Pat we solve psychological problems on our own. Energy Psychology: An Overview of Zhivorad Slavinsky's Techniques (Practice)

Deep PEAT is one of the most powerful techniques developed over the past decade, and perhaps the most popular of the technologies developed by Zhivorad Slavinsky.

The effectiveness of this technique is truly amazing. It allows you to tackle many of the fundamental problems that bother a person throughout his life, and finally solve them within one hour. People who have been with psychologists for years and have had very dubious achievements with the help of Deep PEAT are often able to solve a problem that bothered them in just one session. The rapidly growing popularity of this technique is the best confirmation of its effectiveness.

It has long been known that in order to permanently fix a problem, it is necessary to find its roots and eliminate them. This is the key difficulty of most techniques, because finding the roots of a problem is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure that takes many hours. Techniques that do not search for roots, such as BSFF or EFT, simply remove the surface charge and thus temporarily turn off the problem, but do not completely solve it.

The uniqueness of Deep PEAT is that it allows you to very quickly go all the way to the root of the problem and eliminate it. This is achieved due to the lack of attachment of the process to the images and details of situations. The practitioner does not need to deal with a long chain of situations until he gets to the beginning in that chain. A tremendous sinking speed is achieved through the use of energy channels (activation of certain points on the body) and the use of the so-called holographic principle, when, erasing one charge from a situation, we remove all charges from it. This principle is most clearly demonstrated using the technique of Instant Elimination of Shocks (Spinners), when the entire charge from a single situation is erased literally within 10 seconds.

How does PEAT work?

The Deep PEAT process begins with the person formulating the problem that he wishes to solve during the session and the desired result he is striving to achieve. Concentrating on the situation in which this problem manifested itself, the practitioner takes a deep breath in and out, activating one of the key points with the help of the index finger. Then comes the transition to work directly with the charge, which emerges in the form of thoughts, emotions, pictures or bodily sensations. Each floating charge is processed in the same way, with the help of inhalation-exhalation simultaneously with the activation of the endings of the energy meridians. This removes blockages and the energy begins to flow freely.

The entire further process of sinking to the roots occurs without reference to situations that have anything to do with the original problem. New sensations (thoughts, emotions, pictures) simply appear, the next ones appear after them, and so on, until the practitioner reaches the roots of this problem.

As you know, the core of any problem is the opposition of two intentions or two goals, in other words, polarity. The problem continues to exist because there is an energetic charge that separates a given polarity, making us believe and feel the opposite of these states or goals. The moment this charge is removed, the polarity of which the problem consisted collapses or, in other words, is neutralized, merged. At the same time, a person experiences a state of non-duality, the unity of two opposites, their inseparability and interdependence from each other. They now represent a single whole for him. At this point, the problem with which the work began is finally resolved.

The neutralization of polarity does not mean at all that the concepts of which it consisted will disappear from the life of a given person or that they are not opposite. Only the obsessive game between them disappears. He is no longer forced to uncontrollably switch from one polarity to another and try to unsuccessfully win against himself. On the contrary, he begins to control this polarity, and he can at any time choose which of the positions or states to take. When the key polarity merges, a person understands what his whole problem was based on, and gains a mechanism for controlling the situation.

Neutralizing Primary Polarities

Due to the ability of the Deep PEAT process to penetrate into the very depths of the problem and neutralize its root cause (key polarity), Zhivorad Slavinsky discovered a phenomenon that he called the Primary Polarities or Personal Codes of a person. Primary polarities are the pair of polarities that form the person's most fundamental problem. This is a problem that a person faces throughout his life, and which determines how a person builds his relationship with the world around him.

Primary polarities have a key influence on a person throughout his life and form his basic game. The neutralization of Primary Polarities brings this game to a conscious level and makes it manageable. This does not solve all the problems in a person's life, but it solves one of them, which gave a person maximum difficulties. At the moment of neutralization of the Primary Polarities, a person usually falls into a very deep state of nonduality. At this moment, he is able to perceive any pair of polarities as a whole, which, in turn, is a powerful stimulus for his further development.

Holistic processing

Another feature of the Deep PEAT technology is its holistic nature. This means that during processing we work not only the problem itself, but also everything that may be connected with it. So, after the process, the presence of any internal oppositions or resistances to resolving this problem is necessarily checked. Thus, all additional conflicts that may arise as a result of its resolution are identified and settled. Separately, it is checked to ensure that this problem will not arise in the future against the will of the client. That is, we put under control not only the past manifestations of the problem, but also the future ones.

If the problem is related to relationships with other people, then we consistently work through all important points of view using the so-called "circular processing", thereby covering the entire situation. Moreover, we are not satisfied with the speculative feeling that the problem has been solved, but immediately suggest that we go and make sure that there is a result achieved, or at least schedule such a check in the near future (depending on what the original problem is). The final criterion that the problem is solved is a test of life, and only she can really confirm that the problem is completely and finally solved.

Deep PEAT capabilities

The application potential of Deep PEAT is very large and has not yet been investigated in many ways. With its help, you can easily resolve unwanted emotional, mental or spiritual states. Amazing results are achieved when working with various fears, phobias, addictions. The effect of Deep PEAT processing on the harmonization of relationships between people is often simply shocking. People who have been at war for many years suddenly reconcile and often become good friends after the processing.

Of particular interest is a number of cases when, using the practice of Deep PEAT in old age, people restored their vision (Zivorad himself is a striking example) or natural hair color. Doctors who have tried to use PEAT to help their patients notice a strong improvement in the condition of their patients in more than 40% of cases, in another 30% the improvement is insignificant. Up to 10% of patients who received improvement due to PEAT recovered immediately after the process.

Convenient and environmentally friendly process

A separate positive characteristic of this technology is its convenience and sufficient ease for independent use. At seminars, this point is always given special attention, so after learning Deep PEAT, you will be able to further apply this technology on your own to resolve your personal problems. The simplicity of Deep PEAT is excellent error protection. So, even the most inexperienced processor in the worst case will simply spend a lot of time on the process.

It is important to note that in the practice of Deep PEAT, problems are solved not by imposing ready-made solutions on a person, but solely by eliminating emotional charges and the accompanying negative states and sensations. At the same time, no additional opinions or assessments are imposed on the practitioner - the technique is absolutely environmentally friendly.

But nevertheless, it would be extremely incorrect to talk about Deep PEAT as an exclusively problem-solving technology. Due to the elimination of charges, the real personal characteristics of the practitioner are changed. The real reasons for negative and undesirable behavior are recognized, which helps to really realize their actions and change themselves for the better. You become a calmer, more confident, responsible person. Thus, the result of the application of this technology leads to the spiritual development of the individual. That is why Zivorad Slavinsky calls his systems Spiritual Technologies.

We would not dare to call this a panacea, but its power, effectiveness and versatility are truly amazing. Do not hope that all your problems will be resolved in one session or by the merging of Primary Polarities. For some people, on the contrary, it opens their eyes, and they begin to see all their problems, which until that time were simply ignored. In this case, the merging of Primary Polarities for a person is like opening a jar full of worms. But, at the same time, it is a powerful incentive for further growth and development. Moreover, the tool with which you can do this and deal with the emerged worms is already in your hands.

