Pedagogical work with gifted junior schoolchildren. Working with gifted children of primary school age in the classroom and outside of school hours

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary school with. Krasny Yar"

Organization of work with gifted children

Organization of extracurricular activities with gifted children

Prepared by the teacher

primary classes

Arkhipova N.P.

December 2018

Organization of work with gifted children

Organization of extracurricular activities with gifted children

Childhood should be a time of joy,

a time of peace, play, learning and growth. Children's lives should become more fulfilling as their perspectives broaden and their experiences gain.

(Convention on the Rights of the Child).

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, an educational institution is obliged to organize extracurricular activities for students, including gifted and talented children. Extracurricular activities of gifted students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard take on new relevance, since extracurricular forms and methods of work have wide possibilities for identifying and developing students' giftedness.

Extracurricular activities allow the most productive education and development of gifted children in their free time from school, using extracurricular activities as a resource that allows them to achieve a new quality of education.

The Standard's requirements for organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren are as follows:

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process at school.

Extracurricular activities contribute to the full implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Extracurricular activities are included in the school's educational program. Filling specific content of this section is within the competence educational institution.

The forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program are determined by the educational institution.

To develop the potential of students, especially gifted children, educational institution Various forms of extracurricular activities can be organized. Let's look at some of them.

Creative workshop.

A creative workshop is a form of organizing the educational process for the development creativity gifted children.

A creative workshop as a form of extracurricular activity is very important. Its main goals and objectives are to create additional features for the development of young talents. Through creative workshops, educational and methodological assistance is provided to children and teachers, expanding the horizons of students and improving pedagogical excellence for teachers working with gifted children, conditions are created for the exchange of teaching experience.

A creative workshop for gifted children is a special creative environment in which every child can feel the joy of creation.

Classes for gifted children in creative workshops stimulate a burst of activity and increase interest in subjects, creative comprehension occurs educational material, student self-development and creativity development.

According to Inna Alekseevna Mukhina’s definition, “a workshop is a form of teaching children that provides conditions for each participant to ascend to new knowledge and new experience through independent or collective discovery. The basis for discovery in any field of knowledge, including self-knowledge, in the workshop is the creative activity of each participant and awareness of the patterns of this activity.”

A workshop is a technology that requires the teacher to move to a position of partnership with students; this technology is aimed at “immersing” workshop participants in the process of search, cognition and self-knowledge.

Classes in the workshops are based on the principles of cooperation, co-creation, joint search, independence, proactive search, and employment of all students. Everyone contributes to the process of mastering new knowledge, practicing options for behavior in a situation of striving for success.

Optional classes.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, elective classes in schools become the main form of differentiation of education.

Extracurricular activities are a form of organization training sessions outside school hours, aimed at expanding and deepening students’ knowledge of academic subjects in accordance with their needs, requests, abilities and inclinations, as well as enhancing cognitive activity.

Electives perform important functions in the development of giftedness. One of them is the subject-increasing function. Gifted students in elective classes increase the level of study of individual subjects and can successfully prepare for subject Olympiads and competitions.

The second function is the motivating function. In elective classes, the need for search, knowledge, and creativity arises, and this forms a stable cognitive motivation for further development.

For electives aimed at deepening students’ knowledge in disciplines curriculum, continuity in the goals, content and technologies of teaching is of great pedagogical importance, since it predetermines a high level of educational achievements and personal development of students.

Subject circles.

A club is an effective form of extracurricular academic work on a specific subject. During lessons, it is not always possible to satisfy all student requests. The cognitive interests of gifted children often go beyond curricula and textbooks. In this case, a skillfully organized circle work acquires great pedagogical significance.Subject clubs serve as an effective means in solving such problems as instilling interest in the subject, expanding and deepening the knowledge gained in the lesson. Activities in clubs for gifted younger children school age ensure the formation and improvement of practical skills in a particular academic subject, the development of individual inclinations of students towards a particular branch of science.

Systematic classes of students in a subject group contributes to improving the quality of their knowledge, development of talent, and good manners.The commonality of interests of schoolchildren in a subject circle creates favorable conditions to establish closer interpersonal connections, which has a positive effect on the psyche and character of gifted children.

Intellectual marathons and games.

Intellectual marathons and games are another form extracurricular activities with gifted children, in which competitive elements are introduced into the intellectual activity of students.

Such intellectual games allow you to diversify the usual school life. Children are emotional and impressionable; creating a holiday atmosphere or an extraordinary event around ordinary activities remains in their memory for a long time. Competitions give students the opportunity to express themselves, demonstrate their abilities - memory, knowledge, ability to think logically, and not lose composure in difficult moments- not in the usual conditions of a typical lesson, but in an atmosphere of general attention and interest.

The main function of intellectual games is the development of thinking, higher mental functions, logic, processes of analysis and synthesis, generalization and classification, comparison and contrast.

All intellectual games are divided into two blocks - quizzes and strategies. Quizzes are a form of intellectual game where success is achieved through the largest number of correct answers. Quizzes are divided into test and story-based.

Test quizzes - here participants answer a question and receive a score. Such games can be seen on TV - “Oh, lucky one!”, “What, where, when?” Story quizzes are more interesting. These games involve imagination and use elements of theatricality. Examples include such television programs as “Why”, “Wheel of History”.

Strategies are a form of intellectual game. Here, success is achieved by proper planning by the participants of their actions. The role-playing strategy develops along scenario and improvised directions.

Scientific and practical conferences .

Student conferences as an individual form of extracurricular activities

is thematic in nature. In the process of preparation, students, based on a wide range of sources, prepare reports, messages, videos, a series of stands and albums on a particular issue. The conference, like no other form of extracurricular educational work, forms the personal aspect of the perception of knowledge, helps to instill in students skills, a culture of intellectual and practical work, the ability to independently obtain and expand knowledge, and fosters social activity in schoolchildren.

The purpose of the student conference is to attract the attention of as many students as possible to the educational problem or topic being studied. Therefore, the topic should not only be relevant, but also interesting and accessible to most students.

Student conferences are designed to develop students’ ability to public speaking. This is connected not only with the intellectual, meaningful support of the report, but also with the development of students’ speech, its correctness, expressiveness, brightness, naturalness, correct intonation, simplicity, scientific character, accessibility, and clarity.


The Olympics are the joy of intellectual competition and the opportunity to test your knowledge of school subjects.

The most important means of developing a child’s giftedness is holding subject Olympiads. The Olympiad develops students’ interest in the subject, introduces them to non-traditional tasks and questions, and awakens a desire to work with additional literature, develops independent work skills, helps to unleash creative potential.

The participation of gifted children in Olympiads helps the teacher to show the importance of the subjects studied at school, enriches the quality of education, allows you to plan individual work with talented students and show parents the prospects for the development of their child.

Olympiads sum up all extracurricular work in the subjects studied and provide an opportunity to compare the quality of students’ preparation and development. It is the Olympiads that allow the student to learn and express himself, and give him the opportunity to assert himself. Even the most insignificant achievements give rise to faith in the student’s abilities. In addition, Olympiads contribute to the identification and development of gifted students, since some students do not stand out in the classroom: they diligently study the program material without going beyond its scope. But during the Olympiad, such students often demonstrate their abilities when solving non-standard tasks.


1. Dal V.I. Dictionary living Great Russian language. St. Petersburg Dynamite LLP, 1996.

2. Leites N. S. Age-related giftedness of schoolchildren. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000.

3. Slutskoy G.B. Gifted children. M.: Progress, 2001.

4. Gifted children and pedagogical conditions for their development.

5. School work with gifted children.



“A person’s talent is a small sprout that barely emerges from the ground and requires enormous attention. It is necessary to cherish and cherish it, to look after it, to do everything so that it grows and bears abundant fruit.”

Today, the problem of identifying, developing and supporting gifted children is extremely relevant for Russia. Discovering and realizing their abilities and talents is important not only for a gifted child, as an individual, but also for society as a whole. Gifted and talented children and youth are the potential of any country, allowing it to develop effectively and constructively solve modern economic and social problems. In this regard, working with gifted and highly motivated children is extremely necessary.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the importance of this problem.

Here is one of the points of the message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: «… It is necessary to complete the creation of a nationwide system for finding and supporting talented children. Everyone should have the opportunity to develop their abilities from an early age, regardless of income level, social status of parents and place of residence of families."

Identifying gifted children and organizing systematic work is one of the main tasks of modern schools and educational practice in the context of modernization of the Russian education system.

Every normal child has enormous development opportunities. But this does not mean that, under equal conditions, we can expect the same abilities in all children. Indeed, there are children who, either explicitly or implicitly, stand out among their peers in their ability to learn. And these children really require a special approach, because the higher their difference from their peers, the richer the prospects for their personal development.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal with gifted children, but with a clear understanding that problem of identification, training and development gifted children is complex, lying at the intersection of the above problems.

Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Since September 2011, the Federal State educational standard(hereinafter referred to as GEF). The Federal State Educational Standard is based on a systemic-activity approach, which, among the many planned results, involves: the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of modern society; accounting individual characteristics students; diversity of their development, ensuring the growth of creative potential and cognitive motives.

Among the key areas of education development within the framework of the national educational initiative “Our new school» a special place is occupied by the development of a support system for gifted children, improving the development of a creative environment for identifying gifted children

Reforms that have taken place in the domestic education system over the past last decade, focus on humanistic, personality-oriented and developmental educational technologies changed the attitude towards students who demonstrate extraordinary abilities. Gradually, an understanding begins to form in the public consciousness that the transition to a century innovative technologies is impossible without preserving and increasing intellectual potential, since this is one of the decisive factors economic development countries. Consequently, the creation of conditions that ensure the early identification, training and education of gifted children, the realization of their potential, is one of the promising directions for the development of the education system.

The most important priority in such a situation becomes the intellect, the creative development of those who will later become bearers of the leading ideas of the social process. Therefore, gifted children should be considered as a national treasure of the country and be at the center of special pedagogical and social programs, since the greatest hopes for improving living conditions and prosperity in Russia lie with gifted young people.

Also, to record the results of educational and extracurricular activities, a “Portfolio” was created, which serves as a good stimulator for their educational activities, because it reflects the children's achievements.

Today there is a social order for a creative person, therefore, in his pedagogical activity I pay great attention to this problem, especially since every teacher knows that an important period in the development and formation of personality is the initial period of education. It is this age that is most amenable to the education and development of a child’s creative abilities. Children of primary school age are the most open, receptive and curious.

Goals and objectives

Primary school age is a period of absorption, accumulation and assimilation of knowledge, which means that the most important problem of our society is the preservation and development of talent. Primary school teachers have the main task of promoting the development of each individual. Therefore, it is important to establish the level of abilities and their diversity in our children, but it is equally important to be able to correctly carry out their development.

If a schoolchild from the first grade is prepared for the fact that he must learn to create, invent, find original solutions, then the formation of a personality will take place on the basis of enriching its intellectual profile...

Goals and objectives of the system of working with gifted children.

I am a teacher, which means that my main target– to raise every student to be successful. My tasks:

    Identification of gifted children and creation of a system of working with children;

    Creating conditions for the optimal development of gifted children.

    Selection of teaching aids that promote the development of independent thinking, initiative and research skills, creativity in class and extracurricular activities;

    Giving modern education using differentiation in the lesson based on the individual characteristics of children;

    Development in gifted children of a qualitatively high level of ideas about the picture of the world, based on universal human values.

    Scientific, methodological and information support for the development of gifted children;

    Social and psychological support for gifted children

Expected results.

    Realization of children's creative potential

    classes in clubs, sections, prizes in competitions, positive dynamics of student advancement.

Methodological results:

    Creation of a data bank that includes information about children with different types of giftedness;

    Development and implementation of programs for the support and development of gifted children, creation of a system of interaction with the primary school and parents of students;

    Using a diagnostic system to identify and track various types of giftedness;

    generalization and systematization of materials of pedagogical activities

Distinctive features of gifted children

1.Have higher intellectual abilities, receptivity to skills, creative capabilities and manifestations compared to most other peers.

2. They have a dominant, active, unsatisfied cognitive need.

3.Experience joy from mental work.

1. Children with an unusually high general level mental development other things being equal.

2. Children with signs of special mental giftedness - giftedness in a certain field of science and art.

3. Students who, for some reason, do not achieve success in their studies, but have bright cognitive activity, originality of mental makeup, and extraordinary mental reserves.

Model of a gifted child:

    A person who is physically, spiritually, morally and socially healthy;

    a person who is capable of independently finding a way out of a problem situation, carrying out search activities, conducting research, reflecting on activities, owning the means and methods of research work;

    a person capable of carrying out independent activities;

    a person with versatile intelligence, compensatory abilities, and a high level of culture;

    a person who is guided in his life activities universal human values and norms, perceiving another person as a person who has the right to freedom of choice and self-expression;

a person who is ready to make a conscious choice and master professional educational programs in certain areas of knowledge, taking into account inclinations, established interests and individual

Principles of working with gifted children

1. The principle of differentiation and individualization of education (the highest level of implementation of which is the development of an individual development program for a gifted child).

2. The principle of maximum variety of opportunities provided

3. The principle of ensuring students' freedom of choice of additional educational services.

4. The principle of advanced learning.

5. The principle of comfort in any activity

6. The principle of developmental education.

7. The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities of gifted children through clubs, sections, electives, and interest clubs.

8. The principle of increasing attention to the problem of interdisciplinary connections in individual work with students.

9. The principle of creating conditions for students to work together with a minimal role for the teacher.

It is very important for me, first of all, to teach children to think independently, search for the necessary information, and compare facts. Then they will not stop learning throughout their lives, regardless of their profession, surpassing me and themselves. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: “Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts, and not through memory...”.

Development of creative potential

I structure my work in the classroom to develop the creative potential of children as follows:

1. As you know, in any business, first of all, it is important motivation.

Younger students are probably the most active students in any school. However, if at first they are interested in everything, they are eager to try themselves in everything, then by the 3rd-4th grade the interest gradually fades away and here it is important not to miss them.

For motivation to various types In my activities I use techniques such as:

- “place of honor in the class.”

Psychological class hours (self-determination class hours “A trip to the world of your Self”, “Fairytale therapy for schoolchildren”),

Creation of a portfolio followed by a public presentation.

2. Next stage - diagnostics students' abilities, which is one of important aspects in working with gifted children.

It is carried out in two stages:

-Preliminary search stage

The main point of work at this level is to collect preliminary information about the child. As a rule, information is collected from four sources: from parents, teachers, psychologists and the children themselves and is compiled in psychological and pedagogical cards.

- Test diagnostics(determining the level of starting capabilities).

In my work I use the following diagnostics:

Study of school motivation,

Map "Interests and needs"

Strategy for working with gifted children

The success of working with gifted children largely depends on how work with this category of students is organized in elementary school. When identifying gifted children, their success in any activity is taken into account: educational, artistic, physical, etc. This stage (1-4 years of study) is characterized by the fact that children willingly master the skill content of learning under the guidance of a teacher and independently. At this stage, it is very important to organize classroom and extracurricular activities as a single process aimed at developing the creative and cognitive abilities of students, to offer a number of additional educational services where each student can realize their emotional, physical needs. Classroom and extracurricular activities should be structured in such a way that the student can demonstrate his capabilities in the most different areas activities. This is important as a source of acquiring new knowledge and new experiences, and should serve as the basis for transforming this knowledge into other areas of activity in the classroom.

Conditions for successful work with gifted students.

Awareness of the importance of this work by each member of the team and, in connection with this, increased attention to the problem of developing positive motivation for learning.

Creation and continuous improvement methodological system working with gifted children.

The teacher must be:

Passionate about his work;

Capable of experimental, scientific and creative activity;

Professionally competent;

Intellectual, moral and erudite;

A conductor of advanced pedagogical technologies;

Psychologist, educator and skillful organizer of the educational process;

Expert in all areas human life.

Forms of work with gifted students.
- creative workshops;
- group classes by parallel classes with strong students;
- hobby groups;
- competitions;
- intellectual marathon;
- participation in Olympiads;
- work according to individual plans;
- research conferences.

Stages of working with gifted students.

Each child is unique, but despite all the individual uniqueness of the real manifestations of children's giftedness, there are quite a few traits that are characteristic of the majority of gifted children. Moreover, along with the deep ones, hidden from the unprofessional eye, there are quite a few that often manifest themselves in the child’s behavior, in his communication with peers and adults and, of course, in cognitive activity. Their value lies in the fact that they can almost always be noticed not only by psychologists, but also by kindergarten teachers, school teachers, parents in the early period. The main thing is to notice the child’s characteristics in a timely manner and develop his gift. The organization of work with gifted children in elementary school can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1- during the period of pre-school preparation;

Stage 2– admission to 1st grade;

Stage 3- in the process of studying in primary school.

Stage 1

Work with gifted children begins during the pre-school preparation period.

Our school cooperates with a preschool educational institution. Primary school teachers conduct classes with preschoolers to prepare for school. During this period, the first acquaintance with future first-graders begins. Teachers often attend classes conducted by kindergarten teachers, observe preschoolers, communicate with them, organize games, competitions, and quizzes. Experience shows that such communication helps a preschooler quickly adapt to school life. The teacher has a general picture of which students will come to his class.

