Questions to the story of Gaidar Chuk and Gek. Literary Quiz Game: A

Quiz based on A. Gaidar's story "Chuk and Gek"

pupils ___ 3-B grade __________________________________________________________

    a) in Moscow b) in Leningrad c) in Saratov d) in Volgograd.

    List all the characters in the story in the order in which they appeared during the course of the story. (Dad, watchman, geologists, coachman, postman, Chuk, Huck, conductor, mom, passengers of the carriage, dog Brave,) _________________________________________

    Fill in the words from the text, what did mom do? _______________________________________

    In what month did the letter from dad come with an invitation to visit? _____________________

    How did Chuk and Gek prepare for the long journey? ________________________________

    How much money did Chuck keep in the box? ________________________________________

    Why did Chuk and Gek have a falling out before leaving? __________________________________

    Why did the brothers decide to hide the loss of the telegram? ________________________________

    What way out of the situation did Chuk come up with so that they would not get hit? _______________________
    ______________________________________________________________________________ What do you think, to keep silent about something is to lie or not? ___________________________ What is better - to remain silent or lie? __________________________________________

    At what time of day did the train on which Chuk and Gek departed from the Moscow railway station? ______________________________________________________________________________

    For what reason did Huck wake up on the train at night? ___________________________________

    Why did the guide shame Huck? ________________________________________________

    What made Huck cry all over the car? _____________________________________________

    What animal became interested in the brothers while the mother went after the coachman? ____________

    What did Chuk find behind the stove in the hut where they spent the night on the way? ____________________________


    How many people lived and worked at the exploration and geological base No. 3? _________

    How did the mother know that his father had sent them a telegram? __________________________________

    What was written in the telegram? _________________________________________________

    Why did the watchman need to go to the taiga for two days? _______________________________

    What words and deeds confirm that the watchman is a kind and child-loving person who hides it behind the outward severity? ______________________________________

    Why did Huck hide in the chest? ___________________________________________________

    Why did the mother and Chuk stay late when they went to fetch water? ______________________________

    What was the name of the watchman's dog that found Huck? _____________________________________

    What did the watchman bring from his father? _______________________________________________________

    What did Chuk and Gek think of to make toys for the Christmas tree? ________________________________

    What did the watchman bring them for these crafts? ___________________________________________

The name of the mountains near which the father of Chuk and Gek worked.

What fruit was on the table in the compartment where Chuk and Gek were traveling?

What did Chuk and Gek lose before leaving for their father?

What did the guardian of Chuk and Gek's mother leave to protect themselves from animals, going into the forest?

Father Chuck and Gek's profession

The man who drives the sleigh horses.

Where did Huck hide to scare mother and Chuck?

Pointed hood with long ends, worn over the headgear

Surname Chuk and Geka ______________________________________________

    Solve the crossword puzzle:


    What was the name of the watchman's dog?


    Remember the numbers you want from the work and count how many kilometers separated Chuk and Gek from their father. __________________________________________________________________

    How many days has dad been away from home? ___________________________________________________

    How many minutes (at least) did Mommy not let the fighters play together? _____________

    How many days did mother collect Chuk and Gek on the road? ___________________________________

    How many compartment doors were there in the carriage corridor? ____________________________________

    What payment did the driver ask for to bring them to their place? __________________________

    For how many days did your father ask you to delay leaving? _________________________________

    What time did the clock show when people in all corners of our country listened to the chiming of the Kremlin chimes? ___________________________________________________________

    “What is happiness - everyone understood this ______________________. But all together people knew and understood that _________________________, a lot of _______________________ and firmly _______________ and _________________ of this huge happy _____________, which is called ____________________________________ ".


ANSWERS to the quiz based on the story of A. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek"

    In which city did Chuk and Gek live?
    a) in Moscow b) in Leningrad c) in Saratov d) in Volgograd.

    List all the characters in the story in the order in which they appeared during the course of the story. (Dad, watchman, geologists, coachman, postman, Chuk, Huck, conductor, mom, passengers of the carriage, dog Brave,)( Dad, postman, Chuk, Huck, mom, conductor, carriage passengers, coachman, watchman, Brave dog, geologists)

    “Mom had a strange personality. She didn’t scold for a fight, didn’t shout, huh ... ”?
    Fill in the words from the text, what did mom do?I just took the fighters to different rooms and for an hour, or even two, did not allow them to play together. And in one hour - tick and so - as much as sixty minutes.

    In what month did the letter from dad come with an invitation to visit?in December

    How did Chuk and Gek prepare for the long journey?Chuk made himself a dagger from a kitchen knife, and Huck found himself a smooth stick, hammered a nail into it, and it turned out a lance.

