Functional responsibilities of the class teacher. The main responsibilities of a class teacher at school. What are the responsibilities of a class teacher?

Briefly about the position of the class teacher, his functions and responsibilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards) contain requirements for the implementation of educational programs, as well as requirements for the activities of the class teacher. When drawing up a job description, the provisions enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard should be taken into account.

The class teacher is tasked with organizing the educational work of the class. Most often, these functions are assigned to the subject teacher. In some educational institutions, the class teacher has no or minimal teaching load, then he is called a class teacher, tutor, class curator.

The functions assigned to the class teacher are enshrined in the school Charter. Officially, the class teacher is tasked with organizing students, but in practice this process comes down to helping students self-organize and supporting their initiatives and creative impulses. Other functions of the class teacher include:

  • organization of classroom work;
  • organization of extracurricular life of the class;
  • social assistance and protection of students;
  • interaction with students' parents.

Sample job description structure

Job descriptions are developed for all positions that are on the school staffing table. At the same time, the structure of all job descriptions is unified. You can take the following option as a basis, when the instructions consist of sections devoted to:

Don't know your rights?

  • general provisions,
  • official duties,
  • rights,
  • responsibility.

When developing a job description for a class teacher, such a document structure is quite acceptable. Later in the article we will tell you what information should be placed in each section.

General section of instructions

The first section of the instructions contains a brief description of the position and qualification requirements that are set for the candidate for the position of class teacher. So, this includes the following points:

  • full name of the position (class teacher), and what category of employees this position belongs to;
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal (the decision is made by the school director, issuing a corresponding order);
  • order of subordination: the class teacher may report directly to the school director or the teacher of education;
  • who is responsible for class management during the absence of an employee;
  • what the class teacher is guided by in his work: laws (in particular the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ) and other regulations, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the School Charter, etc.;
  • qualification requirements: as a rule, the employee must have a higher pedagogical education and experience working with children for at least a year, but not necessarily as a class teacher.

Job responsibilities of the class teacher

This section of the job description may contain the following job responsibilities assigned to the class teacher:

  • keep a progress log;
  • draw up personal files of students;
  • organize a class team, which is manifested in issuing instructions, working with class assets, forming the responsibilities of duty officers, organizing creative events;
  • organize duty;
  • organize the meal plan for students;
  • create a fund to meet classroom needs and manage funds from it;
  • control attendance, find out the reasons for absences;
  • work with student diaries;
  • create conditions for broadening the horizons of students and their range of interests;
  • contribute to the formation of a favorable climate in the team, strengthening friendly relations;
  • help students adapt at the beginning of the educational process;
  • conduct class hours;
  • ensure the protection of the rights of students and their interests;
  • conduct career guidance work with high school students;
  • Conduct class meetings with parents.

The school charter or other documents may assign other responsibilities to the class teacher, then this section of the instructions is adjusted.

Rights of the class teacher

This section displays the rights that the class teacher is granted for the smooth performance of his official duties. In almost all educational institutions, the class teacher can:

  • attend the lessons of the subject teacher held in the supervised class, but you must not interrupt the lesson or make comments to the teacher during the lesson;
  • study how the educational process takes place in lessons taught by a subject teacher;
  • bring to disciplinary action students from your class in accordance with school documents regulating this process;
  • encourage students from your class in accordance with school regulations;
  • actively collaborate with colleagues, participate in the school’s pedagogical council, make proposals to improve the learning process;
  • cooperate with medical workers, social services workers and juvenile affairs inspectors;
  • improve your skills.

This is not an exhaustive list of rights; it can be expanded or modified if necessary.

Responsibility of the class teacher

A section that briefly lists the types of responsibilities to which the class teacher may be held, and the grounds for this. It is standardly stated here that the class teacher can:

  • for failure to comply with job descriptions, violation of school rules, failure to comply with the order of the school director and other violations - bring to disciplinary liability;
  • for the use of physical or moral violence against students - dismissal, which is not considered a disciplinary measure;
  • for causing damage to school property - be held liable according to the rules of civil or labor legislation.

