Discovering new talents in yourself. How to discover your superpowers? Try yourself in different areas

In fact, each of us has unusual abilities. Only for some they are more noticeable and improved, and for some people they have not yet revealed themselves. Therefore, you can learn to develop your hidden abilities and skills that will make your life much brighter and more interesting.

Hidden human reserves

It has been known since ancient times that people use only 10 percent of their capabilities. The remaining resources are “sleeping” and persistently waiting for you to “wake them up”. Superpowers include even such a simple concept as intuition. Intuitive abilities can also be developed and improved. Just for a moment, it’s worth imagining how much easier your life will become if you are able to determine what a person is thinking about, his attitude towards you, and so on. There are a large number of rules and exercises that help develop your extraordinary features. The main thing to take the first step is to start believing in the presence of the supernatural.

Absolutely everyone has hidden talents

What abilities are hidden from us?

There are a huge number of superpowers that we don’t even know we have. But some of them are close and familiar to us, but not all of them are sufficiently developed. The most basic ones will be described below.

Psychic abilities

Quite a lot of various specific literature has been published that helps to develop one’s mental or psychic abilities. But for most of us such books are written in very heavy scientific language, but the activities used to improve such skills are quite simple and understandable. You won't need much time to complete these tasks. So, the most effective exercises to train superpowers.

Telepathic message

Agree that many of us have had such unusual situations in our lives when we felt that a specific person would call us or write a message. After some short time this actually happened. This happens on a subconscious level, as one person thinks about another. Through thoughts, he calls on another person to get in touch with him. Mental energy is quite strong. Therefore, people can feel each other at a distance. To train this ability, you can use a technique called “Encouraging a person to call us”:

  • First, choose the person you would like to contact on a telepathic level. It is important to perform the exercise with a person close to you and with someone with whom you have mutual understanding.
  • Do short breathing exercises: inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts and exhale for 8. Repeat 3 times.
  • Close your eyes and imagine this situation: you are sitting in a large green park on a lawn with flowers. In your hands you hold 7 balls of all rainbow colors. Then you release the balls into the sky one by one and watch them disappear into the clouds. Visualization is very important for developing this skill.
  • After you have released all the balls into the sky, imagine a small room in the middle of which there is a stand with a telephone. The person you have chosen as your caller enters the room. You watch from the side as this person starts calling your number. Then you should see yourself talking to this person.
  • Repeat this practice several times. Then your work will give the desired result.

Guessing the time

An exercise in which you have to guess the time on the clock is an excellent way to develop extrasensory or psychic abilities. If you want to know what time it is at a given moment, then you need to close your eyes and ask yourself: “what time is it?” Try to instantly remember the first thought that arose in your mind. Because this answer will be correct. There is also a process of visualizing the situation here. The more practice, the better the result.

there is no limit to self-improvement

The alarm clock is inside you

A rather interesting way to improve your hidden skills is to set your body to wake up at a specific time period. This exercise is best done on weekends, when you don’t have to go to work, so as not to accidentally oversleep.

  • Choose the time to wake up. For example, let it be 8 am.
  • Next, we mentally turn to our own consciousness with a request to wake up at this particular time. To strengthen your request, motivate the purpose of waking up so early.
  • You shouldn't set an alarm.
  • After you wake up, immediately check your watch and calculate how much your thoughts coincide with reality.

You can only develop such skills by practicing hard. Do the exercises several times a week and you will succeed.

Intuitive qualities

Human intuition is a special gift that is present in each of us. This skill definitely needs to be developed, since it is the one that will help you in some incomprehensible situation where standard knowledge will not help. With the help of certain exercises you can improve your intuitive qualities.

Traffic light

This exercise is considered one of the most effective and useful. But, like many other techniques, it requires regular training. Here we will talk about mental attitude on an intuitive level. Using this method, you can identify the most favorable influences on you:

  • Green light - there are no obstacles for you.
  • Yellow light - be careful and prudent.
  • Red color - a dangerous situation awaits you.

Draw a traffic light on a piece of paper and hang it in a conspicuous place. Imagine that he is real. Sit opposite him and breathe deeply, measuredly. In your imagination, turn on all the colors one by one and compare each of them with a specific life situation. Each time you do this exercise faster and faster. And in the future, on an intuitive level, you will determine which event is joyful and which promises misfortune.

