Guap EGE. Conditions for admission and study at Guap

After graduating from school, every person finds himself on the verge of making one of the most important decisions in life - he has to choose a university to continue his studies and a future specialty. This is a very important step, because it becomes decisive in your future fate. A good specialty and ample opportunities after graduation can be obtained by choosing aerospace instrumentation (St. Petersburg). An abbreviation for the name of this educational institution- GUAP.

History of the University

The date of birth of the State University of Instrument Engineering is considered to be January 25, 1941. The higher educational institution that appeared at this time was called Leningradsky aviation institute. Shortly before the end of the Great Patriotic War The educational organization was renamed the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation.

In subsequent years, the university developed rapidly. It won recognition in the country and became one of the leading higher education institutions. At the end of the 80s, new areas of training began to appear, and teaching staff. In 1992, the institution became an academy, and 5 years later received the status of a university.

Scientific activities of the university

State University Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg) is actively engaged in scientific activities. 9 main areas of work have been identified (for example, space and transport systems, aerospace systems and instruments), within which the university interacts with Russian and international scientific companies. Research in the above and other areas is carried out by university staff. Students are also involved in scientific activities. They take part in student conferences, exhibitions, and scientific work competitions.

International activities of the university

SUAI strives to actively develop international activities. Every year more than 30 foreign delegations from America, Asia, and Europe come to the university. Several dozen different agreements have been signed regarding the conduct of general scientific research, teaching and student exchanges. For example, in March 2017, students from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences came to SUAI to complete an internship.

State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg) cooperates with leading world universities. The list includes:

  • University of Catania (Italy).
  • Higher national school electronics - ENSEA (France).
  • University of Western Ontario (Canada).
  • Chinese Center for the Development of Talents in the Space Field (PRC), etc.

Educational activities

The main task of the university is to maintain educational activities. Structural divisions of the university are responsible for teaching students. The main part of them is represented by institutes that were previously faculties:

  • Aerospace instruments. From its walls come the specialists needed in the field of rocket and space technology, aviation, instrument making, and electronics.
  • Communications, electronics and radio engineering. This structural unit produces universal specialists capable of working with a variety of electronic equipment.
  • Innovative technologies in robotics and electromechanics. This is a modern institute where students learn to create technical systems integrated with computer technology.
  • Programming and computing systems. At this institute, students become specialists in the field of computer science and computer technology, applications mathematical methods in economics.
  • Protection of information and information systems. This structural unit, as the name suggests, offers specialties and areas of training related to information systems and technologies, information security automated systems.
  • SUAI has an Institute of Entrepreneurship Technologies. It prepares students in areas related to business informatics, economics, and management.

There are a small number of faculties (humanities, law). The specialties they offer are related to law, cultural studies, linguistics, and tourism. Both types of structural units include departments, scientific and educational laboratories, scientific and educational centers, research institutes, and additional structural units. like this complex structure has the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Faculties and institutes in their activities are guided by the same goals and objectives. The differences between departments are only in the development of the structure, the volume of scientific research, and the number of areas of training. Institutes are considered larger.

You can enter the existing main faculties and institutes by passing the Unified State Exam or entrance tests and submitting documents. A completely different admission procedure is established at the Institute of Military Education. What kind of structural unit is this? Let's look at this issue in detail.

About military training

Some students studying at SUAI are interested in the Institute of Military Education. Only university students are enrolled here (if they wish and subject to selection). Military education could be obtained at the university from the moment of its foundation. In 1941, physical training was opened there. The institute currently in existence has a core mission. It consists of implementing military training programs for sergeants, officers, and reserve soldiers at military departments in military specialties. How do they act on military department? Here are some rules:

  • competitive selection is carried out among university students who have expressed a desire to undergo military training and have not reached the age of 30;
  • Among those who wish, a preliminary selection is first carried out (attention is paid to the state of health and psychological state);
  • at the next stage, the main selection is carried out, during which the physical suitability of candidates for military service is checked.

