The ethylene molecule contains sigma bonds. The ethylene molecule contains bonds

1.What hydrocarbons are called unsaturated and how are they divided? Write general formulas Not saturated hydrocarbons.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons are those containing one or more multiple bonds. Main classes unsaturated hydrocarbons: alkenes, alkynes and alkadienes.

2. Alkenes include:

3. Based on modern ideas about electron orbitals, characterize the nature of chemical bonds in the ethylene molecule.

4. The number of σ-bonds in an ethylene molecule is equal to:
2) 5

5. What types of isomerism are observed in saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons?

6. Draw contractions structural formulas all hydrocarbons whose molecular formula is . Name these connections.

7. Why is the number of isomers in hydrocarbons of the ethylene series greater than in saturated hydrocarbons? To prove this, give isomers of hydrocarbons with molecular formulas And .

8. The isomer of pentene-1 is
3) 2-methylbutene-1

9. A homologue of propene is
1) butene-1

10. How are ethylene and hydrocarbons of the ethylene series produced? Write the equations for the corresponding reactions.

11. What chemical properties do ethylene and its homologues possess? Confirm your answer with equations of the corresponding reactions.

12. Write the equations for the combustion reactions of ethylene and propylene and their interaction with bromine water and a solution of potassium permanganate.

13. How do propylene and butenes react with hydrogen halides? Using these examples, explain the essence of Markovnikov’s rule.

14. For what purposes are ethylene and propylene used?
Ethylene is used to produce ethylene glycol, polyethylene, ethyl alcohol. In addition, ethylene accelerates the ripening of fruits. Isopropyl alcohol and polypropylene are obtained from propylene.

15. What reactions are called polymerization reactions? Write the equation for the polymerization reaction of propylene.

16. Write equations chemical reactions, confirming genetic connection between classes of organic compounds in scheme 5.

Problem 1. Calculate:

a) what volume and what mass of ethylene can be obtained from 160 ml of ethyl alcohol, the density of which is 0.8 g/cm3; b) what volume of absolute (anhydrous) ethyl alcohol (ρ=0.8 g/cm3) can be obtained from 100 m3 of ethylene (n.s.)

Problem 2. When ethylene was passed through bromine water, the mass of the solution increased by 7 g. What volume of gas reacted and what mass of 1,2-dibromoethane was formed (no.)?

Problem 3. What volume of ethylene (no.) will be required to produce 126 kg of ethylene oxide, if mass fraction production losses of ethylene is 0.1?

Problem 4. What volume of air is required to burn 50 liters of propylene (n.o.)?

what is the difference between sigma and pi bonds in ethylene and acetylene molecules → and got the best answer

Answer from Yatyan Ivanov[guru]
Sigma bonds can be formed by hybrid and/or non-hybrid orbitals, but are always directed along the axis connecting the centers of the atoms. In the carbon atom, sigma bonds are formed only by hybrid orbitals. Pi bonds can be formed only by non-hybrid p-orbitals located perpendicular to the plane of the molecule (and the line connecting the centers of the atoms). The pi bond is characterized by lateral overlap of p-orbitals above and below the plane of the molecule. Overlap region electron clouds(orbitals) in a sigma bond are greater than in a pi bond, therefore the sigma bond is stronger. Features of bonds in ethylene and acetylene molecules. - In both molecules, carbon atoms are connected to hydrogen atoms by sigma bonds (hybrid orbitals of carbon atoms overlap with non-hybrid s-orbitals of hydrogen atoms). - Both molecules have multiple bonds between carbon atoms, i.e. there are both sigma bonds and pi bonds. - In the ethylene molecule C2H4, the carbon atom is in a state of sp2 hybridization (3 hybrid sp2 -orbitals and 1 non-hybrid p-orbital); in the acetylene molecule C2H2 the carbon atom is in a state of sp-hybridization (2 hybrid sp-orbitals and 2 non-hybrid p-orbitals). - Therefore, in the ethylene molecule there is a double bond between the carbon atoms (1 sigma and 1 pi bond), and in acetylene molecule - triple bond (1 sigma and 2 pi bonds located in mutual perpendicular planes) . Length S-S connections in an acetylene molecule is less than in an ethylene molecule, and the bond strength is greater. Both ethylene and acetylene are characterized by addition reactions at the pi bond, which is less strong and, therefore, more reactive than the sigma bond. In the acetylene molecule, the addition occurs in 2 stages: first along one pi bond, then along the other.

Reply from Xenia[guru]
Sigma bonds are single, simple, strong bonds.
Pi bonds are not strong bonds.
And in what substances it does not matter.

Carried out by overlapping s-atomic orbitals along the connection line atoms, pi bonds, occur when p-atomic orbitals on either side of the line of atomic bonding overlap. It is believed that the pi bond is realized in multiple bonds - double bond consists of one sigma and one pi bond, triple - from one sigma and two orthogonal pi bonds.

Developed the concept of sigma and pi bonds Linus Pauling in the 30s of the last century. One s- and three p-valence electron atom carbon are exposed hybridization and become four equivalent sp 3 hybridized electrons, through which four equivalent chemical bonds V molecule methane. All bonds in a methane molecule are equidistant from each other, forming a tetrahedron configuration.

