Class hour "A person is reflected in his actions." Class hour “How to learn to manage yourself

Target: learn to predict and adjust your behavior (actions) in a wide variety of life situations; provide an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside through situational examples; develop the ability to “put yourself in other people’s shoes”, better understand their feelings and motives of behavior; identify positive and negative qualities of behavior; to activate students’ ability to analyze certain traits of their character;

Epigraph: “Human behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their true appearance.” I. Goethe.

Progress of the event.
1. Introductory speech by the teacher.
Today our class hour is called “A person is reflected in his actions.” Its topic was not chosen by chance, because in life we ​​often have to suffer, be offended by others for not understanding us correctly, for wrongfully offending us, at the same time we are indignant that in our society there is a lack of mercy, goodwill, a low culture of behavior: people are inattentive and indifferent to each other, often rude, impolite, tactless... We encounter this every day.

– Do you yourself think about how you behave in life? different situations, With different people- be it friends, parents or teachers? Do we know how to respect them, sympathize with them, have compassion, and tactfully help them? Do others understand our behavior correctly?
– Is it so important to think about your behavior? We behave like everyone else and everything is fine. Is that okay?
“Human behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their true appearance.”

Behavior reveals the characteristics of our character and temperament, our needs, views, tastes, habits and desires, the degree of confidence or self-doubt.
In today's class we will try to highlight the most important things in knowing ourselves, our personal qualities, we will give the opportunity to look at ourselves from the outside through situational examples, we will try to predict and correct our behavior (actions) in a variety of life situations. Therefore, we will conduct our class hour in the form of a workshop using situational role-playing games.

1. Continue the phrase based on your usual behavior.
When people speak to me in the wrong tone, I...
When obedience is required of me, I...
When they ask me not to be rude, I...
If I have to speak in front of a large audience, I...

When you make a request, you hear in response: “Leave me alone, I have Bad mood!”, then you...
A woman with tear-stained eyes entered the room, you...
When you fail, do you more often blame others or yourself?...
You are the office attendant. While sweeping the floor, you found money. What will you do?
The computer science teacher gave you a grade, but you don’t agree with it, what do you do in this case?
– Now think about your reaction. Have you compared it with the state of the other person, the content of the situation? What conclusions can you draw for yourself?

2. Resolution of situations – work in 3 groups, choose the behavior that is most typical for you in the following typical life situations. What do you do (comment on your choice), listen to everyone. Please comment on what should be done.

Situation No. 1.
Sunday. Your favorite show should be on TV. But my mother, for a fairly objective reason, asks me to take a walk with my little brother at this particular time.
Which behavior will you choose?
A. I’ll suggest watching the program with my brother
B. First I’ll watch TV, then I’ll go for a walk with my brother
B. I’ll find out why mom can’t go for a walk on her own, then I’ll decide what to do.
G. I’ll go for a walk with my brother
D. I’ll come up with something for my brother interesting game while the program is going on, so that he doesn’t want to go for a walk

Situation No. 2.
The class teacher, that is, I, announced to the children that we planned to go skiing with the whole class, but there were no tickets at the box office for the whole class. But I love you all and it’s hard for me to choose who won’t go. Do it yourself. And I suggest you decide for yourself who not to go.
A. I’ll suggest drawing lots so that it won’t be offensive
B. I propose to decide by voting
B. I propose to give these tickets to those who have earned it through academic and active work
G. I’ll raise my hand that I won’t go.
D. I will propose to distribute them into groups, and the group will choose the worthy ones

Situation No. 3.
Vika took a ruler from Anton without permission. The girl does not respond to demands to return her item. Your actions.
A. Pretend that nothing is happening
B. Take the ruler by force from Vika and return it to Anton
B. Take another thing from Anton and, together with Vika, tease Anton
D. Shame and try to convince Vika to return the ruler
D. Seek help from adults.

3. Training : negative action and decent behavior. Two people are invited - the first draws out the task situation, and the second finds a quick and the right decision to resolve the situation.

1. Hey, kid, pick up the piece of paper!
2. Hey, kid, give me five rubles, it’s not enough for a pie.
3. Here, hide the backpack, let Tolik look, let’s have some fun in math!
4. Today we’re all going to wash away from the sixth lesson, okay?
5. Do you have a phone? Let me see. Nice pipe. It will be mine!!!
6. Why are you up here? I was the first to take this place!
7. Did you write your homework? Let me roll it.

