Timiryazevka has a new rector. The Timiryazev Academy received two prestigious awards at once. Who became the rector of the RSAU MSHA

Galina Zolina moved to another job

Galina Zolina no longer heads the Russian Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev. Yesterday the university announced its transition to new job. Students and former teachers of Timiryazevka say they breathe a sigh of relief. They hope that the new rector of the country's main agricultural university will be a competent specialist - a person with specialized education, scientific weight and organizational skills.

“A lot has been done, but there is still more to come. Seeing off Galina Dmitrievna Zolina to another job, the team thanks her for her conscientious energetic work, support for Timiryazevka and loyalty to the ideas for the development of the main agricultural university of the country,” such a message appeared yesterday on the website of the Timiryazev Academy.

The merits of Galina Zolina as rector are also listed there: an increase in teachers’ salaries, which allegedly reached 200% of the regional average, an increase in the number budget places and average Unified State Exam score of applicants, " scientific achievements", "working with youth"…

There is even this passage: “The living conditions in the dormitories have been improved - new kitchens, gyms, self-training rooms, and food stations are welcomed by the guys.”

Meanwhile, the fact that in February in two dormitories, the day after a grandiose concert in honor of Science Day, at which he performed Turetsky choir.

The release also hinted at safety. It was because of them that the President of the Russian Federation had to intervene in the situation in Timiryazevka - during the direct line Vladimir Putin ordered to leave the academy alone.

"The university's property complex has not undergone any negative changes, University land safe and sound, the registration of property rights continues for those real estate objects whose status has not previously been brought into legal form. The university said goodbye to semi-underground tenants,” the university said in a statement.

The resignation of Galina Zolina turned out to be a pleasant surprise for many students, former teachers and employees who were fired in recent years for various reasons.

Reacted to the news former director historical museum university Stanislav Velichko, spring.

“Not a single rector has been awarded such articles. I hope there will be an official farewell to the staff? You so often presented everyone with flowers. Let me lay four flowers on you.... Because there is such love,” Velichko wrote on his page in social network"VKontakte".

Former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Olga Shchuklina believes that the dismissal was not Zolina’s decision.

“The news was unexpected, no one believed it anymore, especially after the last holiday on September 7 with the participation of stars. I understand well that, apparently, she did not do it herself,” Olga Shchuklina shared.

According to her, there are no worthy candidates for the post of rector in Timiryazevka yet: “Everyone who had their own opinion and knew how to express it was fired one way or another. But Timiryazevka does not need a weak-willed rector. I really hope that this will be a truly worthy person, having an agricultural education, teaching experience and success in science and management, and, of course, the energy and desire to develop, and not to destroy.”

The desire to see a person with an agricultural education in the place of rector of Timiryazevka is no coincidence. The ex-rector with a philological education has never worked in the agro-industrial complex. It was believed that at the university she was supposedly a creature former minister agriculture RF Alexandra Tkacheva, under whose leadership she worked in Kuban. In May, Tkachev joined the new Government, and after a while Zolina lost her position as rector.

And yet, students, staff and everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of Timiryazevka are anxiously awaiting a new appointment.

“What really darkens this joy is that, it seems to me, this is temporary again. As in 2016, it turned out that this was not a victory, but only the calm before the storm,” the academy master’s student shared with Polina Ivanova. - I don’t know who wants to get the lands of Timiryazevka, but, probably, the incompetence in the leadership of the university has become very obvious. I would, of course, like to see Timiryazevka’s nominee, active and with organizational skills, as rector. I think I would be great at this role Soloviev: He delved into absolutely everything and fought for our university like no one else. It would be great to see fired teachers back within the walls of the academy, but I’m afraid our new rector will not be like that.”

Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology Alexander Solovyov on January 16 with the wording - “for repeated failure to fulfill labor duties.” The professor actively opposed the development of experimental fields and the “destruction of the academy.”

