Hard and soft consonants. Consonant sounds of the Russian language (hard-soft, voiced-voiceless, paired-unpaired, hissing, whistling) Which letter sh is hard or soft


  • introduce students to the hard consonant sound [ts], the letter Ts ts;
  • develop reading skills;
  • promote the development of phonemic hearing, coherent speech,
  • memory, logical thinking.


1. Hourglass.

2. Tape recorder.

3. Audio cassette by V.V. Volin “Entertaining ABC”.

4. Soft toy “Cat”.

5. A series of pictures “What does a letter look like?”

6. Cards with letters C – 6 pcs., A, O, U, I, Y, E.

7. Poster with the letters C for the game “Fourth Odd.”


9. Handouts (letter P, text with erased letters, correction test, envelopes with a set for drawing up a word diagram).

Lesson progress

I. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

1) - First read the letters written in red, then in blue, and you will find out what the lesson will be now.

2) - What does the housewife call the chickens? (Chick - chick - chick)

What's the first sound? ([ts)

Today in the lesson we have to determine whether this sound is consonant or vowel, hard or soft, voiceless or voiced. We will also get acquainted with the letter of this sound to represent the sound [ts] in writing.

II. Working on new material.

1) Sound-letter analysis of guess words.

Stands on one leg
He looks intently into the water,
Pokes his beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

He's used to doing tricks
After all, his job... (Circus)

(Students lay out diagrams of words from handouts).

The word CIRCUS is attached to the board.

Say the word again. What did you notice?

Try putting it in a soft position.

Describe the sound [ts]. (Consonant, always firm)

Determine whether it is voiceless or voiced? (Cover your ears with your palms and pronounce this sound. Conclusion: deaf)

What letter represents the sound [ts]?

2) Introducing the letter Ts ts.

Listen to the poem:

This letter is a catchy one
With a cunning, tenacious paw:
“Come, who cares,
I’ll scratch you in no time.”

And now a wonderful transformation awaits you: you have the letter P on your desk, turn it over and write “cling” in the lower right corner.

Show what you got. Turn around and show our guests. (The teacher hangs up a poster with this letter).

3) “What does the letter look like?”

What does the letter look like, guys? (Children's answers)

And here's another thing. (The teacher reads the first poem, the rest are heard on audio cassette and at the same time hangs up pictures).

All day in the thick grass
Horns with a beard roam.

Letter C –
There's a hook at the bottom
Just like a barrel tap.

Here's the letter C:
With a claw at the end
Scratchy claw
Like a cat's paw.

Heron in the green thickets
Stand up with the letter C.

The chair was repaired today by a master.
He glued it and painted it.
The master turned the chair over -
The chair began to look like C.

4) Working with a correction sample.

Within a minute, find the letter C among the many letters and circle it.

How many letters did you find?

5) Game “Fourth wheel”.

Find the extra letter.

6) Printing the letter Ts Ts.

Which of the characters in the program “Good Night, Kids” has a name containing the sound [ts]? ( Tsap-Tsarapych)

Here is Tsap-Tsarapych himself. Look, he is holding the letter... ( C). Let's learn how to write it. (Children compare the writing of large and small letters. The teacher shows on the board, then the children print Ts ts in their notebooks).

7) Game “Make friends with letters.”

Tsap-Tsarapych really wants the letter C to become friends with vowels. The letter is new, she’s a little scared: she doesn’t know anyone here. Let's introduce her to vowels and help her become friends with them. Now C greets A. (The teacher attaches C to the board, a student with A comes up and attaches it next to C. Children read the formed syllable). And now A greets C. (A is placed in front of C. The resulting syllable is read).

(Similarly with the letters O, U, I, Y, E).

It cannot make friends with other vowels, because there are no words in Russian with such letter combinations

Think of words ending in:

target audience ( chicken, unit, tit, sheep, onion)

CO ( ring, egg, porch)

TSY ( ends, blacksmiths, chicks, cucumbers)

8) - Tsap-Tsarapych asks you guys to name words from fairy tales with the sound [ts]. ( The frog princess, princess Nesmeyana, prince, princess, firebird, stepdaughter, golden chain, mirror, scarlet flower, etc.)

