You can retake subjects of your choice for the Unified State Examination. ​How I retook the Unified State Exam in mathematics

Any eleventh grade graduate wants to gain maximum quantity points for passing the Unified State Exam. When entering a university, every point counts for an applicant, and sometimes only a couple of points for the Unified State Exam separate yesterday’s student from entering the chosen educational institution. Having received Unified State Exam results, few schoolchildren are satisfied with them, and many feel that if they had taken the exam again, everything would have turned out differently, and there would have been more points. Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam if you are not satisfied with the exam results in 2018 - how many and what exams can be retaken for schoolchildren.

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam in compulsory subjects in 2018?

Yes, graduates of 2018 can retake the Unified State Exam in a compulsory subject. Exams in Russian language and mathematics are mandatory. But the procedure for holding a state final certification in Russia it does not allow anyone who wishes to retake the Unified State Exam to improve their results.

The order is strict, and it looks like this:

  • You can retake the Unified State Exam in only one of the two compulsory subjects,

  • The Unified State Exam can be retaken only if the grade is unsatisfactory.

Thus, if a graduate fails both mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics, retaking the exam on the reserve dates at the end of June will not be possible for him. If unsatisfactory grades are received in both compulsory subjects, the student will be able to go to retake only in September, when the autumn wave of retaking the compulsory Unified State Examination will take place.
As for the number of points that lead to an unsatisfactory grade for the Unified State Exam, you need to remember one nuance.

We recently published a table with the minimum scores that need to be scored on the Unified State Exam in a particular subject in order to be eligible to apply to a university. This is the minimum. which is necessary precisely in order to obtain the right to apply for study at a university.

But the minimum scores required to obtain a certificate of education in 11th grade may be noticeably lower. So, in order to fail the Unified State Exam in Russian, you need to score less than 24 points, in mathematics - less than 27 points. If in the case of mathematics the minimum for obtaining a certificate and entering a university is the same, then the minimum score in the Russian language for obtaining a certificate is noticeably lower.

If a student scores 24 or more points in Russian and 27 or more points in mathematics, retaking the Unified State Exam will not be possible.

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam if you are not satisfied with the result in 2018?

No, graduates of 2018 will not have such an opportunity this year. If an eleventh grader is not satisfied with the number of points he scored for compulsory Unified State Exam, he can either try to enter a university with the scores he has, or retake the Unified State Exam next year.

Graduates of previous years traditionally retake the Unified State Exam in the spring, in March and April. If a graduate of 2018 was unable to obtain the result he needed for this year’s Unified State Exam, he will have time for additional preparation and passing exams. There is no other option in any case.

Since the Unified State Examination results are valid for four years, you will not have to take all Unified State Examinations next year. It is enough to retake those for which bad results were obtained.

Regarding those additional dates that are present in Unified State Exam schedule at the end of June and July, then these reserve dates are intended for the following categories of graduates:

  1. those who failed one of the mandatory Unified State Exams,

  2. those who were unable to take the Unified State Examination on the main dates for a good reason (this reason must be confirmed with a document),

  3. those who, for good reason, were unable to complete one or another Unified State Examination on the main dates (a document is also needed if the student became ill during the exam, etc.),

  4. those who filed an appeal against the organizers of the Unified State Examination, and it was satisfied.

It is worth keeping in mind that those who have violated the rules will not be allowed to retake the same year. conducting the Unified State Exam. For example, if a graduate was caught cheating, using a phone during an exam, etc., then he will be able to retake the Unified State Exam only next year.

By the way, eleventh-graders should keep in mind that the Unified State Exam results can be canceled later, including after the applicant has already entered the university. If the commission examines the archived video recordings and sees that the graduate cheated, his exam results will be canceled and he will be expelled from the university.

Passing the Unified State Exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. More more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to retake the Unified State Examination was granted only to persons who had not passed minimum threshold in compulsory subjects, the completion of which determines the receipt of a certificate.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject taken for the Unified State Exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake a subject twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or if desired (in order to increase your score, you can retake the exam next year).
  4. Graduates from previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam 2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake it.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake the exam in 2018, he can retake the Unified State Exam a year later.

