How to place fractional points on a coordinate ray. Mixed numbers

Lesson Plan

Common fractions


Kapezova A.A


Participated: everyone

Didn't participate:0

Lesson topic:

Image ordinary fractions and mixed numbers on the coordinate ray

Learning objectives achieved in this lesson (link to syllabus)

5.5. 2 .3

depict on a coordinate rayordinarye fractions, mixed numbers;

Objective of the lesson:

Construct a coordinate ray and select the optimal unit segment;

Draw ordinary fractions on a coordinate ray.

Evaluation criteria

Depicts ordinary fractions on a coordinate ray.

Constructs a coordinate ray and selects a unit segment;

Language tasks

part, ray, unit segment, proper fraction, improper fraction

Values ​​Education

M Angilik el: Society of Universal Labor.

Intersubject communication

Artistic work. economy

Previous knowledge

Know the concept of a beam;

They can construct a coordinate ray and select a single segment;

They can mark on the coordinate beam natural numbers;

Lesson progress:

Start of the lesson

Organizational moment.

To create a psychological atmosphere, he plays the game “I like you”

Children take each other's hands and smile, calling good qualities their classmates.


"Magic bag"

Students take out candies from the bag and sit in groups based on the color of the candies.

Updating knowledge.

Task 1.

Oral work.

Work in pairs.

    What are the elements of a fraction above and below the line called?

    What action can be used to replace a fractional line?

    What part of the figure is shaded?

    Determine which part of the figure is shaded in gray. Give several possible answers.

Students work in pairs then discuss as a group and check with the teacher.


Names the elements of a fraction

Understands what the denominator and numerator of a fraction indicate;

Knows the basic property of a fraction

Feedback: student - student, student - teacher.




Answers shown by teacher (interactive whiteboard)

Interactive whiteboard


Output on the topic:

Guys, you already know how natural numbers are depicted on a coordinate line.

Is it possible to represent ordinary fractions on a coordinate line? (Students' response)

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson "Image of ordinary fractions on a coordinate ray ».

Distributes ready-made material, where students study it in a group.

Definition. The number corresponding to a point on a coordinate ray is called the coordinate of this point.

To depict a proper fraction on a coordinate ray you need to:

    Divide a single segment into an equal number of parts corresponding to the number in the denominator.

    From the beginning of the countdown, set aside the quantity equal parts, corresponding to the number in the numerator of the fraction.

Sample: To depict a fraction on a coordinate ray, you need to divide a single segment into 9 equal parts and count 5 such parts.


0 1 x

Task 2 . "Test yourself"

Mark a flashing dot on the coordinate ray.

- Find the coordinates of the points


Understands what the denominator of a fraction means;

Understands what the numerator of a fraction means;

Marks the corresponding point on the coordinate line;

Writes down its coordinate.

Feedback: "Traffic light"

Students show cards depending on the correct answer:

Green color - agree, correct;

Yellow color - I doubt it, I have a question;

Red color - disagree, wrong


One - bend over, straighten up

Two - bend over, turn around

Three in lodoshi three claps

Three nods of the head

Four hands wider

Five, six - sit down quietly

Let's discard seven-eight laziness.

Task 3

The Jixo method.

    Draw points A() on the coordinate ray; IN(); WITH().

    Draw a coordinate ray; take a segment 1 cm long as a unit segment. mark on it:

Point A (6). Set aside to the right and left of it segments equal to 2 unit segments. Write down the coordinates of the resulting points.

    Draw a coordinate ray and take 20 notebook cells as a unit segment. Mark points on it with coordinates: ;. Which numbers are represented by the same dot.


Able to construct a coordinate ray

Able to select a single segment;

Able to record the coordinates of the obtained points

Performs fraction reduction

Finds equal fractions.

Students evaluate the solution using an answer sheet.



Yellow – needs improvement (there are errors)

Red – wrong

Interactive whiteboard.


Answer sheet

Stickers (green, yellow, red)

End of lesson

Reflection on activities in the lesson

    During the lesson I worked actively/passively

    I am satisfied/dissatisfied with my work

    The lesson seemed short/long for me

    During the lesson I was not tired/tired

    My mood has gotten better/worse

    The lesson material was clear/incomprehensible to me


Interesting/not interesting

I know …….

I can…….

I need to learn...


differentiated tasks (students themselves choose tasks depending on the level of difficulty).


With differential

ted tasks

Differentiation – In what ways do you want to provide more support? What tasks do you give to students who are more capable than others?

Cards with differentiated tasks

Assessment – ​​How do you plan to check student learning?