In the case of double bond formation, sigma bonds are formed by sp 2 hybridized orbitals. The total number of such bonds in a carbon atom is three and they are located in the same plane. The angle between the bonds is 120°. The pi bond is located perpendicular to the indicated plane (Fig. 1).

In the case of triple bond formation, sigma bonds are formed by sp-hybridized orbitals. The total number of such bonds on a carbon atom is two and they are at an angle of 180° to each other. The two pi bonds of a triple bond are mutually perpendicular (Fig. 2).

In the case of the formation of an aromatic system, for example, benzene C 6 H 6 , each of the six carbon atoms is in a state of sp 2 hybridization and forms three sigma bonds with bond angles of 120°. The fourth p-electron of each carbon atom is oriented perpendicular to the plane of the benzene ring (Fig. 3.). In general, a single bond appears that extends to all carbon atoms of the benzene ring. Two large pi bond regions are formed electron density on both sides of the sigma bond plane. With such a bond, all carbon atoms in the benzene molecule become equivalent and, therefore, such a system is more stable than a system with three localized double bonds. The non-localized pi bond in the benzene molecule causes an increase in the bond order between carbon atoms and a decrease in the internuclear distance, that is chemical bond length d cc in a benzene molecule is 1.39 Å, while d C-C = 1.543 Å, and d C=C = 1.353 Å.

L. Pauling's concept of sigma and pi bonds became an integral part of valence bond theory. Animated images of atomic orbital hybridization have now been developed.

However, L. Pauling himself was not satisfied with the description of sigma and pi bonds. At a symposium on theoretical organic chemistry dedicated to memory F. A. Kekule(London, September 1958) he abandoned the σ, π-description, proposed and justified bent chemical bond theory. New theory clearly took into account physical meaning covalent chemical bond, namely Coulomb electron correlation.


See also

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See what a “Pi-bond” is in other dictionaries:

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Consists of one sigma and one pi bond, a triple bond consists of one sigma and two orthogonal pi bonds.

The concept of sigma and pi bonds was developed by Linus Pauling in the 30s of the last century.

L. Pauling's concept of sigma and pi bonds became an integral part of the theory of valence bonds. Animated images of atomic orbital hybridization have now been developed.

However, L. Pauling himself was not satisfied with the description of sigma and pi bonds. At a symposium on theoretical organic chemistry, dedicated to the memory of F.A. Kekule (London, September 1958), he abandoned the σ, π-description, proposed and substantiated the theory of a bent chemical bond. The new theory clearly took into account the physical meaning of covalent chemical bonds.

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    Pi bonds and sp2 hybridized orbitals

    Structure of the carbon atom. Sigma and pi bonds. Hybridization. Part 1

    Chemistry. Covalent chemical bond V organic compounds. Foxford Online Learning Center


