What does it mean to be a decent person. A decent person is one who lives according to his conscience

Decency - moral quality a person who always strives to keep his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person is careful not to harm others, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for others (that is, those that occurred against the will of the doer) cannot characterize the person as dishonest. Also, actions that caused harm cannot characterize a person as dishonest if these actions were committed with the aim of preventing even greater harm, or were committed in necessary defense (including self-defense).

History of the development of the concept

decency term transferred κοσμιοτης , related to the word cosmos. According to the dialogue “Gorgias”, the dignity of every thing, including the soul, is coherence and orderliness; this is exactly what a moderate and temperate soul is. Socrates says in the dialogue:

epieikeya epiakes

Word usage

fair, For example: decent scoundrel, decent bastard.

External links

Wiktionary has an article "decency" Wiktionary has an article "decency" Wiktionary has an article "integrity"

In Russian

  • Aristotle "Nicomachean Ethics"
  • Aphorisms about decency
  • MBA: test of integrity


  • Ozhegov S.I.

see also

  • Modesty

Decency is:


Decency- the moral quality of a person who always keeps his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person is careful not to harm others, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for others (that is, those that occurred against the will of the doer) cannot characterize the person as dishonest.

Decency as a moral quality is a category of ethics and is included in the broader ethical concept of Good.

  • Antonymous concepts - meanness, baseness.
  • Synonymous concepts are decency, propriety.

History of the development of the concept

In Russian translations of Plato as decency term transferred κοσμιοτης , related to the word cosmos. According to the dialogue “Gorgias”, the dignity of every thing, including the soul, is coherence and orderliness; this is precisely what a moderate and temperate soul is. Socrates says in the dialogue:

The sages teach, Callicles, that heaven and earth, gods and people are united by communication, friendship, decency, temperance and the highest justice; for this reason they call our Universe “space”, and not “disorder”, my friend, and not “disorder”

According to the “Definitions” of the Platonic school, decency is “sincerity of character, combined with a correct way of thinking; honesty of character."

In translations of Aristotle's ethical writings, the term "decency" is sometimes rendered epieikeya(which is more often translated as kindness). Decent ( epiakes) a person will never do anything bad of his own free will. He chooses in his behavior what the legislator determined in in general terms, but could not detail it for each individual case.

Ushakov's dictionary defines decency as honesty and inability to commit base acts.

Ozhegov's dictionary defines decency as honesty, inability to engage in low, immoral, antisocial acts.

Word usage

Back in the 19th century, the word “decent” was widely used in the sense fair, For example: decent scoundrel, decent bastard.

External links

Wiktionary has an article "decency" Wiktionary has an article "decency" Wiktionary has an article "integrity"

In Russian

  • Aristotle "Nicomachean Ethics"
  • Safyanov V.I. “Ethics of communication.”
  • The presumption of decency and the principle of equality in justifying the materiality of the world
  • Aphorisms about decency
  • MBA: test of integrity
  • “There must be integrity in Politics”
  • I. G. Vorontsov “On Decency”
  • I. G. Vorontsov “Why is decency needed?”
  • Haci Ilgar Ibrahimoglu Decency: morality or public?
  • Heinz Lemmermann LESSONS IN RHETORIC AND DEBATE (Ch. 2) 2002


  • Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1986. - 798 p.
  1. Plato. Gorgiy 508a, lane. S.P. Markish // Collection. Op. In 4 vols. M., 1990. T.1. P.552
  2. Definitions 412e, trans. S.Ya. Sheinman-Topshtein // Plato. Collection Op. In 4 vols. M., 1994. T.4. P.617
  3. Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics IV 1128b24; Great Ethics II 1198b24 // Collection. Op. T.4. M., 1983. P. 143, 338
  • Morality
  • Personality Traits

What is decency in terms of concepts?

