Odd translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences. Odd translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences Odd translation into Russian

  1. adjective
    1. odd;
      odd and (or) even even and (or) odd;
      odd houses houses with odd numbers;
      odd months months having 31 days
    2. unpaired, scattered;
      odd volumes;
      odd player substitute player

      Examples of use

        Mr. Bennett was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three-and-twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character.

        Mr. Bennet's character so intricately combined liveliness of mind and a penchant for irony, isolation and eccentricity that after twenty-three years of marriage, his wife still could not adapt to him.

        Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen, page 3
      1. It"s not pleasant, but then we"re not in control, we"re the odd minority crying in the wilderness.

        451 degrees Fahrenheit. Ray Bradbury, page 120
      2. odd degrees of frost.

    3. extra, additional, remaining (above the amount or a certain amount);
      three pounds odd three plus pounds; three pounds, not counting shillings and pence;
      twenty odd years twenty odd years;
      forty odd over forty, forty-odd;
      odd money change, change

      Examples of use

      1. Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty odd degrees of frost.

        Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees below zero.

        Build a fire. Jack London, page 2
      2. Miss Sainsbury Seale was a woman of forty- odd with indecisively bleached hair rolled up in untidy curls.

        Miss Seal was already over forty, her unevenly bleached hair curled around her head in disorderly curls.

        One, two, the buckle barely holds on. Agatha Christie, page 3
      3. "I suppose they will be sending me down the odd bits which got trodden on.

        “I hope they send me some gnawed bones down here.

        Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything. Milne Alan, page 60
    4. unoccupied, free;
      odd moments minutes of leisure;
      at odd times a> at leisure, between times; b> from time to time

      Examples of use

      1. His hair was parted neatly in the middle. The chin was slightly bifurcated.

        Financier. Theodore Dreiser, page 41
      2. Other examples of Granfallon are any party, such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, the General Electric Company and the International Order of Bachelors - and any nation, anywhere at any time.

        Cat's cradle. Kurt Vonnegut, page 53
    5. random;
      odd job
      odd man (or lad, hand) a person who does odd jobs; handyman (cf. also)

      Examples of use

      1. and odd jobs like cashier and singing waitress.

        Occasional work as a cashier and singing waitress.

        Subtitles for the video "Why the best employee may not have a perfect resume. Regina Hartley", page 1
      2. On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tragic, some comic, a large number merely strange, but none commonplace; for, working as he did rather for the love of his art than for the skill of wealth, he refused to associate himself with any investigation which did not tend towards the unusual, and even the fantastic. Of all these varied cases, however, I cannot recall any which presented more singular features than that which was associated with the well-known Surrey family of the Roylotts of Stoke Moran. The events in question occurred in the early days of my association with Holmes, when we were sharing rooms as bachelors in Baker Street. It is possible that I might have placed them upon record before, but a promise of secrecy was made at the time, from which I have only been freed during the last month by the untimely death of the lady to whom the pledge was given. It is perhaps as well that the facts should now come to light, for I have reasons to know that there are widespread rumours, as to the death of Dr. Grimesby Roylott which tends to make the matter even more terrible than the truth.

        Looking through my notes on the adventures of Sherlock Holmes - and I have more than seventy such notes that I have kept over the past eight years - I find in them many tragic cases, some funny ones, some bizarre ones, but not a single one. ordinary: working for the love of his art, and not for money, Holmes never took on the investigation of ordinary, everyday cases; he was always attracted only to cases in which there was something extraordinary, and sometimes even fantastic. The case of the Roylott family from Stoke Moron, well known in Surrey, strikes me as particularly bizarre. Holmes and I, two bachelors, were then living together in Baker Street. I probably would have published my notes earlier, but I gave my word to keep this matter secret and I released my word only a month ago, after the untimely death of the woman to whom it was given. Perhaps it would be useful to present this matter in true light, because rumor attributed the death of Dr. Grimsby Roylott to even more terrible circumstances than those that actually existed.


odd (ɒd)

1. a

1) unusual, strange, eccentric;

how odd! how strange!;

the odd thing is worthy of surprise

2) random;

odd job; random job;

odd man ( or lad, hand) a person doing odd jobs; handyman"

3) extra; additional, remaining ( in excess of an amount or a certain amount);"

three pounds odd three plus pounds; three pounds, not counting shillings and pence;

twenty odd years twenty odd years;

forty odd over forty, forty odd;"

odd money change, change

4) odd;

odd and (or) even even (or) odd;

odd houses houses with odd numbers;

odd months months with 31 days"

5) unpaired, scattered;

odd volumes;

odd player

6) unoccupied, free;

odd moments minutes of leisure;

a) at leisure, between business;

b) from time to time the odd man decisive vote (cf. also 2));

a) the player left without a pair; the third is odd;"

b) strange person; not like everyone else; a stranger among his own


1) card. decisive bribe ( in Vista)

2) additional blow ( golf handicap)


1. (ɒd) n

1. unpaired thing

2. odd number

3. strangeness; accident etc.

4. sport.

