Dictionary of antonyms online. Speech culture

Dictionary of antonyms - a type of dictionary in which antonyms are described, i.e. words of the same part of speech that have opposite meanings (for example: light - heavy, good - bad, beginning - end, before - after, rise - fall). Dictionaries of antonyms, as well as synonymous ones, refer to lexicographic publications that describe the paradigmatic connections of words in lexical system. The first antonymic dictionaries relied both on the experience of compiling explanatory dictionaries and on lexicographic descriptions of synonyms.

The most complete antonymic dictionary is “Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language” R.M. Lvov. In determining the boundaries of antonymy, the compiler proceeds from the presence in the meanings of words of opposing components with a common core semantic features that determine the attribution of words to one lexical-semantic group. The dictionary is preceded by an extensive introduction by L.A. Novikov, which provides a deep theoretical description of antonymic connections, types of antonyms, and describes the principles of lexicographic representation of this type of semantic relationships.

The clarity of the semantic characteristics of antonyms, reliance on a large illustrative material different and " Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language » L.A. Vvedenskaya. The place of antonyms in the lexical system of a language and the principles of their lexicographic description are described in detail in the introductory article to the dictionary.

Both lexicographic publications consistently reflect the systemic connections of antonyms with synonyms. Particularly significant is the attention of the authors to the semantic structure of polysemantic words and their ability to enter into antonymic relationships. different units its semantic scope. In word-formation nests of antonyms there are groupings of words, the opposite meanings of which are ensured by the semantic opposite of root morphemes.

A different approach to defining the boundaries of antonymy is presented in the “Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language” by N.P. Kolesnikova. The author considers antonyms words that are opposed to each other “in any one respect,” which allows him to very broadly represent antonymic connections in the dictionary. For example, the following words are given as members of antonymic pairs: Asian - European, thank - scold, vowel - consonant, lady - girl, basement - attic, reason - feeling, overlay - bit by bit etc.

“Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language” by O. A. Mikhailova includes the most common antonyms of modern Russian literary language, alive colloquial speech, including those recently included in the Russian language.

The material, minimized for educational purposes, is presented in educational dictionaries of antonyms and synonym-antonym dictionaries.

Large dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language [about 100,000 words and phrases] / comp. N.I. Shilnova. M.: House Slavic book, 2010. 896 p.

Vvedenskaya L.L. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language / resp. ed. G. V. Vadimova. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Rostov n/a. : Publishing house Rostov, university, 1982. 176 p. .

Vvedenskaya L.L. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language [about 500 antonymic nests]: [synonymous pairs of antonyms: about 1500 illustrative examples]. M.: Astrel: ACT, 2008. 445 p. [The same in 2002, 2007].

Vvedenskaya L.A. Educational dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. 2nd ed. M.; Rostov n/d.: MarT, 2006. 314 p. .

Gavrilova A. S. Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the modern Russian language for schoolchildren. M.: Adelant, 2014. 351 p. (Library of pocket dictionaries: BKS).

Gavrilova A. S. Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the modern Russian language. M.: Adelant, 2013. 511 p. (Library of school dictionaries: BShS).

Gaibaryan O.E. School dictionary of synonyms and antonyms [more than 3000 synonyms and 1500 antonymic pairs]. 4th ed. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2013. 382 p. (Training dictionaries). .

Kolesnikov N.P. Semonymic dictionaries [dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language; Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language]. Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 1995. 506 p.

Kolesnikov N.P. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language / ed. N.M. Shansky. Tbilisi: Tbil Publishing House. Univ., 1978. 314 p. .

Lvov M.R. Dictionary of antonyms in the Russian language: over 3000 antonyms, variants, synonyms, usage. 8th ed., erased. M.: AST-Press: AST-Press Book, 2008. 588 p. .

Lvov M.R. Explanatory dictionary of antonyms in the Russian language [about 2700 antonyms] / Ross. acad. Sci. M.: AST-Press, 2012. 509 p. (Desktop dictionaries of the Russian language).

Lvov M.R. School dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language [A-Z]: a manual for students. M.: Education, 2004. 350 p. .

Merkuryeva N.V. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language: ( difficult words) . M.: Gas. "Pravda", 1999. 480 p.

Mikhailova O.A. Pocket dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language: 5000 words. M.: Lingua: Astrel, 2012. 352 p.

Mikhailova O.A. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language: over 2000 antonymic pairs. M.: Eksmo, 2008. 480 p.

The newest school dictionary of synonyms and antonyms / comp. N.V. Shilnova. M.: House of Slavic Books, 2012. 640 p.

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language [more than 2500 antonymic pairs] / resp. ed. E. Buzaeva. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2005. 238 p. (Dictionaries).

Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms for schoolchildren [about 5500 dictionary entries] /comp. E.L. Butenko. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2011.512p. [Also in 2009].

Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms for schoolchildren / comp. E.M. Boriskovskaya. M.: House of Slavic Books, 2002. 317 p.

Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms for schoolchildren / comp. O. A. Mikhailova. Reissue. Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. 500 p.

Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language / comp. M.E. Shemshurenko. St. Petersburg : Victoria, 2005. 476 p. [Same in 2002].

Modern dictionary of the Russian language: synonyms, antonyms [about 800 synonymous rows, about 500 antonymic nests] / comp. L.A. Vvedenskaya, V.I. Zimin, N.P. Kolesnikov [id.]. M.: ACT: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2010. 762 p. [The same in 2009 in the “Biblio” series under the title: Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language].

Fedosov Yu.V. Ideographic antonym-synonym dictionary of the Russian language / Volgograd, state. ped. int. Volgograd: Change,

Fedorova T.L. Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms [over 30,000 words]. M.: LadKom, 2010. 221 p. (Russian language).

School dictionary of antonyms / comp. G.P. Nikolskaya. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2012. 637 p. [Same in 2004].

School dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language / comp. M.E. Shemshurenko. M.: ROSTkniga; St. Petersburg : Victoria Plus, 2009.271 p.

Speech culture. Vvedenskaya L.A.

Rostov / D: Phoenix, 2001 - 448 pp..

The textbook is written in accordance with educational program for colleges. It includes the basic concepts of speech culture, teaches everyday and business communication; expands the understanding of the Russian language and its capabilities; introduces the features sounding speech, with non-verbal means of communication; teaches the rules of speech etiquette.

For students of secondary specialized institutions.

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From the author
I. Communication is a social phenomenon
1.1. What is communication?
1.2. The meaning of communication
1.3. Conditions necessary for communication
II. Nonverbal means of communication
2.1. The importance of facial expressions and gestures when communicating
2.3. Pointing gestures
2.4. Iconic gestures
2.5. Symbolic Gestures
III. Literary language
3.1. Forms of existence of the national language
3.2. Highest form national language
IV. Basic qualities of speech
4.1. Speech Accuracy
4.2. Speech intelligibility
4.3. Purity of speech
4.4 Richness and variety of speech
4.5. Imagery, expressiveness of speech
V. The norm, its dynamics and variation
5.1. Language norm is a historical phenomenon
5.2. Variation of the norm
5.3. Formation of literary language norms
VI. The main fodder of the literary language
6.5. Lexical norms
VII. Speech etiquette
7.1. Purpose of speech etiquette
7.2. Speech etiquette formulas
7.3. Addresses in Russian speech etiquette
VIII Features of sounding speech
8.1. Intonation - hallmark oral speech
8.2. From the history of intonation research
8.3. Acoustic components of intonation
8.4 Types of intonation
8.5. Pause, its types
IX. Dictionaries - sources of knowledge
9.1. The meaning of dictionaries in human life
9.2. Etymological dictionaries
9.3. Dictionaries
9.4. Semonymic dictionaries
9.5. Phraseological dictionaries
9.6. Dictionaries of Russian language difficulties
Speech gymnastics
Instead of a preface
Exercise sets

The manual examines the theoretical and practical aspects of business communication, speech culture, oratory skills, the art of argument.

Characterized by such types of business communication as conversation, negotiations, presentation, telephone conversation. Particular attention is paid to the technology of effective speech communication, the national characteristics of business people, and the moral attitudes of those communicating. Contains material on rhetorical self-education.

Chinese proverbs, sayings

China is a country of high culture. This is evidenced not only by numerous architectural, artistic, and literary monuments, but also by the richest folklore, one type of which is folk proverbs and sayings.

“Proverbs are a crystal of the thoughts of the people in a certain era...” wrote the classic of Chinese literature Lu Xun.

The proposed collection contains only a small part of proverbs and sayings, but they sufficiently acquaint the reader with examples of Chinese folk wisdom.

Speech culture

Word, speech is an indicator general culture a person, his intellect, his speech culture. That is why mastering the culture of speech and its improvement especially actively begins and continues during the school years.

The “Culture of Speech” manual will help you:
- comprehend and master the basic concepts of speech culture;
— acquire the skills necessary for communication, domestic and business;
- make your speech competent, bright and expressive.

The textbook is written in accordance with the educational program for colleges. It includes the basic concepts of speech culture, teaches everyday and business communication skills; expands the understanding of the Russian language and its capabilities; introduces the peculiarities of spoken speech and non-verbal means of communication; teaches the rules of speech etiquette.

Rhetoric and speech culture

The manual talks about business communication, oratory, and the basics of polemic skills. Particular attention is paid speech culture, preparation methods various types public speaking ability to conduct constructive dialogue.

Russian language and speech culture

The textbook includes the basic concepts of speech culture, teaches everyday and business communication skills; expands the understanding of the Russian language and its capabilities; introduces the peculiarities of spoken speech and non-verbal means of communication; teaches the rules of speech etiquette.

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language

More than 500 antonymous nests.

The purpose of the dictionary is to introduce readers to the system of Russian antonyms - words with opposite meaning forming pairs.

