Tesla experiments and experiments with teleportation. Did the scientist Nikola Tesla know how to read minds and move people in space? Arm-thick fire rods

In the now distant 1984, the feature film “The Philadelphia Experiment”, which, as is now believed, was based on real events of seventy years ago, was released on world screens, causing a lot of noise.

There is no official data about this experiment, the US Navy does not comment on numerous notes in the press, and yet most researchers of world secrets and mysteries are confident that on October 28, 1943, the US Navy actually conducted an unusual experiment...

It is believed that during a top-secret experiment by the American military, the destroyer Eldridge, along with a crew of 181 sailors, allegedly disappeared and then appeared tens of kilometers from the site of the experiment. Surprisingly, post-war sailors who served on the Eldridge always denied the events described below. However, the existing detailed description of the experiment, which emerged several years after it was carried out, suggests that the events were still genuine.


What happened 70 years ago? If we summarize all the information available today, it turns out that American sailors tried to generate powerful electromagnetic fields on a military destroyer, thanks to which light and radio waves would be forced to go around the ship. That is, in fact, the goal of the experiment was to create an invisible ship, a kind of “Flying Dutchman”, invisible to the eyes and radars of the enemy.

However, according to numerous publications in the post-war tabloid press, the experiment immediately did not go as planned. On July 22, 1943, a ship in dock, after turning on the equipment, was first enveloped in a greenish light, and then completely disappeared from sight right up to the waterline.

After turning off the electromagnetic current generators and the appearance of the ship, it turned out that some sailors were literally fused into the metal hull of the ship, others were very sick, and a strange glow emanated from others. It would seem that after such terrible consequences, repeating the experiment was out of the question. But no. After all, there was a war going on, and the leaders of the American Navy assumed that the generators were configured incorrectly and decided to repeat the experiment.

In the fall, October 28, 1943, apparently rightfully fearing unpleasant surprises, the destroyer Eldridge was taken out to the roadstead and the electromagnetic installation was turned on again. But this time, too, the experiment went awry. The ship was shrouded in a strange glow and then disappeared, this time completely. Soon, however, he appeared, but not at the place of the experiment, but in Norfolk, Virginia. According to the Western press, numerous witnesses saw him there.

Then the ship, in an unknown way, again materialized at the site of the experiment. It was truly creepy to look at the sailors of the ship; out of the entire crew of almost two hundred people, only 21 sailors returned unharmed. Several dozen people were fused into the structure of the ship, some of the sailors died from burns and electric shock. But even those who seemed unharmed behaved inhibited, often fell into prostration, and one sailor even walked through the wall in front of his family and disappeared.


An experiment with such fantastic results should have been kept in the secret archives of the United States for many decades. So how did the world community learn about it, and in such great detail? The notorious freedom of speech was to blame.

At first, the secret, as expected, was reliably guarded, but in 1955, the American writer Morris Jessup, author of the book “Arguments in Favor of UFOs,” received a strange message from a certain Carlos M. Allende, who, in his own words, served on the ship "Andrew Furset", part of the convoy of the destroyer "Eldridge" during the experiment. It was Allende who told the writer, and with him the whole world, about the amazing experiment that he had to witness. Having received unique information, many Western researchers immediately rushed to search for the logbooks of the Eldridge and Andrew Furset, but, as it turned out, they were lost during the war. The surviving sailors remained silent.

At the same time, versions began to appear around the experiment, like mushrooms after rain, one more surprising than the other. Some argued that the technology tested during the experiment was derived from Einstein's unified field theory; someone was sure that during the experiment they checked some calculations of Nikola Tesla himself. But be that as it may in fact, completely reliable information does not exist today.

The only indirect evidence that the sailor from the Andrew Furset was telling the truth is the fact that the writer who first talked about the experiment and tried to find new data about it was found in 1959 in his own car in a coma and could not be taken to the hospital. made it in time. Researchers who followed in Jessup’s footsteps, as Western tabloid publications claim, indeed not only looked for, but also found eyewitnesses of the appearance of “Eldridge” in Norfolk. Someone also dug up evidence showing that Einstein worked for the US Navy during the war.