– How can you evaluate the actions of the guys? What is good behavior?
– Can any of you admit to your negative actions? What would you like to change in your behavior?
– Action is the father of habit. Education of behavior begins with the ability to evaluate, control, finally correct oneself, and take responsibility. Shouldn't you think about the fact that you have already reached the age when a person is able to grow within himself? well-mannered person?

– Do you agree to choose decent behavior, monitor your actions, work on yourself? Then let's grow everything good and worthy - and whoever agrees with me, let him help the flower on the board bloom.
Final word from the teacher: “You live among people. Don't forget that your every action, every your wish affects the people around you. Check your actions by asking yourself: are you doing harm or inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.” ()

Goals and objectives

- teach children to manage their emotions.


Set of pictograms “Human Mood”.

Class progress

Teacher's opening speech

Teacher. Look at the pictograms. What do they mean? (Person's mood) What do you think we will talk about today? We will learn to manage our emotions. Why do you need to be able to manage your emotions? (Children's answers.)

Psychological studies on the expression of emotions


The teacher reads a poem, and the children depict the emotion of surprise.


Go find out

Go figure

What happened to the guy

Eight years old?

He all in one unfortunate day

Almost brought me to tears

His name is - he stands like a stump,

It's like he's grown into the ground.

- Watch out, don’t drink raw water! —

A neighbor advises.

One glass, then a second

Andryusha drinks in response.

Go find out

Go figure

What happened to the guy

Eight years old?

“You’ll come for dinner at three o’clock,”

His mother told him.

He muttered: “I know myself...

And he showed up at five.

- Well, what’s wrong with you, Andryushenka?

And the son confessed to her:

- When I don't listen to you,

I look more mature!

A. Barto

Questions for discussion:

— Do you agree with Andryusha?

— What reaction did the boy’s behavior cause?

— How can adulthood manifest itself?



And you commit

Merry miracle -

The floor sparkled

The dishes are shining!

And my mother gasped,

Back home:

- Yes, it’s like in a fairy tale...

You are my wizard!

S. Pogorelovsky

Questions for discussion:

- Who do you think is enjoying it? (Imama and son.) Why?



Sasha's eyes are big

But they are very short-sighted.

The doctor prescribed him glasses

According to the rules of science.

But about the glasses for all the guys

It became known immediately.

They shout to him: “Why

Do you have four eyes?

Sasha, Sasha is a diver!

You have two pairs of eyes.

Only you, bespectacled,

Don’t brag about glass.”

Sasha cried with shame,

I buried my nose in the wall.

“No,” he says, “never.”

I won't wear glasses!

S. Marshak

Questions for discussion:

Why do you think Sasha is hurt and offended?

Are the boys doing the right thing?



If a crappy fighter hits

Weak boy

I don't want that

Even put it in a book!

V. Mayakovsky

Questions for discussion:

- In what situations do we experience disgust and contempt?

— Do you always need to show these emotions?



Once upon a time on the lawn

Two goats got into a fight.

We fought for fun

Not out of malice.

One of them is quietly

Kicked a friend

The other one is easy

Butted a friend.

One kicked a friend

A little stronger

Another butted a friend

A little more painful.

One got excited

He kicked as hard as he could!

Another with his horns

Got it under the belly!

V. Lifshits

Questions for discussion:

— What emotions do the characters in this poem experience? (Anger, malice)

- What can anger lead to?

- Why do you need to be able to manage this emotion?


Fear scared me so much

In the darkness at the gate,

That I shouted in fright “Ah!”

Quite the opposite.

I shouted "Ha!" - and instantly Fear

Huddled under the fence...

He chickened out himself! And the word “Ah!”

I've forgotten since then!

G. Semenov

Questions for discussion:

— What emotion does the emotion of fear turn into?

— How do you overcome fears?



Vitya offended the baby,

But in front of the school in the ranks

Vitya asks:


I admit my mistake."

The teacher came to class

He put the magazine on the table.

Next is Vitya:


I'm a little late."

The debate has been going on in class for a long time,

Is Vitya polite or not?

Find out about our dispute

And tell us the answer.

