Moral qualities of a person in the story of Mumu. Lesson “Spiritual and moral qualities of Gerasim: strength, dignity, compassion for others, generosity, hard work

The image of Gerasim is a symbol of the Russian people. In his hero, Turgenev shows the best features of the Russian man: heroic strength, hard work, kindness, sensitivity to loved ones, sympathy for the unfortunate and offended. Turgenev calls Gerasim “the most remarkable person” among all the servants. The author sees him as a hero. Gerasim was gifted with “extraordinary strength, he worked for four people - the work was in his hands, and it was fun to watch him.” Turgenev seems to admire his hero, his strength and greed for work. He compares Gerasim to a young bull and a huge tree that grew on fertile land. Gerasim is distinguished by accuracy and responsibility for the assigned work. He keeps his closet and yard clean. The detailed description of the closet slightly emphasizes his unsociability. “He didn’t like people to visit him,” and therefore he always locked his closet. But despite his formidable appearance and heroic strength, Gerasim had a kind heart, capable of love and sympathy. Many of the servants were afraid of the formidable janitor, knowing his strict and serious disposition. However, the uncommunicative Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect from the servants for his conscientious work, patience and kindness. “He understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to sit in his place at the capital.” And the lady Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect. “She favored him as a faithful and strong watchman.” The mute, like all the servants, is afraid of the old lady and tries to please her, exactly following her orders. But while remaining a faithful servant, he does not lose his self-esteem. It is difficult for a village peasant to live in the city. He is deprived of communication with Russian nature. Mute, unsociable Gerasim is lonely. People avoid him. Tatiana, who fell in love with him, is married off to someone else. He is deeply unhappy. And now a small ray of light appears in his dark life. Gerasim rescues a poor puppy from the river, feeds him and becomes attached to him with all his soul. He names the dog Mumu. She loves Gerasim and is always with him, she wakes him up in the morning, and guards the house at night. They become close friends. Love for Mumu makes Gerasim's life joyful. The lady finds out about Mumu and orders her to be brought to her in order to relieve boredom. But the little dog refuses to obey her. The obstinate lady, not understanding how one can disobey her order, forces him to get rid of the dog. Gerasim tries to save Mumu and locks her in a closet. But Mumu gives himself away by barking. An unfortunate serf is forced to kill his only, truly loving friend. The evil mistress takes away Gerasim's most precious possessions, but cannot break his fortitude and self-esteem. In the fate of Gerasim, Turgenev reflected the fate of many serfs. He protests against the serfdom of the landowners. The author expresses hope that the “dumb” people will be able to fight back against the oppressors.

Let's talk about Gerasim.

Question: Did he believe that Tatyana was drunk? How can you explain his sullenness? Why exactly on the wedding day did Gerasim return from the river with a broken barrel? What in Gerasim’s behavior makes Gavrila afraid of the butler?

(Gerasim’s character is so strong that he was not afraid to disobey the lady herself. This man is “the most remarkable person” among the servants.

The hero's gloominess is not accidental. The quick-witted Gerasim realized that Tatyana was not drunk, but most of all he was struck by Tatyana’s deception. Such a betrayal could not have been expected by a person who did not know how to bend his soul. His morals and thoughts are pure, this is what makes him push his beloved Tatyana away from him.

Gerasim is having a hard time experiencing what happened. But his work saves him. He knows how to work under pressure; work brings him joy. He is mute and deaf, but this does not prevent him from being carried away by his work and receiving satisfaction from it.

Sincerity, conviction, independence - this is what a hero is promised, this is what is scary for people like the butler and the lady.)

IV. Generalization.

Thinking about the character of the heroes, we can note: everyone knew about Gerasim’s sympathy for Tatyana, but no one spoke about it. The man’s feelings were simply trampled, calmly and carelessly, as was the hero’s attachment to peasant labor. And the lady is the first to blame for this.

In Russia in the 19th century. there were many cruel serf-owners and tyrants. That’s why the power of the arbitrariness of the serf owners was terrible, because it was this class that had the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with their serfs. It was under serfdom that the most terrible right existed - the exploitation of one person by another.

Homework: prepare to read dialogues in person.



Goals of the teacher: in collaboration with students, trace how Gerasim behaved in the year when he found Mumu, observe what character traits of the hero are manifested in his attitude towards Tatyana and Mumu.