III. Physical education minute.

All students come to the board and form a circle. The teacher walks around the circle. The one in front of whom he stops must quickly name the word with the sound [ts]. If the student is delayed in answering, he should squat in the middle.

IV. Continued work.

1) - Tsap-Tsarapych offers competition between boys and girls. Read the letter combinations (in unison).

On the board:

D.: tsa – kings – queen.

M.: tsa - tsar - prince.

2) Work with a column of words (leaflets).

Place the leaves in front of you. Let's read the column of words “in a chain”.



Are these words familiar? What do these words have in common? Select the root.

Find the extra word. Explain why it is redundant?

3) Working with pure tongues.

Tsap-Tsarapych really likes to write simple sayings. Today he decided to introduce you to his work. But I just can’t come up with the last word in pure speech; it must necessarily contain the sound [ts]. Let's help him.

Tse, tse, tse, tse - the prince is bored in... (the palace).

Tsa, tsa, tsa, tsa - the donut has no... (end).

Tso, tso, tso, tso - I dropped... (ring).

Tsy, tsy, tsy, tsy - I collect... (cucumbers).

Tsu, tsu, tsu, tsu - tears are pouring down... (face).

Tso, tso, tso, tso - the chicken laid it... (an egg).

4) Gourmet cat.

Tsap-Tsarapych not only loves to write, but also loves to eat something: sour cream, fish, sweets, and sometimes, it turns out, he loves to lick letters, that’s what happened today. I prepared words and sentences for you to read, but he spoiled the material for me. Let's try to restore it.

twig, epky, iklon, ilindra, irk, ifra, okotukha, chick.

Aria and Kuri sits in the veterinary.

Apple Cicily teaches English.

Little Chicken wants to go to Irkutsk.

Arevna Murka has arapkas on her paws.

Zai was ordered to forge a bowl from the forge.

Narissa’s nephew has cucumbers growing on his branch.

What letter did he lick? ( C)

Why do you think? (Children's answers)

V. Lesson summary.

What sound does this letter represent? Describe him.


1. Savina S.V., Guguchkina E.E. Non-standard lessons in elementary school. Publishing house “Teacher”. Volgograd, 2000. – 12 p.

2. Maksimuk N.N. Games for teaching literacy and reading. Publishing house “Wako”. M., 2006. – 77 p.

3. Kochergina A.V., Gaidina L.I. We learn the alphabet by playing. Publishing house “5 for knowledge”. M., 2007. – 168, 170 p.

4. Volina V.V. Entertaining alphabet learning. Publishing house “Enlightenment”. M., 1994. – 323 p.

The transition from kindergarten to first grade is not only an important and joyful event in a child’s life, but also a lot of stress, because at school children are forced to receive and assimilate a large amount of information in a short time. However, not every topic can be easily mastered by a new student. For example, some first-graders find it difficult to learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds in the short period of time indicated in the 1st grade curriculum.

In this case, parents should come to the aid of the student. But it is difficult for fathers and mothers who do not have a pedagogical education to independently explain the difference in sounds to their baby. Let's try to look at the basic principles that will make this much easier.

Division into vowels and consonants

First of all, the child must learn that all letters, except for the soft and hard signs, represent certain sounds. While learning the alphabet, you need to help your child remember that sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. It is important to explain to the first grader that neither Kommersant, nor b have nothing to do with vowels or consonants. They are only helpers that make a consonant soft or hard.

How to help your child learn to distinguish between soft and hard consonant sounds

When a child learns that there are 21 consonant letters in the Russian language, and remembers each of them (b, v, g, d, zh, z, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, ts, ch, sh, sh), you can safely tell him that there are hard and soft consonants.

We should start with exceptions by telling the story of 6 stubborn letters: These letters don’t want to change for anything in the world. For example, there are always soft consonants, which never become solid, no matter what letter follows them. There are also their complete opposites always hard consonants who don't want to get softer.

Thus, you can draw a table with your first grader that will help him remember that there are invariably soft and hard consonant sounds. Allow your child to keep it in front of his eyes the first time he completes tasks until he remembers the contents of the table well.