Psychological radar

This method is quite simple to implement, but it works great. We extend our hand and use our index finger to mark a specific object. Imagine the approximate distance of this thing from you and its energy field. Close your eyes and turn first to the left and then to the right. Having lost orientation in space, you must determine at what distance and in what place the hidden object is located. If you mentally feel the location of a thing, then open your eyes and make sure how accurate your assumptions are. Repeat this task several times.

Guessing the event

This exercise should be performed daily to consolidate the results. It is based on guessing certain events that occur during the day. If you are about to leave the house, then try to guess who you will meet along the way. If you are standing at a bus stop, try to determine which type of transport will come first, and so on.

you should concentrate on self-development to discover unexpected opportunities in yourself

Memory development

Memory development is very useful for both adults and children. Memory is an integral functional feature of the human brain. Thanks to it we can read and remember important information every day. But with time this activity fades a little and needs to be trained. For the correct formation of the child’s psyche, it is important to constantly develop memory. There are universal exercises for all ages:


To complete this exercise, you must enlist the help of another person. You should close your eyes, and your assistant should slowly describe certain images. After which, you must reproduce what you heard in several stages. Then take a piece of paper and draw everything you learned earlier. This exercise is great for training your imagination. You can visualize anything, for example, an elephant with a log, a hippopotamus at a watering hole, flying autumn leaves, and so on.

Learning poems

We start learning poetry back in kindergarten, school, but then we abruptly abandon this activity. To train your memory, you can use such a simple technique as memorizing poems. You can use both short fragments of poetry and long works. You can read poems and quatrains not only in Russian, but also in foreign ones. This technique is very useful for both visual and auditory memory.

Reading aloud

Develop each type of memory in turn. This technique perfectly strengthens auditory memory. Read your favorite books out loud every day. Spend 10-20 minutes reading. After reading, try to retell what you learned from the book.

Learn new words every day

The exercise is very simple. We write down, for example, 15 words on paper. We look at them for 30 seconds and try to remember them. We turn over the sheet of paper and remember what was written. You can write not only words, but also numbers.

Clairvoyance ability

Many people wonder how the ability of clairvoyance actually works. This skill is sometimes called the “third eye.” With its help, you can predict future events and read information hidden from others. Clairvoyance needs to be developed and it is very difficult to do. But it's still worth a try. Suddenly, you will discover the rare gift of predicting the future, and you will be able to help people in difficult situations. The following exercises will be useful for your training.

Exercise “see through the skin”

To complete this task, prepare 2 squares: white and black. Take a comfortable position, relax. Raise your right palm over the squares at a distance of 8 centimeters. First over the white, then over the black square. Slowly move your hand from one figure to another. Listen to your feelings. Maybe you feel cold or warm at this moment, or maybe a tingling sensation in your palm. Remember what color you felt for this or that feeling. With each repetition of this task, you will quickly determine the color of the square located under your palm.

Exercise “border with reality”

Most experienced psychics use a borderline state, in which a person is on the verge of reality, and the other mental part goes into the astral plane. That is, your body is in a two-phase state, namely between sleep and wakefulness. You can enter this space consciously if you learn how to do so. When you lie in bed before going to bed at night, try to catch the moment at which you begin to fall asleep slightly. Try to control two states at the same time. It won't be easy, but you can do it. Do the exercise until you eventually fall asleep.

Learning to see a person's aura

Close your eyes and look through your closed eyelids at the outline of the person standing in front of you. The lesson is conducted for 5 minutes every day for ten days. Then you can move on to the second stage. With your eyelids slightly closed, look at any object and try to see its glow. This light will be his aura. Do the same with a person’s aura, which has several shades, depending on the character. For example, if a violet hue predominates in a person’s biofield, then the person has quite strong spiritual development. And if in outer circle the aura is more golden in color, this tells us about the character of a great thinker. Red shades indicate that a person is very busy with everyday affairs.

If you decide to learn something new for yourself, then developing unusual abilities is perfect for you. Train as often as possible and then the results will not be long in coming. It is important to remember that each of us is unique and interesting in our own way.

It is known that a person uses a negligible part of his capabilities, only a few percent out of a hundred. So some people think - what are the rest for? There is an opinion that those 90-98% are human superpowers, and you just need to find out how to discover and discover your extraordinary talents.