Oleg Shishkin

Decency is a moral quality of a person. A decent person always keeps his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person is careful not to cause harm, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for others (that is, those that occurred against the will of the doer) cannot characterize the person as dishonest.
Decency as a moral quality is a category of ethics and is included in the broader ethical concept of Good.
History of the development of the concept
In Russian translations of Plato, the term κοσμιοτης, related to the word cosmos, is conveyed as decency. According to the dialogue "Gorgias", the dignity of every thing, including the soul, is coherence and orderliness; this is precisely what a moderate and temperate soul is. Socrates says in the dialogue:
The sages teach, Callicles, that heaven and earth, gods and people are united by communication, friendship, decency, temperance and the highest justice; for this reason they call our Universe “space”, and not “disorder”, my friend, and not “disorder”
According to the “Definitions” of the Platonic school, decency is “sincerity of character, combined with a correct way of thinking; honesty of character." A decent person is absolutely honest; one who has his own virtue.
In translations of Aristotle's ethical writings, the term epieikeia (which is more often translated as kindness) is sometimes rendered as “decency.” A decent (epieikes) person will never do anything bad of his own free will. He chooses in his behavior what the legislator determined in general terms, but could not detail for each individual case.
Ushakov's dictionary defines decency as honesty and inability to commit base acts.
Ozhegov's dictionary defines decency as honesty, inability to engage in low, immoral, antisocial acts.

The concept of Decency is socially determined, and therefore bears the imprint public relations to specific human actions not from the side of abstract humanity, but from the point of view of public morality of specific social groups.

the moral quality of a person who always strives to keep his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person is careful not to harm others, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for others (that is, those that occurred against the will of the doer) cannot characterize the person as dishonest. Also, actions that caused harm cannot characterize a person as dishonest if these actions were committed with the aim of preventing even greater harm, or were committed in necessary defense (including self-defense).

Help me write an essay on “what it means to be a decent person”

Just need another example, not this one
Our neighbor Ivan Gavrilovich, visiting my grandfather to play chess, speaks condemningly about her children, who have completely forgotten their mother. It's good that there is good people, who go to the market to do shopping for Ksenia Petrovna, and to the pharmacy, and, if necessary, call the doctor. At first glance, what he says is correct. Only Ivan Gavrilovich’s sympathy is limited to words. Grandfather does not support the conversation about the callousness of Ksenia Petrovna’s children. He thinks it's rude to discuss personal life neighbors. I ask my grandfather: “Why don’t you tell Ivan Gavrilovich that you and your grandmother and my mother come to grandma Ksenia and help her around the house?” Grandfather replied: “We help our neighbor from the heart, at the behest of our hearts, and not so that people will say how great we are. Decency is when you do good and don’t shout about it. But it’s not much work to sympathize and condemn soulless children in words.”

Moral man

My wife, covering her face with a veil,
In the evening I went to my lover;
I sneaked into his house with the police
And he convicted... He called out: I didn’t fight!
She went to bed and died
Tormented by shame and sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.
I had a daughter; fell in love with the teacher
And she wanted to run away with him rashly.
I threatened her with a curse: she resigned herself
And she married a gray-haired rich man.
Their house was brilliant and full like a cup;
But suddenly Masha began to turn pale and fade away
And a year later she died of consumption,
Having struck the whole house with deep sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life...
I gave the peasant as a cook:
It was a success; a good cook is happiness!
But he often left the yard
And I call it an indecent addiction
Had: loved to read and reason.
I, tired of threatening and scolding,
Fatherly flogged him with a canal,
He drowned himself: he was crazy!
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.
My friend did not present the debt to me on time.
I hinted to him in a friendly way,
I left it to the law to judge us:
The law sentenced him to prison.
He died in it without paying altyn,
But I’m not angry, even though I have a reason to be angry!
I forgave him the debt on the same date,
Honoring him with tears and sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

Stas Kuzin

Decency is the moral quality of a person who strives to fulfill what he promises and behaves correctly. Order is the harmonious state or arrangement of something. Treating people well is, I think, a very good quality of a person, everyone should respect the other.
I believe that you need to be friends with your neighbors in any way, otherwise there will be enmity and rivalry between you. I know my neighbors very well, we are friends, and if we need something, we can ask for it.
People who treat other people or animals in need well are very compassionate. Seeing such people, I understand that not everyone in this world is still so callous and heartless. I myself try to help people and animals.
Many people, mostly teenagers, think that decency and kindness are out of fashion, that now, in our time, you need to behave like a brute. My friends and I don't think so. We love helping people and believe that decency, kindness and mercy will always remain in fashion, and I also hope that after us there will be the same teenagers who will leave a memory of good manners.