A. Antonov

Questions for discussion:

- What do you think, is Vitya polite or not?

— How did Vitya express the emotion of guilt?

- Do you think they believed him?

Summing up

Teacher. Why does a person need to be able to manage his emotions?

Children come to the conclusion that the inability to restrain themselves, susceptibility to anger and fear prevent a person from establishing relationships with others, achieving success in life, being self-confident, and happy.

Class hour

“Behavior during conflict?”

1 .We came in - we take it at the entranceHearts (yellow and green)

Yellow – internal Green – external (opposite each other)

2 . "Circle"

Outer circle(green) Step right - say hello!

Step right - smile!


We sat down in groups (by color and number)

Before you find out the topic of our class hour, listen to the parable

"Father and Son"

Once upon a time there lived a very hot-tempered and unrestrained young man.

He had no friends, because he quarreled with everyone all the time. The young man came to his father and said: “Father, why isn’t anyone friends with me?”

The old man gave him a bag of nails and punished him to drive one nail into a fence post every time he could not control his anger and offended someone.

On the first day there were several dozen nails in the pillar. The next week he learned to control his anger, and every day the number of nails hammered into the pillar began to decrease. The young man realized that it was easier to control his temperament than to drive nails.

Finally the day came when he never lost his temper. He told his father about this and he said that this time every day, when his son manages to restrain himself, he can pull out one nail from the pillar.

Time passed, and the day came when he could inform his father that there was not a single nail left in the pillar. Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence:

- You did well, but do you see how many holes there are in the pillar? He will never be the same again. When you say something evil to a person, he is left with the same scar as these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after this, the scar will remain.

How many of you have had a lot of conflicts lately? Who offended whom? (Hammering nails - the nail was taken out, but the mark remained )

Conclusion : Yes, indeed, all people are different. Not only our age, gender, appearance can be different. Therefore, it is not surprising that we perceive the same things and phenomena differently.

In joint activities there is the opinion of at least two parties and opinions that do not always coincide.

What do you think might lead to a difference of opinion?

(assumptions of participants)

You're right we're talking about about the conflict.

Is this topic relevant for our class?

Today we will try to understand what “conflict” is and you will get the opportunity to learn how to behave in conflict situation.

4 . “Working with the CONCEPT OF “CONFLICT”” by groups

Let's split into creative groups and work with the concepts

close to the term “Conflict”

1 group

2nd group

will explain who we call“a conflicted person

Choose synonyms for the word“conflict.”

3 group

Explains what we call "conflict situation »


Group 1 will explain who we call“a conflicted person ”?

Group 2 will choose a synonym for the word“conflict”.

Group 3 will explain what we call “conflict situation »

Conclusion: Conflict this is a conflict of interests , which gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people .

And, as in any conflict, there are no winners in the conflict. As a rule, bad things happen to everyone.


Science studies people's behavior in conflict situations.conflictology .

Now I will tell you about conflict resolution strategies.

WITH strategy - This yoursbehavior , Forachievements theirgoals .

There are only 4 of them:






There are always at least two sides to a conflict. The resolution of this conflict depends on whether the conflicting parties are ready to meet each other halfway. We will find a way out of a conflict situation using one of the strategies.

I suggest you play the game “ Contacts and conflicts” .

Solving situations .

Situation 1.Nadya prepared for the test for a long time and thoroughly, and prepared well. Natasha did not prepare for the test. During test work Nadya and Natasha have one option. Natasha asks Nadya to give her the opportunity to write off her decision. Nadya is offended; she prepared for a long time and put a lot of effort into writing the test well. What is the right thing for Nadya to do?

1) Let it be written off.

2) Say that she didn’t solve it herself (although Nadya did solve the problem).

3) Tell her to think for herself.

4) Suggest the course of the solution, but do not give the solution itself.

Situation 1. (discussion 2 min.)One of your classmates deliberately pushed you and knocked you down. What will you do?
1) you will cry;2) complain to the teacher;3) hit him;4) reprimand him;5) you can have your opinion.

Situation 3.Before going to bed you play for a long time computer games. It captivates you so much that you can’t tear yourself away and go to bed. Because of this you have a conflict with your parents . What to do?

You all behaved differently.


As we see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, butreasons everyone has similar ones

Name the causes of conflicts: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.On the board


Mismatch of goals and desires.