Planned results of studying the topic:

Subject Skills: know features of the content of the work; be able to characterize a literary character, compare the actions of the characters in the story, draw conclusions, reason, formulate your impressions of the story, including in writing

Meta-subject UUD (universal learning activities):

Personal: masters new types of activities, participates in the creative, constructive process; recognizes himself as an individual and at the same time as a member of society.

Regulatory: accepts and saves the learning task; plans (in collaboration with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations, acts according to the plan.

Cognitive: realizes the cognitive task; reads and listens, extracts the necessary information, and also independently finds it in textbooks and workbooks.

Communication: asks questions, listens and answers questions from others, formulates one’s own thoughts, expresses and justifies one’s point of view.

Lesson progress

I. Checking homework(see previous lesson).

II. Reading Chapter II.

Text analysis on questions:

1. What made Gerasim say goodbye to Tatyana so warmly?

2. Why did Tatyana, always indifferent, at the moment of departure “... burst into tears and, getting into the cart, kissed Gerasim three times in a Christian way”?

3. What made Gerasim pick up the drowning puppy?

4. Explain the phrase “No mother cares for her child as much as Gerasim looked after his pet.”

5. Tell us about Mumu’s life next to Gerasim.

6. Can this year of the hero’s life be called happy? What was the hero’s happiness? (From the moment Tatyana left and Mumu appeared, no special events happened. Gerasim worked calmly, took care of the defenseless puppy, felt joy from Mumu’s affection for him, felt responsible for his pet. All this constituted Gerasim’s happiness: to be needed by someone and take care of someone.)

III. Brief retelling of the text according to plan:

1. Gerasim in Moscow.

2. Love for Tatyana.

3. Departure of Tatiana and Kapiton.

4. Rescue of a puppy from coastal mud.

5. The happiest year in Gerasim’s life.

Smart, kind-hearted Gerasim tried to overcome his loneliness. He, like all people, wanted to be happy and have a family. But others, who considered his handicap - deafness and muteness - an obstacle to a full life, decided that he could not have a family.

Fate sends Gerasim a Mumu. It was the little dog that now made up the hero’s “family.” Thanks to Mumu, Gerasim lived happily for a year.

Homework: prepare a brief retelling from chapter IV to the end of the story.

The image of Gerasim is a symbol of the Russian people. In his hero, Turgenev shows the best features of the Russian man: heroic strength, hard work, kindness, sensitivity to loved ones, sympathy for the unfortunate and offended.

Turgenev calls Gerasim “the most remarkable person” among all the servants. The author sees him as a hero. Gerasim was gifted with “extraordinary strength, he worked for four people - the work was in his hands, and it was fun to watch him.” Turgenev seems to admire his hero, his strength and greed for work. He compares Gerasim to a young bull and a huge tree that grew on fertile land. Gerasim is distinguished by accuracy and responsibility for the assigned work. He keeps his closet and yard clean. The detailed description of the closet slightly emphasizes his unsociability. “He didn’t like people to visit him,” and therefore he always locked his closet. But despite his formidable appearance and heroic strength, Gerasim had a kind heart, capable of love and sympathy.

Many of the servants were afraid of the formidable janitor, knowing his strict and serious disposition. However, the uncommunicative Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect from the servants for his conscientious work, patience and kindness. “He understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to sit in his place at the capital.” And the lady Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect. “She favored him as a faithful and strong watchman.” The mute, like all the servants, is afraid of the old lady and tries to please her, exactly following her orders. But while remaining a faithful servant, he does not lose his self-esteem.

It is difficult for a village peasant to live in the city. He is deprived of communication with Russian nature. Mute, unsociable Gerasim is lonely. People avoid him. Tatiana, who fell in love with him, is married off to someone else. He is deeply unhappy. And now a small ray of light appears in his dark life. Gerasim rescues a poor puppy from the river, feeds him and becomes attached to him with all his soul. He names the dog Mumu. She loves Gerasim and is always with him, she wakes him up in the morning, and guards the house at night. They become close friends. Love for Mumu makes Gerasim's life joyful.

The lady finds out about Mumu and orders her to be brought to her in order to relieve boredom. But the little dog refuses to obey her. The obstinate lady, not understanding how one can disobey her order, forces him to get rid of the dog. Gerasim tries to save Mumu and locks her in a closet. But Mumu gives himself away by barking. An unfortunate serf is forced to kill his only, truly loving friend. The evil mistress takes away Gerasim's most precious possessions, but cannot break his fortitude and self-esteem.

In the fate of Gerasim, Turgenev reflected the fate of many serfs. He protests against the serfdom of the landowners. The author expresses hope that the “dumb” people will be able to fight back against the oppressors.

