Examples from the phrase cowards are only afraid. Quotes about cowardice

Quotes about human cowardice and cowardly people, aphorisms about cowardice

Most the despicable form of cowardice is self-pity.

Marcus Aurelius

Daredevil Fear may make one timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive.

O. Balzac

Strong life's shocks heal minor fears.


Human fears only what he does not know; knowledge conquers all fear.

V. G. Belinsky

Coward more dangerous than any other person, he should be feared most of all.

L. Berne

When you succumb to the fear of horror, you begin to feel the horror of fear.

P. Beaumarchais

Timid a person is pushed around by any rogue.

P. Beaumarchais

All sorts of things Betrayal is spiritual death.

Yu. Bondarev

Our the fears are half groundless and half simply shameful.

K. Bovey

Sometimes fear of trouble leads to worse trouble.

N. B u alo

No nothing is worse than fear itself.

F. Bacon

How in a sick body all members are relaxed, and in cowardly soul energy is paralyzed.

A. Gabrieli

Cowardice can never be moral.

M. Gandhi

Fear infects just like a runny nose, and every time it makes singular plural.

I. Goethe

Coward Sends threats only when he is sure of safety.


Necessary live more boldly. It is only to the coward that it is always scary and difficult, but to the brave even the difficult seems easy.

F. V. Gladkov

You can never live happily when you are always trembling with fear.

P. Holbach

I will not call anyone living in eternal fear free.


Fear tends to exaggerate the true meaning of a fact.

Am I really timid? I don't have the courage to answer this question.

"Benny Hill"

What fear will not do to a person, unless this person has a thin little soul, on thin, mosquito-like legs!

"Euphrosyne Kersnovskaya"

Every slanderer is cowardly both in language and in deeds, and never acts openly.


Out of fear of people it is difficult to tell the truth, out of fear of conscience it is difficult to tell a lie.

Cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices. No, philosopher, I object to you. This is the most terrible vice.

"Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov"

There are panties of the brain and panties of the heart.

It would not be cowardly to refuse the task at hand. It would be cowardice to do nothing.

Don’t be afraid to look like a coward in someone’s eyes - this also takes courage.

He who fears others is a slave, although he does not notice it.


I never deny what happened, only cowards do that. Even if I'm wrong, I won't turn away from it. I will simply draw a conclusion and thank the person for the experience given to me.

"Eva Longoria"

A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear an enemy, but rely on a friend.

"Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"

Science - the struggle for the happiness of mankind - also requires sacrifice, like any other struggle. Cowards who take great care of themselves are not given the fullness and joy of life, and scientists are not given major steps forward.

"Ivan Antonovich Efremov"

Cowardice combined with rigidity is precisely the logical consequence of any tyranny.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

Cowardice in its prime turns into cruelty.

"Henrik Ibsen"

Two cowards feel braver when they are together than a brave man when he is alone.

"Alexandre Dumas"

Being branded a coward is worse than being punished for fulfilling a promise, and luck favors the brave.

"Fernando de Rojas"

A coward is much more likely to seek quarrels than a courageous person.

"Thomas Jefferson"

Anyone who does not dare to love out of cowardice or pride is worthy of contempt.

"Boris Akunin"

Cowards must have power, otherwise they are afraid.

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

There is no point in looking for the good in people, because most of them are cowards whose words are not worth a penny.

"John King"

We consider a coward to be a coward who allows his friend to be insulted in his presence.

"Denis Diderot"

Seeing injustice and doing nothing means cowardice.


It takes a very brave person to be a coward in the Soviet army.

When a cowardly coward finds favor, he becomes impudent and is not afraid to insult people more significant than himself.

"Miguel de Cervantes"

Truly brave people have no reason to fight a duel, but many cowards do this all the time to convince themselves of their own bravery.

"Ernest M. Hemingway"

A cowardly person who has lost all shame can agree to any nasty thing.

"Jean de La Bruyère"

It is in vain that a coward beats his chest with his fist to gain courage; it must be had first and only strengthened in communication with those who possess it.

"Denis Diderot"

Knowing what needs to be done and not doing it is the worst kind of cowardice.

A coward is one who, in moments of danger, thinks with his feet.

"A. Beers"

A coward is one who is afraid and runs; and whoever is afraid and does not run is not a coward.

"Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky"

There are several ways to deal with temptation; the truest of them is cowardice.

Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.

"L. Vauvenargues"

A hero dies once, but a coward dies constantly.

A cowardly person who has lost all shame can agree to any nasty thing.

Cowards must have power, otherwise they are afraid.

What is the use of branding cowards with shame - after all, if they were afraid of shame, they would not be cowards; death is a worthy execution; they fear it most of all.

A coward dies a hundred times, a brave man dies once, and not soon.

There is no room for happiness in cowardly souls.

Socrates rightly calls the fleeing warrior a coward.

Cowardice comes only from the absence of a certain hope or desire.

Cowards usually do not realize the full force of their fear.

Backing away out of cowardice and fear is still considered a skillful maneuver.

Dashing phrases about cowardice

The bravest man becomes a coward when he has no established views.

Unimaginable dashing phrases about cowardice

We consider a coward to be a coward who allows his friend to be insulted in his presence.

Governments are more likely to commit evil out of cowardice than out of self-will.

Only those men who are not afraid of women are cowardly.

A coward is much more likely to get involved in quarrels than a courageous person.

After courage, there is nothing more beautiful than admitting cowardice.

Try to say a kind word about mercy to an unyieldingly stern person, and you will hear in response: If the law is not merciless, we will be strangled in our own beds. O bloody cowardice!

Among others, there are awards for military courage and civil cowardice.

Misfortune is like a coward: it pursues people whom it sees trembling, and flees when they boldly meet it.

A coward is much more likely to seek quarrels than a courageous person.

Non-trivial dashing phrases about cowardice

A coward is more dangerous than any other person; he should be feared most of all.

The most cowardly person in prison is its director.

And the coward gains courage, seeing that the enemy is running away.

Avoid people who, seeing your vices and shortcomings, justify them or even approve of them. Such people are either flatterers, or cowards, or simply fools. Do not expect help from them in any trouble or misfortune.

The timid one is afraid in advance, the cowardly one is afraid at the moment of danger, and the brave one is afraid afterward.

Cowardice is universal. Patriotism, public opinion, parental duty, discipline, religion, morality - all this is just beautiful words to indicate fear; and cruelty, gluttony and gullibility provide moral support to cowardice.

Fear not tempered by courage makes a man a coward; courage, not tempered by fear, produces disastrous insolence and violence.

God is the hope of the brave, not the excuse of the coward.

Swift dashing phrases about cowardice

It is never a sign of cowardice to submit to a power above you.

When a cowardly coward finds favor, he becomes impudent and is not afraid to insult people greater than himself.

There is no need to show cowardice in relation to your actions.

Thinking makes us cowards - especially rebellious thinking.

It is in vain that a coward beats his chest with his fist to gain courage; it must be had first and only strengthened in communication with those who possess it.

Courage gains its gains from the cowardice of others.

Cowardice is the mother of cruelty.

In happiness, even a coward becomes brave, but only the hero who, even in defeat, wears his head proudly.

Timidity is the greatest sin against love.

A coward only makes threats when he is sure of safety.

Cruelty is characteristic of laws dictated by cowardice, for cowardice can only be energetic when it is cruel.

Great people believe that there is no greater evil than the cowardice of those who cannot endure adversity with firmness, and although they hate vices, they do not hate those who are subject to these vices, but only have pity for them.

A coward is a person who, in a moment of danger, thinks with his feet.

Extraterrestrial dashing phrases about cowardice

The cowardice of the peoples themselves is what makes it possible to forge chains for them.

If someone knows what decision he must make in order to produce something good or prevent something bad, but does not do this, then this is called cowardice.

Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

Cowardice is inertia that prevents us from asserting our freedom and independence in relationships with others.

Just as in a sick body all the limbs are relaxed, so in a cowardly soul the energy is paralyzed.

There are several ways to deal with temptation; the truest of them is cowardice.

The brave man avoids danger, but the coward, reckless and defenseless, rushes towards the abyss, which he does not notice due to fear; Thus, he rushes towards misfortune, which, perhaps, was not intended for him.

Defeats and victories are inseparable from the life of every person, except for cowards, for cowards do not suffer defeats, but they do not win victories either.

Cowardice takes away the mind.

People who want to inspire fear thereby show that they are cowards.