Soft and hard consonant sounds (table)

Always soft sounds in Russian

Always hard sounds in Russian

[H'], [Sh'], [Y']

[C], [F], [W]

Next, it should be said that soft consonants in the Russian language are formed:

  • if it is followed by a soft sign, for example, LION CUB ([l’]);
  • in cases where after a consonant (except for always hard ones) there are vowels such as E, Yo, I, Yu, I, for example, BUFFIN ([n'], [g']), HONEY ([m']), PEOPLE ([l']), BALL ([m']).

Before proceeding further, check whether the student remembers 3 important rules:

  1. how to determine softness or hardness by vowel,
  2. what sounds are always soft,
  3. only the sound, not the letter, is soft or hard.

For example, ask your child: is the letter CH soft or hard in the words SCARECROW and MAN?

Next, the baby should learn more about hard consonant sounds and what they become like when they are in front of:

  • a solid sign, for example, ENTRANCE ([d]);
  • vowels A, O, U, Y, E: DOLL ([k], [l]), SMOKE ([d]), HOUSE ([d]);
  • consonant sound: CAKE ([p]);
  • and also at the end of a word, if the sound is not one of those that is always soft: BALL ([r]).

For better perception, you need to speak aloud to your child a couple of words, one of which will have a soft consonant sound, and the other a hard one:

[b] - [b’]

ball - squirrel

[in] - [in’]

wolf - fork

[g] - [g’]

year - weight

[d] - [d’]

home - kids

[z] - [z’]

umbrella - winter

[k] - [k’]

cat - whale

[l] - [l’]

lotto - summer


flour - bowl

[n] - [n’]

nose - bottom

[p] - [p’]

dust - dog

[r] - [r’]

genus - series

[s] - [s’]

rash - network

[t] - [t’]

pelvis - shooting range

[f] - [f’]

background – eagle owl

[x] - [x’]

move - hit

A first grader must remember that a sound is soft or hard, since it is followed by a certain vowel.

Additional signs by which a consonant sound can be classified into one category or another

A certain combination of organs of the articulatory apparatus is responsible for the pronunciation of each sound. Children can be taught how to easily recognize soft and hard consonants by the position of their lips.

If, while pronouncing syllables, the child smiles, that is, the corners of his lips move to the sides, then such syllables contain soft consonant sounds. If, when pronouncing the syllable “to have fun,” you don’t want to, then a hard consonant came across the baby’s path. This will make learning soft and hard sounds easier and more fun.

How to teach a child to distinguish between hard and soft sounds

How to introduce a first grader to hard and soft consonant sounds in a playful way?

  1. After writing down pairs of words that include soft and hard consonants, you can ask your child to highlight certain sounds with the following colors:
  • vowels – red;
  • hard consonants – in blue;
  • soft sounds - green.
  1. Parents can name words for their children by asking them to identify the hard and soft consonant sounds in them by ear. For the first attempts, you should select three-letter words starting with a consonant. As the child’s skills in identifying soft and hard sounds improve, the length of words needs to be increased, and the task must also be made more difficult, starting words with a vowel and including hard or soft signs in them.
  1. You can modify the previous game by changing roles. Let the student come up with words ordered by the parent. For example, the elder will ask you to name a word of five letters, while the first must be a vowel, and the presence of a soft consonant B is required. The answer may be - RESULT or WRAP. By showing imagination, you can make the task even more difficult. For example, name words by category (food, sports, travel, summer, etc.).
  1. You can also play using various kinds of objects. Balls, colored cubes, jump ropes, and cards with numbers are great for learning the classification of consonant sounds. The latter can be used in the case when a first-grader needs to determine which sound in a word is soft or, conversely, hard, or how many different sounds there are in a given word. You can throw the ball, calling the required sound, and jump on the rope if you make a mistake.

  1. An interesting educational game can be played with cubes of four colors: red, blue, green, yellow. Each cube is needed in a quantity of several pieces, because it is easy to guess what sounds they will represent. Yellow color is an additional color, one that was not described earlier, will mean a hard or soft sign.