So did the Philadelphia experiment really exist or not? In the 1990s, skeptical researcher Robert Goerman tried to put the final point in this riddle. Since all the information about the experiment actually came from a sailor from the Andrew Fureset named Carlos Allende, the researcher first decided to find out who this man really was. It turned out that the letters to the ufologist writer were written by someone named Carl Allen, a man suffering from a mental disorder. Robert Goerman deduced this fact from the style of writing the letter telling about the experiment: the letters were of different sizes, the ink in the letter was used in different colors, the lines jumped.

Further - more: it turned out that neither "Eldridge" nor "Andrew Fureset" were in Philadelphia during the specified time periods when the experiment was supposedly carried out. And in general, the Andrew Furset was never in the Eldridge convoy. Surprisingly, even physicists refuted the very idea of ​​the possibility of such an experiment, since, according to them, during the war, indeed, the US Navy conducted experiments to protect the bottom of ships from mines with magnetic detonators by creating a special circuit around the ship’s hull that formed an electromagnetic field . Moreover, this technology was strictly secret during the war years, and later several notes about it appeared in popular science publications. Obviously, it was there that Karl Allen got his fantasy about a fantastic experiment.


And yet, despite the damning facts that refute the reality of the Philadelphia experiment, there remains a feeling of some understatement. All the denials are very similar to a cover operation organized by the US military. After all, if the whole story with the experiment is the ravings of a madman, then why was it necessary to remove the writer who was looking for the truth a little more than ten years after the possible date of the experiment, when it was still possible to find something? And why did the critical researcher appear only in the nineties, and not earlier?

There are more questions than answers. But here is what has become known about the mysterious experience these days.

It turns out that the experiment was, at least, well known about the participation of the largest physicists of the 20th century in it. If we discard the sensational reports of the tabloid press with a large number of corpses embedded in metal and sailors passing through walls, and pay attention to the biographies of the world's leading physicists, whose names are associated with this experiment, then the whole story appears in a completely different light.

It began long before the events described, in 1912, when the mathematician David Gilbert substantiated the existence of multidimensional space. In 1926, he spoke about his theory to John von Neumann, also a mathematician, famous for his ability to direct theoretical research into practical directions. After some time, Neumann met a certain Levinson, who discovered the “Levinson time equations.” It was the ideas of these scientists that formed the basis of the project to create the invisibility of a large object. Scientists began practical testing of the mysterious theory in the thirties of the 20th century at the University of Chicago under the leadership of Dean John Hutchinson.

Later, the famous Nikola Tesla actually joined the work. The research turned out to be so promising that by 1936 several groups of researchers had been merged together under the general leadership of the same Tesla. And in 1940, the first practical experiment took place at the US Navy base in Brooklyn, although at that time without a team on board. The objective of the experiment was to create an “electromagnetic bubble” around the ship, which would divert enemy radar radiation from the ship, changing the external electromagnetic field around a given object.

By 1941, Tesla received the green light from the authorities to fully develop the experiment, which was dubbed Project Rainbow, and not the Philadelphia Experiment, as it was later called in the newspapers. The project was managed by the National Defense Research Committee and the Bureau of Physical Development of the US Department of Military Science. Tesla was given a ship, which he equipped with special coils, but the scientist was very hesitant about the participation of people in the experiment, foreseeing irreversible detrimental consequences for their health. Therefore, the scientist delayed the final tests as best he could.

Von Neumann also heated up the situation, persistently suggesting that the experiment should be started with a team on board. The military took Neumann's side; moreover, during the preparation for the experiment, Tesla died, and there were no longer any obstacles to carrying out the experiment.


