Famous phrases of Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu "The Art of War": Best Quotes

Sun Tzu, (544–496 BC), Chinese military leader and strategist

War is a way of deception. Therefore, if you can do anything, show the enemy that you cannot; if you use something, show him that you do not use it ... Attack him when he is not ready; show up when he's not expecting.

Who knows how to wage war, does not make a set twice, does not load provisions three times; he takes equipment from his own state, but provisions from the enemy.

War loves victory and does not like duration.

The most best war- to break the plans of the enemy; in the next place - to break his unions; in the next place - to break his troops.

The worst thing is to besiege fortresses.

Invincibility lies in oneself, the possibility of victory lies in the enemy.

The ruler can be compared to a boat, and the people - to water: water can carry a boat, or it can overturn it.

If the higher ones love the rules of conduct and duty... - the people can be convinced without resorting to rewards, the people can be subdued without resorting to punishments.

The leader leads not by force, but by example.

Since man is now evil by nature, he certainly needs to be controlled by completely wise rulers and re-educated with the help of rules of conduct and a sense of duty - only in this way can all people be kept in order and turn to good.

Favorable opportunities multiply if they are skillfully used.

If the position and affairs among people are not divided, misfortune arises: people strive to do only what is beneficial to them, and fight for merit.

What is done without the participation of human labor, and what he receives in addition to his desires, constitutes the activity of heaven ... When a person refuses to do what is intended for him and waits for heaven to do everything for him, he is mistaken.

When the people are afraid of the ruler's orders, there is nothing better than to show them generosity.

When they do not pay attention to the criticism and praise of the people and calmly put up with the loss of their sympathies, this is an unworthy way to govern the country.

The ruler who follows the path of virtue makes the people rich. Without wealth, there is nothing to support the feelings of the people.

Managing many people is the same as managing a few. It's a matter of organization.

Treat your people as if they were your favorite sons. And then they will follow you into the deepest gorge.

To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.

Build a golden bridge for your opponent to retreat.

When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.

without climbing up high mountain you do not know the height of the sky. Without looking into a deep gorge in the mountains, you will not know the thickness of the earth. Without hearing the precepts of the ancestors, you will not know the greatness of learning.

A person should do those things that, although they require hard physical labor, but calm his mind.

Relying on the laws and also understanding their provisions is the only way to achieve agreement.

Wise and able men should be promoted to positions, regardless of their position; lazy and incapable should be immediately removed from office; the main villains must be executed without waiting for their re-education; ordinary, average people need to be educated, not waiting until they have to apply measures of punishment.

Music is a source of joy wise people, it is capable of calling among the people good thoughts, it penetrates deeply into his mind and easily changes mores and customs.

When a perfect person has great knowledge and, moreover, checks himself daily and analyzes his behavior, then he is wise and does not make mistakes.

The readiness to sacrifice oneself for the fulfillment of duty is the basis of the maintenance of life.

Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of education.

He who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; he who correctly marks my faithful deeds is my friend; he who flatters me is my enemy.

  • Sun Tzu- Chinese military leader, strategist and thinker, presumably lived in the 6th or 4th century BC. e. Wei Lao Zi wrote about him: “There was a man who had only 30,000 troops, and no one in China could resist him. Who is it? Answer: Sun Tzu. At the request of Prince Ho Lu, he wrote the later famous treatise on military strategy, The Art of War. The ideal victory from Sun Tzu's point of view is subjugation of others by diplomatic means, without the use of aggression. This is the dialectic of loyalty and deceit, strength and weakness, militancy and peacefulness. Here are some quotes belonging to Sun Tzu:
  • If you don't know what your kids are like, look at their friends.
  • There is no faster way to mastering knowledge than sincere love for a wise teacher.
  • The evil qualities and actions of a person depend on himself.
  • Troubles come when people in their laziness forget to take care of themselves.
  • Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of education.
  • If you act too cruelly, you will fail; if you act too softly, you yourself will be in fetters.
  • You have to study all your life, until the last breath!
  • A thoroughbred horse will not be able to cover distances of a thousand li with one jump. On a horse you can overcome this distance in ten days, if you do not stop halfway.
  • When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.
  • Wise and able men should be promoted to positions, regardless of their position; lazy and incapable people should be immediately removed from office; the main villains must be executed without waiting for their re-education; ordinary, average people need to be educated, not waiting until they have to apply measures of punishment.
  • Even if a person by nature has excellent properties and wisdom, he must still receive a wise teacher and follow him, he must choose his friends good people and be friends with them.
  • With those who like to argue, do not enter into an argument.
  • The ruler can be compared to a boat, and the people - to water: water can carry a boat, or it can overturn it.
  • When you see good things, you should respect them and check if you have these qualities. When you see the bad, you should treat it with contempt and check if you have these qualities.
  • When an indecent question is asked, it should not be answered. When talking about indecent things, one should not ask questions. When indecent things are said, one should not listen.
  • Without climbing a high mountain, you will not know the height of the sky. Without looking into a deep gorge in the mountains, you will not know the thickness of the earth. Without hearing the precepts of the ancestors, you will not know the greatness of learning.
  • War loves victory and does not like duration.
  • If you sit for a long time on the bank of the river, you can see how the corpse of your enemy floats along it.
  • The best war is to smash the enemy's plans.
  • He who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; he who correctly notes my faithful deeds is my friend; he who flatters me is my enemy.
  • Managing the many is the same as managing the few. It's about organization.
  • Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of education.
  • Even if a person by nature has excellent qualities and wisdom, he must still receive a wise teacher and follow him, he must choose good people as friends and be friends with them.
  • What is done without the participation of human labor, and what he receives in addition to his desires, constitutes the activity of heaven ... When a person refuses to do what is intended for him and waits for heaven to do everything for him, he is mistaken.

To be continued…

preliminary calculations

War is a great thing for the state, it is the soil of life and death, it is the way of existence and death. This needs to be understood.

War is a way of deception. Therefore, if you can do anything, show the enemy that you cannot; if you use something, show him that you do not use it; even though you were close, show that you are far away; even though you are far away, show that you are close; lure him with profit; make him upset and take him; if he is full, be ready; if he is strong, dodge him; arousing anger in him, bring him into a state of disorder; having assumed a humble air, arouse self-conceit in him; if his strength is fresh, wear him out; if he is friendly, separate; attack him when he is not ready; show up when he's not expecting.

Whoever - even before the battle - wins by preliminary calculation, has many chances; who - even before the battle - does not win by calculation, he has little chance. Who has a lot of chances - wins; who has few chances - does not win; especially the one who has no chance at all. Therefore, for me - at the sight of this one - victory and defeat are already clear.

If you have a thousand light chariots and a thousand heavy ones, a hundred thousand soldiers, if provisions have to be sent a thousand miles, then the costs of internal and external, the costs of receiving guests, material for varnish and glue, equipping chariots and weapons - all this will amount to a thousand gold pieces in day. Only in this case it is possible to raise a hundred thousandth army.

Waging war

If they wage war and the victory drags on, the weapon becomes dull and the points break off; if a fortress is besieged for a long time, the forces are undermined; if the army is left in the field for a long time, the state does not have enough funds.

When the weapon is blunted and the edges break off, the forces are undermined and the means run out, the princes, taking advantage of your weakness, will rise against you. Let then you have smart servants, after that you can’t do anything.

Therefore, in war they heard about success with its speed, even with its unskillful conduct, and have not yet seen success with its duration, even with its skillful conduct.

It has never happened before that the war lasted for a long time and this would be beneficial to the state. Therefore, one who does not fully understand all the harm from war cannot fully understand all the benefits of war.

He who knows how to wage war does not make a set twice, does not load provisions three times; he takes equipment from his own state, while he takes provisions from the enemy. Therefore, he has enough food for the soldiers.

During the war, the state becomes poorer because provisions are carried far away. When provisions need to be transported far away, the people become poorer.

Those who are close to the army sell dearly; and when they sell dearly, the means of the people are exhausted; when funds are depleted, it is difficult to perform duties.

Forces are undermined, funds are running out in their own country - the houses are empty; the property of the people is reduced by seven tenths; the property of the ruler - the war chariots are broken, the horses are exhausted; helmets, cuirass, bows and arrows, spears and small shields, pikes and large shields, oxen and wagons - all this is reduced by six tenths.

Therefore, a smart commander tries to feed himself at the expense of the enemy. At the same time, one pound of the enemy's food corresponds to twenty pounds of his own; one pood of bran and straw of the enemy corresponds to twenty poods of his own.

If ten or more chariots are captured during the battle on chariots, distribute them as a reward to those who first captured them, and change the banners to them. Mix these chariots with yours and ride them. Treat the soldiers well and take care of them. This is called: defeat the enemy and increase your strength.

War loves victory and does not like duration.

Therefore, a commander who understands war is the ruler of the fate of the people, is the master of the security of the state.

strategic attack

According to the rules of warfare, the best thing is to keep the enemy state intact, in second place is to crush this state. The best thing is to keep the enemy army intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy brigade intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy battalion intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy company intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy platoon intact, in second place - to break it. Therefore, to fight a hundred times and win a hundred times is not the best of the best; the best of the best is to subdue another's army without fighting.

Therefore, the best war is to smash the enemy's plans; in the next place - to break his alliances; in the next place - to break his troops. The worst thing is to besiege fortresses. According to the rules of the siege of fortresses, such a siege should be carried out only when it is unavoidable. Training big shields, siege chariots, the erection of embankments, the procurement of equipment requires three months; however, the commander, unable to overcome his impatience, sends his soldiers to attack like ants; at the same time, one third of the officers and soldiers are killed, and the fortress remains not taken. Such are the disastrous consequences of a siege.

Therefore, he who knows how to make war subdues another's army without fighting; takes other people's fortresses without besieging; crushes a foreign state without holding his army for long. He necessarily keeps everything intact and by this he disputes the power in the Celestial Empire. Therefore, without dulling the weapon, you can have a benefit: this is the rule of a strategic attack.

The rule of warfare says: if you have ten times the strength of the enemy, surround him on all sides; if you have five times more strength, attack him; if you have twice as much strength, divide it into parts; if the forces are equal, manage to fight him; if you have less strength, manage to defend yourself against it; if you have a worse army in general, manage to evade it. Therefore, those who are stubborn with little strength become prisoners of a strong adversary.

The commander for the state is the same as the fastening of the wagon: if this fastening is tightly fitted, the state will certainly be strong; if the fastening has dispersed, the state will certainly be weak.

Therefore, the army suffers from its sovereign in three cases:

When he, not knowing that the army must not march, orders them to march; when he, not knowing that the army must not retreat, orders it to retreat; this means that he binds the army.

When he, not knowing what an army is, extends to its management the same principles that govern the state; then the commanders in the army are at a loss.

When he, not knowing what the tactics of the army are, is guided in the appointment of a commander by the same principles as in the state; then the commanders in the army are confused.

When the army becomes confused and confused, misfortune overtakes the princes. This is what it means: to upset your army and give victory to the enemy.

Therefore, they know that they will win in five cases: they win if they know when they can fight and when they cannot; they win when they know how to use both large and small forces; they win where the higher and the lower have the same desires; they win when they themselves are careful and wait for the opponent’s negligence; those who have a talented commander win, but the sovereign does not lead him. These five positions are the path of knowing victory.

Therefore, it is said: if you know him and know yourself, fight at least a hundred times, there will be no danger; if you know yourself, but you don’t know him, you will win once, you will fail another time; if you don't know yourself or him, every time you fight you will be defeated.

The Art of War is a unique collection of the strategist and thinker Sun Tzu, the most famous ancient Chinese treatise. The quotes from the book are fundamental to military strategy, politics and military philosophy in general.

Quotes from The Art of War

War is a way of deceit. Therefore, even if you are capable, show your opponent your inability. When you have to bring your forces into battle, pretend to be inactive. When the target is close, show that it is far away; when she is really far away, give the impression that she is close.

If the commander speaks to the soldiers affectionately and courteously, then he has lost his army.

The best war is to break the plans of the enemy; in the next place - to break his unions; in the next place - to break his troops. The worst thing is to besiege fortresses.

Avoidance of a collision with great forces is not evidence of cowardice, but of wisdom, for sacrificing oneself is never and nowhere an advantage.

Fury kills the enemy, greed captures his wealth.

War is the great cause of the state, the basis of life and death, the path to survival or death. This needs to be carefully weighed and considered.

... a commander who understands war is the ruler of the destinies of the people, he is the master of the security of the state.

If you find out that you have an enemy spy and is watching you, be sure to influence him with benefits; bring it in and place it with you.

The subjugation of other states without entering into a military conflict, that is, the ideal of complete victory.

Winning a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the pinnacle of martial art. To defeat the enemy without a fight is the pinnacle.

Being close, they wait for those far away; being in full strength waiting for the weary; being full, they wait for the hungry; this is power control.

War loves victory and does not like duration.

Invincibility lies in oneself, the possibility of victory lies in the enemy.

Being in order, expect disorder; being in peace, waiting for unrest; this is the control of the heart.

Power is the ability to apply tactics in accordance with the benefits.

Go forward where they are not expected; to attack where they were not prepared.

The most witty aphorisms and quotes. Art of War

preliminary calculations

War is a great thing for the state, it is the soil of life and death, it is the way of existence and death. This needs to be understood.

War is a way of deception. Therefore, if you can do anything, show the enemy that you cannot; if you use something, show him that you do not use it; even though you were close, show that you are far away; even though you are far away, show that you are close; lure him with profit; make him upset and take him; if he is full, be ready; if he is strong, dodge him; arousing anger in him, bring him into a state of disorder; having assumed a humble air, arouse self-conceit in him; if his strength is fresh, wear him out; if he is friendly, separate; attack him when he is not ready; show up when he's not expecting.

Whoever - even before the battle - wins by preliminary calculation, has many chances; who - even before the battle - does not win by calculation, he has little chance. Who has a lot of chances - wins; who has few chances - does not win; especially the one who has no chance at all. Therefore, for me - at the sight of this one - victory and defeat are already clear.

If you have a thousand light chariots and a thousand heavy ones, a hundred thousand soldiers, if provisions have to be sent a thousand miles, then the costs of internal and external, the costs of receiving guests, material for varnish and glue, equipping chariots and weapons - all this will amount to a thousand gold pieces in day. Only in this case it is possible to raise a hundred thousandth army.

Waging war

If they wage war and the victory drags on, the weapon becomes dull and the points break off; if a fortress is besieged for a long time, the forces are undermined; if the army is left in the field for a long time, the state does not have enough funds.

When the weapon is blunted and the edges break off, the forces are undermined and the means run out, the princes, taking advantage of your weakness, will rise against you. Let then you have smart servants, after that you can’t do anything.

Therefore, in war they heard about success with its speed, even with its unskillful conduct, and have not yet seen success with its duration, even with its skillful conduct.

It has never happened before that the war lasted for a long time and this would be beneficial to the state. Therefore, one who does not fully understand all the harm from war cannot fully understand all the benefits of war.

He who knows how to wage war does not make a set twice, does not load provisions three times; he takes equipment from his own state, while he takes provisions from the enemy. Therefore, he has enough food for the soldiers.

During the war, the state becomes poorer because provisions are carried far away. When provisions need to be transported far away, the people become poorer.

Those who are close to the army sell dearly; and when they sell dearly, the means of the people are exhausted; when funds are depleted, it is difficult to perform duties.

Forces are undermined, funds are running out in their own country - the houses are empty; the property of the people is reduced by seven tenths; the property of the ruler - the war chariots are broken, the horses are exhausted; helmets, cuirass, bows and arrows, spears and small shields, pikes and large shields, oxen and wagons - all this is reduced by six tenths.

