How to protect yourself from hypersensitive people. Advice for the “squeezed” and hypersensitive

When you think about a secret successful people What qualities do you think help them achieve success? You will be amazed at their ingenuity and creativity in solving problems. Or maybe you will be struck by them emotional intelligence and a fantastic ability to connect with other people.

This is just a partial list of the qualities of highly sensitive people (HSPs), who make up 20% of the world's population.

Despite popular belief, highly sensitive people often become major leaders. They tend to be successful in professionally. They are both disliked and highly valued for their dedication to their work, even if they get on the nerves of their colleagues from time to time.

High sensitivity is a feature that is misunderstood. I myself belong to highly sensitive people, so I have suffered more than once because of my empathy and always worrying nature. Fortunately, societal attitudes toward sensitivity have changed, in part due to the recognition and embrace of neurodiversity. It is that neurological differences between people are normal.

Being highly sensitive is a superpower, but only if you use it correctly. Otherwise, on the contrary, it can complicate your life.

In order to survive in our world, highly sensitive people have to be guided by certain principles that apply to absolutely everything - love, work, and even how to live with such a mental disorder so that it doesn’t hurt.

The Secret Life of Highly Sensitive People
It consists in the fact that they notice every little thing, just read between the lines. Believe it or not, highly sensitive people make wonderful entrepreneurs, namely marketers, because they are great at networking, listening to other people, and empathizing with them.

Highly sensitive people are very conscientious.

Details, structure, organization - this is your strong point. After all, you are so deeply immersed in the process that you can easily develop long-term plans and think through optimal solutions. And this, you see, is a valuable help.

Highly sensitive people can focus on an idea with real fanaticism. All these qualities contribute to success in our difficult times. information technology and clip thinking.

Highly sensitive people are more creative and imaginative.

There are many highly sensitive people among world-famous artists and artists. Why? Increased sensitivity and rich inner world make them simply destined for success.

So use your natural curiosity, ask questions, use your gifts. All this distinguishes you from other people and is a big plus.

Highly sensitive people do everything with genuine passion.

You are very proud and try to make as few mistakes as possible. You are equally passionate about your work and your relationships. You can feel it. As a rule, such people are interested in many things and can do a lot, which often makes them pioneers in a particular industry.

HSP and success
Could your increased sensitivity interfere with your life? Of course, this cannot be ruled out. But with a certain amount of balance and thoughtfulness, you can turn this feature of yours into a huge strength.

Try to provide feedback.

Most highly sensitive people, although they communicate well with others, feel very uncomfortable during public meetings or presentations. One critical remark is enough for them to worry about it for several days.

Therefore, if you belong to highly sensitive people, always be prepared for high stakes games. You must be prepared for any questions, think everything one step ahead. Prepare a few ideas about how you will react if something goes wrong during the discussion.

For example: “Let's return to discussing this point a little later,” “Quite a difficult question. What is your vision of the situation?”, “Thank you for your feedback. Give me some time to process everything I've heard.

Don't react - respond.

Life does not always go according to plan, so HSPs should develop the ability to respond correctly to its challenges. In order not to panic and not give in to emotions, learn to put a barrier between what is happening and your reaction to it.

For example, the next time your partner leaves dirty dishes in the sink, don't let stress overwhelm you. HSPs feel everything more acutely and deeply, so such a reaction will only make everything worse.

An explosion or, conversely, silence - these reactions are not constructive. Instead, take a deep breath and count to five before answering. This will help you control your emotions.

Calmly ask yourself what you are unhappy about. Take a time out and come back to discuss the problem later. Write down your thoughts before responding. There is nothing shameful in this pause. In fact, it is a sign of your maturity, thoughtful approach to life and healthy self-control.

Set reasonable boundaries.

It is important for highly sensitive people to conserve their energy without wasting it on trifles. You spend your days passing through other people's feelings and moods, which is why this is so important. Naturally, all the negativity affects you. It could even be noise in the room, bad music, etc. - all this affects sensitive people.

Simple, at first glance, things can help you with this. You can, for example, arrive at the office half an hour earlier to spend this time in silence and get ready for the work day. For example, between meetings I always set aside 15-30 minutes to be alone and concentrate.

Managing your energy effectively comes down to setting strong boundaries and being mindful of what you let into your life. Don't let toxic people get close to you, don't let the media influence you. Learn to relax and rest.

