Where is Urfa located? Ural Federal University named after

UrFU is one of the largest universities in the country, which combines the entire spectrum of technical, natural science and humanitarian education. It is a center for scientific and educational life, social design and innovative activity in the Urals. The university trains specialists in mechanical engineering, metallurgy and materials science, chemical technology, physics, biology, humanitarian, economic and linguistic specialties. It is also possible to obtain a military specialty.

Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin is the largest federal university in the country, operating in Yekaterinburg.

Education at UrFU is as accessible as possible, a huge amount budget places, as well as a system of discounts for contract students, allow everyone to receive a prestigious education.

Hundreds of qualified teachers, doctors and candidates of sciences, academicians conduct training classes in 14 specialized institutes. Leading Russian and foreign scientists, experienced practitioners, political and cultural figures regularly come to UrFU as guest lecturers.

A small documentary film project from UrFU in two parts:

The university is constantly expanding scientific and educational opportunities and raising the standard of student life. The campus consists of 16 residential buildings - it is easy for out-of-towners or foreigners to stay here. The number of new buildings is steadily growing, and in the well-appointed dorm rooms it is comfortable to relax or prepare for couples.

Among the university's partners are the largest industrial enterprises and organizations that are key to the Russian economy. Students regularly undergo industrial practice on their base. More than 90% of graduates are employed immediately after graduating from their alma mater - an impressive figure!

Ural University is the core of a research cluster, which also includes scientific institutes of the Ural branch Russian Academy sciences, specialized laboratories and high-tech industry enterprises. There are dozens of scientific centers, innovative infrastructure, scientific library, several museums and specialized collections.

Since 2013, the university has been a participant in the 5-100 program, aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 of world university rankings. Today the university is included in QS subject rankings for mathematics, physics, astronomy and electrical engineering. In the rating of the Expert RA agency, UrFU is among the top 10 Russian universities.

Having entered the world of the Ural Federal University, the student is immersed in an indescribable atmosphere of study, science and creativity, and leaves the university as a real specialist, ready to conquer career heights.

More details Collapse http://urfu.ru/

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin is a university in Yekaterinburg, created on the basis of the Ural State technical university-UPI named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin and Uralsky state university named after A. M. Gorky by decree of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev No. 1172 of October 21, 2009.

Ural Federal University is the largest university in the Urals, a leading scientific and educational center in the region and one of the largest universities Russian Federation. It trains approx. 57,000 students, including approx. 32,000 students full-time education (in this indicator, UrFU is comparable only with Moscow State University and Southern Federal University). The educational process is provided by approx. 3500 teachers, among them more than 650 doctors of science and approx. 2100 candidates of science, more than 30 members state academies. Training is carried out in 64 bachelor's degrees, 26 master's degrees, 126 postgraduate specialties and 42 doctoral specialties. The university has 30 dissertation councils.

Rector - candidate historical sciences Viktor Anatolyevich Koksharov, previously acting head of the government of the Sverdlovsk region.

Actual problems technological process of production and transmission of electricity

Master Program“Current problems of the technological process of production and transmission of electricity” is being implemented by the Department of Automated Electrical Systems of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. To carry out training sessions 6 professors, Doctor of Technical Sciences are involved. One professor of the department is a state prize laureate. To provide educational process Qualified teachers of specialized departments of UrFU, leading specialists of electric power industry enterprises, scientific staff of institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, employees of industry institutes and industrial enterprises are involved. The department has modern educational and scientific laboratories corresponding to the profiles of master's programs. Master's students carry out research in the following main areas: 1. Information and algorithmic support for control tasks of electric power systems and power quality management. 2. Development of industry management principles related to the introduction of market competitive relations both in the field of generation and transport of electricity, and in electricity consumption, taking into account foreign experience, specifics Russian economy and existing management technology. 3. Study of the energy security of territories, the safety of the functioning of the energy system, identifying methods of analysis and ways to ensure the quality and reliability of electric power systems and power supply systems to consumers. Qualified training of masters in the stated field is ensured by the extensive experience of the department’s staff in current scientific areas, the availability of postgraduate and doctoral studies, and holding international scientific conferences.