Unified State Exam retake dates in 2018

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

  • 1 retake – in the summer on reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;
  • 2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom there remains open question obtaining an education document. Although, many universities that have a shortage of applicants for budget places, sometimes they conduct additional recruitment in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

The dates for the early, main and autumn sessions of final exams in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 years, full text which you can watch.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

06.25.18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all items

Autumn retake

04.09.18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full GIA 2018 schedule, visit the official website

Who will be eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking any Unified State Examination subject possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a valid reason (documentary evidence required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: poor health of the examinee, an emergency at the Unified State Examination site, etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a doctor’s certificate), a car accident, the death of a close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retaking the Unified State Exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, and not on cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don’t let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transferring to 2018 is not possible

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who were unable to successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the Unified State Examinations without good reason, do not be discouraged, much less panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or you are not satisfied with it.

In many European countries and the USA there is such a thing as a “gap year”, or “gap year”. Many graduates take a break before entering university.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't end your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person strengthens his character and acquires life wisdom!

All 11th grade students are concerned about the question of whether it will be possible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2019, as well as how, when and where they can get a second attempt in the event of an unsatisfactory result at the main session of the Unified State Exam.

We hasten to reassure everyone who is not confident in their own abilities - there will be a second attempt, moreover, in the 2018-2019 academic year, examined graduates will have the opportunity to retake not only the compulsory Russian language and mathematics, but any subjects of the variable component of the Unified State Exam.

Who can exercise the right to retake?

The promised retake of the Unified State Exam will help correct the unenviable situation for graduates who in 2019 will face the following problems:

  1. Failure to appear for the main exam for a valid reason.
  2. Examination work started but not completed for a valid reason.
  3. Cancellation of the result due to the fault of a third party
  4. Unsatisfactory results in compulsory subjects or one of the elective subjects.

Important! The concept of “good reason” means documentary evidence of the reason for absence. These may include illness, hospital stay, death of a close relative, etc.

The retake of the Unified State Exam in mathematics in 2019 has a number of features. Often graduates choose to take both the specialized and basic levels of mathematics. In this case, having “failed” the profile-level exam, the 11th grader will not be able to qualify for a retake. accordingly, entry into the specialty of physics and mathematics, since in fact his result at the basic level will be counted.

If both attempts (both the base and the profile) turned out to be “unsuccessful”, then only one of the options can be retaken. As a rule, students in such a situation follow the path of least resistance and try to cope with basic-level tasks.

If a profile level was initially chosen, then on the second attempt you are allowed to choose a simpler basic level, which will increase the chances of receiving a certificate.

Who will not be able to retake the Unified State Exam in 2019?

There will be no second attempt for graduates who:

  • miss an exam without a valid reason;
  • will be suspended by the examination committee for cheating, using a mobile phone, unacceptable behavior in the office and other actions;
  • will not pass 2 or more subjects;
  • will show low results on the Unified State Examination, but exceeding the minimum acceptable threshold;
  • will not cope with the tasks for the second year in a row.

Anyone who will not be able to retake the Unified State Exam in 2019 will have the opportunity to better prepare and once again try to do well in the exam, but within the framework of the early or main session of 2020.

When is the retake in 2019?

Officially, there are 2 periods for retaking the Unified State Exam in 2019:

  • additional period of the main session;
  • September retakes.

Important! It will be possible to retake subjects of the variable component during the summer session at the end of June or beginning of July. In September, you will be able to take the Unified State Exam again only in compulsory subjects.

According to the draft GIA calendar, graduates of 11th grade will have their last chance to retake compulsory subjects in 2019 on the following days in September:

How to retake the exam?

Having familiarized yourself in detail with the rules and regulations of 2019, you understand that you have the right to a second attempt - the question arises of how to achieve a retake and what is necessary for this.