“True integrity is doing the right thing, whether anyone knows it or not.”

Integrity is described in the dictionary as a quality characterized by honesty and strict moral principles. Such people are reliable, sincere and kind. By and large, we should all strive to be like that.

By the way, each of us would like to be surrounded by only decent people. But how can you know that someone can truly be considered such a person? This quality, of course, cannot be faked or imitated, but there are several surefire ways that will help you determine that in front of you is a decent person.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic patterns of behavior that manifest themselves in decent people. If your friends or colleagues have them, congratulations.

So, 10 signs that a person is truly decent.

1. Takes responsibility for his actions.

Decent people do this because they are extremely honest. If you see that someone, no matter what happens and no matter how the circumstances develop, is always responsible for his words and actions - this person is decent, rest assured.

This, by the way, is not always so simple, given how complex our lives are, but this is the only right road. And they choose it, although they understand how difficult it will be for them.

2. For them, the needs of other people are higher than their own.

In our world, which is thoroughly saturated with individualism, it is quite difficult to find people for whom the welfare of others will come first.

A person who puts other people's needs above his own is truly decent. And, of course, he does this not for the sake of recognition and gratitude. It is simply important for such people to do so - no matter what happens.

3. They will always come to the rescue.

Seth Meyers, Ph.D., says volunteerism is where you look for truly decent people. This is all because they never spare time to help other people. They are always happy to do something for those who are less fortunate in life than them. Moreover, it makes them happy.

When you need to work together to make your country better, or help in the local soup kitchen, decent people always come to the rescue. They are always the first, and always devoted to the common cause.

4. Think well of other people.

Seth Meyers also emphasizes that holistic people never jump to conclusions about other people. They always give them a chance to explain themselves and continue the relationship even if other people's opinions and views do not coincide with their own.

After all, they understand perfectly well that not everything in this world is what it seems, and each person has his own position, which deserves to be heard. Therefore, they advocate the presumption of innocence, and not hasty and often baseless accusations.

5. They are honest in everything, even in small things.

A little lie can be tempting if you think: “It’s okay, it’s just a one-time thing.” But whole people never give in to this impulse. Integrity means honesty, and they remain that way every day, in every action or thought. Appreciate this quality in people - it is priceless in our time.

6. Always show gratitude.

We are accustomed to believing that gratitude must be earned; no one just throws it around. But holistic natures thank absolutely all people - even the first person they meet. They know that every person deserves respect and to be treated humanely. Decent people are never rude to waiters and other service workers.

7. They are modest.

A decent person can be proud of his achievements, and rightly so, but at the same time he is extremely modest. In other words, such people wonderfully understand the difference between concepts such as “confidence” and “arrogance”. They know that the first is a strength, and the second is a disadvantage.

They learned theirs wonderfully strengths, and use them to become even better.

8. Always admit their mistakes.

Who likes to admit that they made a mistake or were mistaken? This is not fun at all, you feel humiliated, hurt... But not for decent people! They don't see a problem in admitting their mistakes when they actually made them.

You can easily recognize such people by their willingness to be the first to admit that they were wrong. Decent people are always ready to apologize if they are guilty.

9. They are reliable.

Decent people always keep their word and fulfill their obligations. If they say that you can rely on them for something, know that they will keep their word, no matter what happens.

Integrity is always being the best you can be, and reliability is part of that commitment. Decent people will never forget about you if they promised to help. You can be sure of this.

10. Always friendly.

Above all else, decent people are kind. They are not those who say one thing and carry a stone in their bosom. For them, such behavior is simply incomprehensible. Decent people know that real strength lies in kindness, and they follow this rule all their lives.