F.O. Mutual assessment, self-esteem

"thumbs up or down", physical exercise, traffic light,

Health protection and technical compliance


Physical training, safety rules when working with an interactive whiteboard

Name of the institution State Institution “Secondary school-

gymnasium No. 9"

Position: mathematics teacher

Work experience 8 years

Subject mathematics

Topic Image of fractions and mixed numbers

on the coordinate ray.

Topic: Representation of ordinary fractions and mixed numbers on a coordinate ray.


1. educational: generalize and systematize students’ knowledge and skills on this topic; to form subject and mathematical functional literacy;

2. developing: develop memory, logical thinking, attention and mathematical speech;

3. educational: develop teamwork skills, a sense of teamwork, the ability to listen to comrades, and work in a group.

Lesson type: consolidation of learned knowledge.

Lesson equipment: 16 laptops, interactive whiteboard.

We need all sorts of fractions,

Different fractions are important to us.

Study them diligently

And good luck will come to you.

If you know the fractions

And understand their exact meaning,

It will become easy

Even a difficult task.

Lesson progress

I.Organizational moment. Psychological mood of the class. (1 min.)

Guys, I smile at you, you smile at me. They say that a smile and good mood always helps to cope with any task and achieve good results.

Let's try to test this wonderful rule in today's lesson.

II.Pinning a new topic(testing the theory learned in the previous lesson):

1) Oral survey. (7 min.)

1. What is a coordinate ray called?

(A ray with a given unit segment is called coordinate beam.)

2. What is a unit segment?

(A segment whose length is taken as one is called single segment.)

3. What is the coordinate of a point?

(The number corresponding to a point on a coordinate ray is called coordinate of this point.)

4. What numbers can be depicted on a coordinate ray?

(On the coordinate ray you can represent natural numbers, the number o, ordinary fractions and mixed numbers with dots.)

5. How to depict a proper fraction on a coordinate ray?

A. Divide the unit segment into an equal number of parts corresponding to the number in the denominator of the fraction.

B. From the beginning of the count, set aside the number of equal parts corresponding to the number in the numerator of the fraction.

6. At what intervals are proper and improper fractions found?(Proper fractions are represented by dots in the range from 0 to 1, and improper fractions to the right of 1 or coinciding with it.)

2) Completing tasks. (5 min.)

1. Children from each group paint the number of squares

corresponding to each fraction on the interactive whiteboard.

Determine the largest and smallest fractions.

2. (the drawing of the task is done on the board. Explain why? (5 min.)(NOK).

3.Interactive simulator (10 min.)

Now go ahead and sit down at your laptops. Open the interactive simulator." align="left" width="225" height="67 src=">A section is highlighted on the coordinate ray by hatching. Find out which of the numbers written in the table will be represented by dots in this area. Color the cell in the bottom row of the table if the number falls on the selected area of ​​the ray.

6. Children complete the task on an interactive board (optional).

(5 min.)

7. Homework (children receive on cards - individually)

7. Summing up the lesson. Grading. (2 min.)

For each correct answer, children receive emoticons and attach them to their achievement sheet. Then they are attached to a magnetic board, where the result of each group’s work is visible. The teacher gives marks.

8. Reflection (2 min.)

What did you like best about the lesson?

What difficulties did you encounter?

How did you overcome them?

In what mood do we end the lesson?

I ask you to rate using various stickers:

learned - green sticker,

help needed - blue sticker,

did not understand - pink sticker.

To conveniently display a fraction on a coordinate ray, it is important to choose the correct length of a unit segment.

The most convenient way to mark fractions on a coordinate ray is to take a single segment of as many cells as the denominator of the fractions. For example, if you want to depict fractions with a denominator of 5 on a coordinate ray, it is better to take a unit segment 5 cells long:

In this case, depicting fractions on a coordinate beam will not cause difficulties: 1/5 - one cell, 2/5 - two, 3/5 - three, 4/5 - four.

If you want to mark fractions with different denominators on a coordinate ray, it is desirable that the number of cells in a unit segment be divided by all denominators. For example, to depict fractions with denominators 8, 4 and 2 on a coordinate ray, it is convenient to take a unit segment eight cells long. To mark the desired fraction on the coordinate ray, we divide the unit segment into as many parts as the denominator, and take as many such parts as the numerator. To represent the fraction 1/8, we divide the unit segment into 8 parts and take 7 of them. To depict the mixed number 2 3/4, we count two whole unit segments from the origin, and divide the third into 4 parts and take three of them:

Another example: a coordinate ray with fractions whose denominators are 6, 2 and 3. In this case, it is convenient to take a segment six cells long as a unit:

Date: 13 /02/2017 ___________

Class: 5

Item: mathematics

Lesson No. : 129

Lesson topic: " Image of decimal fractions on a coordinate ray.».