Classroom management is another area of ​​activity for a subject teacher, and a job description helps to delineate responsibilities and gives the teacher additional rights and, at the same time, additional functions. At the same time, job descriptions for the class teacher and for the subject teacher should not overlap, which is taken into account when developing them.


Considering the entire range of functions of the class teacher, it should be noted that it is determined by the following factors: operating conditions of the educational institution; features of the educational system; environmental capabilities of the school and parents; age characteristics of children; their level of education, organization, training, health and physical development; teachers' preparedness for organizing extracurricular educational work.

There are possible options for the job functions of the class teacher (teacher), which can be determined by the Charter of the educational institution and the school development program.

Job description of the class teacher

1. General Provisions

1.1. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the school, and the Program for updating the content of education of the younger generation in the region.

1.2. The class teacher is appointed and dismissed by the school director. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the class teacher, his duties may be assigned to a teacher who does not have a class and works in this class.

1.3. The class teacher must have a pedagogical education or experience working with children for at least 5 years.

2. Functions of the class teacher

The main activities of the class teacher are:

2.1. Organization of classroom activities.

2.2. Organization of educational work of the class team and individual students.

2.3. Organization of extracurricular life of the class.

2.4. Study of personality and correction in the education of schoolchildren.

2.5. Social protection of schoolchildren.

2.6. Working with parents.

3. Job responsibilities of the class teacher

The class teacher has the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Keeps a journal.

3.2. Maintains personal files of students and monitors their condition.

3.3. Organizes the class team: distributes assignments, works with the activists, directs class students to the school council, organizes collective creativity, helps in the work of the duty officer.

3.4. Organizes duty in the classroom, school, and canteen.

3.5. Maintains the sanitary condition of the assigned office.

3.6. Takes care of the appearance of students.

3.7. Organizes meals. Conducts explanatory work in the classroom with parents on the issue of free meals and the correct attitude of classmates towards children receiving such meals.

3.8. Takes care of the financial support of class needs (class fund, payment for various services, etc.).

3.9. Maintains strict attendance control. The class teacher, together with parents, monitors students who miss classes without a good reason, and contacts the social teacher about “difficult” children.

3.10. Creates an environment conducive to learning.

3.11. Coordinates the activities of teachers working in the classroom.

3.12. Works with student diaries, communicates with parents regarding the progress of schoolchildren.

3.13. Creates conditions for the development of the most gifted children, for the development of cognitive interests, broadening the horizons of students (involves them in clubs, electives, competitions, quizzes, olympiads, shows, organizes excursions, visits to theaters, exhibitions, trips, etc.).

3.14. Involves a psychologist to work with students (a series of conversations, individual recommendations).

3.15. Creates a positive microclimate in the classroom, forms interpersonal relationships, corrects and regulates them.

3.16. Organizes creative activities in the classroom with the involvement of individual students or the whole class.

class during the lesson unless absolutely necessary, make comments to the teacher during the lesson).

3.17. Organizes health care, taking into account deviations from the health standards of each student, strengthens the health of schoolchildren, involves students in physical education and sports work.

3.18. Helps the activities of various children's public organizations.

3.19. Looks for interesting forms, deep content of each organized activity, determines the feasibility and purposefulness of organizing any meeting between the class teacher and the class (class hour, class meeting, conversation, frank conversation, etc.), conducts one thematic class hour per month.

3.20. Studies the personality of schoolchildren in accordance with available methods, taking into account the opinions of teachers working in the classroom and parents.

3.21. Works with student characteristics.

3.22. Helps students choose professions. The class teacher, together with parents, determines the fate of students after the 9th grade, paying special attention to disadvantaged families.

3.23. Ensures the protection and protection of the rights of students left without parental care, if there are any in the class. Collaborates with a social educator.

3.24. Identifies and maintains records of children from socially vulnerable categories.

3.25. Identifies and maintains records of children from disadvantaged families.

3.26. Monitors the behavior of “difficult” teenagers, children at risk and those registered with the Inspectorate for Minors’ Affairs (IDI).

3.27. Conducts thematic parent meetings once every quarter.

3.28. Studying the conditions of upbringing in the family.

3.29. Works with parents individually.

3.30. Involves parents to organize extracurricular activities of the class.

3.31. Affects communication between children and parents.

The institute of class management in secondary schools is determined by the need to coordinate educational and educational work at the middle and senior educational levels. The class teacher is a multifunctional responsibility that imposes serious personal responsibility on the teacher for the results of the development of children and student groups.

