Luxembourg important information briefly. Full description of Luxembourg


When Count Siegfried built his Little Fortress - Lisilinburg in 963, he hardly knew that he was creating the cradle of one of the smallest, but most amazing and rich countries in the world - the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The tiny territory of this European state contains many natural, historical and cultural values. Amazing landscapes, ancient castles, picturesque rivers, surrounded by valleys with wonderful vineyards where excellent wines are produced. Beautiful cozy cities with museums, galleries and restaurants famous for their culinary masterpieces. Luxembourg is a country where impeccable quality is valued above all else, and above all, quality of life. Maybe that’s why the people of Luxembourg chose the slogan: “We want to remain who we are” as the country’s motto.

Geographical location
Luxembourg is located in Western Europe, covering an area of ​​approximately 2,586 km². It is part of the Benelux countries and borders Belgium, Germany and France, and in the east the state border runs along the Moselle River. The country's population is 502.2 thousand people, and administratively Luxembourg is divided into 3 districts (Luxembourg, Diekirsch, Grevenmacher), which, in turn, are divided into 12 cantons.

Luxembourg has a moderate, mild climate, exposed to the Atlantic, with an average temperature in January of 0 - 1 degree, in July + 18-20 degrees. Precipitation occurs mainly in late summer, and is more abundant in the north.

A little history
The name of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg comes from the High German "lucilinburch", meaning "small town". The first human settlements on the territory of the duchy appeared 35,000 years ago, which is confirmed by ancient artifacts found in the town of Otringen. In the I-VI centuries. BC The territory of Luxembourg was inhabited by Gauls, then it was part of the Roman Empire, and in the 6th century. The Franks settled here. Since the 7th century, when the population of Luxembourg was converted to Christianity, the state was alternately part of Austrasia, the Holy Roman Empire, Lorraine, and in 963, after this territory gained independence, Count Siegfried built a fortified castle here - Lisilinburg (Small Fortress) , which laid the foundation for the state. In 1354, the County of Luxembourg became a duchy, which in 1477 passed to the Habsburg dynasty and then to Spain. Then the state was dominated by France several times, but in 1815 the Congress of Vienna granted Luxembourg the status of a Grand Duchy with Willem at its head. During the First World War, Luxembourg remained neutral; during the Second World War, the country was occupied by Germany. Liberation came in 1944, and in the same year Luxembourg entered into an economic union with Belgium and the Netherlands - Benelux, and in 1957 became a member of the European Union. On June 14, 1995, Luxembourg became the site of another important event. In the southeast of the country, in the town of Schengen, or rather, on the pleasure ship “Princess Maria Astrid” on the Moselle River, the Schengen Agreement was signed. Today, Luxembourg has a constitutional monarchy headed by Grand Duke Henri.

Undoubtedly, Luxembourg cuisine is influenced by French and German culinary traditions, but the cuisine of the Grand Duchy also has many of its own signature recipes that come from ancient centuries. Thanks to the wonderful natural features, the dishes here are prepared from selected local products, among which meat dishes come first. The famous Ardennes ham, jellied suckling pigs, smoked pork with beans, roast hare in Luxembourg style, the national dish - bunschlupp (soup with bacon, green beans and potatoes). These dishes are usually served with delicious vegetable side dishes, potatoes and herbs. Luxembourg is also famous for its fish dishes - for example, excellent trout, pike and crayfish from local rivers. The baked goods are also incredibly tasty - muffins, pies with fruit fillings, many varieties of cakes and cookies. Among the famous drinks is Luxembourg blackcurrant liqueur, which is prepared according to ancient recipes. And by the way, Luxembourg, like Belgium, is the country where the largest number of gourmet restaurants awarded with Michelin stars is concentrated. In addition, Luxembourg is the founder of the Culinary World Cup (Expogast Culinary World Cup Luxemburg), which is held in the duchy every four years.