What are superpowers?

These are extraordinary intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance, supermemory, supervision and superhearing, telekinesis and pyrokinesis, teleportation, levitation and the ability to perform astral travel, make unique self-hypnosis and induce hypnosis and self-hypnosis. And:

  • taste supersensitivity, when a person feels the range of tastes much more strongly, especially bitterness;
  • tetrachromatism, an extremely rare phenomenon in which vision is sensitive to hundreds of millions of color shades;
  • echolocation, in which people determine the location, size and density of objects by reflected sounds;
  • synesthesia - the coherent work of different channels for transmitting and processing information, when letters or numbers have their own colors, taste sounds, and dates or symbols are seen in a certain place on an imaginary plane;
  • the ability to perform complex mental calculations.

There are different theories and approaches. Some teach how to acquire any superpowers; others object that revealing them at will is impossible, because everyone has their own from birth. And still others do not believe in any phenomena at all, considering everything quackery. What do you think? If discovering superpowers and developing your inner potential is important and interesting to you, let's look at the main recommendations and warnings that experienced mentors give.

You should know this!

Only irresponsible “teachers” who want to make money on your desire for self-development will promise you amazing results and will not take care of your safety. After all, before you open something in yourself, it’s worth finding out why and how it was closed. You can release colossal power, but how will you control it? You will have visions, insights or premonitions, but will you become happier, calmer and more harmonious with them?

To discover superpowers in oneself means to receive both a gift from God and a mine that can destroy everything that was familiar and dear, but was not previously valued. Remember: people only receive what they are willing to accept. There is no other way.

Ways to Unlock Superpowers

They can be hard and unsafe or soft and natural. The former include experiencing shock or suffering, deprivation, pain or drug use. The second path is the discovery of superpowers through self-knowledge and spiritual development, understanding one’s place in the world. If you feel what your soul is striving for, your intentions will easily come true. Any action you take will not meet resistance or it will be insignificant. And new, hidden abilities will begin to appear in you, because they will become tools for realizing your destiny.

The main thing is to develop and strengthen not only the spirit, but also the will and body. Healthy image life, including the type of thinking, proper nutrition and physical activity is the source of your strength. Will will help you overcome any difficulties and not give up on your goal.

Choose practices and exercises to suit your taste. You can use meditation, prayer or mantra, techniques for expanding consciousness. Directly develop the desired skills - memory, thinking, will, concentration.

I used to admire the talent of writing and the courage of people to talk about themselves and their experiences.

But 3 years ago I stopped just sitting and admiring, and began writing articles in which I shared my worldview and experiences.

In this article I will share a method that helped me. And if you want to reveal your talents and gifts, then he will definitely help you too.

Admiring the qualities of other people is an indicator of their presence within you

It's good when you admire specific qualities in people and emphasize them, but if you don't notice your own, then your own potential remains unrealized.

When you react to some quality of another person with admiration, this indicates that it is present in you too in one form or another.

Sometimes a nagging feeling appears inside: “I wish I could do this.” But you seem to be afraid to admit it to yourself. Sound familiar?

What abilities, skills, abilities of other people do you admire?

You once displaced these qualities from your consciousness, and the feeling of admiration, sometimes with a touch of dissatisfaction, is the reaction of your subconscious, which tells you that they are not enough to assemble the puzzle of your integrity.

Returning to my story, when I realized what lay behind my admiration, I found as many as 2 gifts: writing, putting my thoughts in writing, and also the strength and courage to say what I think, to talk about my experiences.

If I always admired the courage to be open and talk about my truth, then I completely forgot about the ability to write since the days of school essays.

Moreover, I didn’t think about a full-fledged article, and even on the Keys.

I would have sat there if it hadn’t occurred to me that this was my shadow aspect, and the courage to broadcast my truth in a certain form is inherent in me.

Light shadow aspects always make themselves felt desire to acquire a certain skill, skill, talent, quality. But how can you regain the gift that you lost in the past?

How to regain and reveal lost talents and gifts

Write a list of what you admire in other people and at the same time causes a feeling of dissatisfaction that you do not possess this quality: the ability to get things done, perseverance, determination, the ability to rejoice.

Everyone has their own list.