1) additional, extra blow ( in golf)

5. kart. odd

2. (ɒd) a

1. odd

~ number - odd number

~ houses - houses with odd numbers

~ months - months having 31 days

~ files - odd ranks

~ and (or) even - even and (or) odd

2. unpaired

~ shoe (boot, glove) - unpaired low shoe (boot, th glove)

the box was full of ~ gloves - there were a lot of gloves from different pairs in the box

3. 1) exceeding ( round number)

the ~ money - change, change

five hundred ~, five hundred and ~ - five hundred plus

2) slightly larger; additional, one more or some

she is 30 ~ years - she is over thirty

it will cost 23 dollars ~ - it will cost a little more than twenty-three dollars

3) extra, redundant ( in excess of the required amount)

~ player - substitute player

4. scattered

~ volumes of Dickens - individual volumes ( from collected works) Dickens

~ bits of information - fragmentary / scattered / information

he turned out to be the ~ guest at the party - he found himself at the evening without a partner

5. random, irregular

~ job - random job

~ man /lad, hand/ - a person doing odd jobs

~ stroke of luck - random luck, unexpected luck

at ~ moments - in free minutes; when you can choose the time

he would see her again some ~ day - he will see her again someday

I"ve got one or two ~ jobs for you to do - I have some errands for you

6. strange, unusual, eccentric

~ manners - eccentric manners

~ way of speaking - strange way of speaking

how~! - how strange!

~ in shape - irregular / unusual / shape

he looks very ~ in uniform - he looks very strange in uniform

that"s very ~ - very strange

that"s an ~ way to show gratitude - is that really how they say thank you?

7. distant, distant; abandoned

~ corner - far corner

a tour to the ~ parts of the Far East - a trip to remote areas of the Far East

the ~ man - casting vote

Translation of words containing ODD, from English into Russian

New big English-Russian dictionary under the general leadership of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

odd man out



1. driver ( in the game)

2. choice of driver ( in the game)

3. single person ( in the game, etc.); third wheel

4. an outsider (person) who does not belong to a given society, a given group, party etc.



(͵ɒdʹi:v(ə)n) a american

even and odd, “even-odd”

to impose ~ gasoline rationing - introduce rationed sales of gasoline based on odd-even systems ( the number of even and odd days on the calendar coincides with the number of even and odd digits on the car license plate)



1. (ʹɒdbɔ:l) n coll.

1) eccentric, original; peculiar thinking man

2) sth. strange, atypical, eccentric

2. (ʹɒdbɔ:l) a decomposition

strange, wonderful; original, eccentric

~ scheme - crazy plan

~ humor - sophisticated humor



(ʹɒdıtı) n

1. strangeness, incomprehensibility; eccentricity

~ of character - strange character trait

the ~ of his dress and manner - the eccentricity of his clothes and manners

all people have their oddities - all people have their own oddities

2. eccentric strange man

to look a regular ~ - look strange / funny, stuffed /

I had all sorts of oddities visiting me - I visited the most incredible people

3. 1) amazing, bizarre thing

among oddities of the sea - among marine wonders

2) strange case



(ʹɒdmənts) n pl

1. leftovers, scattered items

~ sale - sale of leftovers ( matter, etc.)

~ of furniture - incomplete furniture; individual items furniture ( from the headset)

2. polygame

1) parts of the book not included in the main text

Plural number: odds.


  1. strange (odd, unusual, random, eccentric, incomprehensible, ridiculous)
  2. unpaired
  3. extra
  4. tricky


odd thing
strange thing

odd number
odd number

odd experience
unusual experience

odd place
random place

odd feeling
strange feeling

odd clothes
ridiculous clothes

odd word
extra word


It's odd being in here after so long.
It's strange to be here again after a long time.

He had an odd look on his face.
He had a strange expression on his face.

There's something odd going on.
Something strange is happening.

One, three, five, seven and nine are odd numbers.
One, three, five, seven and nine are odd numbers.

It is odd that he is so late.
It's strange that he came so late.

She looks odd in those clothes.
She looks strange in these clothes.

She speaks English with an odd accent
She speaks English with a strange accent.

One, three, and five are odd numbers.
One, three and five are odd numbers.

He is quite an odd man.
He's quite a strange person.

His behavior is very odd today.
He's acting very strange today.

It's odd that there should be a light on in the office at this hour.
It’s strange that the lights are on in the office at such a time.

Didn't that seem odd to you?
Didn't that seem strange to you?

He's been acting odd lately
He's been acting strange lately.

She's been acting odd lately
She's been acting strange lately.

Don't you think it odd that she was in such a hurry?
Don't you think it's strange that she was in such a hurry?

She takes care of fifty odd children.
She has about fifty children in her care.

That person has had an odd grin on his face for a while. What do you suppose is behind it?
He had a weird smirk on his face at one point. What do you think is hidden behind it?

Tom has been acting odd lately
Tom has been acting strange lately.

Even times odd is even, odd times odd is odd.
If you multiply an even number by an odd number, you get an even number. If you multiply an odd number by an odd number, the result is odd.