Mosel wines
Speaking about the cuisine of Luxembourg, one cannot help but recall the wines, famous throughout Europe, made from grapes in the Moselle River valley. The bulk of the vineyards are located on a vast area of ​​almost 1,500 hectares, between Schengen and Wasserbillig, where only white grape varieties are grown, from which dry, aromatic wines are made. The most common grape variety is Rivaner, as well as Elbing, Riesling, Auxerrois, Pinot Gris. Fruit wines are made from the Müller-Thurgau grapes, sparkling and sparkling wines from Elbing, light, refined dry wines from Riesling, soft, mainly citrus-flavoured wines from Auxerrois, aromatic, velvety and harmonious wines from Pinot Grigio.

Sights of Luxembourg
The tiny territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is famous not only for its picturesque landscapes, but for many other attractions:
Casemates- a unique complex of tunnels and underground passages, the construction of which lasted from the times of the Roman Empire until the 18th century, and which brought Luxembourg the glory of “the Gibraltar of the north.
Palace of the Grand Dukes (Groussherzogleche Palais)- a majestic palace, the official residence of the Grand Duke, was built in 1572-73 as the city hall. Today, the palace hosts official ceremonies, political conferences and audiences.
Notre Dame Cathedral- a 17th-century cathedral built in the late Gothic style with Renaissance elements. The cathedral hosts an annual celebration in honor of the Holy Virgin of Luxembourg.
National Museum of History and Art- a historical, archaeological and art museum showcasing a collection of works of art and artifacts from all eras of Luxembourg history.
City of Echternach- one of the most beautiful and ancient cities in Luxembourg, with more than a thousand years of history. Among its attractions are the Church of St. Peter and Paul (XIII century), the Basilica of St. Willibror (XVI-XVIII centuries), the ruins of the old fortress walls of the city, as well as the famous Wolf Mouth Canyon.
Luxembourg Switzerland (Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise)- an amazing region in the eastern part of the Duchy, located on the border with Switzerland and similar to it in its natural landscapes.
Beaufort Castle- an ancient castle located in the east of the country, in the vicinity of the town of the same name. Beaufort Castle rises on a picturesque hill and dates back to the 11th-12th centuries. The ancient castle houses a prison and torture chamber with many terrible weapons, and the main tower offers stunning panoramic views of Beaufort.
Bourscheid Castle- a 15th-century castle located in the town of Esch-sur-sur, on a steep cliff, offering a breathtaking panorama of the surroundings of the Sur River.
Schengen castle- the castle, located in the town of Schengen, was built in 1390. In 1871, Victor Hugo visited here, who made a drawing of the castle, which is stored in the State Museum of Luxembourg. Currently, congresses and seminars are held at Schengen Castle.
Haute-Sure National Park- a magnificent natural park-reserve with an area of ​​more than 183 km2. The vast area of ​​the park contains a variety of native flora and fauna. The picturesque Lake Upper Sur is also located here.

January 1 - New Year
January 6 - Epiphany (Dräikinneksdag)
early February - Carnival (Fuesent)
February 18 - Celebration of the arrival of spring Burgsonndeg
March 13 - Burgsonndeg fire festival
March 28 - Easter holiday Eimaischen
May 1 - Labor Day
May 15 - Festival of the First Flowers (Genzefest)
May 21 - Feast of Saint Willaibrord - patron saint of Luxembourg
June 23 - Grand Duke's Birthday
December 25 - Christmas

The historical region of Luxembourg exceeded the modern borders of the Grand Duchy, it also included the province of the same name in Belgium and small areas neighboring countries. Now the country is a “triangle” (2586 km²) in the center Western Europe, bordering France, Belgium and Germany.

Most of the territory is located at an altitude of 300 to 500 m above sea level. Northern part of the country, Essling (Oesling), located on the spurs of the Ardennes and Rhine slate mountains. The relief of Essling is like a mosaic: wooded interfluve ridges, undulating foothills, river valleys. To the south, the mountains drop off sharply, forming very rugged terrain in the central part of the country. Extreme southern part of Luxembourg, Gutland (Gutland.), is a low hilly plain that gradually descends in stepped ridges from west to east towards the Moselle wine valley.

