We will build a garden city. There will be a garden city! See what "I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom" in other dictionaries

The picture "300 Cossacks who did not submit to the Nazis" is recognized as one of the best in the world
Anadolu International Agency has published 200 photographs in the form of an anthology, reflecting the entire year 2014. The anthology includes pictures taken in Turkey, Egypt, Gaza, Hong Kong, USA, Spain, Italy, etc., which reflect the most important events throughout the year, and were published in international media.

The picture of the Zaporizhzhya journalist Maxim Shcherbina “300 Cossacks against the Right Sector” also made it into the top 100. It is recognized as one of the best in the world.
It will be cooler than the "Heavenly Hundred"! It doesn’t take much courage to die under the bullets of unknown snipers, but try it, stand in the ring of raging fascists for six hours in a row!

They stood. They were pelted with eggs, bags of flour and milk, stones. They were required to take off their St. George ribbons and stand on their knees. They demanded to sing the anthem of Ukraine and chant "patriotic" slogans.

They sang: “Get up, great country!”
They stood surrounded by Bandera enemies, like 300 Spartans or 300 Cossacks near Berestechko.

Then they, unarmed, were taken by paddy wagon to the nearest police station, where they copied, took testimony and fingerprints ...
They, and not the “right-wingers”, armed with bats, axes, knives, firecrackers and walkie-talkies, through which orders were given ...

The paddy wagon, in which six hours later they took out several PEACEFUL protesters on the Walk of Fame (!), was set on fire. Everyone received burns of varying degrees.

And there were also pierced heads, stab wounds, first blood before the start of a major massacre, which so “inspires” the Kiev junta today, dooming its own people to destruction.

Look at the faces of "300 Cossacks", and you will understand why this picture entered the top 100.
And you will also understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat SUCH people!

P.S. The next day, April 14, according to eyewitnesses, a rainbow rose over the place of confrontation on the Walk of Fame.

I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom
From the poem "The Story of Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk" (1929) by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930).
I know - / the city / will, / I know - / the garden / will bloom, When / there are such people / in the country / in the Soviet!
Phrase-symbol of social optimism.

  • - wing. sl. The aphorism that the Greek philosopher Socrates loved to repeat...

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  • - an expression meaning the recognition by the broker of his participation in the next transaction on behalf of the seller or buyer ...

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  • - in exchange jargon - recognition or non-recognition by a firm or an individual broker of its participation in a particular transaction as a counterparty. In English: Know itSee. See also: Exchange jargon  ...

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  • - From Latin: Scio te nihil scire. According to the philosopher Plato, this is what the great thinker said Ancient Greece Socrates...

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  • - An evasive answer to any question, unwillingness to answer on the merits ...

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  • - about vague desires with a hint of intimate relationships ...

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  • - @font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size:17px; font-weight:normal !important; font-family: "ChurchArial",Arial,Serif;)   v. sometimes: I copulate with my wife...

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  • - Wed. Before ... I was very worried about myself and others - how, they say, and what, and what is the meaning, and what is the essence, and why, and why ... And there is no need, because even the one who knows everything, knows nothing. M. Gorky. Yearning. 2...

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  • - see Know you yes ...

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  • - See PAST -...

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  • - I don’t know anything: I only know when it’s day, when it’s night ...

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  • - See PAST -...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 aware...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 10 and the jester knows him without a clue god knows him unknown I have no idea how much I know ask something simpler I don’t know the hell knows I don’t rummage ...

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"I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom" in books

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I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom From the poem "The Story of Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk" (1929) by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930). I know - / the city / will, / I know - / the garden / will bloom, When / there are such people / in the country / in the Soviet! Phrase symbol

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Sergey Kara-Murza “I KNOW THE CITY WILL BE...” (Possibility of new socialism) THE EXPERIENCE OF THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF THE 20TH CENTURY reliably showed that Russia cannot survive as an independent multinational state under the dominance of the capitalist way of life. At the same time, its collapse and

54. Jesus answered: if I glorify myself, then my glory is nothing. My Father glorifies me, of whom you say that He is your God. 55. And you did not know Him, but I know Him; and if I say that I do not know Him, I will be a liar like you. But I know Him and keep His word.

author Lopukhin Alexander

54. Jesus answered: if I glorify myself, then my glory is nothing. My Father glorifies me, of whom you say that He is your God. 55. And you did not know Him, but I know Him; and if I say that I do not know Him, I will be a liar like you. But I know Him and keep His word. Responds bitterly

14. I am the good shepherd; and I know Mine, and Mine know Me. 15. As the Father knows Me, so I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

14. I am the good shepherd; and I know Mine, and Mine know Me. 15. As the Father knows Me, so I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. Contrary to the abnormal relations that exist between the Jewish shepherds-mercenaries and the people, Christ here depicts those

19. But his father did not agree and said: I know, my son, I know; and from him shall come a people, and he shall be great; but his younger brother will be greater than him, and from his seed will come a multitude of people

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

19. But his father did not agree and said: I know, my son, I know; and from him shall come a people, and he shall be great; but his younger brother will be greater than him, and from his seed will come a numerous people. But Jacob answers him that his action was completely conscious, consistent and with

1,000,000 wagons will be brought to this place in the five-year period building materials. There will be a metallurgy giant, a coal giant and a city of hundreds of thousands of people.