If the HSP is your loved one or colleague
Highly sensitive people make excellent life partners and social leaders. Although we must admit that loving them, living or working next to them is quite difficult. You can't (and don't even try) to change them. But you can always support them with the following techniques:

If you are working with an HSP:

Keep them informed of everything that is happening. Maximum information! Highly sensitive people perceive new and most complex information well, because the more they know, the more effectively they work. Whenever possible, always give them time to prepare. For example, let them know the agenda well in advance. Focus on coaching, not criticism.

If you love HSP:

Be sure to set aside time when your partner can be alone or in silence. Be prepared for him to suffer from insomnia. It can be very difficult for them to fall asleep due to their active and inquisitive mind.

Be patient with them during misunderstandings. Don't be offended when they want to be alone. You will always have time to catch up - during trips to theaters, museums or trips out of town. HSPs love to gain new knowledge, as well as nature, art, and are always happy to embark on pleasant and funny adventures with you.

Whether a highly sensitive person is a spouse, a brother, or a co-worker, try to be mindful of their personality and use it to the benefit of your relationship or work.

It won't always be easy, but over time you will realize that it is worth it: highly sensitive people change our world for the better.

Do you know who they are highly sensitive individuals? Or maybe you, without knowing it, are such a person? Read on and you will learn a lot of interesting things!

6. They feel good alone

They like to be alone because it allows them to be alone with themselves and their emotions.

Therefore, they are usually referred to as introverts. This is likely due to hypersensitivity, which makes it more difficult for them to interact with the outside world.

7. They know how to sacrifice themselves

They always want to help other people and make their lives as easy as possible. High sensitivity brings awareness that they can make the world a little better.

8. They sometimes cry, sometimes they laugh.

Highly sensitive individuals live in a world of emotions and are able to switch quickly. That's why they can quickly let go of the overwhelming, heavy thoughts and look at the world in a new way.

9. Thoughtful and responsible

That is why they work well in a team and successfully achieve all their goals and objectives. If you are working on a project with such a person, consider yourself lucky. He will give 100% of his work to the common cause.

Hypersensitivity is called excessive psychological vulnerability. It is expressed in increased impressionability, anxiety, and high susceptibility to any sensations. For a long time such people were considered introverts, however modern research proved that among hypersensitive people only 70% are introverts, the remaining 30% are extroverts.

What other qualities do such people have? “The nervous system of hypersensitive individuals is particularly sensitive,” explains Ilse Sand, Danish writer, psychotherapist and author of the best-selling book "Close to the Heart: How to Live If You're an Overly Sensitive Person." “We notice many nuances and analyze them deeper than everyone else. We have a rich imagination and a vivid imagination. Thanks to them active work our “hard drive” fills up faster and we become overstimulated. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you are hypersensitive, then in a situation of intense communication you will feel an overabundance of information before ordinary people, which will make you want to withdraw and leave.”

However, it is these traits, according to many psychologists, that can enrich the lives of hypersensitive people. “The reason for increased excitability lies in our overly sensitive nervous system, but thanks to it we are able to experience genuine joy,” says Ilse Sand.

It is hypersensitivity that makes us more creative, responsible, sensitive and attentive to others (which they, no doubt, appreciate).

True, this medal also has a flip side. “Hypersensitive people expect from others the same sensitivity that they show themselves, but in vain - most people are absolutely indifferent to the feelings of others. And it’s better to be prepared for this than to be horrified over and over again,” reminds Ilse Sand.

Overly sensitive people: how to make your life easier

The first and most important thing to do, according to the author of the book, is admit that you are different from others, and stop considering your features as something bad.

The second important step is be more gentle with yourself . As Ilse Sand notes, highly sensitive people often have high standards for themselves and low self-esteem. " High standards must be strictly controlled, otherwise there is a high probability of mental stress. You need to focus on your own life principles and start the process of pacification. The rest is a matter of practice, says Ilse Sand. “The feeling that you can be yourself and don’t have to be overly helpful will have a positive effect on your self-esteem.”

* Find something you like and return to it regularly. “Go for a walk and admire nature, pamper your senses by giving yourself a bouquet of fragrant flowers, listen to good music, start journaling, write poetry or prose, spend time with someone you really care about,” writes Ilse Sand.