The secret of power is to know that others are even more cowardly than us.

The cowardice of some is often the cause of the tragedy of others.
V. Zubkov

A coward is one who, in moments of danger, thinks with his feet.
A. Beers

Out of fear of people it is difficult to tell the truth, out of fear of conscience it is difficult to tell a lie.

He who fears others is a slave, although he does not notice it.

Let there be fear - some kind of unpleasant sensation or embarrassment arising from the idea of ​​impending evil, which can destroy us or cause us trouble; People are not afraid of all evils... but only those that can cause suffering, greatly upset or destroy...

Fear is defined as the expectation of evil. Of course, we are afraid of all kinds of evils, for example, disgrace, poverty, hostility, death... we should be afraid of other things, and if they are afraid of, say, disgrace, this is wonderful, but if not, then it is shameful, and whoever is afraid of this is kind and shy , and whoever is not afraid is shameless.

Whatever the upheavals in a person’s life, he is no longer afraid of falling when he sits on the bottom step.
J. Bernardin

Our fears are half unfounded and half simply shameful. K. Bovey
We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life.
B. Brecht

Let fear accompany you in danger, but let it remain to such a degree that, when it is necessary to overcome it, reason would win and overcome this fear.
L. Bruni

There is nothing worse than fear itself.
F. Bacon

Under the influence of cowardice, no quality of a person increases as much as stupidity.
S. Witte

Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.
L. Vauvenargues

A coward has to swallow fewer insults than someone who is ambitious.
L. Vauvenargues

The worst thing about decent people- cowardice. They scold, indignant at the injustice, then fall silent, sit down to dinner, go to bed and forget everything.

Just as in a sick body all the limbs are relaxed, so in a cowardly soul the energy is paralyzed.
A. Gabrieli

Fearlessness is essential for the development of other noble qualities. Is it possible to seek truth or carefully cherish love without courage?
M. Gandhi

Fear is the cause of delusion. Laziness is the source of confusion. The desire to know is one of the causes of delusion.
K. Helvetius

Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth.
K. Helvetius

A coward is much more likely to get involved in quarrels than a courageous person.
I. Goethe

A coward is incapable of showing love; that is the prerogative of the brave.
I. Goethe

A coward only makes threats when he is sure of safety.
I. Goethe

Fear of an invisible force, invented by the mind or imagined based on fiction... is called religion.
T. Hobbes

You can never live happily when you are always trembling with fear.
P. Holbach

Fear has always been and will be the surest means of deceiving and enslaving people.
P. Holbach

I will not call anyone living in eternal fear free.

No strength and thoughts, laziness and lethargy,
And the world is darker and smaller,
And it’s not so much old age that ages us,
Like our fears of her.
I. Guberman

Prison, of course, is the bottom and the abyss,
But even here, in earthly hell,
Fear is an invariably true compass,
Leading into worse trouble.
I. Guberman

Fear tends to exaggerate the true meaning of a fact.
V. Hugo

Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.
R. Descartes

Cowardice comes only from the absence of a certain hope or desire...
R. Descartes

The bravest man becomes a coward when he has no established views.
E. Delacroix

Fear gives rise to flattery, but it has no goodwill.

What ridiculous decisions does a person come to under the influence of fear! Fear takes away our ability to control the means that the mind offers to help us.
D. Defoe

Fear is a disease that relaxes the soul, just as a physical illness relaxes the body.
D. Defoe

The fear of danger is always worse than the danger that has already arrived, and the expectation of evil is ten thousand times worse than evil itself.
D. Defoe

The only thing that is ugly is the fear of the soul in the face of its own memory.
D. Gibran

The source of fear is in your heart, not in the hands of the fearsome.
D. Gibran

Only a coward knows his fate
In battle he trusts his feet, not the sword.
B. Johnson

Fear of a low and unworthy offense is courage.
B. Johnson

Fear will not teach children to distinguish good from evil; He who is afraid of pain will always succumb to evil.
F. Dzerzhinsky

It is in vain that a coward beats his chest with his fist to gain courage; it must be had first and only strengthened in communication with those who possess it.
D. Diderot

A timid person is afraid before danger comes, a coward - during it, and a brave man - after it has passed.
Jean Paul

Cowardice in its prime turns into cruelty.
G. Ibsen

A word can create as much as fear can destroy.
John Chrysostom

There are two to be feared: one is a strong enemy, and the other is a treacherous friend.

