Presentation on the topic “Lesson orxe altruism egoism. Presentation for a lesson (grade 4) on the topic: presentation for an open lesson on the orxe course on the topic “altruism and egoism”

Independent work Contents of the task. (work in a notebook) Row 1 1. The origin of the word altruism. 2. Derive a definition from the text - altruism is... 3. What altruists want 4. Give an example: an altruistic act. Row 2 1. What is selfishness? 2. Write down the egoist principle. 3. Explain how you understand: extreme selfishness. 4. Give an example: a selfish act. Row 3 1. Explain as you understand: reasonable egoism. Additionally for everyone: Draw, if time allows, a good and an evil hero.

Altruism (French altruisme from Latin alter - other) is a moral principle that prescribes compassion and mercy towards other people, selfless service to them and readiness for self-denial in the name of their good. As a moral requirement, altruism is formulated in contrast to egoism, as evidenced by golden rule and the commandment of love: “In your actions, do not infringe on the interests and rights of another person” and “Act in such a way that the interest of another person becomes the goal of your action.” “Live and help others live” - for those ready for self-sacrifice.

EGOISM (from the Latin ego - I) is a person’s point of view, position, behavior, completely focused on his Self, for his good (pleasure, benefit, success, happiness). According to egoism, a person's satisfaction of self-interest is considered as the highest good. Egoism is revealed in a situation of conflict of interest, when the satisfaction of personal interest occurs to the detriment of the interest of another person.

Find the meaning of the word “altruism”? Altruism is the willingness to act selflessly for the benefit of others, regardless of one’s own interests. Altruism is the willingness to act selflessly for the benefit of others, regardless of one’s own interests. (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary Russian language.)

Representatives of the Royal House also participated in the movement of sisters of mercy. During the First World War, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and four Grand Duchesses became nurses, and the Winter Palace turned into a hospital. Following their example, many representatives of the House of Romanov invested their personal funds in charity.

Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the International Charitable Public Foundation for Helping Children in Disasters and Wars, Head of the Department of Emergency Surgery and Childhood Trauma Research Institute of Pediatrics Science Center children's health RAMS. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Member of the Public Chamber, Chairman of the Chamber's Health Commission. Roshal Leonid Mikhailovich

Selfishness is selfishness, preference for one’s own personal interests over the interests of others, disregard for the interests of society and others. Selfishness is selfishness, preference for one’s own personal interests over the interests of others, disregard for the interests of society and others. (Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.)

1. Love the people around you: family, loved ones, friends. 2. Know how to see the merits of people and appreciate them. 3. Learn to forgive people for their weaknesses; know how to apologize and forgive insults. 4. Learn to put yourself in the shoes of those who find themselves in difficult situation. 5. Don’t be shy to show your sympathy and empathy for others. 6. Try to come to the rescue at the right time. 7. Don't try to make everyone happy, start with your loved ones. 8. Do good to people, not evil, share joy and trouble with them, love and respect each other. 9. Give more. 10. Expect less.

Lesson 13. Altruism and egoism


“Often a person helps others only because he can do it. He feels the strength that he can spend on good deeds.”

I wonder if helping when it needs to be provided is also altruism? (For example, a person slipped, fell, was seriously hurt, there is no one around except you...)

“Being opposites, altruism and egoism can successfully complement each other. The fact is that, for all its moral attractiveness, altruism is not immune to its shortcomings. Thus, altruistic actions aimed at the benefit of the “distant”, helping random people are more valued... However, excessive love for the “distant” can lead to oblivion of the “neighbors”. And in this case, the idea of ​​reasonable egoism as a virtue is appropriate.”

If altruism is valued, will it remain so? Isn't this a calculation? Is this selfishness then? Who are “far” and “near”? No matter what epithets we add, egoism is egoism. So, then he is a virtue?


Lesson topic: Altruism and selfishness.

Objective of the lesson: developing students' ideas about altruism and egoism.


  • To introduce students to the basic concepts: altruism and egoism, to identify positive and negative aspects these concepts
  • Develop students' horizons and expand their vocabulary
  • Develop communication skills to work in teams and groups
  • Cultivate a sense of compassion for other people, the desire to do noble deeds, and adequately evaluate one’s own behavior and the behavior of others.

Results: personal: this lesson will allow students to think about their attitude towards people around them, and first of all, about their attitude towards their loved ones; evaluate and analyze their actions in relation to other people, students will gain experience in creative, intellectual, analytical activities. When working with situations, students, figuratively taking the places of the heroes, will be able to evaluate actions taking into account the acquired concepts and analyze their behavior.

meta-subject: During the lesson, the ability to control and evaluate will be developed learning activities in accordance with the task, conduct a dialogue, listen to the interlocutor, express your opinion and argue your point of view; develop cooperation skills when working in a group

Subject: in the process of group and individual work Students will learn new moral concepts: “altruism”, “egoism”, “altruist”, “egoist”

Equipment and educational and methodological support: computer, projector, illustrative material, reference sheets, presentation for the lesson, textbook “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics.”

Participants : 4th grade students.

Lesson format: combined

Lesson progress:

I. Operational-cognitive stage: Repetition. (Slide 1)

- Good afternoon, guys. - Guys, let's remember what our course is called?

(Our course is called Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics, module secular ethics)

What concepts do we talk about in our course lessons?

(During the lessons of our course we talk about culture and morality, about good and evil, about virtue and vice, about moral duty, about freedom and moral choice man, about freedom and responsibility, about justice...)

What moral category did we meet in the last lesson?

(In the last lesson we got acquainted with the concept of “Justice”)

What is justice?