* Learn to say “no”. Without this skill, you will constantly suffer from overload and overwork. Don't worry: a politely formulated refusal is unlikely to offend anyone.

* Don't wish for the impossible. “Perhaps you have been reproaching yourself for many years in a row because you do not have enough strength to do everything that those around you do. Or get angry with yourself and force yourself to do activities that overload your nervous system. This happens because you refuse to come to terms with the peculiarities of your personality and want to prove that the level of your abilities is no different from the level of abilities of the majority of those around you, explains the Danish psychotherapist. - Stop going out of your way to prove to others that you are as strong as they are, allow yourself to be soft and sensitive, adjust your life exclusively to yourself and suddenly you will discover that the state of happiness is very different from the feelings of eternal pursuit and struggle."

Recognize your characteristics and learn to live in accordance with them - this is perhaps the main step towards peace with yourself.

What if any unfamiliar situation makes you very nervous? What if a half-hour buffet leads to an unbearable desire for privacy, as a “social hangover” inevitably sets in? Perhaps you are an orchid person.


A little theory: the phenomenon of hypersensitivity was first described by Elaine Aaron, an American psychotherapist. Before her, all orchid people were mistakenly classified as either introverts, or simply nervous or even neurotic people. Hypersensitivity has nothing to do with diseases and abnormalities! Of course, introversion occurs in most orchid people, but there are also extroverts among them.

I'll make a reservation that this is not scientific work I didn't do any research. What is written here is the result of observations of myself and others like me, and I was inspired by Elaine Aron’s book “The Highly Sensitive Nature.”

Who are the orchid people?

You can safely count yourself among these 25% of subtle natures if you have most of the following signs:

2. Caution and even slowness in making decisions
3. Tendency to deeply analyze one’s actions and events occurring around them
4. Increased attention to subtle details and subtle trends
5. High sensitivity to the emotions of other people (high empathy, pity for the weaker), as well as avoidance of conflicts
6. Loss of concentration and confusion in situations of evaluation and observation by other people
7. Developed intuition, a tendency to foresight
8. Right-hemisphere thinking, good creative abilities

9. Introversion (about 70% of orchid people are introverts), avoidance of publicity and wide circles of communication
10. Tendency to constant learning, desire for self-improvement
11. Increased vulnerability and tendency to more pronounced physical discomfort, that is, they suffer more from pain and tolerate hunger worse
12. Higher susceptibility to drug treatment, caffeine

Now let’s look in more detail at the main features of orchid people, and how they manifest themselves at work and in communication with colleagues.

1. High susceptibility to external stimuli and strong excitability of the nervous system

This is perhaps the most striking and defining feature of the orchid people. If we take beads as a metaphorical image, then this feature is a thread, and that’s all
the rest are beads that could not form beads without a thread.

The reaction of highly sensitive people to any, even minor, stimulus is stronger than that of most people. The reaction to unexpected and unfamiliar stimuli is especially strong. For example, the unexpected sound of breaking glass or someone's shout will make you flinch, gasp and your heart beat violently. Strong irritants completely deafen you and cause a reaction of stupor, a desire to retire as soon as possible. Therefore, orchid people, due to their increased emotionality, try to avoid:
Crowded traffic during rush hour
Rallies with large crowds of people
Buffets and noisy parties
Long noisy queues
Traffic jams (by the way, orchid people know better than others how to avoid traffic jams;)

Nervous system Orchid people are tuned to a higher sensitivity to minor stimuli. This in turn implies more detailed processing of information entering the brain. As a result, the nervous system is overloaded more than most people. Hence, fatigue sets in faster, and with strong irritants, the fatigue is completely deafening.

Manifestation in the business environment:
Orchid people feel extremely uncomfortable at large and noisy meetings. In order not to aggravate your internal tension and don't force
their heart beats even faster, they prefer to remain silent. They definitely don't like open-space offices.

Of course, I don’t like working on weekends, but if I have to go out, a bonus is the opportunity to sit in an empty office with dim lights! My work is in full swing in such an environment!

2. Caution and slowness in making decisions.

Orchid people prefer to think through all the possible consequences of any action, which takes a lot of time. But their decisions are often successful,
after all, they were based on collecting a large number of facts and considering all possible options.