Choose one thing and follow this algorithm:

1. Admit the idea that you also have a quality or skill that you admire in other people

As a rule, this is difficult to believe at first. Because your consciousness has displaced this quality, you don’t consider him yours.

But it's yours. Perhaps in some other form, but it is present in you. And this is an axiom.

Now I rejoice when I find a quality in other people that makes me admire. Because I know that I have it in me too, I just need to accept it and reveal it.

2. Recognize that you yourself have displaced this quality beyond your Self

Your task - admit that you have it in you. You don’t know what reasons prompted you to give up this quality. Yes, this is basically not important.

But if you are wondering why this happened, I do not recommend being guided only by the logic of your mind, since the real reason It may not be what you think at all.

Therefore, in order not to guess, it is better to go on the “Bus” meditative journey during the course and get to know your shadow there.

3. Take back the repressed quality

At this stage, you integrate the repressed quality back into yourself. The energy that was blocked by your false beliefs based on past events is released.

When you acknowledge the shadow aspect, there is no need to suppress your desires, abilities, and they are revealed.

Here's how it was for Alena Starovoytova:

“For me, the most powerful breakthrough in working with the Shadow was the emotional release of the ability to “make faces” that had been repressed to the margins of consciousness.

As it turned out, this is precisely what caused the pathological failure to remember jokes (and this is when good feeling humor), the inability to tell anything in the roles + a very serious view of the world...

It seems like little things, but how much more color has returned to life after the return of what was lost in childhood: I can imitate and defuse the situation with the help of banal “antics”; it has become easier to look at many things.

How, you ask?

Having played the role of Parsley right in front of the participants of the first webinar :)”

For me, the energy that was released by accepting the light shadow has given me the opportunity to write articles that support and inspire hundreds of people.

At this stage, all this resulted in a project that we launched at the beginning of last year to search for talent among our subscribers and clients.”

Do you want to know what gifts your shadow hides?

You will become aware of suppressed unconscious urges and motives, and gain access to resources that will help you cope with “past traumas,” transform them and integrate them into your present experience.

Bring back the talents and gifts that have been hidden from you all this time.

“How to reveal your own abilities?” This question is often asked by people who are exposed to strange events: prophetic dreams, deja vu, good intuition. It is known that a person uses only four percent of his skills, and the rest, unfortunately, is in “sleep mode.” It turns out that most people live their lives without pleasure and joy, they do things they don’t like and put off their favorite activities for “later.”

After reading the instructions below, a person will be able to discover certain super abilities in himself, and if not immediately, then over time. It is important to catch in time the moment when there is a feeling of something more. Moments like these make it clear that life has meaning. A person strives to recognize this secret in himself and eventually opens up, begins to appreciate life and enjoy every day.

100% way to unleash your creative potential

Creative abilities are revealed in all those who seriously practice the Turbo-Suslik system, and often even superpowers. Why and how does this system unlock potential? The thing is that every person is endowed with abilities, but in the process of growing up people acquire so-called mental trash. Mental trash is:

  • negative emotions (fears, anxieties, jealousy, resentment, etc.)
  • complexes
  • limiting beliefs
  • dependencies, etc.

And all this leaves an imprint - a limitation of our capabilities and abilities. Turbo-Suslik eliminates the roots of problems, rather than masks them – and therefore eliminates them forever. But that's not all the beauty of the system. Also, the system uses the enormous computing power of the subconscious, which explains the high speed of eliminating problems and releasing creativity and inherent abilities. You can get the original copy of the book.

How to find your talent?

If you ask a person the question: “Who is “Talent” in the understanding?”, the answer is immediately pronounced: “Actor, singer, musician, artist.” But these are not always creative people! Each person has their own unique talents. Athletes, hairdressers, designers and even mechanics can have them! So how did they find and develop their super powers?

Childhood will help you understand and reveal your secret talents! First you need to remember the dreams that began in early childhood and continue to this day. You can keep a diary and take notes. After the dreams have been remembered and there is no blank page left in the diary, they begin to analyze it:

  1. Phrases and words that are related to the type of activity are underlined. From the category “What would you like to become in the future?”
  2. After reading slowly and with concentration, they remember whether such a situation occurred: in a movie, on TV, on the street, in a magazine or book. Perhaps certain actions gave rise to the idea that you want to do the same and be the same. The highlighted moments are recorded again.
  3. They remember their favorite activities, things that brought joy and pleasure. Write it down in your notebook again.