There are many variations of this game, below are just the main ones:

  • The driver lays out a diagram of the word from the cubes, and the player selects the appropriate word from it. Thus, the scheme: “GREEN – RED – BLUE – GREEN – RED – GREEN – YELLOW” corresponds to the word “BEAR”. You can make the task more difficult or easier by reducing or increasing the number of cubes or colors. The main factor is that the first grader takes not only the place of the player, but also the driver, that is, he performs the task of both selecting a word and drawing it up schematically.
  • You can add a rating to the game, using the sum of points scored to determine the winner at the end of the competition. Determining in turn the roles of the driver and the guesser, guess the word, and give a certain number of points for each color of the cube. For guessing the letter indicated by the yellow cube, count five points, because in its place there can only be two letters; for the sound hidden under green and blue colors - fifteen each; and for the vowel indicated by the red cube - ten. Soft and hard consonants add up to 36 sounds, so finding them is more difficult than lower vowels.
  • As in the previous game, you can add categories here. However, here it will be more of a hint than a complication. After narrowing the search range, the word will be found easier and faster.
  1. For children just starting their journey in the phonetics of the Russian language, you should select a game program that is somewhat simpler than the previous ones. For example, you can list various objects located in the apartment in order to use such a clear example to explain which of the sounds in a word is soft and which is hard. In such an activity, preference is given not only to the clarity of the subject, but also to speaking out loud. If there is a board in the room, it is best to write the word on it, dividing it into syllables and determining the gradation of sounds with the child. You can also use a regular sheet of paper for writing, then with the help of colored pencils it will be possible to use color notation, which is offered in the previous game.

  1. The next game is best played in a group of several children. Depending on the skills of the other students, the first player names a word of any length and complexity, the next participant spells out this word, naming the degree of each consonant sound (whether it is soft or hard). Having indicated everything correctly, the player comes up with a word of the same difficulty for the next one, and so on in a circle. The person who answers incorrectly leaves the game, and the last remaining participant becomes the winner.
  1. As soon as it becomes clear that your elementary school student has become familiar with the basics of parsing consonant sounds, you can move on to the most serious task: composing a fairy tale from words chosen by dad or mom. Having made a diagram of colors and putting these schemes into sentences, the adult, with hints, helps the child come up with a short story similar to the word “BEAR” compiled above. The scheme should be prepared and thought out in advance, which adds certain difficulties and time costs, however, as practice shows, first-graders love this game the most.

Use these games and exercises not only during studying at home, but also while walking, traveling on the bus, etc. And soon your child will distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds in 1st grade no worse than his classmates.

Hard and soft consonants - Shishkina school

Is it a hard or soft sound?

    Ts, Zh, Sh are hard sounds, and always, regardless of what vowel sound is behind them. Even if these letters are followed by a soft sign (for example, in the words rye, wasteland), the sounds will still be hard. But Y, Ch, Shch are always soft sounds.

    In Russian phonetics, most consonant sounds have pairs of hardness/softness:

    b-b (brown - white);

    p-p (fingers - hoop);

    v-v (will - fork).

    But there are single sounds that do not have such a soft pair among consonants. This ts, and, w.

    Sound ts always sounds firm:

    tsynga, tsynofka.

    That is why there is a spelling rule that the letter is written at the roots of words And after ts, regardless of pronunciation, except for exception words:

    gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick.

    The sound ts is:

    1) deaf, since only noise is involved in the formation of this sound.

    2) lingual-dental, formed with the help of such organs as the tongue and teeth,

    3) front-lingual affricate. The sound is formed due to the gap when the tongue and teeth close, and the opening does not occur abruptly.

    4) hard. It must be remembered that the sound T is always hard.

    Let's try to reason. As children, for some reason, we always really wanted to write: tsYrk, tsYrkul, tsynk and the like. Now we know that these would be gross spelling errors. But what were our doubts based on? It is at the constant hardness of sound c. And even nothing can soften this hardness.

    Let's figure it out what does the letter c represent?.

