Rosatom scientific and technical information portal. Those who didn’t have time are late: Rosatom’s knowledge management system

Formation, preservation, dissemination and use of knowledge - the most important task management of innovative activities of the State Corporation "Rosatom" and its organizations.

The knowledge management system (KMS), developed in the industry, allows you to quickly and effectively create conditions for maintaining and effective use intellectual capital necessary for the emergence of innovative competitive products and the development of new markets.

Knowledge management activities cover all stages of the life cycle

Training programs

As part of the implementation of KMS, to train qualified personnel and study basic technologies and tools for knowledge management, the State Corporation Rosatom has developed training courses on knowledge management in the nuclear industry

  1. Seminar " Modern technologies knowledge management in the State Corporation "Rosatom".

The program consists of three modules:

  1. Working with human resources (professional communities)

Professional experts, HR specialists, mentors, scientific personnel, specialists related to training personnel in production operations, academic secretaries, members of academic councils.

  1. Working with content

Librarians, archivists, R&D researchers, specialists involved in the development of technological processes in production.

  1. Working with rights to intellectual property

Patent specialists, employees of intellectual property departments, lawyers.

  1. Business simulation for intellectual capital management

Study of knowledge management mechanisms in the Rosatom State Corporation and assessment of their impact on the organization’s work ( game uniform carrying out). Purpose:

  • To study knowledge management mechanisms in the Rosatom State Corporation and assess their impact on the organization’s work.
  • Emphasize the importance of proper knowledge management:
  • Identifying and consolidating all the knowledge that the organization possesses.
  • Assessing the risks of losing all critical knowledge and implementing measures to preserve it.
  • Extraction and structuring of knowledge.
  • Ensuring the availability of all knowledge in a single information field (formalization).
  • The importance of identifying, protecting and commercializing the results of intellectual activity.
  • Distance learning course “Modern technologies of knowledge management in the State Corporation “Rosatom”.

Independent study of KMS methods and tools.

Preservation of critical knowledge is the most important element of KMS

The critical knowledge preservation project allows organizations to systematically, timely and efficiently preserve the accumulated unique knowledge and experience of experts. A system for preserving critical knowledge was introduced in the division’s scientific organizations in 2013. During 2015, more than 280 experts with critical knowledge and about 300 relevant topics were identified in scientific organizations in the industry. The critical knowledge preservation project involved 125 people in 2015.

Digitization of paper archives

Specialists of JSC Science and Innovation have developed a scheme for digitizing archival materials of the division’s enterprises (in absolute terms, more than 200 thousand pages have already been digitized). The division's enterprises have access to the Elsevier system, and a system has been created for the division's enterprises to access the NTI portal. In 2013, a unified industry information resource on knowledge management was created. Since 2014, the corporate electronic library (NTI portal) has united 9 collections of scientific and technical information, including a multimedia library of critical knowledge, the information portal of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Corporation Rosatom. Information classification is implemented on the basis of the NTI complex industry classifier. The industry has created two mobile digitization centers on the basis of the All-Russian Nuclear Center FSUE RFNC - VNIIEF and JSC VNIIHT. The task of the centers is to create an indexed electronic archive of documentation. Electronic archives documentation provide the most effective preservation of information arrays and significantly save the time of scientific personnel on searching and working with necessary material. The activity of the data center will significantly reduce the error when searching for information in huge amounts of archival data and will provide structured storage of scanned materials. The work of the data center will be carried out using high-performance equipment capable of high-speed scanning of documents of various types, efficiently and quickly searching for documents in the database of already scanned ones, integrating the database of scanned documents into document management systems and receiving full-text documents after scanning.

Social network of professional communities

The information system for managing the social network of scientific experts (IS UKSS), developed in 2013, was successfully implemented in 2015. Key results project defined:

  1. Tools and services of social networks to support the activities of communities of practice of the State Corporation Rosatom.
  2. Formation of information space for:
    • online interaction of scientific experts, accumulation and structuring of knowledge;
    • solving loosely structured and innovative problems involving a wide range of specialists;
    • ensuring wide dissemination of information about grants, competitions, projects and other similar events.