He who fearfully worries about losing his life will never rejoice in it.
I. Kant

To the extent that a person overcomes fear, he is a person.
T. Carlyle

Man's first duty is to overcome fear. As long as a person's veins are shaking, his actions will remain slavish.
T. Carlyle

Cowardice is knowing what you should do and not doing it.

For anyone who is afraid of even their own shadow, a place under the sun is contraindicated.
B. Krutier

Fear makes the smart foolish and the strong weak.
F. Cooper

Fear is the relationship of freedom to guilt.
S. Kierkegaard

Anxiety, fear, despondency do not relieve death, but, on the contrary, accelerate it; nevertheless, I believe that excessive gaiety is also unbecoming to people, since they are mortal.
J. Labruyère

Only those who deserve it are afraid of contempt.
F. La Rochefoucauld

We are afraid of everything, as mortals should be, and we want everything, as if we had been awarded immortality.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Cowards usually do not realize the full force of their fear.
F. La Rochefoucauld

He who lives in fear dies from fear.
Leonardo da Vinci

The less fear you experience, the less danger there is.

Fear is the anxiety of the soul at the thought of future evil that is likely to befall us.
D. Locke

The excitement caused by fear is not proportional to the danger, but to our apprehension of the misfortune that we fear, be it real or imaginary.
B. Mandeviya

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.
T. Mann

What is scary is mainly everyday life, from which none of us can hide. The cowardice of the peoples themselves is what makes it possible to forge chains for them.
J. Marat

The most cowardly people, incapable of resistance, become implacable where they can demonstrate absolute parental authority.
K. Mark

The extreme degree of fear is expressed in the fact that, succumbing to it, we are even imbued with the very courage that he deprived us of at the moment when it was necessary to fulfill our duty and defend our honor. This is what I fear more than fear itself.
M. Montaigne

He who is afraid of suffering suffers from fear itself.
M. Montaigne

Fear either gives wings to your legs or chains them to the ground.
M. Montaigne

Cowardice is the mother of cruelty.
M. Montaigne

He who is timid by nature will not only not accomplish any brave deeds himself, but will instill fear in his comrades.
T. More

Fear in most cases breaks down all protective barriers; even vanity gives in to him.
S. Maugham

By being afraid to try, we miss a lot.
D. Maffitt

There are two levers that can move people - fear and self-interest.
Napoleon I

Fear is mental shock caused by the expectation of trouble.
Unknown Platonist

There are many cruel people who are only too cowardly to be cruel.
F. Nietzsche

Fear is a hereditary, basic human feeling; Fear explains everything: hereditary sin and hereditary virtue.
F. Nietzsche

The feeling of fear is, in all likelihood, the most painful of all mental sensations available to human nature.
D. Pisarev

Fear is a bad teacher in questions about what should be done.
Pliny the Younger

Everyday fear is the same as daily execution.
Publilius Syrus

The one whom many fear must be feared by many.
Publilius Syrus

It is unreasonable to fear what is inevitable.
Publilius Syrus

He who is afraid of many will be afraid of many.

Out of fear, a person is ready to do anything.
J. Racine

Cowardice and falsehood - hallmark a weak character who fears and runs away from the truth, and at best hides it from himself.
R. Rolland

A sign of great cowardice is to attack the weakest: harmful flies always bite thin and weak bulls, mongrels bark furiously at unfortunate vagabonds.
F. Rojas

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
T. Roosevelt

It is shameful to be a coward, but it is even more shameful to show courage only for fear of being called a coward.

It is not even visible that the fear of poverty has ever made idle people hardworking. That is why, in order to arouse real competition in work among people, it is necessary to show them that work is not a means to avoid hunger, but a way to achieve prosperity.
J. J. Rousseau

He who piles crime upon crime multiplies his own fear.
Seneca the Younger

A criminal can sometimes escape punishment, but not the fear of it.
Seneca the Younger

There is no room for happiness in cowardly souls.
M. Cervantes

When a cowardly coward finds favor, he becomes impudent and is not afraid to insult people more significant than himself.
M. Cervantes

Fear arises due to the powerlessness of the spirit.
B. Spinoza

Fear is the reason by which superstition arises, is preserved and maintained.
B. Spinoza

Those who are scared are half beaten.
A. Suvorov

Fearlessness is the eyes of human nobility. A fearless person sees good and evil not only with his eyes, but also with his heart.
V. Sukhomlinsky

A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear an enemy, but rely on a friend.
L. Tolstoy

There is no strength and thoughts, laziness and lethargy, And the world is darker and smaller, And it is not so much old age that ages us, As our fears of it.

