Description of what I see from the window. Essay on the topic: “View from my window

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A school essay on the topic: “The view from my window” describes what appears to the author’s gaze when he looks out of the window of his room in the summer.


Of all the seasons, summer is my favorite. And therefore, there is nothing more pleasant than waking up on a summer morning from a living ray of sunshine sneaking onto my bed through loosely drawn curtains. It seems as if he is an old friend who is impatiently and joyfully inviting me to go for a walk. I quickly jump out of bed and look out the window of my room.

Through the open window a stream of light, warmth, bright colors and sounds falls on me. Today promises so many interesting things! There is no need to rush to school and you can play all day with your friends in the yard. Looking out the window, I immediately begin to think about what I will do today.

A sports box is visible a little to the side. There is no one there yet, but after lunch I will definitely gather my friends and we will go there to play. There are large trees and several bushes right in front of my window. You can climb trees and sit on thick branches, as well as wander through the bushes, simulating travel through dense forests. In late summer, families of small, dense fungi are even found in the roots of these trees.

Perhaps my mother will send me to the store to buy bread. This store is located very close, and the edge of its porch is visible from the window. Or maybe he’ll ask you to knock out the rug or take out the trash. These things will take very little time, and I will immediately run to play in the yard that I see now.

In these morning hours, I really love looking out the window at my yard. It always seems to me that I am part of its stormy and interesting life and you need to run quickly to take part in it.

Dogs are playing on the lawn, brought out by dog ​​breeders from nearby entrances, and I immediately begin to dream of a dog so that I can happily run around with him and throw him a stick. I see car enthusiasts gathering at the garages. They are also incredibly interesting. Often my friends and I spend the whole day there, helping our dads. The first babies and their mothers appear on the playground. They often ask me to push them on the swing and proudly show off their sand pies.

In general, the yard has just woken up, and I am standing, leaning on the windowsill, and rejoicing at the coming warm day, which is sure to have something unusual and interesting in store for me. For example, new neighbors may arrive. They will take boxes, furniture and TV out of the car and carry them to their apartment. Or the grandmother from the house opposite will decide to arrange a beautiful flower bed in the yard, and I will start helping her and laying bricks for the fence. And it’s even better if one of the boys in our yard is given a new bicycle. Then it will be possible to ride along narrow paths all day long, in turns or in races.

When the noisy and hot summer day ends, I come home, tired but happy. At these hours, the yard is already poorly visible from my window, but its life goes on. You can hear dogs barking and cheerful laughter, and the windows of the neighboring house, one after another, light up and fill with life. The sky is no longer clear and blue, but deep blue-violet, with scarlet highlights fading near the horizon.

This day is passing, but tomorrow a new one will come, and again I will open the curtains and look out the window, expecting new, unusual adventures.

Even more essays on the topic: “View from my window”:

My family lives outside the city, in a small urban village. Our house is located on the edge of the village, right next to the field. The window of my room overlooks this field. Behind the field you can see the railway and the highway. Every night I hear railway the train is coming. The wheels clink on metal rails and the sound of steam is heard. When I look out the window, I see the dark outline of a train and a smoking chimney. Plumes of smoke rise into the sky and disappear into clouds that are almost invisible in the dark blue sky.

In early spring the field is still sleeping: soon it will wake up after a long winter. At night, the stars shine brightly and the moon illuminates the entire room.

When the first buds begin to bloom, green grass grows on the field. It is very bright and glitters in the sun. When you look out the window, you involuntarily close your eyes: the brightness of the colors stands out very much against the background of the clear blue sky after winter.

In the summer, the trees are so thickly covered with foliage that they obscure the highway, and you can no longer see the cars flashing in the distance. An apricot tree grows under my window. In the summer it produces a lot of fruit, and I like to pick apricots right from my window.

In autumn, the whole view from the window becomes sadder: the field looks aged. Sheaves of wheat are collected from it, and tumbleweeds roll over the bare ground from time to time. Only the vineyards are visible far, far away on the horizon. They always remain a reminder of the hot summer. The landscape seems very mysterious and sad.

In winter, the sky becomes faded and the first snow falls. The trees seem tired, it is very difficult for them to withstand the weight of snow and severe frost. The field is white and white everywhere, not a single place of bare earth. Sometimes a neighbor's dog runs over it and leaves deep paw prints. The road is freezing, and fewer and fewer cars are driving on the highway. Often only intercity buses are visible: there are only a few of them passing near our village. They always pass quickly and it is difficult to notice their number. Fir trees and pine trees grow near our house. For the New Year we decorate them with colorful lights and toys. They look very elegant and festive. It lifts your spirits, and all the winter sadness disappears in an instant.

I really love the view from the window of my room. You can look at the field, road and trees along the route endlessly. That's why I often sit on the windowsill, drink hot tea and an interesting book I look into the distance. I just want to look at the land beyond the highway. And you involuntarily ask the question: what’s next, beyond the horizon?