The climate of Luxembourg is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. Winter is mild, the average temperature in January is from 0 to 2 °C, in July -17 °C. There is quite a lot of precipitation - 700-850 mm per year.

The rivers belong mainly to the Moselle river basin. Forests, mostly beech and oak, occupy more than a third of the country's territory. No wonder Luxembourg at the end of the 18th century early XIX centuries was part of France under the name "Forest Department" (Forkt).


  • II century The Romans captured the territory of the Celtic Treveri tribe.
  • V century The territory of Luxembourg was conquered by the Franks. Later it became part of Charlemagne's empire.
  • XI century Conrad I assumed the title of Count of Luxembourg and became the founder of a dynasty that ruled until the 14th century. 1244. The city of Luxembourg received municipal rights. 1437. The duchy came into possession of the Habsburgs.
  • 1443. Luxembourg was captured by the Duke of Burgundy.
  • 1477. Habsburg power restored.
  • 1555. The duchy went to the Spanish king Philip II and, together with Holland and Flanders, came under Spanish rule.
  • XVII century Luxembourg was repeatedly involved in wars between Spain and France.
  • 1713. After long wars, Luxembourg came under the rule of the Austrian Habsburgs.
  • 1815. The Congress of Vienna created the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and gave it to King William I of the Netherlands.
  • 1830. Belgium, which belonged to William I, rebelled, Luxembourg joined it, with the exception of the capital, which was held by a Prussian garrison.
  • 1831. The Great Powers proposed dividing Luxembourg. Its western (Francophone) part became a province of independent Belgium.
  • 1867. According to the agreement of the London Conference, the Prussian garrison was withdrawn and the fortress was liquidated. The independence and neutrality of Luxembourg are proclaimed. The throne of the Grand Duchy remained with the Nassau dynasty.
  • 1890. After the death of William III, the personal union of the Grand Duke with the Netherlands was interrupted (his daughter Wilhelmina inherited the Dutch throne). The Grand Duchy went to another branch of the House of Nassau; Grand Duke Adolf became the ruler of Luxembourg.
  • 1905-1912. Reign of William, son of Adolf.
  • 1912-1919. Reign of Grand Duchess Maria Adelaide, daughter of Adolf.
  • 1914. Luxembourg is captured by Germany, which promises to pay reparations to Luxembourg for violating its neutrality (occupation lasted until the end of the First World War).
  • 1940. Germany violated Luxembourg's neutrality for the second time.
  • 1942, August. Annexation of Luxembourg to the Third Reich. The population of the country declared a general strike, to which the Germans responded with massive repressions.
  • 1945. Luxembourg is liberated from German occupation.
  • 1949. The country joined NATO.
  • 1957. Luxembourg participates in the founding of the European Economic Community.
  • 1999. Luxembourg joins the euro zone.
  • 2005, March 15. According to Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Luxembourg is recognized as the safest city in the world.

First of all

The tourist office sells two types of discount tourist cards.

With the Luxembourg Card you can visit many attractions throughout the country and use public transport. The price depends on the validity period of the card, there are also family cards (for a family of two to five people). Stater Museekart allows you to visit the main attractions of the capital for free for 2 days, for example: the Museum of the History of the City of Luxembourg, the National Museum of History and Art, the Luxembourg Casino and the Bock Casemates.

Changing of the guard

According to tradition, the throne of the Grand Duchy is transferred to the eldest man in the family, and if there is no such person, then eldest daughter. The ducal family is very popular among the people. It symbolizes the stability and prosperity of the country.

In 1964, Grand Duke Jean succeeded to the throne after a 45-year reign by his mother, Grand Duchess Charlotte, and led the country until 2000, when he abdicated in favor of his eldest son, Henri. Henri is married to Cuban Maria Teresa, they have 4 sons and a daughter.

In the center of Europe

Luxembourg participated in the establishment of the UN, Benelux, the European Union and the Schengen Agreement. Two representatives of Luxembourg - Gaston Thorne (1981-1984) and Jacques Santerre (since 1995)- served as presidents of EU commissions. Luxembourg is home to many institutions of the European Community, in particular the European Parliament. (along with Strasbourg), Audit Commission, European Investment Bank and European Court of Auditors. Luxembourg held the presidency of the European Union from July to December 1997.

