Bologna public transport map download. Map of Bologna in Russian

Bologna is one of the oldest cities in Italy. For tourists, this place is heaven on earth. Today we will get acquainted with the sights of Bologna.

The city in northern Italy was founded in 510 BC. The population is approximately 390,000 people.

Bologna has a similar climate - summers are hot, autumns are rainy and winters are mild.

This fact attracts even more tourists. The standard of living in the city is one of the highest in all of Italy. Bologna is unofficially called the culinary capital of the country.

Sights: photos and descriptions

It is unlikely that you will be able to see the entire city on your own in 1-2 days. It is better to allow at least 3 days for the trip.

Still, you will want to not only explore popular places, but also appreciate Italian cuisine, and also set aside time for exciting shopping. Below are the most interesting 20 places in the city.

University of Bologna (Università di Bologna)

The university is famous for being one of oldest universities Europe. Founded in 1088. First diplomas received higher education they began to issue it here. Famous people from this educational institution– Nicolaus Copernicus, Dante, Paracelsus, Petrarch and many others.

Studying at the university continues to this day. The number of students reached 90,000. The institution has twenty-three faculties and sixty-eight departments.

  • Address: Via Zamboni, 33.
  • Access to a certain part of the territory is free.
  • Cost: free.

Piazza Maggiore

The main central square of Bologna is the “Heart” of the city. Most tourists begin to get acquainted with the sights from this place.

The area is huge in size: 115 meters long and 60 meters wide. Besides the fact that the square itself is beautiful and large, there are important famous buildings here that are also worth a look.

  • Address: Piazza Maggiore.
  • Cost: free.

Neptune Square in Bologna (Piazza Nettuno)

There are two main attractions in the square.

The fountain, the heart of which is a statue of Neptune, made of bronze, was erected in connection with the appointment of Uncle Carlo Borromeo to the post of Pope Pius IV.

The palace building was named after Enzio, son of Frederick II, King of Sardinia. Until his own death, the king was imprisoned in the palace, the period was as much as 23 years.

  • Address: Piazza Nettuno.
  • The attraction is available for viewing by anyone at any time.
  • Cost: free.

Fountain of Neptune (Fontana di Nettuno)

The continuation of Piazza Maggiore is Piazza Nettuno. Its center is decorated with a magnificent bronze statue of the ruler of the seas, Neptune, created in 1567.

The statue is huge, its height is 3.20 meters.

The sculptor of this work of art is Giambologna. Payment for the construction of the fountain was made from the state treasury.

  • Address: Piazza Nettuno.
  • The attraction is available for viewing around the clock.
  • Cost: free.

St. Stephen's Basilica (Basilica di Santo Stefano)

Unfortunately, the original appearance of the buildings has not reached us. The complex has undergone many restoration works.

The place is also called the Basilica of the Seven Churches. Many residents complain that restoration efforts have damaged the appearance of the basilica more than they have transformed it.

It is surprising that almost all the buildings of the structure were erected in different centuries, while they are a single complex.

  • Address: Via Santo Stefano, 24.
  • You can visit the basilica from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm daily.
  • Admission is free.

Basilica of San Domenico

It is one of the key architectural heritages of Bologna. Construction of the cathedral began immediately after the death of St. Domenic and was completed 20 years later. The relics of the founder of the Dominican Order are kept in the temple to this day.

In the temple there is an organ on which Mozart himself performed his works.

  • Address: Piazza S. Domenico, 12.
  • You can visit the cathedral from 7:00 am to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 20:00 pm.
  • Admission is free.

Basilica of Santa Maria dei Servi

Another temple that looks like a Latin cross.

Externally, the building does not attract attention, but it is impossible not to admire the inner courtyard. The temple houses a magnificent altar made of marble by Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli.

Construction was completed in the 15th century. The facade of the building is made of brick.

  • Address: Strada Maggiore, 43.
  • Visiting hours: from 07:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 to 20:00.
  • Admission is free.

Palazzo di Re Enzo

Otherwise, the building is called the New Palace or the Palace of King Enzo.

The building was named after the ruler of the island of Sardinia, Enzo, son of Philip II, who was imprisoned here. He was captured at a battle called Fossalta and imprisoned in the Palazzo, where he lived for 23 years until his death. Enzo's father several times offered a ransom for his son, so huge that it was possible to make the entire city rich. However, the prisoner was never released.

  • Address: Piazza Re Enzo.
  • The attraction is available for viewing by anyone at any time.
  • Cost: free.