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


Develop the ability to represent decimal fractions with points on a coordinate beam, find the coordinates of points depicted on a coordinate beam;


continue work on developing: 1) skills to observe, analyze, compare, prove, and draw conclusions; 2) mathematical and general outlook; 3) evaluate your work;


develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, listen to others, conduct dialogues, defend one’s point of view; develop self-esteem skills.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment , greetings, wishes for fruitful work.

Check if you have prepared everything for the lesson.

II. Setting lesson goals.

Guys, look carefully at the topic of today's lesson. What do you think we will do in class today? Let's try to formulate the goals of the lesson together.

III. Updating knowledge. All students write in notebooks, one student behind a closed board. The teacher checks the work on the board, after which all students compare and correct mistakes.

1) Mathematical dictation.

1. Three point one tenth.

2. Five point eight.

3. One point five.

4. Zero point seven.

5. Seven point twenty-five hundredths.

6. Zero point sixteen.

7. Three point one hundred twenty-five thousandths.

8. Five point twelve.

9. Ten point twenty four hundredths.

10. One point three.


1. 3,1

2. 5,8

3. 1,5

4. 0,75

5. 7,25

6. 0,16

7. 3,125

8. 5,12

9. 10,24

10. 1,3

2) Oral work

(1) Read the decimals:

3) Let's remember!

To mark a point on a coordinate ray, you need...

What letter marks a point on a coordinate ray?

How is the coordinate of a point written?

3. Studying new material.

Decimal fractions on a coordinate ray are depicted in the same way as ordinary fractions.

(2) 1)

The number 3.2 contains 3 whole units and 2 tenths of a unit. First, we mark on the coordinate ray a point corresponding to the number 3. Then we divide the next unit segment into ten equal parts and count two such parts to the right of the number 3. This way we get point A on the coordinate ray, which represents decimal 3.2. The distance from the origin to point A is equal to 3.2 unit segments (A = 3.2).

Let us depict the decimal fraction 3.2 on the coordinate ray.

2) Let us depict the decimal fraction 0.56 on the coordinate ray.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.

(3) 1. The road from Karatau to Koktal is 10 km. Petya walked 3 km. How far along the road did he walk?

1. How many equal parts is the entire path divided into? (into 10 parts )

2. What will one part of the path be equal to? (1/10 or 0.1)?

3. What will the three parts of such a path be equal to? (0.3)?

1. What numbers are marked by dots on the coordinate line.

(4) 2.

A(0.3); B(0.9); C(1,1); D(1,7).

A(6,4); B(6,7); C(7,2); D(7,5); E(8,1).

A(0.02); B(0.05); C(0.14); D(0.17).

(5) 3.


(6) 4. Draw a coordinate ray. For a single segment, take 5 cells of the notebook. Find points A (0.9), B (1.2), C (3.0) on the coordinate ray

(7) Working with the textbook

(8) 5. Physical education, attention exercise.

Differentiated work with students (work with gifted and low-achieving students).

6. Summing up the lesson.

Guys, what new did you learn in class today?

Do you think we managed to achieve our goals?


What do you guys think, have we achieved our goal?

What did you learn in the lesson? - What did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like about the lesson? What difficulties did you encounter?

(9) 7. Homework :

Support sheet for the lesson " Image of decimal fractions on a coordinate ray ».

1. Read the decimals:

0,2 1,009 3,26 8,1 607,8 0,2345 0,001 3,07 27,27 0,24 100,001 3,08 3,89 71,007 5,0023

2. Let us depict the decimal fraction 3.2 on the coordinate ray.

a) The number 3.2 contains 3 whole units and 2 tenths of a unit.

b)Let us depict the decimal fraction 0.56 on the coordinate ray.

3. The road from Karatau to Koktal is 10 km. Petya walked 3 km. How far along the road did he walk?

1. How many equal parts is the entire path divided into?

2. What will one part of the path be equal to?

3. What will the three parts of such a path be equal to?

4. What numbers are marked by dots on the coordinate line.

5. On a coordinate line, some points are designated by letters. Which point corresponds to the number 34.8; 34.2; 34.6; 35.4; 35.8; 35.6?

6. Draw a coordinate ray. For a single segment, take 5 cells of the notebook. Find points A (0.9), B (1.2), C (3.0) on the coordinate ray

7. Working with the textbook : open the textbook on page 89, perform the number: No. 1254 (ingenuity task).

8. Count the shapes like this: “First triangle, first corner, first circle, second corner, etc.”

9. Homework :

1. Task number on the board

2. Come up with a fairy tale that should begin like this: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called the “State of Numbers,” there lived fractions: ordinary and decimal