Gerasim is the main character of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”

Gerasim is the main character of the story “Mumu” ​​by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Literally from the first lines of the work, starting the story about the old lady, the author himself distinguishes him from other characters: “Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim...”.

Describing Gerasim, Turgenev admires his strength and hard work: “Gifted with extraordinary strength,

he worked for four - the matter was going well in his hands...” However, the author endowed his hero with one more difference - Gerasim was mute.

But from the story we understand that in reality all the other heroes were “mute”, who did not have their own opinions and their desires, did not know self-esteem and were like slaves.

In describing the character, actions of Gerasim, his relationships with other characters, Turgenev shows the moral superiority of this hero. Talking about Gerasim, the author compares him to a young and healthy bull, a sedate gander, and a lion. To show the heroic power of Gerasim, Turgenev uses hyperbole: “... the scythe acted so crushingly that it would at least sweep away a young birch forest from its roots...”, “... built... a truly heroic bed; a hundred pounds could have been put on it - it wouldn’t have bent...”

If the author compares Gerasim with a hero, a giant, then he calls the rest of the heroes “little people.” The courtyard people tried to please the lady, mindlessly fulfilling her every whim, humiliating themselves and others. The lady considers herself to have the right to control their destinies. So, for example, because of her whim, Gerasim lost first Tatyana, and then Mumu.

Throughout the story, we see that in any situation the hero retains such qualities as hard work, honesty, and the ability to love. He always keeps his word and has self-esteem. This is the moral superiority of Gerasim.

Turgenev says about Gerasim: “he... followed all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights...”. So, having obediently fulfilled the will of the lady by drowning Mumu, Gerasim goes to the village. With this he expressed his protest against the mistress’s attitude towards her servants.

The very last word of the story is “mute.” Turgenev shows us that, unlike heroes who can speak, only the mute Gerasim has a voice - his own voice.

Searched here:

  • Gerasim the main character of the story Mumu
  • essay about Gerasim
  • essay about Gerasim

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born on October 28, 1818. Turgenev spent his childhood on his mother's estate - Spassky-Lutovinovo, located near the city of Orel. The main person in the estate was the writer’s mother Varvara Petrovna. She was very rich, she owned not only the Spasskoye estate, but also several other estates and thousands of serfs. Willful, power-hungry, she was smart, educated, read a lot, knew several foreign languages ​​and wrote in Russian “in an elegant style and without mistakes,” which was then a rarity for a woman. But, despite her intelligence and education, she was a cruel landowner-serf. She never thought about the fact that serfs are people too. It didn’t cost her anything to tear her away from her family and send a maid to a distant village in a barnyard just because she didn’t have time to wipe the dust off her table, or order all the gardeners in the stable to be flogged if it turned out by chance that someone had picked her favorite flower . There was no end to Varvara Petrovna's whims and caprices. The serf family doctor was obliged to inquire about her health every morning, keep notes and send them to two doctors in Moscow. Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, Ivan’s father, took part in raising children very indirectly. It was as if he did not allow children near him. But he never punished or shouted. Since the family was very educated and well-read, it is not surprising that the boy spoke and read several languages ​​from a very early age. Particular attention was paid to the classics. Other sciences were also extensively covered.
In the family there was a Torah for children and the strictest attention was paid to education. It is known that children constantly changed tutors who were native speakers of French and German. In addition, the family spoke French constantly, which was common among the nobility of the 19th century. They even prayed in French.
Ivan Sergeevich did not consider his childhood happy. For any offense, children were punished most severely. His mother's constant mood swings once upset the boy so much that he decided to run away from home.
It is known that the mother, having become indignant because of some denunciation of the hanger-on, began to flog the boy without explaining the reason for the punishment. The child cried and asked for an explanation, but the mother only said: “You know why!”
When night fell, Ivan decided to run away from home. While the boy was sneaking around the huge house, his German teacher managed to notice him. He was an elderly man, smart enough not to make a fuss, and sensitive enough to ask the child about the reasons for such a decision.
In the morning, the kind old man asked to go into the lady’s room and talked with her for quite a long time behind closed doors. This conversation brought some sense to the obstinate hostess. She left behind her harsh parenting methods.
The writer did not hesitate to admit as an adult that he was always afraid of his mother like fire. Her chaos spread throughout the entire house. There was not a day when any of the household or servants missed her.
The most pleasant thing that little Ivan had in the house were books. From the age of eight, he rummaged through treasured closets. Sometimes the child was so captivated by this or that book that even at night the impressions did not go away and they drew a lot of vague images.
It is known that it was not only his parents who instilled a love for the Russian language and literature in young Ivan. Among other servants in the house there was one valet from the serfs, who influenced the formation of the future writer’s attitude towards language. This valet would later become a prototype in one of Turgenev’s stories.