    How much money did Chuck keep in the box?46 kopecks

    Why did Chuk and Gek have a falling out before leaving?Huck poked Chuk's box with a lance, which contained many necessary things, for which Chuk broke Huck's lance over his knee, and Huck threw a tin box with a telegram out the window.

    Why did the brothers decide to hide the loss of the telegram?They were afraid that both of them would get hit by their mother.

    What way out of the situation did Chuk come up with so that they would not get hit?Don't say anything about the telegram unless Mom asks.

    How do you think, to keep silent about something is to lie or not?Yes.

    What is better - keep silent or lie?Both are bad.

    At what time of day did the train on which Chuk and Gek departed from the Moscow railway station?Late evening.

    For what reason did Huck wake up on the train at night?He was thirsty.

    What the guide put Huck to shame? Huck clapped benches in the aisle and prevented everyone from sleeping.

    What made Huck cry all over the car?He confused his compartment and lay down on the shelf with someone else's uncle and got scared.

    What animal became interested in the brothers while the mother went after the coachman?Goat.

    What did Chuk find behind the stove in the hut where they spent the night on the way?A spring from a trap.

    What animal did Huck think at night when he heard sounds outside the window, and who was it really?About a bear, but there was a horse.

    How many people lived and worked at the exploration and geological base No. 3?10

    How did the mother know that his father had sent them a telegram?The watchman told her about it.

    What was written in the telegram?So that they stay in Moscow for 2 weeks.

    Why did the watchman need to go to the taiga for two days?To check the traps, but in fact he went to inform Seregin about the arrival of his wife and children.

    What words and deeds confirm that the watchman is a kind and child-loving person who hides it behind the outward severity?Gave a hare, told Seryogin, looked for Huck when he got lost, gave the guys silver paper for toys, brought a Christmas tree.

    Why did Huck end up in the chest?He wanted to scare Mom and Chuk, but he waited for them for a long time and fell asleep.

    Why did the mother and Chuk stay late when they went to fetch water?On the way back to the house, the sled turned over, the buckets overturned, and I had to go to the spring again. Then it turned out that Chuk had forgotten his warm mitten at the edge of the forest, and had to return halfway through. While they were looking, while this and that, twilight came.

    What was the name of the watchman's dog that found Huck?Bold.

    What did the watchman bring from his father?Key to the room and to the pantry and a letter from the father.

    What did Chuk and Gek think of to make toys for the Christmas tree?They ripped off all the color pictures from old magazines. From rags and cotton wool they made animals and dolls. They pulled all the tissue paper out of the drawer from my father and filled up the lush flowers.

    What did the watchman bring them for these crafts?Silver paper from tea wrapping and a large piece of wax that he had left from shoemaking.
    Enter the hidden words, take the indicated letters from them, make up the last names of Chuk and Gek from them.

The name of the mountains near which the father of Chuk and Gek worked. (blue)

What fruit was on the table in the compartment where Chuk and Gek were traveling? (Orange)

What did Chuk and Gek lose before leaving for their father? (telegram).

What did the guardian of Chuk and Gek's mother leave to protect themselves from animals, going into the forest? (gun)

The profession of Chuck and Gek's father. (geologist)

The man who drives the sleigh horses. (coachman)

Where did Huck hide to scare mother and Chuck? (box)

Pointed hood with long ends, worn over the headgear (hood)

Surname Chuka and GekaSeregin

    Solve the crossword puzzle:


    To which gorge did the geological prospecting party go?

    What did Chuk and Gek see at the railway junction?

    What was the name of the watchman's dog?

    What did the military give Chuku on the train? (pencil)


    What is the fault of Chuk and Gek that has remained unread?

    Place of Huck's voluntary confinement?

    What was the last name of Chuk and Gek?

    The number of the base where Chuk and Gek and their mother came to?

    What does the pseudonym "Gaidar" mean?

    Remember the necessary numbers from the work and count how many kilometers separated Chuk and Gek from their father.(1000 + 1000 + 100 = 2100km)

    How many days has dad been away from home? (365)

    How many minutes (at least) did Mommy not let the fighters play together? (60)

    How many days did mother collect Chuk and Gek on the road? (7)

    How many compartment doors were there in the carriage corridor? (10)

    What payment did the driver ask for to bring them to their place? (100 rubles)

    For how many days did your father ask you to delay leaving? (14 days)

    What time did the clock show when people in all corners of our country listened to the chiming of the Kremlin chimes? (12 hours)

    Insert the numbers from questions 71 through 78 into the chain in descending order and follow the steps as needed. You will find out how many times the books with the works of A.P. Gaidar were reprinted.

