How can graduates of non-British schools enter a medical university in the UK? Teaching children in primary and secondary schools in the UK. Admission of children to educational institutions in the UK

Our article is based on a report by Penny Dowell, member admissions committee University of Bristol, and Professor Kim Piper, Head of Queen's Admissions Mary University of London. The conversation in it will be about what is necessary for admission to medical UK universities. Dentistry in terms of training is clearly separated from others medical specialties. Therefore, it will be discussed separately. Let me make a reservation right away, in different universities UK requirements for candidates may vary. The higher the level of an educational institution, the more people want to get into it and, accordingly, the stricter the requirements for candidates.

So, in order to enter the British medical UK UK , candidates from British schools must provide a high school diploma in one of the study programs. As for those who arrived in the UK later, having previously graduated from school in their homeland, they first need to complete a one-year International Foundation Program (Foundation UK) training course in the relevant specialty.

As mentioned earlier, different universities have different requirements for applicants. For example, in order to enter the University of Bristol you must provide grades AAA - AAB, and at Plymouth University for the same specialty - A*AA-AAA plus pass the UKCAT entrance test. At the first university entrance tests not required, but proof of practical skills and work in the medical field must be provided. In the second, no experience is required, and the introductory essay has little influence on the commission's decision. In the first, in addition to practice, you need to pay great attention to the essay, since the final decision will be made on its basis.

I gave an example of only two educational institutions. There are 10 higher medical education institutions in the UK and 8 higher schools dentistry, and the requirements for candidates are different for everyone. Therefore, in order to choose exactly the one medical University, which is suitable for you, or rather for which you are suitable, preparation for admission must begin in advance.

First, you should choose a curriculum, because, despite the fact that there is only one diploma after graduation, it can differ significantly in different universities. After that, carefully study the requirements for candidates and choose only those universities that suit you. Write down the dates for submitting documents, passing entrance tests, interviews in your calendar and start preparing.

Specific dates are determined by each university separately. Let me give you an example of the general calendar of introductory events.

  • May 1 - registration for the UKCAT exam opens;
  • July 1 - UKCAT exams begin;
  • September 1 - registration for the BMAT exam opens;
  • September 12 - start of filing applications (registration) with UCAS;
  • September 19 - UKCAT registration closes;
  • October 3 - end of the UKCAT exam;
  • October 15 - registration for BMAT closes;
  • 15 October - UCAS registration closes (at medical universities);
  • November 5 - end of the BMAT exam;
  • October-April - call for interviews;
  • April - universities announce their decisions;
  • August - Clearing opens.

You can find out more about the UKCAT and BMAT exams in our previous article " Entrance exams"If an applicant has any difficulties passing a particular test, it makes sense to play it safe and choose those universities that do not require passing the test.

Exactly what documents need to be provided when submitting an application are also described in detail in our previous article “University admission”. Except general list documents in some medical universities require practical skills, as well as confirmation of employment in a hospital, dental office, free medical consultations. All skills and practical knowledge acquired outside the walls of the previous educational institution must be described in detail in the introductory essay (personal statement). Let me remind you once again that you should not rewrite what was included in the curriculum; you can find out about this from your academic transcript. Experience and knowledge gained outside the classroom, hospital practice, emergency medicine, laboratory experience, and other activities related to the chosen profession should be discussed. As mentioned above, not all universities require practical skills. Therefore, you should find out everything in advance and, if possible, prepare. If this is not possible, it is better to choose another educational institution.

Special attention should be paid to preparing for the interview. In general, you can read about it in a separate article " Entry interview". Here we will talk about its features in medical schools. Again, in different universities, the format and topics of interviews are different, so you should clarify everything in advance. In some educational institutions, the candidate receives a list of topics on which he may be asked, in others - a short video (for example, about the work of a doctor), which will be discussed. In some universities, the interview is conducted 1-on-1, in others the student communicates with several teachers. The main goal, as in others. faculties, firstly, to make sure that what is written in the essay, characterization and transcript corresponds to reality, and, secondly, to see whether the candidate loves his future profession. Yes, he does! After all, only a person with special internal qualities and who is sincerely interested in his future profession can become a real doctor.