“Mumu”, summary.

In one of the Moscow houses, surrounded by many servants, lived an old lady. Among all her servants, the janitor Gerasim especially stood out. He was a tall, stately man - a real hero. Only he couldn’t speak - he was born that way.

The lady had a strict character and believed that only she knew how her servants should live. One day she decided to marry her shoemaker, Capiton. Kapiton drank a lot, and the lady decided that marriage, or rather, a wife, would discourage him from this addiction. And she chose the laundress Tatyana as Kapiton’s wife. Tatyana was a quiet, very obedient and timid young woman. She was beautiful, only her beauty was somehow invisible due to the fact that Tatyana herself tried to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Gerasim really liked Tatyana. He constantly showed her signs of attention - gave her gifts, swept in front of her with a broom. And when he saw that Kapiton was talking to her for too long and kindly, he wordlessly let him know what would happen to him if he offended Tatyana. Gerasim himself was going to go to the lady and ask her permission to marry Tatyana. Therefore, both Kapiton and the butler Gavrila feared that Gerasim would not only be upset by his lady’s decision - he might kill Kapiton and Tatyana. So they decided to use a trick. Knowing that Gerasim simply hated drunks, they persuaded Tatyana to walk past him, staggering as if drunk. Gerasim, seeing this, experienced a real shock. He went to his janitor's room, locked himself there and did not come out all day. And then, when he came out, he stopped paying attention to Tatyana. Only a year later, when Tatyana and Kapiton were leaving for the village (Kapiton began to drink even more after his marriage), Gerasim approached Tatyana and gave her a scarf, and Tatyana kissed him three times.

Walking along the river bank, Gerasim saw a small puppy in the water. He pulled the puppy out of the water and brought it to his janitor's room. He washed, dried, fed and put him to bed next to him. Gerasim took very good care of the puppy, which soon became a very beautiful little dog. He named her Mumu and became attached to her as he had never attached to anyone. And the dog never left Gerasim’s side. One day the lady saw Mumu and wanted to take a closer look at her. They brought Mumu to her room, but the dog did not approach the lady and did not drink the milk given to her. And when the lady extended her hand to stroke Mumu, she bared her teeth and growled. The lady immediately ordered Gavrila to get rid of the dog. Gavrilo stole Mumu from Gerasim, took it to the market and sold it, agreeing that the dog would not be let off the leash for some time.

Gerasim looked for Mumu for a long time, and when they showed him with signs that Mumu had bared her teeth at the lady, he decided that he would not see her again. But at night Mumu returned with a piece of rope around her neck. Then Gerasim began to hide the dog. He kept her locked up all day and took her out for a walk at night. But one night, seeing a stranger near the fence, Mumu barked loudly. The lady woke up and ordered to get rid of the dog immediately. When they came to Gerasim, he showed with signs that he would do everything himself. He took Mumu and left the yard. He brought the dog to the tavern, fed it cabbage soup and meat, then went to the river, got into the boat with it and began rowing it out into the middle of the river. Gerasim tied the bricks he had taken with him to a rope, raised Mumu above the water, looked at her for the last time and unclenched his hands. Returning to his closet, Gerasim packed his things and left Moscow for his village. The lady was angry at first, and then calmed down. And Gerasim never again in his life showed interest in either women or dogs.

What is Gerasim's moral strength?

Strength and courage even in the most difficult moments. Having known painful labor in the field, working for the lady seemed easy to him, but over time, loneliness overtook him too... The appearance of Mumu helped overcome loneliness, but not for long. Gerasim remained obedient and “killed” Mumu.

The mighty, strong Gerasim, taken at the whim of the lady from the village to Moscow, symbolizes the strength of the people, his muteness is a symbol of lawlessness.

The name “Mumu” ​​should be seen not only as a special case(the name of the dog, associated with the inability of its owner to speak), but also a deeper meaning: the title and the main character of the work symbolize the entire Russian serf people, humiliated, absolutely without rights, but silently enduring these lack of rights and humiliation.

