Class hour (3rd grade) on the topic: Lesson of kindness and beauty. "The meaning of life is beauty"


  • developing students' ideas about goodness and evil;
  • nurturing the desire to do good deeds;
  • development of self-esteem;
  • understanding the category “kindness”, motivation for good deeds.


  • cards with words for proverbs (kind, kind, good, kind);
  • paper;
  • each student has a pen;
  • audio recording with calm music;
  • tape recorder.

I. Teacher's opening speech: I would like to start the class hour with the words of A. Tatyanichev: “Doing good for people means making yourself look better.” How do you understand the words: “become prettier yourself”? Does this mean that you have to be a good person, do what people like? The epigraph for our class hour will be the words of A. Chepurov:

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with kindness in mind:
All in blue and starry beauty,
The land is good, it gives us bread,
Living water and trees in bloom.
Under this ever-restless sky
Let's fight for kindness!

II. Competition program

1. Competition “Which team knows more proverbs about kindness?”

- Be kind to those who depend on you.
– A good word heals, evil cripples.
– The evil one does not believe that there is kindness.
-Kindness is better than beauty.
– Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.
- The good are honored, but the evil are favored.
“Whoever thinks too long about doing good does not have time to be good.”

2. Competition “Explain the meaning of the statement”

– Already in the 4th century BC. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato argued: “By seeking the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” Each team is given a writer's statement about kindness, you must explain the meaning.
– The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. (Blaise Pascal).
“True kindness lies in treating people kindly.” (Jean Jacques Rousseau).
“To appreciate kindness in a person, you need to have a certain amount of this quality in yourself.” (William Shakespeare).

3. Competition "We are together with the captains"

The captains of all teams come forward and stand in front of their teams. Teams take turns characterizing their captains (kind, sympathetic, attentive, caring, polite, etc.). The team that names the most words wins.

4. Competition "Homework"

– A very long time ago, cats and dogs began to live next to humans. Scientists believe that the owners of these animals acquire the habits and character traits of their pets. American cat owners spend nearly $2 billion on them. The dog has been man's faithful assistant since ancient times. She was the first to come to him from the forest thicket and accepted his protection. Now the guys will read excerpts from essays about how they take care of their little brothers and show their drawings.

5. Competition "The Meaning of Kind Words"

- There is a proverb: “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat.” Remember, how often do you use kind words? These words are also called “magic words.” (Children's answers). There are many kind words in greetings and wishes, which we now often encounter in life. What do they mean?

One question is asked to each team.

- Welcome! (Polite greeting and hospitable invitation to come, arrive, enter the house, etc.)
- Good morning! (Wish you good luck and prosperity when starting any business.)
- Good luck! (Good wishes to those who are leaving somewhere.)
- Give the go-ahead. (Give consent, permission, approval.)
- Get the go-ahead. (Get permission, consent to something, approval.)

6. Competition "Chamomile"

A description of a person’s quality is written on the petals, children must guess and
select a petal with the name of this character trait.

– A person you can always rely on in everything is called....
- A person who has a kind heart is called.....
– A person who wishes only good for others is called.....
– A person with a kind soul and a gentle character, unforgiving, is called...
- A person with a kind, good disposition is called.....

Answers: integrity, kindness, good nature, good morals. goodwill.

Calm music sounds. Children stand in a circle, pass each other a ball and say good wishes.

III. Test

- Let's test ourselves: are you a kind person? You need to put one answer in front of each question: “yes” or “no”.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?
2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor understand?
3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?
4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?
5. Do you often use evil jokes?
6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?
7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?
8.Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?
9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you will lose?
10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?
11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?
12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Scoring. One point for each affirmative answer to questions: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 – and for a negative answer to questions: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.


More 8 points. You are kind, people like you, and you know how to communicate with people. You have many friends. One word of caution: never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.
From 4 to 8 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. For someone you will do anything, but try to be equal with everyone so that there are no offenses against you.
Less 4 points. You have difficult work to do on yourself.

IV. Reflection. Please write on a piece of paper what good deed you could do today.

V. Summary

– We all live among people, but do we act in such a way that there is light and joy around us? Do we know how to be the first to say a kind word, forgive an offense or take a step towards reconciliation?