Church della Trinità

The primary appearance of the church has not reached us, only the result of multiple restoration works. Because of this, the church has a strange, asymmetrical shape.

The entrance to the church is through Pilate's courtyard. The most beautiful place in the temple is Cappella della Croce.

  • Address: Piazza Maggiore.
  • The church can be visited from 07:00 in the morning to 13:00 and from 15:30 to 20:00 in the evening.
  • Admission is free.

Basilica of San Petronio

The scale of the attraction is truly amazing. The height of the vaults is 45 meters, the length of the building is 132 meters, the width is 60 meters.

In order to build such a cathedral, residents' houses and several city buildings were demolished. Throughout long centuries existence, the temple belonged to the authorities of the commune, and already in 1929 it was declared the property of the church. The cathedral resembles a Latin cross. The temple is included in the list of the largest churches in the world.

  • Address: Piazza San Domenico 13.
  • You can visit the cathedral on weekdays and weekends from 7.45 am to 12.30 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm in the evening.
  • Admission is free.

Church of San Giacomo Maggiore

Construction took place from 1267 to 1315.

It is worth visiting the Chapel of Santa Cecilia, located on the territory of the temple. In a niche located on the western façade, a sculpture of Jesus Christ has been preserved. The tomb of Galeazzo Bentivoglio is located in the church. The walls of the temple are decorated with very beautiful frescoes by famous decorators.

  • Address: via Zamboni 15
  • The church can be visited from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm.
  • Admission is free.

Towers of Asinelli and Garisenda (Torri degli Asinelli e Garisenda).

One of the few surviving towers in Bologna. They are located almost right next to each other. The towers are called leaning.

The height of the Asinelli Tower is 97 meters. You can climb to the top by climbing 498 steps. In clear weather, you can see the sea from this height.

The second Garisenda tower reaches a height of 48 meters. There was a time when Garisenda was taller than Asinelli. However, in the 15th century, due to ground subsidence, the tower had to be greatly shortened. But even in this form the building looks decent.

  • Address: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana
  • Visiting hours: from 9.00 to 18.00 in summer and from 9.00 to 17.00 in winter.
  • Cost: 3 euros.

Archgymnasium (Archiginnasio)

Initially, the university was a small complex of scattered buildings, where students and teachers could hardly fit. In the 16th century, the University Palace of the Archgymnasium was built. The audiences were located on the second floor.

The coats of arms and inscriptions that students and teachers decorated the walls have survived to this day. On the lower floor is the Anatomical Theater, made entirely of wood.

It is also necessary to visit the Communal Library - the “heart” of the Arch-Gymnasium.

  • Address: Piazza Galvani, 1.
  • The attraction is available for viewing by anyone at any time.
  • Cost: free.

Palazzo Bolognini

There are two Bolognini palazzos on Via Santo Stefano. The second residence is much larger and more beautiful. This house was built by order of Giovanni Bolognini. The family was engaged in the sale of silk and was very rich.

Since the 19th century, the buildings have been rented by various organizations.

  • Address: via Santo Stefano, 11 and 18.
  • The attraction is available for viewing by anyone at any time.
  • Cost: free.

Palazzo Comunale o Pubblico

Palazzo Comunale or Palace of the Commune is the City Hall of Bologna. The building is majestic in appearance.

Inside there is an art gallery and the Morandi Museum. The building includes two palaces.

  • Address: Piazza Maggiore, 6.
  • The attraction is available for viewing by anyone at any time.
  • Cost: free.

Palazzo del Podestà

The palace was never completed. The building was used for various purposes: first as a courtroom, later as a public theater, and later as a ball field.

In place of the current elite stores, the entire first floor was occupied by retail shops.

  • Address: Piazza del Podestà.
  • Visits are permitted on exhibitions and official events.

Palazzo Loiani/ Aldini-Sanguinetti

Initially, the building belonged to the Loyani family. In the 18th century, the Palazzo was bought by Antonio Aldini. He carried out quite a significant restoration of the palace. The tower, which is located next to the house, was built on his orders, and the common room was divided into two.

Now the building is open to the public as a library and also has a museum.

It is one of the most beautiful Palazzo Bolonia.

  • Address: Strada Maggiore, 34.
  • Visiting hours: from 9:00 to 16:00. On weekends and holidays: from 10:00 to 18:30.

Palazzo Poggi

Initially, the building was considered a representative office of the Scientific Institute. Now Palazzo Poggi is one of the most interesting museums in the city.