A dictionary entry consists of an antonymic pair, an interpretation of each of its members, and illustrative material (quotes, sayings, proverbs). Synonymous pairs of antonyms form a nest. If ambiguous word enters into an antonymic relationship with in different words, then each pair of antonyms is given separately and its members are marked with a digital index. The dictionary is provided with an alphabetical index.

Textbooks and teaching aids:

Vvedenskaya Lyudmila Alekseevna http://dbs.sfedu.ru/www/rsu$persons$.startup?p_per_id=847

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Honored Professor of the Russian State University (SFU), Honorary Worker of the Higher vocational education, is the only author and co-author of textbooks in the Russian Federation, through which they learn the riches and expressiveness of the Russian language at all levels: “Proverbs and sayings in elementary school", "Russian language: culture of speech, text, functional styles, editing" (for students in grades 10-11), "Culture of speech" (for college students), "Russian language and culture of speech", "Business rhetoric" (for students of non-humanitarian universities), "Etymology", "Russian lexicography" ( for humanitarian universities).

In Russian linguistics, L. A. Vvedenskaya was one of the first to fundamentally develop the theory of antonymy and published the first “Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language” (1971). She is a co-author of dictionaries: " Russian pronunciation and writing", "Educational dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language", "Modern spelling dictionaries Russian language".

Textbooks and teaching aids:

  • Vvedenskaya L.A., Semenova M.Yu. Russian language. Workshop. M.: Knorus, Rostov-on-Don: Nauka-Press 2006.
  • Vvedenskaya L.A., Kolesnikov N.P. Educational dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. M., Rostov-on-Don, 2005.
  • Vvedenskaya L.A. School pronouncing dictionary Russian language. M., Rostov-on-Don, 2005.
  • Vvedenskaya L.A. Educational dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. M., Rostov-on-Don, 2005.
  • Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Rhetoric for lawyers. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix. 2006.
  • Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Rhetoric and speech culture. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix. 2005.

> Antonym dictionaries

Vvedenskaya L.A. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004. - 445, p.

The dictionary contains more than 500 antonymic nests. The dictionary entry includes an antonymic pair, an interpretation of each of its members and illustrative material. Synonymous pairs of antonyms form a nest.

The dictionary contains the following applications: 1. Antonymy between a word and a free phrase; 2. On the interaction of antonymy and synonymy; 3. Synonymous pairs of antonyms; 4. Synonymous relations between pairs of antonyms; 5. The concept of synonymous-antonymous paradigm; 6. Combination of antonyms in the Russian language; 7. Occasional antonyms; 8. Stylistic figures based on antonyms; 9. Antonyms as an artistic and visual means in journalism by L.N. Tolstoy; 10. Dictionary of antonyms A.P. Chekhov.

Sample dictionary entries


And where life could not take root natural okay, little by little it arose there artificial in a forced manner, at the cost of large monetary costs and human effort. A.P. Chekhov.


When a woman destroys like a man, they find it natural and everyone understands this, when she wants or tries to create like a man, then they find it unnatural and they don’t put up with it. A.P. Chekhov.


They all teach, warn, scare, and as if for courage their words are hidden fear. M. Gorky.

Lvov M.R. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language: Over 3000 antonyms / Ed. L.A. Novikova. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M: PRESS KNIGA, 2006. - 592 p.

The dictionary includes more than 3000 antonyms of the Russian language. Synonyms are given for antonyms (synonymous pairs of antonyms). Antonymous pairs are illustrated with quotes from fiction, scientific literature and journalism.


Greatness is insignificance (cm.)

greatness is insignificance (cm.)

A great goal is an insignificant goal. O According to the strange structure of things, insignificant causes always gave birth to great events and, conversely, great enterprises ended with insignificant consequences. Gogol. Old-world landowners.- It has long been known that high places make insignificant people even more insignificant, and great people even greater. Stadnyuk. War.Ø In meaning noun Wed r. Evil is rooted in evil secrets, The pain of a bitten cry lurks. Everything about them is wrong: great is small. Everything, everything is wrong: the insignificant is great. You. Fedorov. Oh evil secrets...


Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone as long as he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian, Emperor Franz sought to offer him his daughter as an illegitimate wife. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace.


It's better to be funny than to pretend to be great. G. Gor. Geometric forest.Ø In meaning noun Wed r. From the great to the ridiculous - one step. Proverb. Yes, he was young, in his head the great and the funny coexisted side by side. M. Kolesnikov. Industrial ballad.


owlsto please - to sadden

I am just as little pleased with your winning as I am saddened by your loss. L. Tolstoy. Childhood. He was ashamed of those fifteen minutes that he dozed off without waiting for her, but he didn’t want to say that he hadn’t slept all night - that would probably have upset her more than it would have pleased her. K. Simonov. Days and nights. The passenger train made a short stop there. This both made Klimov happy and sad. Nagibin. Smoke break. Galya, my dear! Thank you for your letter, it made me very happy. I was a little upset that you reported about Borovsky. Yesenin. Letter from G. Benislavskaya, December 20. 1924.