It's not easy to be kind
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
You just have to, you just have to be kind
And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.
And the Earth will spin faster,
If we are kinder to you.
It’s not at all easy to be kind,
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness brings people joy
And in return it does not require a reward.
Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness will warm you from the cold.
If kindness shines like the sun -
Adults and children rejoice.
But in order to give joy to people,
You need to be kind and polite

Every good deed of yours is a particle of goodness invested in the vast world of kindness, which makes you warmer, brighter and more joyful.


1. Aleshina L. About politeness, about tact, about delicacy. – L. Lenizdat, 1986.
2. Dorokhov A. How to behave. – M..1979.
3. Kurlyuta V. Spiritual recipes. - Kemerovo. 2002.
4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.
5. Galishchuk E.O. From heart to heart. – St. Petersburg: “Paritet”, 2003.

A lesson in kindness and beauty."The meaning of life is beauty"

“Beauty is deeply human. This is the joy of our life.”

The beauty of the world around us
will become a powerful source
faith in kindness.

V. Sukhomlinsky


Formation in children of ideas about goodness, kindness, beauty, kind and beautiful deeds;

  • expanding knowledge about the role of kindness and beauty in the life of every person;

Teach children moral concepts: kindness, politeness;

Develop children's creative abilities.

Progress of the lesson

Good afternoon We pronounce these words every day, wishing those to whom we address goodness and joy.

Today we have an unusual lesson with you - a lesson of kindness and beauty.

What is good? What is evil? What is beauty? At all times people try to answer this question.

There are different ways to live in life -

You can be in trouble, or you can be in joy,

Eat on time, drink on time,

Do pranks on time.

Or you can do this:

Get up at dawn -

And, thinking about a miracle,

With a burnt hand, reach for the sun

And give it to people.

(S. Ostrovoy)

What associations do you have when they say the word “beauty” to you? Beauty has been saving the world for a long time. We will experience the beauty of nature through poetry and art.

The sun is shining, the waters are sparkling,
Smile in everything, life in everything,
The trees tremble joyfully
Bathing in the blue sky.
The trees sing, the waters glisten,
The air is dissolved with love,
And the world, the blooming world of nature,
Intoxicated with the abundance of life.

F. Tyutchev

True beauty begins with flowering plants. Flowers are considered the most beautiful works of nature. The beauty of Flowers can be admired endlessly.

In the glare of lights, behind mirrored glass,
Expensive flowers bloom luxuriantly,
Their subtle scents are tender and sweet,
The leaves and stems are full of beauty.
They were carefully raised in greenhouses,
They were brought from across the blue seas;
They are not afraid of cold snowstorms,
Stormy thunderstorms and fresh nights...
There are humble ones in the fields of my homeland
Sisters and brothers of overseas flowers:
The fragrant spring has increased them
In the greenery of May forests and meadows.
They don’t see mirrored greenhouses,
And the expanse of the sky is blue,
They don't see lights, but a mysterious
Eternal constellations pattern golden.
They emanate a bashful beauty,
They are dear to the heart and eyes
And they talk about long-forgotten
Bright days.

I. Bunin

Beauty is everything that pleases us and enchants us. I am confident that a beautiful environment allows us to live a more peaceful and happy life, while preserving our natural world.

Even living in the center of a metropolis, you can search and find the beauty of a sprout breaking through the asphalt, the beauty of birds flying in the sky, the unprecedented beauty of dawn and sunset. If you want to become beautiful, strive for beauty in all its manifestations. You can surround yourself with beautiful things, visit museums in search of the beauty of works of art, go out into nature in search of the imperishable and endless beauty of life.

Beauty generates positive emotions and provides aesthetic pleasure.

Why do all people enjoy looking at masterpieces of world art?

They carry “eternal” values: Kindness, Beauty, Love. They reflect the centuries-old experience of human genius.

How do you understand the word “beauty”?

Everything beautiful, beautiful, everything that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure. (Ozhegov S.I. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”).

Here's what folk wisdom says about beauty - proverbs:

A beautiful word is silver, and a good deed is gold.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.

A bird is beautiful in its singing, and a man is beautiful in his ability.

Speech is beautiful as a proverb.

Beauty without intelligence is empty.

What examples of proverbs can you give?

Which of the following proverbs seems to you the initial one necessary for understanding the others?

Beauty without intelligence is empty.

Why do you think so?

Only a thinking person is able to appreciate true beauty.

What art forms do you know that embody beauty?

Painting, music, sculpture, architecture, cinema.

Let's turn to musical works. Listen to a fragment of A. Vivaldi’s work “The Seasons”, and then write down a number of associations that arose during this listening.