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The past of an ordinary "average" person looks like a large, unassembled attic with rubbish, into which it is very painful to look. And this rubbish from unresolved situations from the past slowly but surely affects a person's life every second. Therefore, perhaps the most important step in removing personal limitations (and gaining freedom from cockroaches and past events that support our unconscious and unwanted reactions to the world around us) is to archive the past as soon as possible. So that it turns into an uncharged bank of information, and ceases to have a negative impact on a person's life.

Impact of the past on human life
As far as the past is concerned, the "unsolved" episodes usually consist of many negative situations related to parents, relationships in the family, at school, institute, army, at work, and so on. All unselected events have an impact on life, since they represent a certain charge in the subconscious. It is a fact that past events have already shaped your personality, influenced who you are at the moment. But the point is, they continue to contribute to your limitations and limit your freedom every day. And this will continue as long as there is an energy charge associated with the past in the subconscious.
... The unclear past, first of all, affects your emotional background. If you look at the simplified classical scale of emotions (death, apathy, grief, fear, pride, neutrality, acceptance, love, joy and peace), then most people, as statistics show, are below the level of fear. Emotional background is the emotion that you experience most often within 24 hours. The fact is that your past has a significant impact on the emotional background, so its neutralization alone already gives you the freedom to rise higher on the scale of emotions.
... Also, the past has a significant impact on your self-esteem. And while the past affects self-esteem, it is, by definition, impossible to raise to a high level. There will always be some events from the past that you identify with. And even if you remember them once every 5 years or have not remembered them for a very, very long time, they are there. And they take some of your attention during every decision. Every time you need to make any decision, your self-esteem connects with events from the past and changes in accordance with them. And, since an ordinary person has a lot of events in the past, in which their self-esteem suffered, - thanks to the unassembled past, the self-esteem of many people is under threat.
... Finally, the unparsed past has a significant impact on your attention. Attention to the things you do every day. If the ideal working state is to be "here and now", to work on one thing and give yourself completely to it, "to be in the flow" - then each charged event from the past takes a part of your attention. As a result, the ability to concentrate is lost, the person becomes distracted. And absent-mindedness, in turn, gives rise to a bunch of other problems: irritability, chronic fatigue, and so on.
Yes, I scared you a little ... but all this is true: the charge in a person's past significantly limits him from day to day. The good news is that archiving the past is very easy, and it has to be done very, very, very much.

We archive the past
If you recall Carlos Castaneda, he also proposed a mechanism that would allow one to get rid of the vulgar and turn it into the archive. His technique was called "recapitulation" and consisted of erasing his past every day for five years. Sit down in a wooden box every day, and from right to left, review every event in your life. Good technique, but 5 years ... ineffective. J
With the help of Slavinsky's technologies, it is possible to transfer the vast majority of events from the past to the archive in a few days of hard work.
Zivorad Slavinsky invented an extremely simple technique called "the method of instantaneous neutralization of traumas and shocks from the past", in one word - "twist". This method works not only with traumatic and eerie episodes from the past associated with death, rape and disasters, but also allows you to remove the charge from absolutely any past episode within a minute.
Let me give you an example: my very good friend had a fight with a girl and, for several hours, while we were driving around the city, he told me how bad he was, that they had a falling out and broke up. When we had a few minutes, I demonstrated the "twist".
- "Remember the episode when you had a fight. How do you feel there?"
- "I feel terrible HATE!"
- "Please rate that same hatred on a 10-point scale?"
- "Eleven!!!"
A minute and a half later, after he performed the "twist", I asked to rate the hatred from that episode again. With round eyes, he asked, "She couldn't just disappear ?!" He once again rated the hatred on a 10-point scale. It turned out to be a solid zero.

Thus, the twist, if performed correctly, allows for a minute and a half to completely discharge an episode in such a way that you can talk about it calmly, as about an ordinary and neutral event. If at first the story about the event causes a storm of negative emotions and poisoned your life, then after the twist it turns into a neutral episode that no longer means practically nothing.
Another interesting fact about the "twist". It is called a "twist" because there is 3.5 times twisting around its axis. When I asked Slavinsky - "Zivorad, tell me why exactly 3.5 times?" - he replied: “There is a very ancient symbol in alchemy - a snake twisting around a bowl. In the original symbol, the snake wraps around the bowl 3.5 times. I tried it - it works. We have been doing this since then. ”

Algorithm for clearing the past
When you learn how to perform a twist, you will be able to transfer the main events from the past to the archive in just 1-2-3 days. The time depends on how hard you work.
It is necessary to take a pen and paper, and write down all the episodes from the past in which there is some negative. In order to effectively complete this task, I recommend:
... smash all your past by years
... remember all the events that happened to you in each specific year.
It also makes sense to write down here: about all the people with whom you spoke that year, about all the places that you visited.
People and places will help you quickly remember the main events in your life.
Someone finds it easier to write down events and discharge them immediately, while other people do the opposite: first create a long list, then work it out. Be prepared for the fact that in one day you are unlikely to remember all the significant events from the past. Therefore, I recommend that you keep the list at hand: as soon as you begin to plunge into the past, events and episodes during the day will pop up in your memory.
I think that you can remember about 100 significant events. And if you spend one and a half minutes cleaning up each event, that will be about three hours of clean runtime. Taking into account breaks, you should be able to finish the job in 2-3 days.
While the spinner is an absurdly simple technique, removing charge from the past with it is perhaps the most important step in removing personal limitations.
The last important detail: after you neutralize an event from the past, after that I recommend using a "twist" to defuse the images of all significant people from this event and the images of places associated with it. This will allow you to quickly get rid of unnecessary emotional attachments.

"Spinner" can eliminate not only negative events, but also positive ones, so I do not recommend eliminating all positive events from the past. (Rather, I recommend it - but only for advanced ones. And)
In fact, the positive can contribute to the existence of the problem. Therefore, if you feel that some positive event prevents you from living (the present may seem unpleasant compared to a strongly positive event from the past), then I also recommend "archiving" this positive episode.
A classic example is "unhappy love". The person clings and does not want to let go of the pleasant feeling of falling in love, but as a result he suffers. If in a few minutes the events associated with this "unhappy love" are defused, a person gets freedom from emotional attachment to another person and his emotional background improves significantly.
Let me give you another vivid example from Slavinsky's experience: the client had a problem - gambling addiction. He was playing slot machines, wasting all his time and money, and couldn't stop. During a conversation with Slavinsky, it turned out that a few years ago a really positive event happened to the client: his friend won tens of thousands of dollars in slot machines. At that moment, the client imagined that now the whole world is at his feet, one has only to hit the jackpot. This most positive charge from the episode in the past turned out to be the cause of gambling addiction. After they discharged the positive from that event, not a trace remained of the problem. The client entered the gaming room for the last time and realized that he no longer needed the machines.