“True integrity is doing the right thing, whether anyone knows it or not.”- Oprah Winfrey.

Remember, decent people only do what they do because they believe it is the right thing to do. They don't expect awards or recognition! This is their splendor and beauty!

Often in everyday communication we say:

- this person is good

- this should not be trusted

- this one is deceiving

- this guy is decent, you can trust him

But do we really understand what these words mean?

Decency? Think about this word. What comes to your mind? , kind heart, merciful, good? But is this really true?

What is integrity?

The root of this word is order, which means that a decent person has good organization mind, he has everything sorted out, he knows his time, manages his schedule and always does what he promises.

It is impossible to live without society. Every day we meet people, pass by them, and our attitude towards them determines our image in the same society. If the seller gave you a hryvnia for the purchase, then he is decent. If a guy gives up his seat to his grandmother on a trolleybus, then he is decent. But is integrity only about how we treat others?

Depth of concept

What would you say about a person who doesn't keep his own promises? This can hardly be called, but we simply do not know what each person promises himself, so his irresponsibility is not visible.

So, decency is order in your words and thoughts, it is responsibility to yourself and to other people.

Decency is the moral quality that makes us human, and today this quality is the guideline of many. I want to be friends with decent people, I want to start a family with decent people, I want to work with decent people.

How to become a decent person?

If you decide to develop the quality of integrity, then the following rules will help you:

Rule 1. Be a responsible person to other people

First, try to do everything you promised to other people. Write down a list of things you have to do. Do everything!

Rule 2. Be a responsible person to yourself

How often have you promised yourself something and never followed through? It's time to put an end to this. Start small! For example, you promised yourself to do exercises every morning. Start doing this. Then the next promise, etc. Don't be afraid to take

Rule 3. Think before you promise

Before you say yes or no to someone, think about whether you can do it. Don't be afraid to say no. The fact that you refused makes you a more decent person than if you said you would do it and didn’t do what you promised.

We all want to be better than we are and we will always not like something. But no one stops you from improving. Just because you don’t always succeed in something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try at all!

Probably each of us has heard the word “decency” many times. But hardly anyone thought seriously about its meaning. Let's talk about who a decent person is and what qualities he should have.

Who is this?

Psychologists say that a decent person is one who lives according to the laws of conscience, as well as according to the principles established in society. He is honest, true to his word, which is why he always keeps his promises, reliable, sincere and tolerant of people. He is valued by friends and colleagues because he will never betray them. It should be noted that a decent person will always act nobly towards other people, even complete strangers. He simply cannot do otherwise.

If such an individual has to lie or commit an ugly act, he is tormented by remorse. This person is always guided by the following principle: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” He also sincerely hopes that other people live by this rule, and when he sees that his expectations do not coincide with reality, he becomes very upset and disappointed in those around him. However, he continues to act humanely.

A decent person is one who does good

We continue to consider this concept in other aspects. What does a decent person mean according to the norms of religion, in particular, according to Orthodoxy? This is the one who believes in God, lives according to God's commandments and never breaks them. However, this raises an interesting question about whether a non-believer can be decent. Absolutely yes. A person can be an atheist, but always and in everything act as his own conscience tells him, which for him is the supreme judge.

A little about the fair sex

There is such a thing as a decent girl. What is usually meant by it? For a long time she was considered a person who respects society, she has a young man to whom she is faithful, and such a girl also begins to have sex after marriage. She is kind to everyone, merciful and kind-hearted. It must be said that times are changing. The twenty-first century has brought significant adjustments to various concepts and, of course, expanded the definition of decency. If we talk about a modern girl, then, first of all, she must be self-sufficient. Only she must choose with whom to build a relationship and what it will be like. In all situations, a girl who considers herself decent must maintain excellent manners, intelligence and honesty.