In the summer of 1942, the Eldridge was laid down. The destroyer was equipped with two huge electromagnetic generators, then a third was added, but they did not have time to connect and synchronize it before the start of the experiment. On July 20, 1943, the experimental installations were turned on. Crew members were on board. The desired effect has been achieved! The invisibility lasted fifteen minutes. However, after the end of the experiment, the sailors experienced headaches, nausea and mental disorders. Of course, there were no horrors described by the tabloid press, but the deterioration in the health of the sailors was obvious. After improving the equipment, on August 12, 1943, the Eldridge was taken out to the roadstead and the experiment was repeated.

Well aware that the crew was in grave danger, Neumann reduced the power of the experimental installations, wanting to ensure that the ship was invisible only to radar, reducing the danger to the health of the ship's crew. However, something went wrong and the ship, enveloped in a blue glow, disappeared from sight, and then appeared in Norfolk, hundreds of miles from the research site. When the ship “returned,” the experiment was considered a success from a military point of view, but the crew was pitiful to look at.

It is unknown what happened to them during the interdimensional transition, but some of the sailors lost the ability to walk without leaning on the walls, while others were in a state of constant horror. After this, the Rainbow Project was closed, Dr. John von Neumann was transferred to work in the Manhattan Project to create an atomic bomb.

At the same time, there are persistent rumors that the project was not closed, but only renamed. As a result of research in this direction, for example, the well-known technology “Stele” appeared today.


What is teleportation?

Teleportation- the general name for processes in which an object moves from one place to another, in a very short period of time (almost instantly), without existing at intermediate points between them, using technological methods or paranormal phenomena...

Technological methods of teleportation

Technological methods involve, for example, a procedure for creating information about the internal structure and properties of a material object located at one point in space, transferring such information and recreating in a very short period of time (canonically - instantly) to another point in space a material object with internal structure and properties, identical to the first one - in this case, the object at the first point disappears during the transfer of information, and the material of the body or substance is used as a carrier of information, from which a body or substance identical to the previous one is then recreated.

Instant movement and quantum teleportation

In works of science fiction, it is the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another. Although several methods of teleportation have been theoretically discovered (the theory of wormholes, hole teleportation), only quantum teleportation has been confirmed experimentally, in laboratory conditions. In 2004, it was possible to teleport the quantum states of single elementary particles.

Top-secret Philadelphia experiment.
Official version: ensuring the protection of warships from magnetic mines.
The real purpose of the experiment is to test the authenticity of Nikola Tesla's hypothesis about the possibility of teleportation.

Philadelphia raid

During the Second World War, US Navy scientists worked on the so-called Project Rainbow, the goal of which was to make the ship as invisible as possible to the enemy. As part of this project, experiments were carried out in the harbor of the Philadelphia Naval Yard and a little later on the open sea in the summer and autumn of 1943 to camouflage the small destroyer Eldridge. The essence of the experiments was the generation of an extremely powerful electromagnetic field around the ship, which resulted in strong refraction or bending of light waves and radar radiation, similar to how heated air creates optical mirages over roads and in deserts on a hot day...

destroyer Eldridge

We can say that attempts to make the Eldridge invisible during the Philadelphia experiment were a complete success, but one very significant problem arose - the ship not only disappeared from view of observers for some time, but also completely disappeared physically, and then appeared again. In other words, the experimenters only wanted to hide the ship from view, but instead received dematerialization and teleportation.

According to observers, after turning on the generators on the destroyer, the ship in Philadelphia harbor was gradually enveloped in a cloud of greenish fog, hiding the Eldridge from sight, after which the fog suddenly disappeared, but at the same time the ship completely disappeared not only from the radar screen, but also from the field of view shocked observers. A few minutes later, the command was given to turn off the generators, the greenish fog from which the Eldridge emerged reappeared, but it quickly became clear that something had gone wrong. The people on the ship turned out to be completely insane, many were vomiting, no one had an explanation for what happened...

The composition of the team was completely changed, the parameters of the equipment were slightly adjusted, wanting to achieve only invisibility for radars, and in October of the same year they carried out a repeat of the Philadelphia experiment. At first everything went well, after turning on the generators the Eldridge became translucent, but then a bright blue flash followed and the destroyer completely disappeared from sight. Then, within a few minutes, a ship that appeared out of nowhere was observed in the Norfolk roadstead, half a thousand kilometers from Philadelphia, and then the ship again materialized in its original place.