As for the elimination of all positive events in the past - decide for yourself. If you have pleasant memories of sunbathing on the seashore, you can leave them; but if these memories do not allow you to spend the winter calmly in central Russia, then it is better to defuse them than to suffer quietly until your next vacation. and

Past-Future Rundown
Rundown of the past-future is another technology of Zhivorad Slavinsky, which allows you to eliminate absolutely all conscious charge from the past and future of a person.
Unfortunately, the rundown does not always work and not for everyone, and even Slavinsky does not name the exact reasons. However, working out the past with a "twist" and neutralizing the primary polarities significantly increases the chances of a past-future rundown.
From a technical point of view, a "past-future rundown" is the integration of several episodes from the past and the future with a neutral state "here and now" using DP4 according to a special algorithm.
As a result of the past-future rundown, a person experiences a state when the past and the future turn out to be an obvious illusion created by him at the present moment. What happens there: first, the person already lacks the main charge from the past; secondly, a very large charge is eliminated within an hour, so the past and future of a person practically disappear from consciousness. As a result of this vacuum, a "collapse" occurs, the past and the future simply disappear.
At the same time, the past and the future simply lose their charge and are "handed over to the archive." They remain a set of uncharged memories, and the person is free to recreate them in the present moment or not to recreate them.

2. Elimination of personal limitations

The bulk of the restrictions are within a person. This is the very charge in the subconscious mind that does not give you the opportunity to act freely, but makes you unconsciously react to various events in the surrounding reality. And the elimination of this charge, by and large, is the elimination of your limitations on the path to a free and preactive life.
If you have a specific, absolute and accurate feeling that something is preventing you from moving forward, developing, or something specific is preventing you from living the life you want, it is best to immediately take this particular feeling and process it with the help of the Deep Peat-a. I am sure that many of you can name the main problem that limits and prevents you from living. But by and large, one Deep Pat session is not enough to remove all the limitations in your life.
As my personal experience and the experience of my colleagues show, the following algorithm works great for removing personal limitations:

1) Past
The very first step is to archive the past. (See previous chapter). I repeat that the past has the most significant negative impact on your present, and you need to start with it.

2) Setting desirable qualities
Further, Zivorad recommends writing out all the qualities of your personality that you lack, and integrating them into yourself. That is, it is necessary to remove the charge between them and their opposite. (See the Setting Desirable Traits for details). All of this can be done with several DP4 procedures. I recommend writing down 20 basic qualities (you can do more, don't cost less) that you are missing. Moreover, it can be either your personal qualities, which you rarely show, or qualities that you want to borrow from other people. If you already own the DP4 method, then probably each session will take you about 15 minutes, which means integrating 20 qualities is 5 hours of independent work. This item can be easily dealt with in 5 days, devoting one hour to work every day.

3) Self-esteem
The most significant contribution to personal limitations (after the past, of course) is your self-esteem. Moreover, low self-esteem is not one problem, it usually consists of a whole bunch of different problems. Therefore, I recommend not delaying, but as soon as possible create a list and write down the main problems and beliefs that are limiting you. In order for you to notice a significant result and its impact on your life, it is enough to find and solve 7-10 main problems related to your self-esteem (how you feel and think about your limitations). It is necessary to fully work out these 7-10 problems with the help of the Deep Ped-a according to the full algorithm (first the problem; then the internal resistance to getting rid of the limitation; then the fear that the limitation will return in the future; further to work out the point of view of other people and creatures who contribute to the problem; and finally carry out the forgiveness procedure).
When you do several Deep Pat sessions in a row, all sessions starting with the second one take much less time than the first one. If, for example, the first session took you one hour, but each subsequent session can take 15-30 minutes.

4) other people's points of view
Self-esteem again, but from the point of view of other people. In fact, it is your opinion that you feel what other people think about your self-esteem. Write down everything that you find in your mind. List out all relatives (how they treat you, whether there is any charge), all friends, colleagues and neighbors.
And it doesn't have to be real people. One can observe the following situation: the beloved grandmother suppressed the initiative. The grandmother died a long time ago, but the feeling of the grandmother's voice in my head remained "don't do this ... it won't work ... be careful ...". Therefore, I recommend that you write out all the people from your environment who, in your opinion, limit you, and work out their point of view with Deep Pat.

If we are talking about removing restrictions in business, then I recommend making circular processing of all people involved in the business. Moreover, these can be not only specific people, but also collective images:
... Employees. (Management, partners, subordinates)
... Competitors. (Either specific competitors, or their image: how you feel, competitors feel towards you)
... Clients. (Often, in business, thoughts about clients baffle, slow down and prevent them from working and developing normally. Therefore, for your peace of mind and effective work, I recommend conducting circular processing from the point of view of your clients. Imagine that you are a client, how you feel about relation to you and your business?
... Power or government agencies. (In Russia, many are stressed when thinking about power)
Why is this needed? Rather, I will ask another question: why drag the burden of these problems with you, every second spend part of your attention on what others think. It is easier to free your attention from the negative points of view of people and groups. And do what you like, completely surrendering to this process.

5) Fear
The last but very powerful thing that you have to face when removing personal limitations is fear.
Here's why: The main and last line of defense for your ego is fear. More than anything, the ego is afraid to change. Irreversible change is the biggest fear of the ego. The point is when the Ego changes, your consciousness and your personality change, and the old personality dies. The ego is very afraid of death.
Once you break free of basic personal limitations, changes in your personality are inevitable. You become a freer person, you begin to more freely do what you like, what you think is right, what your conscience says, you begin to take better care of your needs, and so on. As practice shows, people who are engaged in work on their personality, fears will almost certainly creep in. When the ego sees that you can no longer be established by the usual methods, it turns on fear.

There is a catch phrase: "be careful with your dreams, because they can come true." So, when you come to the border where nothing stands between you and your dreams, fears appear.
The good news is that fears can be dealt with in the same way as other problems:
A) If serious and deep fears of something specific are revealed, for example, fear of success, wealth, freedom, etc., then these fears must be eliminated by deep PEAT. You can, of course, gather your will into a fist and go against these fears with your chest on the embrasure with the hope that you will overcome them. Of course, you will do this, but instead of wasting your nerves and time, I recommend that you process them with Deep Pat.
B) If small fears come up (for example, fear of a specific obvious situation in the future), then this situation is easiest to fix, spend a minute of time and defuse it with a "twist".
B) Finally, if you feel fear, but cannot uniquely identify it - I highly recommend taking the good old BSFF technology (this is not Slavinsky's technique, but the technology that preceded his techniques), decompose
fear on aspects and work it out. The BSFF book can be downloaded from here, but let me remind you: Slavinsky's technologies are two orders of magnitude more effective, and BSFF has only one advantage: it allows you to work with problems that you do not fully understand.