The results obtained are the treasures that were sought. Maybe now you will be able to find some creative abilities or sports talent in yourself.

How to unlock your abilities?

After analyzing the diary entries, they begin to work on their abilities. It is better to be led by a teacher or mentor who will help you take your first steps in developing super abilities and guide you on the right path. Like any other skill, talent must be developed. It requires work and time. Undoubtedly, many talented people are born, but not many express themselves and do not try to find their talent. A mentor or teacher will teach you many secrets of super skills.

Below is a small instruction on how you can discover your abilities.

1. For any task, use both hands with equal load. They learn to write, eat, brush their teeth, wipe and get something, and comb their hair with both hands. It will be especially difficult to operate a computer mouse with your left hand. This is necessary for both hemispheres of the brain to work. Thanks to such simple actions, they will be loaded equally. And also, when a person works, the work is carried out by one hemisphere, and if both are involved, then new connections will begin to appear in the brain.

2. The following actions will help to identify creative abilities and not only creative ones:

  • Play "Blind Man's Bluff": you blindfold your eyes with a thick scarf or handkerchief, and search for an item or object using sound signals.
  • Cover your ears. They spend some time in this state.
  • Further, you can artificially turn off one of the senses.

The brain is temporarily deprived of some sense organs and seeks new ways of orientation in space. Abilities are developing.

3. Chewing food for a long time will help sharpen your taste buds. They try to fully experience the taste of the product: chocolate, ice cream, nuts, and so on.

4. Get creative! Any kind that exists, in a word, a person tries to find himself with the help of: music, modeling, drawing, embroidery, sewing, scrapbooking, photography and so on.

5. They approach the development of super abilities with madness: they turn the world upside down. Existing principles and the rules of life are reversed. They dream without boundaries and frames, and realize all their old dreams.

6. Materialistic view of the world: learn logic, study scientific methods thinking, analysis, synthesis, solving riddles, crosswords, puzzles.

7. Play sports. A strong and slender body will help you realize all your plans! A trained body quickly copes with stress and ailments. Sound, healthy sleep is important. When nothing hurts, and the body is full of strength, then spiritually a person is ready for achievements. This is necessary to develop another talent.

8. Develop a sense of humor. They try to look at the world through children's eyes.

9. Keep a diary and write down ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Thanks to this, some unrealistic plans are being realized.

10. Develop a sense of time and space. They look at the time, close their eyes and begin to count down the seconds, after a minute they open their eyes and look at the time. They try to calculate the period of time by feeling.

11. Never stop there! A person is capable of doing things that seem impossible at first glance.

With any development of the situation, the perception of the world changes completely, a person learns to develop not only creative abilities, but also sports ones. Acquires many skills, learns to think completely differently, and at the same time enjoy every day of life. If a person wants to realize himself as an individual in this world, add something new to his life, stop doing boring and monotonous activities, he should start developing his talent! To reach heights, you must first understand yourself, your emotions, your perception. This is collateral successful career, success in personal life and a great sense of humor. Having found yourself now, in old age you can say that your life was not lived in vain.

On Lifehacker. If you want to learn how to awaken your creative impulses and what you need to do to help your inner creator grow and develop, be sure to take the time to read this article. You will not regret!

“I’m not a creative person, I’m not given this,” many of us say, looking with admiration at the caricatures of street artists or listening to a long-haired hippie singing a Radiohead song in transition. But there is good news: the latest Scientific research They say that all people are the same and that a creator lives in each of us. Therefore the phrase “I’m not a creative person” is just a convenient excuse for laziness.

The myth of a creative streak was cultivated and carefully guarded among bohemians for a long time. Artists, musicians, actors, designers and even average copywriters like to look like they belong to a different breed, and while working they are moved by at least the hand of God. The standard of a creative personality is a cross between Lady Gaga and Aguzarova, who yesterday was going to fly to the moon, today she is crushing the charts with a new song, and tomorrow she is giving an interview about the benefits of meditation in a funny kokoshnik. And to start creating, we need to go through the nine circles of hell at least three times, undergo drug rehabilitation and go to meditate in the Tibetan mountains.