US Naval Station Norfolk

But this time things turned out to be much worse for the crew - someone clearly went crazy, someone disappeared without a trace and was never seen again, and five people were found sticking out of the metal structures of the ship...

After such a tragically ended experiment, it was decided to stop further work on the Rainbow project in the Navy.

Of the 181 crew members, only 21 survived.
27 people literally became fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns and radiation, the rest went missing, but the possibility of teleportation was proven...

crew members of the destroyer Eldridge

The experiment was carried out under the direct supervision of scientist Nikola Tesla, who, according to the official version, “died” on January 7, 1943.
To ensure security, his death was a hoax by the FBI, and the great scientist himself headed a top-secret laboratory for the study of teleportation.

Nikola Tesla

The US government, shocked by the results of the experiment with the destroyer Eldridge, decides to continue research and larger-scale experiments.

So, in December 1943, Project Arizona was launched at a remote desert site.

Arizona desert

Powerful energy generators were built, which in appearance resembled huge towers about 60 meters in height, with metal balls crowning them.

The masts were evenly placed around the perimeter of an imaginary circle with a diameter of about a mile, in the center of which a powerful electromagnetic field was supposed to be pumped up.

This is how an eyewitness described the course of the experiment: “Let’s begin,” Tesla commanded. Something resembling artillery cannonade was heard. The laboratory was illuminated with a bluish light, all the equipment emitted fiery needles, the smell of ozone was felt... Large blue sparks first jumped out of the ball on the mast, then they turned into blue threads. These are no longer threads, but fiery rods as thick as an arm. Finally, lightning flashed and thunder boomed, which was heard at a distance of 15 miles.”

In the center of the circle, a certain foggy sphere formed, glowing with a greenish light, into which two volunteer experimenters entered. They were absent for a short time, but what they said when they returned shocked all the participants in the experiment.

Once inside the sphere, the scientists found themselves in a strange and unknown area. Researchers reported vegetation similar to mid-latitude flora and the absence of any signs of civilization. No one could say where they ended up: a remote and deserted corner of the Earth, a parallel world or another planet.

Under conditions of strict secrecy, the government decided to send a long-term research expedition inside the sphere. And in order to ensure its autonomy, they provided it with a large support detachment, which was supposed to build the necessary infrastructure in the zone that would allow the group not to depend on supplies from the outside world.

The experiment continued for several years, until Nikola Tesla was alive. Several settlements were built for researchers who could provide the inhabitants of the zone with everything they needed.

With the real death of Tesla, storm clouds hung over the experiment, since the project manager kept all the key technical decisions only in his head. There were problems initializing the portal. Scientists were faced with the fact that during one of the planned sessions the “entrance to the zone” stopped opening.

Only after countless unsuccessful attempts and the expenditure of colossal amounts of energy, the portal again allowed people into the zone, but only to ask them another terrible riddle.

Not a single living soul could be found inside the zone. The buildings in all the villages were intact, things remained in their places, but all the scientists and workers disappeared, leaving no traces or messages...

The project management, frightened by such a massive disappearance of people, took measures to erase any information about this already secret experiment. The military base on whose territory the portal was located was mothballed, and the energy towers were dismantled. All that remained from the experiment were scattered eyewitness accounts and a few geological samples brought from the zone, buried for many years in the safes of the Ministry of Defense.


The statute of limitations has expired, and the classification of secrecy has been removed from the archival file on the Arizona experiment. Artifacts taken out of the zone 65 years ago have again fallen into the hands of scientists.

After numerous experiments and analyses, experts came to the conclusion that the samples found in the archive consisted of a substance unknown to earthly science. As it turned out, the “Blue Crystal” (this is the name scientists gave to the unknown substance) has a number of extraordinary properties and its parameters are many times superior to the notorious Helium-3, for the sake of which humanity launched a large-scale lunar program in 2013.