3. Elimination of self-sabotage

Self-sabotage is the most frequent topic that clients come to me with. When a person “feels internal resistance to work,” or “cannot do what he wants,” or “cannot do something,” or “he has low motivation,” this is classic self-sabotage. The problem of self-sabotage is successfully and quickly solved by Slavinsky's technologies, but the solution to this problem may not be at all what you expected.
I'll start with a story about what happens when a person gets rid of self-sabotage.
As a result, many expect them to become, roughly speaking, executing robots who can take an old plan and start working on it. Perhaps I will disappoint someone - a robot-executor in the literal sense of the word will not work out of you. As a result of eliminating the problem of self-sabotage, a free person appears. Free from the problem and its consequences.
If self-sabotage makes you unfree and poisons the present moment "here and now" with various negative emotions, then after solving the problem of self-sabotage, you get the freedom to consciously do what you like, what you intend to do, want and can; and not do what you think is unnecessary. And after that decision to sit down and do what you have decided. If we go back to the example with the executing robot, then everything depends on the plan. You will definitely understand if the plan does not suit you, and you can freely abandon it in favor of another. However, you yourself have to find the plan of action that will suit you.
When you have the freedom to choose what to spend your time on, it may happen that you make the free decision not to do what you are doing now. Just be ready for it. In any case, your decision will be correct and over time you will understand that, finally, you have freed yourself from the concept of "must" and have come to the concepts of "want", "can" and "will".

Self-sabotage elimination algorithm:
First, you can take self-sabotage as such and work it through with Deep Pat. For many people, one session is enough to no longer notice this problem in their lives. But, as I have already said, often the problem of self-sabotage is a whole conglomerate of problems, and it must be approached in a comprehensive manner.
So, to eliminate self-sabotage from your life:
1) If you feel self-sabotage and low motivation, then first of all I recommend expanding your zone of freedom and establishing desirable character traits (see the chapter of the same name). This will allow you to act like a productive and efficient person at the right time, who can do what he wants.
To do this, you need to write down a list of character traits that you lack (remember - these can be both your character traits and the positive qualities of the people you want to borrow) and then integrate them into yourself using DP4.
2) Next, you need to pay attention to the emotional background that you experience when you notice the problem of self-sabotage. Usually self-sabotage generates a whole range of emotions:
... internal resistance, protest
... irritation with yourself, others and your affairs (irritation can develop into anger or anger).
... fear (what will happen to me if I don't do what I have to do right now)
... resentment towards yourself and the world around you, feeling of guilt towards other people for not keeping promises
... overwhelmed by the current situation
... etc...
In order to finally eliminate self-sabotage, it is necessary to find the main emotional roots that accompany it, and eliminate them with deep PEAT. Expect an average of 7 sessions.
Now why do you need it. The fact is that a person usually resists the negative emotions that accompany self-sabotage. And Buddha also said that we are what we resist. Or in other words: "resistance gives persistence". Once you remove the emotional roots that accompany self-sabotage, you stop resisting it. In fact, self-sabotage will have nothing to rely on. Therefore, self-sabotage as a phenomenon will simply disappear from your life. The word "self-sabotage" will turn into an uncharged and meaningless set of letters.
When resistance disappears, you get the freedom to consciously choose: to do or not to do each specific task. And to choose without nerves and worries.

Finally, I want to note: the problem of self-sabotage and low motivation is not just common among many people: it usually contains a very large charge. Sometimes it happens that while working with a problem, a deeply hidden charge will surface and self-sabotage will intensify for a while. This is a temporary phenomenon, sometimes called a "pendulum". (In general, "pendulums" are practically not found in Slavinsky's technologies, but as for self-sabotage, they can be seen in some people). Do not be afraid, on the contrary: you need to look at what has appeared there and discharge fresh problems using all the methods that are available to you.
The problem of self-sabotage can be completely and irrevocably solved with the help of Slavinsky's technologies so that it ceases to influence your life and ceases to restrict you on your path. But I recommend doing this only if you are ready to become a Free Person and be responsible for all your actions.

4. Improving relationships with people

This is a short chapter, but it contains very important information. The fact is that almost all human problems are tied to other people. And this is due to the fact that the relationship with the people around the "normal person" is usually not in the best shape. Overt or hidden conflicts every day have a detrimental effect on the quality of life.
With the help of energy therapy, you can remove negative emotional background from relationships with people around you.

Algorithm for harmonizing relations with a specific person:
1) If there are obvious problems in the relationship, it is necessary to formulate them ("I hate X", "X pisses me off", "I am afraid of X" and so on) - and eliminate each problem with the help of Deep Peat.
2) Identify with this person (imagine that I am him) and look at myself from his point of view: how do I feel, what does he feel towards me? Defuse his point of view with Deep Peat.
3) The next step is to work with the "twist": write down all the negative events from the past associated with this person.
Scroll through these events, and then scroll through all the images of this person that you can imagine. Usually, after three images, there is no negative left. Working with the "twist" is the final chord. It will probably take no more than half an hour.
(I want to draw your attention to the fact that you cannot feel negative to the very essence of a person, you can only experience negative to his image, which has developed in your mind, so I recommend defusing every image that you can imagine)
After the main emotional charge has been removed between you, and you have integrated the image of a person into yourself, your relationship becomes natural. You eliminate unconscious reactions to this person and get the freedom to communicate with him the way you want it. Or stop communicating at will.
Here one more question may arise: if there is a good relationship with a person, then why integrate (eliminate) his image with the help of a "twist"? The answer is very simple: so that you can perceive this person naturally, without prejudices and filters that have formed in your mind, and which prevent you from perceiving a person as he really is. If you perceive a person through the prism of patterns and beliefs (even if they are to some extent positive), these are filters that limit you from getting a natural and meaningful communication experience. As soon as you remove these filters, communication will move to a new quality level.

We put a point
In the life of almost every person, you can find a situation when relations with another person have ended, but there is a feeling of their incompleteness. It can be "unhappy love" in adolescence, a relationship with a close relative who has died, or a friend who lives in another country. Usually, such a relationship weighs heavily on the soul and causes a lot of trouble.
As the people say - a person must be "released", and it will immediately become easier. So, in order to guarantee the release of a person and put an end to such a relationship, it is enough to follow the three steps listed above: Work out the problem from my point of view, from his (her) point of view, and then defuse episodes from the past with a "twist".
After using this algorithm you work the main people in your life, only after this procedure will your emotional background significantly increase. Interacting with people will be enjoyable and a powerful source of positive emotions.