Many years of work experience allowed me to identify a certain list of qualities characteristic of future creators:

    They acquire knowledge in their chosen field early.

    They show high intelligence and good memory.

    Passionate about their work, energetic.

    They demonstrate pronounced independence, the desire to work alone, and individualism.

    They know how to control themselves.

    They have a desire to contact other gifted people, young and old.

    They are able to gain practical experience and quickly acquire artistic and intellectual experience.

But the main indicator of a child’s giftedness is kindergarten in my opinion is his curiosity. Curiosity, which manifests itself quite early, continues to be the most important at all age stages. distinctive feature talented person. I am convinced that when raising a creator, it is very important that curiosity develops in time into a love of knowledge - inquisitiveness, and the latter into a stable mental formation - a cognitive need.

Stage 2

Upon admission to 1st grade, I conduct an interview with preschoolers, and the school psychologist monitors the child’s behavior. Along with “knowledge” indicators, I identified for myself the main signs that a gifted child exhibits:

    educational initiative;

    high level of development of logical thinking;

    originality and flexibility of thinking;

    high concentration of attention;

    excellent memory;


    leadership (not always).

The parents of the future first-grader are also present at the interview and fill out a questionnaire.

The psychologist and teacher may ask questions to the parents during the interview. As a result, already upon admission to 1st grade, an impression is formed about the child, his capabilities and abilities. The main thing becomes clear in what environment the baby developed, was brought up and grew up.

Experience shows that most often gifted children grow up in intelligent families. And the point here is not at all in the special genes of genius - nature distributed them equally among all children. It's about the family atmosphere, the system of family values.

It is no secret that many parents encourage and would like to develop their child's cognitive needs and various abilities. But they do it, naturally, in different ways and, unfortunately, not all of them.

Stage 3

Junior school age is a period of absorption, accumulation and assimilation of knowledge. The success of this process is facilitated by characteristic features children of this age: trusting submission to authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, a naive and playful attitude towards much of what they encounter. In younger schoolchildren, each of the listed abilities is expressed mainly by its positive side, and this is the unique uniqueness of this age. Some of the characteristics of younger schoolchildren fade away in subsequent years, while others largely change their meaning. It is difficult to assess the actual significance of the signs of abilities manifested in childhood, and even more so to foresee their further development. It is often discovered that the bright manifestations of a child’s abilities, sufficient for initial success in some activities, do not at all open the way to real, socially significant achievements in the future. In working with gifted children initial stage Education at school respects the relationships between natural inclinations, the society in which the child develops and is raised, and the creation of optimal conditions for the development of his talent.


When working with gifted children, personal and age characteristics each child, the nature of family relationships and development emotionally - strong-willed qualities children, conditions are created for parents to master ways of forming a positive “I-concept” in the child as the most important condition for the full realization of the potential capabilities of a gifted child.

This allows each child to self-realize, identify a large group of talented and gifted children at an early stage of education and create an environment for each lyceum student to develop motivation for knowledge and creativity, intellectual and personal initiative

Forms and methods of creative teaching for younger schoolchildren

Practice has shown that children with early blossoming intelligence encounter difficulties in the first days of school. And the reason is that learning often begins with something that is no longer “interesting.” It is they, the most inquisitive ones, who often become bored in the classroom after the first lessons. Already able to read and count, they have to remain idle while others learn the alphabet and basic arithmetic operations. Of course, a lot depends on how the teaching is conducted, but no matter how the teacher tries to treat students individually, when dealing with a whole class, he is deprived of the opportunity to focus on strong students. An intelligent and active student, trying to attract attention by quickly and easily completing all tasks, can soon become a burden to both the teacher and his peers.

I actively use a differentiated approach, various forms and methods of creative teaching

Gradual approach of younger schoolchildren to independent decision problems are carried out using partially search or heuristic method. One of the techniques this method is a heuristic conversation

The essence of such a conversation is that questions are thought out in advance, each of which stimulates the student to carry out a small search. By considering all the questions, students understand a new phenomenon for them.

Maximum cognitive activity achieved with research method. Knowledge gained through one's own observations and experiments is usually the most durable. Educational research allows you to freely search for the necessary information and develop independent work skills. Research and observations encourage the primary school student to think big, look for cause-and-effect relationships in the phenomena being studied, and draw independent conclusions and generalizations.

The organization of student research activities is carried out through the educational process:

1. Use in the lesson, taking into account age guidelines, pedagogical technologies based on the use of the research method of teaching:

    developmental education technology,

    technology of using circuit and symbolic models,

    humane-personal technology of education,

    advanced learning technology;

    project activities;

2. Conducting various types of non-traditional lessons that involve students performing educational research or its elements:

lesson - research,

lesson - travel,

lesson - creative report,

lesson - defense of research projects.

3. Conducting a training experiment.

4. Students completing long-term homework of a research nature.

When choosing the form of work, the age characteristics of the children, their interests and inclinations are taken into account. One of the most difficult stages of educational and research work with children from a methodological point of view is the moment of initial inclusion of students in their own research activities. The first step in this matter, as in many others, often seems to be the most difficult, and it must begin precisely at the first stage of training.

Formable components of a student’s research culture

1st–2nd grades:

    inclusion in the lesson of tasks aimed at creating a sequence of actions;

    solving problems in combinatorics, logical problems with the concepts of “truth”, “false”;

    carrying out work to identify cause-and-effect relationships;

    training in observation and description techniques;

    familiarity with terminology, some concepts about research methods;

    developing experience working with dictionaries and other sources of information;

    carrying out collective research according to a specific plan.

3rd grade:

    carrying out long-term research using existing knowledge and skills:

    conducting information search, highlighting the main thing;

    conducting experiments, conducting observations, protecting messages and reports.

4th grade:

    formation of reading competence;

    formation of the desire and basis for the ability to learn: the ability to see the boundary between the known and the unknown;

    correlation of results with the sample, finding errors and eliminating them, developing criteria for evaluating creative work;

    formation of techniques and skills of educational cooperation.

Lately I have been actively using it at work. project method.

Main target inclusion of junior schoolchildren in project activities - stimulation of cognitive activity, disclosure of individual creative inclinations, development of planning and implementation skills scientific research, individualization of the process of training, education and development. The organization of project activities from grades 2-3 contributes to the development of the following knowledge, skills and abilities:

    independently identify a problem, prove facts, phenomena, patterns;

    find several options for solving the identified problem and justify the most rational of them;

    classify, compare, analyze and generalize the studied phenomena and patterns;

    conduct data collection, experiments, put forward and substantiate hypotheses;

    apply scientific methods research;

    design your work;

    review and evaluate your own work, as well as the work of other students.

Useful for the development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren are deciphering and composing cryptograms, labyrinths, exercises for comparison and contrast

Tasks for isolation in the mass play an important role educational information semantic elements, solving creative problems when children receive new information in addition to the question, drawing up logical chains from formulas, finding physical terms in a randomly selected test.

In order to find a solution to a particular issue, not only observational method, experiments, modeling, but also fantasy, exaggeration, brainstorming, whose main task is to collectively collect as many ideas as possible.

Working with gifted children in the classroom

Find a growth point

To successfully work with a gifted child, I try to find his strengths and give him the opportunity to show it, feel the taste of success and believe in his capabilities. Showing your strengths means being able to retreat from school curriculum, not be limited by its framework. Following this principle revealed a problem: often the point of growth lies outside the school curriculum.

Identifying individual characteristics

Giftedness does not lie on the surface. Teachers must master the methodology for determining it well. Most teachers place too much faith in testing and have insufficient information about students. It is believed that a child with high intelligence should be superior to others in all school subjects. Consequently, teachers expect the greatest emotional and social maturity from him and are convinced that he does not need special help.

Upbringing leadership qualities

A creative personality is characterized by the ability to independently choose a field of activity and move forward. In an educational institution, this is facilitated by a well-thought-out teaching methodology, designed not only to transfer knowledge, but also to develop “the ability to think.”

In my work in class I use:

    Implantation method . Allows students, through sensory, figurative and mental representations, to “move” into the object being studied, to feel and know it from the inside.

    Method of heuristic questions. Answers to seven key questions: Who? What? For what? Where? How? When? How? and their various combinations give rise to unusual ideas and solutions regarding the object under study.

    Comparison method. It makes it possible to compare the versions of different students, as well as their versions with cultural and historical analogues formed by great scientists, philosophers, etc.

    Concept construction method . Promotes the creation of a collective creative product - a jointly formulated definition of a concept.

    Method of traveling to the future. Effective in any general educational field as a way to develop foresight and forecasting skills.

