Scene for the camp, Ryaba hen, medical vocabulary. Scenario for a holiday based on the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba” for the younger group

Theatrical performance for children: Ryaba chicken in a new way.

Author: Matycheva Elena Vasilievna, music and art teacher, teacher additional education MBOU SOO "School No. 15", village. Birakan, Obluchensky district, Jewish Autonomous Region
Description: I would like to present to you my original work of artistic and aesthetic direction for the development and education of children of preschool and primary school age. Also, this material will be useful in organizing the educational process for additional education teachers and educators preschool institutions and everyone who is not indifferent to folk art. My hobby is writing poetry and music, so everyone knows good story“The Ryaba Hen” was remade by me in a new way in poetic form. But I would still like to call this project a joint one with the participation of the children of the school theater club, where I am the leader, as the children prepared, learned words, sewed together dolls and costumes for them, and were looking forward to the premiere.
Target: development of communication skills through theatrical activities, creative thinking, love of art, education of the aesthetic quality of the individual, the concept of good and evil.
Tasks: create optimal conditions for the development of the child’s creative activity in theatrical activities; to form in children a keen interest in theatrical play, to develop speech and coordination of movements in children, to bring joy to children, to develop memory, observation, visual, auditory attention, fine motor skills, enrich vocabulary.

Ryaba chicken in a new way

Leading: Good grandfather lived in the world for many winters and many years. Grandma also lived with him, she was nasty, evil! There was not a baby, not a cow, not a cat in the house...
There was only a chicken, neither big nor small. This bird's name was Pockmarked, you wouldn't even dream of such a thing! The chicken sang like this:
Hen: Cluck, cluck, so, so, so!
Leading: Grandfather cleaned the house, cooked cabbage soup, washed clothes! Grandma had no time for washing, she was raising chickens. The chicken walked around in the morning and said to her grandparents:
Hen: I can lay an egg, would you like it, Your Honor?
Grandfather:"Yes, we want
Leading: Grandfather answered!
Grandfather: Prepare, let’s have lunch!”

Leading: Ryaba clucks:
Hen:“Where, where, you think it’s so simple, right?”
Leading: The hen sat down on the porch and laid one egg, it was not simple, with a golden tint! Grandfather, with such joy, forgot about his hunger.
Grandfather:“Oh, thank you, pockmarked bird, we will need the egg!”
Leading: He kissed the chicken and called his grandmother over. (Waves his hand) Calls me my darling, hugs me tightly, tightly! Well, she didn’t expect it, she just fainted! Can't understand anything
Grandma:“Apparently, my grandfather has become younger?!
Leading: He dotes on grandma, and then hands her the egg.
Grandfather: Grandma! Grandma, look! We could use three of these! Then you and I, mother, can become rich!”
Leading: The grandmother moans, “oh” and “ah,” envy and fear take over here.
Grandma:“Grandfather, what are we going to do with him, with this golden miracle?”
Leading: They thought and wondered, but in the evening they were all tired. The grandmother wanted to sleep and lay down on the bed. Grandfather had not slept for a long time, but then he dozed off. The old woman is sleeping sweetly, the grandfather is snoring diligently! Only the chicken is busy and says:
Hen:"Good night".
Leading: She fell asleep later than everyone else and took a nap near the stove! The mouse, a prankster, does not sleep, quietly says:
Mouse: How long can you go hungry and pick up crumbs from the floor? There is an egg on the table,
Leading: The mouse is shaking with envy!
Mouse: This is necessary! My God! with a golden shell! I haven't seen such golden eggs since I was born!
Leading: She ran up, grabbed the egg and ran off the porch! But the egg fell, there was a lot of grief here! My heart was beating strongly in fear, because it broke at that very moment! It spread like yogurt, our grandmother began to sob, and behind her, the old grandfather began to wail as hard as he could. There was so much anger in the grandmother, and she forgot about politeness, the grandmother scolded the mouse for dropping an egg! Well, the bribes are smooth from the mouse, it ran away without looking back, and washed itself with tears that it didn’t get lunch!
Grandma: Come on, ask the chicken to lay a new egg.
Grandfather: Chicken, don't be angry, better help your grandfather! Grandma got even more angry, give me an egg so she won’t be angry!
Leading: The chicken screams:
Hen:"Oh, oh"! In chicken-speak - kudkudah!
You probably don’t roar, and don’t scold the mouse either. Be polite and new happiness will come! I’ll lay another egg for you, but it’ll be simple! You feed me more often and say kind words. Every day and every hour, I will become more beautiful with you. I will lay eggs for you until you are very old! Or maybe the second one will be golden again!
Leading: Grandfather said thank you to her, kissed her, and caressed her! They began to live and live, and not know about grief!
All heroes: But we’ll give you an order, even though the story was short-lived. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is something for all of us to think about.