How is an innate quality formed or do we acquire it throughout life? A decent person is one who is taught from childhood to act in accordance with moral standards. They tell him what is good and what is bad. They are carefully raising him. A little later, his ideals are shaped by books, as well as worthy friends. However, the above factors will not play a role if there are no germs of kindness in the little man from the very beginning. Unfortunately, everyone knows of cases where wonderful parents who put their whole hearts into raising their children grew up with callous and cruel children. Therefore, it is impossible to draw clear conclusions, as in any matter of life.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

It also happens that a person seems to be not bad, he always talks the right words, trying to get along with everyone good relations, sweet, smiling, one gets the impression of him as decent, but as soon as you start a common business with him or ask for something, he begins to reveal his true face. That is why you should not judge people by their words, you need to judge them by their actions. A decent person is one who will act with dignity in any situation.

Distinctive Features

How to recognize It’s actually quite difficult, but you can try:

  1. If he promised to do something, he will try his best to fulfill it, and if he knows that he cannot, he will not promise.
  2. Such a person never flatters; he is straightforward and sincere in his communication.
  3. He always behaves with dignity, but evaluates himself and others adequately.
  4. You can never accuse him of lying because he tries not to lie.
  5. At work, he fulfills his duties conscientiously, never betrays his colleagues to his superiors and tries to help them in any difficult situation.
  6. He honors his elders and always takes care of children, even strangers.

An ideal portrait, wouldn't you agree? But what if such a person stumbled and committed some unpleasant act? Anything can happen in life, no one is immune from falls, because sometimes everything depends not only on ourselves. That is why it is necessary to learn to understand the motives of people’s actions and forgive their small mistakes.

Oh times, oh morals...

You can often hear the opinion that times have changed now, and decency is not at all in fashion. and everyone must live exclusively for themselves. Unfortunately, many people do just that. They only care about “green papers”, expensive cars, luxurious things, parties... But can material things replace decency, kindness, spirituality, sympathy, empathy, love, friendship? There are still people who are incredibly close to these concepts, and there are many of them, believe me. It is very important to understand that we are all just guests in this world, and therefore it is important to take care of the moral and spiritual side, and not the material.

Let only decent and worthy people meet on your way!

What is integrity? This is, first of all, a person’s conscious choice: to act in such a way as not to be ashamed of oneself, or to do something to spite someone. But integrity is not only about this; it has many other components that make it possible to determine how much a person meets this definition.

What is integrity?

Decency is the quality of deep responsibility for one's actions. If a person is careful not to harm others, he cannot be called dishonest. Also, a person’s decency is indicated by actions that were performed so that others would avoid greater harm.

This quality belongs to the ethical category and is part of the broader category of goodness. Antonyms of this word include such qualities as meanness and baseness. Synonyms for decency are such personality characteristics as decency and propriety.

Also, some researchers believe that decency is following the moral norms of the reference group. In Ozhegov’s dictionary, decency refers to a person’s inability to commit immoral acts.

Decency is a combination of qualities such as honesty and kindness, nobility and self-esteem. The ability to treat others as one treats oneself, the willingness to defend justice, even if the situation does not correspond to personal interests, and the ability to always act according to one’s conscience. This is what decency is.

Development of the concept

The word "decency" was first mentioned in the works of Plato. This term was related to the word "space". He said that the dignity of every thing is coherence and orderliness. Plato wrote that all things - heaven and earth, gods and people - are united by friendship, decency and justice.

In Aristotle's ethical treatises, "decency" is conveyed by the term "epieikeia", which is translated as "kindness". Accordingly, a decent person was called epicays, and it was believed that such a person would under no circumstances voluntarily do anything bad.

Components of Integrity

So what is integrity? Typically, a decent person follows the rules and regulations that respected people around him have accepted. He respects the law, observes traditions and fulfills all his promises. His words correspond to his actions, these people are responsible for themselves, and you can always rely on them.

A decent person usually behaves relatively healthy image life, his affairs are always orderly, and he is never late. You can rely on such people, because they think not only about themselves, but also about their surroundings.

Humanism, morality and a sense of duty - this is what decency consists of.