5. Return of sexual desire

A very interesting application of the DP4 technique to sex life. I will give an example for men, women will be able to find an analogy and carry out the process from their point of view.
I'll start with the example given by Zhivorad Slavinsky. His client complained: "I love my wife, but, unfortunately, over time, completely and irrevocably lost my sexual attraction to her. I enjoy watching erotic magazines, I am turned on by porn models, but I don't feel anything like that for my wife."
A small lyrical digression: one feeling for a wife and another feeling for a playboy model is the most natural polarity. These are two polar states, and since there is a charge between them, a person cannot experience them at the same time: that is, be with his wife and experience the feelings that he has for models from magazines.
Slavinsky asked the client to bring to the trial a magazine with a photograph of the girl who arouses him the most. They started the DP4 process: on the one hand, the client took the image of his wife (for whom he did not feel anything); on the other, the image of a sexual model (to which he felt a strong attraction). They removed all charge between the two images within 20 minutes. Slavinsky wanted to continue his work and work out the problem from the other side, but ... the client pulled himself together and ran away to his wife J
What the client received was the freedom to feel the same feelings with his wife that he had for the model. If earlier his feelings for his wife were limited, these restrictions simply disappeared.
Thus, in order to diversify your sex life, on the one hand, you can take the image of your sexual partner, on the other hand, the image of a person for whom you have a special feeling (which you cannot experience with your partner right now). In a few minutes, with the help of DP4, you remove the charge and you get the freedom to experience the same feelings for your partner that you could previously only experience for another person.
A wonderful technique, I tried it myself, and as a source of unusual sensations, I took not only models, but also ordinary acquaintances or unfamiliar girls for whom I had unusual feelings. Gorgeous! J
Perhaps you have a question: if I integrate the image of two women, for one of whom I had no sexual attraction, why by the end of the session I feel attraction to both, although theoretically nothing prevents me, on the contrary, to stop feeling sexual attraction to the other?
The answer here is simple: after a person removes the charge between two polarities, he gets the freedom to choose either one or the other polarity at his discretion. And since a person is inherently positive, he usually chooses the positive polarity.
That is, the answer will be this: nothing prevents you from ceasing to be attracted to the model, but there is no point in this, and the person freely chooses something else: to experience positive feelings for both women

6. Integration of actual polarities

Zivorad Slavinsky has compiled a large list of polarities, which most often turn out to be the primary polarities for his clients. Polarities from this list usually contain a lot of charge, so Zivorad recommends integrating all polarities from the list using DP4 - this will eliminate a rather large amount of charge from the subconscious, which probably limits you from free life.
To begin with, I recommend that you mark in this lists those pairs of polarities that make sense for you personally, and integrate them using DP4. After that, you can proceed to the second half of the list.
I remind you that trying to guess which of these polarities are your primary is pointless, primary polarities are automatically found and integrated during the first successful Deep Peat process. Moreover, your pair of primary polarities may not be on this list. I recommend using this list to work with DP4.
Freedom and limitation
Love and aggression
Consciousness and instincts
Greatness and unimportance
Me and emptiness
Visibility and invisibility
Victory and defeat
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Me and not me
Me and another
Me and others
I am and I am not
Existence and non-existence
Light and darkness
Good and bad
Unity and duality
Emotions and Reason
Passion and spirituality
Love and freedom
Love and pain
Love and loss
Love and power
Freedom and lack of freedom
Freedom and slavery
Freedom and responsibility
Active and passive
Conscious and unconscious
Limited consciousness and unlimited consciousness
Material and Conscious
Material and spiritual
Infinitely small and infinitely large
Strength and powerlessness
Fear and peace
Fear and love
Security and insecurity
Expansion and contraction
Creation and destruction
Sadness and joy
Everything and nothing
Terrestrial and extraterrestrial
This world and another world
The material universe and the spiritual universe
The inner world and the outer world
Entering and leaving experience
Divine and material
Mind and body
Inside and outside
Something and nothing
True and false (True and false)
Dependency and independence
Knowledge and ignorance
Advance and retreat
Strength and weakness
Inside and outside
Good me and bad me
Happiness and sadness
Control and freedom
Being and creation
Acceptance and rejection
Me and nothing
Love and rejection
Unity and separation
Moving and stopping
Study and knowledge
Me and everything
Relaxation and tension
Calm and control
Ideality and imperfection

Deep PEAT, Deep PEAT-4 (GP-4) and other PEATs Is a group of powerful psychotherapy and personal growth techniques developed by a Serbian psychologist.

They allow you to quickly and easily solve most of the typical psychological problems, paving the way for a person's spiritual development.

PEAT effectively helps in the following situations: low self-esteem, shyness, psychological and physical stiffness, harmful and dangerous emotions for health (anger, panic, aggression, hatred, etc.), relationship problems, chronic lack of money and many diseases (those for which psychological reasons are easily visible).

PEAT stands for "Psycho-Energy-Aura-Technology". This method is based on direct work with the subconscious and includes the process of "deprogramming the subconscious".

Zivorad Slavinsky and his followers created and tested many different PEATs in practice. However, they are all built on a common principle and use the same methods of working with the subconscious. The "basic" set that we will look at in this article consists of the following techniques:

- Surface PEAT

- Deep PEAT

- GP-4 (Deep PEAT-4)

Surface PEAT Is a contact (requiring work with the body) universal psychological technique that is used to work with recently experienced emotional trauma and problems that do not have deep roots in the subconscious.

Superficial PEAT can be used hot on the trail if any of the following happened: unpleasant conversations, scandals and quarrels, failure or defeat that caused irritation, anger, anger, sadness, shame or guilt.

This technique can help relieve headaches or other physical pain if it has psychological roots.

It is important to emphasize that when Slavinsky's psychotherapy techniques are applied, then a person is necessarily aware of and lives through his psychological problems in the process of working with them.

Deep peat is a more powerful and interesting psychotherapy technique. This technique is already seriously digging deep into the subconscious. It allows you to work out and solve problems that have deep roots in the past, in the "basements" of the human mind.

Deep PEAT allows you to deal with old grievances, including those against parents, to find and "extinguish" the roots of irrational hostility towards certain people or situations.

If some traits of a person's character regularly cause him inconvenience (stubbornness, suspiciousness, jealousy, irascibility, irritability, etc.), then they can be corrected, replaced with positive ones.

Having studied this "advanced" method, you can quickly and effortlessly overcome addictions and bad habits (smoking, overeating, online role-playing games, etc.), as well as psychosomatic illnesses.

This technique is based on the premise that the root of any problem is some mental polarity in the person's mind.

The problem is caused by the voltage between the polarity poles. What is Mental Polarity? Here are some examples: “being good is being yourself”, “love is freedom”, “family is a career”, “money is freedom”, etc.

This means that somewhere deep in the subconscious of a person there may be an opposition, for example, between a career and a happy family, which causes difficulties.

If a person has such an opposition (limiting belief), then he is likely to constantly rush between the poles of his polarity.

This means that he will block his own career for the sake of a happy family, and when he is in the family, he will suffer, because he has not realized in his career.

It often happens that people themselves impede their own material prosperity. This usually means that they perceive money as the opposite of freedom.

Zivorad Slavinsky and all those who practice PEAT are sure that all polarities exist only in the mind, and not in the real world. Accordingly, if you integrate them, you can solve the problems that they give rise to.

Deep PEAT is to first find the polarity that is responsible for a given problem, and then integrate it, that is, remove the mental tension between its poles.

After integration, a person begins to understand at the deepest level that for him both poles of polarity are in fact the same. As a rule, the problem disappears after this. It usually turns out that determining the correct polarity is a more difficult task than integrating it when it has already been identified.

Finally, Deep PEAT-4 Is a technique that makes it relatively easy to integrate any pair of polarities to choose from.

This technique is not intended to search for (reveal) polarities, but only to integrate them. It is understood that the polarity responsible for this or that problem has already been found.

For more information about PEAT, see the book by Zhivorad Slavinsky "PEAT: Solving Psychological Problems on Our Own".

The main advantage of the PEAT technique is its high efficiency. This is a quick and reliable method for solving most of the typical problems that are consulted with a therapist.