General theory of electromechanical energy conversion

Design and operation of electrical power systems

The master's program "Design and Operation of Electric Power Systems" is implemented by the Department of "Automated Electrical Systems" of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. 6 professors, Doctor of Technical Sciences, are involved in conducting training sessions. One professor of the department is a state prize laureate. To ensure the educational process, qualified teachers from specialized departments of Ural Federal University, leading specialists from electric power industry enterprises, researchers from institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, employees of industry institutes and industrial enterprises are involved. The department has modern educational and scientific laboratories corresponding to the profiles of master's programs. Master's students carry out research in the following main areas: 1. Assessing the level of electricity consumption, planning, designing and designing electric power facilities, modeling normal and transient modes in EPS. 2. Calculation of energy balances and losses in electrical networks, determination of the reliability of accounting data electrical energy, development of economically sound organizational and technical energy-saving measures aimed at reducing electricity losses. 3. Design and operation modern systems control of operating modes of sources, power distribution systems, voltage and reactive power regulation. 4. Development of a concept for the development of power supply systems for large consumption centers and design of power supply systems. Qualified training of masters in the stated area is ensured by the extensive experience of the department’s staff in current scientific areas, the availability of postgraduate and doctoral studies, and the holding of International scientific conferences.

Electric drive and automation of technological complexes

Master's training includes the study of modern highly efficient electric drives alternating current various classes with digital control, in-depth study mathematical theory of alternating current machines, development software products for analysis and synthesis of control systems for the specified types of electric drives, familiarization with energy-saving technologies based on adjustable electric drives, simulation math modeling and physical layout studies of AC electromechanical systems. Topics of master's theses are formed within the framework scientific research and developments of the department, as well as partners of the department, leading research, design and commissioning organizations in the Ural region. Syllabus Master's training provides in-depth physical and mathematical training, knowledge modern theory management, high level education in the field of automated electric drive, research skills. High-quality training of masters in this area is ensured by many years of experience of the department’s staff in the field of development and research of AC electric drives. The department has highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel to carry out master's training in this area; the department successfully runs postgraduate and doctoral studies in the specialty 09/05/03 “Electrical complexes and systems”. Teachers of the department constantly participate in presentations at All-Russian and international conferences by automated electric drive. The department has a modern laboratory base, including industrial DC and AC converters from leading manufacturers of electrical equipment, systems technological automation, data exchange systems, microcontroller systems, which allows for experimental studies of electric drives of various classes. Scientific research of the department is carried out within the framework of scientific direction“Development of scientific foundations and modeling of energy-saving induction electrotechnological and electromechanical systems.” The purpose of the work is to create a scientific basis for the creation of electric drives with microprocessor control systems and provide

Electrotechnological processes and installations with power and control systems

Electric power systems, networks, their modes, stability, reliability

Energy installations, power plants and complexes based on non-traditional and renewable energy sources

Mission is to prepare a qualified graduate capable of intellectual and creative professional activity in Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering with in-depth knowledge of non-traditional and renewable energy sources. The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

  • energy installations, power plants and complexes based on non-traditional and renewable energy sources;
  • research stands and installations of non-renewable energy sources;
  • production and technological processes at small and medium-sized energy facilities;
  • automation equipment for power plants and complexes;
The goals of the main educational program for this profile of training provide for international comparability of programs and diplomas in the interests of expanding the export of educational services provided by the university and attracting foreign students. The advantages of training under this program at UrFU in comparison with other universities in the country: the presence of an expanded (in relation to classical renewable energy sources) list of non-traditional and renewable energy sources being studied and researched. These advantages and features are determined by the following factors:
  • training in the profile is carried out on the basis of the department “Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources” with a rich tradition of producing specialists for the nuclear industry and innovative developments in the field of renewable energy sources.
  • The Sverdlovsk region has enormous industrial potential, but is provided with only 5% of its own energy potential (analogous to Japan);
  • in addition to classical renewable energy sources (wind, hydro, solar energy), bioenergy technologies, heat pumps, the use of household and industrial waste, the production of alcohol-gasoline mixtures, the use of radioisotope products and fuel cells are studied in depth.

