Short stories about joy in life. Short stories for the soul - small emotional stories with meaning

It was twelve o'clock at night. Mitya Kuldarov, excited and disheveled, rushed into his parents’ apartment and quickly walked through all the rooms. The parents had already gone to bed. My sister lay in bed and finished reading the last page of the novel. The schoolboy brothers were sleeping. - Where are you from? - The parents were surprised. - What's wrong with you? - Oh, don't ask! I never expected it! No, I never expected it! This... this is even incredible! Mitya laughed and sat down in a chair, unable to stand on his feet with happiness. - This is incredible! You can't imagine! Look! The sister jumped out of bed and, throwing a blanket over herself, went up to her brother. The high school students woke up. - What's wrong with you? You have no face! - It’s me with joy, mom! After all, now all of Russia knows me! All! Previously, only you alone knew that the collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov existed in this world, but now all of Russia knows about it! Mother! Oh my God! Mitya jumped up, ran around all the rooms and sat down again. - What happened? Speak clearly! “You live like wild animals, you don’t read newspapers, you don’t pay any attention to publicity, but there are so many wonderful things in newspapers!” If anything happens, everything is known now, nothing can be hidden! How happy I am! Oh my God! After all, only about famous people They publish it in the newspapers, but then they published it about me!- What you? Where? Papa turned pale. Mother looked at the image and crossed herself. The schoolchildren jumped up and, as they were, in only short nightgowns, approached their older brother. - Yes, sir! They published about me! Now all of Russia knows about me! You, mother, hide this number as a souvenir! We'll read sometimes. Look! Mitya pulled out a copy of the newspaper from his pocket, handed it to his father and pointed his finger at the place circled with a blue pencil.- Read! Father put on his glasses. - Read it! Mother looked at the image and crossed herself. Dad coughed and began to read: “On December 29, at eleven o’clock in the evening, collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov... - Do you see, do you see? Further! registrar Dmitry Kuldarov, leaving the porterhouse on Malaya Bronnaya, in Kozikhin’s house, and being in a drunken state... - This is me and Semyon Petrovich... Everything is described down to the subtleties! Carry on! Further! Listen! ...and being in a drunken state, he slipped and fell under the horse of a cab driver standing there, a peasant from the village. Durykina, Yukhnovsky district, Ivan Drotov. The frightened horse, stepping over Kuldarov and dragging through him the sleigh with the Moscow merchant Stepan Lukov of the second guild in it, rushed down the street and was detained by the street cleaners. Kuldarov, initially in an unconscious state, was taken to the police station and examined by a doctor. The blow he received to the back of the head... “I’ll hit it on the shaft, dad.” Further! Read on! ...which he received on the back of the head is classified as light. A report has been drawn up about the incident. The victim received medical assistance." “They told me to soak the back of my head with cold water.” Have you read it now? A? That's it! Now it has spread all over Russia! Give it here! Mitya grabbed the newspaper, folded it and put it in his pocket. - I’ll run to the Makarovs, I’ll show them... I also need to show the Ivanitskys, Natalia Ivanovna, Anisim Vasilich... I’ll run! Farewell! Mitya put on a cap with a cockade and, triumphant and joyful, ran out into the street.

The father had three daughters. So they grew up and each chose a groom according to her heart.
The eldest daughter always believed that the main thing in life was money and wealth. And when a rich groom in the city approached her, she accepted his proposal without hesitation, and her father blessed them.
The middle daughter was domineering and proud, even in childhood she was teased by the “commander”, and when the lord of order wooed her, she willingly accepted his proposal, and the father blessed the middle daughter.
And the youngest was her father’s favorite, she rejoiced every day, woke up with the sunrise and ran into the garden to enjoy the singing of birds, touch the soft grass with her bare feet and enjoy the morning coolness of the dew, the murmuring of the stream and the aroma of flowers.
And then all day long, working in the garden and in the field, she indulged in dreams and enjoyed life.
The father's heart rejoiced looking at her, and he did not want to let go of his treasure early.
Once a tired traveler decided to spend the night in the garden; he lay down on the soft silky grass, and sleep closed his eyes. And in the morning the youngest found him there, she picked a blade of grass and began to tickle the traveler’s cheek and neck to wake him up, laughing merrily at the same time. But instead of getting angry, the young man woke up and laughed and began to run after the youngest throughout the garden, and when he caught her, he said that he had walked many miles in search of his bride, but he had never met a more cheerful and joyful person...
Soon the father blessed his youngest daughter.
One day a disease passed by the city. She went into the house eldest daughter and saw how she angrily demanded money from her rich husband for sweets and whims for the children when he was caring for his yard purebred dogs at the kennel.
“I gave birth to children,” he was indignant, “and now feed this whole horde, there’s no way I can save you, give you this, give you that, you’ll ruin me!”
Illness heard such words and took the children to the eldest. She grieved and was sad for a long time, and her husband still wouldn’t let her live because he spent money on doctors and a magnificent funeral, and she decided to return to her father.
But when she came to the porch of her home, she saw her middle sister. She complained about her domineering husband, that he did not give her peace, telling her what to do and how to live, and he also fell ill, lost his position and the middle one lost all interest in him.
However, the father did not even let them into the door, saying that he did not force anyone into marriage, and each chose a husband to her liking and it was not suitable for married women to return to their parents’ house while their husbands were alive.
The eldest and middle ones were lost in thought, but there was nothing to do, they turned back and saw the youngest. She walked hugging her husband and children to visit her father, her husband was carrying a huge basket of various goodies, they all hummed cheerfully, anticipating a joyful meeting.
And then the sisters realized the reason for their troubles and illnesses. During their marriage, they never smiled, did not visit their father, there was no warmth or joy in them.