Disrespect for others

Inability to communicate

What do conflicts bring to a person’s life? Benefit or harm?

What is the harm of conflicts?

Firstly, human dignity suffers from conflicts. Secondly, for every minute of conflict there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when work does not go well, and in general everything falls out of hand. Thirdly, physical health suffers - the nerves, heart, and blood vessels are affected.

Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such conflicts. Correct behavior during conflict will preserve your health and make not only you, but also others, calmer and happier.


A conflict, like a disease, is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences later. Read the conflict prevention rules. (slide 7)

Rules conflict prevention:

    Try to live in such a way that people around you feel good.

    In a dispute, be restrained and tactful.

    Learn to cooperate, negotiate, give in, find a compromise.

    The main thing is to treat people the way you want to be treated.


Here, in the chest "C"parts ", there is a small gift for each of you. And remember: nothing is accidental. What your gift says is meant for you.

(Everyone finds a piece of paper with a wish written on the back.


To control the situation, you need to remain calm.

In a dispute, be able to listen to your interlocutor to the end

Respect other people's feelings

Any problem can be solved.

Be attentive to the people you communicate with.

Don't be angry, smile.

Start your day with a smile.

Be confident.

Open your heart and the world will open its arms.

Take a look at your abuser - maybe he just needs your help

Be charming and kind.

Apologize if you're wrong.

Don't forget to express your gratitude.

Keep your promises.

Be able to put yourself in the place of another, sympathize, and come to an agreement.

Don't constantly criticize others

Listen carefully to other people's opinions

Learn to give in to each other; they don’t always insist on their own.

In a dispute, be restrained and tactful

Treat people the way you want to be treated

Avoid conflicts, quarrels, and do not commit rash acts.

10. Reflection

At the beginning of our conversation, we stood in a circle. I propose that we conclude our communication in a now friendly circle.

Stand in 2 circles: outer and inner. Facing each other.

Outer circle (green)

Everyone wants to become a little better. Everyone knows this for themselves

One of the ways is the ability to give compliments. Let's learn to say nice words to each other.

Step right - thank each other for communicating!

A step to the right is a compliment!

Step right - hug!


Teacher : Guys, let's summarize the lesson.

Let's remember whatadachi put:

1. Find out what conflict is?

2. How to behave in a conflict situation. (We have learned to resolve conflicts through compromise, concession, cooperation, humor)

Teacher : Do you think your new knowledge will help you avoid conflicts?


Remember - the person who is next to you is different from you. This does not mean that he is worse than you: he is just different, with his own individual characteristics, with their own strengths and weaknesses of personality

Life cannot be lived without conflicts, but reasonable, cultured person will always be able to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements, flexibly using various strategies.

And in order not to make a mistake in choosing a behavior strategy, you need life experience, wisdom and knowledge. I hope you gained some of this knowledge during today’s hour of communication.

End our conversation I want wordsMaxim Gorky :

"If you want good people around you, good people, try to treat them attentively, kindly, politely - you will see that everyone will become better. Everything in life depends on you...”

Class topic: Learn to manage yourself (Staging)

Target: contribute to the realization of unclaimed reserves of the body of adolescents, improving their health.


Vasya, 10th grade student.

Positive attitude towards life.

Smart lifestyle.

Vasya(lying on the sofa). I'm tired of this whole life. It’s the same thing: at school - the teachers are itching, at home - the parents are pestering, in the party - the same stupid conversations. Darkness and hopelessness, the mood is at zero. I don’t want to do anything, I would lie on the couch all day and spit at the ceiling. (Turns on the TV.)

TV(in the cheerful voice of the announcer). Friends! How wonderful it is to realize that you are alive, and for that reason alone to experience happiness! We have priceless gifts: with the brain - to think, dream, with the eyes - to see beautiful nature, beautiful faces, with the ear - to hear music, birdsong, the rustle of grass. We can create, move, love, get a lot of pleasure from life, and the only question is whether we can notice, feel, and rejoice in all this.

Vasya(turning off the TV). Again they are spreading some nonsense in the box. It's disgusting to listen to. If a person were a self-adjusting system, like the computers of the future, half of the problems would be solved. And in order to get away from depression, how many guys are now hooked on drugs! There is nothing to be happy about, everything is disgusting, everything hurts. I’d better sleep before my parents come home from work.