Levels of education at the university

The higher education institution, inviting applicants annually to take part in the admissions campaign, offers higher and secondary programs vocational education. Those people who want to get higher education, can choose the areas of training for a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree:

  • There are over 40 of them at bachelor's degrees. The duration of study is 4 years on a full-time basis.
  • Students study in the specialty for 5 to 5.5 years, enrolling in aerospace instrumentation. The specialties are varied, but their choice is much smaller. There are a little more than 10 of them.

People with a bachelor's or specialist's degree can enroll in a master's program at SUAI. There are more than 30 areas of training here. There are significantly more profiles. All master's programs provide in-depth study specialties, carrying out scientific research.

More information about vocational education programs

For applicants wishing to receive an education, the University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) has created a faculty of open-ended professional education. The main part relates to technical specialties. From the walls of the faculty come:

  • technicians trained in technical regulation and quality management, aviation instruments and complexes, electrical machines and devices, mechanical engineering, automation of technological processes and production;
  • computer systems technicians;
  • programming technicians.

Additionally, the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education produces financiers, lawyers and advertising specialists.

aerospace instrumentation: passing grade

When entering SUAI, applicants are interested in passing scores, because the number of places at the university is limited, and not everyone has a chance to successfully pass the competition. It is recommended to check statistical information with the admissions committee.

On the official Internet resource educational organization Data for 2013 only is presented in a convenient form:

  • average USE score for budget places turned out to be equal to 79.1;
  • the same figure for paid places was 73.4.

Institution library

Aerospace instrumentation created everything necessary conditions to make students comfortable while studying. Of all the advantages of a university, it is worth highlighting the library, because it plays an important role in the educational process. It has existed since 1941. Today the library is located in 4 academic buildings and stores a huge number of books and periodicals, necessary for students. Each building has reading rooms, diploma and course design rooms for independent work, Internet classes.

The library has special rules. To become a reader, you must obtain a library card. For a student who decides to visit the library, this is the main document. To get a book, according to the rules, you need to present your library and student cards. Literature is issued for a certain time, after which it is returned. There are penalties for students who ignore the rules.

Fitness GUAP

Among the advantages that the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation has are not only the library, but also the SUAI fitness. This is how the university designates the SUAI medical center complex and fitness club. It is open every day from 8:00 to 23:00 on weekdays and from 9:00 to 21:00 on weekends and holidays.

The fitness club offers visitors various classes:

  • strength programs;
  • classical aerobics;
  • Pilates;
  • boxing;
  • yoga;
  • dance styles.

There are qualified trainers who advise on emerging issues, a doctor who conducts examinations before classes and gives the necessary recommendations on health. The fitness club has a sauna. You can also use massage services.

St. Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation: reviews

There are different reviews about SUAI. Some students like the university, the quality educational process. Particularly noteworthy are some teachers who present in an interesting and accessible way educational information, do not read lecture material from pieces of paper. Graduates, assessing the higher education institution, note the presence of a center for promoting employment and temporary employment. This structural unit plays an important role in the lives of students and those people who have graduated from the university:

  • the center helps you find suitable vacancies for part-time work during the summer holidays;
  • he is also involved in selecting places for upcoming practice;
  • the center’s staff advise graduates on how to correctly compose a resume, where it is best to look for a job, and how to behave during an interview;
  • the center also helps graduates who encounter difficulties during employment by providing vacancies advertised by partner companies.

Thus, the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg) is a university that deserves the attention of applicants. The educational institution claims to have various advantages. But do they really exist? This is confirmed by positive reviews from students and graduates, as well as good positions in rankings. For example, in 2015, RA “Expert” compiled a rating of universities depending on the conditions necessary to obtain quality education. SUAI took 4th place in this list among technical and classical universities.