The main difference between the new super-substance is that its extraction turned out to be very easy. Either in one or another place in the earth's crust, emissions of a gaseous mixture occur. The gas collected in special containers interacts with an inert substance and crystallizes. Those same “blue crystals” are formed, which are very easy to transport. The only problem was that you can only get the “blue crystal” in the “zone”...

The smell of multibillion-dollar profits was in the air, and to implement a project to extract the super-substance, a group of investors created the Spectra crystals corporation.

She purchased the research results, as well as the land plot on which the old abandoned military base was located. Corporation engineers restored Tesla's dismantled energy towers. The portal is working again.

Volunteers, tools and weapons were sent to the zone. Priceless “crystals” are from the zone. To implement the Blue Crystal mining program, adventurers and adventurers were recruited all over the world, driven by a thirst for profit and thrills.

Having found themselves inside the zone using a teleportation session, practically naked and barefoot, the mercenaries found themselves cut off from all the rules and conventions of modern civilization. In order to survive in these conditions, they will have to go from a simple prospector to the leader of a squad of thugs who control the extraction and sale of an invaluable resource.

In this unknown world, among terrible secrets, in an atmosphere of fierce competition and complete impunity, among treachery and mercilessness, only one law rules the show: “The strongest wins!”

The US Navy, as best it could, disavowed the Philadelphia experiment, declaring that nothing like this had happened in 1943. Of course, many researchers did not believe the government. They continued their research. For example, documents were found confirming that from 1943 to 1944 Albert Einstein served in the Navy Department in Washington. Witnesses appeared, some of whom personally saw how the Eldridge disappeared, others were holding sheets of paper with calculations made in the hand of Einstein, who had a very characteristic handwriting. Even a newspaper clipping from those times was found, telling about sailors who left the ship and melted before the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Researchers of this mysterious story did not find the most important thing - maritime documents. The Eldridge's ship's logs could have explained a lot, but they strangely disappeared. At least, all requests to the US government and military department received an official answer: “... It is not possible to find, and therefore put at your disposal"And the logbooks of the escort ship "Fureset" were completely destroyed on instructions from above, although this contradicts all existing rules...
The Philadelphia Experiment first became widely known thanks to astrophysicist Morris K. Jessup, a scientist and writer from Iowa. In 1956, Maurice Jessup spent a long time investigating, visiting archives and talking with the military. In the end, he found a lot of evidence that gave him the opportunity to express his opinion about the reality of these events as follows: “... The experiment is very interesting, but terribly dangerous. It has too much influence on the people involved. The experiment used magnetic generators, so-called “demagnetizers,” which operated at resonant frequencies and created a monstrous field around the ship. In practice, this provided a temporary withdrawal from our dimension and could mean a spatial breakthrough, if only it were possible to keep the process under control!"Perhaps Jessup learned too much, because in 1959 he died under very mysterious, and even overly suspicious circumstances - he was found in his own car, suffocated from exhaust fumes.
The unambiguous truth about the Philadelphia experiment has never been established.