Music is a phenomenal phenomenon. Her relationship with people is amazing. Melodious sounds work wonders - the soul awakens and transforms in a person, states and moods change...

We saw how beauty is embodied in painting and music. Let us turn to his verbal image, vividly presented in a letter from Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky to his son. (Read the text aloud.)

From the time a man became a man, from the moment when he gazed at the beauty of the evening dawn, he began to gaze into himself.Beauty is deeply human. Beauty exists independently of our consciousness and will, but it is discovered by man or comprehended, lives in his soul, if there were no our consciousness, there would be no beauty. We come into the world in order to comprehend beauty, to affirm it, to create it.
Beauty is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the fluttering haze over the horizon, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in myriads of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stalk and a blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, walked along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop in amazement at beauty - and nobility will bloom in your heart. The joy of life was revealed to man because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmuring of a spring stream and the play of silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard, the gentle splashing of waves and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and listened with bated breath to hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life. Know how to listen to this music too. Cherish beauty, take care of it.

External human beauty embodies our ideas about the ideal of beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality - a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself.

The unity of internal and external beauty is an aesthetic expression of a person’s moral dignity. A person’s beauty manifests itself most clearly when he is engaged in a favorite activity, which by its nature emphasizes something good in him, characteristic of his personality.

Spiritual emptiness makes a person’s appearance faceless. Nothing is more disfiguring than servility: a person becomes not himself, he seems to strive to get out of his own skin.

The ideal of human beauty is at the same time an ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection is the harmony that is talked about so much.

You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty. The beauty of the people living next to you depends on you.

What is good? How do you understand the meaning of this word?

In the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, the word “kindness” is defined as follows:

“Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.”

Look, in front of you is a small sprout emerging from an acorn. What a mature tree will look like in 15 years. List everyone whose kindness helped this tree grow.

(The kindness of the sun, earth, air, breeze, etc.)

List everyone whose kindness helps you grow.

(Kindness of parents, grandparents, teachers, friends)
Creative task “Tree of Kindness”.

We say kind words in greetings and wishes to each other. Remember, how often do you use kind words? These words are also called “magic”.

Here is the Tree of Kindness, which will help you remember the magic words and greetings.

(Work in groups: children write magic, kind words, greetings on small hearts and glue them to tree branches).

What trees have you grown? (Each team demonstrates its “grown” tree.)

Preserve your kindness and beauty, the beauty of the Earth. Expand the space of beauty and kindness in your life. And beauty will continue to save the world!

Beauty is a thing without which, in general, human life loses its meaning altogether. There is beauty in a young daisy, beauty in the blue sky, beauty in red curls, and in a drop of sweat on a fist, beauty in a good-natured smile, beauty in a tired sigh, in a touching touch, in the aroma of a grandmother’s cutlet, in an understanding look. ..

Every person needs beauty and kindness!

The famous teacher Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili said:

Regardless of whether they expect good from you or not, do good.

Regardless of whether your goodness is noticed or not noticed - Do good.

Regardless of whether your good is accepted or rejected - Do good.

Regardless of how they pay you for doing good: good or evil - Do good.

Do good and don't ask anyone for permission,

For no one has power over your goods.

Sh.A. Amonashvili

Let's listen and sing a song about kindness...

I told the children in advance about the Rusfond campaign: SMS - 5541 - Good.

Several children were sent, those whose parents allowed.

I am surprised at people who are obsessed with beauty. In pursuit, they lose their human face, but time still takes away beauty? I’m not saying: “Let’s now stop looking after ourselves, whatever.” Of course not. It’s just that a person has a beautiful face, opens his mouth and says terrible things, at this moment, for me, he instantly loses his external beauty. The person is unpleasant to communicate with, but you can look at the beautiful ones in the pictures. It's good when everything comes together. In general, kindness is 1000 times better than beauty for me. What about you?

Answers (9):

A kind person cannot be ugly. Beauty and kindness of the soul are inseparable concepts. And Dostoevsky wrote about spiritual beauty, which colors appearance. Another thing is stereotyped beauty, which is empty, like a picture - I agree with you on this. Kindness is more important, it is like the germ of beauty!))

And for me kindness is better than beauty. It’s more pleasant to communicate with such a person, and he’s more useful. Unfortunately, most beautiful people are not kind, they are arrogant and proud of their beauty. But inside they remain empty.