One day I woke up from a bright light from the window, I went up to it and began to observe nature. I saw birds chirping, a quiet breeze swaying the trees, small drops of dew rolling down the green grass. I smelled nature and enjoyed it. The flowers also woke up and the animals along with them. The whole world was awakening from a bright light. When I look out the window it’s like I’m floating in the clouds and now I’m writing an essay looking out the window!

From my windows you can see my city. My city looks magical in every season. In winter it’s like an icy kingdom, in the fall we are visiting the golden empress, in the summer the city is shrouded in warm and bright sunlight, and in the spring the drops knocking on my window seem to invite me to look there, at my city. My window is a portal to the magical world of my city. Sometimes at night, when I don’t feel like sleeping at all, I look out the window. The city at night is insanely amazing. If you want to plunge into the world of magical illusions and fantasies, just look out your window. The view from the window will open wide boundaries before you.

Essay on what I see from the window


I live in the city center in a five-story building. I usually like to watch the street a little in the morning before school. I think this activity entertains me and gives me energy for the day. I see how a harmful janitor is cleaning the street from beautiful autumn leaves. He gets very angry because people passing by disturb him. I see cars parked under the window, all covered in leaves... I see people running to work, children to school. In the morning, the yard swings are empty, since all the children have gone to school, and in the afternoon the swings will squeak happily again! I see a tractor driving across the road, collecting leaves and disturbing people from sleeping with its noise... Opposite my house there is a twin house. I watch seagulls walking on its roof. The lights in the windows turn on and off, people come out of the entrances. I see how the ray of dawn hits the windows of the house opposite and is reflected through my window. It can be seen that it is cold outside, the housewives and owners of the dogs dress them warmer. And dogs walk like rappers. Pigeons fly to my windowsill. Hungry, they knock on the window, but the cat kicks them out. This is such a funny movie I watch every morning

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How impatiently we wait for the first snow, how excited we are at the sight of giant falling snow flakes in the window. And how pleasant it is to wake up in the morning and suddenly discover that the earth, which was still black the day before, is now immaculately white. And now the first snow is already behind us, our eyes have become accustomed to the picture outside the window and no longer notice all the charm of winter. And the beauty of winter is in the peaceful, sleepy silence.

In winter, the whole yard seems to freeze. Benches and children's swings froze, dusted with snow. Fixed trunks of bare trees stick out from under the snowdrifts, extending their twisted branches high into the sky. Tree branches sometimes move from the wind or from the jerk of a bird taking off and then fall silent again. It was as if someone had sprinkled powdered sugar on the gray tree trunks.

The gray, colorless sky hung overhead like an opaque sheet. Dark asphalt and well-trodden paths turn black against the background of snow-covered ground. The electric poles seemed to be covered in white caps. The peace and quiet is only occasionally disturbed by playful sparrows on the roofs of houses, flying from bush to tree, from tree to roof.

Cars parked long ago are covered with a white blanket of snowdrifts. They are lonely waiting for their owners to finally come to dig out their iron friends. Their engines will begin to purr and shake off this sleepy stupor. People, wrapped in warm clothes, rush about their business, not noticing the winter landscape around them, but only hide their chilled noses in warm scarves and collars. It’s not cold except for the rosy-cheeked children who happily slide down the built slide, sink knee-deep in the snow and rush past the hurrying adults like a whirlwind.

Nature rests, gains strength under the snow-white cover of snow, then comes to life in the spring and sparkles with bright colors. In the meantime, all that remains is to admire the magical winter landscape through the window.

Essay No. 2 Winter through my window

In winter it opens from my window beautiful view. You admire the yard, hidden under the snowdrifts, and the neighbor’s dog Badi, tumbling in the snow.

Gray high-rise buildings, which seemed dull in the fall, are transformed against the backdrop of snow-covered splendor around.
The trees and bushes seemed to have fallen asleep, wrapped in snow-white fur coats.

Only sometimes a breeze comes and tries to wake them up. And such a snowy mess rises.

Pigeons often visit the snow-covered canopy of the entrance above which I live to feast on something edible.

Winter colors of nature are not as bright and colorful as summer ones, but it is in winter that nature has a special fabulous atmosphere.

Essay No. 3 View from the window in winter, grade 6

Winter is a very beautiful time of year. After all, it is in winter that you can sit on the windowsill at home and watch the stunning landscape! Everything is covered with loose, white snow, and only on the roadway due to gusts of wind is the very middle of the road visible. White fluffs fall from the sky, swirling and drawing simple patterns on the city streets. They cover tree branches with a bright white blanket and lie on the ground in an endless carpet. Crystal icicles hang from the roofs of houses. Lots of kids walking in the yard of different ages and together with their parents they sculpt huge, bright, colorful snowmen and build ice labyrinths, climb snowdrifts and the older ones play “king of the mountains”.