“She spoke in detail about her achievements, emphasized that she was leaving because she slandered by opponents... and then the director of the department interrupted her. She came down with a sad smile and a lonely tear, making a slight bow to her devoted admirers of her artificial cows and horses,” wrote a former employee of the academy under the nickname T.O.V. Northern on Facebook.

Russian State Agrarian University named after Timiryazev - MSHA announced the resignation of Galina Zolina from the post of rector. Mrs. Zolina began leading the university in December 2016; she is considered a member of the team of Alexander Tkachev, who at that time headed the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Galina Zolina’s tenure as rector of Timiryazevka was marked by numerous conflicts with teaching staff, who objected to plans to transfer experimental fields for development.

Press service of the Russian State Agrarian University named after Timiryazev - MSHA reported that Galina Zolina left the post of rector, moving to another job. Mrs. Zolina began leading Russia's largest agricultural university in December 2016; her arrival to the position is associated with support from the then head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev. Galina Zolina began her career at the Agrokompleks company, owned by the Tkachev family, and then for ten years was the vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory for social issues.

From the text published on the official website of the university, it follows that during the 20 months of her work as rector of Timiryazevka, Galina Zolina brought positive changes to her work educational institution. In particular, the Institute of Economics and Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex, the Institute of Mechanics and Energy, and the Institute of Land Reclamation, Water Management and Construction have been created within the structure of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. The university updated its material and technical base and created a new information infrastructure; the volume of research work in 2017 amounted to 397 million rubles, which is the most high rate in ten years. “The university’s property complex has not undergone negative changes, the university’s land is safe and sound, and the registration of property rights for those real estate objects whose status has not previously been brought into legal form continues. The university said goodbye to semi-underground tenants,” the university’s press service said in a statement.

It was no coincidence that the mention of the safety of the MSHA property complex in the message about the resignation of Galina Zolina appeared - her tenure as rector of Timiryazevka was marked by numerous scandalous situations, at the center of which were disputes over the property of the university. As Kommersant previously reported, in 2016, Ms. Zolina’s predecessor, Vyacheslav Lukomets, announced plans to transfer the experimental fields of the academy, located within Moscow, for commercial development. A group of university teachers and students opposed this. In November 2017, the teachers had a conflict with the new rector Galina Zolina, who, as stated by Professor Alexander Solovyov, initiated the dismissal of employees who criticized the rector. In January of this year, the university filed a defamation claim against former and current employees. At the same time, Galina Zolina published an appeal in which she complained about “attempts to discredit the leadership of the Moscow Agricultural Academy and provocative statements aimed at undermining the reputation of the academy.” True, the case did not reach the point of consideration of the claim in court - in February the court returned the application to the management of the MSHA.

Anna Perova, Krasnodar

The controversy surrounding the Timiryazev Academy, headed by an “appointee,” continues Minister of Agriculture Alexandra Tkacheva.

At a meeting of the Moscow City Duma yesterday, January 24, Communist Party deputy Nikolai Zabrilin made a demand. His statement boiled down to the need for the urgent dismissal of the current acting rector of the Timiryazev Academy, Galina Zolin.

At the meeting, he said that at a meeting with former and current employees of the Timiryazev Academy, problems that had arisen at the academy were voiced.

He said that then, by order of officials, more than 100 hectares of land were transferred for residential development. It is worth noting that before this the area was used for educational and scientific processes.

After the personal intervention of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the land was returned to the scientists.

“Now a new rector has been appointed there, this has introduced additional friction in the workforce. And the present residents of the Timiryazevsky district, the present former and current employees of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy asked me to speak from the podium of the Moscow City Duma and demand the resignation of the current rector, Nikolai Zubrilin said at a meeting of the Moscow City Duma.

Separately, the deputy focused on “repression” by law enforcement agencies, which, in his opinion, is a consequence of the fact that students opposed, in their opinion, illegal actions of the academy’s management.

State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin shared his opinion about the scandal surrounding the Timiryazev Academy.