From conversation.

Clouds are running across the sky, the twilight is squeezed by the rains, the workers are lying under the old cart. And he hears the whisper of the proud water and under and over: "In four years there will be a city-garden!" It is dark, leaden, and the rain is thick, like a tourniquet, the workers are sitting in the mud, sitting, burning a torch. The lips are drained from the cold, but the lips whisper in harmony: "In four years there will be a city-garden here!" The dankness has reduced to writhing - unimportant wet comfort, workers are sitting in the dark, chewing wet bread. But the whisper is louder than hunger - it covers drops of recession: “In four years there will be a garden city here! Here explosions will cackle in dispersal of bear gangs, and the hundred-cornered “Giant” will blow up the depths of the mine. Construction sites will rise here with walls. suns will ignite Siberia with open-hearths. Here they will give us a good house and a sieve one without rations, and the taiga, thrown back behind Baikal, will retreat." The worker's whisper grew over the theme of fat herds, and then it was unintelligible, only audible - "garden city". I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom when there are such people in the Soviet country!


Khrenov's story about Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk. For the first time - journal. "Eccentric", M., 1929, No. 46, November.

Fucking, Iulian Petrovich (1901-1939) - an acquaintance of Mayakovsky, a participant in the construction of the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works. Party member since 1918. In the years civil war- political worker. In 1922 - Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Metalworkers. In 1929 he was sent to Kuznetskstroy. In 1933 he was appointed assistant secretary of the Donetsk regional party committee. In December 1933, by order of the People's Commissariat for Heavy Machinery of the USSR, I.P. Khrenov was appointed deputy director of the Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant under construction, and after construction was completed in 1935, director of the Slavyansk Insulator Plant.

The artist N. Denisovsky recalls: “I met Julian Petrovich Khrenov at the apartment of V.V. Mayakovsky, who loved him very much. interesting about the heroic deeds of the people of Kuznetskstroy.

V. V. Mayakovsky, carried away by his story, wrote a poem "Khrenov's story about Kuznetskstroy and about the people of Kuznetsk" ("Komsomol banner", Kyiv, 1965, August 8),

The poem written by Mayakovsky reached the builders of Kuznetsk. Writer Alexander Smerdov, who was a correspondent at that time, recalled the mobilizing effect of Mayakovsky's poetic stanzas: "One of our lad-reinforcement workers read Mayakovsky's poem to the builders in the days when the concrete foundation for the first blast furnace was being prepared. The cold was such that the concrete workers did not have time to knead concrete, as it turned into stone, but the masons nevertheless laid the foundation. Buran strove to brush off the scaffolding of the carpenters who built the greenhouses over the future workshops, the frost so calcined the iron that the palms of the fitters froze to it, but the carpenters lifted the scaffolding higher and higher, the fitters they bent iron rods and wove the frames of workshops out of them.When the brigade comrades began to complain about the frost, the fitter Volodya, a Komsomol member, shouted out Mayakovsky's verses in a chilled voice:

The lips are drained from the cold, but the lips whisper in harmony: "In four years there will be a garden city here!

The lyrics worked very well...(B. Chelyshev. "Search, meetings, finds." Kemerovo book publishing house, 1963, p. 23).

Former chief construction engineer (later vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences) Ivan Pavlovich Bardin recalled the impression that Mayakovsky's poems made on the builders of Kuznetskstroy

"I would like ... to note that the appropriate participation of writers is of great benefit, - he said in one of his speeches.- So, the poet Mayakovsky in the most, perhaps, Hard times life of Kuznetskstroy, at the moment when the first commission that arrived at the construction site "fluffed" us to smithereens, he wrote his "The Story of Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk" ... By this he supported our spirit, and we continued the work we had begun and considered it the most important thing in the realization of our dream "(Quoted from the book: B. Chelyshev. "Searchs, meetings, finds", Kemerovo book publishing house, 1963, pp. 25 - 26).

I know - the city will be, I know - the garden will bloom
From the poem "The Story of Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk" (1929) by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930).
I know - / the city / will, / I know - / the garden / will bloom, When / there are such people / in the country / in the Soviet!
Phrase-symbol of social optimism.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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