Minimum scores in the Plekhanov University. What is the passing score for the budget in Plekhanov University

Student at this university: Such a leak about REU.
To begin with, I want to say that yes, for some period REU began to lose its position due to numerous rumors about bribes, poor teaching, etc. etc.
But now, over the past year or two, it has begun to rise again - because the administration and the student council are doing everything possible to make our university better.
1. Admission.
Admission is like admission. There are no bribes (at least I haven’t heard of them), almost everyone is taken for a scarf, but still not on such a scale as in the same RANEPA. Additional educational activities are constantly conducted, both university-wide and for each faculty separately. The reception is arranged very conveniently - each faculty is in a separate classroom, everything is on one floor, there are always volunteer guys working who will tell and show everything. Recently, by the way, passing scores have increased greatly. Maybe due to the fact that most areas now require 4 items.
2. Building.
REU has 8 buildings, all of them are located in one place (almost a block, some buildings are still under renovation, one is administrative) Without help, at first you won’t understand the interweaving of passages and stairs, but you quickly get used to it. All cases are in excellent condition. Everywhere is under renovation, everything is beautiful and clean. Cleaned regularly. Honestly, when I came to REU I stayed here largely because I fell in love with this building.
3. Food.
Eat anywhere - in the numerous cafes around the university, or in the numerous cafes and food outlets in the university itself. You can eat whatever you want: salads, pastries, sandwiches, main dishes, side dishes... Recently you can order pizza and wok, everything is not very expensive, queues are like everywhere else
There are also vending machines with water/juice and all sorts of candy bars - for those who don’t like standing in lines
4. Educational process.
They study with us from 8:30 to 18:50. But the schedule is still not made by idiots, so there will be no schedule like “a couple at 8:30, then at 14:00 and then at 17:20.” I am at the Faculty of State Russian Academy of Sciences and we study mainly from 14:00.
Teachers are different, just like everywhere else. For 1.5 years I had only one teacher, with whom we did nothing at all and, accordingly, he did not give me anything in terms of knowledge. The rest are completely fine. Some are simply wonderful. By the way, I was also lucky with English - I came across good teachers, despite this 1 couple per week.
We have a point-rating and modular system. That is, we study in quarters and 4 sessions a year (but this should not be scary, on the contrary, it greatly relieves the winter and summer sessions). The assessment is made up of: 20 points - attendance, 20 points - work in the classroom, 20 points - knowledge control, 40 points - exam/test. However, not all teachers give exactly the final rating; many evaluate knowledge in the exam.
Studying is light compared to HSE, but there is enough workload.
And yet, they still expel you from REU, but you don’t have to do anything at all. Some teachers (only one in my memory) still take bribes for tests/exams, but they do not impose them in any way; it is rather an initiative of students who do not want to drop out.
5. Student life.
oh, Plekhanovka is famous for this. If you are an activist, then you will definitely not be bored here. Everyone has something to do: volunteering, a sports club, projects, quests, a ball, faculty days, etc. There are just a lot of opportunities to prove yourself. In addition, there is a small gym, a swimming pool, sections for almost all sports, and there is dancing separately - free of charge and gives credit for physical education.
It seems to me that the sense of patriotism and love for one’s university is very developed.
In addition, in REU there is one of the volunteer centers for the 2018 World Cup, if you are interested in this, this is a good chance to try.
Medvedev also recently came to us, and in general there are a lot of all sorts of nice opportunities like meetings with famous people and excursions to interesting places.
6. From myself
I entered here simply because I passed on a budget, and I had never been to REU until the last day of the admissions committee. But I came there and fell in love with the beautiful building (after RANEPA and MGIMO it seemed much more modern and cozy to me). However, I was very skeptical because I had heard about scandals. But, after studying for six months, I simply fell in love with this university, my department, my direction and my group. I am absolutely comfortable living and studying at the rhythm dictated by REU.
In no case do I want to promote my REU or my GRTSI, but it’s just a shame to read about a second-rate university when you see that this is not at all true and that your university is developing and growing even though it is already 109 years old.

If you really want to get a prestigious economic education, then, of course, you should choose REU. Plekhanov. This is one of the oldest Russian universities, which has almost 108 years of history. The real elite are trained here, specialists who successfully work in economic and legal fields. The university has an excellent base and capabilities to provide the highest level of training, which fully complies with international standards. After graduating from a university, you can receive a double or triple document of higher education, which is recognized in many European countries.

Today, almost 64,000 students are educated at the university. REU operates a large number of programs for training specialists at all levels. In addition, bilingual training programs are implemented here, some subjects are taught in English. The university is taught by teachers from leading European universities. The university is accredited for business education by the European Council, MBA programs, the Royal Institute of Marketing of England and several others. REU consistently holds a leading position in the TOP 100 best universities in the BRICS territory.

How to enter the REA named after. Plekhanov in 2019

Before submitting documents to REA named after. Plekhanov, you need to visit the official website and carefully study the information. The fact is that the passing year can change annually. It all depends on how many applications were submitted.

The university trains specialists in the following faculties.

  • REA faculties:
  • general economic;
  • financial;
  • Faculty of Business;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • Higher School of Sports Industry;
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations;
  • engineering and economics;
  • economics of trade and commodity science;
  • computer science;
  • economics and mathematics;
  • political science and law.

The selection committee for submitting documents for the budget is open from June 20 to July 25. Recruitment of future students is carried out on the basis of a serious competition based on the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian, mathematics, foreign languages, and social studies. In addition, it is expected to pass an internal test in English. Tuition fees are about seventy thousand rubles per semester.

