Tasks for the cage in the dhow. Orientation on a checkered notebook sheet for children with visual impairments

The formation of graphic skills is necessary for the development of writing, drawing, and number drawing skills. Kindergarten teachers and parents use different exercises and tasks. One of the most effective and interesting techniques is graphic dictations.

Parents and teachers in educational programs can dictate a simple drawing or instructions for the diagram, and children are indescribably delighted with the results obtained. Let's talk about this method of preparing for school in more detail.

From this article you will learn

What is graphic dictation

Preschoolers enjoy unusual didactic activities. They do not require deep knowledge or strong mental tension from the child. Such methods of work also include graphic dictations in cells.

This is a game in which the child draws lines and diagonals on a piece of paper and as a result gets a picture. It's easy to do. You just need to listen carefully to the teacher, draw lines with a pencil left, right, up or down. By developing motor skills, the baby learns to count, navigate in space, evaluate himself and enjoy the success of his classmates.

If a preschooler gapes and gets distracted, the picture won’t come together. The child realizes the importance of being attuned to the lesson, vigilance and seriousness in the process of future learning at school.

For graphic dictations, simple pictures are used. For example, a house, a dog, a car. The images should be familiar to children and not require a long execution time.

The benefits of mathematical dictations

Graphic dictation for preschoolers is a useful technique for diagnosing the level of development and preparing for school in kindergarten, Houses. IN Preschool teachers more often use the manuals of the authors: D.B. Elkonina, O.A. Kholodova. K.V. Shevelev developed a whole course of step-by-step lessons for children 4–5 years old, 5–6 years old, as well as first-graders. Special notebooks develop the following skills and abilities in preschool children from the preparatory group:

  • coordination of movements;
  • attention;
  • memory;
  • perseverance;
  • imagination;
  • vocabulary;
  • fine motor skills;
  • spelling vigilance.

At the same time as physical skills, the child increases self-esteem. He is aware of the need to listen to instructions. Does the job clearly and quickly, without being distracted by a bird in the window or the laughter of a neighbor at his desk.

Another goal of graphical mathematics is to broaden one's horizons. You need to select pictures according to the age and level of development of the children, but this is only at first. Later, draw pictures that are unfamiliar to preschoolers. After drawing this arithmetic problem on a piece of paper, tell a story about an unusual animal, introduce it to its habitat, show a photograph.

Numerical dictation assignments are a good way to adapt kindergarteners to school. They teach six-year-olds independence and orientation in a new space. This will help you master the program. primary school, when meeting a new team, teacher.

The ability to hold a pencil, follow oral instructions, decipher text, and write is an excellent foundation for preparing for first grade. You can ask your child to print out sheets, templates, and help interpret instructions. This helps to introduce the future preschooler to office equipment and instill respect for elders.

Execution Rules

Graphic dictations are best used on math lessons, For example . Execution is related to the coordinate system, counting, and geometric shapes. The methodology consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a piece of squared paper for the student. Keep a ready-made version of the dictation with you.
  2. Place a dot on the student paper. This will be the start of the countdown. Or have your preschooler do it themselves, explaining how much space to give.
  3. For a child just beginning to learn, draw arrows on paper that indicate the directions of the sides. This makes it easier to get the correct result. In subsequent lessons, hints will no longer be needed.
  4. Explain that step 1 is a cell. If we take 2 steps, the line goes 2 cells.
  5. The teacher dictates the working conditions step by step.

On the finished sheet for the teacher there is a drawing, coordinate plane, consisting of arrows, numbers. For example, to draw a Christmas tree, draw a line horizontally in 1 cell, vertically - 3 cells, diagonally - 3 cells, and so on. More often it’s just arrows and numbers without words.

The teacher explains which lines, where, and at what distance the preschoolers draw. Instructions are given one after another, without rushing.

  1. After completing the written assignments and obtaining the results, draw conclusions about the lesson and the efforts of the preschoolers. Scold him for inattention if the child was distracted by trifles, or praise him for his achievements.

Important! There's no need to rush. If your preschooler doesn’t keep up, usually in the first lessons, wait for him. Skipping even one step or writing incorrectly will ruin the finished result. Set the time frame gradually, speeding up the process by a couple of seconds from lesson to lesson.

Download assignments

Examples can be downloaded for free on the Internet in Word format and printed on a color or black-and-white printer. So you will create a whole card index for yourself, suitable for any age of kindergarteners and schoolchildren.