Scientific research rejects any division between the creative and corporate working classes

What can we say if in the modern corporate environment there is an artificial division into “creative” and “corporate” types who relate to each other like Gryffindor and Slytherin students. However, almost all studies of creativity that have been conducted over the past 50 years reject this division: the creative muscle has nothing to do with genetics, intelligence, or personality traits.

For example, during an experiment at the Institute for Diagnostics and Personality Research (IPAR), scientists invited several dozen successful representatives of different creative professions. Over the course of several days, they went through a lot of questions, which did not really clarify where to look for creative inclinations. The only ones common features of those studied looked like this: balanced personal characteristics, above average intelligence, openness to new experiences and a tendency to choose difficult options. As you can see, nothing special.

There is no such thing as a creative personality type

Then stubborn guys in white coats began to look for creative inclinations in personal qualities person: a huge amount of information was collected about the outstanding creators of the 20th century, after which everyone passed the virtual test “five-factor model of personality.” Scientists expected that creative people there will be a bias in one of the five personal characteristics (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism), but again the finger in the sky - among the subjects there were neurasthenics, and extroverts, and friendly drunkards, and many others. Conclusion: there is no creative personality type.

Having abandoned psychology, they began to look for the creative muscle in the human brain. The researchers did not give a damn about the request for cremation and immediately after the death of the genius they began to study his skull. And again disappointment: the brain of the famous physicist was no different from the brain of a professional baseball player or a homeless person who had been hit by a car. The third round of slingshot shooting at airplanes is completed, the scientists are “on fire” with a score of 3:0.

There is no correlation between the gene code and creativity

When psychologists, physiologists, and simply everyone who cared were left with nothing, genetics, which had previously unsuccessfully tried to find the old age gene and the gene, began to solve the problem. To rule out differences in genes and the influence of upbringing, the scientists studied only families with twin children. Researching the Connecticut Twin Registry since 1897, Marvin Reznikoff's group assembled a team of 117 twins and divided them into two groups (identical and fraternal). The results of two dozen tests showed that correlations between the gene code and creative abilities No. 4:0, and it's almost Argentina versus Jamaica.

Over the past 50 years, there have been a wagon and a small cart of such experiments. In his book “The Muse Won’t Come,” David Brooks provides a dozen more references to unsuccessful attempts to find the nature of the creative muscle and concludes that, like any other skill, it can be improved through training.

Training to improve creative thinking

Morning Pages

Old as time, but an effective method. As soon as we wake up, we grab a notepad and pen and start writing. It doesn't matter whether it's a story about Godzilla walking through Tokyo, an essay about a warm blanket, or a sleepy analysis of the geopolitics of Mongolia. The main thing is to just write and not think about anything. The norm for morning writing is three notebook pages or 750 words. You can use the 750 words resource and drum on the keys, but experienced scribblers advise doing it the old fashioned way - with pen on paper.

What if

This is not even a method, but a simple question that Stanislavsky forced any aspiring actor to ask. “What if” can be applied to any familiar object, part or action. For example, what if the story in a book was told with pictures? This is how the comic came about. Or what if, instead of world news, we told what excites ordinary people? This is how the yellow press appeared.

This method perfectly develops imagination and is actually the trigger for any creative process. And it’s a lot of fun to ask strange questions. What if all people drank blood? What if a funny man with the habits of a dictator from a banana republic became the president of the country?

Word crushing

In the adult brain there is a rigid system of symbols that, at the first opportunity, likes to evaluate and label everything around. As a result of such automation, but this is also the main reason for narrow and stereotyped thinking. By coming up with new words, we force our brain to turn off rational thinking and turn on imagination. The technique comes from childhood and is extremely simple: we take any two words, combine them into one and then try to imagine what it would look like in life. Bath + toilet = bathtub, Kim + Kanye = Kimye.

Torrens method

The method is based on doodles - scribbles of the same type that need to be turned into a drawing. On a sheet of paper we draw identical symbols in a row (a circle, two circles, a nail, a cross, a square, etc.). Then we turn on our imagination and start drawing.

Example. The circle could be Captain America's shield, a cat's eye, or a nickel, and the square could be a haunted house or a piece of art. It develops not only imagination, but also persistence in searching for ideas, since each new doodle is a competition with oneself.