“The acting rector of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Galina Zolina, is a “mediocre leader” and she “must leave,” said State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin.

Let us remind you that yesterday, January 23, a meeting was held between deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and defenders of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.

— If the leader Zolina does not care about her own people, she is not a leader, she must be eliminated. The incompetent leader must leave,” Communist Party member Valery Rashkin expressed his opinion.

As Notepad Krasnodar previously wrote, a scandal broke out at the Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy. A group of teachers sharply criticized the actions of Galina Zolina, who was appointed to the post of rector by Alexander Tkachev.

According to the academy’s employees, Galina Zolina not only works without a specialized education, but also does everything to ensure that the academy’s lands located in the Moscow region are transferred to private companies for development.

Let us note that in her public response to these accusations, Galina Zolina mentioned only one person as the instigator of the riot - Alexander Solovyov, who is the dean of the academy. It became known that the dean was fired. According to available information, the decision to dismiss was made after a personal dialogue with the leadership of the academy.

As Notebook Krasnodar previously wrote, Galina Zolina claimed that Alexander Solovyov regularly violated labor discipline.

Let us remind you that a petition appeared on one of the popular Internet platforms and received many supporters. Residents of Russia put their signatures in support of the resignation of the appointed Minister of Agriculture and ex-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev. It's about about 2016, when he appointed Galina Zolina to the post of Timiryazev Academy.

“She had nothing to do with Timiryazevka before and did not even have a specialized education. Why her? Analysis open sources gives the answer: Zolina is Tkachev’s longtime friend and was his deputy during his governorship,” the authors of the petition note.

They claim that Galina Zolina, as the rector of the Timiryazev Academy, “represses unwanted teachers, and the police right in the dormitory are pressing students who spoke out in their defense and went on pickets.”

— Timiryazevka has training, experimental and selection fields of 101 hectares, which are located in quite good area Moscow. These lands are of great interest (tens of billions of rubles) for construction corporations and officials, say the authors of the petition.

Galina Zolina was appointed rector of the Timiryazev Academy

Until today, she has been acting rector of Timiryazevka for a year.


The appointment of Galina Zolina as rector of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev was announced on January 29 at a meeting of the academic council of the university. The order for her confirmation in office was signed 5 days ago by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, State Secretary Ivan Lebedev.

Galina Zolina was sent to Timiryazevka at the very end of 2016 from the post of director of the department of scientific and technological policy and education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, where she worked briefly under the leadership of Minister Alexander Tkachev (when he was governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Zolina was his deputy for a number of years).

During her work as acting rector at the Timiryazev Academy there were significant personnel changes, many employees who disagreed with her were fired management decisions. Employees and students of Timiryazevka repeatedly went to rallies to protest against Zolina’s leadership methods.

One of the latest high-profile stories was He was one of the organizers of protests against the transfer of experimental land to the academy for commercial development, and his relationship with Galina Zolina did not work out.

Zolina herself, in a published appeal, denied political persecution of Solovyov and referred to the objective complaints of management against him regarding the performance of his job duties.

Galina Zolina worked for many years in the team of the current head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev. In 1999, she became deputy general director of CJSC Firm Agrokompleks, which was then headed by Tkachev. After his election as governor of Kuban in 2000, she received the position of adviser on funds mass media And social policy, and since 2005 she served as vice-governor for social issues.

In 2007, Zolina defended her PhD thesis “Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar region in the media.” According to the Anti-Plagiarism system, the originality of scientific work is 30.3%, citation takes up 10.18%, and borrowing accounts for 59.49%.

In March 2015, the academic council of Voronezh State University, based on the results of the defense doctoral dissertation“The Universe of Mass Information of a Social Community: Identity-Image Discourse” voted against awarding her the degree of Doctor of Philology in the specialty “Journalism.”

On April 28, 2015, the new head of the region, Veniamin Kondratyev, announced personnel changes in the administration of the Krasnodar region. Galina Zolina was among the first to resign.