    “What is happiness - everyone understood thisin my own way ... But all together people knew and understood what was neededlive honestly , lotwork and tightbe in love andcherish this huge happyland which is calledSoviet country ».

    What does happiness mean to you? ____________________________________________________

Testing work for extracurricular reading.
Topic: The work of A.P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek".
Last name First name: _________________________________________
Recover the work plan.
Travel fees.
Brothers in conspiracy.
Acquaintance with the heroes of the work.
A letter from dad.
Quarrel between brothers and its consequences.
Christmas tree.
The road in the taiga.
Huck's Night Adventures.
Arrival at an empty base.
Alone in the taiga.

Make a description of the brothers.
How did they manifest themselves?

I spent money "on various nonsense" (according to Chuk)

"Huck didn't have such a box ..."

"But he knew how to sing songs"

"Anyway, Huck was a fool ..."

Threw Chuk's box out the window in response to the insult

On Chuk's suggestion not to tell his mother about the telegram, he told his brother that you can't lie

"But Huck was not envious or greedy about things."

"... He pressed his forehead against the cold glass and began to look what kind of edge it was, how people live here and what people do." He was interested in everything: why the boy from the hut threw the cat into the snowdrift, what is done at the factory, past which the train was passing.

In the clatter of wheels, he distinguished the conversation of the carriages with the steam locomotive in verse.

"He didn't like anyone to hurt his mother."

“He, of course, was a muddler and a wack. Not only did he climb into someone else's compartment at night, but even now he could not remember where he put his trousers. "

“... If the sun was shining over Huck, then he was sure that there was neither rain nor clouds over the whole earth.
And if he was having fun, then he thought that everyone in the world was happy and good too. "

“Huck was left alone. He waited a long time. He got bored and started to invent something. "

"At first Huck pushed aside patiently, then flared up and spat on Chuk ..."

Words for reference: Not stocky. Was honest. I did not tolerate insults and insults. Razinya. He was not fond of collecting. He had the ability to sing. Curious. Dreamy, he had a rich imagination, a poetic nature. Not greedy or envious. Responsible. Absent-minded. He considered himself a part of the whole world. I always thought of something. I didn’t allow myself to be offended.

How did they manifest themselves?

I didn't spend the money, but saved it for the trip

He kept silver tea notes, candy wrappers (if there was a tank, an airplane or a Red Army soldier painted there), quills for arrows, horsehair for a Chinese trick "...

"... his hands were shaking from anger"

I figured out a way to hide the truth about the telegram from my mother

He snatched the pike from Huck, broke it over his knee and threw it to the floor.

Didn't know how to decide conflict situations peacefully, he was the first to provoke a fight.

"... Chuk walked from door to door and got to know the passengers who willingly gave him all sorts of nonsense - some with a rubber stopper, some with a nail, some with a piece of twisted string ..." "She fumbled and pulled out from under the blanket the spring from the trap, which the thrifty Chuk secretly brought into bed with him."

".... Chuk helped willingly, and for this he got a hare's tail ..."

"Chuk blushed and hurried away, because one cartridge was already in his pocket."

"Chuk, out of nothing to do, began to push Huck and push him to the edge."
"Chuk got angry and threw himself into a fight."

Words for reference: I continued to collect things. Communicative. I helped my mother pick off a hare. Without asking, he could take a thing and hide it. He was the instigator of quarrels and fights. Thrifty. Conflicting and tactless. Passion for collecting. Unrestrained. Cunning. Rude.

3.Which boy could you be friends with and why? ..................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......... .................................................. .................................................. .....................................
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Read the closing words of the story about happiness:

“What is happiness - everyone understood it differently. But all together the people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love and cherish this huge happy land ”.

What would you add from yourself about your idea of ​​human happiness? What is it?

Purpose: To acquaint with the life and work of A.P. Gaidar. Develop an interest in reading the author's books. To foster feelings of morality, citizenship, patriotism to the historical past and present of Russia - our Motherland.

The form is a quiz.

Participants - 2nd grades.

Equipment: book exhibition "A.P. Gaidar is a writer, children are his heroes", tokens for correct answers, illustrations from the book, poster "Childhood and youth of A.P. Gaidar", statements about the writer's work.

Hello guys!

Throughout the third quarter we have been reading the works of A.P. Gaidar. Books about him as a man, writer, commander, civil war fighter and hero of the Great Patriotic War... Today, at the quiz dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.P. Gaidar, we will summarize what we learned about the writer himself, about his cheerful and responsible boys from books about children. In the first round, we will give detailed answers to questions about the story "Chuk and Gek", the winners in the second round will answer questions about the author, and remember the heroes of other stories. And now I will tell you a little about the life of A.P. Gaidar.