The site offers to play a musical fairy tale-remake for the Year of the Rooster or any holiday (anniversary, birthday, wedding, New Year).

Fairy tale: Chicken Ryaba

Participants for the characters of the fairy tale are selected in advance:

– Grandfather;
– Grandma;
- Chicken;
– Cockerel;
– Mouse;
- Mouse tail.

Who can tell me what words the fairy tale begins with?

Guests:“Once upon a time...”

So, once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Our grandfather was old and frail. He loved to sit on a bench near the stove.

1 (Music track “Grandfather’s Exit”)

But the grandmother is young, mischievous, cheerful!

(2 music tracks by Dolce Gabana)

She did not offend her grandfather. She loved him, kissed him. First on one cheek, then on the other.

Then to one sore knee, then to the other. If grandfather’s head hurts, he’ll massage it; if his back hurts, he’ll massage it too. And if my grandfather develops tetanus, he will massage it everywhere.

(3 Music track Kiss my stomach.)

And my grandfather and grandmother had Ryaba the Chicken.

(4 music tracks For striptease)

And who will tell me what our chicken should do? Laying an egg correctly. But who do we need for this? Of course, a cockerel.

(5 music track “Crow of the Rooster”)

Nice Petya! How does he flap his wings? What are Petya's breasts like? This is what it is... And how does Petya scream?... And how does he scream when he sees a chicken?... And after that he begins to run after her diligently...

(6 music tracks I boom boom boom you, you boom boom boom me)

And then he caught up with her. And trampled a little...

(7 music track Clucking)

(8 music track It hurts me...)

Well, finally, let's see what came of it. This is what an egg is.

Applause to the chicken, it was not in vain that she suffered..

(9 music track “Chicken Coop”)

The grandmother was happy, the grandfather was happy. Everyone was happy. And they decided to cook eggs. Grandfather beat and beat the egg... but didn’t break it. Grandma beat and beat the egg... but didn’t break it. Grandpa is crying.

(10 music track Vitas howls...)

Grandma is crying... Everyone is crying...

And then a mouse appears.

(11 music track I am baby tsunai...)

Who can tell me what our Mouse needs now? Well, of course, a ponytail.

This is our tail...

(a thin tall man comes out)

Where should the tail be? Right behind. Take the mouse's tail by the waist.

(12 music track “Lambada”)

And now the mouse is spinning around the testicle... Running... Sniffing... And wagging its tail... The testicle just broke...

(13 music track “The Egg Breaks”)

Grandpa is crying. (music track Vitas whines...) Grandma is crying... Everyone is crying...

And then the chicken tells them:

“Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I will lay you not an ordinary egg, but a golden one.”

Grandfather and grandmother were delighted. Grandfather is dancing...

(14 music track “Bird of Happiness”)


(15 music track “Kiss”)


End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version fairy tales go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for downloading via the link on the website and from the letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 199 r ub.

Characters : Presenter, Ryaba Hen, Grandfather, Baba, Mouse.

Leading: Once upon a time there was an old man, (an old man appears from behind the screen)

Yes woman ( a woman appears)

And they had a chicken, Ryaba. ( a chicken appears).

Ryaba: Co-co-co, co-co-co.

I brought you a dear gift.

Gives the egg to the old people.)

Woman: (knocks the egg on the screen). Wow, what a strong egg.