Columnist Anzhelika Gyurza spoke about Galina Zolina on the pages of Yugopolis in her author's column.

Serious changes in senior management have occurred at the Russian State Agrarian University (RGAU-MSHA), also known as the Timiryazev Academy. The former rector of the university, Vyacheslav Lukomets, wrote a letter of resignation, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture dated December 22, 2016.

As the press service of RGAU-MSHA reported to Gazeta.Ru, at the end of the year Galina Zolina was introduced to the teaching staff of the educational institution as acting rector. In order to get rid of the prefix “acting,” according to the university’s charter, it is necessary to hold its elections at the academic council. “It’s still difficult to say when they will be, but it is possible that in the relatively near future,” the agricultural university noted.

Rector with a double bottom

Lukomets became known to the general public after attempts to give the experimental fields of the academy - more than 100 hectares - for development. This scandal erupted in April 2016. The lands were federal property, but in fact, since 1856, they were at the disposal of the academy, where experiments and experiments necessary for training students took place. A unique century-old experiment is still being conducted there to study the effects of crop rotation and fertilization on the soil. In 2008, the territory of the academy was included in the state list of especially valuable objects cultural heritage peoples of the Russian Federation.

Nevertheless, by decision of the government, its lands were transferred to the Federal Fund for Assistance to Housing Development (RHD Fund). A wave of protest arose against this from scientists, residents of Timiryazevsky and adjacent areas of Moscow, as well as various public and scientific figures. Then the secretary of the General Council personally asked the president not to build on the fields. Lukomets then took an ambiguous position on this issue. On the one hand, back in 2015 he approached them with a proposal to build a house for the academy’s management on one of the fields. Initially, a very small circle of people knew about this. But after this, the information was leaked to other departments, including. A source familiar with the situation reported this to Gazeta.Ru.

And although the ex-rector himself denied this information to Gazeta.Ru, a source in the university management stated that

After the scandal surrounding the fields, the Minister of Agriculture Alexander had a conversation with Lukomets, during which the rector allegedly complained that he and the minister had become hostages of a verbal agreement that had once been concluded between them.

On the other hand, Lukomets came to a large meeting against the development of the fields and spoke out in favor of the lands remaining under the jurisdiction of the academy and not being built up with anything.

The circumstances of Lukomets' resignation are also not entirely clear. The order, a copy of which is at the disposal of Gazeta.Ru, says that he left his post due to at will. However, a source close to the university’s management notes that just recently the rector reported to the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture the university’s development strategy and in no way made it clear to anyone that he was going to resign.

From teacher to deputy governor

About Galina Zolina, who was proposed for the post of rector by the Ministry of Agriculture, it is known that she was born on June 3, 1961 in the village of Vyselki, Krasnodar Territory. In the same locality The current head of the Ministry of Agriculture and former governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev, was born six months earlier. In 1976, Zolina graduated high school No. 25, after which she entered the Ust-Labinsk Pedagogical School. After graduating, Zolina got a job as a teacher at her native school. Then the future official studied correspondence department Maikop Pedagogical Institute and taught Russian language and literature. After that, she became the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Rossiya collective farm and for several years headed the district branch.

In 1999, this woman’s life and career took a sharp turn. She took the post of deputy general director for social issues of the Vyselkovsky agricultural complex, co-owned by Alexander Tkachev’s father and brother. When Tkachev became governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Zolina also went into politics - she was appointed advisor to her fellow countryman on the media. In this position, the former teacher personally coordinated the work of regional journalists regarding coverage of the activities of the Kuban administration. Local media workers note that she was characterized by an authoritarian manner of communication and a rather intolerant attitude towards objections.

In 2005, Galina Zolina became Tkachev's deputy. Her area of ​​responsibility included the department of social protection of the population and the then created departments in municipalities, Department of Education and Science, Department of Health, Department of Culture, as well as the Civil Registry Office. It was during the period of her work on the governor’s team that there was a terrible flood in Krymsk, which claimed the lives of 171 people.