    Error method . Involves changing the established negative attitude to mistakes, replacing it with the constructive use of mistakes to deepen educational processes. Finding connections between error and “correctness” stimulates students’ heuristic activity and leads them to understand the relativity of any knowledge.

    The method of inventing. Allows you to create a product previously unknown to students as a result of certain creative actions.

    The “if only...” method. Helps children draw a picture or write a description of what would happen if something changed in the world. Completing such tasks not only develops imagination, but also allows you to better understand the structure of the real world.

    "Brainstorm" (A.F. Osborne). Allows you to collect a large number of ideas as a result of freeing discussion participants from the inertia of thinking and stereotypes.

    Inversion method or reversal method . Promotes the use of a fundamentally opposite solution alternative. For example, an object is examined from the outside, and the problem is solved by examining it from the inside.

In the process of work, I came to the conclusion that a child who has not mastered the techniques of educational activities in primary school school, in the middle level inevitably goes into the category of underachievers. Learning through activity method provides for the implementation of the educational process in which, at each stage of education, a number of intellectual qualities of the individual are simultaneously formed and improved.

Correct use of the activity-based teaching method in lessons in primary school and in extracurricular activities will optimize educational process, eliminate student overload, prevent school stress, and most importantly, make studying at school a unified educational process.

Use of modern technologies

The technique of interaction between teacher and student in the activity approach is carried out through the use of quality teaching technologies.

In my work I use the most modern technologies aimed at solving educational tasks:

    Developmental education

    Problem-based learning

    Multi-level training

    Using the research method in teaching

    Project methods in teaching

    Game methods

    Collaborative learning

    Information and communication technologies

    Health saving technologies

Name of technology used

Rationale for use.

Existing or predicted result.

Application of ICT.

    increasing student motivation

    a new level of perception of educational material

    achieving differentiation of student learning

    development of information competence

    development of independent skills and abilities of students

    development of competencies

    the level of computer knowledge increases

Technology individual training

    application of tasks of different levels

    development of the ability to independently perform work

Methods of working in groups with the integration of individualized training


    collaboration within the student body

    development of students' communication skills

    interest in the subject increases

    development of teamwork skills

    academic performance and quality of knowledge in the subject increases

Lesson integration (partial)

● all possible integration of Russian language lessons and literary reading, partially - literary reading - fine arts

    be able to extract knowledge in interdisciplinary activities

● increasing student motivation

    increasing interest in the subject being studied


 increasing level efficiency

    improving the quality of knowledge

Technology of level differentiation by V.V. Firsov

 application of tasks of different levels

    development of independent work skills

    the student’s ability to evaluate his own capabilities and results

The use of information and communication technologies in working with gifted children

A modern school should not only develop in students a certain set of knowledge and skills, but also awaken their desire for self-education and the realization of their abilities. A necessary condition for the development of these processes is updating the content of education and intensifying educational and cognitive activities. An important role in solving these problems is assigned to new information technology. Using ICT in the classroom helps create an environment of psychological comfort. Children are not afraid of their own mistakes. All this allows for the majority of students to ensure a transition from passive acquisition of educational material to active, conscious acquisition of knowledge. Computer technology create great opportunities to intensify educational activities, control the quality of education, and broaden the horizons of students.

In the process of studying, diverse application and use of ICT tools, a person is formed who can act not only according to a model, but also independently, receiving the necessary information from as many sources as possible; able to analyze it, put forward hypotheses, build models, experiment and draw conclusions, make decisions in difficult situations. And this is very important when working with gifted children.

I actively use ICT in educational and extracurricular activities. Children of any age are sensitive and vulnerable. It is necessary to give them all the strength and love of your soul, learn with them, live with their hopes and dreams. Only then will the child reveal his soul to the teacher and justify all his hopes.

Together with the children, I sincerely rejoice in everyone’s successes and empathize with mistakes and failures.

Every child is naturally talented, and my first task is to help the talent reveal itself. To do this, I use different ways: games, debates, creative activities, competitions, class hours, collective creative activities, quizzes. Children gladly take part in reading competitions, formation and song reviews, competitions and conferences, sports competitions for younger schoolchildren, and take prizes.

“Every child is an individual.”

This secret was discovered by Vasily Sukhomlinsky. There must be spiritual community in everything. On the one hand, a teacher with a sea of ​​light, but also with knowledge, and on the other, a child. That is why I was interested in the idea of ​​“schoolchild self-esteem,” which helps a child become independent, think freely and have his own opinion, correctly assess the current situation and make decisions.

Primary school teachers have to think through with special care: how to prepare a lesson, how to smile, what first word to say in class so that a first-grader will open his eyes and say: oh, what a wonderful teacher is standing in front of me.

Children younger age think in images. In lessons I give the opportunity to think, and not “quickly, quickly, I can’t see my hands.” I ask questions that have no answer, but need to be thought about. So in class we search, we whisper, and we decide. I create a situation of success, comfort, and collaborate with children. I love humor. And children love teachers with humor. They cannot live without humor, without a smile, without joy.

My lessons are always clearly visual, helping each child to assert themselves.

Of particular pedagogical interest to me is the use of modern technologies, as they are aimed at developing and realizing abilities. At different stages of lessons and extracurricular activities I use information and communication technologies.

Project activities

The main factor in the novelty of working with gifted children using information and communication technologies for teachers is project activities.

However, taking into account the age capabilities of younger schoolchildren requires making a number of clarifications in the methodology for organizing design and research technology:

    in elementary grades, project and research activities should become a special subject of study;

    the research project for younger schoolchildren is largely predetermined (prompted) by adults;

    in terms of volume it is a mini-project,

    according to the method of construction - “quasi-research”;

    in form - this is a group design, individual work possible at the level of performing individual actions;

    within the framework of the “Education for the Future” program, a special subject for primary schoolchildren to master when implementing the project should be computer programs and their capabilities.

Organizing learning through design and research requires fundamental changes in the teacher’s activities.

When including a child in design and research activities, they use interactive methods(techniques) of learning, such as group discussion, brainstorming, thinking stars, role-playing business games. The use of such methods relies on student independence and activity during design and research.

At different stages of organizing students’ design and research activities, I act in various role positions:

Role positions

Type of activity


designs the main milestones of students’ design and research activities before their implementation;


encourages independent search for problems and their solutions, knows ways to ask research-type questions, while creating an atmosphere of safe expression by students of their opinions;


helps track the movement of the search, connecting or contrasting individual statements, and also performs procedural functions (for example, determining the order of statements).

The teacher can build all of the above-mentioned positions provided he has the appropriate means. Such means include:

    emotional positions (for example, not understanding, doubting, attentive listener);

    game positions (for example, inspirational hero, customer, debater).


In general, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process enhances the educational effect;

    improves the quality of material absorption;

    builds individual educational trajectories for students;

    implements a differentiated approach to students;

    organizes simultaneously children with different abilities and opportunities.

Using health-saving technologies in working with gifted children

« To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion.”

According to the latest legislative documents in the field of preschool, primary and general education programs should be aimed at protecting and promoting the health of the child. Moreover, the concept of “Quality Russian education“is not reduced only to training, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with upbringing, the concept of “quality of life.” These concepts are revealed through such categories as “health”, “social well-being”, “self-realization”, and “security”. Indeed, we can talk about the quality of education when it contains a health-preserving and health-enhancing basis.

Sociological research claim that the physical activity of younger schoolchildren is 50% less than that of preschoolers, and for high school students it is only 25% of their waking time. Two school lesson Physical education, of course, cannot compensate for the movement deficit of children. As a result, their vitality decreases, fatigue sets in faster, which in turn leads to inactivity. Therefore, today the teacher is forced to orient schoolchildren towards both physical and spiritual self-improvement, to help develop the needs for independent studies physical exercise, learn to use them during leisure time to restore activity.

Of particular concern are gifted children who exhibit symptoms of stress: the child cannot control his emotions, restrain himself, excitability increases, at the same time there is a decline in academic performance, and the risk of psychosomatic diseases. The main reasons for these phenomena are determined: a sedentary lifestyle, dissatisfaction with oneself. Children with signs of intellectual giftedness, but with physical immaturity, have a personality that is inappropriate for their age. physical fitness. I am making efforts to equalize the imbalance in collaboration with medical professionals.

Compiled psychological characteristics the student’s personality, which will help identify the characteristics of the child’s physical and mental development.

Goal: ensuring the health of students.

    Taking into account the characteristics of each student.

    Creating a favorable microclimate in the classroom and in extracurricular life.

    Using techniques that promote the emergence and maintenance of interest in educational material.

    Creating conditions for students' self-expression.

    Initiating a variety of activities.

    Prevention of physical inactivity.