A.P. Gaidar was born in Lgov ( Kursk region), and spent his childhood in Arzamas. There he studied at the school, there he was found by the revolution. From there he went to civil war, here he came to visit close friends. And it was in Arzamas that he first publicly read his first literary work... "In the days of defeats and victories." There are several monuments to the writer in the city, but the closest one is the monument to Arkady Gaidar - a boy leaving for war without warning anyone from his family - will not be allowed yet. In this city there is a wonderful Gaidar Museum, a children's library and a house of creativity that bear the name of the writer, there is a street and 2004 in this city will be the year of Gaidar. A. Gaidar was born on January 22 in 1904 in the family of a teacher Peter Isidorovich and a paramedic Natalia Arkadyevna (before Salnikova's marriage).

Gaidar lived a short life, full of campaigns and wanderings, war worries, hardships, joys - and constant hard work. At the age of 14, he left his home and went to fight against whites, to fight for the revolution and Soviet power... For six years he fought on the fronts of the civil war. At the age of 17, he commanded a regiment. He was wounded several times, severely wounded in the head.

Gaidar loved the revolutionary Red Army, it was both a family and a difficult life school for him, he wanted to be in its ranks all his life. But after a shell shock, I had to leave military service... He was then only 20. He had to start life anew, choose a new business. The rifle with a bayonet was replaced with a sharpened nib. Became a correspondent. And again the spaces of the Motherland were swung open before him: from the Urals and Central Asia to the Transcaucasus, from the northern Russian Pomorie to the Ussuri taiga. Gaidar worked for the Perm newspaper Zvezda, the Sverdlovsk Uralsky Rabochy, the Moscow Red Warrior, the Arkhangelsk Voina, and the Khabarovsk Tikhookeanskaya Zvezda. In his essays, he glorified the labor of a grain grower, miners of coal, timber, steel, and a builder. Gaidar - a journalist wrote hot on the heels of events, so that people find out how and how people live. Gaidar was unpretentious. He wore a soldier's greatcoat, high boots, a tunic under a wide army belt, and a Kuban hat. Field bag with manuscripts over the shoulder.

And you ask, when did he start writing for children?

In one of his notes about himself, Gaidar wrote that he became a children's writer, most likely because during the years of the civil war he himself was still a boy, and he wanted to tell other boys and girls how the revolution began and in what severe battles a new one was won. happy life... He wanted them to grow up to be real heroes.

He taught them to be brave, honest, loyal, courageous, to be friends with good people, to fight the bad, not to retreat in front of the enemy, to be able to distinguish the bad from the good.

Gaidar's books are laconic. It's a pleasure to read them. A.P. Gaidar died defending his comrades. It happened on October 26, 1941, in the 1st year of the Great Patriotic War, when a small group of partisans, returning from a combat mission, stumbled upon an SS ambush.

As early as 1939, Gaidar's services to literature were awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. At the end of 1963, the writer posthumously awarded the Order"Patriotic War of the First Degree".

From my short story you learned the biography of A.P. Gaidar. Pay attention to our exhibition "A.P. Gaidar - and his heroes". These books are waiting for you in the library after the event. The heroes of the author teach us to rejoice at every right word, right deed, to be empathetic, honest, fair, courageous, modest. And in no case does he put up with cowardice, money-grubbing, and the misfortune of other people. Always be ready to come to the rescue, answer for the work entrusted to you, live your life honestly, for the benefit of others. From my short story you learned the biography of A.P. Gaidar.

So, 1st round of the quiz - questions for all students;

Round 2 of the quiz - questions for those who will receive more tokens for correct answers and rewarding the winner of the quiz.

We are starting the 1st round of the quiz.