As Professor Kim Piper said: "Becoming a doctor in the UK is not something you can do by accident. Make sure your desire comes from within and is not dictated by the desire for a high salary. Work hard, try hard and you will succeed."

In conclusion, I will add from myself. In the UK, as probably in most countries of the world, the greatest demands are placed on medical applicants. Medical schools traditionally have the highest competition. Please don't put everything off until the last day. And if you have any questions, please ask. We are always happy to help!

General information:

UK universities are among the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. More than 2 million students study at UK universities every year. More than 100 universities are located in England, most of them are state-owned. According to the time of creation, universities in the UK are divided into

  • “Old” are Oxford, Cambridge, the universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen; they arose in the 14th-17th centuries. The “golden youth” of England are mainly educated here.
  • “Red brick” universities got their name from the factory buildings where they were created in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These universities are considered to have strong technical disciplines, mathematics, mechanical engineering. For a long time, these universities in London, Manchester, and Birmingham were contrasted with the “old” ones as educational institutions that provide knowledge that is in demand for life, rather than theoretical.
  • “Glass” universities that arose after World War II.
  • The “newest” are 33 polytechnic institutes, which at the end of 1992 received university status

All UK universities participate in rankings compiled annually by The Times and Daily Telegraph newspapers. There is even a separate issue - The Good University Guide, which is entirely devoted to the problem of choosing a university or MBA program in the UK.

Advantages of higher education in England:

  • Many universities in England are considered among the best in the world: Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics, etc.
  • London is the financial capital of the world, a global symbol of business education
  • Diplomas from UK secondary and higher schools are recognized throughout the world, which means they are a ticket to further prestigious education or a successful career.
  • England - best place to study English, recognized as the language of international communication.

Diplomas and degrees:

  • Bachelor's Degree (3-4 years (for architects, doctors - up to 5 years)) - this is the first degree of higher education, the presence of which is a prerequisite for obtaining any qualified job.
  • Master's Degree (1-2 years) is the second stage of higher education, which is not compulsory, but is necessary in order to grow up the career ladder and occupy positions of middle and senior managers. Many students take a break between receiving their bachelor's and master's degrees and prefer to work for 2-3 years, and only then, having decided whether they want to continue studying in the same course or choose a different specialization, receive further education.
  • "Sandwich courses" - when studying under this program, the student, after 2 years of study, goes to work in his specialty for 1 year, and then returns to the university. In this case, the work is counted to the student as study hours. Most often, such courses are offered in applied, technical specialties such as engineering, IT, etc.
  • MBA (Master of Business Administration)(1-2 years) is a program whose purpose is to obtain the knowledge and skills that are necessary to manage an enterprise. Typically, this degree is awarded to adults who already have a bachelor's or master's degree and have at least 1-2 years of experience in a management position. English business schools consistently top global rankings. Among them - London School of Economics, Imperial College, London Business School and others

Medical education in England:

Upon completion of medical school in medicine or surgery at UK universities, the degrees Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Surgery are awarded, which are the first professional degrees. The knowledge and skills acquired in the process of obtaining a bachelor's education are the basis for the next stage of training. After receiving the first degree, the doctor undergoes mandatory practical training - an internship in a hospital or clinic. A person who has already received a medical degree and who practices under the supervision of a licensed physician is called a Foundation House Officer. The training includes 2 years of preparation.

Foundation Doctor (FY1 or FY2) is a medical degree in the UK which includes two years of general postgraduate medical training and which forms a bridge between medical school and specialist/general practical training. The Foundation Doctor degree has been compulsory for all qualified doctors in the UK since 2005 (the Foundation Doctor degree replaced the traditional Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer). Foundation Doctor has the opportunity to gain work experience in a range of roles within various areas and various medical institutions. The training also includes general professional skills applicable to all areas of medicine - teamwork, time management, acquisition of IT skills.

How to enter universities in England?

UK universities for the most part do not recognize the Ukrainian certificate of secondary education. To enter most of them you must graduate from school in one of the English speaking countries, complete the IB or Foundation program - a year of preparation at the university. In addition, in some cases you will need to take the IELTS English proficiency test.