Expected results:

    Prevent fatigue and fatigue.

    Increasing motivation for learning activities.

    Increase in educational achievements.

Organization of work according to Federal State Educational Standards

With the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard in primary school, teachers must teach the child not only to read, count and write, which they still teach quite successfully, but also must instill two groups of new skills. The first includes the group of universal educational activities that form the basis of the ability to learn: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of motivation in children to learn, helping them in self-organization and self-development.

1st stagedevelopment group work . Communicative UUDs are being formed that provide social competence and taking into account the position of other people, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue.

2nd stageorganization of intergroup discussion . At this stage, children develop regulatory learning skills: the ability to accept and maintain an educational task, plan its implementation, control and evaluate their actions, and make appropriate adjustments to their implementation. Special techniques embedded in this program will help the teacher start an educational discussion: tasks - traps; problems that have no solution; tasks with missing data and others.

At the third stage a full-fledged subject of collective activity is formed , when the group is capable of independently assessing a learning task, choosing a way to work together, dialogue, analysis, proof, modeling and evaluation. Regulatory, communicative and cognitive UUDs are being formed.

The basis of my activities in the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards is a system-activity approach to training using innovative technologies because Schoolchildren’s own educational activities are an important component of the system-activity approach. It can be expressed by the formula “activity-personality”, i.e. “as is the activity, so is the personality,” and “outside of activity there is no personality.” UD becomes a source of internal development of the student, the formation of his creative abilities and personal qualities.

At the beginning of the school year, I conducted a starting diagnostic aimed at identifying the main problems typical for the majority of students, and in accordance with them, I planned a system of work to ensure personal and meta-subject results. It clearly traces the holistic work on the formation of educational learning through subject lines of development, extracurricular activities, the use of project technology, technology for productive reading, group work, and work in pairs.

Work on the formation of the UUD was based on the following algorithm:




Adjustment plan

Selection of tasks,


To sum up the results for the first half of the year, a diagnostic success map was developed educational results 1st grade student.

It is important to note such a regulatory universal educational action as reflection. Students' reflection of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of educational activity. She was an integral part of all lessons in the class. To evaluate their work in class, children use so-called “traffic light” cards, as well as emoticons with phrases.

As I already said, the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO defines personal, meta-subject and subject results as the results of mastering the main educational program, therefore at the end of each quarter and academic year in the classroom, in order to identify the personal development of a first-grader, testing work. The system of differentiated tasks provides students with space to independently select tasks and determine activities adequate to their level of preparedness.

In addition, to track the quality of learning by first-graders in individual subjects, monitoring was used, the creation of which was based on the Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs according to the 2nd generation Federal State Educational Standard, where the main focus is on personal, meta-subject and subject results. Tracking methodology (Toolkit) - level of knowledge in the subject, personal observations of the teacher, control sections, tests...

The process of students acquiring knowledge is individual, so I use various forms of diagnostics that monitor work in the lesson, which take into account the learning ability and proficiency levels of each student in the class.

Extracurricular activities

In order to determine the interests of students for extracurricular activities at our school, parents of first-graders and their children were offered questionnaires, based on the results of which groups of children were formed for interest activities.

Extracurricular activities in the classroom are organized in such a way as to ensure a balance between motor-active and static activities. The form of their implementation is completely different from the lesson teaching system and is represented by the following areas:

general intellectual

In the afternoon, children do not show signs of fatigue, are active, and are happy to engage in creative activities. Parents have a positive attitude towards the extended daily routine; additional classes are assessed as an opportunity to develop their children’s creative abilities. During the year, a number of parent meetings, where the successes and problems of children were discussed, the results of extracurricular activities were presented - the creative works of students.

The introduction of hours for extracurricular activities for students increases the school’s ability to expand the range of educational services provided and creates opportunities for organizing individual design and research work with students

Based on the results of the first stage of education, I imagine such a primary school graduate: this

A student with an interest in research

Communication skills


Has self-organization skills and healthy image life.

The experience of introducing the second generation Federal State Educational Standards allowed me to conclude that this kind of reform of the system of operation of an educational institution is necessary, because the Second Generation Standards are a means of ensuring the stability of a given level of quality of education and its constant reproduction and development.

Working with parents

A child is not an amorphous mass, but a creature concealing within itself forces the likes of which cannot be found on the entire planet. This power of spirit, mind and heart hidden in a child, if brought to perfection, will become a superpower capable of transforming, enriching, decorating everything around him - and in himself.

But the point is that no matter what powers are hidden in a child, he himself will not be able to develop anything in himself, he will not even be able to stand on his feet, let alone rise to the level of a human being.

Making, raising, creating a person out of him is a serious task for wise adults, loving adults.

Trinity of education and upbringing: teacher-student-parent. I see this connection as a social partnership, living life together with children in cooperation. And cooperation is possible if it is built through common efforts, while observing several fundamental conditions, using modern educational technologies, in which the chances of mutual understanding between teachers, children and parents increase.

Parents are the child’s first educators and teachers, so their role in shaping his personality is enormous.

As part of working with gifted children, work is carried out with parents, who are allies and assistants to the teacher in working with children.

    promotion psychological-pedagogical parental knowledge;

    inclusion of parents in the educational process;

    interaction between the lyceum and parents in the development of the child’s abilities

Basic principles in working with parents are:

    Openness to parents

The teacher strives to ensure that children's families regularly receive the necessary and reliable information about the life of the class and the educational achievements of their children. To do this, it provides families with basic information about the educational program, the progress of children, important events in the classroom, and also creates conditions for parents to want to attend training sessions.

    Respect for the interests and capabilities of each family

The teacher studies and discusses with parents the interests and needs of each family, and builds his work based on taking into account its capabilities.

    Finding your allies in your parents

The teacher discusses with parents a wide variety of issues in the child’s life and strives to develop joint decisions, which are the basis for bilateral cooperation.

    Encouraging families to have closer contact with each other

The teacher helps families discover and satisfy their common interests, encourages families to participate jointly in preparing children for various contests, games, and competitions.

Various forms are actively used in working with parents.

Developed by me subject matter working with parents of gifted children.

Working on the problem of “Working with gifted children in elementary school,” she divided parents into several types:

    « Activists"





These parents constantly offer their children some educational games, activities, and interests.

With some persistence and consistency, this strategy brings results. But often a child has an internal protest, even with external submission. Sometimes this is expressed in increased fatigue of the child from any intellectual activity.


Parents entrust the determination of abilities and their development in the child to specially trained people. There are a lot of services of this kind offered now. These include development groups for preschoolers, school preparation groups, and all kinds of specialized classes in schools. Of course, with a good level of such services, the benefits for the child are undoubted. But provided that parents are not going to completely shift the worries about his development onto the shoulders of specialists.


Parents are not active in the development of their child. They believe that if a person is given a gift, then it will not go anywhere, will not disappear, and will definitely manifest itself somewhere. However, recent studies refute this point of view. Giftedness exists only in constant movement, in development; it is a kind of garden that needs to be cultivated tirelessly. The creative gift does not tolerate stagnation and self-satisfaction. It exists only in dynamics - it either develops or fades away.


Parents do not seek to completely control the development of the child’s abilities, but they provide him with opportunities to choose and try to select good school. The most important thing in such families is the atmosphere of bright cognitive interests the parents themselves. They themselves are constantly passionate about some activity, read a lot, choose educational programs on television, try to visit a new exhibition, without imposing all this on the child, but giving him the opportunity to find a suitable activity himself. As it turns out, this self-development strategy is the most effective.

School education This is the area where the formation of personal qualities and creative abilities mainly takes place. The middle and older age stages are the most attractive for parents from the point of view of developing the child’s intellectual and creative abilities, but to be effective in working with gifted children, it must begin at early age, in elementary school Practical problem in such conditions - providing psychological, medical and pedagogical support to families with capable and gifted children, developing a system of recommendations for parents on the upbringing, development, and education of children. It can be solved through:

1. Questioning parents to determine the main approaches of parents to this problem.

2. Lectures for parents.

3. Selection of scientific and practical literature for parents.

4. The system of teaching children in the system additional education.

Among the activities for working with parents, a significant place is occupied by reading for them popular science series of lectures on the problems of development, training and education of gifted children. These are lectures of the following nature:

    The concept of giftedness.

    Types of giftedness.

    Giftedness and gender.

    Psychological aspects of giftedness.

    Career guidance for gifted children.

    Social adaptation of a gifted child.

Parents should accept their children for who they are, and not view them as bearers of talent. Their talents grow out of the personality of the individual, and their achievements ultimately depend on how that personality develops.