Electronic library of scientific and technical information


March 20, 2017, Moscow - State Corporation By atomic energy Rosatom and JSC Russian Venture Company (RVC) entered into a cooperation agreement with the aim of jointly generating and promoting high technologies and innovative developments created on the scientific, technical and infrastructure basis of organizations subordinate to the Rosatom State Corporation. As part of the NDExpo-2017 Forum, the document was signed by the First Deputy General Director - Director of the Block for Development and International Business of the State Corporation Rosatom Kirill Komarov and the General Director of RVC Alexander Povalko.

The agreement is aimed at creating and supporting activity in the development of new projects and the development of the innovative potential of organizations within the management framework of the State Corporation Rosatom.

Rosatom today is a global technology corporation with a wide range of competencies that can become the basis for innovative development and achieving a sustainable position in new high-tech markets foreign countries. Taking part in the implementation of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), Rosatom can provide projects implemented within the framework of NTI roadmaps. Among the strategic directions of technological development of Rosatom today are energy, nuclear medicine and radiation technologies, additive technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics, desalination, water treatment, water purification, technologies for the final stage of the nuclear fuel cycle.

According to Kirill Komarov, “joining efforts will ensure a multiplier effect from the technologies and products being created, and will ultimately contribute to the achievement of leadership of Russian companies in the global market.”

Rosatom State Corporation and RVC are planning joint activities to monitor and select forms of support for technological developments with high growth potential in the Russian and global markets. The main areas of cooperation include the development of innovation infrastructure and the formation of transparent mechanisms for financial support of projects.

As partners, Rosatom State Corporation and RVC will also join forces to prepare proposals for improving and optimizing state regulation of the innovation sector, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the activities of organizations in the field of high technology.

As part of the cooperation, it is planned to hold joint events that will contribute to the development of the scientific, technological and commercial potential of organizations of the State Corporation Rosatom.

Background information

State Corporation "Rosatom" (full name - State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom") is a Russian diversified holding company, one of the leaders in the global nuclear technology market. Rosatom combines assets in the field of nuclear power generation, uranium mining and nuclear fuel production, design and construction of nuclear power plants, and power engineering. The Rosatom State Corporation is the largest generating company in Russia, which provided 196.37 billion kW at the end of 2016. h of electricity (or 18.3% of the total production in the country). Rosatom occupies a leading position in the global nuclear technology market and ranks first in the world in terms of the number of simultaneously constructed nuclear power plants abroad (34 power units in 12 countries); 2nd place in the world in terms of uranium reserves and 4th place in terms of its production volume. The state corporation provides 36% of the world market for uranium enrichment services and 17% of the nuclear fuel market. The scope of activities of the state corporation also includes the production of equipment and isotope products for the needs of nuclear medicine, conducting scientific research(4.5% of total revenue is spent on this), production of various nuclear and non-nuclear innovative products. Rosatom's strategy is to develop clean energy generation projects, including wind power. Rosatom unites about 350 enterprises and organizations, including enterprises of the nuclear weapons complex and the world's only nuclear icebreaker fleet. The state corporation is entrusted with the task of carrying out a unified public policy in the field nuclear power, as well as fulfillment of international obligations Russian Federation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy and compliance with the non-proliferation regime of nuclear materials.
www. rosatom. ru

JSC RVC is a state fund of funds, a development institute of the Russian Federation. The main goals of RVC JSC are: stimulating the creation of Russia’s own venture investment industry and performing the functions of the Project Office of the National Technology Initiative (NTI). The authorized capital of RVC JSC is more than 30 billion rubles. 100% of RVC capital belongs to the Russian Federation represented by Federal agency on management of state property of the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo). The total number of funds formed by RVC JSC has reached 22, their total size is 33 billion rubles. The share of RVC JSC is 20.4 billion rubles. The number of innovative companies approved for investment by RVC funds has reached 214. The total volume of invested funds is 17.7 billion rubles.