Focal object method

The method is to find connections between the main idea and random objects. For example, we open a book on a random page, grab 3-5 words that first caught our eye, and try to connect them with the subject we are thinking about. A book can be replaced by a TV, a video game, a newspaper, or something else. Works great when the thought process moves by inertia.

Gordon's analogies

This is not the easiest to learn, but a very effective method. William Gordon believed that the source of creative ideas lies in the search for analogies, which he divided into four groups.

  • Direct analogy: we are looking for an analogy to an object in the surrounding world. On a scale from your room to the country.
  • Symbolic: We are looking for an analogy that will describe the essence of the object in a nutshell.
  • Fantastic analogy: we come up with an analogy, taking the limitations of objective reality out of the equation.
  • Personal analogy: we try to take the place of the object and look at the situation through the eyes of the object. For example, how does the chair on which we sit live?

Indirect Strategies

This is a very strange and interesting way that Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt came up with to bring a tired brain out of a creative block along secret paths. The essence of the method: we have 115 cards with advice written on them. Moreover, the advice is quite strange: “Remove ambiguities and turn them into details,” “Massage your neck,” or “Use an old idea.” The trick is that there are no direct instructions for action, and in each advice two people can see two different solutions to the problem. You can make the cards yourself and pour them, for example, into a vase or use online tips. For example, .

Stick to a daily routine

In his latest work, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Haruki Murakami debunks the myth of the creative lazy person, talking about the fact that a strict daily routine (getting up at 5 a.m., bedtime at 10 pm) became the main catalyst for his performance. The mind is inclined to be capricious and find excuses for its own laziness, and following the regime takes it out of it and teaches it to turn on half a turn.

Don't neglect other creative activities

Study or. Any creative activity keeps the brain in good shape, and their alternation switches attention and allows you to find answers in rather unexpected places.

According to research, more than a third of laureates Nobel Prize in literature they were engaged in another type of art - painting, theater or dance. Einstein called music his second passion and, if he had not become a physicist, most likely would have become a violinist.

Don't give up

When things don't get off the ground, persevere. For example, the writer Rody Doyle says that during a stupor he begins to pour out on paper the nonsense that comes to mind. After a while, the brain stops pushing and protesting and simply turns off, releasing streams of thoughts. And Hemingway, when he sat down to write a novel, could write dozens of versions of the first sentence until he found the one he believed. Then he developed the action from it.

Don't get hung up

If persistence does not help, we go from the opposite. Go for a walk, do something distracted, communicate with other people. There is a theory according to which everything has long been invented, and the creative process lies only in the combination of these ideas. And if the answers are hidden within us, we just need to tune in to the right wave and hear them. You can sit in the sun in the lotus position, concentrate on washing dishes, walk through the forest listening to ambient music, or go jumping at a rock concert. The main thing is to do what allows us to turn off the internal dialogue and concentrate on the moment.

Treat creativity like a game

Creativity is first and foremost fun. Don't take it too seriously. Now I will explain why. In 2001, an experiment was conducted at Maryland College in which students had to guide a mouse through a maze drawn as in childhood. The students of the first group walked forward towards the piece of cheese (positive attitude), while the second group ran away from the owl (negative attitude). Both groups completed it in the same amount of time, but the students of the second group started avoidance mechanisms, and the second group took, on average, 50% longer to solve the problems that followed the maze than the students of the first group.

Just start

Many of us in childhood dreamed of becoming musicians, artists or actors, but over time, a pragmatic approach to life pushed these dreams further into the mezzanine. Betsy Edwards has a theory that most modern people With age, the left half of the brain becomes dominant. She is responsible for analytical thinking, a system of symbols and a mode of action, and every time we try to learn to play the guitar or draw, we hear her voice, which advises us to put this bullshit aside and do something useful.

At first it will be difficult to step over, but if you have the courage and desire, then over time his voice will become quieter, and criticism in the style of “you draw like an asshole” will be replaced by something more constructive. Getting started is the hardest thing.


As you can see, Every person can think creatively, the only question is training. This can be compared to a lack of flexibility: immediately trying to do the splits, we will grunt, moan and cry, but if the muscles are properly warmed up and stretched, then in a couple of years it will be possible to send a resume for the position of a circus gymnast. The main thing is to remember that it's never too late to start something new: artists, musicians, poets and writers already live within us. Feel free to wake them up.