There are several ways to enter British universities. The most common two, which are held in private schools:

Two-year A-levels programs - In the first year - AS-level - students choose 4-5 subjects. In the second year, training is narrowed to 3-4 subjects from those studied in the first year

International Baccalaureate (International Baccalaureate) - a 2-year program created for foreign students aged 16-18 who want to enroll in any university in the world. The program is especially suitable for those schoolchildren who have not yet decided on their choice of university, or those who would like to study in England and enroll, for example, in a university outside the UK. The program is offered by 60 colleges and schools in the UK and includes a wide range of subjects: your native language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, languages ​​and different types art

Foundation Program - annual preparatory course at a university or college

List of documents for admission to a UK university:

For school graduates

  • Certificate translated into English language- Certificate about the level of knowledge of the English language or a copy of a certificate of recent passing of IELTS/TOEFL;
  • Certificate of English language proficiency or a copy of a certificate of recent IELTS/TOEFL passing;
  • Certificate translated into English

For university students

  • Certificate of English language proficiency or a copy of a certificate of recent IELTS/TOEFL passing;
  • Extract from the transcript, certified and translated into English

For persons with higher education

  • Diploma of higher education;
  • Diploma Supplement;
  • Two recommendations from the university, for MBA programs - professional recommendations;
  • Resume;
  • IELTS test results
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    Founded in 1733, St George's University is the UK's only independent institution offering higher education in medicine and healthcare.

    The University provides education and training in England for doctors, nurses, midwives, health professionals, physiotherapists, radiologists, social workers, health professionals and biomedical professionals.

    St George's University London has an outstanding reputation for research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious, immune and cardiovascular diseases, as well as research at the cellular level.

    The goal of the institution of higher education is to advance the understanding of health care and epidemiology, clinical genetics, and human service sciences.

    In addition to its high-quality programs in medicine and biomedical sciences, the university also benefits from the opportunity for students to work with state-of-the-art equipment, including a fully equipped clinical laboratory.

    They also get the best experience of studying in London, living on a compact campus with students from over 80 countries, as well as the opportunity to undertake clinical placements in hospitals in the UK and USA.

    St George's University also offers international students preparatory programs and bachelor's and master's degree programs.

    The Foundation Preparatory Program is a one-year preparation program for entry into medical schools and universities in the UK. The program begins in September 2011, classes are held at the INTO London center and on the campus of St. George's University.

    Bachelor's degree programs in Biomedical Sciences last 3 years and begin in September 2011. Successful completion This program allows students to enter the 4th year of a medical degree program.

    The Bachelor of Medicine program, which begins in September 2012, lasts 6 years, four of which students study at the St George's University campus in Tooting, London, followed by clinical practice in the USA for 2 years.

    An interesting program for Ukrainian students is the Master's program in medicine, which began in 2012. This is an intensive 4-year course, including 2 years of study at St. George's University and 2 years of clinical practice in the USA.

    Those Ukrainian students who speak English at an insufficient level to study in the academic program at St. George's University, have the opportunity to receive the necessary training in the English for Bachelor's and Master's programs.

    More detailed information about the programs, structure and cost of study at St. George's University in London can be obtained from the managers

    British medicine has glorious traditions and a long history, since it is thanks to it that such names as T. Addison, J. Parkinson, S. Wilson, J. Down and many others are known. According to the World Health Organization, the UK ranks one of the first in Europe in terms of medical development and is among the top ten countries in the world. It is also important that it is here that scientific research is actively developing and innovations are being rapidly introduced.

    In order to provide the required level of care for human health, the country has very high requirements for the training of specialists - here they are even more stringent than in other EU countries. That is why not all foreign students can be admitted to study at medical universities - as a rule, the share of foreigners among students at universities and medical schools in the country is no more than 8-10%. However, for those who intend to seriously engage in medicine, studying here can be best preparation and a good start to your career, so the effort is worth it.

    In the UK, medical training lasts about 7-8 years, including two years of internship. Higher education in the medical field it is represented by more than 39 medical schools and 10 universities. A wide range of disciplines are studied at the undergraduate level, but a future doctor can truly specialize only in internship. Despite the fact that upon completion of training, graduates receive the same bachelor’s diplomas, teaching methods and curriculum may vary quite a lot depending on the chosen higher education institution. While studying for a bachelor's degree, each student has the right to receive a double diploma if he has decided to study a certain discipline on an in-depth basis.