Therefore, the duties of the class teacher at school are regulated by a special regulation. This document is provided by the list of internal mandatory regulatory documents in an educational institution.

Job responsibilities of the class teacher

Appointment to the position of class teacher is carried out by order of the director of the educational institution and is controlled by the deputy head for educational work. A prerequisite is the presence of higher or pedagogical education.

includes the organization of education, out-of-school development and children in the classroom, protecting the interests of children and children's groups in the school and educational environment, organizing work with parents of students.

The results of the work are provided in analytical form and reports to all interested parties in the educational space: teaching staff, administrative bodies, parents. The structure of job responsibilities includes the following sections:

  • Directions and tasks of work.
  • Working with students.
  • Formation of a children's team.
  • Working with the external environment.
  • Educational work.
  • Training.
  • Required knowledge and skills.
  • Rights and responsibilities of the class teacher.

Directions and tasks of work

The activities of the class teacher are carried out in three important areas: an individual approach to each student, relationships with the school community of students, and interaction with the external environment. These areas of activity are interconnected. Individual work with a student includes the harmonization of relationships with peers, his self-realization in the educational and extracurricular environment. Successful socialization in a children's group is the development of personality.

In turn, the class as a subject of the educational environment serves as a natural ground for self-realization of each student.

A sense of significance for the team and recognition of the child in the school environment are organic elements in the system of education and development of children.

The responsibilities of the class teacher include establishing constructive, positive relationships with the parents of children. Organizing joint events is the shortest way to establishing contacts at the school-family level.

Working with students

The class teacher participates in the formation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the student’s personality in the intellectual, physical and spiritual spheres. To do this, he must know the personality characteristics of each child and his living conditions in the family. The functions of the class teacher include:

  • Visiting the child's family and establishing contact with parents.
  • Analysis of student performance.
  • Registration of personal files of students.
  • Monitoring class attendance and preventing deviant behavior.

Based on knowledge about the students and taking into account their personal capabilities, the teacher helps to fully realize the student’s potential in the team.

Formation of a children's team

The class teacher is responsible for the formation of the school team and the processes of socialization. Because a lot depends on their effectiveness: students, their first experience in the process of socialization, the experience of relationships with senior participants in the educational process, the effectiveness of learning.

The class teacher is responsible for the formation of a high-quality socio-cultural environment in the form of a school association of students. What ways of working are envisaged to achieve this goal?

  • Conducting cool organizational events.
  • Analysis and assessment of the internal climate of the student team.
  • Extracurricular cultural, sports and intellectual activities.
  • Joint activities with parents.
  • Travel and participation in events at various levels: regional, city, regional.

Working with the external environment

Working with parents, protecting and representing the interests of each student and the team as a whole in the external environment (school, city) are important points that are included in the functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

The class teacher is aimed at helping the child understand himself as a member of the school community, helping children understand their share of responsibility for collective achievements.

To create a healthy climate in the children's educational environment, the responsibilities of the class teacher at school include creating favorable conditions for students. For this purpose the following are used:

  • Organization of cultural and sports events.
  • Organization of duties.
  • Assistance in the process of self-organization of collective forms of activity.
  • Participation in competitions, intellectual events, olympiads.

Educational work

Education at school is the leading activity, but other functions are no less important. The educational work of the class teacher with a group of students is the conscious formation of positive and socially significant forms of student behavior aimed at their acceptance of the moral precepts of society. Education is carried out in various forms:

  • Thematic meetings.
  • Educational activities.
  • Active participation in socially popular forms of behavior (helping veterans, participating in cleanup days, organizing concerts, performances, competitions).


The skill of self-development should be inherent in every teacher.

includes advanced training in accordance with the plan of the educational institution, as well as as an element of self-education. It could be:

  • Participation in creative competitions for teachers.
  • Attending pedagogical seminars and conferences.
  • Participation in professional exchange.
  • Studying printed materials and publications on the subject.
  • Work at practical seminars on mastering modern communication techniques.