He turns to the wall and falls asleep.

Inner voice #2. And most importantly, he does not try to get out of the vicious circle, because no one taught him this. We should help him, because he is very young and still full of strength. Let's call the two Main Supports in life. They, like visions, will appear to Vasya in a dream and explain everything.

The Main Supports appear: A positive attitude towards life and a Reasonable lifestyle.

My young friend! Understand that you are not living, but functioning joylessly and in the bustle you don’t notice how the days, months, years fly by. Instead of treating your troubles with humor, you experience them painfully, accumulate discontent and resentment, which is why you suffer first of all yourself. But troubles and contradictions in life are the norm of life; they should not take up more space in our minds than they are worth. “Humor is the salt of life,” said Karel Capek, “whoever is better salted will endure longer.” The main wisdom is to enjoy every moment. This wisdom does not come immediately, but you must strive for it, then despondency will never overtake you. Let's try to see if you can find joy in this situation: early morning, Monday, alarm clock rings, time to get up and go to school.

Vasya(in a dream). Can you be happy about this? But by the way... Why not try to become different, people will be surprised. I'll have to start smiling more often and pretending to be cool less. After all, there is some excitement in it!

Positive attitude towards life. Quite the right decision. Make sure you don't forget about him when you wake up.

Positive attitude towards life. In addition to mental self-hypnosis, there is another way of self-defense from negative emotions- muscle relaxation with physical exercise. Among human ancestors, strong emotions were always followed by intense physical activity: they defended themselves, attacked or ran away. U modern man suppressed anger is directed inside the body, having an excessive effect on internal organs, therefore, any experiences of difficult situations are associated with a deterioration in well-being.

Vasya(in a dream). This means that in class, after a conflict with the teacher, you need to raise your hand and say: “Maria Ivanovna, let me go to the gym, do I need muscle relaxation?” Yes, she will immediately send me to the director, and she will go get validol, although she should also go to the gym!

Positive attitude towards life. Vasya, firstly, I hope that you have not forgotten about your intentions to stop getting into trouble, and secondly, if such an opportunity suddenly happens, this does not mean that you need to run somewhere: it is quite enough to start cutting back alternately , for example, the calf muscles. By the way, a person clenches and unclenches his fists precisely in a conflict situation, thereby subconsciously relieving tension.

Smart lifestyle. I hope that I managed to convince you a little that you need to approach life joyfully. Life is the greatest value in all its manifestations, and full life unthinkable without health. Socrates said that a person’s body does not get sick separately and independently of his soul, which means that a person’s physical and mental health are closely interconnected. Each person can learn to consciously influence their health, timely and constantly restore physical, mental and spiritual vitality.

Vasya(in a dream). Well, now there will be talk about a healthy lifestyle again. They tell us about this in every biology lesson, but we still don’t listen to anything. Adults say one thing, but they themselves drink, smoke, eat whatever they like, and watch all sorts of crap on TV all night long.

Smart lifestyle. Each of us has freedom of choice, and the more a person knows, the more free he is in his choice, the more consciously he does it. I want you, for example, to know that, according to scientists, in addition to night sleep, a person should devote about three hours every day to his health and rest. Most of this time should be devoted to physical activity, reasonable nutrition, hardening, and being in nature.

Vasya(in a dream). Where can I get the time and energy? And so you can barely move your legs from fatigue, and then you have to strain for an additional three hours! I don’t even make my bed so I can come home from school and collapse on my bed.

Smart lifestyle. The trick is that the less you move, the faster you get tired from the slightest exertion. Try to get up half an hour earlier tomorrow, warm up with dumbbells to any music, take a shower before leaving the house, forget about the elevator and not ride on a crowded bus, but walk. I assure you that you will not come to class sluggish and relaxed, as always, but cheerful enough, and you will be able to effectively perceive the teacher’s explanations.

Vasya(in a dream). Okay, let's start new life, then in everything. In the end, I will always have time to quit. In general, I heard that there are other methods of unloading, besides these well-known ones.