A warm and instructive tale. About the good and the eternal.
And as always, the youngest is the best of the sisters... What should we, the elders, do in this case? :)
Thank you, I had a lot of fun. And it’s very nice that people still remember the present. Good luck to you and all the best!

Thank you very much Ksenia! Everyone chooses for themselves, isn’t it true, and it’s not a matter of seniority at all :)) I’m very happy that someone else liked my fairy tales and perhaps found them useful;)).

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She sat on the windowsill and looked down. Thoughts flashed through my head, like in a silent movie - silently and abruptly. For some reason I wanted to take a cigarette and inhale the tobacco smoke. She probably knew that she would not get relief from this...

The hand reached for a cigarette. The flame from the lighter shot up in an uncontrollable stream. It fired. Suddenly there was an instant glow. And then he disappeared, lighting the hated cigarette. Having taken a drag, and really not experiencing pleasure, she continued to look at the smoldering spot.

This cigarette is the personification of her life. Beautiful packaging, like the beginning of a new life. As you grow older, signs of use appear, sometimes not even rationally. And then the ashes. And that's it... Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts... They rustled in my head like a swarm of wild, annoying bees. There was no escape from them. Why me? What have I done wrong before the Lord God that he punishes me like this?

How calm it was just recently. A small, inconspicuous point that no one knew about and no one saw. She barely felt it herself. And suddenly a diagnosis! And what a word - short, cruel, inexorable! What if it's a mistake? After all, they make mistakes, and quite often. But no, she re-read this piece of paper a thousand times. Maybe this fragment was taken from someone else's life and inserted into her life by mistake?

Diagnosis... Why now, when, one might say, she just felt a taste for this life? When did you begin to feel all the joys of life to the fullest? Why? Young! Beautiful! Healthy? And where was this sore hiding? After all, she waited at the most inopportune moment...

It always happens. Is there really a right moment for illness? When a person is happy, he does not notice the harbingers of trouble. In misfortunes, people dig, grind, savor and look for connections with all the little things. They seem to enjoy their grief, sifting their misfortunes through a sieve of troubles, and, in the end, they are left alone with their misfortunes.

The world is cruel. Happy people don't like losers. For the lucky ones, everything is different. They choose streets with multi-lane traffic so that everyone around them can see the completeness of their happiness. The unfortunate ones, on the contrary, walk along the streets where there are few people, and no one bothers them to “fiddle” with their unfortunate fate.

Thoughts were eating away at my brain and wanted to break out. What to do? Down, and then what? It’s scary to take sin on your soul, and the worst thing is, what happens next, after me? A lot of gossip, savoring someone else's life in small details, as if they had experienced it all themselves.

Stop!! The thought pierced like a spear. Unknown force I took my train of thought back. What stopped her?! And if it stopped, it meant for something. Yes, how did she not realize this before! It is stupid to consciously refuse what is given to you from above and, moreover, just once. Life! Live, love, rejoice, cry, give birth, suffer and live!

The cigarette flew down. Along the way she performed incredible somersaults. The eyes closely followed the flight. Probably, I wanted to calculate the trajectory of my failed flight. The fear flew away along with the cigarette. Thoughts gradually returned to normal. The heart began to beat its usual rhythm. There was also a release in the temples.

She stayed on this side of the window, breathed in more air and jumped off the windowsill. Outside the window the measured noise of the huge city continued, which was waiting for her with new life- that life that will flow with warm and soft light. She stopped in the middle of the room. A stream of fresh air rushed into the room from behind the curtains. Here it begins.

The clock continued to quietly tick the minutes of this now new life. Light and soft rays of the sun, together with a gentle wind, ran through her hair and descended on her pale skin. Every sensation in this unknown, new life was pleasant. One thing she knew for sure was that she would live it. Every day will be filled to capacity with everything: love, joy, passion.

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a ringing call. Its harsh sound didn't even seem unpleasant. She opened the door. A smiling boy stood on the threshold. He started chattering cheerfully, pronouncing his words unclearly. He wanted to tell about all the events experienced during the day, and do it literally in one minute. She gently interrupted him with a tender kiss. He looked surprised and stopped.