However, the most striking event in the history of Luxembourg after the Second World War was the signing of a pan-European agreement (1985) near the Schengen village. The name of the visa to almost all European countries comes from the name of this village.

It will be interesting to know the features of one of the most developed and richest countries in the world - Luxembourg. If you are planning to go to this wonderful corner of our planet, then interesting facts about Luxembourg you just need to know!

So, let's get started!

  1. Each country has its own full name. So Luxembourg is officially written like this: “Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.” It is curious that this is the only duchy in the world today.
  2. The head of the country is called the "Grand Duke".
  3. The name Luxembourg comes from the German “lucilinburch”, which translates as “small city”.
  4. An interesting fact is that Luxembourg is one of the smallest sovereign states in the world. Its area is only 2,586.4 km².
  5. The population of Luxembourg is approximately 500 thousand people, that is, about half a million. This is less than in any millionaire city!
  6. An interesting fact is that GDP per capita in Luxembourg is significantly higher than the European average.
  7. Luxembourgers also have the highest minimum wage in the world.
  8. The average life expectancy for men is 77 years, for women – 82 years.
  9. Luxembourg has three official languages: Luxembourgish, French, German. Read a detailed article about.
  10. No matter how surprising this may sound interesting fact, but a third of the territory of this tiny country is covered by forests.
  11. one of the highest in the world.
  12. The literacy rate of Luxembourg residents is 100%.
  13. There are 12 communes in the duchy that have urban status.
  14. At one time he lived and wrote in the commune of Vianden immortal creations outstanding French writer(cm. ). Today, this city has the Hugo Museum, which is very popular among European tourists.
  15. Many EU organizations are located in the city of Luxembourg because the duchy provides very favorable working conditions. More than 200 banks and over 1,000 investment funds are located offshore in Luxembourg, which is significantly higher than in any other city in the world.
  16. Here it is important to emphasize an interesting fact that you probably already knew. The fact is that in the state of Luxembourg the capital is largest city and has exactly the same name as the country itself: Luxembourg.
  17. The state ranks 4th in the world in terms of income level.
  18. This interesting fact about Luxembourg will interest travel lovers. The fact is that the underground communications of ancient fortresses are surprising in their size. So you can wander through underground passages for more than 20 kilometers, which in itself is very unusual.
  19. The exceptional historical values ​​of the ancient Duchy of Luxembourg have prompted UNESCO to include the country on the World Heritage List.
  20. Luxembourg is one of the founders of the European Union, NATO and the UN.
  21. The largest television and radio company in all of Europe is located on the territory of the duchy.
  22. An interesting fact about Luxembourg is the following indicator. It has the most mobile phones per capita in the world - 15 per 10 people. However!
  23. Sights of Luxembourg

    Neumünster Abbey
    Basilica with Willibrord's tomb
    View of Grund
    Bourshed Castle
    Vianden Castle
    Adolf Bridge
    Luxembourg City Hall

This is how the name of the country “Luxembourg” is translated from High German - “small city”.

Luxembourg- one of the richest countries in Europe with the highest standard of living, despite the fact that almost all the energy consumed in Luxembourg is imported, including oil, natural gas, hard coal.
Full country name - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Brief information about the country

State borders With Belgium, Germany and France.
Capital- Luxembourg. This city is largest city in the country.
Form of government- constitutional monarchy.
Head of State- Grand Duke.
Chief Executive- Prime Minister.
Population- 502,207 people
Territory– 2,586.4 sq. km.
Currency– euro.
Economy: the basis of the economy is primarily a developed service sector, including in the financial field. In the economy of Luxembourg important place occupies banking, pays considerable attention to the creation of telecommunication networks and the production of audio and video equipment. Chemical products, machines, plastics, fabrics, glass, porcelain are produced.
Official language- Luxembourgish, French, German.
The overwhelming number believers- Catholics, there are Protestants. Since 1998 Orthodoxy has the status of an official denomination.
Climate– moderate.
Administrative division- Luxembourg is divided into districts, which in turn are divided into cantons, and the cantons into communes.

