Russian polar bear colony in Yanao. Maximum security penal colony "Polar Bear"

The Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug denies information about the alleged facts of mass beatings of prisoners in the colonies under its jurisdiction. As reported today, April 7, in the press service of the department, we're talking about about publications that spoke about the beating of newly arrived prisoners from colony No. 14 (IK-14), located in the Surgut region of Ugra, by employees of Colony No. 8 (IK-8).

As the press service emphasized, after the publication of the materials, the management of the district department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug ordered an internal audit, as a result of which no facts of violations of the law by correctional facility employees were identified.

IK-8 “Polar Bear” is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the village of Labytnangi. According to some information, the colony has the unofficial status of “red”, that is, it is completely controlled by the administration. At the same time, Colony No. 14, located in the Surgut region near the village of Lokosovo, until recently had the status of “black”, where criminal “authorities” had a certain power over prisoners. Thus, as observers note, the difference in the status of the colonies could be the reason for violence against some prisoners. However, this is just a guess.

Meanwhile, according to experts, in Russian colonies there is a practice of “acquaintance” with prisoners who arrived from other colonies that are not loyal to the administration. “If the administration in the colonies used violence against newly arrived prisoners, I can guess why. As far as I know, the same IK-8 and IK-2, unlike the Lokosovskaya zone, have the status of “red”. And the authorities of the two zones are unlikely to want to change their status to “black”, that is, to have criminal authorities rule among the prisoners there. I believe that in this regard, perhaps such a “warm welcome” was given to the prisoners from the “black zone”. This is so that they immediately understand what the rules are in the zone and do not try to change them. Simply put, through violence, they knock out the “thieves’ spirit” out of them. I do not rule out this version of events,” one of the former security officials shared his thoughts.

In March of this year, the administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug officially announced that the Lokosovskaya colony would be closed due to reasons of its economic inefficiency. At the same time, all 806 prisoners will be transferred to other correctional institutions located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen Region.

A few days ago, some media and Internet portals reported that the transfer of prisoners from IK-14 to IK-8 is of a “torturous nature.” In particular, the human rights portal has repeatedly reported about this.

“At the moment, 102 convicts have been transferred from the colony. The rest are waiting for the stage. The first two batches of convicts, 25 and 29 people, arrived at their destination at IK-2 in the city of Tyumen and IK-8 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Labytnangi). Both stages were brutally beaten. And they are being beaten to this day,” one of the messages said. The portal also published a list of allegedly beaten prisoners of the 14th colony.

Today, another department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, in the Tyumen region, following colleagues from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, denied information about a beating in the colony under its jurisdiction strict regime No. 2 (IK-2) prisoners from Lokosovskaya IK-14. By the way, IK-2 is also called “red” among prisoners.

“On the eve of IK-2, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tyumen region was visited by representatives of the prosecutor’s office for monitoring compliance with laws in correctional institutions of the Tyumen region and members of the regional Public Monitoring Commission, who held conversations with each convict who arrived at the correctional institution, during which they explained that physical force no one used any beatings against newcomers to the colony, and the correctional officers did not see the convicts beaten,” said the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Tyumen Region.

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Convicted by a Russian court of creating a terrorist community, Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov changed prison for the third time in the last two years. What awaits Sentsov in the new colony and why is he transferred so often - the correspondent of "" looked into it.

How did Sentsov’s “colonial” tour begin?

Ukrainian citizen Oleg Sentsov was convicted on August 25, 2015 by the military court of Rostov-on-Don. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony. During the trial, employees of the Federal Security Service declared the Ukrainian director a member of the Right Sector political organization banned in Russia, on whose instructions he allegedly planned explosions on the peninsula.

The first place of his imprisonment in February 2016 was Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region. In September 2017, Sentsov was transferred to correctional colony (IK) No. 18 in the village of Kharpa, and on October 13 - to IK-8 in the city of Labytnangi, also known as the “Polar Bear”.

What is the Polar Bear colony known for?

The Polar Bear prisoners are all those who could have been expected to be executed if Russia had not introduced a moratorium on death penalty: terrorists, serial killers and maniacs. But what makes IK-8 most famous is the reputation of its prison guards: news agencies regularly contain reports of beatings and torture in the Polar Bear.

A journalist from Salekhard, who wished not to disclose his name, told “” that although information about ill-treatment of prisoners is received regularly (for example, the portal reported about this back in 2012), no real investigations are carried out.

Human rights activists rarely confirm prisoners' claims of torture. Perhaps these tortures really do not exist. Perhaps the jailers are somehow able to remove traces of the beatings. Perhaps human rights activists themselves are dishonest. The system is so closed that it is extremely difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong.