Target direction to a pedagogical university. Reception of foreign citizens

Its features, advantages, disadvantages.

When preparing to enter a university, it is customary to consider different options. One of them is admission within the framework of the so-called target set. Its peculiarity is that the applicant comes to the university not only with the results of the Unified State Exam, but also with a corresponding referral from any region or institution. At the same time, in case of successful completion of the competition, he is enrolled in the specialty of his choice, studies there, and after graduation university is coming work in the place from which he was sent.

Everything seems to be clear and understandable. However, the target recruitment system is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. It also contains a lot of nuances that a future applicant would do well to know. Let's look at just a few of them.

Take, for example, the fact that there are de facto two options for the target set. One of them is carried out under agreements concluded with executive authorities. The other is under agreements with enterprises and organizations, as well as within the framework of state programs related to the development of the military-industrial complex. And although the second option is not formally considered the target, it is nevertheless equated to it and has become widespread.

Another feature of targeted recruitment is in sectoral universities, where the founder is the relevant ministry (department), the number of allocated funds for it budget places, as a rule, more than those of universities directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science. Moreover, in practice, it often exceeds the established standards, according to which the share of target audiences cannot be more than 15% of the target admission figures. And this state of affairs is considered quite acceptable, if, of course, the size of the target set is previously agreed upon with the founder.

Future target audiences must also take into account the fact that agreements between universities and customers (executive authorities, departments, enterprises, organizations) are concluded, as a rule, in April - May, because It is by this time that all issues with funding, lists of applicants and the number of places allocated for training are settled.

Another intriguing point. It concerns the possibility of refusal to provide targeted places. Cases like this are common. The university is not rubber-stamped and it is not obliged to satisfy the interests of everyone who turned to it with a request. What is very important here is the historically established practice of interaction between the university and those structures that previously collaborated with it and with which agreements have already been concluded for the training of future specialists.

It is also important to know the fact that cooperation with a university is not carried out in general, but in very specific areas of training. That is, for example, one customer is interested in training specialists in computer security, and another in security automated systems. That is why the future target student needs to have an idea not only about the university’s partners in targeted recruitment, but also about the specifics of their requests addressed to the university.

At the same time, one should also take into account the fact that the needs for targeted specialists can be formed in two ways - either descending through subordination from above, or formed from below, in accordance with the requests of specific enterprises and organizations. A striking example first case - medical universities, where the main parameters of the target set are established by the Ministry of Health. The second one is more typical technical universities having close ties with partner enterprises, which are subsequently employers.

Why is the target set interesting for everyone? If we take universities, then its benefits are quite obvious - targeted enrollment is virtually a guaranteed filling of budget places, regardless of the demographic situation or any other unpleasant circumstances. At the same time, for the most popular universities that do not experience problems with applicants, this issue is less relevant than the others, due to which the number of places allocated to target students there is incomparably smaller than for others.

The applicants themselves are no less interested in targeted recruitment. It's understandable - target direction allows you to answer many questions at once. Firstly, its presence significantly facilitates the admission process itself, because This group of applicants goes through a separate competition, which is significantly lower than usual, and is admitted first. Secondly, the target direction allows you not to think too much about finding a job after graduation, because the future place of work has already been initially determined. It is also important that target students often have certain advantages over other students. In particular, we may be talking about priority check-in into a dormitory, which is especially important for nonresident students, or additional scholarship support at the expense of future employers.

The target set has and reverse side medals. It's about about the obligations imposed on graduates. The main one is the almost complete lack of choice of place of work after graduation. According to the established procedure, the target student is obliged to find a job in the organization that sent him to study and work there for at least 3 years. If this norm is not observed, the employer has the right to go to court and through it recover training costs from the violator.

If all this does not bother you, good luck. Target recruitment is not such an insurmountable problem as it might seem at first glance.

Information on where to get the target direction -


Dear applicants!

Targeted training in the interests of the largest public corporations and federal agencies(Rosstat, Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City Population, Office of the Judicial Department, FMBA of Russia, etc.) - these are guaranteed career opportunities and solutions to significant problems for society and the country as a whole.

In the long term, this is guaranteed employment at interesting work with a stable salary and a guaranteed social package.

Do not miss the unique opportunity to enroll in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University" social university» to the target location.

Targeted reception - this is admission to study on the basis of a targeted admission agreement concluded educational organization higher education with the organization (federal government agency, public authority of the subject Russian Federation, organ local government, state (municipal) institution, unitary enterprise, state corporation, a state company or a business entity in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity), as well as an agreement on targeted training between a citizen and the organization in whose interests the training will be conducted.