    1. this letter is a consonant.
    2. always has a solid sound.
    3. in the Russian alphabet there are 24 (twenty-fourth) in a row.
    4. the sound itself is unpaired.
    5. The following words begin with the letter c: chicken, chicks, gypsy, circus performer, circus, clatter, flowers, price tag, zinc, mat.
  • Letter ts corresponds deaf consonant ts, which is noise and is formed without the participation of voice. The sound ц does not have a paired voiced sound and it refers to sounds that are always unvoiced (x, ch, sch).

    Sound ts consists of a group of sounds that are always hard, no matter how soft/hard the sounds surround them. In addition to the consonant sound ts, the consonant sounds zh and sh are distinguished by their stable hardness.

    The sound ts at the place of formation is anterior lingual.

    If we talk about hardness - softness, then the sound ts- it's always solid sound, has no pair in terms of hardness - softness.

    And in general the sound ts- this is a consonant, deaf unpaired, solid unpaired.

    The consonant sound ts has the following characteristics: unpaired hard and unpaired unvoiced. This sound does not have a hard/soft pair. In the Russian language there is a group of consonants (ts, sh, zh), which are considered to be always hard.

    Although in Russian correctly in some words the letter I is written after the letter C, and after others Y, after some U, A, and after some Yu, Ya, The sound ts in all native Russian words in our time is exclusively hard. Once upon a time, in ancient times, it was pronounced softly, but those times are long gone.

    And now about the unpleasant stuff. Why did I write that tvrd is in original Russian words? Especially so that later I can say BUT. In the Russian language there is a certain tiny number of foreign words, mainly onyms, that is, names of people, geographical objects. The letters Yu and Ya may appear in them after Ts, and literary pronunciation requires a softening of the consonant - ts, for example:

    There are literally one or two such words and..., except for Zurich, these are mainly Chinese place names, as well as everything that is named after Comrade Tsyurupa. In life they may never meet, so in high school we can say with a light heart that the sound t is always hard, but keep in mind that even this iron rule has its own cunning exception..

    In the Russian language, some consonant sounds can be both soft and hard and are formed according to softness - hardness. the majority are like that. Some are only soft, some are only hard, and the group of hard sounds includes C, in this group there are also Zh and Sh.

How to learn to distinguish between hard and soft sounds

Russian language is one of the most difficult languages. Therefore, if you want your child to be able to write and express his thoughts correctly, you need to carefully prepare homework and fulfill the teacher’s requirements. And learning a language starts small - with sounds. They are vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless, soft and hard. It will be very difficult for children to immediately understand all this diversity, so it is better to start small.

First, the child learns to understand how letters are divided into vowels and consonants. What are sounds and what are letters. When this material has already been mastered, you can begin to distinguish soft sounds from hard sounds. It is necessary to understand that the child must be taught to distinguish and hear hard and soft sounds according to different characteristics. It is important that the child learns to hear consonant sounds and understand why they are hard or soft. Simply memorizing whether a consonant denotes a hard or soft sound will not work, since in different uses the same letter can be both hard and soft (except for exceptions).

First of all, we pay attention to the case when a vowel comes after a consonant. It is quite easy to determine whether a consonant is hard or soft. It is necessary to remember that after hard consonants there are always vowels: a; O; y; e; s. If after the consonant there are: and; e; yu; I; e, then these consonants are soft.

The consonant sound is hard because after it the vowel sound “a” is pronounced, but in the words “nanny” or “aunt”, the consonant sounds will be soft, since after it there are the letters “i” and “e”, giving the consonants softness . Having remembered this simple rule, children no longer experience difficulties in determining the hardness and softness of individual consonant sounds if they are followed by a vowel.

But what should you do if after a consonant that raises doubt, there is another consonant in the word? The child must learn that in this case the consonant will be hard. Soft sounds always remain outside the rule. For example, the word "pencil". After the “n” there is a “d” and the child understands that the consonant “n” means a hard sound, because after it there is a consonant sound. But in the word “brocade” the letter “ch” still remains soft.

When explaining these rules, it is very important not to rush, but to monitor the child’s reaction, and give new rules only after the old ones have been fully mastered and are not difficult to use.

How are hard and soft sounds indicated in writing?

In writing, the hardness and softness of consonant sounds are indicated only when writing a transcription. To indicate a soft sound, use the apostrophe "`". Hard sounds are not distinguished by any signs in writing.