Required knowledge and skills

To carry out activities professionally as a class teacher, a teacher must have a certain set of knowledge and be able to use it in practical activities:

  • Possess knowledge of children's and physiology.
  • Master the ability to establish contact with students and parents.
  • Know the methods of working with groups and master modern methods of individual work.
  • includes knowledge of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, local acts and work regulations.

Rights and responsibilities of the class teacher

A teacher is a high degree of responsibility. It is the responsibility of the class teacher to be a role model for behavior. Violation of these rules is fraught with negative consequences for the teacher himself.

Because it is impossible to demand compliance with the rules from children if they are violated by the one who is responsible for their upbringing.

The rights and responsibilities of the class teacher have both external, normatively prescribed regulations, and internal, moral precepts, the violation of which can lead to serious consequences affecting the behavior of students.

The class teacher has the right:

  • Receive information about the psychophysiological characteristics of the student.
  • Monitor study results.
  • Take initiative in improving forms of work at the school level.
  • Receive methodological and advisory support from the administration and specialized specialists.
  • Invite legal representatives of students to the school to resolve issues regarding their upbringing and education.
  • Protect honor and dignity in case of disagreement with the assessment on the part of the administration, parents, students, and other participants in the educational process.

Responsibilities of the class teacher:

  • For failure to comply or improper compliance with the rules and regulations defined by internal regulations.
  • For violation of Russian legislation and the Law “On Education”

The class teacher is responsible for coordinating the process of upbringing and education of the class entrusted to him in high school. He is responsible for the results of educational activities obtained by students, adjusts its organization and helps students. The activities of the class teacher are described in the job description.

The job description of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard for 2018-2019 is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 “On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff.” It specifies the general requirements for a specialist, his duties and functions, rights and responsibilities.

What does the job description of a class teacher include?

The class teacher is appointed to the position by order of the school director. This position can be held by a teacher who has received secondary or higher specialized education. Job responsibilities of the class teacher are broad: he manages the educational process, interacts with students’ families and external organizations, prepares documentation, and represents the interests of children. When drawing up a job description, a specialist should take into account the provisions established by the Federal State Educational Standard.

In his work, the class teacher should be based on:

  • person-centered approach;
  • the concept of education that is relevant in an educational institution;
  • results of analysis of life phenomena;
  • tolerance;
  • taking into account the financial and social situation of students’ families;
  • taking into account the level of upbringing and family circumstances of children.

The structure of a class teacher’s work can be represented as follows:

  • organizational, analytical and predictive activities in the educational process;
  • control of class activities;
  • study and use of modern methods of education.

The work of the class teacher can take place in such forms as conversations, discussions, games, debates, trainings, meetings with various people, excursions, socially significant work activities, competitions, and creative activity of children. Within responsibilities of the class teacher under the education law he holds conversations, lectures, meetings, and extracurricular activities with parents.

Table 1. Job responsibilities of the class teacher according to the instructions

Required Education and Skills

Fundamentals of adolescent psychology and physiology, methods of working with gifted and difficult children, norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, local acts. The teacher must have developed communication skills, as well as:

  • plan work and predict its results;
  • set and achieve short-term and long-term goals;
  • build harmonious relationships with children, colleagues and parents;
  • stimulate children's initiative and support them;
  • conduct educational activities;
  • apply moral and aesthetic technologies in work.

Goals and objectives of the work

The goals of the work are:

  • working with students to harmonize relationships in the educational space and unlock their potential;
  • V responsibilities of the class teacher according to the education law 2018 includes building harmonious relationships in the classroom;
  • creating productive relationships with parents, administration and other teachers.

Klassruk monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, conducts safety instructions, talks about a healthy lifestyle, optimizes the teaching load, and applies health-saving technologies.

Individual work with students

Keeping a diary of observations. Identification of groups of students according to interests and abilities, definition of a “risk group”. Diagnosis of the psychophysical development of children, delineation of their skills, assessment of intellectual, sports and creative abilities.

Visiting families, maintaining personal affairs, preventing deviant behavior. Promoting the potential and harmonious development of students.

