchased, in 2012 skis worth 135 thousand tenge.

Creating conditions for preserving the health of students, ensuring safety and creating labor protection conditions for participants in the educational process

The teaching staff of the school understands that only a healthy person can realize their creative potential. The efforts of physical education teachers are aimed at developing in students the need for independent sports activities and at acquiring knowledge in the field of hygiene. The main purpose of the work class teachers school is considered to be the maximum development of each child, preserving his uniqueness, revealing his potential talents and creating conditions for normal spiritual, conditions for normal spiritual, mental and physical self-improvement. Before the start of classes, morning exercises were held daily for students in grades 1-11. Students of our school try to take part in all sports competitions in the region.

During the year we took an active part in sports competitions in basketball and volleyball, where our teams took prizes. Students from our school joined the district team and took part in regional competitions in basketball, hockey, and football (Staroverova A., Astasheva A., Khazhaiv K., Bechler V.). They were awarded certificates, diplomas and cups for their sporting achievements.

Organization of meals for schoolchildren. All 81 students are provided with meals, including 50 students with a buffet and 31 students with hot meals. The number of students from low-income families is 18 students who are provided with free hot meals.

The school psychologist Ibraeva K.N. works at the school. Higher education, work experience as a psychologist - 3 years. The school psychologist conducts various surveys, conversations with students, and conducts diagnostics.

Creating conditions for receiving inclusive education

In the State Education Development Program for 2011-2020. one of the goals is to ensure equal access for children to various educational and educational programs, equal access for children with disabilities to education.

Inclusive education – teaching children with developmental disabilities in secondary schools together with healthy children or in specially created groups in classes.

Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children, which ensures equal treatment of all people, but creates special conditions for children with special educational needs.

The educational environment of our school is a zone of children’s life activity with various health resources. There are 5 children with disabilities studying in our school. Two of them are disabled children (Akhmetova Aizada, 8th grade student, Aitmagambet Nursultan, 9th grade student). They are recommended to study at home.

  • development of hand motor skills;

  • cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination, thinking), self-control and self-regulation skills;

  • correction of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder;

  • correction of situational anxiety,

  • correction of aggressiveness, formation of a positive attitude towards learning.
Individual consultations are held with parents of students once a week. academic quarter.

Quality of education for the 2012-2013 academic year

There are no underachievers in the school; this academic year the quality of education was 42%.

Number of 9th grade graduates who received certificates with honors

Every year, more than 70% of 9th grade graduates continue their studies at the 3rd level of education, the rest study in secondary special education educational institutions.


state (final) certification in grade 9 2012-2013 academic year

Education quality management.

Quality of education at school - the most important indicator its success in the educational space. Ensuring quality improvement is a key goal at our institution. The mission of the school is to provide conditions for quality education and upbringing of a comprehensively developed, competitive, healthy personality of young citizens of the country.

The education quality management program includes activities in several interrelated areas. These directions follow from the analysis of the school’s work:

 Organization of work with personnel.

 Organization of work with student team(participation in various types competitions, olympiads, etc.)

 Work with parents (parent meetings, conversations, activities of the board of trustees)

 Monitoring the quality of education (observations, document analysis, lesson visits, control sections, questionnaires, testing, self-assessment, etc.)

The school's Board of Trustees was created in August 2010. For 3 years, the Board of Trustees, which consists of 6 people, has been taking part in increasing the efficiency of the educational process and strengthening the material and technical base of the school.

Thanks to the help and support of the Board of Trustees, 2 regional competitions in volleyball and national games were held at our school. They helped purchase gifts, cups, and certificates.

Every year they help with New Year's parties. I would like to note the director of Sarymsakty LLP, Voychuk O., Kurlov A., Alpyspaev Zh., Voychuk A., Ashimov A., Uleyko N., Bisembaev Z.

Members of the board of trustees take an active part in strengthening the material and technical base of the school, improving the premises and territory of the school:

December 2012, tulle was purchased for the 2nd floor corridor.

In March 2013, the school purchased polyethylene for the greenhouse.

April 2013 – 10 tons of chernozem were brought to the flower beds of the school yard;

Results of external and internal assessment of the quality of education

Our school has organized scientific societies students of “Ushkyr”, the leader of which is the teacher of Kazakh language and literature G.A. Alpyspaeva. Members of the NOU are active participants in scientific and practical conferences, intellectual marathons, and regional-level Olympiads .

Participation in regional competitions of scientific and practical research




Social science

Natural science



Ashimova Altynay “Fractions in human life”

Abugappasova Aigul “Dinosaurs”


Erzhan Moldir “Virgin Land”

Rakhmetova Rabiga “Abai audarmalary”


Rakhmetova Rabiga “Interest in school life”

1 person

1 person

Results of regional subject Olympiads

Academic year

1st place

2nd place


Where did I participate?

Number of students



"Golden Fleece"


1st place



2nd place 2 students



3rd place 3 students


“Russian bear cub – linguistics for everyone”


1st place 2 students

"Golden Fleece"


1st place 3 students



3rd place 3 students

In 2012, 6th grade student Vorobyova Albina participated in the Republican environmental business project on the topic “Collection and sale of wormwood,” where she was awarded a certificate.

8th grade student Elena Timoshenko and 4th grade student Kristina Voloshkina took part in the international competition “Pushkin through the eyes of children.” They sent their works: paintings, crafts based on the works of A.S. Pushkin.

Students primary classes took part in the international competition “Plasticine Fantasy on the theme “Winter””

Bukharov Nurgali, a 4th grade student, participated in the competition “Drawings based on the works of S. Mikhalkov”

This academic year, 11th grade student Adilzhan Kasenov took part in testing “Al-Farabi” online. Successfully passed the first round on the history of Kazakhstan, in the Russian language, in the second round, out of 50 proposed questions on the history of Kazakhstan, I answered 40 questions correctly.

Vorobyova Albina and Rakhmetova Rabiga participated in the Republican environmental business project on the topic “DIY Decor”.

In 2013, a 7th grade student, as the winner of the “Golden Fleece” competition, was invited to the “Mountain Sun” camp in Almaty.