Below is an explanatory table that clearly shows that the same sound can be both hard and soft, depending on which vowel follows it.

Table with examples of writing sounds in soft and hard use

ram [b] [b`] underwear
pile [V] [in`] elm
hump [G] [g`] weight
house [d] [d`] uncle
gold [h] [z`] Earth
cat [To] [k`] whale
skis [l] [l`] lemon
garbage [m] [m`] ball
Nora [n] [n`] Nyura
floors [n] [n`] singing
robot [p] [r`] river
Sun [With] [s`] seed
tone [T] [t`] crown
furor [f] [f`] final
hamster [X] [x`] hut

You can notice that consonant sounds form pairs based on hardness-softness: [v] - [v`]; [k] - [k`], etc. In writing, both hard and soft sounds are indicated by the same letter, but are pronounced differently. With the help of such a table, children can more easily understand the hardness and softness of consonant sounds, while remembering that the sign “b” always makes the consonant soft, and the sign “b” always makes the consonant it follows hard.

Which sounds are always hard and which are soft?

It is important to note that the letters “zh”; "sh"; “ts” - are only hard, it doesn’t matter what vowel is behind it, but “th”; "h"; “sch” - soft for the same reason. You can make a reminder for your child to keep in his writing notebook:

w w c h sch th

Be sure to focus on the fact that “h”; "sch"; "y" sit on the pillows here, so they are always soft. The child will remember this association and will always clearly call these sounds soft.
If the child cannot remember which letters are always hard or soft, you can use the following trick. Sew 3 pillows with foam rubber and draw the letters “h” on them; "sch"; “th”, and cut out plates with the letters “zh” from thick cardboard; "sh"; "ts". Place these items in a visible place, such as your desk. Gradually, the child will develop an association of hard and soft letters in his head.

The concept of voiced and voiceless sounds

In Russian speech, in addition to hardness and softness, a distinction is made between sonorous and dull sounds. Phonetics gives a clear idea of ​​whether a consonant sound will be voiced or unvoiced.

Voiced sounds are produced by speech when air noisily overcomes an obstacle in the mouth and vibration of the ligaments occurs.

Voiceless consonant sounds are spoken exclusively with the help of noise; the voice is not involved here, and the vocal cords are in a relaxed state.

In many schools, teachers teach children the following phrase: “Stepka want some cheek?” - “Fi!” Here are consonant sounds that are unvoiced in Russian.

To remember and distinguish voiced consonants from deaf ones, we divide them into pairs. There are 11 of them in total, if you take into account soft consonants (with the exception of [zh]-[sh]) [b]-[p]; [v]-[f]; [g]-[k]; [d]-[t]; [h]-[s].

So, we found out that letters in the alphabet make several sounds. It depends on the position of the letter in the word. At the end of a syllable, the voiced sound is muffled, the same happens if the letter comes before a voiceless consonant, for example “golu” b ka". In writing we use a voiced consonant, and we say “golu” n ka".

Table of hard and soft sounds

To once again consolidate the concept of hard and soft consonants, one should distinguish between the position of the tongue during pronunciation. When a soft sound is spoken, the tongue moves forward, rising to the sky with its middle. When pronouncing hard consonants, the tongue does not move forward.

To systematize knowledge about hard and soft sounds, let's make a table:

Educational games to reinforce material

First-graders, although already schoolchildren, are still small, and there is no point in giving up learning through play. Therefore, we offer several developmental tasks that will make it easier for children to learn new material.

  1. Guess what. We write signs with transcriptions of words. The child’s task is to name the word and name soft sounds. It is best to make the signs bright and large, then it will be more interesting for children to react to them.

To start the game, select easy words: [m`el]; [soap]; [l`uk]; [WHO]. And at the end you can complicate the task and give the following words: [b`elka]; [ski track]; [kl`on].

While playing, the child visually remembers the designation of soft consonant sounds and gains practical skills in using knowledge when writing.

  1. Choose solid ones! A game similar to “edible - not edible”. To make the game interesting to children, a ball is used. The teacher lines up the children in a circle and pronounces the syllable; if the consonant is hard, the child catches the ball, but if the consonant is soft, he does not. After the child catches the ball, he must independently come up with a new syllable and throw the ball to another player.

