Moral type. Moral personality types

In psychology, a person’s personality has a number of characteristics - character, temperament, psychological type. In ethics, personality is characterized moral type. At social interaction with people, especially in the management process, you must always remember that they have different life values, meaning of life, life position. The manager should understand what moral types each of his subordinates, his supervisor, colleagues, and himself belong to. This will allow you to speak with people using concepts that are close to them, will provide an opportunity to better understand others and find a mutually acceptable compromise.

According to one scientific approach, five main moral personality types can be distinguished: consumerist, conformist, aristocratic, heroic and religious.

The classification is based on the following signs:

1) highest moral values(meaning of life, freedom, happiness, justice);

2) sources of moral law(society, God, the individual himself);

3) significance:

Motive or action;

Ideas or feelings;

Norms or ideals;

4) commitment:

Debt or habit;

Individualism or collectivism;

Social or non-social orientation;

5) life position:

Active or passive;

Intolerance or tolerance;

Pragmatic or specifically moral.

Let's consider the main characteristics of each of these personality types.

1.Consumer type. People of this type cannot yet understand how an act can be selfless. They believe that the only motive for a moral act can be benefit, i.e. moral behavior should lead to success, benefits and, ultimately, happiness.

The main value is the desire for earthly happiness, for material success in life.

This type of personality is committed to social orientation, because values ​​for him are social values.

People of this type have an active social position.

The source of morality is the person himself and the situation. Since situations are varied, the rules of morality are relative.

The motive of behavior is benefit, benefit.

2. Conformist (conciliatory) type is one of the most common personality types. Their virtue rests on agreement with the surrounding social environment. Without the support of public opinion, they quickly “lose their way”, because... unable to independently maintain moral guidelines. Indeed, one whose morality depends on the approval and condemnation of others very easily succumbs to the influence of others.

The highest value is community with the social environment.

The source of morality is public opinion.

Commitment – ​​social orientation, collectivism.

The motive of behavior is to be like everyone else, to belong.

A person is passive in consciousness, but actions are the criterion of morality for him. This implies intolerance towards other moral systems and tolerance towards norm violators in one’s own environment. But if the traditional group norm was rejected, then the punishment will be merciless.

3. Aristocratic type. Distinctive feature- a sense of self-esteem that cannot be taken away. Such a person is responsible for his actions not to public opinion, but to himself. A moral personality of this type is opposed to any social conditions and rules if they do not agree with her conscience.

The highest value is the freedom to be oneself (this is why people of this type are difficult to break by adversity or threats).

Commitment is asocial and individualistic. The morality of such a person is only his morality.

Life position – passive in behavior. We are tolerant of other people's views and weaknesses. The man is focused on his inner world.

The source of morality is the spiritual tradition of ancestors, conscience.

4. Heroic type. Always struggles with circumstances (events, people, ideas). The hero struggles with everything that cannot be compared with his ideal. Since our world is far from perfect, having begun to fight some particular injustice, a person of this type is then forced to fight with the whole world. The danger is that you can fight for the sake of fighting, realizing that you are good, the right person. The most dangerous problem that awaits people of this type is the problem of ends and means.

The main value is justice.

The motive for behavior is rational argumentation.

Commitment to social orientation, focus on the future, activity.

The most significant feeling is a sense of duty and ideals.

5. Religious type. This name is very arbitrary. Even atheists can belong to this moral type, while believers can belong to the heroic, conformist and even consumer types. But most often the religious type is found among true believers.

The source of morality is the Highest personal or the Highest impersonal, therefore the moral law is higher than the social one. It manifests itself in the voice of conscience.

The main moral value is the meaning of life, which goes beyond the boundaries of human life.

Life position – tolerance to the world, internal active work self-improvement, active help to other people.

The motive is the moral feeling of brotherly love.

The feelings of equality, brotherhood and unity of people are significant.

Commitment is non-social in nature (do not strive for the accumulation of material wealth, power, etc.). The individual is committed to good will and active service for others, which is not an end in itself.

The author of the classification emphasizes that people usually combine characteristics of several moral types. Nevertheless, by observing a person, it is quite simple to determine which signs of moral types are expressed most clearly in him.

According to the works of I.L. Zelenkova and E.V. Belyaeva, exists classification of moral personality types, which lifts the curtain on people’s actions and their motivations. In total, the authors describe five personality types. It often happens that one person may have a mixture of several moral personality types with a predominance of certain traits. One way or another, all this is reflected in human manifestations, which allow for personal growth, developing tolerance or intolerance of something.

So, the classification of moral personality types:

1. Consumer personality type belongs to the low-moral type, which is quite common in modern society. In his view, morality lies in achieving personal happiness. According to a primitive scheme, we can say that this type expects to receive candy for good behavior. Selfless actions for this moral type of personality are something unattainable.