08/03/2015 14:33 | Press service of JSC Science and Innovation

The corporate library of scientific and technical information “NTI Portal” of the State Corporation “Rosatom” contains a collection of documents from the International Nuclear Information System INIS (INIS - International Nuclear Information System)

The collection contains about 12 thousand documents, in total it is planned to place about 300 thousand documents. The collection of documents was posted with the support of JSC Science and Innovation.

The NTI portal is an information system created within the framework of the Knowledge Management System project. Currently, the portal contains more than 50 thousand documents from 9 collections. All employees of the State Corporation Rosatom and its organizations have access to the portal.

“Placing the INIS collection on the information resources of the Knowledge Management Systems project is the first most important step to ensure universal access of our researchers to current scientific and technical information in a single window mode. The plans include using the resources of Elsevier publishing house. We plan to integrate all resources into a single ecosystem, which will increase the efficiency of scientific developments in the company,” Deputy General Director - Director of the Innovation Management Block of Rosatom State Corporation Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Pershukov.

“The creation of such a collection in information system The Rosatom State Corporation is another building block in building a global system for preserving scientific and technical competencies and knowledge of the nuclear industry,” - General Director of JSC Science and Innovation Alexey Vladimirovich Dub.

The International Nuclear Information System INIS is the world's first automated bibliographic system in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy. The system was created and used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in cooperation with states and international organizations - members of INIS. Russia is an INIS member country.

INIS provides comprehensive abstract notification services for publications in the field of nuclear science and technology. The thematic coverage of INIS was developed in accordance with the information needs of the international community within the framework of the IAEA's interests and activities in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy and technology.

The main product of the International Nuclear Information System is the abstract bibliographic database INIS. The database has been created by INIS member countries and a number of international organizations cooperating with it since 1970. Since 1975, almost all documents contained in this database are represented by abstracts.

From the editor's website: Among a number of interesting news and materials that we recently received from the NEOLANT group of companies, an interview with one of the top managers of the Rosatom corporation, Vyacheslav Pershukov, attracted special attention. It is known that Rosatom is one of the most advanced enterprises in Russia, see, for example, our publications “”, “”, etc. However, even against the background of this fame, the position of V. Pershukov looks bright - Deputy General Director of the Rosatom State Corporation, Director Innovation Management Unit. And this position is materialized very impressively by the project to which the interview is devoted and which is being implemented jointly with the Rosatom IT department - a global program to create a knowledge management system (KMS). Having become acquainted with the published interview, our readers will certainly understand that, according to a number of important parameters, the characterized system belongs to the most pressing areas of the world market and, apparently, is in a completely advanced position in them.

We are reprinting this interview from the NEOLANT website, but it is worth paying attention to the original source of this material - the March 2015 issue of Rosatom’s corporate magazine, innovatively called “It will become clear”, which convincingly complements the characteristics of a clearly advanced and innovative domestic enterprise.

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, at what stage is the project now?

Today KMS is fully formed: we have launched a corporate electronic library, a social network of professional communities and an information system for managing rights to the results of intellectual activity (ISUPRID) are tools that solve all the problems of storing, distributing and using knowledge. Now we need to implement them in industry organizations and train employees to use them.

Tell us more about these tools. How, for example, is a corporate library organized?

It is formed according to all standards of librarianship. We employ professional librarians who classify information and arrange it logically modern practices. That is, this is not just a dump of documents, but a modern, constantly updated system with convenient search. Access to it is centralized and it fully meets the requirements information security.

The nuclear industry is 70 years old; for what period can documents be found there?

We truly have a huge heritage, and in order to transfer it into electronic format, two digitization centers were created, in Sarov and in Moscow - their combined productivity is up to 1 million pages per year. This activity is very important because knowledge in our industry is unique, and its loss can lead to irreversible negative consequences. In this regard, the case of the recent fire in the INION RAS library, due to which more than 20% of the library collections were lost, is very instructive.

No, these are two different systems. But in each community, employees can create their own libraries and documents.

The network allows us to build a team, despite the vast geography of our industry. Specialists of the same profile from different enterprises can discuss their ideas here, share their experiences, post documents and work together on them. This prevents repeating the same mistakes and reinventing the wheel, and also speeds up the adaptation of new employees - they can familiarize themselves with everything that has been done in their field. That is, it is a kind of navigation system in the ocean of knowledge.