Teleportation in the animal world

A clear example of teleportation can be seen in the North American atta ants. Atta queens are giant females that only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly away from their native anthill-city, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new ant city. The queen gives birth to worker ants, and they begin to care for her, and in the meantime she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her “egg conveyor”. To protect the queen, worker ants build a “concrete” chamber, which is so strong that it can only be destroyed with a crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its lowermost part there is a series of small holes for the entry and exit of food carriers “midwives” who monitor the eggs, a chute for eggs and a channel for excrement. Such a chamber can reach the size of a coconut.
If you get to the chamber and carefully cut off its side part, you can observe the entire life process of the queen ant. And if you close the chamber for a few minutes and then open it again, then the uterus... will no longer be there. But she will appear in exactly the same chamber a few tens of meters from the first one! Scientists repeatedly performed the same experiment: they marked the queen ant with spray paint and closed the chamber. The uterus was disappearing. And in a new chamber, discovered at a great distance, the same marked uterus was found. She felt great, was eating and laying eggs. It is impossible to imagine that atta ants, in a short time (no more than an hour, even several hours while the experimenters are searching for the second chamber), manage to dig a tunnel several tens of meters long, build a new “concrete chamber” and drag the queen there. According to the famous animal world researcher Ivan Sanderson, the results of the experiments indicate that the Atta created a teleportation system for the most important members of their society, triggered in emergencies. The mystery of the atta ants has not yet received a satisfactory explanation from scientists. However, it clearly demonstrates the possibility of transporting a living creature over an indefinite distance, and to the required point!
There are also known cases of teleportation of domestic cats. A family with their cat leaves two to three thousand kilometers from home. After some time, the owners return home without the cat because they forgot it or it ran away. After one or two months the cat returns home! The animal is physically unable to overcome such a distance. According to some researchers, the cat somehow finds spatial portals and with their help overcomes such huge distances in a short time.

I propose to discuss the topic of teleportation and related topics on

© P. Oleksenko, 2012

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Read work

O'Neal John J. A genius overflowing. M., 2008. pp. 261–262.

Einstein Albert(1879–1955) - physicist, creator of the theory of relativity and one of the creators of quantum theory and statistical physics. After graduating from the Zurich Polytechnic (1900), he worked as a teacher, first in Winterthur, then in Schafhausen. In 1902 he received a position as an expert at the Federal Patent Office in Bern, where he worked until 1909. During these years, Einstein created the special theory of relativity, carried out research on statistical physics, Brownian motion, radiation theory, etc. Einstein’s work became famous, and in 1909 he was elected professor at the University of Zurich, then at the German University in Prague (1911–1912) . In 1912 he returned to Zurich, where he took a chair at the Zurich Polytechnic. In 1913 he was elected a member of the Prussian and Bavarian Academies of Sciences, and in 1914 he moved to Berlin, where he was director of the Institute of Physics and a professor at the University of Berlin. During the Berlin period, Einstein completed the creation of the general theory of relativity and further developed the quantum theory of radiation. For the discovery of the laws of the photoelectric effect and work in the field of theoretical physics, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize (1921). In 1933, he was forced to leave Germany; subsequently, in protest against fascism, he renounced his German citizenship, resigned from the academy and moved to Princeton (USA), where he became a member of the Institute of Advanced Studies. During this period, Einstein tried to develop a unified field theory and studied issues of cosmology.

Oppenheimer Robert(1904–1967) - American physicist. Works on quantum mechanics, physics of the atomic nucleus and cosmic rays, isotope separation, neutron stars. Led (1943–1945) the creation of the American atomic bomb. Chairman of the General Advisory Committee of the US Atomic Energy Commission (1946–1952), Director (1947–1966) of the Institute for Basic Research at Princeton.

Neiman John (Janos) von(1903–1957) - American mathematician, member of the US National Academy of Sciences (1937). In 1926 he graduated from the University of Budapest. Since 1927 he taught at the University of Berlin, in 1930–1933 - at Princeton University (USA), since 1933 - professor at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. Since 1940, he has been a consultant to various army and naval institutions (N. took part, in particular, in the work on creating the first atomic bomb). Since 1954 - member of the Atomic Energy Commission.

Cm.: Tesla Nikola. Colorado Springs. Diaries. 1899–1900. M., 2008.

According to the official history of the Eldridge, as presented in Navy Department documents, the ship was launched on July 25, 1943, at Newark, New Jersey, and commissioned on August 27, 1943, at the New York Seaport.

And the historical facts about Nikola Tesla’s Philadelphia experiment were kept in the strictest confidence, but after so many years there are people who simply cannot remain silent anymore. Nikola Tesla is generally a very interesting person, about whom there are many legends and myths, but his experiment with the destroyer Eldridge is something beyond fantasy.