Gifted child will not be able to realize his abilities without the conditions created for this. The environment must be such that the child can draw information from it, help him realize himself, constantly expand his zone of proximal development and form a motivational sphere. To achieve this, various circles, clubs, and sections should work in different directions. Participation in various competitions and olympiads outside of school also stimulates the development of gifted children.

A reasonable system for encouraging the success of a gifted child is necessary. It is very important to formulate the concept of result not for the sake of reward, but for the sake of self-improvement and self-development.

    give your child time to think and reflect;

    Try to regularly communicate with gift specialists and parents of gifted children to stay up to date with current information;

    try to develop the child’s abilities in all areas. For example, for an intellectually gifted child, classes aimed at developing creative, communicative, physical and artistic abilities would be very useful;

    avoid comparing children with each other;

    Give your child the opportunity to find solutions without fear of making mistakes. Help him value, above all, his own original thoughts and learn from his mistakes;

    encourage good work organization and proper time management;

    encourage initiative. Let your child make their own toys , games and models from any available materials;

    encourage asking questions. Help your child find books or other sources of information to get answers to his questions;

    Give your child the opportunity to get the most out of life experience. Encourage hobbies and interests in a wide variety of areas;

    do not expect that the child will always show his talent in everything;

    Be careful when correcting your child. Excessive criticism can stifle creativity and a sense of self-worth;

    Find time for communication as a family. Help your child express himself .

Parents must strive to develop the following personal qualities in their children:

    confidence based on a sense of self-worth;

    understanding the strengths and weaknesses in oneself and in others;

    intellectual and creative curiosity;

    respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy and patience;

    the habit of relying on one’s own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions;

    ability to help find common ground and joy in communicating with people of all ages, races, socioeconomic and educational levels.

Parents will create excellent conditions for the development of these qualities if they demonstrate through their own behavior that:

    they value what they want to instill in the child morally, socially or intellectually;

    they accurately calculate the moment and degree of response to the child’s needs;

    they rely on their own strengths and allow the child to look for a way out of the current situation himself, to solve every task that he can do (even if they themselves can do everything faster and better);

They put virtually no pressure on the child in his school affairs, but are always ready to help if necessary or provide additional information in an area in which the child shows interest.

Effectiveness of the work system

I consider the most important results of work carried out with gifted and capable children to be high motivation for educational activities, increasing the degree of independence of students in acquiring knowledge and improving skills, developing skills in working with popular science, educational and reference literature, and developing students’ creative abilities. In addition, it increased cognitive activity children, their participation in various kinds of competitions, Olympiads and competitions. The results of the work carried out are evidenced by the following data.

Subject Olympiads

Identifying the intellectual potential of children, determining their creative abilities and aptitudes for individual subjects are the main step in working with gifted children. Olympiads play a major role in developing interest in subjects.

Subject Olympiads are competitions among schoolchildren in various fields of knowledge.

The goal of the Olympiad is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of gifted students, develop and maintain interest in learning, the desire for self-realization, and develop planning and self-control skills.

It is advisable to hold olympiads in mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, and the surrounding world at the end of the school year - March, April, once a year in two rounds (the first is qualifying - class, the second is in parallel). Everyone in the class participates in the first round, and the winners of the qualifying round participate in the second round. During the school year, painstaking work takes place to prepare students for the Olympiad. Students are offered questions and assignments on subjects, reference literature is recommended, and entertaining exercises are given.

Materials for the Olympiad include several types of tasks. They provide both program material and advanced material. When performing such tasks, the student demonstrates the ability to classify, generalize, predict the result, and “turn on” intuition and imagination.

The Olympics are primarily a holiday for children. Therefore, before the start of the Olympiads, it is planned to hold a solemn assembly at which congratulations and wishes of good luck in the intellectual competition will be heard.

Indicators of the effectiveness of implementing a system of work with gifted children:

    Children's satisfaction with their activities and an increase in the number of such children.

    Level Up individual achievements children in educational areas for which they have aptitude.

    Adaptation of children to society in the present time and in the future.

    Increasing the level of children’s proficiency in general subject and social competencies, increasing the number of such children.

Advanced training courses, competitions, seminars help me understand modern requirements to work with gifted children.

Studying other people's experiences, I am happy to share my own. Always happy to help my colleagues.

1.Together with teachers and parents, design the educational activities of a particular student.

2. Provide self-analysis of the student’s success and further personal development.

3.Give each student a chance to take a higher ranking position.

4.Next academic year subject teachers to implement more

in-depth preparation of students for participation in Olympiads.

Pedagogical commandments for raising gifted children:

    Accept everything that is in the child as natural, in accordance with his nature, even if it does not correspond to your knowledge, cultural ideas and moral principles. If a child screams or runs through the corridors, first of all this is a legitimate and special manifestation of his internal energy, and only secondly – ​​violation of the rules of public behavior. The only exception is the child’s rejection of what threatens the health of people and his own health.

    Having accepted all the child’s manifestations, both positive and negative, accompany him with positive self-realization. If you help and approve the child’s cultural work in every possible way, stimulate his creative ideas, then they will grow and develop in him. Miscalculations and shortcomings, on which teachers clearly do not concentrate their attention, will go away without receiving external energy support.

    Try not to teach your child anything directly. Always learn by yourself. Then the child, being with you, will always see, feel and know how to learn. During art classes, draw yourself; if everyone is composing a fairy tale, compose one too; In math, solve problems together with your students.

    Don't ask your children questions you know the answer to (or think you know). Seek the truth with them. Sometimes you can apply problematic situation with a solution known to you, but in the end always strive to end up with your children in the same ignorance. Feel the joy of joint creativity and discovery with them.

    Sincerely admire everything beautiful that you see around you. Find beauty in nature, science, art, and in the actions of people. Let the children imitate you in such delight. Through imitation of feelings, the very source of beauty will be revealed to them.

    Don't do anything for nothing. If you are with children, then you are a teacher at any given time. Any situation is pedagogical for you. Know how to create it yourself or use the situation that has arisen to solve educational objectives. A student caught in educational situation, always acquires as a result personal knowledge and experience, his own conclusion. This is better than broadcasting and explaining common truths to him. But be sure to help your child understand and formulate his results, assessments, and conclusions.

    Consider it your main pedagogical method conscious observation of the child. Everything he does or does not do is an outer expression of his inner essence. Always try to understand the inner through the outer. Be a “translator” of all his actions and works. Look, listen, think about the student. Discuss with him his successes and problems. Even if you do it without him, you will be helping him.


Modern society requires people who are intellectually and creatively developed, have communication skills, can think outside the box, are confident in their strengths and abilities, and are physically and mentally healthy. The school, fulfilling the social order, must also promote the development of the child for the sake of the child himself, especially if he “stands out in bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in one form or another."

Teaching practice has shown that with the purposeful organization of educational activities, the formation and development of students’ skills and abilities proceed very quickly, since this process is controlled and regulated by the teacher.

The implementation of the “Primary School of the 21st Century” program through the use of an activity-based approach creates necessary conditions to develop students’ skills to think independently, navigate a new situation, and find their own approaches to solving problems.

In the educational process, students’ emotional response to the learning process, motivation for learning activities, and interest in mastering new knowledge, skills and their practical application increase. All this contributes to the development of schoolchildren’s creative abilities, oral speech, the ability to formulate and express their point of view, and activates thinking.

The activity approach creates conditions for the formation of educational and cognitive activity of students and their personal development; for social and socio-psychological orientation in the surrounding reality. These tasks are solved through joint and independent educational and cognitive activities of students to solve a system of interrelated educational tasks and rely on internal motivation.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that working with gifted and capable children in elementary school is an important and necessary part of a teacher’s activity. Who else but a teacher can help children discover their talents? Therefore, in the future, I plan to continue working with gifted children, and will also monitor their progress in the future.

And one more thing: it is important to remember that “If a person walks in formation to the beat of drums out of step with his companions, think about it, perhaps it is because he hears the beat of completely different drums...”

From time to time, in one or another newspaper, there will flash a message that never ceases to seem surprising about the admission to a university of a thirteen or fourteen year old student. This means that someone studied at school for only 6-7 years instead of 10-11 years. Most often, an unusually developed child, like everyone else, enters the first grade at six or seven years old, but then he is accelerated, sometimes in the first school year, transferred to subsequent grades. It also happens that a “jump” over a grade or several such “jumps” occur already in adolescence.

Despite the fact that now secondary school It is allowed to take it externally; this does not alleviate the difficulties in the development of gifted children. After all, new difficulties arise.

