Take an online geography test. Online tests in geography

The science of geography contains knowledge about the world from the beginning of time to the present day. She knows the era of dinosaurs, all the great ones geographical discoveries, as well as the traditions and life of all peoples of the Earth.

  • Geography test "Large natural areas of Russia" (8th grade)
  • Geography test "By cities, by countries"

    Every country and every city in the world can be recognized by their unique attractions, cultural and natural monuments, as well as traditions and history. Test your geography knowledge with this quiz!

  • Geography test "Nature of Russia" (8th grade)

    Russia is the most big country in the world. It is rich in many known resources, and almost all natural phenomena can occur on its territory.

  • Geography test "Russian explorers, travelers and sailors" (8th grade)

    Among the great travelers and sailors who discovered new territories, there are many of our compatriots. Do you know their achievements? check in this test.

  • Geography test "Wonders of Nature" (8th grade)

    The nature of our planet is rich in beautiful places, many of which can be called miracles without hesitation. Find out more about some of them in this quiz!

  • The nature of Russia is very diverse. Plant and fauna our country is very rich. Within the country you can find almost everything natural areas, except tropical.

  • Geography test for grade 8: Inland waters of Russia

    Which Russian river is the longest? Which of our lakes is the deepest and which is the saltiest? Find out in this test!

  • Geography test for 8th grade: The most, the most, the most in the nature of Russia

    Which Russian lake is the hottest? Where in our country can you find the largest lowland waterfall, and how often does the largest volcano wake up? Natural records of Russia are waiting for you in this test!

  • Geography test for 8th grade students “Lakes of Russia”

    Lakes are one of the riches of our country. There are more than two million lakes on the territory of Russia, many of which are unique in one way or another and are even considered world record holders.

  • Setting up a test on geography and countries of the world:
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    The greater the number of questions, the higher the accuracy of the test result and the stronger your knowledge of geography and countries of the world!

    1. Of the four answer options, only one is correct. You can spend unlimited time on each question. Try to visually remember the correct answers.
    2. Do not try to use notes, textbooks and cheat sheets. After answering, the correct option will always be shown.
    3. The test on geography and countries of the world is not official or a substitute for exam tickets. The test performs exclusively a self-study function and serves as a useful preparation tool for passing the real exam!
    4. Every question including wrong options responses are randomly generated.

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