The game allows children to quickly distinguish between the hardness and softness of consonant sounds.

  1. Find a pair. Children are given words with the first consonant used in a hard form, and the child must come up with a word in which the first consonant is soft. For example, the words are displayed: glad, varnish, soap, cart. And the children must choose: row, hatch, chalk, carried (if the children come up with other words, but in the correct soft use of the consonant, it must be counted as the correct answer). If the child comes up with a few words, you need to praise him.

This game develops a child's imagination and expands their vocabulary as children share written words.

  1. Physical education minute. The teacher says words starting with consonants. If the first consonant sound is hard, the children should sit down, and if the word begins with a soft consonant, then the children jump out and raise their hands up.

This game is always perceived with joy by children. Because sitting too long in class allows them to warm up. It also develops reactions and the ability to carefully perceive information.

  1. Let's sing, friends! The teacher hums any known melody, using syllables with hard consonants (for example, the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”). And children should hum the same consonant in response, only in soft use.

Teacher: Pa-pa-pa...

Children: Pee-pee-pee...

U: Ho-ho-ho...

D: Hee-hee-hee... etc.

The game not only quickly teaches you to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, but also allows children to show their creativity.

During practical classes, it is very important to pay more attention to conducting classes in a playful way. During the game, the child better assimilates and remembers the information that adults are trying to convey to him. The more interesting the game, the better the lesson will be remembered. If children are given only dry rules and exercises, they will quickly lose interest in the learning process and will not delve into the essence of the rules.

Consonant sounds sound different in different words. Somewhere it’s hard, and somewhere it’s soft. In this lesson we will learn to distinguish between soft and hard consonant sounds and to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing with the letters I, E, E, Yu, I and b. Let's find out which consonants form hard-soft pairs, and which are only hard or only soft.

Compare the first consonants. When pronouncing the sound in the word KIT, the middle part of the tongue rises to the palate, the passage through which air flows narrows, and a sound is obtained, which scientists conventionally call soft. And the opposite sound was called - solid.

Let's complete the task. You need to put the vegetables in two baskets. In the first place we put those whose names contain some soft sounds, in the second those in whose names all consonant sounds are hard. Beets, turnips, eggplant, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, onions, pumpkin, cucumber.

Let's check. In the first basket they put: beets(sound [v’]), turnip(sound [r’]), tomato(sound [m’]),cucumber(sound [r’]). Second: cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, onion .

It is important to listen to the sounds of spoken words. If you say the word NOS otherwise - with a hard first sound, we get a completely different word - NOSE.

Let's listen and watch the movement of our tongue:

row - sound [p’] - rad - sound [p]

hatch - sound [l’] - bow - sound [l]

Rice. 3. Bow ( )

crumpled - sound [m’] - small - sound [m]

Sounds can be written (conventionally) using icons. Musical sounds are written in notes, and speech sounds are written in letters, but in special square brackets - in transcription. In order not to confuse hard and soft sounds when reading the transcription, scientists agreed to show the softness of the sound with an icon very similar to a comma, only they put it on top.

Most consonant sounds form pairs based on softness and hardness:

Some consonants are only hard or only soft. They do not form pairs in terms of hardness/softness:

Only hard consonants: [zh], [w], [ts]. Only soft consonants: [th’], [h’], [w’].

Let's complete the task: indicate the paired sound.

[h] - ? [and] - ? [r’] - ? [h’] - ? [With'] - ? [l] - ? Let’s check the correctness of the task: [z] - [z’]; [r’] - [r]; [s’] - [s]; [l] - [l’]. [zh], [h’] - unpaired sounds in terms of softness and hardness.

In writing, the hardness of consonant sounds is indicated by the vowels A, O, U, Y, E, and the softness of consonant sounds is indicated by the vowels E, Yo, I, Yu, Ya.

There are words with soft consonant sounds at the end of words or in the middle of words before other consonant sounds. Listen to the words: salt, horse, notebook, coat, ring, letter. Then a soft sign will come to the rescue. Even his name suggests - a sign soft, for soft consonants.