Among other things, Zolina gained fame as an Orthodox activist.

Almost all the structures of the Krasnodar Territory for which the official was responsible during her work worked closely with the Kuban diocese.

Thus, the Department of Education and Science entered into an official cooperation agreement with the diocese, the Department of Culture became a co-founder of the Easter Festival, the Great Orthodox Exhibition, and the Kuban Orthodox Film Festival. Zolina also acted as a strong opponent of holding an exhibition of the famous artist in Krasnodar.

According to blogger and social activist Danila Lindele, “Zolina oversaw the construction of a maternity hospital, which cost five times more than in any other region, which even Putin complained about. In addition, a tomograph was purchased for 90 million rubles, which is four times higher than its usual price.” In March 2013, a high-ranking official found herself at the center of a scandal due to a video recording of a car registrator that ended up on the Internet. One local car enthusiast witnessed a black Audi, presumably assigned to an official, dashing around a traffic jam in the oncoming lane.

No dissertation required

However, this is not important for the leadership of RGAU-MSHA. According to the charter of this university, only a person who has defended a doctoral dissertation can become its rector. But according to information posted on the Dissernet portal, Zolina’s attempt to defend her doctoral dissertation “The Universe of Mass Information of a Social Community: Identity-Image Discourse” in Voronezh state university in April 2015 led to a loud scandal. Many candidates of science spoke out sharply against awarding her a scientific degree.

“This dissertation, by its very design, is not at all scientific work, but only imitates it.

Awarding a doctorate for this work would be a manifestation of disrespect for the work of real philologists and would cover with indelible shame the academic council in which this defense took place,” noted in her review a candidate of philological sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of the Russian Language, deputy head department of scientific examinations.

As a result of a secret vote, the VSU Academic Council lacked one vote in favor to approve the awarding of a Doctor of Philology degree to Zolina. Moreover, editor-in-chief website “Yasno” checked Galina Zolina’s candidate’s dissertation “Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar region in the media” through the “Anti-Plagiarism” system, which was defended at Kuban State University in 2007. According to Antiplagiarism, the originality of Zolina’s PhD thesis is 30.3%, the percentage of borrowings is 59.49%, and citations are 10.18%. The result of checking this dissertation in present moment is in the public domain.

At the university itself, Zolina’s candidacy for the post of rector was treated with distrust. “Many teachers are embarrassed that she has no experience in managing not only any university, but also a large one in general.” educational institution. It’s also alarming that she doesn’t have a doctorate,” said one of the teachers, who asked that his name not be used. Gazeta.Ru's source in the leadership of RGAU-MSHA was more categorical. “Lukomets, with all his shortcomings, was a very democratic person, did not pay attention to some liberties of professors and tried not to interfere with them expressing their position on controversial issues, including on the issue of confiscation of fields from the university, which, by the way, have not yet been returned to the academy.

There is a suspicion that Zolina was appointed so that she could minimize to zero any possible protests by academy employees against the development of the fields,

roughly speaking, she allowed them to be squeezed out,” said Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

The press service of the Ministry of Agriculture explained to Gazeta.Ru that Zolina has been appointed to the post of acting rector of the university, and later elections of the rector will be held at RGAU-MSHA. The department declined to comment further. “In the status of acting she may not have a doctorate, I don’t see any contradictions with the statutes of the RGAU-MSHA. Later, the university will hold elections for the rector, and then its employees will determine whether or not Zolina’s candidacy meets the requirements that the charter imposes on the rector,” a source close to the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture told Gazeta.Ru. He found it difficult to comment on whether any reforms are planned or not at the RSAU-MSHA with the appointment of Zolina to the position of acting. rector “You should ask her about this herself,” he said. In turn, Galina Zolina did not answer Gazeta.Ru’s questions about possible changes at the university and what position it takes on the issue of field development.