Your brain always strives for careful and deep processing of information, and this takes much more time.

Manifestation in the business environment:
Such people work according to the principle “measure twice, cut once.” Work in which you need to make quick decisions causes the strongest

3. Tendency to constantly analyze one’s actions and events occurring around them

Orchid people are prone to long thoughts and soul-searching. Others may perceive this as having their head in the clouds and counting crows ;).
Constant internal dialogue can lead to absent-mindedness and some clumsiness in actions. But it is precisely thanks to this inner work
Orchid people are more often endowed with worldly wisdom, they are more often reasonable and prudent in their actions, and more often become truly mature people.

The same tendency to constantly process incoming information.

Manifestation in the business environment:

When discussing some new information, an oversensitive employee may seem to have trouble understanding what is happening. But thanks to his penchant for analysis, he subsequently comes to an even deeper understanding of details and nuances than others.

I noticed the following about myself: when I learn something new in large quantities, my head becomes confused and chaos. But I already know that the brain semi-consciously processes what it has learned. And the next day or week (depending on the complexity of the task or information) comes SUCH clarity and understanding that I never dreamed of at first! The expression “The morning is wiser than the evening” is definitely about orchid people!

4. Increased attention to subtle details and trends

From a highly sensitive nature, you are more likely to hear the phrase “Something is wrong here...” It is the orchid people who will be the first to pay attention to subtle changes in the usual course of things. Whether this will be a false alarm or the beginning of an impending disaster is already a matter of time. But in any case, it would be wise for other people to listen to them. Perhaps, when the tsunami approached in Thailand, the orchid people were the first to pay attention to the animals running away from the shore, and certainly did not rush to collect shells on the exposed shore before the arrival of a big wave...

High sensitivity to minor stimuli is combined with increased attention to detail. The nervous system of orchid people, figuratively speaking, wears glasses with magnifying glasses: they help to see details better, but the incoming light from the lenses burns more strongly. Nature has given us such lenses so that we can see the approaching danger in advance and warn our fellow tribesmen. A separate post on my website is dedicated to the benefits of orchid people for the rest of the community.

Manifestation in the business environment:
You are the one who knows how to warn your boss or your colleagues about a problem before it gets worse. You are the one who will be the first to notice the subtle
changes in the market and warn others about it. You may have a reputation for exaggerating danger all the time. But rather in you
appreciate this insight.

Majority characteristic features I tried to show orchid people both the advantages and strengths. Believe me, I was not afraid to overdo it, since such people are rarely prone to inflated self-esteem, and such praises addressed to them will not lead to narcissism.

About increased susceptibility, and how to live with it?

Today’s article will be useful to all those who, when communicating with unpleasant person headaches begin to ache, those who simply have tears in their eyes from injustice and sad events, those who react hypersensitively to the weather, people around them, world cataclysms, movies watched or books read, their own and other people’s work, mutual misunderstandings, to any business or on vacation - in in general, to life in all its manifestations.

Such hypersensitive people need to be able to follow certain rules and some restrictions in perception, since otherwise there may simply not be enough internal resources, which are used at an alarming rate to comprehend what worries them. And these resources are simply necessary for hypersensitive people to quickly restore mental and physical strength, without which it is impossible to maintain normal relationships and perform basic tasks.

Increased susceptibility has many positive aspects, which are noticeable to others with the naked eye: a hypersensitive person is attentive and responsive, as a rule, engaged in creativity, he is caring and compassionate, and is able to give a lot to others emotionally. Such people are usually pleasant to talk to, they quickly make you fall in love with them, they are not always at the center of the company, but they are almost certainly its soul.

The other side of increased susceptibility is sudden mood swings, low productivity, loneliness and apathy. Every personal loss is experienced very painfully, every break in a relationship is perceived as their own death, such people very often idealize the objects of their sympathy, and then experience severe disappointment.

You should not fight with increased sensitivity, you need to come to terms with it and learn to manage it in your personal interests, because sometimes living with it can be very difficult and even unbearable.

How can this be?