    In the UK, the structure of courses is very well developed, which provide the opportunity to study in a wide variety of specialties. For such training programs sign up as electricians who want to learn the basics of the craft and learn not only how to screw in osram light bulbs , but also produce more complex species work and representatives creative professions, more serious specialties. That is why almost all medical universities provide the opportunity to take final express courses, after which you can obtain the same qualifications as after a bachelor’s degree.

    The advantage is that instead of 5-6 years, you need to study for 4 years. But such a program places increased demands on the applicant; some faculties are even open exclusively to graduates of biological and medical specialties. Although, with some effort and fulfilling all the conditions, it is possible to enroll in such programs with a diploma in one of the humanities.

    Any graduate must have a number of practical and theoretical skills in order to be able to enter an internship and obtain the right to practice medicine and work in one of the public clinics or in his own office.

    Great Britain has long gained fame as a standard educational traditions, since this country is home to a great number of prestigious universities, which are a good start in life. Education in England is complex, a large number programs, a wide selection of profiles and directly higher educational institutions.

    Medical education. Specifics of programs in the UK

    One of the most popular profiles is medicine and medical training in the country. In the UK, there are universities that specialize in producing medical experts and in the medical field exclusively. However, in addition to this, students are given the opportunity to receive medical education V UK and in wide-profile universities.

    Medical education in the country is specific. Special training V higher institutions is divided here into two categories, which involve basic specialization and professional. Specialized medical training invites doctors to participate in various scientific programs, studies, and seminars. Such participation increases understanding of medical methodology according to scientific research. During the training, special diplomas or certificates may be issued.

    Medical education in the country by professional training involves the development of qualifications and skills with the aim of increasing medical knowledge and professionalism, as the UK strives to achieve consistency between the ongoing discoveries of science and direct practice.

    Enrolling in a medical profile is only half the battle; a diploma from a university requires registration. The country has four main registration programs, which may be suitable for foreign doctors:

    • Special;
    • Limited – issued to foreign doctors;
    • Full – for those doctors who want to practice in family medicine;
    • Conditional – for those doctors who trained in Britain.

    Medical education in the best universities in the UK

    Of course, there are a lot of standard higher education institutions in the UK. However, among them it is worth highlighting one prestigious university that provides excellent medical education in the UK. It's about about St. George's University. The university graduates medical workers of various profiles: radiologists, physiotherapists, obstetricians, doctors, nurses.

    St. George's offers competitive programs for international students, which may be of interest to Russian-speaking students seeking to study medicine in England. For such foreign students, preparatory programs and the opportunity to study in the form of a bachelor's or master's degree are specially offered. Studying a master's degree is especially valued by Russian-speaking compatriots, since here you can obtain a degree in just one academic year.

    In the UK there is a training program - Foundation. It involves a year of study before entering medical university or school in the country. Obtaining a bachelor's degree in medicine involves studying for a period of 3 years, then all students are given the opportunity to transfer to the 4th year to obtain a degree in medicine. Studying the master's program, although it involves a small academic medical course, however, it involves a 2nd clinical practice with travel to the USA.

    Get medical education with the help of experts in the UK

    The choice of educational institution and program in the country will depend real opportunity and the prospect of studying in the UK. Our agency has been providing assistance in enrolling and obtaining education in Britain for many years, during which time it has acquired a wide client base, represented predominantly by the Russian-speaking population.

    Our clients seeking to obtain medical education in the UK by contacting us will receive full information about the types of establishments that are ready to provide this, about possible loyalty programs prepared for foreigners. Our experts will help you collect a complete list of required documents for admission, advise you on passing scores and provide you with a whole range of suitable UK universities to choose from. Thanks to the presence of several options to choose from, each client can choose the optimal educational institution based on their requirements for programs, desired degrees, financial capabilities, as well as the free time they are willing to spend on studying. Providing information about several universities at once makes the chances of admission more guaranteed.

    Getting a British medical diploma with the help of our agency is now easy!