1. All entrance tests to the university are conducted in written form in Russian, with the exception of entrance test in a foreign language. The entrance test in a foreign language is carried out in writing in Russian and the corresponding foreign language. 2. Materials for entrance examinations are compiled on the basis of “ Sample programs entrance examinations to higher educational institutions Russian Federation" 3. Forms of entrance tests - written exam. 4. The duration of entrance examinations is: Russian language – 90 minutes; mathematics – 120 minutes; physics – 120 minutes; social studies – 60 minutes; history – 60 minutes; biology – 90 minutes; foreign language– 120 minutes. It is unacceptable for an applicant to leave the audience during the entrance test. 5. During the entrance test, only members of the admissions and subject commissions and classroom attendants appointed from among university employees are allowed into the classroom. 6. The applicant registers with the person on duty in the classroom, receives a form to complete the task and takes the place indicated by the person on duty. The issue of admission to the entrance test for an applicant who is not included in the group list or has forgotten the documents is decided personally by the responsible secretary of the admissions committee. 7. Applicants should sit in a sparse manner, with no more than one person at a desk. 8. The sealed envelope with the assignments is opened in the classroom by one of the university representatives named in paragraph 5. The beginning of the entrance test is considered to be the time the last applicant receives the assignment. The start and end times of the entrance test are indicated on the board. Applicants are periodically informed of the current time. 9. Any representative of the university named in clause 5 can answer an applicant’s questions regarding the preparation of the assignment or the rules for conducting the entrance test. Any questions regarding the substance of the assignment must be asked in writing to back side assignments. Only a member of the subject commission has the right to answer them, always in writing and signed. 10. If an applicant is removed from the classroom, a note corresponding to the offense is made on the title page of the work and on the examination sheet opposite his name - for example: “Removed for cheating.” The work is not checked and is given a score of 0 points. The discovered material (cheat sheets, notebooks, books) is put into the work. If the seized documents are of value to the applicant, they are returned to him upon his application addressed to the executive secretary of the admissions committee. 11. At the end of the entrance test, applicants submit work with the tasks included in them, covered by the examination sheet. The auditorium attendant checks that the title page is filled out correctly. Cases of an applicant’s refusal to submit work are noted by the duty officer in the report. 12. The sets of works collected in groups are recalculated and submitted without delay to the responsible secretary of the selection committee, which he makes a note about in the statement. All corrections made to the statement must be certified by his signature and the signature of the auditorium duty officer. 13. In the selection committee, the work is anonymized and transferred to the chairman of the subject committee for verification. Checking of written work is carried out only on the premises of the university. 14. The authorship of works is not disclosed to members of the subject commission; All comments and ratings are given only on the insert sheets. Signed works or works having conventional signs, revealing their authorship, are checked by at least two members of the subject commission in the presence of the executive secretary of the selection committee, about which a note is made at work. 15. Works are assessed on a 100-point scale in accordance with the assessment criteria for this subject, the number of points is indicated on the insert sheet and, after decoding, on the examination sheet. The chairman of the examination commission or his deputy additionally checks works scored more than 80 points or less than the established one minimum quantity points of a single state exam required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs, at least 5% of works randomly selected from total number, as well as works whose rating has been changed (the reason for the change in rating must be indicated) and works whose authorship has been revealed. 16. It is unacceptable for an applicant to leave the classroom during the exam; leaving the classroom entails automatic termination of the exam. During the exam, the applicant may have on his or her desk: − passport; − examination sheet; − fountain pen or ballpoint pen; − examination task; − work form. All other personal items (clothes, bags, bags and purses, rulers, pencil cases, calculators, foreign papers, notebooks, books) must be placed in the cloakroom or stored in a specially designated place in the classroom. 17. The work must be written with a fountain pen or ballpoint pen (blue or black). Work written in pencil is not checked; fragments of works written in pencil are not taken into account and cannot be the subject of an appeal. 18. The cover page must be signed and indicate the group number and examination paper number. No extraneous entries are allowed on the title page. Upon completion of the entrance test title pages separated from the work and not checked. It is prohibited to make any notes on the insert sheets that would reveal the authorship of the work. 19. Any questions regarding the substance of the assignment must be asked in writing on the back of the assignment and submitted to the classroom supervisor. 20. THE APPLICANT MAY BE WARNED by one of the university representatives named in paragraph 5 when talking with neighbors. All participants in the conversation are given a written reprimand by the audience duty officer in the form of a note on their work “Remark for Conversations.” If there are free seats, applicants are seated. 21. AN APPLICANT MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE ENTRANCE TEST by one of the university representatives named in clause 5 in the following cases: when using literature, notebooks, unaccounted for paper, mobile phones, calculators, etc.; when exchanging incoming assignments, drafts or documents; when reprimanded for talking.
Entrance tests (exams)

Admission of foreign citizens is carried out on the basis of entrance tests conducted to determine the ability of applicants to master the relevant professional educational programs.

