A guide to the world around us. Guide to the world around us Encyclopedia for children the world around us

The manual is intended for organizing the systematic development of basic knowledge and skills of students primary school in the subject “The World around us”, necessary for their final certification.
The manual helps students achieve planned learning outcomes and develop their ability to apply their knowledge in various situations that differ from their usual learning situations.
The manual is intended for a wide range of users: teachers, students and their parents, as well as specialists in the field of teaching in primary schools.
The benefit can be used for independent work, and for work in the classroom.

Buy a paper or e-book and download and read The world around us, grades 1-4, Educational and reference materials, Chudinova E.V., Demidova M.Yu., 2011

The publication provides in a condensed, concentrated form the main theoretical material covering the primary school course on the surrounding world. Information about living and inanimate nature, the basics of geography and biology are presented in visual logical blocks, diagrams and tables, which allow you to better understand and assimilate the information.
The manual will provide invaluable assistance in studying, systematizing the knowledge gained, and will also be useful in preparing for the final test on the surrounding world for a primary school course.

Abstract to the book - textbook:

The publication provides in a condensed, concentrated form the main theoretical material covering the primary school course on the surrounding world. Information about living and inanimate nature, the basics of geography and biology are presented in visual logical blocks, diagrams and tables, which allow you to better understand and assimilate the information.

The manual will provide invaluable assistance in studying, systematizing the knowledge gained, and will also be useful in preparing for the final test on the surrounding world for a primary school course.

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Clear and accessible for elementary school. The world around us in diagrams and tables for grades 1 - 4 (PDF) was last modified: August 31, 2016 by Koskin

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    Irina Travina

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  • Emily Beaumont

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    Irina Travina

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    Designed for schoolchildren, their parents and anyone interested in wildlife. ...Next

    Andrey Galchuk

    The elements of nature are becoming larger and more ruthless every day. Fires, floods, earthquakes, extreme temperature fluctuations - all this has already become familiar to many inhabitants of the planet. ...Next

    After reading our book, you can not only receive comprehensive information, but also see how various elements look and manifest themselves, and evaluate their consequences. ...Next

  • A book about something that defies explanation and verification, but never ceases to amaze us with the reality of its manifestations: Poltergeist; Sudden spontaneous combustion; Appearance of blood and faces on the floor; Visit of the Gods; Kidnappings; Life in other worlds; Traveling outside the body; Premonitions; Mind reading. For those interested in the paranormal and who need a guide to show the way amazing world! ...Next

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  • Victor Kalashnikov

  • Irina Travina

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