State symbols of Luxembourg

Flag- is a rectangular panel consisting of three horizontal equal stripes: upper - red, average - white, and lower - light blue. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 3:5. King Willem I of the Netherlands, having become Grand Duke of Luxembourg at the same time in 1815, adopted the coat of arms and flag of the Grand Duchy in the same year, which are similar to state symbols Netherlands. The flag of Luxembourg differs from the Dutch one only in a lighter shade of blue stripe.

Currently, more than 90% of the population supports replacing the flag - with a lion on a blue and white background. This flag has been the family flag of the House of Luxembourg since the 13th century.

Coat of arms- is a shield with 10 horizontal blue and silver stripes. The shield depicts a crowned red two-tailed lion with a golden tongue. The shield is crowned with the Grand Ducal Crown. The shield is supported by shield holders: two golden crowned lions with red tongues, their muzzles turned away from the shield. The shield is surrounded by a ribbon with the sign of the Order of the Oak Crown. This composition is placed on the mantle and crowned with a large grand ducal crown.
Also used are the medium coat of arms, which is a shield with shield holders without the ribbon of the order, and the small coat of arms - only a crowned coat of arms.
The coat of arms of Luxembourg appeared in the Middle Ages and is derived from the coat of arms of the Duchy of Limburg.

History of Luxembourg

The oldest traces of human habitation on the territory of Luxembourg date back to ancient timesUpper Paleolithic(35 - 12 thousand years ago). Permanent settlements with houses appeared during the era Neolithic, in 5 thousand BC. e. Traces of such settlements have been found in the south of Luxembourg. At the beginning Bronze Age the population of Luxembourg territory was small, but by the period of the XIII-VIII centuries. BC e. There are numerous finds: remains of dwellings, ceramics, weapons, jewelry. In the VI-I centuries BC. e. The territory of Luxembourg was inhabited by Gauls, then it was included in Rome.
In the 5th century The Franks invaded Luxembourg.
At the end of the 7th century. the population of the territory of modern Luxembourg was converted to Christianity thanks to the Monk Willibrord, who founded a Benedictine monastery there. In the Middle Ages, the land was alternately included in Frankish kingdom Austrasia, then to the Holy Roman Empire, and later to Lorraine.
In 1060 Conrad was proclaimed first Count of Luxembourg

In 1477, Luxembourg passed to the Habsburg dynasty, and during the division of the empire of Charles V, the territory fell into the hands of Spain. In 1679-1684. Louis XIV, the Sun King, systematically captured Luxembourg, but already in 1697 France handed it over to Spain. During the War of the Spanish Succession, Luxembourg, along with Belgium, returned to the Austrian Habsburgs. Six years after the start French Revolution Luxembourg again passed to France, so that the state experienced all the vicissitudes of fate along with the French - the Directory and Napoleon. With the fall of Napoleon, French rule in Luxembourg ended, its fate was decided by the Congress of Vienna in 1815: Luxembourg was granted the status of a Grand Duchy with Willem I, King of the Netherlands, at its head. Luxembourg retained its autonomy, and the connection with the Netherlands was rather nominal.
In 1842, Luxembourg became a member of the Customs Union. This step significantly improved the economic and agricultural development of the duchy, infrastructure was restored, railways. In 1866, Luxembourg became a fully sovereign state.
In the years First World War Luxembourg remained neutral, although in 1914 Germany occupied it.
In 1940, Germany occupied Luxembourg for the second time. But now the government refused to compromise with the occupiers, so the entire court was forced to emigrate and live in exile. “Traditional” Nazi orders were established in the duchy, the French language was infringed. The duchy became part of the Third Reich in December 1941. 12 thousand people received summons to mobilize into the Wehrmacht, of which 3 thousand evaded conscription and about the same number died on the Eastern Front. In September 1944 liberation came. In the same year, Luxembourg entered into an economic union with Belgium and the Netherlands (Benelux). With its entry into NATO in 1949, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg violated its centuries-old military neutrality.