Grandfather: (knocks an egg). Yes, it won’t be easy for us to break it!

Leading: There's no use in an egg!

Grandfather put it on the shelf. ( Grandfather puts an egg on the shelf)

Woman: It turned out to be empty. ( Both are crying and lamenting)

Grandfather: Apparently we won’t see dinner. (The hen Ryaba enters, takes pity on the old people, strokes them)

Leading: Tears won't help your grief!

Ryaba: Don't worry, grandfather. Don't worry, grandma.

I will be glad to serve you.

I'll lay a simple egg. (

Calm music sounds.)

Leading: The evening is already coming. Chicken Ryaba is coming to the house.

Woman: (strokes). Our good Ryaba has arrived.

Ryaba: Shows testicles in a basket).

My testicles are not golden, but completely simple.

Leading: This is what you need. You will have a delicious dinner. Maybe you can cook them in a saucepan?

Grandfather: It's better to fry it in a frying pan.

Ryaba: And I will put these eggs in the nest. Yes, I’ll sit on them for a while.

Leading: Chicken Ryaba will warm them with her warmth.

And you will see what will happen to them later.

The chicken sat in the nest for many days.

And she warmed the testicles with her warmth.

Grandfather and grandmother did not forget about her - (approach the chicken)

Every day she was given water and food.

The hour struck, and a miracle happened,

but I won’t talk about it.

Now you can see for yourself

you will see everything with your own eyes. (A hen comes out from behind the screen, followed by chicks.)

Ryaba: Co-co-co, co-co-co. Meet, these are my sons and daughters.

Leading: They will grow up soon. They will bring you a lot of eggs.

(The hen, the chickens and all the spectators dance the “Chicken Dance.”)



Scenario of the fairy tale “Chicken Ryaba”

Characters: Presenter, Ryaba Hen, Grandfather, Baba, Mouse.

Leading: Once upon a time there was an old man, (an old man appears from behind the screen)

Yes woman (a woman appears)

And they had a chicken, Ryaba. (a chicken appears).

Ryaba: Co-co-co, co-co-co.

I brought you a dear gift.

She laid a golden egg, not a simple one. (Gives the egg to the old people.)

Baba: (knocks the egg on the screen). Wow, what a strong egg.

Grandfather: (knocks with an egg ). Yes, it won’t be easy for us to break it!

Leading : There's no use in an egg!

Grandfather put it on the shelf. (Grandfather puts an egg on the shelf)

(Fast music plays. A mouse appears, dancing. It twirls its tail.

He flicks the egg onto the floor. The egg breaks.)

Grandfather: ( in a crying voice). Oh, the golden egg broke.

Woman : It turned out to be empty. (Both are crying and lamenting)

Grandfather : Apparently we won’t see dinner. (The hen Ryaba enters, takes pity on the old people, strokes them)

Leading: Tears won't help your grief!

Ryaba: Don't worry, grandfather. Don't worry, grandma.

I will be glad to serve you.

I'll lay a simple egg. (The chicken goes behind the screen. Grandfather and grandmother are walking.

Calm music sounds.)

Leading : The evening is already coming. Chicken Ryaba is coming to the house.

Baba: (stroking). Our good Ryaba has arrived.

Ryaba: Look what I brought. (Shows testicles in a basket).

My testicles are not golden, but completely simple.

Leading: This is what you need. You will have a delicious dinner. Maybe you can cook them in a saucepan?

Grandfather: It's better to fry it in a frying pan.

Ryaba: And I will put these eggs in the nest. Yes, I’ll sit on them for a while.

Leading: Chicken Ryaba will warm them with her warmth.

And you will see what will happen to them later.

The chicken sat in the nest for many days.

And she warmed the testicles with her warmth.

Grandfather and grandmother did not forget about her - (approach the chicken)

Every day she was given water and food.

The hour struck, and a miracle happened,

but I won’t talk about it.

Now you can see for yourself

you will see everything with your own eyes. (A hen comes out from behind the screen, followed by chicks.)

Ryaba: Co-co-co, co-co-co. Meet, these are my sons and daughters.