It's probably tact. And what is beauty anyway? Sometimes you look at a person, he doesn’t seem to be handsome, but he has some kind of charm, and you’re drawn to him. Kindness is undoubtedly a good quality, but it is so rare to meet a truly kind person.

In any person, inner beauty is attractive, but outer beauty is often cold and repulsive. If a person is kind and bright, then a special warmth emanates from him, which many people lack. Of course, content is more important than form.

I also believe that people are now chasing beauty, but their souls are empty. It seems to me that if every person developed positive qualities such as kindness, empathy, and the ability to support a loved one, then the world would become a better place.

It's better when one and the other are together. I wouldn't be able to choose what I prefer in a person. It’s not for nothing that the classic said that everything in a person should be beautiful, so the best option would be a combination of both beauty and kindness.

And I believe that true external beauty is a manifestation of internal beauty. If a person is truly kind, merciful, sympathetic and has a pure soul, then he is divinely beautiful, regardless of whether his facial features are symmetrical, what color his hair is or whether he wears makeup.

1. Oscar Wilde died in a room with tacky wallpaper. Approaching death did not change his attitude towards life. After the words: “Killer colors! One of us will have to leave here,” he left.

2. Queen Marie Antoinette, climbing the scaffold, stumbled and stepped on the executioner’s foot: “Please forgive me, monsieur, I did it by accident.”

3. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she stood up on her pillows and menacingly asked: “Am I still alive?!” But before the doctors had time to get scared, everything corrected itself.

4. American playwright Eugene O'Neill: “I knew it! I knew it! I was born in a hotel and, damn it, I’m dying in a hotel.”

5. Spy-dancer Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her: “I’m ready, boys.”

6. English prose writer Somerset Maugham: “Dying is a boring and joyless thing. My advice to you is never do this.”

7. American prose writer and playwright William Saroyan: “Everyone is destined to die, but I always thought that they would make an exception for me. And what?"

8. The famous English surgeon Joseph Green, out of medical habit, measured his pulse. “The pulse is gone,” he said.

9. English writer and critic Lytton Strachey: “If this is death, then I am not delighted with it.”

10. Russian satirist Saltykov-Shchedrin greeted death with the question “Is that you, fool?”

- Do you have any more candy?

- no, but I still have sluts, sweet ones. will you? 


Human gestures that are easy to follow will help with this!

1. Rubbing the Eyelid.
This gesture is caused by the desire in the brain to hide from deception or the desire to avoid looking into the eyes of the person to whom he is telling a lie.

The worst feeling is disappointment...

No resentment, no jealousy, no hatred...
After them, at least something remains in the soul.
And after disappointment there is emptiness... 

Always give people a second chance

and never give a third one. 

Over time, we stop criticizing the shell of a person, paying attention to his light inside. The main thing is what you experience while being with this person. The main thing is what emotions he gives you. the main thing is hidden inside.

Get used to being happy!

Wake up with a radiant smile...
And with a childlike, pure look,
Get used to loving each other...

Learn not to call out bad things,
Foreshadowing troubles in advance...
You are having other conversations...
Learn to blossom with your soul...

Get used to noticing the good
And appreciate what life gives...
And you won’t have to run for happiness...
It will be a pleasure to run after you!

Learn not to wait for a catch
From people unknown and close...
After all, everyone, high and low
There is a desire to know happiness...

Get used to not being angry at evil,
And take the risk to help, to figure it out...
If someone suddenly starts biting,
This means he was unlucky in some way...

Learn to ask for forgiveness
And forgive... Fate will smile on you.
And spring will return to your soul!
Get used to being happy...

Anyone can leave a girl with a child, but only a real man can love a girl with a child!

A husband and wife are celebrating their thirty-fifth anniversary of marriage. Husband says:

- Do you remember, thirty-five years ago, we rented a cheap apartment, slept on a cheap sofa, watched black and white TV... Now
We have everything - an expensive house, expensive furniture, a car and a plasma TV. But thirty-five years ago I slept with a young 21-year-old girl, and now I have to sleep with a 56-year-old woman.
The wife answers:
- Find yourself a 21-year-old to sleep with, and I’ll make sure you have a cheap apartment, a cheap sofa and a black and white TV. 

All topics are hackneyed,

All phrases are hackneyed,
Talents are buried
All people are under masks...

Who is a genius is not needed,
Whoever is an abomination is in demand,
He who is honest is in a puddle,
Those who are smart are shot...

I'm scared - terrified
But it's boring to be dull,
Maybe I'm needed
But there is no certainty...