The first exhibition was organized in 1721. The exhibitions presented here are distinguished by their diversity and impressive appearance.

  • Address: via Zamboni, 33.
  • Visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 / from 14:00 to 16:00. On weekends and holidays from 10.30 to 13.30 / from 14.30 to 17.30.
  • Ticket price 3 euros.

Palazzo dei Notai

The palazzo got its name due to the fact that long time the building was a representative office of notaries. They bought two neighboring buildings and built a palazzo on this site.

The building has undergone many reconstructions, but has retained its grandeur to this day.

  • Address: via de’ Pignattari, 1.
  • The attraction is available for viewing by anyone at any time.
  • Cost: free.

House of Carducci (Casa del Carducci)

The house was built in the 16th century and was the property of the Brotherhood of Our Lady.

In 1801, after the dissolution of the brotherhood, the house was sold. By decision of the new owners, the building was expanded. For 17 years, the famous poet Giosue Carducci lived here, who became Nobel laureate according to literature.

The house is a historical villa. The building is currently used as a public museum.

  • Address: Piazza Carducci, 5
  • You can visit the house any day except Monday from 9:00 to 13:00.
  • Cost: free.

What to visit with children?

The city is perfect for a family holiday. Introduce your children to Bologna's parks. Fresh air and a beautiful view will captivate not only adults, but also children. You can go for walks or ride bicycles.

Another interesting entertainment for the whole family will be visiting culinary exhibitions and master classes. They are carried out regularly. In addition to the fact that you can learn how to cook real Italian dishes, you will also be able to taste your own masterpiece.

The Museo Ducati museum, located at the factory of the same name, will win the hearts of children, especially boys. At the exhibition you will be able to see both old and new motorcycle models. The tour also includes a visit to the plant itself. You will be able to see how motorcycles are assembled and tested and take great photos.

There are so many attractions in the city that you won’t be able to see them all in one day. The inspection can be carried out independently or as part of an excursion, where a guide in Russian will tell you the history of the city and its attractions, introduce you to its features and interesting facts.

If you choose the first option, then use practical advice travelers who have already visited Bolonia, purchase a city map and set off on a journey to new experiences!

Useful maps and videos

Look interactive map sights of Bologna in Russian:

Look video about Bologna:


Bologna would be much more famous among tourists if it were not located between the most popular and visited cities in Italy: Milan, Florence and Venice with their many attractions. The map shows that these three cities form a triangle around Bologna, and their rich history, architecture and considerable investment in the tourism sector, leave Bologna in the shadows. However, tourists lose a lot by simply skipping this city, its attractions and monuments for the sake of its larger and more famous neighbors.

After all, Italy is not only a map of attractions major cities, shopping in Milan or the canals of Venice. Bologna can make you fall in love with it, so much so that you will look at the photos of Bologna for a long time, which depict the wonderful monuments and sights of the city.

It's very beautiful and old town. It was here that the famous artist Vitale da Bologna was born in the 12th century, whom all of Italy reveres today. As in any place that is not very popular among tourists, Bologna has problems that you will not see in Venice or Milan. Yes, there are a lot of homeless people and stray dogs, yes, there is a lot of garbage, and it’s also very noisy here, but real life, which Italy so carefully hides from prying eyes, is exactly like this!

However, these attractions of Bologna give the country a special charm. Some believe that Bologna is the northern Naples (Italy declared Naples the most high level crime in the country. Statistics show that the further south a city is located on the map, the higher its crime rate). Let it be known that Bologna is one of the safest cities.

  • Did you know that this is the student capital of the country? The city map is filled with universities and institutes. This gives the city a certain impulse, on the energy of which it lives day and night. The buildings in this place are hundreds of years old.

Even in Bologna, attractions and monuments date back to the Middle Ages and the Romantic era, but it is the youngest city in Italy. They even talk about it local residents and this fact is clearly visible in the photo of the city. After all, out of 100,000 students Bologna universities 80% live in the city.

  • If you're looking for adventure and love nightlife, then Bologna is a great choice for a holiday. Be sure to mark it on your travel map. The city has a very rich history and the sights of Bologna fully reflect it. The city map has a huge number of excellent places for photos as a souvenir. A map of Bologna with attractions is on sale anywhere in the city and is available in Russian.