If in January 2014 the network included 30 people, then in December 2014 there were more than 1000. During this time, 29 professional communities were formed - lawyers, treasury, personnel management, procurement and others. Each community has its own curator, who determines the content (functional or project-based), and a moderator, who organizes the work within the group and controls the placement of content.

In terms of convenience, is the network of experts similar to the familiar VKontakte or Facebook?

It's difficult to compare, but I can say for sure that both we and the IT team made every effort to ensure that everything in our system was intuitive. As with any social network, here you can like, comment on posts, post files, videos and photos. It is important that the system is certified to work with information of a proprietary nature and containing information constituting a trade secret.

Any industry employee who has a login in the State Corporation domain. But to become a member of the community, you need to send an application to the moderator, and he will decide whether to add you to the group or not. In professional communities, specific information is posted, and therefore only workers in specific areas have access to them. If you don’t have a login, you need to contact the Innovation Management Unit and they will help you get one.

The social network itself is a crowdsourcing tool, but despite this, many large companies are additionally introducing functionality that allows employees to submit their ideas for consideration by management. Is there something similar on your system?

There is, but it is still in test mode. The tool is called “Bank of Ideas”, and it is planned to introduce it this year. Through the “Bank of Ideas”, each employee will be able to submit their own idea, but according to a certain algorithm: they will need to justify its necessity, prescribe the mechanism for its implementation and the benefits from it. We are now developing regulations according to which ideas will be considered and decisions will be made on them.

In addition, since January of this year goes by creation of an electronic system “Ideas Factory”, where every employee of the central office will be able to submit any proposal for improvement.

What else are you planning to do this year?

Big plans. Many activities are provided for information and training in working with control systems - seminars, interactive training program, round tables.

We are also going to create a single window where users will be able to read blogs of top managers of the State Corporation. Links to existing blogs will be installed there, as well as new ones, such as mine, will be created. So look out for my first post soon.

Another activity is a mobile application. Not a single social network will survive without it, so if not this year, then next year, we are going to develop and implement a mobile version of the social network of professional communities. Of course, for information security reasons, it will not be as complete as the main one, but it will allow you to resolve any issues, even if the employee is on a business trip. We expect that all these measures will help us significantly increase the number of users.

There is no universal solution to this problem, because in this matter everything is individual – different generations, different motivations. It is important for young professionals to prove themselves to the industry and management; for older professionals, other things are important. But as one of the ways of motivation, we are going to reward the most active authors.

In general maximum effect We will feel the benefits of control system only when it becomes an integral part of the daily activities of each employee. When a person will not be able to take the next step in his work, for example, without posting a document in the library or without submitting a proposal to the Idea Bank. We are now developing business process regulations for managing the scientific and technical community and scientific and technical content, which will allow the control system to naturally fit into standard industry business processes.

Tell us about the third CPS tool – it is designed for a smaller number of users, but no less important.

ISUPRID is a unified industry system that accumulates information about all the intellectual property of our enterprises. The system provides real-time information about the status of technical solutions, which is an invaluable resource for the strategic management of products and technologies. At the same time, ISUPRID allows you to manage the results of intellectual activity at all stages of their life cycle: from identification to disposal of rights to them. With its help, industry enterprises are implementing uniform rules and procedures, as a result of which it is possible to minimize or even eliminate risks associated with critical leaks important information, loss of rights to RIAs and technologies and other adverse consequences.

If we talk about the control system as a whole, then this is a large-scale integrated solution that combines many tools. Are there analogues of this system in other industries in Russia or the world?

There are practically no such analogues. The peculiarity of KMS is that it covers the entire life cycle of knowledge - from creation to application. Most companies use knowledge management only in certain areas, for example, in data and content management or personnel management. By the way, in 2014, this project received approval from the IAEA Nuclear Knowledge Management Support Mission as one of the best industry knowledge management projects.