Firstly, certain gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, and proper systematicity in their assimilation is not ensured. Secondly, we have to deal with differences in physical and moral development gifted child and his classmates. This includes physical education, labor training, and finally, ethics and psychology. family life... How does the formation of self-esteem, relationships with classmates and adults proceed under these conditions? Who and how should develop individual educational programs and plans for gifted children? First of all, it is necessary that in all classes where there are such children, teachers have at least completed the appropriate course training. Otherwise, members of the teaching staff, especially school leaders, will view the “leap” with great concern.

The second way is the creation of lyceums and gymnasiums for the gifted. These types of educational institutions are very popular these days. This is not a bad solution to the problem. Moreover, if the educational process in lyceums and gymnasiums is built on scientific principles and a fairly diverse methodological base.

The third way is to create special classes for children with increased abilities in the structure of a mass comprehensive school. This path is now being implemented in many schools. One of its positive features is that the problem of teaching and raising gifted children is not considered in isolation from the fate of children with less developed abilities. And the very structure of teaching and raising children at different levels of development should be not only differentiated, but also unified.

Here it is appropriate to recall the works of our psychologists. In particular, at the Ukrainian Republican Scientific and Practical Center for “Psychodiagnostics and Differentiated Education” under the leadership of Doctor of Psychological Sciences Yu.3. Gilbukh developed a system of differentiated education in secondary schools. It involves the creation, starting from the first year of study, of three types of classes. Children are enrolled in these classes in accordance with the degree of their psychological readiness for school education. The latter is determined by the current (that is, currently available) level of development of their mental abilities. Determining the contingent of classes accelerated learning in this composition, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the development of all children with increased mental abilities. Firstly, this makes it possible to create accelerated learning classes in all schools of any size. Secondly, provides more favorable development conditions for all children whose mental abilities exceed the age norm. Thirdly, it has a beneficial effect on the mental and moral development of gifted children.

What types of classes are these? The first is accelerated learning classes, designed for the most developed 15% of children entering school. This group of first-graders has an IQ (intelligence quotient) of 120 points and above; It naturally includes the gifted.

Along with accelerated learning classes, classes for age norms are created (65% of the total student population) and classes for increased individual attention (the latter for poorly prepared students, who make up approximately 20%). In classes of these two types, the educational process is structured according to regular programs, but in classes with increased individual attention, the occupancy rate is half that of usual.

The placement of a child in a class of one type or another depends solely on the degree of his readiness for school education and the wishes of the parents. They are present during a short-term (within 25 minutes) psychological examination, which is carried out by two specially trained teachers (an examiner and an assistant). The check is carried out in game form, in an atmosphere of friendliness and emotional freedom, which allows the child to reveal his intellectual capabilities. Psychological testing is limited to those aspects of the child’s mental individuality on which the success of his start to school decisively depends.

The critical zones that determine the degree of readiness for the start of school are: phonemic awareness(hearing), self-regulation of learning activities, vocabulary development, short-term memory and the ability to carry out basic inferences. The sixth indicator is the rating of the examiner and assistant in relation to the child’s mental activity, determined on the basis of observations of his behavior when performing the entire set of tests.

As for creative abilities as an integral quality of a gifted child, the main attention at this stage is paid to manifestations of intellectual initiative. For example, a child takes a vocabulary test. And here are the first three words, the meaning of which he must explain: bicycle, hammer, book. But if, in addition to this, the child also tries to somehow connect the words being explained with each other, although this is not required of him (for example: a hammer is a type of tool that is used to strike various materials and parts; it can be used when repairing a bicycle ; the book is a type of teaching aid; from it you can learn how to repair a bicycle with a hammer, etc.), which means this child has extraordinary thinking and imagination.

Special tests of creative talent are also used. Children who receive high marks throughout the entire set of tests and do not suffer from slowness (phlegmatic temperament), they are recommended for accelerated learning classes, where increased attention is paid to the development of creative abilities.

In the teaching methodology, the emphasis is on developing the ability to learn. Students are regularly given the opportunity to act as a teacher in class. Various types of creative activities are widely used, including competitive tasks, role-playing training, and group discussions. Since classes of this type have only a relatively homogeneous composition, the educational process in many cases is built on the basis of intra-class differentiation. This involves the use of group forms of organizing educational work, the opportunity for gifted children to work independently individual plan. Great value In classes of this type, independent reading of fiction and popular science literature is emphasized.

When implementing a differentiated education program, the goal is not for a child with increased mental abilities to graduate from school a year earlier (although this in itself is also a certain benefit). Acceleration is, first of all, a means to optimally load the abilities of a gifted child and create favorable conditions for their further fruitful development. It should be emphasized that for such children, faster completion of educational programs is not, in fact, acceleration. After all, for them this pace is completely natural, normal. Many adhere to the point of view that since gifted children cover certain topics in a shorter time, the resulting excess time can be used for additional subjects of the aesthetic cycle, foreign languages, rhythms, etc. But the problem is not to somehow occupy children’s time or even expand their aesthetic education. The problem is to optimally load mental capacity. And this means providing a gifted child with the opportunity to continuously move forward towards mastering increasingly complex conceptual structures. We must not forget about sensitive periods. After all, for gifted children, each of these periods usually occurs much earlier. Consequently, the moment of mastering the relevant knowledge, abilities and skills must come earlier.

“Umka” lesson system

for identifying and developing gifted children in primary school

Galina Nikolaevna KOZEL,

primary school teacher,

State Educational Institution "Massolyansky"

educational and pedagogical complex

kindergarten--comprehensive school."


Modern society demands modern personality increasingly higher demands: a person needs not only to receive necessary knowledge and skills, but also be able to apply them creatively. Therefore, one of the tasks of a modern school is the development of creative abilities and creative thinking of students; the formation of a full-fledged, independently thinking, decision-making personality.

At primary school age, the child’s thinking intensively develops, which leads to a qualitative restructuring of perception and memory, turning them into voluntary, regulated processes. A junior schoolchild usually thinks in specific categories. The development of theoretical thinking is preceded by the development of the ability to abstract and generalize. By the time of transition to high school Children must learn to reason independently, draw conclusions, contrast, compare, analyze, find the general and the particular, and establish patterns. Therefore, in primary school, special attention must be paid to the development of logical thinking and creative abilities of students.


The “Umka” lesson system was developed for primary school students and is aimed at solving the problems of developing intellectual abilities child. The system is comprehensive: it helps to expand the worldview of students; is focused on preparing primary school students for the transition to secondary education.

Purpose of the program:

Systematic development of intellectual abilities, formation of sustainable interest and positive motivation for learning in schoolchildren.


    Develop skills and abilities to perform logical and creative tasks of various directions; skills of independent activity, goal determination, planning stages of work, self-control, self-analysis, self-esteem.

    To develop the thinking processes and individual abilities of students, the culture of oral and written speech, the independence of creative thinking of students in research activities and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

    To cultivate a communicative culture, attention and respect for one’s comrades, and tolerance for other people’s opinions.

The system is designed for 34 hours(at the rate of 1 hour per week), of which 4 hours - the course "Introduction to school life", 4 hours - diagnostics and identification of giftedness, 4 hours - assessment of the level of formation of a stable need for the thinking process, 2 hours - holidays “We have become schoolchildren” and “Farewell to the Primer.”

The Umka lesson system is based on studying scientific works in general psychology, psychology of abilities and giftedness (L. B. Ermolaeva-Tomina, E. Landau, A. Z. Zak, F. Galton, G. Eysenck, N. V. Talyzina), on the ability to plan educational and cognitive activities in accordance with functional systems and sensitive (optimal) periods of child development, study and use in activities of modern achievements of pedagogical and psychological science and practice.

Preference is given to teaching methods and techniques that stimulate complex cognitive processes, promoting independent activity of students, focused on their creativity. The system is based personal approach to the formation of the ability to solve logical, non-standard, creative-search, verbal-didactic, spatial-combinatorial and other cognitive tasks.

To achieve the set objectives, the following are used: methods training:

    Verbal: conversation, discussion, story, explanation, work with a book.

    Visual: table, demonstration, drawings, technical and interactive teaching aids, Internet resources.

    Practical: exercises, individual independent work on assignments, programmed teaching method.

    Inductive and deductive methods.

    Partial search or heuristic method.

    Research method.

    Control: oral individual and frontal, mutual control, tests, performance of creative tasks, erudite competitions, poster presentations of creative works with logical tasks created by children in teams.

The system provides for training sessions in various form:

    Individual independent work.

    Work in pairs.

    Group forms of work.

    Differentiated work (explain).

    Frontal inspection and control (is this a form of work?).

    Self-assessment of work performed. (is this a form of work?).

    Didactic game.


Lesson 1. Identifying the level of giftedness of children of primary school age

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory conversation.

Teacher. Guys, this year we are starting classes to develop creative abilities. Our classes will not be evaluative, but educational and developmental in nature. The main thing is not, “What grade did I get in class today?”, but “What did I learn today?”