I. Guberman

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Those who are scared are half beaten.

A. Suvorov

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Fearlessness is essential for the development of other noble qualities. Is it possible to seek truth or carefully cherish love without courage?

M. Gandhi

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The only thing that is ugly is the fear of the soul in the face of its own memory.

D. Gibran

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A coward is much more likely to get involved in quarrels than a courageous person.

I. Goethe

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There are two levers that can move people - fear and self-interest.

Napoleon I

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Let there be fear - some kind of unpleasant sensation or embarrassment arising from the idea of ​​an impending evil that can destroy us or cause us trouble; after all, people are not afraid of all evils, but only those that can cause suffering, greatly upset or destroy.


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Let fear accompany you in danger, but let it remain to such a degree that, when it is necessary to overcome it, reason would win and overcome this fear.

L. Bruni

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A coward is incapable of showing love; that is the prerogative of the brave.

I. Goethe

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Cowardice is the mother of cruelty.

M. Montaigne

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He who piles crime upon crime multiplies his own fear.

Seneca the Younger

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Cowardice is knowing what you should do and not doing it.


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The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

T. Roosevelt

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Just as in a sick body all the limbs are relaxed, so in a cowardly soul the energy is paralyzed.

A. Gabrieli

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Prison, of course, is the bottom and the abyss, But even here, in earthly hell, Fear is an invariably true compass, Leading to the worst trouble.

I. Guberman

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It is in vain that a coward beats his chest with his fist in order to gain courage; one must first have it and only strengthen it in communication with those who possess it.

D. Diderot

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He who fears others is a slave, although he does not notice it.


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The worst thing about decent people is cowardice. They scold, indignant at the injustice, then fall silent, sit down to dinner, go to bed and forget everything.


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Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

R. Descartes

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Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.

L. Vauvenargues

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Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.

T. Mann

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A sign of great cowardice is to attack the weakest: harmful flies always bite thin and weak bulls, mongrels bark furiously at unfortunate vagabonds.

F. Rojas

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Fear is a disease that relaxes the soul, just as a physical illness relaxes the body.

D. Defoe

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The fear of danger is always worse than the danger that has already arrived, and the expectation of evil is ten thousand times worse than evil itself.

D. Defoe

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Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth.

K. Helvetius

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A word can create as much as fear can destroy.

John Chrysostom

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There are two to be feared: one is a strong enemy, and the other is a treacherous friend.


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A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear an enemy, but rely on a friend.

L. Tolstoy

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Under the influence of cowardice, no quality of a person increases as much as stupidity.

S. Witte

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Fear is a hereditary, basic human feeling; everything is explained by fear: hereditary sin and hereditary virtue.

F. Nietzsche

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Fear is defined as the expectation of evil. Of course, we are afraid of all kinds of evils, for example, disgrace, poverty, hostility, the death of others, we should be afraid, and if they are afraid of, say, disgrace, this is wonderful, but if not, then it is shameful, and whoever is afraid of this is kind and bashful, and whoever is not afraid is shameless.


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Fearlessness is the eyes of human nobility. A fearless person sees good and evil not only with his eyes, but also with his heart.

V. Sukhomlinsky

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By being afraid to try, we miss a lot.

D. Maffitt

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The extreme degree of fear is expressed in the fact that, succumbing to it, we are even imbued with the very courage that he deprived us of at the moment when it was necessary to fulfill our duty and defend our honor. This is what I fear more than fear itself.

M. Montaigne

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Fear of an invisible force invented by the mind or imagined based on fiction is called religion.

T. Hobbes

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Fear arises due to the powerlessness of the spirit.

B. Spinoza

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He who fearfully worries about losing his life will never rejoice in it.

I. Kant

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For anyone who is afraid of even their own shadow, a place under the sun is contraindicated.