The following types of entrance tests are established for foreign citizens:

  1. interview,
  2. testing or exams depending on the submitted documents on previous education.

Foreign citizens entering the basic faculties of SUAI undergo a mandatory interview.

  • The exam results of foreign citizens who have graduated from state preparatory faculties included in the lists of the Russian Ministry of Education can be taken into account as entrance tests for studying at SUAI.
  • Foreign citizens who have graduated from preparatory faculties (courses, departments, zero cycles, etc.), including language faculties, not included in the lists of the Ministry of Education of Russia, take exams or are tested according to the program.

The scope and procedure of examinations or testing is established depending on knowledge of the Russian language, the amount of previously studied material, and the future specialty. The results of the exam (testing) are reflected in the examination sheet or testing sheet.

Required documents for admission to SUAI for foreign citizens

When submitting an application for admission to the University in Russian, foreign citizens submit the following documents:

  • original state document about secondary (complete) general education or on secondary vocational education with appendices to it, or the original document of a foreign state on education, recognized as equivalent in the Russian Federation to a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education or on secondary vocational education and/or its photocopy;
  • originals of documents of a foreign state on education legalized in the prescribed manner with attachments to them (if necessary);
  • a certificate establishing the equivalence of the submitted educational documents with the corresponding state educational documents of the Russian Federation if the applicant received previous education in non-CIS countries.
  • translation into Russian of a foreign state’s document on education with appendices certified by a notary of the Russian Federation (consular office) (if this is provided for by the legislation of the state in which the document on education was issued);
  • a copy of the applicant’s identity document, or a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, or (if necessary) a translation into Russian of a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation certified by a Russian notary (consular office);
  • copies of documents or other evidence confirming that the applicant belongs to the category of a compatriot living abroad (if any);
  • a copy of the certificate of a participant in the State Program for Assisting the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation (if available);
  • direction Federal agency by education (if available);
    a document giving the right to benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and/or a photocopy of it;
  • a copy of the visa to enter the Russian Federation, if foreign citizen arrived in the Russian Federation on an entry visa;
  • 13 photographs 3x4 cm;
  • a copy of the residence permit or temporary residence permit or work permit (for applicants part-time training).

The applicant has the right to submit to admissions committee certificate of Unified State Exam results(if necessary) and a copy thereof.

All translations into Russian must be made using the first and last name indicated on the entry visa.

Foreign citizens who have certificates of USE results have the right to apply on the basis of USE results.

Foreign citizens have the right to enroll on the basis of entrance tests conducted by the University independently.

The form and list of entrance tests for foreign citizens correspond to the form and list of entrance tests for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Visa support is provided to foreign citizens - university partners, students and teachers foreign universities planning to give lectures and conduct practical classes at the university.

The purposes of entry are most often the following: study, scientific and technical connections or work.

Visa support for foreign citizens to enter the Russian Federation is provided at the passport and visa department of the University, which issues an invitation (visa support).

The Federal Migration Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region prepares invitations within up to 1 month, therefore, taking into account the organization of payment of state duty, the candidacy of each invited guest must be agreed with.

Required documents for admission to the preparatory department (PO)

When enrolling in a preparatory department (PO) program, you must provide an original and a notarized copy of an education document that gives the right, according to the laws of the country of residence, to enter a higher education institution, indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) received on them and their officially certified translation in Russian or English.

Required documents for admission to the bachelor's program

When applying for a bachelor's degree program, you must provide:

  1. original and notarized copy of a document confirming complete secondary education, equivalent to Russian complete secondary education secondary school, indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) obtained on them in exams, and their officially certified translations in Russian;
  2. documents on secondary (complete) general education issued in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republics of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republics of Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine before December 31, 2006 are recognized as documents giving the right to admission to educational institution higher, primary and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation without a certificate of equivalence;
  3. State-issued documents on secondary (complete) general education obtained in the listed states are submitted to educational institutions of the Russian Federation in the original with a notarized translation into Russian. The translation text must be certified by a Russian notary or the Russian consulate in the country where the educational documents were issued;
  4. 9-year graduation certificate high school in the Republic of Turkmenistan is recognized as a certificate of basic general education, issued after 9 years of study in educational institutions RF;
  5. certificate (certificate) of completion of state preparatory faculty included in the lists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or a sheet with the results of entrance examinations. The result of state testing, confirmed by a certificate of at least the first level, issued by the Head Center for Citizen Testing, can be counted as an entrance test in the Russian language. foreign countries in Russian.