The disadvantage is that the procedure for dealing with problems, which in "Psycho-Energy-Aura-Technology" is called "processing", is in itself rather complicated.

Such a person will take care of all the "technical" details, and the client will be able to better focus on their experiences while working on problems.

It should be emphasized once again that in order to solve a psychological problem with the help of PEAT, it will first have to be realized and "experienced".

Although PEAT is an excellent tool for working with individual tasks, it is almost impossible to use it to totally "clear" your mind. Indeed, in the head of every person, mental garbage (which is here called "polarities") accumulates a lot.

Realizing all your limiting beliefs will take at least several years of continuous mental work. For the average person, this is already beyond reason.

In addition, many of the most difficult personality problems can have their roots as early as infancy or even in the womb. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to "get" them from there for conscious experience and decision.

Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention also to "Turbo-Gopher" - another effective psychological technique, akin to those that we discussed above. It allows you to comprehensively solve psychological problems without consciously experiencing them.

Turbo Gopher will teach you how to use the enormous resources of the subconscious for this, which make up 90% of the capabilities of our brain. For more details see the book "Turbo-Gopher" by D. Leushkin.

Turbo-Gopher allows you to "automatically" replace limiting beliefs with positive ones, gain genuine freedom and start living fully.

The article is provided by the site

What is PEAT?

Primary energies are activation and transcendence. In a general sense, transcendence is going beyond borders, overcoming fundamental obstacles, boundaries, limits. Transcendence for man is overcoming. Overcoming your own boundaries. More precisely, overcoming one's own limitations. This is the path to harmonization. After all, limiting ourselves to one thing, we deny the rest.

Why are these techniques classified as energy therapy methods?

The technique of energy therapy consists in the fact that in these techniques we work with the invisible energy basis of emotional and psychological disorders. All energy therapies target universal life energy. By releasing blocked energy flows, PEAT makes you conscious and neutralizes opposites within which the energy charge was preserved. These closed energy flows contain problems, destructive fantasies, obsessions, blockages and much more.

If PEAT is not psychotherapy, then what is this procedure?

PEAT is both a therapeutic method and, at the same time, a system of spiritual development. Spiritual development undoubtedly has a therapeutic effect. And besides, PEAT is rather a technical procedure that allows a person to clarify (resolve) problems, which makes him more free. According to a certain technology, during the PEAT process, material (pictures, emotions, sensations in the body and thoughts) emerges from the subconscious and is discharged (similar to a drop falling into a larger water space, it simply disappears in it), while the charge is used to neutralize multiple acupuncture points

Is PEAT suitable for all people?

PEAT is not effective for people who do not feel emotion, or who try to control the process while working. There are health limitations such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, depression, and psychiatric illness.

Is it possible with PEAT to solve any problem?

If you realize that you have a problem and you are ready to solve it, then you can do it. As for PEAT, it can deal with subjective (personal) problems. Let me give you an example: it's raining outside. But is the rain itself the problem? Rain is only a natural phenomenon, i.e. phenomenon. The problem is your attitude to rain: “I hate rainy weather,” “The rain makes me deeply sad,” and so on - a person does not like rain. He may not love him for various reasons, but the energetic essence of this dislike is simple - the presence of a charge on the phenomenon of "rain". After solving a subjective problem, you free yourself from negative reactions to rain and get the freedom to react to this phenomenon in a way convenient for you: open a large umbrella, get joy walking in the rain, stay at home or not pay any attention to the rain. Of course, PEAT deals with much more serious problems.

If you compare your problems, then they will be united by one quality - what personally bothers you in this or that phenomenon or event, what you have identified as a problem, what you are "tense" about, what causes your negative emotions. PEAT removes the charge, and this translates any problem being processed into the category of tasks that can now be addressed purposefully, with a sober head, and not waste energy on useless negative emotions or regrets, which significantly reduces the efficiency and overall quality of life. And this applies to any problem.

What is a processor?

A processor is a person who uses PEAT techniques for himself and with the client in order to eliminate the problem, demonstrate the technology of the process in teaching the client to master the technique for independent work.

Solo processing?

PEAT can be used in solo mode, i.e. on oneself without the help of another person. Working in tandem with a processor sometimes goes faster and more efficiently - it all depends on specific individual preferences.

Can PEAT improve physical health?

PEAT effectively copes with emotional, psychological and spiritual problems and, as a result of the studies, it is possible to get rid of negative health-related experiences. Also, those health disorders that were associated with psychosomatics, with psychosomatic negative causes, stop. There is no reason - the disease stops. And never comes back. Neither in the same form, nor in a modified form. But it will be necessary to treat the symptoms and correct the body using traditional methods. Traditional methods are intended for symptoms (not causes).

How are desirable traits set?

The difference between your current state and the desired state is polarity. I am so and so, but I want to be like this. After neutralizing the charge between the two polarities, the subjective difference between these states disappears and you can enter a new role or stay in the old one at will.

Is PEAT a "miracle technique"?

No, PEAT is not a "miracle technique" where you pressed a button and got what you wanted, and this is not a magic pill, and this is not a panacea - it is a tool with which you need to work. But this is a modern and very effective tool, each session gives fast, tangible, immediately verifiable and stable results.

Will integrating "primary polarities" solve all my problems?

Primary polarities, or "Primes" for short, are polarities that everyone has and that most affect our behavior from birth. Their integration does not solve all problems, but usually a significant part of them ceases to exist and turns into a meaningless ("uncharged") set of words.

Could my problem come back in the future? Can integrated polarities separate again?

In theory, yes. Nothing in a person is eternal and a person changes over time. The mechanism that allows you to change attitudes towards problems and remove the charge between polarities, leaves the opportunity to change in any direction. However, this usually does not happen: PEAT solves problems at the deepest level and removes their energetic roots, which gives confidence in stable and long-term results.

What is polarity?

Life is made of energy, and energy only exists between the two poles. We naturally perceive the difference between the "negative" and "positive" poles. In our inner universe, we also operate with polarities.

Do we need these polarities to guide our lives?

Oh sure. In life, we use these polarities as guidelines, for example, good-bad, right-wrong, love-hate, etc. There are many such polarities, and we use them all the time without even realizing it. And that's okay.

So what's the problem?

The problem is that we unconsciously use mostly only one pair of polarities all the time. And this is what we are constantly doing until we find these polarities and "merge" them - i.e. balance these two energies. There are two options for how this can manifest itself: either we have one pole of polarity in constant restimulation, or we periodically switch from one pole to another.

How is this manifested in practice?

Let's take the Freedom-Love polarity as an example. Freedom and Love are polarities. Free love doesn't work as we know. The moment you are in love with someone, you are no longer free. Of course, if you are in love, you will not even notice it at first.