You must have with you:

  • document on secondary education in original form or as a copy;
  • Russian passport and copy;
  • documents on individual achievements;
  • documents for benefits upon admission (if any);
  • photo size 3 by 4;
  • application of the established form.

Those wishing to enroll who have certificates of passing the IELTS English language exams or an MSB certificate with at least 180-300 points do not have to take the test and are admitted to the competition out of turn.

In 2017, the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results averaged 80.5 points.

Features of admission to REA named after. Plekhanov

Enter the REA named after. Plekhanov on a budgetary basis is quite difficult due to the large competition. When applying to the budget not based on the results of the Unified State Exam, it requires passing entrance exams. The university sets the Russian language, mathematics and foreign language tests as mandatory. Training is conducted on full-time or part-time basis. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you can choose to enroll in the following faculties:

  • food production machines and apparatus;
  • technology of catering products;
  • merchandising and examination of goods;
  • applied informatics in economics.

More details can be found on the official website. On a budget basis you can apply for:

  • Faculty of General Economics. The duration of study is at least 5 years. However, it is important to take into account the fact that evening courses at this faculty are paid;
  • Faculty of Finance. You need to study for at least 5 years, and evening studies are possible on a commercial basis;
  • The Faculty of Business and Business Administration also provides training on a budgetary basis. Evening students have access to training on a budgetary and commercial basis;
  • At the Faculty of Computer Science you can obtain higher education on a commercial and budgetary basis. There is no evening course;
  • Budget and commercial training is available at the Faculty of Marketing. In addition, you can enroll in the specialty “Advertising on a paid basis.” Evening training is available only for a fee.

Submission of documents for bachelor's and master's programs begins from the twentieth of June until the twenty-fifth of July. Details should be found on the official website. At the university, you can apply not only to the first year, but also to graduate school.

If you really want to get a prestigious economic education, then, of course, you should choose REU. Plekhanov. This is one of the oldest Russian universities, which has almost 108 years of history. The real elite are trained here, specialists who successfully work in economic and legal fields. The university has an excellent base and capabilities to provide the highest level of training, which fully complies with international standards. After graduating from a university, you can receive a double or triple document of higher education, which is recognized in many European countries.

Today, almost 64,000 students are educated at the university. REU operates a large number of programs for training specialists at all levels. In addition, bilingual training programs are implemented here, some subjects are taught in English. The university is taught by teachers from leading European universities. The university is accredited for business education by the European Council, MBA programs, the Royal Institute of Marketing of England and several others. REU consistently holds a leading position in the TOP 100 best universities in the BRICS territory.

How to enter the REA named after. Plekhanov

Before submitting documents to REA named after. Plekhanov, you need to visit the official website and carefully study the information. The fact is that the passing year can change annually. It all depends on how many applications were submitted.

The university trains specialists in the following faculties.

  • REA faculties:
  • general economic;
  • financial;
  • Faculty of Business;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • Higher School of Sports Industry;
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations;
  • engineering and economics;
  • economics of trade and commodity science;
  • computer science;
  • economics and mathematics;
  • political science and law.

MESI: passing grade for admission to the budget

The selection committee for submitting documents for the budget is open from June 20 to July 25. Recruitment of future students is carried out on the basis of a serious competition based on the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian, mathematics, foreign languages, and social studies. In addition, it is expected to pass an internal test in English. Tuition fees are about seventy thousand rubles per semester.

You must have with you:

  • document on secondary education in original form or as a copy;
  • Russian passport and copy;
  • documents on individual achievements;
  • documents for benefits upon admission (if any);
  • photo size 3 by 4;
  • application of the established form.

Those wishing to enroll who have certificates of passing the IELTS English language exams or an MSB certificate with at least 180-300 points do not have to take the test and are admitted to the competition out of turn.

In 2017, the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results averaged 80.5 points.

Features of admission to REA named after. Plekhanov

Enter the REA named after. Plekhanov on a budgetary basis is quite difficult due to the large competition. When applying to the budget not based on the results of the Unified State Exam, it requires passing entrance exams. The university sets the Russian language, mathematics and foreign language tests as mandatory. Training is conducted on full-time or part-time basis. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you can choose to enroll in the following faculties:

  • food production machines and apparatus;
  • technology of catering products;
  • merchandising and examination of goods;
  • applied informatics in economics.

More details can be found on the official website. On a budget basis you can apply for:

  • Faculty of General Economics. The duration of study is at least 5 years. However, it is important to take into account the fact that evening courses at this faculty are paid;
  • Faculty of Finance. You need to study for at least 5 years, and evening studies are possible on a commercial basis;
  • The Faculty of Business and Business Administration also provides training on a budgetary basis. Evening students have access to training on a budgetary and commercial basis;
  • At the Faculty of Computer Science you can obtain higher education on a commercial and budgetary basis. There is no evening course;
  • Budget and commercial training is available at the Faculty of Marketing. In addition, you can enroll in the specialty “Advertising on a paid basis.” Evening training is available only for a fee.

Submission of documents for bachelor's and master's programs begins from the twentieth of June until the twenty-fifth of July. Details should be found on the official website. At the university, you can apply not only to the first year, but also to graduate school.

How to apply for free education at MPEI on a budget

The head office of the REA named after Plekhanov is located in the city, but you can get education in branches that are located: in Podolsk, in Nizhnevartovsk, in Krasnodar, in Yekaterinburg, in Tashkent, in the Czech Republic, in Tashkent.

In addition, there are opportunities for training foreigners and citizens of the CIS. Training is available for them on a budgetary or commercial basis.