She grabbed him and pressed him to her, as if she wanted to protect him from everything outside world. This is happiness! How simple it is, and yet for some time she didn’t even realize how easy it was to lose it. The joy has begun. It even brought a lump to my throat. With difficulty overcoming herself, she laughed off the child’s questions. Now she knows why she is here...

Why are people happy? What influences them good mood? What could happen if one little fairy SUDDENLY stops doing her job? Read about this in our next fairy tale for children.

In one magical forest there lived a fairy. Small, with wings like a river dragonfly. She fluttered from flower to flower all day long, collecting pollen. And in the evening she scattered gold crumbs, saying:

- Fly, fly,
Give people joy!

And JOY flew down like golden rain. The one who received the magic crumb immediately began to smile, forgot about the troubles, forgave his offenders and did no harm himself. The sick person recovered, the tired person received a charge of vivacity. The birds pecked the gold crumbs like grains. The kids made Easter cakes from them in the sandbox, and the grandmothers baked pies. Many even went outside specially after lunch to collect more magic crumbs. Some with a cup, some with a basket, and some just in their pockets... They fell from the sky generously - there was enough for everyone.

This is how the forest fairy lived, bringing JOY to people. She worked conscientiously all day: in the morning she collected pollen, in the evening she scattered golden crumbs. She had no time to chat with the bees or dance around with the moths. I kept thinking about others, I didn’t have enough time for myself.

But one day black clouds hung over the city. And for some reason the golden crumbs stopped falling. Day, second, third... The week is coming to an end, but there are still no gold crumbs. People began to feel sad, quarrel with each other, harbor grudges... And all the children in the city began to cough sharply, and the old people’s temperature jumped. And there was no one to help them. After all, you can’t buy magic crumbs at the pharmacy...

What about our fairy? Have you really gotten lazy? Did you stop wanting to give people JOY? No, I didn’t want to. Our sorceress just got sick. She drank cold dew and came down with a sore throat. But on earth they didn’t know about this.

People reluctantly trudged home from work, tired and sad. And there was no one to cure them - to cheer them up with magic crumbs. The cats in the gateways fought and bit, the birds were silent. The children stopped laughing, and their cheerful voices could not be heard on the streets. In the evenings, a sticky fog descended on the City, cold rain drizzled, my feet got stuck in the mud... Melancholy, in a word...

Once upon a time there lived twins Tolya and Olya in this City. Children are like children: mischievous, nimble. They didn’t like that mom and dad stopped smiling, the cat didn’t jump on his knees, and the parrot in the cage neither eats nor drinks. We got worried... We started thinking about how to fix everything.

And then one day, Tolya and Olya had an amazing dream in which they saved a river dragonfly from a large voracious toad. She had already opened her mouth and was ready to swallow the winged beauty, when suddenly... She fell from a huge water lily leaf straight into the water. Upside down, upside down, legs behind your head... I even forgot in the confusion that I could swim! It was her brother and sister who shook her off the page. With bare hands. It's not scary in a dream! Only circles on the water remained. And a couple of large bubbles slowly crawled towards the shore. The dragonfly winked at them gratefully and flew away, fluttering from flower to flower, laughing like thousands of crystal bells. And immediately I became somehow JOIFIER. Brother and sister smiled and... Woke up! And the smiles on their lips remained shining.

Mom entered the room. Yes, she froze. Everything around turned out to be somehow extraordinary – JOYFUL. She smiled. And breakfast this morning seemed especially delicious to the whole family, and the weather outside was especially good, and the cat was especially affectionate, and dad was very smiling. And the parrot chirped - you will listen! Could a simple dream really create such magic? Or was it the smiles of Tolya and Olya that had such an effect on everyone? Maybe open the window? Let them fly! Everyone needs smiles!

The windows in the houses instantly sparkled. The doors stopped creaking. The birds chirped JOYFULLY and the cats purred. Heels clicked merrily on the stairs, kids trotted along the paths to the kindergarten without shedding a single tear, schoolchildren with backpacks on their backs skipped off to their lessons... The fog cleared, as if someone had swallowed it. Maybe a big toad? That's right - she is! There is no point in offending dragonflies, let them now feed on the mists! In the sky, arching its back, there was a rainbow. JOY spread everywhere! Like a big warm puddle after rain.

And a miracle happened: everyone around was smiling at each other! WE HAPPY the new day, enjoyed the rainbow and happily went about our business, forgetting about sadness, irritation and illness. And what wonderful clouds floated across the sky - a sight for sore eyes!

The little forest fairy sipped linden tea in her violet house and didn’t cough at all. Now she won’t have to work from morning until late at night to collect gold crumbs for people. Now they themselves have learned to fight sadness, to ENJOY the sun and each other, and all the fog was eaten by a large toad.

If suddenly you see dragonflies circling over a water lily flower, take a closer look... Maybe our fairy JOY is among them?

Dear readers! Did your baby like our fairy tale? Maybe you would like to draw a portrait of the Fairy of Joy or come up with a continuation of the fairy tale together with your child? We are waiting for your comments.

Send children's drawings to: [email protected], we will be happy to publish the best ones.