Registration of foreign students for migration registration

Payment of expenses associated with the provision of passport and visa services includes payment of the state fee for issuing a multiple-entry visa through the Federal Migration Service - 1000 rubles on receipt.

The documents are taken and received by the Federal Migration Service by an employee of the University's passport and visa department.

The procedure for issuing visas is regulated by Order of the Federal Migration Service dated November 8, 2007 No. 430 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service for the provision of public services for registration, issuance, extension of validity, restoration and execution of the state function of canceling visas to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2003 No. 335 "On approval of the Regulations on establishing the form of a visa, the procedure and conditions for its registration and issuance, extension of its validity, restoration in case of loss, as well as the procedure for canceling a visa", Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2007 No. 635 “On amendments to the Regulations establishing the form of a visa, the procedure and conditions for its registration and issuance, extension of its validity, restoration in case of loss, as well as the procedure for canceling a visa.”

REMEMBER! The maximum period for obtaining a visa is 30 days. Dear students! Please contact us well in advance of your visa expiration! Keep track of the deadlines yourself! It is physically impossible for one specialist to keep track of the nuances of each individual situation. Optimally, contact the department a month and a week before the expiration of your visa! If the Federal Migration Service does not have time to process it within the time period you want, less than 30 days required by law, they will be right, not you. We do not give guarantees of correctly issued visas within the desired period to those who apply late and untimely.

We also bring to your attention that untimely registration with migration authorities is an administrative offense under Part 4 of Art. 18.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and entails punishment in the form of a fine.

A visa issued untimely or not extended is also an administrative offense under Part 1 of Article 18.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is punishable by a fine.

Two administrative offenses committed during a year of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation entail the refusal of the Federal Migration Service for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region to obtain or extend another visa for a foreign citizen!!!

If you are expelled, you need to urgently apply for a transit visa! You only have 10 days from the date of the Order of Expulsion! Immediately, as soon as you find out about your expulsion, contact.

To obtain multiple-entry visas, you need to contact. Have the following documents with you:

  1. Original valid passport used to enter Russia. Pay attention to its validity period - there must be a reserve of 1 year 6 months (one and a half years) from the expiration date of the passport. If your passport runs out, have time to renew it, for example, during the holidays at home.
  2. A copy of the passport pages containing information about the foreign citizen and the validity period of the passport
  3. Original migration card and copy
  4. A copy of a valid visa
  5. A detachable part of the notice of migration registration of a foreign citizen at the place of stay and a copy thereof.
  6. Paid receipt - 1000 rubles for issuing a multiple-entry visa. When registering through a branch of Sberbank, the state duty for remittance not charged. If you have difficulty filling out a receipt, the department will help you fill it out. Everyone makes payments at Sberbank independently.
  7. Photos 3x4 cm 4 pcs., upon initial application 5 pcs.
  8. This is the so-called “visa package”, which authorized employees of the department take to the Federal Migration Service of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. They will print your visa within 30 days. Specialists from the University's passport and visa department receive visas and issue them to you against signature in a special journal. For academic year, while you are in St. Petersburg, each of you will have in your hands a passport with a pasted entry visa, migration card, multiple-entry visa, tear-off coupon notification of registration at the place of stay.

If you are going to leave, for example, on vacation, you are required to write a statement and sign it with the director of the Institute International programs that he does not object to your departure. Then you purchase tickets and bring copies of them to the passport and visa department, thereby notifying the University of your departure date.

Upon arrival in the territory of the Russian Federation, having a new migration card in your hands, you are required to appear at the passport and visa department of the University to provide documents for the purpose of registering for migration.