We offer an algorithm of actions that will be useful to those who, for whatever reason, are among those who do not pass the exam the first time:

  1. Prepare documentation of good cause, if available.
  2. Contact the examination committee of the institution that carried out registration for the Unified State Exam.
  3. Fill out the application form that will be given to you at the secretariat, stating on paper the reason for the current situation. Documentary evidence must be attached to the application (see clause 1).
  4. Wait for an official notification to be sent to you, which will contain information about where and when you will be able to retake the Unified State Exam in 2019.

What to do if you are denied a retake?

Of course, the Unified State Exam is an important step in the life of every graduate, but even those who did not pass the exam the first time can quite successfully get a job in this life. It is important to remember this, no matter what others tell you.

Firstly, there is always a chance to retake a difficult subject in 2020, having intensively prepared for the test. Certificates received in 2019 will be valid until 2023, which means that you will only need to prepare for the discipline in which you failed.

Secondly, when entering a university, certificates different years have the same weight, which puts graduates on an equal footing.

Thirdly, not everyone and does not always achieve success through studying at higher education institutions. educational institutions. Think about whether you have your priorities right. Perhaps some other (possibly working) specialty will be easier for you and will bring you more joy than the prospect of a long study of subjects that were so difficult for you back in school.

If you are sure that the failure that befell you is just an accident, do not give up. Study, and perhaps next year your name will be on the list of those admitted to one of the good universities Russia.

This year, almost 700 thousand people are taking the Unified State Exam. The most popular elective subjects are social studies, physics, history and biology. Who will be allowed to retake the Unified State Exam this year? What has changed in the rules for filling out forms? Why are schoolchildren filing appeals less and less often? The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, answered these and other questions.

Sergey Kravtsov: Hackers attacked the “Watch the Unified State Exam” portal; the attacks were repulsed and did not affect the course of the exam. Photo: Olesya Kurpyaeva / RG

“I am a graduate of this year, I chose three subjects, but I found out that the university where I will be entering also requires physics. Can I write an application for the Unified State Exam now?”, Yulia, St. Petersburg.

Sergey Kravtsov: All universities were required to post on their websites, by October 1, 2016, the items required for admission to a particular specialty. If it now turns out that the university has changed the exams, this is a violation. You need to write an application to the state examination commission of your region (GEC) to include the physics exam in the list of subjects to pass, which will decide whether or not to allow you to take this exam. But in any case, this must be done no later than two weeks before the exam. The Unified State Exam in Physics will be held on June 7, so you are unlikely to have time to take the exam on this day. But on reserve days (June 21 or July 1) it is possible.

“Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam to improve the result?”, Sergey, Saratov region.

Sergey Kravtsov: The Unified State Exam can only be retaken next year. But compulsory subjects, Russian language or mathematics, are allowed to be retaken this year, but only if the participant has not overcome the minimum threshold in one of these subjects. For example, if one of the exams is passed successfully, but the required minimum is not achieved in the second. If a graduate does not pass both mandatory exams, he will be able to retake them in September. It happens that a student comes to an exam and begins to write a paper, but for some reason good reasons couldn't complete it. In this case, the result is considered canceled, and you can retake the exam on a reserve day.

“Will someone who was expelled from the exam be allowed to retake the exam?”, mother of a graduate, Voronezh region.

Sergey Kravtsov: It's better not to let things get to that point. If you were removed for a cheat sheet or a mobile phone, then the graduate will no longer be allowed to retake this year.

“What to do if a person did not come to the exam due to illness?”, Olga, Tambov region.

Sergey Kravtsov: You need to go to where the person wrote the application for the Unified State Exam. Usually this is a school. She, together with the state examination commission of your region, makes a decision and provides the opportunity to take the exam on a reserve day. There are also force majeure circumstances. Last year in Unified State Exam time in some regions there were blackouts and floods. I want to reassure all exam participants and their parents in advance so that they do not worry. If any technical failures or failures related to natural disasters occur, then each participant who was unable to pass the exam for these reasons will take the Unified State Exam on reserve days. By the way, there are countries where no force majeure circumstances are considered. Couldn't make it to the exam? Come back in a year.