  1. What is the real name of A.P. Gaidar? (Golikov)
  2. Who did the writer's parents work? (Father - Peter Isidorovich - teacher. Mother - Natalya Arkadyevna - medical assistant)
  3. In which city was Gaidar born? (Lgov, Kursk region)
  4. In which city did the main characters of "Chuk and Gek" live (Moscow)
  5. Where did the father of Chuk and Gek live and work? (In the forest near the Blue Mountains)
  6. What was the character of the boys' mother? (strange, funny, she didn’t scold for the fight, didn’t shout, and millet took the fighters to different rooms and didn’t allow them to play together for an hour or two)
  7. What did they get from their father, why did they decide to go to him a hundred thousand kilometers? (Letter. Will not arrive long)
  8. What caused the quarrel between the brothers when the telegram arrived?
  9. How did this quarrel end? (telegram thrown out the window)
  10. Which of the boys loved to sing? (Huck)
  11. Read page 18 from the text and what happened next? (Huck confused the compartment and lay down next to some uncle - military)
  12. So they arrived at the station. Who met Chuck, Huck and Mom? (no one)
  13. How much money did the driver ask for taking them to the place where their father lives? (100 rubles)
  14. Chuck hid the sugar cubes in his pocket when they drank tea before leaving. For what? (feed the horses)
  15. They are there, they are met by a joyful father, right? (no, nobody)
  16. What is the name of the house in which their father lived and worked? (exploration and geological base No. 3)
  17. Gaidar's heroes were tired, went to bed, what was laid on a wide wooden bed instead of a mattress? (dry leaves)
  18. Why did the driver insist that the base guard, who had gone hunting, would return by nightfall? (the stove is heated and the cabbage soup is not exposed to frost, but is in the stove).
  19. What is the name of your father, which means Chuka. Huck and mothers (Seregin)
  20. The watchman returned, his short fur coat was torn. Why? (met a bear)
  21. Read page 48 Did the city dwellers do the right thing? And if yes - why, and no - why?
  22. Why did mom and Chuk stay late when they went to fetch water? (The buckets overturned, I had to go back, and Chuk forgot his mitten at the edge, they were looking for a long time)
  23. What happened to Huck while Mom and Brother were away? (Huck climbed into the drawer and fell asleep).
  24. Where did the watchman go for 4 whole days instead of hunting? (to father)
  25. On what holiday did the father return to his home in the forest, i.e. to base number 3 (New Year)
  26. How did the guys prepare for the New Year? (they sewed toys, put things in order in the father's room)
  27. How did they meet this holiday? (Everyone danced, Huck sang with joy.)

Questions for the winners:

  1. Name the city where Gaidar studied and went to the civil war? (city of Arzamas)
  2. Why didn't A. Gaidar's dream come true - to become a soldier for life? (contusions in battle, complication and doctors declared unfit for military service)
  3. How old was A. Gaidar when he commanded the regiment? (17 years)

(Scene from the story "Conscience")

  1. Name the staged story ("Conscience")
  2. The main characters of the story: Gaidar himself, he was 32 years old, his wife Marusya and daughter Svetlana - 6.5 years old. They have a vacation and they rented a dacha near Moscow. What is the story? (Blue cup).
  3. The heroes decided to spend the night at the station, because the base is still too far away. At night Huck, as always wanted, what? (drink water)
  4. What did the thrifty Chuk bring with him to bed, and to his mother's side? (spring from the trap).
  5. Name the stories that we did not name, but you read them.

Thanks guys for the complete answers. You read very carefully and answered perfectly. Well done!

The winner is waiting for the book by A.P. Gaidar "Military Secret".

And I am waiting for you in the library for new stories and stories of this amazing children's writer, which speaks about the most important thing: - “To defend the Motherland from enemies and build a new life, we must all form a single friendly team, substitute Hard time his shoulder so that someone weaker could lean on it. "

Extra-curricular activity on literature for students of 3-4 grades according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Extracurricular activities. FSES. Literary game for students in grades 3-4 based on the work of Arkady Gaidar "Chuk and Gek"

Literary game "Clever and clever men" based on the work of Arkady Gaidar "Chuk and Gek"

Place of work: MOU "Turuntaevskaya District Gymnasium" of the Pribaikalsky District of the Republic of Buryatia

Scenario for a literary game for students in grades 3-4

The purpose of the competition-game "Clever and clever men": creating conditions for the productivity of activities, effective communication and creativity junior schoolchildren.
Objectives of the game competition:
to intensify cognitive activity children;
promote the development of the ability to competently express their thoughts;
create conditions for the development of self-organization, the ability to organize their activities;
to promote the development of personal responsibility and communication skills when working in a team.
Rules of the game
The selected players are called agonists (from the Greek "agon" - competition). Judges the game and evaluates the answers "Areopagus" (by the name of the ancient Greek court) - the jury. Each game (agon) involves three agonists, they are given a choice of three paths along which they can move, having answered the question correctly.
The tracks vary in length and color, respectively:
-On the red carpet, there are two "steps" and there is no room for error.
-On yellow - three "steps" and the opportunity to make a mistake once.
-On green - four "steps" and the ability to admit two wrong answers.
The order of choice is determined based on the results of the players' performances for no more than 1 minute on a given topic, which the participants must prepare before the start of the game (eloquence competition).
If a player on his track exceeds the allowable limit of incorrect answers, he again becomes a theorist and leaves for the auditorium.
The one who was the first to walk his path becomes the winner.
There are “theorists” in the hall (those agonists who do not play in this round), they can answer those questions for the clever and clever, which the main players could not answer.
For the correct answer, the theorist receives a token.
Announce the composition of the Areopagus.