When there is no wind in the yard, children and adults skate together. We also put up a Christmas tree in our yard every year. Literally every person living in our house puts their own toy on this Christmas tree, on which the apartment number is written, and everyone makes a wish. From the window you can also see a huge slide, where many parents with their children come every day. The younger kids have sleds, and the older ones have ice skates and snow scooters.

Every day I see my neighbors walking with their pets. I am very lucky to have a Husky dog ​​as a neighbor; she has such blue eyes that it is impossible to stop admiring them! When they go for a walk, I can't take my eyes off them. After all, for this dog this is the most best time year. Even looking out the window you can feel how she enjoys the snow.

In anticipation of the New Year, people glue the most beautiful applications and snowflakes to their windows. Many people have beautiful garlands hanging on their windows, and when it gets dark outside, these decorations light up their windows just like in a fairy tale. From my window I can see the rowan tree to which bullfinches fly all winter. They feed on the fruits of this tree, and by the end of winter the fruits run out, the warmth comes and they fly away.

Essay View from my window in winter 5th grade

The view from the window varies greatly depending on the time of year. Today I will tell you what is visible from my window.

If you look at the very bottom, where there used to be green bushes, only branches remain. Sparrows love to sit on them. But this is not the safest place, because sometimes local cats chase them.

After the sidewalk there is a line of trees. If in summer they hide the exterior of the house, then in winter they become almost transparent.

But what I like most in winter is when the sun shines into the room during the day. Its rays illuminate the walls, table and bed. And your soul immediately becomes happier and you feel more comfortable.

When evening comes and the lights turn on, the snow on the ground begins to sparkle. It looks very beautiful against the backdrop of dark houses and the sky.

And even though you can’t see the mountains or the sea through my window, I like to look out of my window.

6th grade, 5th grade, morning, evening.

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Autumn is a wonderful time of year, bringing an aftertaste of summer while waiting for winter. It takes away vivid impressions and makes you feel measured and calm.
My desk is located near the window, which allows me to look outside during breaks. In autumn, the leaves turn amazingly colorful shades of red, yellow and green. You will never see leaves of exactly the same color at this time of year. They become like people - just as different, but identical in essence.
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If I go to the other window, I will see a silver Nissan in the yard. Even if I didn’t know what date and time of year it was today, when I saw this car, I would understand that it is the beginning of November - my neighbor leaves it there during the cold season.
I love watching autumn from the window. I see constancy, calmness and moderation. Everything is going as usual. It’s as if time decided to grow up. Soon the trees, the earth, the houses will be wrapped in a white fur coat - and then another time will begin. And so it should be.

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Essays at school are different. Some require independent reasoning by the student, others require special knowledge in a particular topic. In addition, there are descriptive essays that students usually enjoy writing the most.

But despite the simplicity of these works, they also have their own characteristics. Most often, such tasks are given to students to describe paintings, but we will consider an essay on the topic “View from my window.” By analogy, you can write any similar work.

Where to start?

It’s great if you can sit with your draft in front of the window. This will be the most convenient way to write.

But you should not start your essay directly with a description of what you see. There are several ways to write an introduction.

“I really love looking out the window of my room almost every day. This stunning view at any time of the year makes you freeze and forget about time.”

“Have you ever thought about how beautiful nature is around? Every day we rush somewhere, not paying attention to anything around us. But stop for a second. You can just look out your apartment window and see an amazing landscape.”

You can also start your essay on the topic “View from my window” not only with positive statements (then the topic of your essay will be the problem environment nowadays).

“I really love nature. But unfortunately, I can’t admire it from the window - almost all our trees have been cut down.”

Main part

The main part should contain a direct description of your view from the window. The student can follow the following paths for description.

  • can only describe a specific picture that you see at a given moment in time. “Looking out my window, the first thing I see is a bright playground with many children playing. The branches of two rowan trees and several poplars are spread along its edges, so there is always a pleasant shade on the site.”
  • The student can describe not only what he sees now, but also talk about how the view changes in the morning and evening or with the change of season. “Thanks to the many trees in front of my window, in every season of the year a beautiful picture opens up in front of me: in the summer the trees delight with their greenery, and in the winter whole caps of snow and frost gather on them, which captivates the eye.”
  • You can also describe the time of year that you like best. For example, an essay on the topic “View from the window in autumn.”


After you have written the main part, you need to finish the essay on the topic “View from my window.” The student must draw a conclusion about what has been written.

“Watching nature outside my window brings me real peace. I really like to read or do homework in front of the window - this great way rest and relax."

“I hope that people will appreciate the nature around them, because there is nothing more beautiful and natural in the world.”

Thus, using the above tips and recommendations, you can write a competent and interesting essay on the topic "View from my window."