Don't be discouraged if the answer to a question doesn't come to mind right away. Follow the rule: “If it didn’t work out today, it will definitely work out tomorrow, you just have to want it!” And you can evaluate your success yourself, and symbols will help you with this.

    Red flag - great.

    Yellow flag - good.

    Green flag - only part of the tasks were completed as desired.

    Blue flag - it didn’t work out the way I wanted.

For classes, each of you must have: workbook, colored pencils, a simple pencil, pens with colored pastes, a ruler, matches or counting sticks.

The order of work in classes will be as follows:

    To prepare for work, let’s do some “brain gymnastics.”

    During the warm-up, you will have to give the correct answers to questions as quickly as possible, which are designed to test your intelligence, reaction speed, and memory. Keep in mind that many of the tasks have a trick. Be careful!

    Then we will do several exercises to promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, and thinking.

    During the “fun break” we will play.

    Then we will solve several logical, creative and search problems.

    Let's do a graphic dictation.

    And finally, let’s summarize the lesson and evaluate ourselves.

I believe that you will succeed!

2. “Brain gymnastics.”

Shaking your head (exercise stimulates thought processes). Instructions. Breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and drop your head forward. Allow your head to slowly swing from side to side as your breath releases tension. The chin traces a slightly curved line across the chest as the neck relaxes. (Perform for 30 seconds).

"Lazy Eights" (exercise activates brain structures responsible for memorization and increases stability of attention).

Instructions. Draw in the air in horizontal plane“eights” three times with each hand, and then with both hands.

"Cap for thought" » (improves attention, clarity of perception and speech).

Instructions.“Put on a hat,” that is, gently roll your ears from the top to the lobe three times.

"Keen Eyes"

Instructions. With your eyes, draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise.

"Shooting with the Eyes" (the exercise serves to prevent visual impairment).

Instructions. move your eyes left and right, up and down 6 times.

3. Warm up.

How many: (give answers)

    Days in a week, including days off?

    Toes on your right foot?

    Hind and front legs of a goose?

    Seasons, autumn months?

    Months of the year other than summer?

    Snow White's dwarfs?

    Human eyes and eyebrows?

    Letters in the name of our country?

    Angles of a square?

    Two cats have tails?

    Identification of the level of development of cognitive processes

Task No. 1.

Instructions. The sample contains numbers written in a row. Each number has its own picture. Consider them. After I say: “Start!”, you must fill in all the empty cells under the numbers as it was done in the sample. Be careful numbers are written out of order. You are given 2 minutes to complete the task. When I say “Stop!”, you will put down your pens and finish the task.

Are these 2 table options? Or should each child complete both tables?

Task No. 2.

((please check the correctness of the figures. Please give an example of completing the task)

Instructions. Read the words and schematically sketch the objects they represent in the proposed figures.

domino net house

Letter airplane

hang glider

5. Fun break.

Teacher. Now let's take a rest. Our holiday will be active and useful. The exercise is designed for coordination of movements. First, touch your right ear with your left hand, and then touch the tip of your nose with your right hand; then quickly change the position of your hands: right hand- left ear, left hand - nose. (5 times).

6. Continued work.

Task No. 4.(Performed to check the level of development of auditory memory and auditory perception.)

Instructions. Listen carefully to the proverbs and write down only the names of the numbers.

    Seven troubles - one answer.

    Two boots are a pair.

    On all four sides.

    It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

    They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years.

    Like the back of my hand.

Task No. 5.

Instructions. Think about how long a piece of wire needs to be to make such an arc. Draw a line segment. (give the correct answer)

Task No. 6(task to test understanding of the relative position of objects on a plane).

Instructions. Draw the cucumber to the left of the beets, but to the right of the carrots.

(give an example of completing the task)

Task No. 7.

Instructions. Draw the missing doll.

(give an example of how to complete the task correctly)

7. Graphic dictation.

Guess the riddle:

I'm under a colored hat

I stand on my own leg,

I have my own habits.

I always play hide and seek. ( Mushroom).

1, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 5, 3←, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 3→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 3←, 5↓, 1→, 1, 1→, 1↓.

How do children see from this task that they need to draw 2 more cells inside the mushroom stem? And the bottom line? (highlighted in red)

8. Results of the lesson. Reflection.

    What work did we do in class?

    Which tasks did you like best? Why?

    What didn't work out the first time? Why?

9. Students’ self-assessment of their activities

Coloring the flags in the appropriate color. Calculation of results. (please describe the process: who issues the flags? How do children determine what color to paint the flag? On what basis are the results calculated).

Job Analysis

Based on the results obtained for tasks 1--4, the quantity is determined:

    filled cells under the numbers in two minutes - an indicator of concentration, its stability in monotonous work; (give in points or numbers what is considered a high, average, low level of concentration)

    correctly filled cells are an indicator of the ability to distribute attention; (give in points or numbers what is considered high, average, low indicator of the ability to distribute attention)

    completed drawings - an indicator of the brightness and power of imagination; (how is it assessed?)

    accurately depicted and colored drawings - an indicator of the completeness of perception, the level of development of visual memory, (give in points or numbers what is considered an indicator of high, average, low level of visual memory development)

    thick lines and lines in the image are an indicator of the accuracy of perception; (give in points or numbers what is considered high, average, low indicator of perception accuracy)

    dots in a recording - an indicator of the ability to notice subtle details during perception; recorded numerals – an indicator of the development of auditory memory. (give in points or numbers what is considered high, average, low)

In task No. 5, you should pay attention to the correctness of the drawn segment - an indicator of the development of imagination and the ability to transform a given figure.

What and how is determined in task No. 6?

In task No. 7, you should pay attention to the correctness of the drawn matryoshka - an indicator of the ability to notice an existing pattern and apply it to complete the proposed task.

The results of completing the listed tasks are entered into the table.

1. Please provide the form of the table.

2. Give an example of filling out this table - it is not very clear in what form the data is entered there.

3. If there is a block of exercises for identifying gifted children, it is logical to assume that based on the results of its implementation it will be possible to identify gifted children. What criteria are used to assess the degree of giftedness of a child? At what number of points/points??? Is the child considered gifted or non-gifted?

Lesson 2. Thinking and logic.

1. Warm up(give correct answers)

    How many times do you need to measure to cut once?

    What is the sum of the last two digits of this year?

    What is the number of “b” in the name of the first month of autumn?

    Two brothers rode two-wheeled bicycles, and their sister rode a three-wheeled one. How many wheels were there in total?

    Which month names end in “t”?

    What birds can be postmen?

    What date is next Saturday?

    What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron?

    What date was 5 days ago?

    Greatest two-digit number?

2. Development of concentration

Task No. 1.

Instructions. Without moving your hand along the lines, but only following with your eyes, determine which numbers correspond to the letters. (please indicate the correct answers)

Task No. 2.

Instructions. Count how many pentagons there are in the picture. (correct answer. Is the rectangle relevant to this task?)

    Sveta, Marina and Dasha were sitting on the bench. Sveta is to the right of Marina, Marina is to the right of Dasha. Therefore, in the middle there was…(answer)

    Gena is smarter than Vasya, Artem is smarter than Gena. Therefore, the smartest...…(answer)

    Timur does not like to go to school when they are giving vaccinations. Today he returned to good mood. Hence, ……(answer)

Checking assignments. Drawing on the board. Display of solution options on the beam. (example drawing)

5. Logic problems to develop the ability to reason.

Work in groups.

Instructions. There are 2 groups of tasks before you. Read them, choose one group of problems that you like best, and solve them.

I group.

Task No. 1.

“How many students are there in your class?” ─ Grisha asked Fedya. Fedya, after thinking a little, replied: “If you subtract from the largest two-digit number, written as two eights, and add the smallest two-digit number to the resulting number, then you will get exactly the number of students in our class.” How many students are in this class, count and write. (answer)

Task No. 2.

Different amounts of ice cream were delivered to three tents. Moreover, the third brought as much as the first two together. And the first brought more than the second. How many boxes of ice cream were brought to each tent if they brought 10 boxes in total? (answer)

Group II.

Task No. 1.

Masha and Tanya each have one dog, Zhuchka and Polkan. What kind of dog does Tanya have if Masha has Zhuchka? Give the dogs their names.

Task No. 2.

Lisa, Galya and Nina live in different houses. The first house is a tall stone house, the second is a tall wooden house, the third is a low stone house. Write down who lives in which house, if Galya and Nina live in a tall one, and Nina and Liza live in a stone one. (answer)

8. Graphic dictation.

1←, 1, 1→, 1, 1←, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 10, 2←, 3, 5→, 3↓, 2←, 14↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1.