Gaidar Arkady Petrovich (real name - Golikov) (1904 -1941) Soviet writer
The future writer was born in the small town of Lgov near Orel. The Golikov family was distinguished by a high cultural level at that time: the father was a folk teacher, and the mother was a paramedic. Therefore, from early childhood, they brought up a love of knowledge in their son.
A calm and settled life was interrupted by the First World War. In the fall of 1918, he became a member of the party, and soon a Red Army soldier. True, instead of the front, he enters the courses of the red commanders.
In 1919, Golikov completed his studies ahead of schedule and soon went to the front as a platoon commander. In one of the battles he was wounded, but in the spring of 1920 he again sent to the army, where he was appointed to the post of commissar of the headquarters.
Golikov decided to forever link his life with the army, was preparing to enter military academy, but numerous injuries did not allow him to fulfill this desire. In 1924 he was transferred to the reserve for health reasons. After agonizing over thinking about what to do next, he decides to take up literary work.
Works: stories "RVS", "Blue Cup", "Chuk and Gek", etc.
Novels "School", "Military Secret", "The Fate of a Drummer", "Commandant of the Snow Fortress", "Timur and His Team", etc.
In the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, the writer submitted an application with a request to send him to the active army. As a war correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda, Gaidar went to the front, from where he sent several reports. In October 1941, during a regular business trip to the active army, covering the withdrawal of his comrades, he died, and did not manage to implement many plans.


The first agon involves _________________________________________

Before the start of the game, the agonists were given the task of giving a public speech on the topic "How did the brothers treat each other?" Time for performance is one minute. The Areopagus will evaluate your performance, assign points, and then the agonists will choose a track for themselves.
So, the tracks are allocated. Let's start the competition. Select a question from the following categories: Mom, Chuk, Huck

Mom: In what city did the brothers and their mother live?
Answer: And they lived with their mother in a distant huge city, better than which there is no other in the world.
Day and night, red stars sparkled over the towers of this city.
And, of course, this city was called Moscow.

Mom: Why did the brothers' mom have a weird personality?
Answer: And this mother had a strange character. She did not scold for a fight, did not shout, but simply took the fighters to different rooms and for an hour, or even two, did not allow them to play together. And in one hour - tick and so - as much as sixty minutes. And even more in two hours.

Mom: Why did Chuk and Gek keep a close eye on how mother reads the letter?
Answer: Everyone knows that letters can be funny or sad, and therefore, while the mother read, Chuk and Gek carefully watched her face.
Mother frowned at first, and they frowned too. But then she smiled and they thought the letter was funny.
“Father will not come,” said the mother, putting aside the letter. - He still has a lot of work, and he is not allowed to go to Moscow.
Deceived Chuk and Geek looked at each other in confusion. The letter seemed the most unforgiving.
They pouted at once, snuffled and looked angrily at their mother, who was smiling for no one knows what.
- He will not come, - continued the mother, - but he invites us all to visit him.

Mom: Why was mom afraid to go to visit with the children?
Answer: - To go there a thousand and another thousand kilometers by train. And then in a sleigh by horses through the taiga. And in the taiga you will stumble upon a wolf or a bear. And what a strange idea this is! Just think for yourself!

Chuk: What has Chuk prepared for the trip?
Answer: Chuk made himself a dagger from a kitchen knife ...

Chuk: What did Chuk keep in a flat metal box?
Answer: The thrifty Chuk had a flat metal box in which he kept silver pieces of paper from tea, candy wrappers (if a tank, an airplane or a Red Army soldier was painted there), quills for arrows, horsehair for a Chinese trick, and other very necessary things.

Huck: How did Huck get ready for the trip?
Answer: ... Huck found a smooth stick for himself, hammered a nail into it, and the result was a pike, so strong that if he pierced the bear's skin with something, and then poked it in the heart with this pike, then, of course, the bear would have died immediately.

Huck: Was it scary to go to the father's brothers?
Answer: - Gay gay! - Chuk and Gek did not think for half a second, but unanimously announced that they had decided to go not only a thousand, but even a hundred thousand kilometers. They are not afraid of anything. They are brave. And it was they who yesterday drove away with stones a strange dog that had jumped into the yard.

Huck: What kind of talent did Huck have?
Answer: Yes, and in general, Huck was flabby, but he knew how to sing songs.