This Man was born on July 10, 1856 in the village of Smiljan in the territory of modern Croatia. At that time, this area was part of Austria-Hungary, where he grew up. Tesla is known throughout the world as an inventor, physicist, electrical engineer, and mechanic. In 1873, Nikola received a certificate of maturity, or, as we now call it, a certificate of secondary education. In those years, there was a cholera epidemic, which at that time was incurable, but Tesla miraculously survived it. Some mystics believe that there were otherworldly forces involved. The first fact was that Nikola Tesla was born into the family of a priest, and the second was that he was cured by some woman who gave him tinctures of herbs and beans.

Nikola worked in France on lighting for railway transport in Paris. For completing this work he was promised a bonus of 25 thousand dollars, which he never received. As they say: “They wait three years for the promised.” Tesla didn’t wait that long and quit the company and wanted to move to work in St. Petersburg (Russia), but at the last moment he was lured to the USA. In America, he worked for Thomas Edison as an engineer repairing electric motors and DC generators. After some time, Edison offered Tesla 50 thousand dollars if he would improve the technology he had invented. Soon Nikola Tesla provided the boss with 24 improved projects and all of them were approved, but just like in Paris, he did not receive his reward. The scientist also decided to quit.

After this, Tesla had a difficult time in his life - there was a time when there was no food and a roof over his head. After some time, he sold some of his patents ($25 thousand each) and the Niagara Falls company provided significant assistance in the amount of $100 thousand. In 1895, Nikola Tesla opened his laboratory, where he carried out his further developments. He was even nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics, but due to the fact that this prize was offered to be shared with Thomas Edison, they both refused it. Tesla achieved certain successes in radio electronics: in 1917, he invented a device that could detect submarines using a radio signal. Among other things, he closely studied the phenomena of electromagnetic induction, with which the most mystical myth called the “Philadelphia experiment” is associated.

As you know, Tesla spent all his free time studying magnetic fields. The Philadelphia experiment is the most mystical experiment in the entire history of magnetism. The fact that he invented a device for detecting submarines indicates the close cooperation of the scientist with the US Army. After unveiling the detection device, Tesla began working on the opposite model. Now this technology is called Stealth, based on the demagnetization of metals. For reference, this is a device that helps you remain invisible to radar. This device is mainly used on submarines and, relatively recently, on combat aircraft. The Philadelphia experiment is known for moving the destroyer Eldridge at least 400 km in space. This experiment was conducted by the US Navy in 1943. It is known that Tesla was against trying this device because he wanted to improve it. But as you know, at that time the Second World War was going on, and this technology would simply give a colossal advantage over the enemy. For this reason, the decision was made to carry it out.

Historical facts

There is practically no historical data about the Philadelphia experiment. Because even now the US authorities deny this fact. As stated earlier, mystics believe that Nikola Tesla was against the experiment. He believed that the installation was unfinished and in every possible way interfered with its implementation so as not to kill innocent people. And to prevent this, he removed and hid an important element of the installation. As the facts say, Nikola Tesla died on the night of January 7-8, 1943 in a hotel room. His body was found only 2 days later, i.e. January 10, and on the 12th his body was cremated. Fast isn't it?

The experiment itself was carried out on October 28 of the same year, i.e. 10 months after the death of the scientist. Perhaps during this time a group of his colleagues made the missing element of the device. The experiment was carried out under the supervision of all high-ranking officials of the US Navy. The destroyer Eldridge with its crew of 181 people on board sailed from the coast to a distance of about 10 km. After receiving the command, the generator was started and at the same moment the ship was enveloped in a green cloud. After this, the ship at that very moment disappeared from the radars of the Philadelphia test center and, as it turned out, in principle. And he appeared at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay near the city of Norfolk. The distance along the shortest route is 450 km. Of the entire crew, only 21 people survived, 27 people became part of the ship’s structure and 13 died on the spot.


In general, there is no evidence of this experiment, but the number of deaths in strange circumstances exceeds half a hundred people. The government denies all these facts. Films of the same name were made based on this story:

  • Philadelphia experiment 1984;

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