Now, let's look at the example of a man who has the basic Freedom-Love polarity - the polarity that is most "charged", which has the greatest value for his unconscious. And now suppose that "Freedom" is the desired pole for him. Will he be able to get married and start a family? No. And if he tries, everything will go wrong. However, we often switch from one pole to the other. A man falls in love and is happy for the first year, two, three. And then she suddenly discovers: “She is a wonderful woman, but somehow I have lost my freedom. I really miss that feeling when I could do what I wanted. " And, as a result, he gets divorced. For a while - a year, two, three - he is very happy. But then he suddenly starts thinking: “Being free is very good, I like it. But lately I've been feeling lonely. If I could only find the right woman and build the right relationship with her, then she would be able to share it all with me. " And here again he finds himself a new woman, marries and is happy. And after a year, two, three ...

There are even men who have married and divorced the same woman multiple times! And it's not as funny as it sounds. This is a real drama, and it happens because of the pole switching of the base polarity. The polarity, which in this case appears to be the prime (primary polarity).

What exactly is the process?

This process is a small, simple procedure. No overly personal questions. No storytelling. The questions will only be about what you feel in your body, what emotions you are experiencing, what thoughts or images arise in your head. It is an orderly procedure in which actions are taken to bring you into contact with your primary polarities. This can happen very quickly, or it can be a long and laborious process, in which several polarities will float up and change. When your base polarity rises, there are two steps in the process you will go through to merge these two different types of energies.

Can I learn this and do it myself?

Oh sure. You should even learn how to do it! There is some difficulty in draining the primes yourself: this part of your consciousness is very strongly charged (contains a very large amount of compressed energy). Remember this when working on your own.

How does this "drain" or integration of polarities take place? What are they experiencing at this time?

The draining of the polarities gives a feeling of deepest relief. This is finding the answer to the main "Why?" for most of the problems in your life. And the problems either disappear immediately or become manageable. This process provides an answer to the question of why you have acted this way all your life. And he not only explains many things, but also harmonizes (merges) the polarity itself (for example, as in the example above: Love-Freedom). Brings her to the point where she is no longer charged and has no subconscious power over you. The very "drainage of polarities" can be felt. You will understand when you have merged them. But this is something that can only be felt, but cannot be explained. You will feel this relief even if you had a good life, in which there seemed to be no special problems. And now, for the first time in your life, you will have the freedom to change, as you will have an awareness of what you have been doing all this time before, something that you did not even know about.

What are Primes?

The primes are the two poles (desired and fearful) of the most charged polarity, which you use as the main reference point in your life on a subconscious level. This is what you use to determine the value of life to you. It looks like a beacon at night for a ship in the ocean. These poles are your main landmarks in life. The problem is that you don't even know the right words for your primes. You do not have an "access code" to them, and that is why they run your life, not you. And this will continue until you integrate them. Those. until you balance the energy between them.

What if I have a specific problem in my life that is physically unable to disappear, even if I harmonize my primary polarities?

Yes, indeed, if, for example, your husband is cheating on you, he is unlikely to stop doing it just because you leaked your primes. But now it will be much easier for you to deal with this situation in a way that suits you. Before the drain, the problem may have looked insoluble to you. She lay a heavy burden on your shoulders and could even lead you into a state of depression. But after you've drained your primes, you'll see for the first time the essence of the situation, what you want to do with it, and how you can best deal with it. You will no longer be influenced by the situation, which is already the first step towards changing it.

How complicated is the process?

Not difficult at all. It is quite simple and can be even funny in some places. If you are very much immersed in your head (i.e. used to analyze, categorize, etc.), then the process may take longer, but be sure that you will achieve the goal anyway.

Does this process interfere with my personal life?

Not at all. You don't get asked any overly personal questions when working in pairs. There is nothing that you need to necessarily disclose. The process works without it.

Is this process related to any kind of faith?

Not at all. The process has nothing to do with any faith or religion. It is also not part of any known practice like yoga, qigong or the like. It itself is a tool for dealing with diseases of the body and mind.

Do I have to believe that the process will work?

Could there be any negative consequences due to the draining of the primes?

No, not in any way. Draining primes does not alter your awareness of any unpleasant events in your life in any way. You do not become less intelligent, rather, on the contrary, more. The mind requires freedom in order to see. Before the draining of the primes, you were used to seeing things through their filter without even realizing it. Once drained, you will get rid of this filter and begin to see clearly.

How long does it take to drain the primes?

A session can last from 15 minutes to two hours. For most people, it takes between 40 minutes and an hour and a half to drain the polarities. If the session lasts longer, then it ends at some positive moment and continues in a day or two. Most people manage to drain their primes in the first session. Some require 2 sessions.

How do I know if this really works for me?

Most likely, you already have the feeling that all of the above is true for you, and in some way you are interested and may even be useful. Some immediately spontaneously feel the truth of the above and decide to merge their polarities. But there are not many of them. Only those who are in good enough shape to see this and act immediately. But you have to make this decision yourself. Unfortunately, we will not be able to help you with this. We can only say that every time we see how people change, when they manage to merge their polarities, how their face changes, how they are inspired and happy.

Slavinsky answers:

Are there times or situations in which solo processing is more effective?

Experience has shown that, indeed, there are times when the solo person is more successful and the results are more consistent. So far, I have observed the following situations.
The hypnagogic state is a borderline state that is experienced at the moment when you fall asleep or just wake up, when you can easily get rare illusions or hallucinations. If PEAT is performed at this point, it is usually very deep and works faster, giving more stable results.

Another good time is when both hemispheres of the brain are equally active. Usually one of the hemispheres is the leading one. This activity can be checked by the work of the nostrils - which of them is more open or easier to blow out. Usually one of the nostrils is the leading one. The more active hemisphere of the brain (at this point) is on the opposite side of the head from the open nostril. If the left nostril is more open, the right side of the brain is more active, and vice versa. About every two hours, the nostrils change and the dominant hemisphere changes. At this moment, for several minutes, the same state of the nostrils and the same activity of both hemispheres are observed. This period is extremely favorable for processing, although it is short-lived.

Any form of meditation brings a person into a more relaxed state in which processing works more efficiently. Finally, I noticed that results are achieved much faster in a group atmosphere - during PEAT workshops, PEAT training courses, or in the days following these meetings. A possible explanation for this could be that a balance between hemispheric functions, deeper restimulation, or both, help to achieve greater success.

Is it possible to achieve past life recollection through PEAT processing?

This field of research is just opening up, but I already have some encouraging results. There is one occult theory that there is an energetic point (more precisely, a small area, not a point) through which it is easiest to restimulate past life memories. This point is located at the back of the head. If you want to do research in this area, you need to keep two fingers on the back of your head as you work with past life memories. The question should be specific, and in such work you need to be persistent. First, get acquainted with my system "Memento", which will help in the process of remembering past lives and times.

Another way is to carry out the process of small PEAT, after pronouncing FAM (Formulas of Antagonistic Motivation): “Despite the fact that I cannot remember events from the periods of my past lives, I accept and love ... and so on”. Then work through points one through last, focusing on your inability to remember past lives. When some vague fragments appear, change FAM to "Despite the fact that I do not see clearly what happened in that event from my past, I ... etc." Once you've removed the obstacles to remembering, you need to create positive situations. In the opposite sequence, begin to touch the acupuncture points from 13 to the first with your fingers, establishing the affirmation: "I can remember my significant past lives." With practice, fragments of experience will fall into place in the big picture. Again, persistence is essential in this work.