The second agon involves _________________________________________
Before the start of the game, the agonists were given the task of making a public speech on the topic "Why was it interesting for Chuk and Gek to look out the train window?" Time for performance is one minute. The Areopagus will evaluate your performance, assign points, and then the agonists will choose a track for themselves.
So, the tracks are allocated. Let's start the competition. Select a question from the following categories: Chuk, Gek, Mom

Chuk: How many kopecks did Chuk keep in a yellow cardboard box from under his mother's shoes?
Answer: ... money - forty-six kopecks, which he did not spend, like Huck, on various nonsense, but saved it sparingly for the long journey.

Chuck: What "scary" animal did Chuck and Guck see at the station, waiting for their mother?
Answer: Mother walked for a very long time, and then a terrible goat appeared nearby. At first he gnawed bark from a frozen log, but then he gave a disgusting meek and began to look very intently at Chuk and Gek.
Then Chuk and Gek hastily hid behind their suitcases, because who knows what the goats need in these parts.

Chuk: How were the brothers to get from the station to their father's base?
Answer: On horses.

Chuk: Why would Chuk hide sugar in his pockets in the buffet at the station?
Answer: - I will feed the horses, - Chuk explained calmly.
Huck: What happened to Huck on the train?
Answer: Then Huck screamed as best he could. Frightened passengers jumped up from all the shelves, a light flashed, and, seeing that he was not in his own compartment, but in a strange one, Huck screamed even louder.

Huck: What did Huck see through the train window at the forest house?
Answer: Here is a forest house. In huge felt boots, in one shirt and with a cat in his hands, a boy jumped out onto the porch. Fuck! - the cat tumbled into a fluffy snowdrift and, clumsily climbing, jumped on the loose snow. I wonder why he left her? She probably pulled something off the table.

Huck: What else did Huck see through the window?
Answer: A factory, a booth, a forest, large and small stations, trains ...

Huck: What did Huck suggest to mother and Chuck when they met their father?
Answer: - Me too, - Huck agreed. - We will drive up quietly, and if dad left the house somewhere, we will hide our suitcases, and we ourselves will crawl under the bed. Here he comes. He sat down. I thought about it. And we are silent, silent, but suddenly, how will we win!

Mom: What was so strange about the exploration and geological base number three?
Answer: Very strange! No dogs barked, no people were visible. No smoke poured from the chimneys. All the paths were covered with deep snow, and there was silence all around, like in a cemetery in winter. And only the white-sided magpies stupidly jumped from tree to tree.
- Where did you bring us? - the mother asked the driver in fear. - Do we need here?


The third agon involves _________________________________________
Before the start of the game, the agonists were given the task of making a public speech on the topic “Why, according to Huck, if he is good and having fun, then all people in the world should feel the same? »Time for performance is one minute. The Areopagus will evaluate your performance, assign points, and then the agonists will choose a track for themselves.
So, the tracks are allocated. Let's start the competition. Select a question from the following categories: Watchman, Mom, Chuck, Huck

Chuk: What did Chuk get for helping his mother rip off the hare?
Answer: Chuk helped willingly, and for this he got a hare's tail, so light and fluffy that if thrown from the stove, it would fall to the floor smoothly, like a parachute.

Chuk: Why was Chuk offended by the watchman at the beginning of the meeting?
Answer: Chuk - because he was called fat ...

Mom: Why couldn't the mother and the children immediately leave the empty base?
Answer: Mother sat down on the bench and thought. What happened, why is the base empty, and what should I do now? Go back? But she only had money left to pay the driver for the trip.

Mom: Why did the mother have to shoot?
Answer: - What kind of trouble? What kind of shooting? he asked, without greeting or undressing.
“The boy is missing,” said the mother. Tears poured down from her eyes, and she could no longer say a word.

Watchman: Why didn't the watchman look at the documents of the brothers' mother?
Answer: - There they are, the documents: they are sitting on the stove, - muttered the watchman and shone a lantern on the worried faces of Chuk and Gek. - As is in the father - a copy! Especially this fat one. - And he pointed a finger at Chuck.

Watchman: What was written in the telegram that Chuk and Gek received, but Mom didn't read?
Answer: I myself drove a telegram to the station, but the telegram clearly says: "Delay leaving for two weeks. Our party is urgently leaving for the taiga."

Huck: What was the first impression the watchman made on Huck?
Answer: - Such an evil guy! - whispered Huck. - Come on, Chuk, you and I will tell him something.

Huck: Why was Huck offended by the watchman?
Answer: Huck - because he always considered himself more like his father than Chuk.

Huck: Where did the guard's dog find Huck hiding?
Answer: Here he stopped near a large wooden chest, scratched on the lid with his shaggy paw and, turning to the owner, barked loudly and lazily three times.

