Materials on the Spanish language. Spanish language materials Spanish audio lessons online

And of course, no textbook or audio course can replace a Spanish teacher via Skype, who will guide you in the right direction, systematize the acquisition of knowledge, and organize control educational process. Spanish is easy to learn, however, you need to be diligent and spend at least 3 hours a week studying Spanish. Here is a high-quality selection of audio materials and Spanish textbooks that will allow you to study Spanish either independently or with a teacher.

Audio tutorials in Spanish

A short practical audio course on Visa to Spain allows you to learn the required minimum of Spanish in any convenient environment. You will remember phrases and dialogues that will be useful on your journey. The course lasts 60 minutes, which can be listened to in a convenient place, for example in a car, on the subway or any other place.

Level: beginner A1
Format: mp3
Size: 55M
Download Spanish audio tutorial

The Gonzalez-Fernandez Spanish self-instruction manual is designed specifically for those who, for some reason, cannot study in courses or with a Spanish teacher. The textbook presents grammar in an accessible manner, explains phonetics and vocabulary using examples, and offers exercises. At the end of the manual there are tables of verbs and many other useful materials.

Level: A2
Format: djvu
Size: 3M
Download Spanish tutorial

Spanish textbooks

A wonderful textbook that has not lost its popularity for several decades. On the website you can download a Spanish textbook latest version. The book was published in Spain. Everything in the textbook is written in Spanish, so it should be used in conjunction with a Spanish teacher or if your level is above A2.

Level: B1
Format: pdf
Size: 151M
Download textbook Espanol 2000

This textbook was developed by the wonderful duo Rodriguez - Danilevskaya. Today, this is the most complete and high-quality textbook for basic mastery of the Spanish language. The book contains 20 lessons covering all the necessary blocks, as well as some everyday moments in the life of Spaniards. Special exercises are given to consolidate the material. The textbook is intended for a wide range of people who are beginning to comprehend the beautiful Spanish language.

Level: beginner A1
Format: pdf, mp3
Size: 29M+134M
Download practical course for beginners
Download audio materials of the practical course for beginners

The textbook is very popular all over the world. Compliant curriculum Institute of Cervantes, therefore all texts and exercises are carefully worked out and contribute to effective learning Spanish language. Emphasis is placed on communicative, lexical and grammar basics Spanish language.

Level: beginner A1
Format: pdf, mp3
Size: 30M+42M

The Spanish audio course for beginners is perfect for those who are just starting to learn Spanish. When listening to an audio course, the student hears standard Spanish speech, catches all the nuances of pronunciation, trains his own articulatory apparatus and simultaneously learns many spanish words and colloquial constructions. Below you can find the best free Spanish audio courses.

You can listen to the Spanish audio course online or download it for free as a ready-made file or as a torrent. We only recommend Spanish audio courses that do not contain extraneous noise or background music. All words and phrases in the audio course must sound clearly, and the quality of the recording must be very high. If you want instant access to the most effective Spanish audio course available today, simply enter your email address. email in the form above and click the “Open access” button: then follow the instructions. Be sure to pronounce all words and phrases after the announcer, trying to imitate his pronunciation and intonation as accurately as possible. This way, you will not only achieve a significant improvement in your speaking skills, but also improve your listening comprehension of Spanish. Good luck, amigos!

Spanish in 1 hour (Living Language, 2004), jpg + mp3 download book / download audio /

Business Spanish in 30 days, mp3 download audio (part 1) / download audio (part 2) /

Visa to Spain (audio course from the Living Language series), mp3 audio download

Russian-Spanish mini-phrase book (multimedia audio course, 2000)

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world, second only to Chinese. It is officially recognized as the second language of international communication and is the official language not only in Spain, but also in many other countries. That is why Lifehacker decided to devote the next selection of language YouTube channels to Spanish.

1. Spanish for beginners

On this channel you will find many lessons for language learners on their own from scratch. Each lesson is a short video that covers one small element of the Spanish language. Thus, you can study even during breaks between your main work or in any other free minute. There is also a short Spanish course for tourists, which will be useful if you are going on a short trip.


If you have already achieved some success in Spanish, but want to improve your level, you should turn to lessons from a native speaker. The PRACTIQUEMOS channel was created and supported by the efforts of a professional Spanish teacher who has been posting useful tips, examples and exercises for your students.

3. Spanish lessons with Petrov

Dmitry Petrov is a very popular polyglot, translator, teacher who has developed his own original method of studying foreign language. It offers to master the basics of the Spanish language in just 16 study hours. And the most interesting thing is that it really works. During this time, of course, you will not learn to speak Spanish fluently, but you will lay a solid foundation of knowledge.

4. The Web Spanish School

This channel contains video courses of the Spanish language in six parts. A total of several hundred lessons from qualified and experienced Spanish teachers. A priceless gift.

5. Spanish from scratch

The main value of this channel is that it is aimed at improving the most necessary skills: listening comprehension and colloquial speech. You can learn all the grammatical rules, memorize a large number of words, but still not achieve fluency in the language. Therefore, Lifehacker advises starting your study with this video course, which allows you to hear correct pronunciation the most popular phrases and have plenty of practice in reproducing them.

Bonus: LIFE in SPAIN

As a bonus - a wonderful channel, which, although it does not contain educational materials in the literal sense of the word, but it will tell you a lot about life in Spain. It is led by a Russian girl who studies in this beautiful country. In her videos, she talks about how to move to Spain, go to university, learn a language, and many other interesting things.