01. Elephant.

02. Giraffe.

03. Snake.

04. Key.

05. Cat.

06. Heart.

07. Duck.

08. House with a chimney.

09. Man.

10. Christmas tree.

11. Ship.

12. Squirrel.

13. Camel.

14. Kangaroo.

15. Deer.

16. Little dog.

17. Dog.

18. Hare.

19. Robot.

20. Piglet.

21. Hedgehog.

22. Flower.

23. Bear.

Required Instructions

To conduct developmental classes with young children and older preschoolers you will need:

  1. a squared notebook for each child. For younger preschoolers it is better to choose a large cage, for older and first-graders - a small one;
  2. simple and multi-colored pencils;
  3. eraser;
  4. form with a sample picture;
  5. instructions for the teacher;
  6. ruler if the lines are long or diagonal;
  7. card file with drawings.

The first lesson will be a trial lesson. On it you need to explain to the kids the principle of operation, the goals and objectives of the exercise. Try to make the lesson fun and exciting so that the young student is interested.

Give verbal instructions clearly and clearly. Talk to your children about all the stages of work:

  • Let's create a magical picture from different dashes. These will be enchanted figures. You need to decipher them by making notes on a piece of paper.
  • If you follow my instructions and requests correctly, do not confuse right and left, and carefully count the cells, you will get an amazing result.
  • I will say: “Draw a line on the form to the left by 2 cells, to the right by 4 cells.” You draw a nice, even line without lifting your hand from the paper.
  • Let's practice together on the board. As an example, let's draw a dictation easy drawing. And then you will make another option without prompting.

After doing a simple logical task offer preschoolers more complex schemes for independent work. When you receive the correct answer, be sure to praise the guys. Print out certificates of commendation, stars, make a board personal growth for each student.

If children have many difficulties with such exercises, the teacher should analyze the methodology and common mistakes. It is advisable to keep a lesson protocol and record the final result for each lesson. Thus, the dynamics of the development of skills and abilities of preschool children can be traced.

Perhaps the level of complexity of the pictures is not suitable for age, development of skills. Use simpler templates, increase the time to complete the task. There is no need to independently develop or compose descriptions for pictures for dictations.

Methods of execution

There are several methods for conducting dictations:

  1. Auditory.

The child draws a graph or a picture from dictation. The teacher gives verbal instructions about how many cells and in which direction the line should be drawn. After finishing the work, compare the result with the sample.

This technology develops attention and concentration of the brain when performing difficult tasks, baby's concentration.

  1. Drawing from a pattern.

Print the finished template. Place it on the table in front of your child. Let him copy it into his notebook. It is important to look carefully at the direction of the line and count the cells. Get your baby interested in figures and diagrams. The girl will be happy to copy a small pattern, flowers; boy - geometric shapes, cars, animals. For 4-5 year old preschoolers, choose a simple pattern with approximately the same lines; for six year olds, choose a more complex one, where there are diagonal lines, long and short.

The technology involves the development of visual attention, its stability, and perseverance.

  1. Drawing symmetry.

The blank is an unfinished drawing made on one side. The kindergartener needs to complete half of the picture on his own, maintaining symmetry.

The technique develops spatial orientation, thinking.

Time frame

The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the preschool children. Consider their readiness for serious activities and their level of perseverance. If you plan too long lessons with your children, they will get tired, you will lose time and energy, and if they are too short, you will not have time to complete the required work. It is better for teachers and parents to focus on the time frames established by psychologists:

  • For kindergarteners aged 5, do written work for no more than 15 minutes.
  • With six-year-olds – 15–20 minutes.
  • Keep first-graders at their desks for no more than half an hour, at least 20 minutes.

Graphic exercises seem to be simple tasks for preschoolers, simple and sometimes unnecessary. This is a misconception. Lessons like these help children grow up to be self-confident, with adequate self-esteem, developed attention and perseverance. And this will be useful for adapting to school.

In the process of mastering mathematical science and new concepts, the baby and mother encounter some difficulties. Advice from experienced teachers will help you overcome them.