The final is attended by _________________________________________
Before the finale began, the agonists were tasked with making a public speech on the topic "Why, according to Chuk, should wizards be swindlers?" Time for performance is one minute. The Areopagus will evaluate your performance, assign points, and then the agonists will choose a track for themselves.
While the agonists are preparing a public speech, I propose to theorists to answer the question: "What is happiness (according to the author)?"
Answer: What is happiness - everyone understood it differently. But all together the people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love and cherish this huge happy land, which is called the Soviet country.
So, the tracks are allocated. Let's start the competition. Select a question from the following categories: Brothers, Watchman, Father, Huck, Chuk

Brothers: What was the last name of the main characters of the story?
Answer: Seregin

Brothers: What did the brothers decide to prepare for the New Year?
Answer: Yolku

Brothers: What were the Christmas tree decorations made of?
Answer: From what they just did not invent toys!
They ripped off all the color pictures from old magazines. From rags and cotton wool they made animals and dolls. They pulled all the tissue paper out of the drawer from my father and filled up the lush flowers.

Watchman: Remember the name of the watchman's dog
Answer: Bold

Watchman: What did the watchman bring to the brothers for making Christmas tree decorations?
Answer: Why the watchman was gloomy and unsociable, and when he brought firewood, he stopped for a long time at the door and marveled at their more and more new undertakings. Finally, he could not bear it. He brought them silver paper from a tea bag and a large piece of wax, which he had left from shoemaking.

Father: Why didn't the boys' father dance at the party?
Answer: But my father did not know how to dance. He was very strong, good-natured, and when he simply walked on the floor without any dancing, then all the dishes in the cupboard rang.

Father: Who worked the boys' father
Answer: Head of the geological party

Chuk: How many years was Chuk older than Gek?
Answer: Chuk was a whole year older than Huck.

Huck: What song did Huck sing at the New Years celebration?
Answer: Then the dance ended and people asked Huck to sing the song. Huck did not break. He himself knew that he could sing songs, and was proud of it.
The accordion player played along, and he sang a song for them. Which one - I don't remember now. I remember that it was a very good song, because all the people, listening to it, fell silent and fell silent. And when Huck stopped to take a breath, it was heard how the candles crackled and the wind hummed outside the window.


Today second graders reasoned: "What is happiness for us?"

“What is happiness - everyone understood it differently. But all together the people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love and cherish this huge happy land, which is called the Soviet country ... ”These words from the story of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar became the beginning of our journey!

The guys read the story "Chuk and Gek", and, working in groups, deciphered the code word.
It is necessary to answer the questions and write out in order the letters from the marked cells:

Arkady Petrovich Golikov (Gaidar is the writer's pseudonym) was born on January 22, 1904. in the city of Lgov. His parents, Pyotr Isidorovich and Natalya Arkadyevna, worked as teachers. The spirit of knowledge and poetry was invariably present in their home. Since 1912, the family moved to live in Arzamas. Two happy years of Arkady's life have passed here. Here he entered the 1st grade of a real school. He studied well, especially in literature, wrote poetry, participated in amateur performances, performed at evenings.
But in 1914, the First began World War and Father Arkady was taken to the front in the very first days. The son took an active part in all the events in the city and wrote to his father about everything to the front.
By the age of 17, Arkady became the commander of a regiment, and then the commander of an entire combat area. But in 1923, due to injury, he fell ill, was treated for a long time and was transferred to the reserve.
“Since then I have started to write. Probably because I was still a boy in the army, I wanted to tell the boys and girls what life was like, how it all began and how it continued, because I still managed to see a lot, ”Gaidar wrote.

His works "School", "Military Secret", "The Fate of a Drummer", "Chuk and Gek", "Timur and His Team" have been loved by several generations of readers.
From the first days of World War II, Gaidar went to the front as a war correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, fought in a partisan detachment and died on October 26, 1941, covering the retreat of his comrades.
Monuments have been erected at the place of death and in Gaidar's homeland, but the best monument to the writer is his books, which are still read and re-read.

Do you want to know how many times the writer's books have been reprinted?
Answer the following questions and insert the resulting numbers into the chain in descending order and follow the necessary steps:
  1. How many days has dad been away from home?
  2. How many minutes (at least) did Mommy not let the fighters play together?
  3. How many days did mother collect Chuk and Gek on the road?
  4. How many compartment doors were there in the carriage corridor?
  5. What payment did the driver ask for to bring them to their place?
  6. For how many days did your father ask you to delay leaving?
  7. What time did the clock show when people in all corners of our country listened to the chiming of the Kremlin chimes?