Smart lifestyle. Indeed, they exist. One of them is muscle relaxation, with the help of which you can improve your psyche and body. By relaxing your muscles, you give your entire body complete rest, get rid of various pains, and eliminate many mental complexes. Remember the tense faces of people in transport - wrinkled foreheads, tightly compressed mouths, and learn to “unwrinkle”: slightly open your teeth and lips, smile with your eyes - a completely different face! I remember you were worried that a person is not a self-adjusting system, and so the ancient Indian system of gymnastic exercises, yoga, is built on muscle relaxation, having mastered it, you can learn self-regulation techniques and take a step forward in your psychophysical improvement.

Vasya(in a dream). Yes, I know that yoga can achieve amazing results. There was a guy in our company who was so interested in this gymnastics that everything in his life improved: his relationships with his parents, at school, and his studies became much better. In general, I trust ancient recipes for healing more than this modern one. healthy image life.

Smart lifestyle. I must tell you that ancient thinkers taught a healthy lifestyle. The great Hippocrates spoke about moderation in food, the uselessness of excessively long sleep and the harmfulness of lack of sleep, and the beneficial effects of physical activity, including walks in the fresh air. He had every reason to give advice on how to maintain health and lengthen his life, since he himself lived to be 92 years old, with the average life expectancy at that time being 25-35 years.

Vasya(in a dream). Look, everything is really like ours. But how can you explain such a story? One day, once again, I quarreled with everyone and I felt very bad. That day I passed by the theater, they offered me an extra ticket, and I bought it. The performance was very touching, and during the performance I had goosebumps all over my body and even tears appeared, although there was nothing tragic or terrible on stage. From this experience suddenly came a feeling of joy in life, I realized that everything would be fine.

Smart lifestyle. Well done, you accurately described the state that in psychology is called catharsis. It is defined as an emotional shock experienced by a person under the influence of works of art and nature. This is a great way to free yourself, to replace difficult, sometimes painful experiences with positive ones, and to achieve a state of internal relief. By creating conditions for sensual aesthetic release, you can regulate your well-being.

Vasya(in a dream). Catharsis is, of course, cool, it is sometimes necessary. You see, not only me, but also many of my friends live in constant tension, a state of anxiety, as if we were always expecting trouble, even if there is no reason for it.

Smart lifestyle. Before you get discouraged about the upcoming trouble, do the following:

1. Think about and clarify the upcoming situation for yourself as much as possible.

2. Having removed the disturbing factor of uncertainty, play your role in the faces.

3. After analyzing other similar situations, make a decision about what you can handle now.

4. Imagine how you will behave in case of collapse.

5. You cannot underestimate the situation, but there is no need to dramatize it too much. In any case, you must always remember that most events are insignificant compared to your opportunity to live, love, with the opportunity to change everything and start over.

Positive attitude towards life and smart lifestyle(in unison). Goodbye, Vasya. We will be glad to visit you again. Remember that the full life of any person is based on the law of the unity of physical and mental health. Organize yourself for the benefit of a long, fulfilling and desirable life, remember about your soul and body, do not let them be lazy.

Vasya(waking up). After all, you'll dream about such stupidity. But is it stupidity? What if I had the same epiphany as Mendeleev when he saw a table in a dream? I'll have to tell my friends. Well, they will laugh after all...

What if you try all this on yourself? I seem to remember everything, my head is clearer than ever. It was decided: in the end, I won’t lose anything from this, and maybe, on the contrary, I’ll gain.

Class hour “How to learn to manage yourself. Moral qualities. Actions in everyday life."

Objectives: To introduce students to the concept of a moral act;

learn to be polite, well-mannered, responsible for your actions, objectively evaluate your behavior, manage your actions;

develop the ability to analyze your actions, control your actions, and draw conclusions;

to cultivate a spiritually rich, highly moral personality, citizen, moral qualities of character and behavior, a desire to defend justice and honesty.

Progress of the event

1.Organization of the class. Greetings.

2. Determination of the goals and objectives of the class hour.

Today in class we will talk about what helps a person feel comfortable in society. Let us remember the golden rule of morality. About what behavior is worthy of respect and how to live, guided by the rules of public life.

The topic of our class hour is encrypted on the board:

start acc oyobs avlyauprt - how to learn to manage yourself.

Now let's play the Microphone game. (Children are asked to answer questions)

What is the difference between a team and a group of people?

What achievements can our team be proud of?

From the lesson I expect...