  • Before starting classes, explain to your child clearly and understandably what do you want to get in the end, why are these lessons needed, what knowledge will the preschooler receive. This information is necessary for the future first-grader to motivate actions and interest in the learning process.
  • Don’t rush to blame for mistakes. Take them apart and fix them. Create a friendly atmosphere.
  • Don't load the baby complex circuits from the first lessons. Some time must pass for the kindergartener to firmly grasp the concepts of left - right, up - down. Select pictures based on individual characteristics development of intelligence, speed of drawing. Give preference to symmetrical patterns for slow kids, repeat the instructions for them several times.
  • Sloping lines are difficult for young students. Explain in advance what a diagonal is, how it is laid, and allow you to use a ruler.
  • Watch your posture and hand position. The piece of paper should lie straight on the table, the back should not bend while writing.
  • Keep quiet, if kindergarteners have difficulty concentrating. For children with hyperactivity, absent-mindedness, and mental retardation, it is better to have individual lessons and print diagrams for additional exercises at home.
  • Enjoy the positive result. Even if the result of the work is average, be sure to praise the preschooler for his efforts.
  • Make a change. In between exercises, read funny poems to warm up your fingers, jump, play.

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Egorova Natalya Viktorovna

Fun activity for preschoolers –

graphic dictations.

Drawing by cells– a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way for a baby to develop spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, perseverance.

Graphic dictations help develop attention, the ability to listen to the teacher, and spatial orientation. They will also prepare your child's hand for writing. They will teach the baby to be more attentive. This is a great way to develop logic, abstract thinking, painstakingness. With the help of these activities, the child develops, corrects the correctness of his movements, “gets a steady hand,” this skill will help him in school. Graphic dictations can be successfully used from the age of five.

What are graphic dictations? Graphic dictations are drawing in cells using the pointers in the task. To complete them we will need: a sheet of paper on which the cells are drawn, a pencil, an eraser. The tasks contain arrows (showing direction) and numbers (showing the number of cells that need to be passed in the indicated direction). If you follow the signs accurately and carefully, draw a line in the right direction at the right distance, you get a picture. It could be an animal, various objects, vegetables, fruits, trees, transport and much more.

Drawing by cells good way teach your baby to use a pencil and pen. Teach how to hold it correctly, practice so that your fingers don’t get so tired from holding an object at school. This exercise will help teach your child to count correctly; here you will need to count the cells so that by drawing a line you will get a picture.

I practice graphic dictations under dictation, both with the whole group of children and in individual lessons with children. Children really like these exercises. Children also take great pleasure in drawing themselves on lined sheets with tasks.

How to do graphic dictation

(Rules for drawing by cells).

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:

1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric design and asked to repeat exactly the same design in a checkered notebook.

2. An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down). The child does the work by ear, and then compares his image of the ornament or figure with the example in the manual using the method of superimposition.

When offering children such tasks, the teacher must observe certain rules. la:

When the teacher begins to dictate, he cannot pronounce any other words. And even more so repeat the same direction twice.

Dictations are written in complete silence.

If the child gets confused, he quietly puts down the pencil and calmly waits until the teacher finishes dictating. Only after this can you find out the error.

I start getting acquainted with the cage from the middle group.

I start work with the simplest thing - I write tasks in a notebook with a large square, the child must continue the row. Learning to see a cell and a line. We write sticks, squares, corners, simple patterns, each time complicating the tasks. We first divide the patterns into segments - we train, then all the particles are assembled into a pattern.

The following notations are used in the tasks: the number of cells being counted is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow.

Before you start writing a graphic dictation, you should explain to the children how the dictation will be carried out. First, we talk with the children that I will dictate to them how many cells the lines need to be drawn and in what direction. And they will draw these lines along the cells without lifting the pencil from the paper, and then together we will see what happens. Encourage the children to try to draw straight and beautiful lines, then the drawing will turn out wonderful.

For the first time, you can draw on the board with the children so that they can see how they need to work, and the children will be able to complete subsequent dictations without prompting. Before the dictation you need to repeat where the right and left hand, how to draw a line to the right and left. You can agree with the children about any marks (draw the letters “p” and “l” on the board, make marks on the walls, or stipulate that, for example: the right hand points to the window, and the left to the bedroom, etc.)

Then we move on to drawing under dictation.

To begin with, on the sheet with the dictation, in the upper corners, you need to mark - right and left. We give the child a squared notebook sheet, a pencil and an eraser.