(Justice is a moral rule that regulates relations between people regarding the distribution of benefits, rewards, punishments and income.....

- Why is justice needed?

(Justice sets a limit to arbitrariness, requires respect for the rights of other people, and does not allow attacks on a person’s personality and dignity. Justice is largely aimed at fulfilling a person’s duties to other people and to himself.)

What works did I ask you to remember at home?(Slide 2) (click)

- “Morozko”, “Seven-flowered flower” by V. Kataev.

Let's remember how the fairy tale "Morozko" ended?(Vadim will remind us of it very briefly)

Do you agree with the ending of the fairy tale?

Is it fair in your opinion? Why?

Conversation on the fairy tale "Morozko".

("Morozko" - old Russian folk tale. It begins like many old Russian fairy tales: “Once upon a time, it happened...”. And this is where the similarities with other fairy tales end.

An old man lives with his daughter Mashenka. The old man was widowed and married a second time. And his new wife has her own daughter. So it turns out that Mashenka lives with her stepmother. It would seem good that Mashenka was not left without her mother’s affection, but that was not the case. This is where the story begins. The stepmother did not like her stepdaughter. What my own daughter does is all good, what Mashenka does is all bad. And in the end, she decided to completely destroy her stepdaughter - she sent her into the forest to die. Maybe this would have been the end of the fairy tale, but!.... Mashenka met Morozko in the forest.Fair Morozko realized that Mashenka is a kind, smart, courteous girl, respects her elders, cheerful and hard-working. And for all this he rewarded Mashenka royally.

The evil stepmother saw all this and was consumed with envy. She sends her own daughter to the forest for wealth! But that was not the case!

What does this fairy tale teach us?

If a person has a kind, sympathetic heart, Morozko will definitely help in trouble and support in joy. And if a person is evil and greedy, then he will get what he deserves. A wise story about justice, kindness and selflessness.)

Conversation on the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers.”

(click) (Slide 3)

- Let's read an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers.”In the support sheets, task No. 1(5 clicks on text)

Did the girl act fairly?

What human qualities did she show?

Valentin Petrovich Kataev, the great Russian writer, developed the themevalues ​​of human actions. Of all the miracles that happened in the fairy tale about the seven-flowered flower, the healing of the lame boy brought the greatest joy to its owner.

What conclusion can we draw?(How great it is to help others!)

What does this fairy tale teach us?

- Be careful, in case someone needs your help! Don't wait to be asked, but help those in need!

II. Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we again have to talk about moral concepts.(click)

III. Introductory and motivational stage.

Listen to the parable. Your task is to listen carefully, express your attitude towards the boy’s action and compare it with the girl’s action.(click)

(Slide 4)

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea.(click) The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides.(click) It seemed as if there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.(click)

Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.

If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to go out, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping his activities.(click)

But this is just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!

(click) The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

No, my attempts will change a lot... for this star.(click)

Then the man also picked up a star and threw it into the sea. Then another one. By nightfall there were many people on the beach, each of whom picked up and threw a star into the sea.(click) And when the sun rose, there was not a single unsaved soul left on the beach.(click) (click)

Why did the man think the boy was stupid at first? (he thought it was impossible to help everyone, there were millions of them)

Why did he change his mind? (He was convinced by the boy’s words that he should try to save and if every person saves at least one star, then a lot will change)

What character traits are manifested in the boy’s actions? (kindness, compassion, desire to help other people)

What do the actions of the boy from the parable and the girl from the fairy tale “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​have in common?

(They did things not for themselves, but for the benefit of others).

Who knows what to call such a quality in people - to do good for others and not expect gratitude for what they have done?

IV. Learning new material.

Today in class we will talk about this concept and the opposite concept - egoism.

And the topic of the lesson... altruism and selfishness ( read)

What goals will we set?

What is altruism? Let's turn to the interpretation in Ozhegov's dictionary.

A What concept are we given in the textbook p. 30, paragraph 2

How does it manifest itself? Reading the textbook p.30, paragraph 3,4

What actions do altruists do?

(Selfless actions for the benefit of another person)

Why do people perform altruistic acts? Do they expect anything in return? (just because they can help)

Work in pairs (Cards on the tables). Words are written on the cards. Choose synonyms for the word altruism from them and write them down on the task sheet Card No. 2.

Selflessness, arrogance, philanthropy, callousness, callousnessdedication,kindness, betrayal, care, indifference, anger, envy, greed, love, cruelty, affection, ruthlessness, selfishness, mercy.

What words and synonyms will you choose yourself? Let's check..( on the slide)

Children's actions can be calledaltruistic.

(click) - Find and read in a dictionary or in the textbook meaning of the word "altruism".

Slide captions:

Good afternoon

Find the meaning of the word “altruism”? Altruism is the willingness to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of one’s own interests. (Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.)

Altruism Compassion Sympathy Good nature Tolerance Empathy Responsiveness Mercy Understanding Self-sacrifice Care Kindness Love Pity Duty Affection Humanity

Selfishness is selfishness, preference for one’s own personal interests over the interests of others, disregard for the interests of society and others. (Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.)

Selfishness Indifference Callousness Callousness Anger Envy Arrogance Greed Cruelty Ruthlessness Anger Condemnation

Memo “Rules of Life” Know how to see the merits of people and appreciate them. Learn to forgive people for their weaknesses; know how to apologize and forgive insults. Learn to put yourself in the shoes of those in a difficult situation. Do not hesitate to show your sympathy and empathy for others. Try to come to the rescue at the right time. Don't try to make everyone happy, start with your loved ones. Love the people around you: family, loved ones, friends.