    In the last video we talked about sigma communications. Let me draw 2 nuclei and orbitals. This is the sp3 hybrid orbital of this atom, most of it is here. And here too there is an sp3 hybrid orbital. Here is a small part of it, here is a large part. Where the orbitals overlap, a sigma bond is formed. How can a different type of connection be formed here? To do this, you will have to explain something. This is the sigma connection. It is formed when two orbitals overlap on the axis connecting the nuclei of atoms. Another type of bond can be formed by two p-orbitals. I will draw the nuclei of 2 atoms and one p-orbital. Here are the kernels. Now I will draw the orbitals. The P-orbital is like a dumbbell. I'll draw them a little closer to each other. Here is a p-orbital in the shape of a dumbbell. This is one of the p-orbitals of the atom. I'll draw more of it. Here is one of the p orbitals. Like this. And this atom also has a p-orbital parallel to the previous one. Let's say it's like this. Like this. It would be necessary to correct it. And these orbitals overlap. Just like that. The 2 p orbitals are parallel to each other. Here are the hybrid sp3 orbitals directed towards each other. And these are parallel. So the p orbitals are parallel to each other. They overlap here, above and below. This is a P-bond. I'll sign it. This is 1 P-connection. It is written with one Greek small letter "P". Or so: “P-connection”. And this P bond is formed due to the overlap of p-orbitals. Sigma bonds are ordinary single bonds, and P bonds are added to them to form double and triple bonds. For a better understanding, consider the ethylene molecule. Its molecule is structured like this. 2 carbon atoms linked by a double bond, plus 2 hydrogen atoms each. To better understand bond formation, we need to diagram the orbitals around the carbon atoms. So... First I'll draw the sp2 hybrid orbitals. I'll explain what's happening. In the case of methane, 1 carbon atom is bonded to 4 hydrogen atoms, forming a three-dimensional tetrahedral structure, like this. This atom is directed towards us. This atom lies in the plane of the page. This atom lies behind the plane of the page, and this one sticks up. This is methane. The carbon atom forms sp3 hybrid orbitals, each of which forms a single sigma bond with one hydrogen atom. Now let's describe the electronic configuration of the carbon atom in the methane molecule. Let's start with 1s2. Next should go 2s2 and 2p2, but in fact everything is more interesting. Look. There are 2 electrons in the 1s orbital, and instead of the 2s and 2p orbitals with 4 electrons, they will have sp3 hybrid orbitals in total: here is one, here is the second, here is the third sp3 hybrid orbital and the fourth. An isolated carbon atom has a 2s orbital and 3 2p orbitals along the x-axis, along the y-axis and along the z-axis. In the last video, we saw that they mix to form bonds in the methane molecule and the electrons are distributed like this. There are 2 carbon atoms in the ethylene molecule, and at the end it is clear that it is an alkene with a double bond. In this situation, the electron configuration of carbon looks different. Here's the 1s orbital, and it's still full. It has 2 electrons. And for the electrons of the second shell, I will take a different color. So what's on the second shell? There are no s or p orbitals here because these 4 electrons must be made unpaired to form bonds. Each carbon atom forms 4 bonds with 4 electrons. 1,2,3,4. But now the s-orbital hybridizes not with 3 p-orbitals, but with 2 of them. Here is a 2sp2 orbital. The S orbital mixes with 2 p orbitals. 1 s and 2 p. And one p-orbital remains the same. And this remaining p-orbital is responsible for the formation of the P-bond. The presence of a P-bond leads to a new phenomenon. The phenomenon of lack of rotation around the connection axis. Now you will understand. I'll draw both carbon atoms in volume. Now you will understand everything. I'll take a different color for this. Here's a carbon atom. Here is its core. I'll label it C, which is carbon. First comes the 1s orbital, this little sphere. Then there are the hybrid 2sp2 orbitals. They lie in the same plane, forming a triangle, or “pacific”. I'll show it in full. This orbital is directed here. This one is directed there. They have a second, small part, but I won't draw it because it's easier. They are similar to p-orbitals, but one of the parts is much larger than the other. And the last one is sent here. It looks a bit like the Mercedes logo if you draw a circle here. This is the left-handed carbon atom. It has 2 hydrogen atoms. Here is 1 atom. There he is, right here. With one electron in the 1s orbital. Here's the second one hydrogen atom. This atom will be here. And now the right carbon atom. Now let's draw it. I'll draw the carbon atoms close together. This carbon atom here. Here is its 1s orbital. He has the same electronic configuration . 1s orbital around and the same hybrid orbitals. Of all the orbitals of the second shell, I drew these 3. I have not drawn the P-orbital yet. But I will do it. First I'll draw the connections. The first one will be this bond formed by the sp2 hybrid orbital. I'll paint it with the same color. This bond is formed by an sp2 hybrid orbital. And this is a sigma connection. The orbitals overlap on the bond axis. Everything is simple here. And there are 2 hydrogen atoms: one bond here, the second bond here. This orbital is slightly larger because it is closer. And this hydrogen atom is here. And these are also sigma connections, if you noticed. The S orbital overlaps with sp2, the overlap lies on the axis connecting the nuclei of both atoms. One sigma connection, the second. Here's another hydrogen atom, also connected by a sigma bond. All bonds in the figure are sigma bonds. I shouldn't sign them. I will mark them with small Greek letters “sigma”. And here too. So this bond, this bond, this bond, this bond, this bond are sigma bonds. What about the remaining p-orbital of these atoms? They do not lie in the plane of the Mercedes sign, they stick out up and down. I'll take a new color for these orbitals. For example, purple. This is the p orbital. We need to draw it bigger, very big. In general, the p-orbital is not that large, but I draw it like this. And this p-orbital is located, for example, along the z axis, and the remaining orbitals lie in the xy plane. And the z axis is directed up and down. The bottom parts should also overlap. I'll draw more of them. Like this and like this. These are p orbitals and they overlap. This is how this connection is formed. This is the second component of the double bond. And here we need to clarify something. It's a P-bond and that too. It's all the same P-connection. j Second part of the double bond. What's next? By itself it is weak, but in combination with the sigma bond it brings atoms closer together than a regular sigma bond. Therefore, a double bond is shorter than a single sigma bond. Now the fun begins. If there were one sigma bond, both groups of atoms could rotate around the bond axis. For rotation around the coupling axis, a single coupling is suitable. But these orbitals are parallel to each other and overlap, and this P-bond prevents rotation. If one of these groups of atoms rotates, the other rotates with it. The P bond is part of a double bond, and double bonds are rigid. And these 2 hydrogen atoms cannot rotate separately from the other 2. Their location relative to each other is constant. That's what's happening. I hope you now understand the difference between sigma and P bonds. For better understanding, let's look at the example of acetylene. It is similar to ethylene, but it has a triple bond. There is a hydrogen atom on each side. It is obvious that these bonds are sigma bonds formed by sp orbitals. The 2s orbital hybridizes with one of the p orbitals, the resulting sp hybrid orbitals form sigma bonds, here they are. The remaining 2 bonds are P-bonds. Imagine another p-orbital directed towards us, and here is another one, their second halves are directed away from us, and they overlap, and here there is one hydrogen atom each. Maybe I should make a video about this. I hope I haven't confused you too much.