In older groups, at the top of the picture we always indicate how many cells need to be moved away from the edge and top to start the dictation. In the indicated place, for example: retreat 5 cells from the edge to the left, count 6 cells from above. This is where you need to put a point. For children younger age It’s better to count the cells yourself and set a reference point (from this point the child will draw lines under dictation).

It’s better to start with the simplest: - one cell up (1, one cell to the right (1), one cell down (1), one cell to the left (1). The result is a square.

You need to dictate clearly, the child must perceive everything by ear. At the end of the work, look at how well the children’s figures coincide with the given elements. Review the sample. If the baby made a mistake, find out together where exactly. You can use an eraser to wipe away the point of failure and continue. The main thing is to support the child, praise him, if something doesn’t work out, you can offer to redraw the picture from the original.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with your child about the fact that there are different directions and sides. Show him where is right, where is left, where is up, where is down. Pay attention to the baby that every person has a right and a left side. Explain that the hand with which he eats, draws and writes is his right hand, and the other hand is his left. For left-handers, on the contrary, it is necessary to explain to left-handers that there are people for whom the working hand is the right, and there are people for whom the working hand is the left.

This activity includes graphic dictation, discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Activities with your child can be arranged in different sequences.


Message: Work in a notebook (checked)

Conditions for correctly completing tasks in a notebook:

The child works for no more than 15 minutes; in this case, the correct location of the notebook is selected and in the future the notebook does not rotate - only the hand changes its position!

The sequence of completing tasks is from first to last, without “jumping”; After completing each task, a mandatory analysis of the result obtained is carried out with the child; For every success of a child, you need to praise him and encourage him.

All tasks in the notebooks are selected taking into account the unstable attention of children, taking into account the complexity of the task and alternate according to the interests of the children.

The work system includes eight sections, which are implemented in the following order.

  1. Introducing the notebook and work line.
  2. Vertical and horizontal straight lines and combinations of them.
  3. Rainbow: warm and cool colors.
  4. Slanted straight lines and combinations of them.
  5. Printing numbers in cells.
  6. Arcs, wavy lines, circles, ovals.
  7. Printing letters in squares.
  8. Drawing objects of complex shapes using cells.

Rules for working in notebooks:

1. When sitting directly, the child should lean his chest on the table.

2. The distance from the edge of the table to the chest should be no more than 3-4 cm.

3. The distance between the child’s eyes and the notebook is 30-33 cm.

4. Both hands lie on the table, only the elbow joint protrudes slightly beyond the edges, the left hand supports the notebook and moves it up as the page is filled.

5. The light should come from the left side.

6. For left-handed children, the light should fall from the right.

We should try to teach children to check their posture on their own. For this purpose, sandbags are used, which are placed on the head, trying to hold it. This creates a straight posture. Children need to understand the importance of correct posture for health, physical development and performance, which is especially important for the successful mastery of writing skills.

Taking into account the problem of left-handed children, it is necessary to explain tasks to them in more detail, give them a smaller task, divide tasks into parts, and give tasks of reduced difficulty.

Work with the notebook is arranged in the following sequence:

1. Introduction to the notebook (cover, sheet, page)

2.Introduction to the page.

3. Getting to know the cell.

4. Getting to know the line.

5. Doing exercises in a cage.

The work must be structured taking into account tasks united by the main requirement - to complete the task strictly according to the conditions:

1. Color pictures without going beyond the contours;

2. Hatch only in the indicated direction;

3. When working, do not turn the notebook “do not twist”.

At first quality of execution is important(correctness and careful observance of all conditions), and not the speed and quantity of what the child has done.

Getting to know the notebook

Target: Introduce children to the notebook, teach them how to navigate the notebook (cover, sheets, pages).

1. Look at the notebook. It consists of a cover and sheets. On the cover they usually write the name and surname of the person who owns the notebook, and some other information.

Each sheet has two sides - pages. They write, draw, draw on them. Review the page. Straight lines are drawn on it from top to bottom and from left to right, which form identical squares - cells. Show where the top, bottom, left, right sides of the page are, where the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right corners are located.

Invite children to swipe their index finger right hand along the lines from top to bottom and left to right.

Mystery . Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn. (Notebook.)

Getting to know the page

Children complete tasks in notebooks. “Draw a yellow circle in the upper left corner, a blue circle in the upper right corner, etc. etc.

It is very important to develop in children the ability to see a working line (horizontal row of cells), a column (vertical row of cells) and an individual cell in a row and in a column. Please note that we always write from left to right and from top to bottom.