The Benefits of Integrity

Today, decency and honesty are not so common in society. Perhaps because no one sees obvious advantages in this. For example, if a person is distinguished by decency, then even those who still have to grow and grow in this concept will respect him.

Guided by the principles of decency, it is easier and faster to make fair decisions. It frees you from such negative characteristics as anger, greed and spiritual emptiness. Only a decent person is able to see him in another best sides and character traits.

Does this make sense? Definitely yes. A decent person has something to respect himself for, and he will certainly be valued in society. People will want to do business with him, and this is very useful for doing business. Warren Buffett said that when hiring people, he looked for three qualities: intelligence, high energy and integrity. By integrity he meant decency and argued that without this quality the other two have no meaning.


As they say in ethics: “Integrity can be cultivated in oneself.” What is needed for this:

  1. Faith. Only by observing strictly regulated morals, rules and commandments can a person become decent.
  2. Upbringing. Children usually repeat the behavior of their parents. So you need to be a person worthy of emulation.
  3. Admit mistakes. It is important for a person to learn to admit his mistakes; this is the only way he can grow above himself. Mistakes are not chains that prevent you from moving forward, but only by stopping to look at the past can you truly develop the best human qualities in yourself.
  4. Good literature. Decency cannot arise out of nowhere. A person must expand his horizons and increase his level of education. Only in this way will he be able to better understand his surroundings.

Thomas White, an American professor, said that a person should more often behave in such a way that other people around him would want to become better.

Worthy of respect

Here is an example of decency worthy of emulation. One day, one young guy, 22 years old, set a goal for himself - to become decent, worthy and respected. He wrote down in a notebook the qualities of character that he thought the person he decided to become should have. Then he began to be careful every day to act accordingly. At the end of each day, he gave himself grades for his success.

Many years later, he achieved what he wanted - he became the most respected person in his country. His name was Benjamin Franklin.

Mental purity

If I am a decent person, it is because decency in itself is good, and not because I will be rewarded for it (John Galsworthy).

Decency is the ability to follow morality and the inability to commit low acts. If you have doubts about what to do, it is better to act according to your conscience. Only she knows the true and noble path. Decent people It is not common to harm someone with words and deeds, to commit illegal actions, to lie and betray. Such people have the ability of mind and soul to act in unison with the laws of the Universe.

Decency always requires acting according to your conscience, even if this does not correspond to a person’s interests. To some, such dedication may seem too ridiculous, because, no matter how you look at it, humans are characterized by innate selfishness. And in order to become decent, he needs to eradicate this quality in himself. Learn to act fairly and honestly, never envy anyone. Moreover, be able to sincerely rejoice in other people's successes. Understand that life is short-lived, so constantly do good.

You can feel it

Stephen Covey once said that if a person lacks integrity, he can be as long and talented as he likes. best qualities character, but will never be able to accumulate the necessary reserve of trust. This quality is felt from a distance.

Such people are honest, but their honesty is manifested not in the truthfulness of the information provided, but in the fact that reality matches his words. A person will always keep his promises and meet the expectations of others.

To become a decent person, you must, first of all, have willpower, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

The most important manifestation

One of the most important manifestations of decency is loyalty to a person who is not nearby. For example, the company begins to discuss the absentee, talk about his negative qualities and, roughly speaking, throw mud at him. A decent person will always discuss absent people as if they were sitting opposite them. He won't stoop so low as to say nasty things behind his back.

Another quality of decency is commitment. Such people will never promise something they cannot deliver. The sense of duty is sacred to them. Those around you do not need to draw up written agreements, collect signatures, use sanctions and seals. One handshake is enough, and you can be sure that a decent person will do everything as it should.

It will break into pieces, but it will do it. Respect for others is the hallmark of integrity, which is why this quality is so highly valued. This is what decency is.

And its price is so high because not everyone can master this art. You need to have spirituality, intelligence and constantly work on yourself. To begin with, you can work on related qualities, for example, instilling responsibility in yourself. Over time, she will bring to the surface a lot of other positive character traits. But for this you need to pull yourself together and work hard.