Sights of Luxembourg

Despite the well-developed territory and high population density, approximately a fifth of the country is occupied by forests. In the north of the country there are spurs Ardennes(highest point - Kniff Hill, 560 meters).

The mountainous region northwest of the town of Echternach is called Little Switzerland(or Luxembourg Switzerland). This area received its name due to its geographical similarity to Switzerland: rocky terrain, dense forests and many small streams predominate here. The highest point is 414 m above sea level.

There is only one medium-sized city here - Echternach, which is oldest city Luxembourg.
IN Mondorf are geothermal springs, in the 19th century. was built here balneological resort. Among the first patients of this resort was the famous French writer Victor Hugo, who not only diligently treated himself with mineral water for rheumatism, but also carefully examined the surroundings of the town, visiting all the nearby attractions - castles, churches, ruins of ancient Roman buildings. Leaving the city, whose waters brought him relief from his illness, Hugo wrote that he would long remember the happy hours of walking through the picturesque surroundings of Mondorf. The number of visitors to the resort grew every year. On August 28, 1878, by a special decree, it was decided to add to the name "Mondorf" the word "les-Bains", which is translated from French means "on the waters".

Haute-Sure National Park

It was created in 1999 to protect environment, rare species of plants and animals. The first goal is to preserve local flora and fauna, as well as protect the cleanliness of air, water and soil. The second goal is to carry out economic activities: forestry and tourism development, creation high level life and new jobs.

There are many ways for park visitors to spend their leisure time: walks in nature, visiting cultural monuments, and practicing water sports on Lake Haute-Sure. The park has housing for vacationers. Festivals are held in the park every year on the first weekend of July. The park is also home to a reservoir, dam and dam.

The third challenge is to preserve the area's architectural heritage, which ranges from a large number of abandoned chapels and mills to former slate quarries and castle ruins.

Sights of Luxembourg City

The picture shows the railway station building

And this is the building of the state bank.

The cathedral is a striking example of late gothic architecture, however, it contains many elements and decorations of architecture Renaissance. The cathedral is decorated with rich choirs, which contain many Moorish style elements. At the end of the 18th century. The cathedral received the miraculous image of the Mother of God - the Comforter of the Sorrowful, who is the patroness of the city and the people. Now this image is located in the southern part of the temple, and is an object of pilgrimage. Every year on the fifth Sunday after Easter, the Day of the Holy Virgin of Luxembourg is celebrated here.
About 50 years after its construction, the cathedral was consecrated as the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, and in 1870 Pope Pius IX consecrated it as the Cathedral of Our Lady.

Three Acorns Fortress

The fortress is part of the historical fortifications of Luxembourg. It is located in Three Acorns Park in the southeast of the city. The fortress has three towers, on the roof of each of them there is an acorn, in honor of which it received its name. The fortress is also named Tüngen, in honor of the commandant of the fortress, Baron Adam Sigmund von Tüngen.
According to the Treaty of London in 1867, most of the fortress was destroyed. Only three towers and the foundations of the rest of the fortress remained. In 1990, the fortress was completely reconstructed.

It was built in Mamer in the 10th century. By the time of the French Revolutionary Wars it was a ruin and was captured and sold. French troops Thierry de Bastogne in 1798
In 1995, Mamer Castle was purchased by the municipal administration. The restoration took place from September 1999 to February 2002. The administration of the commune moved into it on March 1, 2002.

Main residence of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg. Located in the city of Colmar-Berg. After the separation of Luxembourg from the Netherlands in 1890, the castle was chosen by Grand Duke Adolf.
During the Second World War, the castle fell into disrepair, but after restoration work it again became the residence of the Grand Duke (since 1964).

Luxembourg City Tram and Bus Museum

Dedicated to history public transport of this city from the time of horse-drawn carriages to the present day. Opened in 1991

Pont Adolphe - a symbol of Luxembourg

The bridge in the city of Luxembourg was built in 1900-1903, during the reign of Duke Adolf. At that time it was the largest stone bridge in the world. The length of the bridge arch is 85 meters, the maximum height is 42 meters. The total length of the bridge is 153 meters. The bridge connects the Upper and Lower Towns: two parts of Luxembourg.