A series of scandals, after which rumors about Koksharov’s resignation appeared, were associated with a number of lectures, including the author of the election program of oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, a liberal intellectual, editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow, EU Ambassador to Moscow and the head of the German Foreign Ministry. The main message: Russia may be a good country, but it is unsuitable for the development of new technologies, should not be independent, should throw its imperial ambitions aside, and at the same time return Crimea to Ukraine. Ural social activists were outraged by this series of anti-Russian lectures and spoke about this situation at the ONF conference in Moscow.

"As a citizen, I am against the filter of topics and speakers on discussion platforms, including state universities. But when there are protests one after another against the Russian president, for the Ukrainian junta, and there are no alternative speakers, this is wrong. Everything is simple: different points of view must be presented so that young people can evaluate the quality of presentation of this or that historical fact. At a state university, tilting to one side is strictly unacceptable, because, excuse me, these universities are supported by budget funds", noted in a conversation with Nakanune.RU co-chairman of the ONF Central Headquarters, Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Brechalov.

Another social activist Chairman of the Commission for the Harmonization of Interethnic and Interreligious Relations of the RF OP Iosif Diskin noted that the decision-making on the fact of holding anti-Russian lectures at UrFU - " this is a matter for the academic council of the relevant university, this is their principled position".

After a wave of criticism against the university and the rector from the media, social activists, including from Moscow, it seemed that the situation began to improve - Viktor Koksharov invited the country’s main “Afghan” and an active participant in the patriotic movement Franz Klintsevich to read regularly, announced a number of events in in preparation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, as well as about the real instillation of patriotism among students. However, after a short time, the university began to talk again about the fact that. Some observers suggest that such a “swing” was associated with uncertainty in the fate of the rector, and a return to liberal propaganda with the confidence that “life is getting better” and “everything has been decided up there.” However, we must not forget that, who represented the last lecturer - Mikhail Shvydkoy. Naturally, all this happens not without the knowledge, but even with the approval of Viktor Koksharov. The university has still not admitted that anti-Crimean and anti-Russian lectures are not very appropriate at a federal university. Apparently, this is precisely the “principled position of the academic council” or there is no such position at all.

Returning to the family of the first president, it is worth remembering one more fact - despite the general confrontation between Russia and the West, Yeltsin’s relatives are revered and welcomed in countries, even those professing openly Russophobic views. For example, just a month ago, the executive director of the Yeltsin Foundation, Alexander Drozdov, visited Tallinn, where he presented letters of gratitude from Naina Yeltsina to several people who took the most active part in the opening of the bas-relief in honor of Boris Yeltsin in 2013, including a member of parliament and former minister. The bas-relief says that it was installed in memory of Boris Yeltsin, who contributed to the “peaceful restoration of Estonia’s independence,” that is, saved it from the bonds of the bloody Soviets. Let us note that this happened in the same Tallinn, where in recent years the entry of, for example, academician Valery Tishkov, actor Ivan Okhlobystin, chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Defense Igor Korotchenko was banned, and ex-member of the European Parliament Julieto Chiesa was imprisoned and expelled from the country for attempt to perform at round table with a pro-Russian position. And in the same Tallinn where they decided.

A month later, Drozdov received the French Order of Merit. The same award was received by one of the co-organizers of the “History of Stalinism”, the head of the Federal Archive. Sergey Mironenko. At the same time, relations between Russia and France, frankly speaking, are not particularly good.

The president's daughter Tatyana Yumasheva has Austrian citizenship along with her husband. They were able to obtain citizenship in 2009 under the guarantee of the management of the Canadian automobile concern Magna for their major “contribution to the development of the Austrian automotive industry.” The Russian public, however, had two questions: how many brands of Austrian cars can the reader remember, and why are Canadian businessmen vouching for the daughter of the late ex-president to the Austrian authorities? It is clear that the questions are rhetorical.

Everything falls into place if we remember that the Magna concern has been closely associated with the “young reformers” since the early 1990s, in particular with Anatoly Chubais and the business empire of Yumashev’s son-in-law Oleg Deripaska. It is also no secret that Magna’s board of directors includes prominent Western politicians, including members of the Bildeberg Club.

It remains to be stated that Boris Yeltsin’s family retains its influence not only in Russia, but also in the ranks of the Western business and political elite. And in this sense, the attempt to keep one of the largest universities in the country with loyal leaders and government funding in their orbit of influence seems to them to be as real as it is justified.