To leave the territory of the Russian Federation, you must go to the passport and visa department in advance.

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to leave the territory of the Russian Federation without notifying the director of the Institute of Foreign Affairs or his deputy, the passport and visa department!

The grounds for extending the validity of a visa are provided for in clause 72 of Order No. 430 of the Federal Migration Service of November 8, 2007.

Staff will help each student with copying missing documents. But for this, your appearance must be in advance. Working with a package of documents for each student is painstaking, time-consuming, and corrections are unacceptable. Therefore, promptly inform the visa department specialist about changes in your place of stay and mobile phone number. If specialists made an appointment for you over the phone and asked you to come to the department, this must be done at the agreed time.

Dear students arriving in Russia! We call you to responsibility for compliance with the Laws of the Russian Federation!

We remind you to comply with the requirements Federal laws No. 114 of 08/15/1996 and No. 115 of 07/25/202.

If the place of residence (address) changes, the student must notify the University in advance and register at the new place of residence within 3 days.

As a result of registration, the student receives a detachable part of the notification form, which will indicate the citizenship, last name, first name, number of the identity document of the foreign citizen registered, as well as the address of the place of stay with a mark from the FMS department about the registration of the foreign citizen at the place stay.

In case of untimely application of a foreign student to the University, the foreign student is subject to administrative liability in accordance with Art. 18.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for violation of migration registration rules.

If a foreign citizen provides knowingly false information or forged documents, he is subject to administrative liability in accordance with Article 19.27 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

In the event of a foreign citizen leaving the Russian Federation (for vacation, due to expulsion from the University, graduation from the University, for any other reason), the foreign citizen is obliged to submit the tear-off coupon to the University a few days before his departure, since the University is obliged to take the tear-off coupon to the migration service no later than 2 days from the date of departure of the foreign citizen.

For untimely deregistration of a foreign citizen at the place of stay, the foreign citizen is subject to administrative liability in accordance with Art. 18.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Metro: "Sennaya Ploshchad", "Sadovaya"


Applications for admission to the University are accepted from persons with secondary education within the following deadlines:

For full-time faculties from June 26 to July 14,
For on-the-job training from August 21 to September 6 (approximately).

The applicant encloses with the application for admission to the University:

Document on secondary education or its certified copy;
six 3x4 photographs.
When submitting an application, the applicant presents a passport and a document confirming his relationship to military service.


Applicants to the technical specialties of the University take three written entrance exams: in mathematics, in physics and in Russian language and literature (essay).

Competitive exams for applicants to technical specialties are in mathematics and physics, assessed on a twelve-point system; The exam in Russian language and literature is graded according to the pass-fail system.

Competitive exams for economists are in mathematics, graded on a twelve-point system, and in Russian language and literature, graded on a six-point system.

Applicants who have passed the All-Russian testing can be enrolled in technical specialties based on its results.

Applicants entering the specialty "Jurisprudence" take three exams: social studies (oral), history of Russia (oral), Russian language and literature (essay). All of them are competitive and are assessed on a five-point system.

Applicants who were awarded a gold (silver) medal at the end of school or who have a diploma with honors from an educational institution of secondary vocational education can be enrolled in any specialty of the University based on the results of an interview, which is held on July 16 before exams for all specialties.

Entrance exams to the University will take place:

For full-time faculties - from July 18 to July 31 (approximately)
for evening and correspondence forms training - from September 8 to September 19 (approximately).
Here you can find sample exam options


For technical specialties, it is conducted on the basis of a general competition based on the number of points scored by applicants in competitive entrance exams, if there is a “satisfactory” grade in Russian language and literature; for economic specialties and specialties of jurisprudence, it is conducted on the basis of a general competition based on the number of points scored by applicants in competitive entrance exams. entrance exams.

Applicants who have submitted the original document on secondary education to the admissions committee no later than the day the last examination grade is announced are allowed to participate in the competition for admission to the University. The competition for full-time study is held by faculties.

Admission to the University is made based on the decision of the admissions committee:

For full-time education - until August 5,
for on-the-job training - until September 20 (approximately).

If you want to be better prepared for entrance exams, you can sign up for preparatory courses University. For information, please contact the admissions office.