Carrying out work with a great team

Functions of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard include:

  • monitoring student attendance and progress, checking diaries, maintaining statutory documentation, interaction with subject teachers, increasing student motivation;
  • carrying out activities to create a favorable environment in the classroom, assessing the internal climate in the team;
  • holding various class events, involving children in electives and clubs;
  • control of the organization of class self-government, organization of work activities (duties, cleaning the territory).

Working with parents and the external environment

Systematic work with parents, analysis of family and living conditions, increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents, involving the family in extracurricular activities, holding parent-teacher meetings.

Educational impact

Harmonious development of the child’s personality, educational activities, conversations, etc.


Constant self-development by taking advanced training courses, studying literature, participating in the exchange of teaching experience, competitions, conferences, and seminars.

Rights and responsibilities

The rights of the class teacher include:

  • monitoring children's academic success;
  • obtaining information about their psychophysiological development;
  • working with parents upon invitation to school;
  • presence of subject teachers in lessons;
  • bringing students to disciplinary liability;
  • rewarding students for their success;
  • initiation of work improvement;
  • use of methodological support for teachers and administration;
  • protection of one's own honor and dignity.

For non-fulfillment or dishonest performance of duties, the class teacher faces administrative liability.

The functions assigned to the class teacher are enshrined in the school Charter.

Approximate job description structure for a class teacher

Structure job description of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard is built on the same principle as other job descriptions. The main sections will be:

  • general provisions,
  • official rights and responsibilities,
  • responsibility.

The general section contains a brief description of the qualification requirements and a description of the position of the class teacher. This section includes the following items:

  • full name of the position, what category of employees it belongs to;
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • order of subordination: to the school director and the head teacher of water management;
  • who will perform the duties of class management in the absence of an employee;
  • what laws and regulations the employee is guided by in his work;
  • qualification requirements.

In the section "Officials" responsibilities and rights" of the class teacher points discussed above are indicated. At the same time, the school charter may change the list of responsibilities, then the section of the instructions is adjusted.

The section on the responsibility of the class teacher briefly lists the types of responsibility:

  • for failure to comply with job descriptions, failure to comply with the director’s orders, violation of school rules - disciplinary liability;
  • physical or moral violence against students - dismissal from office;
  • for inaccuracy in maintaining documentation - penalties in accordance with the school’s organizational documents;
  • Damage to school property is financial liability in accordance with civil or labor laws.

To make the work of staff easier, we suggest downloading an example of a job description for a class teacher.

Features of the job responsibilities of the class teacher

The high responsibility of the work is also associated with certain difficulties that the teacher faces when performing duties of the class teacher at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

One of the key difficulties is that the job description indicates the forms, methods and types of work of the teacher, but does not mention the time required for such work. Therefore, class teachers often suffer from lack of time, while according to the employment contract, class management is an additional duty that is performed during working hours. However, time costs often turn out to be inversely proportional to the salary increase for classroom management. To perform the functions of a class teacher with greater efficiency, we recommend taking a distance training course:

As practice shows, full-fledged classroom management cannot be combined with the main activity. What are the responsibilities of a class teacher? and why does it require 35–40 hours per week? This:

  • checking diaries and discipline - at least an hour every day;
  • maintaining school records, organizing creative and work activities - at least an hour a day;
  • participation in contests, competitions, cleaning, etc.

A common practice is to appoint a subject teacher to the position of class teacher. However, in some educational institutions, the class teacher is completely or partially relieved of the teaching load. In this case, the teacher is called a class teacher, tutor, curator.

The second visible problem that emerges during analysis functional responsibilities of the class teacher, is the vagueness of the wording of the instructions, as well as the introduction in some institutions of duties that reduce the motivation of teachers. For example, collecting money, disclosing personal information, etc.

Some difficulties may arise in relationships with the school administration and colleagues when:

  • the class teacher, in accordance with job responsibilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the internal rules of the school, replaces absent colleagues;
  • develops and coordinates a curriculum for a year or quarter;
  • reports to the administration on the work done.

As seen, The class teacher performs such functions as motivation, organization, control of the educational and educational process within the class entrusted to him, creation of harmonious relationships with children, teachers and families, organization of extracurricular activities for children. However, to successfully perform such functions, the employee’s activities must be properly organized and fairly paid.