Geography and map of the city

If you look at the map, the city center is surrounded by roads SS64 and SS9. The most popular part of Bologna is located from Via Santo Stefano to Via Pratello. Between them are the largest streets of Bologna: Via Rizzoli and Via Ugo Bassi. The most famous sights and monuments are located here.

There are several churches in the area: the Basilica of Santo Stefano (a complex of 7 churches), the Basilica of St. Petronius and the Cathedral of San Francesco. Based on the map, these 3 churches form a triangle in the city. In Bologna, churches play an important role in people's lives.

Fontana del Nettuno (Neptune's Fountain)

In the same area there are popular recreation areas Piazza Maggiore, Fontana del Nettuno (Neptune's Fountain), Palazzo di Re Enzo, Palazzo Comunale and such attractions of Bologna as “Archiginnasio”, and “Le Due Torri”, which means “ two towers." These are the most popular photo spots in the city.


On the map of Bologna, almost all museums and attractions are located in the center. This is also where the National art gallery. It houses the most famous paintings by Vitale da Bologna.

You can download the map from the link below:

Attractions on Ugo Bassi Street

As elsewhere in Italy, Bologna's attractions include temples, basilicas, monuments and churches. If you look at the map, then the main part interesting places are located close to each other. Plus, all the sights are great photo spots.

Piazza Del Nettuno

One of the most beautiful fountains in the city is located on the square. The fountain is decorated with a statue of Neptune, which has interesting story creation. The sculptor of the monument was the Frenchman Giambologna, who depicted Neptune as a well-built man. The statue looked too good for the righteous Middle Ages and the church demanded that the monument be remade. The sculptor redid it, but on the right side of the square, Neptune has additional body parts that are not so visible from other angles. Almost every tourist takes a photo near Neptune.

Famous squares

On the left side of Ugo Bassi street is the Palazzo di Re Enzo (King Enzo's Palace). Here the Sicilian king Enzo served his prison sentence for 20 years. The palace was built with an interesting acoustic trick: sound (even a whisper) spreads throughout almost the entire building.

Palazzo Comunale

Not far from King Enzo's Palace is the Palazzo Communale. There is a huge building that today houses the public library and the museum of the Bolognese artist Morandi. Inside the building there is a wooden staircase that is striking in its size - it is very wide. The floor at the entrance to the library is made of organic transparent glass, which allows you to see the ancient Etruscan ruins lying under the building - the famous landmarks of the city. Taking photos inside the building is prohibited.

  • Near Piazza Del Nettuno there is the most large area in the city - Piazza Maggiore. This square symbolizes the wealth that Italy possessed hundreds of years ago. The square is decorated with mosaics of white and pink marble. In the center of the square is the Cathedral of St. Petronius. Its construction began in 1392.
  • It was planned to create the most beautiful church, which all of Italy would be proud of. In fact, the money for construction quickly ran out and the cathedral stood unfinished for many years. As a result, its construction continued, but as building material They chose cheap brown stone, but the base of the cathedral is marble.

Churches and cathedrals

The Cathedral of San Pietro began its construction in the 10th century. However, in the period of the 17th and 18th centuries it was restored and it acquired distinct features of the Baroque style. The cathedral is home to many valuable frescoes, such as the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a unique collection of ritual objects from the 15th to 20th centuries.

In Piazza S. Stefano there is one of the oldest attractions in the city - the Sette Chiese church complex. The complex includes several churches, the construction of which dates back to the 10th-13th centuries.
The Crocifisso Cathedral houses approximately 1,019 works of art and valuable artifacts.

Cathedral Calvario

The Cathedral of Calvario contains the remains of Bologna's patron saint, San Petronio. The Cathedral of Santi Vitale is the oldest building in the complex. The remains of two Bolognese martyrs are kept here. In addition, the remains of Byzantine battles are kept here.

The Cathedral of San Francesco was built in the 13th century and was the first building that Italy built in the Gothic style. Three tombs from the 13th century are kept here, including that of Pope Alexander V. The cathedral itself boasts a grandiose interior and a marble altar.

Discount card

If you plan to travel around Bologna on your own, it is more profitable to purchase a special ticket “Bologna Card”. The card allows you to use public transport with a discount. Entrance fees to the museum will also be cheaper. Some stores also offer discounts using the Bologna card.

Here is a detailed map of Bologna showing street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is the city of Bologna located?

Bologna is located in Italy. This is wonderful beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Bologna coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map Bologna with its sights and other tourist attractions is an indispensable assistant for independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see the city plan, as well as detailed map highways with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Bologna. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.