In class I want to find out...

3. Work on the content of the event.


-We all want to live among educated people, and we ourselves want to be educated. Let's try together to clear up the qualities that are inherent in a well-mannered person:

(work in groups)














-Having listed all the qualities that distinguish a well-mannered person, let’s remember and golden rule morality. First of all, tell me, what is morality? (Children's answers. Vocabulary work over the word morality.)

Morality is the most valuable moral truth that humanity has created during its existence. The rule of morality is called the norm of norms: we must demand from ourselves what we demand from others. This norm is a sample of relations between people, and this sample is mandatory. (Children explain the meaning of this rule)

When performing a certain action, compare yourself with other people. Think about what you would expect from others in a given situation. And do so! I suggest that we create a “Class Code of Morals” together. (Children explain the meaning of this word)

The rules are written on the cards.

(Children fill them in with the missing words, working in pairs.)

Work on the table on the board.

Everyone in the class should feel safe, so no one should fight or bully anyone. Aggression is a sign of weakness.

Everyone in the class is equal regardless of financial status, nationality, gender, race or beliefs.

Everyone has the right to a name and must address others only by name.

No one should feel humiliated or insulted. No one should come up with offensive nicknames or nicknames.

Everyone must respect the right to property and not take other people’s things without permission, take them away, break them, hide them, damage them, or throw them away. School property also requires respect.

No one should be afraid to express their point of view on any issue and be ridiculed. Dissent is not a crime.

Be a person who is responsible for your actions and words. Don't lie, always tell the truth. Don't brag, especially about things that aren't your own doing.

Don't talk about a person behind his back. Tell your classmate everything directly, and not in the ear of a friend or friend.

Cherish the honor of the class, the gymnasium, try to defend and increase it.

Respect the opinions of your elders, be able to listen and understand them.

(These rules are posted in the classroom corner)

4. Physical education minute.

5.Continuation of work on the topic of the class hour.


I want to list the qualities of two people. Try to characterize them.

1. Nervous, unrestrained, aggressive, selfish, petty, soulless, grumpy, gloomy, ruthless, angry. (Conflict person)

2. Calm, self-possessed, intelligent, attentive, generous, warm-hearted, sincere, merciful, polite, humane. (A conflict-free person)

What kind of person do you want to grow up to be?

How to avoid becoming conflicted? (Children show through pantomime: don’t get excited, don’t get excited, control yourself.)

Remember that restraint is the best style of behavior. Guess what helps to untie any complex knots of problems in a relationship? (The Riddle of Kindness)

6.Result of the event.


-Let's try to untie the knots of human relationships. (There are knots on the strings with tips)

1. Argue, but don't quarrel.

2. Discuss, but do not stipulate.

3.Eradicate the phrases “You always...”

4. Forget what happened yesterday, don’t accumulate anger to the last drop.

5. Cool down. Take a deep breath, count to 10, don't breathe, and then

6. Know how to put yourself in someone else’s place.

7. Affirm not your own - I, but justice.

8. In misfortune, look not for truth, but for agreement.

9. Argue less, create more.

10. Always be mutually polite.

We have untied all the knots. I hope that the relationships in our class will become even stronger, friendly, and respectful. And no difficult situations or problems will tie new knots in our relationships.

Remember that a person begins with goodness. But a real person is a kind, wise, sincere, generous, bright person who knows how to love and sympathize, protect and care, respect and advise. This is a person with a kind heart and a bright soul.

There is a lot of good and kindness in each of us. Try to continue to cherish and increase these good deeds. So that your face is always happy that you have done good. May the smile never disappear on your face!

There are 365 days in a year.

Every day has 24 hours.

There are 60 minutes in an hour.

That means there are 525,600 minutes in a year. How much time we have for good deeds! (Children sing the song “Dear Good”)

This class hour was held in 3rd grade. Now these children are already in 4th grade.

One of the main tasks facing the class teacher is the formation of a class team, as favorable environment development and life activity of schoolchildren and education in children of moral qualities of character and behavior. Therefore, this class hour was thematic and was part of the system of class hours held in elementary school.

The form of conducting this class hour was chosen great team under the guidance of a teacher. Children took an active part in its preparation and implementation. The result was the development of a “Class Moral Code” by all students. The children accepted the rules of behavior in