B. Krutier

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Fear gives rise to flattery, but it has no goodwill.


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Fear is the cause of delusion. Laziness is the source of confusion. The desire to know is one of the causes of delusion.

K. Helvetius

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When a cowardly coward finds favor, he becomes impudent and is not afraid to insult people more significant than himself.

M. Cervantes

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To the extent that a person overcomes fear, he is a person.

T. Carlyle

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Only those who deserve it are afraid of contempt.

F. La Rochefoucauld

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The cowardice of some is often the cause of the tragedy of others.

V. Zubkov

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I will not call anyone living in eternal fear free.


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You can never live happily when you are always trembling with fear.

P. Holbach

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Cowardice in its prime turns into cruelty.

G. Ibsen

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A coward has to swallow fewer insults than someone who is ambitious.

L. Vauvenargues

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Fear is a bad teacher in questions about what should be done.

Pliny the Younger

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Everyday fear is the same as daily execution.

Publilius Syrus

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There are many cruel people who are only too cowardly to be cruel.

F. Nietzsche

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Fear of a low and unworthy offense is courage.

B. Johnson

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Fear is the anxiety of the soul at the thought of future evil that is likely to befall us.

D. Locke

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Fear either gives wings to your legs or chains them to the ground.

M. Montaigne

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Cowardice comes only from the absence of a certain hope or desire.

R. Descartes

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Cowardice and falsehood are a hallmark of a weak character who fears and runs away from the truth, and at best hides it from himself.

R. Rolland

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Fear is the relationship of freedom to guilt.

S. Kierkegaard

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Man's first duty is to overcome fear. As long as a person's veins are shaking, his actions will remain slavish.

T. Carlyle

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He who is timid by nature will not only not accomplish any brave deeds himself, but will instill fear in his comrades.

T. More

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Our fears are half unfounded and half simply shameful. K. Bovey It is not death that we should be afraid of, but an empty life.

B. Brecht

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What is scary is mainly everyday life, from which none of us can hide. The cowardice of the peoples themselves is what makes it possible to forge chains for them.

J. Marat

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He who is afraid of suffering suffers from fear itself.

M. Montaigne

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It is unreasonable to fear what is inevitable.

Publilius Syrus

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Fear in most cases breaks all protective barriers, even vanity gives in to it.

S. Maugham

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The excitement caused by fear is not proportional to the danger, but to our apprehension of the misfortune that we fear, be it real or imaginary.

B. Mandeviya

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The most cowardly people, incapable of resistance, become implacable where they can demonstrate absolute parental authority.

K. Mark

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He who lives in fear dies from fear.

Leonardo da Vinci

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Fear is mental shock caused by the expectation of trouble.

It is not even visible that the fear of poverty has ever made idle people hardworking. That is why, in order to arouse real competition in work among people, it is necessary to show them that work is not a means to avoid hunger, but a way to achieve prosperity.

J. J. Rousseau

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Out of fear, a person is ready to do anything.

J. Racine

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There is no room for happiness in cowardly souls.

M. Cervantes

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There is nothing worse than fear itself.

F. Bacon

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Fear will not teach children to distinguish good from evil; those who are afraid of pain will always succumb to evil.

F. Dzerzhinsky

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Whatever the upheavals in a person’s life, he is no longer afraid of falling when he sits on the bottom step.

J. Bernardin

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Fear has always been and will be the surest means of deceiving and enslaving people.

P. Holbach

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The one whom many fear must be feared by many.

Publilius Syrus

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Fear is the reason by which superstition arises, is preserved and maintained.

B. Spinoza

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Anxiety, fear, despondency do not get rid of death, but, on the contrary, accelerate it; nevertheless, I believe that excessive cheerfulness is also not suitable for people, since they are mortal.

J. Labruyère

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The less fear you experience, the less danger there is.


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Cowards usually do not realize the full force of their fear.

F. La Rochefoucauld

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What ridiculous decisions does a person come to under the influence of fear! Fear takes away our ability to control the means that the mind offers to help us.

D. Defoe

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The source of fear is in your heart, not in the hands of the fearsome.

D. Gibran

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We are afraid of everything, as mortals should be, and we want everything, as if we had been awarded immortality.

F. La Rochefoucauld

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A coward is one who, in moments of danger, thinks with his feet.