Lady. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev (the characterization of the story must necessarily include psychological portraits of the characters) is an essay that is based on the gradual disclosure of the inner world of the characters. In this regard, the old lady causes the most criticism, since her whims became the cause of the tragedy. According to the author, she was capricious, quick-tempered, and in addition, she had frequent mood swings. At the same time, she cannot be denied some thriftiness and management. So, she recognized Gerasim as a capable and hardworking worker, tried to somehow correct Kapiton, but her despotic habits did not lead to the desired result, since she was too stubborn and willful.

Tatiana. The image of the young woman Tatiana in this regard is no exception. She is a poor, downtrodden servant who constantly suffers humiliation and mockery, from which only Gerasim’s protection saves her. In the lady's house she works as a laundress. The poor woman is so downtrodden that she unquestioningly carries out the butler’s orders and pretends to be drunk in front of Gerasim so that he himself will abandon her. The trick was a success, but the janitor still retains sympathy for her and, when she leaves for the village, gives her a red scarf.

U Gerasima there was a prototype - the servant Andrei, nicknamed Mute. The same story happened to him as with his literary incarnation. This hero is a closed, unsociable person who, however, is distinguished by his hard work and efficiency. On the estate he is considered the best worker, his work skills are appreciated by everyone, including the old lady herself. This outwardly unsociable man had one weakness - he had sympathy for the maid Tatyana, whom he even wanted to marry.

Prose poem it is a lyrical work in prose form; possesses such characteristics of a lyric poem as a small volume, increased emotionality, usually a plotless composition, a general focus on expressing a subjective impression or experience, but not such as meter, rhythm, rhyme. Therefore, one should not confuse a prose poem with forms that are intermediate between poetry and prose precisely according to metrical characteristics - with rhythmic prose and free verse.

it’s hard to say right away what is the main theme story "Biryuk". This is the hard life of a peasant, and the strong personality of the forester, and the betrayal of his beloved woman. Let's consider other aspects that will help us identify the main topic.

My home is my castle This is what everyone who has their own roof over their head says. Was the forester's hut a fortress? Let us remember how Turgenev “leads” the hunter and the reader to a peasant’s hut. There are no beds, only one stove, people have to sleep on the floor. The girl, completely barefoot, left the room - Biryuk's daughter. Her childhood bears little resemblance to this cheerful time: she looks after a child who is still very small and sleeps in a cradle. Everything around is dark and dirty, which is understandable - there is no owner. A real, grown woman. It is simply impossible to demand from a twelve-year-old child complete order in the house and good supervision of the baby. Nevertheless, Foma’s daughter does not complain about anything, she just obediently rocks the cradle with the baby. They also have little food: Biryuk cannot offer the hunter anything except bread and water, and the child has to suck only a dirty horn. It's very difficult for the family.

What is the main theme of the story “Biryuk”? Undoubtedly, poverty, but at the same time the strength of the Russian man, whom circumstances could not break. The strong and incorruptible Biryuk appears before us for the first time, illuminated by white lightning. The author immediately showed us a real hero with strong muscles, tall stature and a strong physique. Although he is gloomy, he is still a very good person. He did not let the hunter get wet in the rain, but offered to wait for him in his poor hut. Why do we see such a strong but gloomy man throughout the entire story? Of course, life is very difficult for him. Abandoned by his wife, he was left with two children in distress. Nevertheless, another side of his character is revealed to us - responsiveness. Proof of this is the story of a thief who wanted to cut down a forest in the territory protected by the forester Biryuk. All the men knew that Foma would not let anyone through, would not allow anyone to steal the forest. He did not take bribes, despite his poverty, and did his work honestly. Another main theme of the story “Biryuk” is the integrity of the Russian person, responsibility to the people who entrusted him with such an important position. No to serfdom! It is worth noting that the desire to abolish serfdom at that time shows what the main theme of the story “Biryuk” is. Thomas and the male thief are serfs. How does each of them live? Very, very poor. But if the first is a strong and decent person, then the other is ready to commit a crime, broken from poverty. He goes to the territory guarded by the well-known Biryuk, and at his own peril and risk he cuts down the forest. But still he is captured. But even here he shows his weakness, presses for pity, insults Biryuk in order to leave by all means. Meanwhile, Foma refuses to take the money for the forest offered by the master hunter in order to save the man. The story “Biryuk” was written by Turgenev as an expression of protest against serfdom. It shows how hard life was for serfs at that time. And how differently people behave under difficult circumstances. It is undoubtedly difficult for us, living in a different era, to understand how difficult it was for them.