Imagine: at an international forum, one of the breakout sessions is dedicated to new nuclear technologies. Slides with a detailed description of the invention are shown on the screen, accompanied by detailed comments from the Russian scientist. The audience is delighted. During the break, a certain man, pretending that he cannot help but answer a very important call, leaves the hall for a short time. He works for a large foreign nuclear company. Two days later, this company already has a patent for our scientist’s invention, which will now be released under a foreign brand. The situation, sadly enough, is not at all hypothetical. There is no point in proving anything later.

There are known cases of other companies becoming more active on the basis of patenting technical solutions for advanced reactor plants, which are being developed in Russia.

The reality is that often people think about patenting after the fact. But the costs of creating a knowledge-intensive result of intellectual activity (RIA) are considerable. According to Alexander Tuzov, deputy director of Rosatom’s innovation management unit, they amounted to more than 50 million rubles across enterprises in 2011. By the way, for IBM, the world leader in the field of patenting RIA, this is about 30 million in ruble equivalent. Thus, the task of spending less and getting more emerges. In the long term, to increase efficiency, funding for one high-tech patent should be halved, Tuzov noted. At the same time, patent activity should increase fivefold by 2020. The knowledge management system (KMS), which will be deployed at full capacity by 2015, will help with the protection of the results of intellectual activity and their commercialization.

Two sides of the coin

Rosatom has enough problems in the field of protecting the results of intellectual activity - the specifics of the industry leave their mark. Sometimes scientific institutes within the framework of the same project cannot obtain the necessary information because of the “secret” or “trade secret” stamp. “There will always be a human factor - local officials have the authority to close information on RIA. They must be aware that this is not always the most effective. And, of course, we need methods and tools that simplify working with information,” notes Alexander Tuzov.

Another barrier is the reluctance of scientists to patent their solutions. “The knowledge management system here is a motivation tool,” says Nikolai Kondratyev, director of Science and Innovations JSC. “We shouldn’t persuade people to do this work; they should have an internal need.”

According to Valery Delnov, head of the intellectual property department of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation-IPPE, filling out an application is not as complicated a procedure as it might seem to a scientist, especially a young one: “Today there are a lot of training seminars on this topic. In the past, every engineer regularly improved his skills in the field of RID protection. Judge for yourself: if a person shows by his own example that this is real, others will believe in themselves. You can't do without involvement. Anyone can be taught if they have the desire.”

As an example, Delnov cited the story of a young scientist from the IPPE, Alexander Zhukov. Shortly before defending his PhD, his supervisor sent him to the patent department. Valery Delnov explained how to draw up documents. “I ask a question: do you have a device? He answers: yes, a device. Please list the main elements and describe the relationships. After 40 minutes, the formula is ready. It took another half hour to prepare a description based on it. In a year and two months - a record time - Rospatent issued a patent for the invention,” says Valery Delnov.

By personal example

A striking example of patent tactics was the SVBR-100 project “AKME-engineering”. Knowing the potential risks, the company’s specialists carried out all the work in advance. “They understood this problem wholeheartedly. As soon as the installation began, patents proliferated abroad from organizations that had never dealt with such things,” noted IPPE Deputy General Director - Director of the Institute innovative technologies Peter Martynov. Selling reactors abroad, and then receiving a notice that they use technology patented by another company, is unlikely to please anyone.

Human factor

The success of KMS, and, accordingly, the commercial result from RIA directly depends on who will manage the knowledge. Such administrators should, according to Tuzov, have good technical training- not lower than the level of engineering and technical personnel. It would be nice to have a candidate or doctorate degree. “This must be a multidisciplinary person who understands the field of activity of the scientific institute and has unique knowledge of handling intellectual property,” says the deputy director of the BUI. “Here you can either train a person with competence in working with intellectual property on the main topics of the institute, or hire a scientist who has defended intellectual property more than once.”

According to plans, this year to form social network scientific experts and centralization of management of intellectual property and intellectual property in a unified information system will join more than 1.5 thousand people, but it all started with a dozen enthusiasts. If the motivation of researchers grows and their applications for patenting inventions reach their logical conclusion, the industry will only benefit from this.

Dmitry Shustov