“Can exam organizers answer schoolchildren’s questions about filling out forms?”, Petr Sergeevich, teacher, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Sergey Kravtsov: Of course, the organizer must provide explanations on the rules for filling out forms. And even during the exam. But he has no right to give advice. Otherwise, the work will be canceled, and the organizer will be punished - up to and including dismissal. There were such cases. As for filling out the forms, this year the “gender” column has disappeared, the number of fields for replacing erroneous answers has been reduced, and a field has appeared where the organizer must note how many replacements of erroneous answers the exam participant made.

Don't agree with the Unified State Exam score? An appeal can be submitted within two working days after the official announcement of the results

“This year I’m taking both levels of mathematics - both basic and specialized. If I pass the basic level, but do not get the minimum score on the profile, will I be allowed to retake it?”, graduate, Torzhok, Tver region.

Sergey Kravtsov: If one of these two exams is passed, then you will not be allowed to retake the other.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

“If a student does not agree with the points given, where and to whom should he go?”, Nina Petrovna, Kaluga region.

Sergey Kravtsov: Within two working days after official day announcement of the results, you must file an appeal to the place where the application for the Unified State Exam was written. Usually this is a school. She will immediately transfer the appeal to the conflict commission. Each region has such commissions, and everyone has the right to prove that they are right. We recently held the “100 points for Victory” campaign in Nalchik, when last year’s 100-point students tell current graduates how to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. There was one girl who was given 97 points on the exam, but she was sure that she deserved even more highly appreciated. The work was revised and given 100 points.

Recently, the number of applications to conflict commissions has decreased. Those guys who filed an appeal just like that, on the off chance that what if the examiners would add points, stopped applying? Now all statements are essentially, as a rule, from those who are very confident in their abilities and knowledge.

"Who should have the pass that the Unified State Examination participant receives? Should he take it somewhere during the exam?", Polina, Smolensk.

Sergey Kravtsov: Unified State Exam participants are not given a pass, but a notice telling them where and when to come to take the Unified State Exam. This paper does not need to be submitted anywhere; it is not necessary to bring it to the exam at all. And participants are allowed into the exam using their passports and distribution lists at the exam point.

“Who checks the work of Unified State Exam participants and how?”, Sergei Mikhailovich, father of a graduate.

Sergey Kravtsov: The first part is checked by the computer. Assignments with detailed answers are checked by regional subject commissions. Moreover, each work is checked by two experts. If they do not agree on the assessment, then a third expert is involved.

The very fact of having the Unified State Exam as a result schooling no longer confuses parents and students. In essence, this is just a form of testing knowledge, nothing more. On the other hand, there are some children who were unable to pass the millstones of the system in the current and previous years. Such students are interested in retaking the Unified State Exam 2019 and all the various nuances of this process.

Application deadlines and estimated re-exam dates

Most current and last year schoolchildren know that they need to write an application to retake the state exam at the Unified State Exam registration points. Next, the case is dealt with by the State Examination Commission - the State Examination Commission. Such a statement is necessary for those who were in the hospital during the exam, and for those who could not pass one subject, and for those who, after a couple of years, decided to correct their final scores.

Many people do not quite understand who and when should write an application to retake the Unified State Exam. Some talk about submitting it immediately after receiving a negative assessment, others indicate the deadline until February 1, there is even a version about December 1. The confusion occurred due to the old rules and last year’s “f-students.” Those who have not passed 1 exam this year must immediately retake it during the summer or autumn session. The same applies to those who were forced to miss exams for an important reason.

In these cases, the following documents will be required:

  1. Passport.
  2. Statement.
  3. Pension certificate (SNILS).
  4. Signed consent to the processing of personal data.
  5. A document confirming the importance of the reason for missing the exam.

This applies to those who immediately take a retake after graduating from school this year. For last year’s retakes, for foreign students and for technical school students, you need additional documents. Among them there is a certificate/other document of education, a certificate from the current place of study, etc. In such cases, it is worthwhile to first clarify the required list of documents so as not to inadvertently miss the next innovations.