Who Really Performs Energy Processing Healing?

Since PEAT is an energy therapy, the question is the same for all of these systems. Initially, after the advent of energy therapy, the credit for solving problems was attributed to the therapist, or even more so to the effectiveness of the technique itself. However, quite soon, spiritually oriented practitioners began to wonder who is actually fulfilling the goal of therapy? Larry Nims recently put forward an interesting and intriguing hypothesis as to why energy therapies are effective. Completely disregarding physical explanations, he claims that the subconscious mind conducts healing. The therapist and client as conscious beings can bring themselves into harmony with the unconscious mind through muscle testing and elimination of AM, that is, psychological conversion.

Recently Asha Naoma Clinton offered a mystical explanation that through such a process you get contact and result from the Higher Consciousness, Atman or personal God. In 1999, Asha Clinton conducted research with a large number of people, using muscle testing to get accurate answers to her questions. She found that most subjects exhibit strong muscular responses to claims that the "True Being" or "Atman" is doing the healing. Since the Atman, being a part of the Highest Consciousness, or Brahman, carries out this healing, she made a definite conclusion that God is carrying out this healing through an intermediate mechanism, be it the body or the unconscious mind of the client.

Without a doubt, many skeptical researchers will reject this explanation and will seek and perhaps even find physical explanations such as the effects of energy fields and so on.

Kinesiologists insist that the human body "never lies" and provides answers to the questions that are put to it, and that it is through its innate wisdom that healing is achieved. This attitude is generated by the misconception that the physical body is something separate from the mind and the True Being. This threefold division (body, mind and soul, or True Being) is a cultural construct that originated in the West and is the opposite of traditional Eastern teachings, personifying a kind of psychological disassociation.

How can you identify the underlying emotional factors of the disorder?

Very often, the emotional factors that underlie a certain physical disorder or pain are not easy to detect. In order to find them, we apply the following procedure: "If there was an important emotional factor in this problem, what could it be?" If the client answers “I don’t know,” then the next question comes up: “If you knew what it could be?”

The answers to these questions often point to the right direction for further action.

Is it possible to combine PEAT with other techniques?

Of course! PEAT is an extremely tolerant system that can be combined with a wide variety of other approaches. Some of the people I keep in touch with combine it with other systems they know. Some begin the process with a differently formulated AM formula, others combine it with Reiki, and still others with massage or chakra cleansing. Some experts use points that I have not described. I myself am experimenting with some other points that are not part of the algorithm described in this book. You can change a lot in this process, except for two things: intention and full experience of the problem. The content we are looking for in PEAT is in the mind or body of the person. The client must set up his intention so that the content can be manifested to instantly re-experience it completely. Without these two elements, the content cannot be reproduced, and it will continue to exist (see details on playing in the Integral Excalibur system).

Can the use of PEAT worsen the condition?

This happens very, very rarely. This “result” is usually associated with an inaccurate evaluation of the processing. While the result may seem like part of a previously unresolved problem, it can actually be a new and convenient opportunity for the processor and client to deepen and stabilize success. Let's consider an example. The client named "general anxiety" as a problem. This condition always has more components, such as anxiety, trauma, and stress.

The application of shallow PEAT removes this state of anxiety, which was on the surface, and within a short time the client feels better. But once the lid is removed, more powerful content begins to rise. When the state of anxiety returns, the reason for it is not the lack of PEAT, but this new deeper content, which was previously hidden, but has now surfaced. Misinterpretation of such cases, as with this re-emerging anxiety, is quite common. An experienced practitioner views such situations not as problems, but as opportunities for further, more advanced work.

When a client has a problem again, he almost always describes it in other words or attributes it to other reasons, which is a clear indication that new content or a new aspect has been activated.

To ensure cooperation on the part of the client, the processor must inform him that this undesirable state is caused not by any one reason, but by a long chain of reasons, and all of them must be brought to the surface and disassembled in order. Therefore, there is a simple default rule: If you are using fine PEAT and new content emerges, immediately go to the Deep PEAT process.

In some cases, PEAT is not successful. What is the reason?

Most meridian therapists admit that they are unaware of the causes of the failures that sometimes occur. These systems are much more successful than formal therapies, but none of them is 100% successful. The reasons for failure are a topic for many hypotheses and experiments. In practitioners' reports, we can find five possible reasons for the lack of positive change.

The influence of toxins in the client's environment. If mercury has entered the body, which can sometimes be in food or water, then no therapeutic system will eliminate the disorder created by this.
Allergies can slow down or stop energy work by creating blockages in the meridians. Eliminating allergies will help you work with energies faster.
Chronic AM (antagonistic motivation), the roots of which are not reached during the process.
The definition of the problem is too broad, it needs to be redefined more specifically.
The deepest cause of the disorder has not been found and removed.
What to do when a person “cannot” feel their problems?

Sooner or later, all the processors that I learned run into clients who "can't feel anything." Practitioners of other therapeutic systems also face this problem. The inability to sense the problem means that the person is not reliving their problems and therefore cannot do the PEAT process. To be honest, these clients are “difficult cases”. They will tell you that they have had many injuries, but that they can neither feel nor remember them, and that they do not feel the problem at all, although they constantly think or talk about it.

The following approach often yields good results. Ask such a client to simply be aware of their problem, and then ask the question:

"In connection with (... his problem), what would you rather not remember?"

"If you could feel something about this problem, what would it be?"

The client can almost always highlight some unpleasant part of his experience. Take that part of this unwanted state and work through it in a deep process. When finished, ask for a confrontation, but pay more attention to it than you usually do. If there is opposition, work through it in a deep process. If there is no confrontation, repeat the question from the beginning of this process: "Due to the problem (... his / her problem), what would you rather not remember?" Very often the client will give you another component of his unwanted experience or state. Work it through in a deep process and repeat the same procedure until the client gets tired. Then end the process and at the beginning of the next session ask him the same process and continue processing. Thus, in a relatively short time you will remove his defense mechanism from unpleasant memories or states, and he will be able to express feelings and comfortably perceive the deeper layers of his undesirable state.

Processors with a working knowledge of mindful breathing (such as rebirthing and the like) can try it for half an hour before starting a PEAT session. Such breathing triggers the movement of energy along the meridians and associated emotions.

What is oscillatory energy and how does it affect human health?

Scientific research conducted by Dr.William Tiller using precision instruments has shown that energy flows into and out of the body from the environment. He also found that there are positive and negative polarized currents in the body, as well as neutral currents. Energy that moves clockwise has a positive charge, energy that moves counterclockwise has a negative charge, vertically moving (up and down) energy is neutral (perhaps this corresponds to the well-known practice in magic, according to which the white magician moves clockwise arrow in the magic circle, and black is in the opposite direction).

He also discovered a previously unknown fourth type of energy, which he called oscillatory. He found it in pigs, rodents, and in poisoned or diseased tissues. Dr. Wayne Cook continued Tiller's research on oscillatory energy in animals, and found that all animals, which are called "unclean" in the Bible, carry oscillatory energy as dominant.

Zivorad Slavinsky, "PEAT"