Leading : They will grow up soon. They will bring you a lot of eggs.

(The hen, the chickens and all the spectators dance the “Chicken Dance.”)

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

State budgetary professional educational institution Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlovsky teacher training college»

Script for practical work

Audio document


Double O.V.

students of group 4A.


Sharkova E.V.,

OPD teacher at IOS

Kamyshlov, 2017

Idea: show a humorous situation from life by editing excerpts of video, music and sound effects.

Chicken Ryaba

Script in Russian folk tale(arranged by Ushinsky) for puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 15 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.


Chicken Ryaba

In the foreground is a stove, a table and part of a log wall. In the background is a village hut. Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting at the table.

Grandma (with a sigh)

How should we deal with you, Grandfather?

What to cook lunch from?

I scraped the bottom of the barrel,

Only a mouse found it there!

We don't have it in your closet

No cabbage, no carrots,

You know, you have to disappear!

We need to sell something!

I'll take it to the market

Our favorite samovar.

Grandma, you clean it up.

It’s like he’s nothing!

They would give a nickel for it.

We've already sold it!

Really? That's the trouble

How do we drink tea then?

Okay, look in the chest!

A spider has been living there for a long time.

At the market for it

They won't give us anything.

We'd better sell the hat!

Have you forgotten, Grandma?

What did I sell for half a piece?

A hat and bought a laying hen.


The Ryaba Chicken appears from under the table between Grandfather and Grandmother and flaps its wings.

Chicken Ryaba

Here I am, Grandfather, not far away!

I didn't just come

I laid an egg for you.

Chicken Ryaba takes out an egg from under the table, gives it to Grandma and leaves the hut, hiding behind a log wall. The grandmother puts the egg on the table, goes to the stove and takes out a frying pan from behind it.

Grandma (joyfully)

This is wonderful for lunch,

I'll cook an omelette!

Grandma puts the frying pan on the table and knocks an egg on it. The testicle doesn't beat.

Grandma (surprised)

And the egg is not just

And the egg is so hot,

And it seems to me that it

Bone and tricky!

Grandfather gets up from the table and approaches Grandma.

This grief is not a problem!

Come on, Grandma, give it here.

I'll smash it in no time!

Grandfather takes the egg and tries to break it on the frying pan. Slams his hand on the testicle. Grandma blows on her.

So there was no care!

They tell you it

Bone and tricky!

Grandfather puts an egg in a frying pan. Grandfather and Grandmother sit down at the table.

We should call for help!

Just calm down, for God's sake!

We won't eat the egg

And we won’t give it to others,

After all, the chicken is from him

It will be born - wow!

Go get some chicken.

You, Grandma, look

Behind the unbreakable testicle.

The grandfather leaves the hut, hiding behind the log wall on the right.

Chick-chick! Birdie, birdie!

The grandmother takes out the egg, puts it on the table, takes the frying pan and carries it to the stove. A mouse appears from under the table, climbs onto the table, takes the egg in its paws and sniffs it.

I would like some cheese! I'm a mouse!

The grandmother, seeing the mouse, runs to the table and swings a frying pan at it.

Screw you, villain! Shoo-shoo-shoo!

The mouse throws the egg down and hides under the table. Grandma drops the frying pan and grabs her head.

Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather, here!

Grandfather runs out.

What happened?

Grandma (wailing)

A mouse was running across the table,

Only I said: “Shoo!”

The way she waved her tail

Turned everything upside down

And the egg rolled...

Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather (in hearts)

Wow, villain! Oh, trouble!

I will never forgive her!

What a misfortune has happened!

Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather and Grandmother sit next to each other at the table and cry. Ryaba Hen appears from behind the log wall and approaches the table.

Chicken Ryaba

What are you, Grandma, what are you, Grandfather?

Was the omelette not a success?

A mouse was running across the table,

Grandma told her: “Shoo!”

And she waved her tail,

Turned the house upside down

And the egg rolled...

Grandfather and Grandmother (in unison)

Oops, it crashed! Oh, it crashed

Chicken Ryaba stands between Grandmother and Grandfather and hugs them.