Thus, this type of personality strives for happiness alone, but having achieved this goal, he begins to think that it would be nice to have someone nearby to share this happiness with others. The main motto of this personality type is that one must strive for happiness to the extent that it does not interfere with another. Sometimes such restrictions are absent and then one can observe an aggressive attitude towards others.

Most often, by “happiness” this type of personality understands such achievements as money, success, fame, i.e. social values. Therefore, he is distinguished by activity and activity, he can offer interesting ideas and progressively transform the surrounding reality. For such a person, actions come to the fore, not motives.

The main moral rule of this type of personality is faith in oneself. And since the situations are different, the rules of morality can be relative, which often leads to complete immorality. Often such a person, for the sake of his own goals, forgets about the norms of decency and can easily trample on the rights of others.

Thus, behind the consumer type of personality lies an active, active person, an entrepreneur by nature, a pragmatist in his style of thought and a life-loving person in his worldview. The main value of such individuals is happiness, the motive is benefit, the orientation is sociality and activity.

2. Conformist personality type.

The main value of this type is community with the environment. For them, their native village, class, nation, or simply acquaintances represent a source of moral norms and ideas about the world. If he is in a society with high demands on human behavior, then he will turn into a well-educated person. Moreover, this whole idea rests on public opinion when every action is visible and discussed by others. Inappropriate behavior will immediately be reflected in sanctions: “excommunicate from inheritance,” “not shake hands.” The opinion of others is the most important thing for this type of personality. The motive is considered to be the statement to be like everyone else and not stand out from the crowd. It is with the abundance of such individuals that powerful traditions develop that provide additional support for morals.

Most often, the conformist personality type occurred among the nobility or peasantry. Behavior is determined by customs and established traditions, and moral dissimilarity is eradicated in every possible way. The difference between the conformist type and the consumer type is that the former strives to be similar to himself, while the latter is confident that all people are the same. That is why the conformist personality type is intolerant of other moral systems, but is quite lenient towards destructive moments within its environment.

Thus, the conformist type stands up for collective happiness, which is possible only with the predominance of traditions, the desire to act like everyone else, focusing on the foundations of morality.

3. Aristocratic personality type.

Aristocratism was considered a virtue that was inherited. In view of this, such individuals are superior to others and they cannot lose this honor in the face of others. Even despite all the hardships, this feeling of specialness does not go away.

A distinctive feature of this type is a sense of self-esteem that cannot be taken away. It can be either a courtier or a knight. This type of personality is especially common in creative environments, since such individuals consider themselves elevated above mere mortals. Such a person is not responsible to the public, but only to himself.

Morality of some social groups is in opposite side from the everyday mores of the era. And the personality of this type often opposes himself to social rules and norms, which often results in disagreement with his conscience. Often this type is antisocial. The aristocratic personality type itself is based on autonomy moral personality, which manifests itself in freedom of choice and self-legislation of the will. Often inner freedom such a person makes her indifferent to morals environment. He is behaviorally passive because he is constantly in his own moral world. This is where condescension towards others can be traced.

The source of morality for the aristocratic personality type is spiritual tradition. In his actions, this type adheres to dignity, trying not to lose it. The motive for all actions is the inner voice, which you must obey so as not to fall to the bottom. That is why creative people most often belong to this personality type.

Thus, the main value of the aristocratic type is the choice to be oneself and focus on one’s inner world, which dictates spiritual traditions and ideals. Distinctive feature This type of personality is social passivity, indifference and tolerance.

4. Heroic personality type.

The hero, unlike the passive aristocrat, is always active and goes to fight what, in his opinion, does not correspond to his moral standards. Since the world is quite unfair, the hero has to fight with everyone. But this fate does not bother him, because the more enemies, the greater the enthusiasm. Since the hero fights against the evil, it means he is good. But this can also be a problem, since the hero may fight simply for the sake of fighting. Therefore, it is very important to keep the idea alive. It follows that the heroic personality type is the most ideological of all types. The idea is the main motive of behavior. At the same time, the heroes are not tolerant.

The main idea of ​​the hero is justice, which is moral value of this type. The meaning of life and happiness are learned through struggle. It follows that people of the heroic type are socially oriented, and serving society is one of their aspirations. But the hero is most often directed towards the society that he imagines as ideal. And since the difference between what exists and what should be is significant, this type of personality is distinguished by a heightened sense of duty. Of all personality types, this is the most moral type.

Moral development is possible only thanks to the struggle of heroes who are constantly looking for new ways to achieve their goals. Usually the hero is always “inconvenient” and brings discomfort into the minds of others. But he is not always right, since it depends on the idea he follows. As a rule, the idea of ​​a hero is always sublime and noble, but if it is the opposite, then the hero becomes a fanatic and can destroy the foundations of morality that he sought to support.