Let's make a reminder of how to act when writing words:

I hear a hard consonant sound - after it I write the letters in place of the vowel sound: A, O, U, Y, E.

I hear a soft consonant sound before a vowel sound - I indicate its softness with vowels: E, Yo, I, Yu, Ya.

I hear a soft sound at the end of a word or before a consonant sound - I show softness b.

Rice. 5. Hard and soft consonants ()

So, today we learned that consonant sounds can be soft and hard, and the softness of consonant sounds in writing in Russian is indicated by the letters i, e, e, yu, i and ь.

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M.: Astrel, 2011. ().
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas. ()
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook.

Additional web resources

  1. Hypermarket of knowledge ()
  2. Russian language: short theoretical course. ()
  3. Logosauria: site for children's computer games. ()

Make it at home

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M.: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 35, ex. 6, Page 36, ex. 3.
  2. Count how many soft consonants are in a word train? (The word electric train has 3 soft consonant sounds ([l’], [r’], [h’]).
  3. Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, make up puzzles or charades with words where the softness and hardness of the sound changes the meaning.

Usually, children do not have serious difficulties understanding the difference between vowels and consonants. But we should dwell in more detail on hard and soft consonants.

How to teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonants

The very first thing you need to teach your child: consonant sounds can be hard and soft, but not letters.

Typical error:
Children confuse sounds and letters. We remember that a sound sounds, and a letter is an icon, it is written. A letter cannot be hard or soft; only a consonant sound can be hard or soft in pronunciation.

Sometimes children can easily learn to distinguish soft and hard sounds by ear.
But it happens that this is difficult, and in this case signs will come to the rescue by which you can distinguish hard sounds from soft ones.

Distinctive features of soft and hard sounds

What sound comes after a consonant:

  • If after a consonant there is a vowel a, o, u, e, s, then the consonant is hard.
  • If after a consonant there is a vowel and, e, yu, i, then the consonant is soft.

Working on examples:
In the words “mama” and “nora” the consonants are hard, because they are followed by “a” and “o”.
In the words “fly” and “nanny” the consonants are soft because they are followed by “e”, “i”, “ya”.

  • If another consonant sounds after a consonant, then the first consonant will be hard.
  • There are sounds that can only be hard and sounds that can only be soft, no matter what sound is heard or what letter is written after them.

Always hard sounds - zh, sh, ts.
Always soft - th, h, shch.
A common way to learn these sounds is a simple technique: we write the letters that convey these sounds on a line, and emphasize “th, ch, sch.” The underscore symbolizes the cushion on which the soft sounds sit. The pad is soft, which means the sounds are soft.

Soft sign and hard sign

  • If there is a consonant at the end of a word and the letter “b” after it, then the consonant is soft.

This rule is easy to apply if the child sees the written word, but it will not help if the child performs the task by ear.

Movement of the tongue when pronouncing soft and hard sounds

When pronouncing a soft sound, the tongue moves slightly forward, approaching the palate (or touching it) with its middle.
When pronouncing hard sounds, the tongue does not move forward.

Table of signs of hard and soft sounds


  1. Before a, o, y, e, y.
  2. At the end of a word before a consonant.
  3. F, c, w.


  1. Before the vowels e, e, i, yu, i.
  2. If after a consonant there is a soft sign (dust, measles).
  3. Y, h, sch.

A picture or simply a list of thematic words is shown, and the task is given to choose words with soft or hard consonants. For example:

Voiced and voiceless consonants

There are 11 pairs of voiced/voiceless consonants in the Russian language.
The phonetic difference between voiced and voiceless consonants lies in the tension of the vocal cords. Voiceless sounds are pronounced with the help of noise, without straining the ligaments. Voiced sounds are pronounced by voice and are caused by vibration of the vocal cords, because air comes out of the larynx noisily.

Mnemonic technique for memorizing voiceless sounds:
Learn the phrase: “Styopka, do you want some cheek? - Fi! All consonant sounds here are voiceless.

Examples of tasks for children

Tasks for training the differences between paired consonants can be compiled for each pair according to the following principle (using the example of the D/T pair):

Tasks to distinguish between pairs of consonants G/K