This only applies to “non-standard” mulligans. Yesterday's eleventh graders should not collect additional papers. In most cases, they only need a passport and an application. In addition, such test takers are carefully advised at their home school, which is interested in the successful retake of its students.

Attention! Before leaving home to retake the exam, it is important to make sure you have your passport. Without it, admission to re-certification will not be granted.

Information regarding the timing of exams in 2019, indicating the exact dates, will be provided later. For now, when choosing, it is necessary to focus on last year’s dates for the summer and autumn sessions. The first of them took place from the second ten days of June to July 2. In the fall, the retake schedule met the deadline from the first days of September to the middle of the month.

Procedure and rules for retaking the test

Previously, schoolchildren were given the right to retake only compulsory disciplines. Now the subjects have been equalized in importance, so now you can take the elective exams again. The number of disciplines remains the same - there is a chance to correct only one unsatisfactory grade at a time. The last condition applies to either 1 compulsory or 1 elective discipline. Those. not one of each type, but only 1 exam.

Attention! When determining which disciplines are optional for passing, those who are planning to enroll in an educational institution with a mathematical focus should be careful. When choosing basic and specialized mathematics as an exam, if the latter fails, repeat tests are not accepted. The basic option is taken into account, which does not give the right to enter universities with specialized mathematics.

This situation applies not only to mathematics - many schoolchildren dream of the opportunity to retake a bad but acceptable grade. They do not have such a right to all items, the presence minimum score in any discipline is already a valid exam. Moreover, one of the recent changes was the emergence of the possibility of re-certification in one discipline to obtain a higher result, but mathematics in the case of the base and profile is not included in this list.

This order of retakes is planned to be maintained in the coming years. In essence, this is the right approach - schoolchildren had to carefully approach the process of preparing and passing the exam in order to avoid receiving many “Cs”. Therefore, only students who received an unsatisfactory grade are allowed to re-certify.

In addition, we should not forget that other categories of schoolchildren also receive the right to retake, and not just those who did not pass one exam well. The list of such students is not very wide. The following are allowed to be re-taken:

  1. Persons who missed the exam for a valid reason.
  2. Schoolchildren who were present during the emergency while taking the Unified State Exam.
  3. Those who are forced to retake due to a third party error.
  4. Students who did not receive minimum quantity points on the exam.
  5. Students who left the exam site for a valid reason.

It is especially worth highlighting the situation with the banal failure to pass the Unified State Exam. Having only 1 failed discipline gives you the right to retake it on a reserve day during the summer session or in the fall. Two or more “failed” exams will deprive you of the right to receive a certificate in the current year. Passing the Unified State Exam in this case it happens next year.

Nuances of retaking for graduates of previous years

Previously, the situation was categorical - those who failed the exam in their year of study had the right to try to pass it only in the coming fall. Now a summer retake has been added to the fall session, which makes it possible to get into the number of students in the current year.

Only these rules do not fully apply to last year’s students wishing to retake the exams. Retaking the Unified State Exam by graduates of previous years implies the very fact of graduating from school in a different year. Therefore, it is not possible for them to continuously take exams with current graduates. On the other hand, schoolchildren who graduated 2-3 years ago have the right to retake the Unified State Exam in order to increase the number of points received.

Important! It is worth remembering that the rule of 1 retake does not apply here either. You can take several disciplines at a time if you want to improve your results. In all other cases, you will have to take it at another time, each time making a new application.

Also, do not forget that missing an exam in the absence of important reasons deprives you of the right to a quick retake. Therefore, it is necessary to be thoughtful when choosing the delivery period in order to eliminate the possibility of missing re-certification. In addition, you should not confuse those who are going for a retake with the just passed academic year with those who studied 2-3 or more years ago. It is the latter category that falls into the group of graduates from previous years, and other conditions apply to them.

Retaking the Unified State Exam 2019 is no easier, but also no more difficult, than in previous years. Tests and examination materials are slightly modernized every year, but only in better side. They specify the conditions of the tasks and improve the assessment system, so sometimes a retake can give a result higher than expected.