Communicate with those you like and are interested in; if necessary, put up mental barriers from others; you can also visualize a wall between yourself and unsuitable interlocutors with the feeling that you are safe and nothing bad will pass through the wall.
Learn to distance yourself from unnecessary emotions and experiences - this is a great way that will suit people with increased sensitivity. If you have already let something unnecessary into yourself that carries negativity, try not to get involved in this state, watch it as if from the outside, wondering where it could come from, and deciding for yourself not to live this negative emotion. After some time, it will go away on its own, losing your attention.
It is very important to find ways to free yourself from unnecessary worries. Creativity or physical training, in general, a favorite activity, everyone can have their own, is perfect as a sewer for draining unnecessary and harmful emotions.
And, at least sometimes, organize a time of partial or complete isolation for yourself. If you understand that you no longer have the strength to let all this negativity pass through you, turn off your phone and other means of communication, and try locking yourself at home. an interesting book, or do household chores, go to the forest and enjoy solitude and silence, where you can put your thoughts in order and restore strength.

In this article I will suggest several ways to distract yourself from negative thoughts. To some they will seem simple and familiar, but I hope someone will adopt them and their life will become a little easier.

What torments you today will bother you in two days, a week, a month, a year? Maybe it's just a simple trifle that you'll forget in a couple of days? If your thoughts are busy with some little thing, throw it out of your head without regret and go do more useful things.
Think about the worst outcome of the situation. Imagine the real situation in detail, detail the “tragic end” as much as possible. What happens if you don't stop worrying? It's no secret that all diseases are caused by nerves. You can easily get sick, or a chronic disease can worsen - this often happens with hyper-responsible workaholics. Believe me, your favorite job, which you are so worried about, will not put you on your feet, and no one will appreciate your dedication to your work.
If you cannot influence the outcome of the situation in any way, humble yourself, calm down and distract yourself. Your suffering will not make anyone feel better, so do something useful: clean up, go to the gym, go to the cinema or for a walk with friends.
If you are constantly nervous about what might happen in the future, then you are unlikely to enjoy the present. But what if this future does not come, if the problem resolves itself, some circumstances change, etc.? It turns out that you were wasting precious time on empty thoughts. Isn't it better to live for today and do more pleasant and useful things?
Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. I hope there are people around you from whom you can learn frivolity and a simple attitude to life. Learn from such friends: they never “work themselves up”, do not suffer from long thoughts, but simply live and take all events in life for granted. Maybe this is the secret of true happiness?

Incredible facts

Almost all of us have met highly sensitive people in our lives.

We know that with such people you need to be especially careful with your words, as you never know how they will react.

Recent studies have shown that approximately 15-20 percent of people are hypersensitive. However, many do not know what this means.

Read also:13 unexpected signs that you are very smart

Often hypersensitive people are classified as introverts, but this is not the same thing. These people are sensitive to many things, from pain to caffeine consumption.

Often this type of person has a number of habits and characteristics.

1. Your feelings are much deeper than usual.

Such people experience everything on a deeper level. They have good intuition and try to get to the bottom of things.

2. You're better at spotting lies.

You could be a good detective not only because of your good intuition and attention to detail, but also because you are good at picking up nonverbal gestures that most people may not notice.

3. You like to study alone

Most of these people always feel like someone is looking at them. They feel much more comfortable alone, away from the scrutiny of others.

4. You take a long time to make decisions

Highly sensitive people take longer to make decisions. They overthink things a lot more because they are aware of all the little details and weigh all the possible consequences.

5. You notice details first

You will be the first to notice others have a new T-shirt and the slightest change in the weather.

6. You have a developed right hemisphere

The right hemisphere is associated with emotional expression, music, recognition of faces, colors, images and intuition. Highly sensitive people are more inquisitive, imaginative, and intuitive.

7. You get more upset about bad decisions.

If you make the wrong decision, you often beat yourself up about it for a long time. Your emotions are exaggerated due to great emotional reactivity.

8. Not all highly sensitive people are introverts

About 70 percent of highly sensitive people are introverts. But if a person has grown up or is used to being in a close-knit group of people, it is much easier for him to adapt to strangers.

9. You are a good addition to any team.

Although highly sensitive people prefer to work alone, their thoughtfulness helps them come up with interesting, innovative ideas.

10. You are more prone to depression and anxiety.

If a hypersensitive person encounters a large number negativity, especially in early childhood or adolescence, he may not feel safe, and be prone to anxiety and depression. This is especially important for parents of such children to know and always support them.

11. You are not prone to casual relationships

You need to feel comfortable with a person in order to become intimate with them.