Therefore, a smart commander tries to feed himself at the expense of the enemy. At the same time, one pound of the enemy's food corresponds to twenty pounds of his own; one pood of bran and straw of the enemy corresponds to twenty poods of his own.

If ten or more chariots are captured during the battle on chariots, distribute them as a reward to those who first captured them, and change the banners to them. Mix these chariots with yours and ride them. Treat the soldiers well and take care of them. This is called: defeat the enemy and increase your strength.

War loves victory and does not like duration.

Therefore, a commander who understands war is the ruler of the fate of the people, is the master of the security of the state.

strategic attack

According to the rules of warfare, the best thing is to keep the enemy state intact, in second place is to crush this state. The best thing is to keep the enemy army intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy brigade intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy battalion intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy company intact, in second place - to break it. The best thing is to keep the enemy platoon intact, in second place - to break it. Therefore, to fight a hundred times and win a hundred times is not the best of the best; the best of the best is to subdue another's army without fighting.

Therefore, the best war is to smash the enemy's plans; in the next place - to break his alliances; in the next place - to break his troops. The worst thing is to besiege fortresses. According to the rules of the siege of fortresses, such a siege should be carried out only when it is unavoidable. The preparation of large shields, siege chariots, the erection of embankments, the procurement of equipment requires three months; however, the commander, unable to overcome his impatience, sends his soldiers to attack like ants; at the same time, one third of the officers and soldiers are killed, and the fortress remains not taken. Such are the disastrous consequences of a siege.

Therefore, he who knows how to make war subdues another's army without fighting; takes other people's fortresses without besieging; crushes a foreign state without holding his army for long. He necessarily keeps everything intact and by this he disputes the power in the Celestial Empire. Therefore, without dulling the weapon, you can have a benefit: this is the rule of a strategic attack.

The rule of warfare says: if you have ten times the strength of the enemy, surround him on all sides; if you have five times more strength, attack him; if you have twice as much strength, divide it into parts; if the forces are equal, manage to fight him; if you have less strength, manage to defend yourself against it; if you have a worse army in general, manage to evade it. Therefore, those who are stubborn with little strength become prisoners of a strong adversary.

The commander for the state is the same as the fastening of the wagon: if this fastening is tightly fitted, the state will certainly be strong; if the fastening has dispersed, the state will certainly be weak.

Therefore, the army suffers from its sovereign in three cases:

When he, not knowing that the army must not march, orders them to march; when he, not knowing that the army must not retreat, orders it to retreat; this means that he binds the army.

When he, not knowing what an army is, extends to its management the same principles that govern the state; then the commanders in the army are at a loss.

When he, not knowing what the tactics of the army are, is guided in the appointment of a commander by the same principles as in the state; then the commanders in the army are confused.

When the army becomes confused and confused, misfortune overtakes the princes. This is what it means: to upset your army and give victory to the enemy.

Therefore, they know that they will win in five cases: they win if they know when they can fight and when they cannot; they win when they know how to use both large and small forces; they win where the higher and the lower have the same desires; they win when they themselves are careful and wait for the opponent’s negligence; those who have a talented commander win, but the sovereign does not lead him. These five positions are the path of knowing victory.

Therefore, it is said: if you know him and know yourself, fight at least a hundred times, there will be no danger; if you know yourself, but you don’t know him, you will win once, you will fail another time; if you don't know yourself or him, every time you fight you will be defeated.

In ancient times, the one who fought well, first of all, made himself invincible and in this state waited until he could defeat the enemy.

Invincibility lies in oneself, the possibility of victory lies in the enemy.

Therefore, he who fights well can make himself invincible, but he cannot force the opponent to necessarily let himself be defeated.

Therefore, it is said: "Victory can be known, but it cannot be done."

Invincibility is defense; the opportunity to win is the offensive.

When they are on the defensive, it means there is a lack of something; when they attack, then there is everything in abundance.

He who defends well hides in the depths of the underworld; he who attacks well, acts from the height of heaven.

He who sees victory no more than other people is not the best of the best. When someone, fighting, wins and in the Middle Kingdom they say: “Good,” it will not be the best of the best.