Exercise: the teacher puts a cross in the children’s notebooks in the box located in the upper left corner of the page. “Find the cell that is located to the right of the cross, draw a cross in it yourself, then another cross in the next cell to the right, and so on until the end of the line. This is how children become familiar with the line. Draw a circle under the first cross. “Find the cell that is under the circle. And in it, draw a circle yourself, then another circle in the next cell under the drawn circle and. etc.

The following task is performed with colored pencils. “Color two lines of cells with colored pencils. The first is blue, the second is green (note that the counting goes from top to bottom) “Color two columns with different colors so that the first column is red, the second yellow.” (Explain that columns are counted from left to right.)

Getting to know the cage

Purpose: To introduce children to the cage.


A cage is a house. A house has a floor, walls, and a ceiling, and a cage also has a floor, walls, and a ceiling.

a) Draw one cell (on simple sheet without cells)

b) Draw many cells, one after another (on the same sheet)

Cage game

Goal: Learn to navigate in a cage (center of the cage, corners, sides)


a) Find the center in the cell (highlighting the center of the cell throughout the entire line)

B) Find the upper left corner (highlighting the corner in cells throughout the entire line)

C) Find the lower right corner (selecting the corner into cells throughout

d) Find the sides of the cell (right, left)

e) Find the “floor and ceiling” of the cell

f) Draw the entire cell (draw a “house” every other cell)

Working line

Goal: Introduce the concept of “string”. Learn to navigate the work line.
The working line consists of a number of cells located from left to right, and has a top and lower limit. First, the teacher draws the upper and lower boundaries of the working line. Children look at the work line (it consists of a number of cells) and color it in with a blue pencil. “A string is a river with protected banks. You can't go ashore. You can only write on the working line.” Children put dots on the work line: in the center of the cell, in the middle of the side of the cell, at the intersection of the lines.

It is very important to develop in children the ability to see a working line (a horizontal row of cells) and an individual cell in a row and in a column.


Draw straight lines at the bottom and top.

Walking through the cells

Goal: Learn to navigate by cells.


a) Walking around the cells with your fingers.

b) Walking around the cells with a pen.

Through the cage

After 2 cells, etc.

Working with the cage

Goal: Learn to work with the cage.

Develop the ability to work within boundaries and lines along reference points.

Fix the position of the hand to depict objects in the cage, develop the eye, - learn to observe intervals (“walk” through the cage)

Develop your eye, train in writing elements with a loop at the top and bottom.


a) Fitting in various forms, elements within the cell, use shading in different directions.

b) Fitting round objects inside the cell (you can use shading in a circle)

c) Bringing long and short lines.

d) Connecting the dots in the indicated direction.

e) Writing individual elements or a pattern “We all live in houses and look out the window.”

f) Separate writing in a loop “Birds are sitting on a branch”, “Leaves are flying”.


Goal: Learn to work within boundaries.


Drawing lines inside an object.

3 ratings

This collection will contain exercises on writing elements on pages in a cage according to the pattern.
The game plot and poems will interest the child, and finger gymnastics not only turns the task into a game, but also helps prepare the small muscles of the hand for writing elements and shading.

To prevent poor posture, the child needs to sit correctly during class: the body is free, the back is straight, the legs are straight on the floor, the hands are on the table up to the elbows, between the chest and the edge of the table - 3-4 cm. The distance from the eyes to the notebook is 30 cm. Place the notebook on the table tilted to the left at an angle of 25 degrees, the bottom corner of the page is opposite the middle of the child’s chest. The light source is on the left.
Try not to overtire your child. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 10 minutes, drawing lines - 5-6 minutes.
Teach your child not to go beyond the boundaries of the lines, to evenly place elements in the lines. The drawing and shading elements gradually become more complex, so try not to break the sequence of the pages.

It is better for a child to write not with a pen, but with a soft, simple pencil. Children get upset if they cannot complete a task beautifully. You can erase the pencil with an eraser and correct a bad line. You can buy office supplies in the online store.

Encourage your child, rejoice at every success, then he will work stably and accurately.

We recommend performing each finger gymnastics exercise several times in turn with both hands. It is advisable to combine two or three exercises into a small complex (remember the previous ones or the ones you liked the most). They can be performed either before the start of the lesson, or in the middle or at the end of the lesson, taking into account the child’s desire and his condition.

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