There is no doubt that people of this type are distinguished by their nobility and even if they are mistaken in something, they do it sincerely. You can kill a hero, but it is impossible to destroy his morality. Therefore, its source is beyond the reach of earthly authorities.

The heroic type is most often found among social reformers.

Thus, the main value of the hero is justice, and therefore he takes a fairly active life position, which is determined by a highly moral orientation.

5. Religious personality type.

The religious type may include atheists who are distinguished by their sincere belief in something. The fact is that the religious type follows certain sets of rules that can be dictated by both God and the people themselves. Moreover, God is understood as the moral world order as a whole, from which this type becomes familiar with the mystery of the meaning of life and experiences it.

The main value of the religious type is the meaning of life, in which all norms and ideals are secondary. The non-randomness of being in this world comes to the fore, which manifests itself in a sense of harmony with the surrounding world and turns into the doctrine of human destiny. Teachings can be both religious and personal (this applies more to atheists), which find the source of morality outside of man and society. Thus, by going beyond the human, such personality types go beyond the moral. Unlike the hero, who strives to change the world, religious people consider the world unchanged and try to go beyond it themselves.

Often religious type people irritate those around them with their detachment from earthly rules. But even despite all the detachment of such people, they are active and active in relation to others, and without any personal gain from this. By their actions they seem to support the highest values ​​in the hierarchy of the world. As a rule, such people lead a simple, unpretentious life on a personal level.

Naturally, those who are able to see a particle of the Divine in people have unlimited patience for human weaknesses. In this there is an understanding that bad deeds most often come from mental weakness, and evil thoughts from stupidity. Religious people have no enemies. They have a heightened sense of moral views of others.

Thus, the main value of a religious personality type is the meaning of life, the motive of which is love for one’s neighbor and a feeling of unity with people and the world as a whole. This is an active person whose worldview goes beyond human concepts, while being guided by values ​​of the highest order.

Initially, heroes in folklore and literary works were characterized by one main feature, one quality. In fairy tales, Baba Yaga was always evil, the good fellow was brave. Koschey the Immortal is greedy, a beautiful maiden is wise and faithful. The epic hero Ilya Muromets was powerful and unshakable. Sadko is broad-minded and generous. U fairy-tale heroes There were no individual characters or personal experiences yet.

In ancient epic, a type of epic hero, endowed with an integral character, developed. For example, the hero Achilles in Homer’s poem “The Iliad” is a fearless warrior, this is his main characteristic, which determines all his actions. The character of Hector, the defender of Troy, is determined by his humanity, which is why he wavered in the battle with Achilles and was afraid of him. Epic characters are also found in the literature of later times: let us remember the hero N.V. Gogol - Taras Bulba.

In works ancient Russian literature the characters' characters were not described in detail, although they were also integral and consistent. So, in the story about Peter and Fevronia, it was important for the author to show the courage of Peter and the wisdom of Fevronia; Epiphanius the Wise - the piety and feat of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Hagiographic literature was intended to instruct people, to provide examples of righteous behavior, describing the lives of saints.

In the literature of the Renaissance, heroes of a new type appear. They are no longer determined by any one trait or quality, but by their fate and position in the world. Thus, Hamlet in the tragedy of the same name by W. Shakespeare is a type tragic hero- a person who finds himself in hopeless situation. The hero of M. de Cervantes, Don Quixote, due to his madness and absurd behavior, is considered comic hero, although gradually as we read the novel we begin to recognize the seriousness and even tragedy of the image behind this comedy. Both Hamlet and Don Quixote - heroes of lofty ideals, they strive for truth and goodness and represent the type of high hero. The image of Don Quixote became the basis for the image of a tall hero in comedy. In Russian literature, an example of a hero of this kind is, for example, Chatsky in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.”

Drama as a type of literature is divided into genres: tragedy, comedy and drama. If the first two genres are characterized primarily by tragic and comic heroes, then in drama the center of the conflict is dramatic hero. This is the image of the unfortunate girl Larisa Ogudalova in the play “Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky. The images of Karandyshev and Larisa’s mother have dramatic features. And the drunkard Robinson in the play, in contrast to the lofty images of Don Quixote and Chatsky, represents type of reduced comic hero.

The image of the merchant Kalashnikov in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...” carries epic, heroic and tragic features; the type of this hero cannot be determined unambiguously. However, the merchant Kalashnikov accurately represents a heroic personality - a man who resists injustice and defends his honor, his faith, and his people. This is explained by the fact that in the literature of the last two centuries literary styles, genres, as well as the characters' personalities, have become more complex, thereby reflecting the fact that people's views on life have become fuller and more varied.