Chicken Ryaba

Full of crying and sobbing,

I'll tear down another one for you -

Not simple, golden!

Buy a bag of eggs

And everything will be fine!

Chicken Ryaba

Script based on a Russian folk tale (adapted by Ushinsky) for the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 15 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.


Chicken Ryaba

In the foreground is a stove, a table and part of a log wall. In the background is a village hut. Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting at the table.

Grandma (with a sigh)

How should we deal with you, Grandfather?
What to cook lunch from?
I scraped the bottom of the barrel,
Only a mouse found it there!
We don't have it in your closet
No cabbage, no carrots,
You know, you have to disappear!


We need to sell something!
I'll take it to the market
Our favorite samovar.
Grandma, you clean it up.
It’s like he’s nothing!
They would give a nickel for it.


We've already sold it!


Really? That's the trouble
How do we drink tea then?
Okay, look in the chest!


A spider has been living there for a long time.
At the market for it
They won't give us anything.
We'd better sell the hat!


Have you forgotten, Grandma?
What did I sell for half a piece?
A hat and bought a laying hen.

The Ryaba Chicken appears from under the table between Grandfather and Grandmother and flaps its wings.

Chicken Ryaba

Here I am, Grandfather, not far away!
I didn't just come
I laid an egg for you.

Chicken Ryaba takes out an egg from under the table, gives it to Grandma and leaves the hut, hiding behind a log wall. The grandmother puts the egg on the table, goes to the stove and takes out a frying pan from behind it.

Grandma (joyfully)

This is wonderful for lunch,
I'll cook an omelette!

Grandma puts the frying pan on the table and knocks an egg on it. The testicle doesn't beat.

Grandma (surprised)

And the egg is not just
And the egg is so hot,
And it seems to me that it
Bone and tricky!

Grandfather gets up from the table and approaches Grandma.


This grief is not a problem!
Come on, Grandma, give it here.
I'll smash it in no time!

Grandfather takes the egg and tries to break it on the frying pan. Slams his hand on the testicle. Grandma blows on her.


So there was no care!
They tell you it
Bone and tricky!

Grandfather puts an egg in a frying pan. Grandfather and Grandmother sit down at the table.


We should call for help!


Just calm down, for God's sake!
We won't eat the egg
And we won’t give it to others,
After all, the chicken is from him
It will be born - wow!
Go get some chicken.


You, Grandma, look
Behind the unbreakable testicle.

The grandfather leaves the hut, hiding behind the log wall on the right.

Chick-chick! Birdie, birdie!

The grandmother takes out the egg, puts it on the table, takes the frying pan and carries it to the stove. A mouse appears from under the table, climbs onto the table, takes the egg in its paws and sniffs it.


I would like some cheese! I'm a mouse!

The grandmother, seeing the mouse, runs to the table and swings a frying pan at it.


Screw you, villain! Shoo-shoo-shoo!

The mouse throws the egg down and hides under the table. Grandma drops the frying pan and grabs her head.


Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!
Grandfather, here!

Grandfather runs out.


What happened?

Grandma (wailing)

A mouse was running across the table,
Only I said: “Shoo!”
The way she waved her tail
Turned everything upside down
And the egg rolled...

Grandfather (in hearts)

Wow, villain! Oh, trouble!
I will never forgive her!
What a misfortune has happened!
Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather and Grandmother sit next to each other at the table and cry. Ryaba Hen appears from behind the log wall and approaches the table.

Chicken Ryaba

What are you, Grandma, what are you, Grandfather?
Was the omelette not a success?


A mouse was running across the table,
Grandma told her: “Shoo!”
And she waved her tail,
Turned the house upside down
And the egg rolled...

Grandfather and Grandmother (in unison)

Oops, it crashed! Oh, it crashed

Chicken Ryaba stands between Grandmother and Grandfather and hugs them.

Chicken Ryaba

Full of crying and sobbing,
Lament over an egg.
I'll tear down another one for you -
Not simple, golden!
Buy a bag of eggs
And everything will be fine!