For targeted admission, a separate quota is allocated for each area of ​​training (specialty). The number of places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget for the admission of first-year citizens to RSSU for studies in bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in 2017, indicating a special quota and a target quota is posted on the website Admissions Committee.

Targeted admission is carried out within the established quota on the basis of two agreements- an agreement on targeted training between the applicant and the organization (hereinafter referred to as the “organization-applicant agreement”) and an agreement on targeted admission concluded by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Social University” (hereinafter referred to as RGSU) with the organization that has concluded an agreement on targeted training with the applicant ( hereinafter referred to as the “organization-RGSU” agreement).

Benefits of targeted reception

  1. Separate competition;
  2. Enrollment into target places occurs before the enrollment of “first wave” applicants;
  3. Possibility of receiving increased personal scholarship during the training period;
  4. Additional measures of social support at the expense of the employer when studying at the university;
  5. Completing internships, internships, diploma design at a future place of work;
  6. Guaranteed employment of university graduates in leading organizations in the region social sphere, areas of management, jurisprudence, psychology, etc.

What is needed to submit documents for targeted admission:

1. To conclude an “organization-applicant” agreement, you must contact the HR department government organization where you plan to build your career.

The HR department will forward your application to a higher government authority (ministry, federal agency, etc.).

For example, in order to be included in an application for targeted admission from Rosstat, you need to contact the human resources department of an organization that is part of the Rosstat structure.

A list of such organizations can be found on the Rosstat website

Lists of enterprises of other corporations and federal agencies can be found on the websites: Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, Office of the Judicial Department, FMBA of Russia http://fmbaros .ru, etc.

To conclude an “organization-RGSU” agreement, a body or organization sends to the RGSU an official request-proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, containing information on the number of citizens whose training must be carried out within the framework of targeted admission in certain areas of training (specialties). RGSU sends an official response to this request to the organization and, if the decision is positive, the enterprise signs an agreement and sends it to RGSU. One copy of the “organization-RGSU” agreement is kept in the organization, the other in the university.

" contains detailed information on the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, competition, conditions for providing a hostel, the number of available places, as well as minimum scores, which were required to be dialed to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the Unified State Exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of Unified State Examination.

In the "Admission 2019" section using the " " service, you can find out about the most important dates related to admission to university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with university admissions committees and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by email, which you provided during registration. Moreover, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the " " section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers’ websites.

The section has launched a new service “Remind about an event”, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders about the dates that are most important to them.

A new service has launched - " ". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before anyone else and automatically.

Targeted enrollment rules for universities will be tightened

With the introduction of new rules for targeted enrollment, it will become more difficult to enter a university through connections.

A bill improving the mechanisms for targeted admission to universities will soon be submitted to the State Duma for consideration.

Let us explain what we are talking about. As you know, admission to a university is carried out according to Unified State Exam results, and what more prestigious university, the higher the total score. However, there is a loophole, thanks to which C students are bypassed for admission to excellent students. This is the so-called “target set”. Its essence is that regional authorities, municipal organizations, enterprises with a share of state property can send applicants to best universities for education at state expense. And this benefit, alas, is often given not to the talented, but to those with necessary connections. If, for example, the passing score for a prestigious specialty is 240, then a child who received 239 on the Unified State Exam will not be admitted, but a “target student” with 130 will be admitted. And formally everything is legal.

But this is not the only problem. Only 3-12% of “target students” after graduating from university go to work for the company that sent them to study. Thus, it turns out that the effectiveness of targeted recruitment has actually been reduced to zero and there are no ways to force a specialist with a diploma to return to work in their region.

In the fall of 2016, Prime Minister D. Medvedev demanded that order be restored in this area and amendments be made to the law. The main innovation of the bill is to oblige the graduate to work for at least 3 years in the organization that sent him to study.

What is there now
Agreement for targeted training 2-sided, concluded between the applicant and the sending organization. The university is obliged to accept the applicant and then issue a referral for employment at the enterprise that has entered into an agreement with him. Applicants are contractually obligated to report to the organization that sent them for training within a month after receiving their education diploma and sign an employment contract. At the same time, no sanctions are provided for the applicant in case of violation of the contract.

What will happen
The agreement will become a 3-party one - between the applicant, the customer (government agency, enterprise sending for study) and the university. It will be concluded before the start of the admissions campaign, and the party signing the agreement and responsible for the presence of mutual obligations of the applicant and the customer in the agreement is the university. He must check the agreement, and if it does not clearly define the obligations and responsibilities of the parties, the university must refuse to sign the document and not accept this applicant under the targeted admission quota.