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg(Luxembourg) - small European state. It’s not exactly tiny—Liechtenstein isn’t even close—but you can get around and explore it in literally 1-2 days. Luxembourg is landlocked and borders Belgium, Germany and France.

Over the centuries, an independent county, then a duchy and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg more than once or twice was part of neighboring states. The most recent occupation dates back to the Second World War, when the territory was entirely included in the German Reich.

Let us note that the countries surrounding Luxembourg at one time profited well from its lands. Belgium was especially lucky, which, as a result of its own war for independence from the Netherlands (1830-1839), “grabbed” more than half of the territory of what was then Luxembourg.

Description of the country

The Grand Duchy consists of three districts: Diekirch, Luxembourg and Gravenmacher, in turn divided into 12 cantons.


Territory area: 2586.4 km2
Population: about 600 thousand people. Only a little over 55% are native residents, with many foreigners living there. Up to 16% are native Portuguese, about 6% are French
Capital: Luxembourg City
Official languages: Luxembourgish, French, German
Official currency: Euro
Country dialing code: +352

The nominal head of state is the Grand Duke. He appoints a government headed by a chairman, a minister of state, who carries out all necessary acts of executive power in the country.

The legislative body is a unicameral parliament (Chamber of Deputies). Members (60 people) of which are elected on the basis of national elections once every 5 years.


Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the world. The average per capita income in nominal terms is $113,533 per person and over 80 thousand if calculated in comparable prices. The country's economy is based on the banking sector, steel and mining (iron ore) industries.

Foreign tourists, whose annual number has already approached one million, provide over 8% of the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the state. GDP in nominal terms in 2011 was $58.4 billion.

Unemployment is less than 6% of the working population. The country's credit rating is the highest possible: AAA. The country has been a member of the European Union (EU) since 1957.


Luxembourg can be divided into two geographically distinct areas. The hilly and more elevated Oesling occupies the northern third of the state, the flat Gutland, whose name speaks for itself, occupies the southern part.

The largest river in the country is the Sauer, a left tributary of the Moselle, flowing in the northern part of the country (170 km). South of the city The Ettelbruck Sauer is divided into two tributaries, one of which, the Alzette River, is the second largest water stream in the country.

The highest point, Kneiff Hill (560 meters), is located in the north, near the border with Belgium and Germany.

Where to stay

Sights of Luxembourg

The main attractions of the Grand Duchy are located both in the capital and outside. If you have a car, you can see everything interesting in a couple of days.

In Luxembourg City, it is worth paying special attention to the fortified buildings on the rock: the famous Bock casemates. Under which is the whole system medieval tunnels.

Interesting: the local Notre Dame Cathedral and the very unusual architecture of the Grand Duke's Palace. And also the Adolf Bridge, spanning over a wooded gorge and connecting the Lower and Upper cities.

Ordinary, but extremely cozy streets and squares of the capital can also be counted among the iconic sights of the city. Naturally, the pretty Benedictine Abbey of Neumünster was also included in the list. .

Outside the capital, it is worth visiting Vianden Castle, located on one of the picturesque hills in Essling. And the cozy town of Echternach on the border with Germany. This is the oldest locality state (founded in the 7th century as an abbey)!

Nearby is an exceptionally picturesque area known as Müllertal or "Little Switzerland". Lovingly preserved corners of nature with bridges and gazebos, small waterfalls and secluded lawns, hills and gorges... A huge landscape park created by nature and embellished by the inhabitants of the country.

Lovers of antiquities will be interested in the ruins of Beaufort Castle. The exceptionally picturesque spurs of the mountains north of Echternach should not be neglected. There are a lot of ancient family fortresses here. From the well-preserved Bourscheid and Clervaux to the ruins of Brandenbourg and Esch-sur-Sure.

If you find yourself in Diekirch, be sure to visit the educational Museum of Military History.