You can learn more about the classroom management system and the responsibilities of the classroom teacher in the articles:

Rights and responsibilities of the class teacher:

The job responsibilities of the class teacher are based on the following ideas:

  • The child is the subject of his own development.
  • Even the most “difficult” child wants to be good, only he needs help.
  • It is not the classroom hours that educate, it is moralizing, it is showing the child his mistakes and mistakes, it is education through joint and individual ACTIVITIES.
  • A teacher is an assistant, a defender of his students in the conflicts of school life.
  • Only the teacher whom the children respect, love, and whose lifestyle they secretly or openly imitate educates.

The class teacher has the right:

  • Receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children;
  • Monitor the educational progress of each student, noting successes and failures in order to provide timely assistance;
  • Coordinate the work of subject teachers who have an educational influence on their students through holding pedagogical councils, “small” teacher councils and other forms of correction;
  • Determine (develop, create together with a psychologist, social workers, doctors) programs for individual work with children and parents of students;
  • Invite parents (persons replacing them) to the educational institution;
  • Participate in the work of school self-government structures: teachers' council, administrative council, scientific and methodological council and other public bodies of the school;
  • Take the initiative, make proposals for improving the activities of the school, make business-like, constructive criticism, submit opinions and proposals agreed upon with the class staff for consideration by the administrative council, scientific and methodological council;
  • Refuse from assignments that are unusual for him and not included in the scope of his duties;
  • Conduct experimental and methodological work on various problems of educational activities;
  • Creatively apply new methods, forms and techniques of education, guided by the only principle “do no harm”;
  • Choose a form of improving pedagogical skills through a system of retraining of teaching staff, participation in various group and collective forms of methodological work, through the education system and on-site internships;
  • Defend your own honor and dignity in school self-government and defense bodies in case of disagreement with the assessment of the state of educational work in the class team.

The class teacher does not have the right:

  • Humiliate the personal dignity of the pupil, insult him by action or word, inventing nicknames, labeling him, etc.;
  • Use a grade (school score) to punish a student;
  • Abuse the child’s trust, break the word given to the pupil, deliberately mislead him;

The class teacher as an administrative person is obliged to:

  • Organize the educational process;
  • Monitor class attendance at classes;
  • Involve class students in the systematic activities of the class and school-wide teams, as well as establish connections with other groups and teams;
  • Study the living conditions of children;
  • Record deviations in the development and behavior of pupils, and in difficult situations inform the administration about this;
  • Provide assistance to students in solving acute life problems;
  • Promote their social and legal protection;
  • Maintain documentation reflecting the progress and effectiveness of educational work (personal files of students, class journal, student diary);
  • Involve school teachers, parents of students, specialists in various fields of science and art in educational activities;
  • Constantly improve your qualification level on issues of pedagogy, psychology, theory and practice of education.

Organization of the work of the class teacher

  • The general rules for organizing the work of the school and teaching staff follow from the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation, set out in Art. 130.
  • The number of educational events is at least two per month (one of which can be school-wide).
  • The number of class parent meetings is at least one meeting per quarter.
  • Reports on the work done are submitted to the administration.
  • During the holidays and summer, school opening hours are established according to an additional plan.
  • Coordination of the activities of class teachers and control over their work is carried out by the deputy director of the school for educational work.

Documentation and reporting

The class teacher maintains the following documentation:

  1. cool magazine;
  2. plan of educational work with the class team;
  3. student diaries;
  4. student personal files;
  5. folders with developments of educational activities (optional).

Cyclogram for the class teacher


1. Working with late students and finding out the reasons for student absence.

2. Organization of meals for students.

3. Organization of duty in the classroom.

4. Individual work with students.


1. Checking student diaries.

2. Conducting activities in the classroom.

3. Work with parents (depending on the situation)

4. Meeting with the nurse regarding student illness certificates.


1. Meeting with the parent asset.

2. Work planning meeting (according to schedule).

Once every quarter.

1. Design of a class magazine based on the results of the quarter.

2. Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for the quarter.

3. Holding a parent meeting.

Once a year.

1. Holding an open event.

2. Registration of personal files of students.

3. Analysis and preparation of a class work plan.