The obligations of the parties in this case, in general outline, will look like this:
- organizes a competition within the target admission quota.
- creates conditions for the student to master the educational program.

- undertakes to successfully master educational program(it’s no longer possible to not go to lectures). The criterion for the success of training is established by the university and prescribed in the contract.
- after graduating from a university, the “target student” is obliged to work for at least 3 years in the organization specified in the contract, under the conditions specified in the contract.

Customer (enterprise or government agency)
- provides social support measures: pays an increased stipend, pays for housing, etc.
- organizes the student’s internship.
- hires a graduate for a position corresponding to the level of education received.

Dear applicants!

Targeted training in the interests of the Moscow region (Departments of Education, Administrations municipalities, educational institutions, etc.) are guaranteed career opportunities and solutions to significant problems for the region.

Admission to targeted training is carried out in the presence of an agreement on targeted training concluded between the applicant and the customer of targeted training, in accordance with the regulations on targeted training and standard form agreements on targeted training established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the long term, this is guaranteed employment in an interesting job with a stable salary and a guaranteed social package.

For admission to targeted training, a separate quota is allocated for each area of ​​training (specialty). The number of places for admission to study within the target quota is posted on the website of the Admissions Committee no later than June 1, 2019.

“A bill improving the mechanisms for targeted admission to universities will be submitted to the State Duma in the coming months,” he shared information with AiF Alexander Sobolev, director of the department of state policy in the field of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Let me explain. Admission to a university is based on the results of the Unified state exam(Unified State Examination) in 3 or 4 subjects (depending on the specialty). And the more prestigious the university, the higher the total Unified State Examination score. However, there is a loophole, thanks to which C students are bypassed for admission to excellent students. This is the "target set". Regional authorities, municipal organizations, and enterprises with a share of state property can send applicants to the best universities to study at state expense. And this benefit, alas, is often given not to the talented, but to those who have the necessary connections. If, for example, the passing score for a prestigious specialty is 240, then a child who received 239 on the Unified State Exam will not be admitted, but a “target student” with 130 will be admitted. And formally everything will be legal. The only university that in 2016 set the same minimum passing score for “target students” as for regular applicants (210 points) is MISIS.

Initially, the target recruitment was invented to provide the regions with specialists. "When the Unified State Exam appeared, the effectiveness of the target set was virtually reduced to zero, explains Vladimir Filippov, rector of RUDN University. - There are no ways to force a specialist with a diploma to return to work in his region. Regions do not always ask for a quota for training the specialists they need. Many graduates of regional schools want to be dentists, lawyers and specialists in international relations. Obviously, they are not needed in large quantities in their region.”

“Only 3-12% of target students, after receiving their diploma, go to work for the company that sent them to study,” notes Alevtina Chernikova, rector of MISIS.

Last year, the Ministry of Education and Science conducted monitoring of targeted enrollment and revealed: more than 51% of contracts on targeted training do not contain measures of social support for students, 62% of contracts do not indicate the terms of employment of graduates. The law establishes the obligations of the customer of targeted admission and students, but in practice they are not fulfilled. In the fall of 2016, Prime Minister D. Medvedev. The main innovation of the bill is that a graduate must work for at least 3 years in an organization. The changes will not affect applicants this season.

Targeted training


The contract for targeted training is 2-sided, concluded between the applicant and the sending organization.

The university is obliged to accept the applicant and then issue a referral for employment at the enterprise that has entered into an agreement with him. Applicants are contractually obligated to report to the organization that sent them for training within a month after receiving their education diploma and sign an employment contract.

In fact, only a few are returned, and no sanctions are provided for them.

What will change?*


It must be 3-party - between the applicant, the customer (government agency, enterprise sending for study) and the university. The agreement is concluded before the start of the admissions campaign, and the party signing the agreement and responsible for the presence of mutual obligations of the applicant and the customer in the agreement is the university.

1. Checks the contract. If it does not contain clearly defined obligations and responsibilities of the parties, the university must refuse to sign the document and not accept this applicant under the targeted admission quota.

2. Organizes a competition within the target admission quota.

3. Creates conditions for the student to master the educational program.


1. Commits to successfully mastering the educational program (not going to lectures will no longer be possible). The criterion for the success of training is established by the university and prescribed in the contract.

2. After graduating from a university, the “target student” is obliged to work for at least 3 years in the organization specified in the contract, under the conditions specified in the contract.

Customer (enterprise or government agency)

1. Provides social support measures: pays an increased stipend, pays for housing, etc.

2. Organizes student internship.

3 Hires a graduate for a position corresponding to the level of education received.

* The rules are still being discussed and will come into force in the 2018-2019 admissions campaign.