Higher education institution in Great Britain. Advantages of studying at universities in England

UK higher education has rich history, starting with the founding of Oxford and a little later Cambridge universities in the 12th century. Today there are over 300 universities in England. You can get an education in higher schools in the United Kingdom in any specialty.

Modern British education provides international qualifications and is renowned for its the highest level on a wide range of subjects. Centuries-old traditions are combined with the latest methodological pedagogical developments and excellent technical equipment of educational buildings - this is how the famous English quality is achieved. An English university degree is recognized in more than 180 countries around the world and opens up excellent career opportunities.

Structure high school is presented in three degrees: bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. There is also a separate business education - MBA.

Despite the fact that all UK universities are supervised by the Department of Education and Science, educational systems ah there are slight differences. Thus, in England it takes three years to obtain a bachelor's degree, in Scotland - four. Many universities provide the opportunity to take industrial practice during training. In this case, the total duration of study increases by a year. Some specialties related to medicine, dentistry and architecture will require longer bachelor's studies - up to 7 years. Master Program lasts 1-2 years, depending on the specialty.

Top Universities in England

From year to year, UK universities occupy first places in world rankings. Thus, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019, the top 500 universities in the world include 58 British universities. The top ten traditionally includes Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College London. Most schoolchildren, dreaming of studying at an English university, most often imagine themselves as students of these famous educational institutions. In practice, getting into them is not just difficult, but very difficult - the competition, depending on the faculty, is up to 12 people per place. But before applying to any English university, Russian schoolboy It will also be necessary to level out the differences between the school certificates of the Russian Federation and the UK.

How can Russians enter a British university?

Unfortunately for Russian applicants, it is impossible to get into a British university after graduating from a Russian school. The reason lies in the inadequacy of educational systems: English schoolchildren spend 13 years at a school desk, while our compatriots spend 11.

In order to compensate for the “gap”, you can:

  • Study for 1 year at a Russian university, and then enter the British one. This option can be called the riskiest - such applicants have a low chance of being accepted.
  • Pass the training in Foundation program, which lasts 1 year and allows you to improve your knowledge of English, as well as “pull up” your core disciplines. The Foundation Certificate is accepted by most UK universities, but not all. So before choosing this program, it is better to make sure that the university you are interested in considers applications from applicants with this type of certificate.
  • Enter a British high school and study there for 2 years by program Advanced Level (A-level) Program or International Baccalaureate Program (IB). The first program is more narrowly focused and is suitable for those who have already decided on their future specialty. IB provides training in a wider range of subjects. Both certificate options are accepted by all UK higher education institutions. In fact, you become an English school student and will enter university on the same basis as the English.

Enrollment in a British university

The admission process to UK universities is unified and carried out centrally through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). All applicants, including Russians, fill out a special form that contains the following data:

  • Final exam score or the score a student expects to achieve on exams.
  • A short essay (personal statement) in which the student talks about his professional plans, justifying the need to study in this area.
  • A list of universities, no more than 6 institutions, that the applicant would like to enroll in.

Universities receive applications from applicants and communicate their decision. Since applications are submitted no later than January, when final exams have not yet been taken, admission is usually “conditional”. After the applicant receives the results of the final exams, we can talk about actual admission.

As a rule, applicants calculate their strengths in advance - every year in the UK a ranking of universities is published, which indicates the passing scores. For Oxford and Cambridge, they traditionally amount to 100 points (the maximum possible result), but for admission you also need to pass exams at the university itself and undergo a personal interview. By the way, applications to these educational giants should be sent no later than September of the previous year.

Cost of higher education in the UK

Price higher education in the UK is the highest in Europe. However, training in British universities It is considered so prestigious that this does not stop foreigners. It is also worth considering the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree in 3 years: reducing the total training time allows you to significantly save on education. Prices for a year of study range from £10,000 to £22,000 (depending on the university and department). The most affordable faculties are the humanities: the price rarely exceeds £12,000. Technical specialties will cost about £17,000. For business specialties (economics, political science, law, management) in leading universities the price tag reaches up to £20,000. They are on par with them doctors. 17,000-22,000 pounds sterling per year - this is the cost of higher education medical education in England.

An important expense item is accommodation: most English universities provide dormitories only to first-year students. After that, students will have to decide the issue of living on their own, which can be very expensive. Thus, renting an apartment in London will cost about £900.

You can reduce the cost of higher education in England with the help of scholarships and grants, which you can find out about on the website of the same UCAS admissions committee. Often, there are separate programs for students from Russia and the CIS countries.

5 categories of British universities

When choosing a British university, it is important to know which category it belongs to. All universities in the UK can be divided into 5 categories, depending on when they were founded. Universities in England, created around the same time, have many common features, although, of course, each university is unique and has its own advantages.

Ancient Universities- created before the beginning of the 17th century, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

  • University of Oxford - founded in 1167
  • University of Cambridge - founded in 1209
  • University of St Andrews - founded in 1413
  • University of Glasgow - founded in 1451
  • University of Aberdeen - founded 1495
  • University of Edinburgh - founded in 1583

Red Brick Universities— initially, this group included only 6 “civilian” universities, founded in large industrial cities of Great Britain, which received the status of universities before the start of the Second World War. The main difference between these universities and Ancient Universities was their practical rather than academic focus.

  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Lebanon
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Sheffield

Currently, all universities that are members of the so-called Russell Group, which was a collaboration of 20 UK universities (the previous 6 and the 14 below) receiving government grants and government support. The community of these universities took its name from the hotel where their first informal meetings took place - the Russel Hotel in Russel Square in London.

  • University of Leicester
  • University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
  • University of Nottingham
  • Queen's University of Belfast
  • University of Reading
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Swansea
  • University of Wales (Aberystwyth)
  • University of Wales (Bangor)
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Hull
  • University of Wales (Lampeter)

Plate Glass UniversitiesEnglish universities, created between 1963 and 1992 (mostly in the 60s). The name of this category reflects their contemporary architecture, contrasting with universities in the previous categories - Red Brick and Ancient.

  • Aston University
  • University of Bath
  • University of Bradford
  • Brunel University
  • City University
  • Cranfield University
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Essex
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Keele University
  • University of Kent
  • Lancaster University
  • Loughborough University
  • University of Salford
  • University of Stirling
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Ulster
  • University of York

New Universities- former polytechnic institutes in England, which received university status in 1992 in accordance with the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

  • University of Abertay Dundee
  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Bath Spa University
  • University of Bedfordshire
  • Birmingham City University
  • University of Bolton
  • Bournemouth University
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • Coventry University
  • De Montfort University
  • University of Derby
  • University of East London
  • Edge Hill University
  • University of Glamorgan
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Greenwich
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • University of Huddersfield
  • Kingston University
  • Leeds Metropolitan University
  • University of Lincoln
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • London Metropolitan University
  • London South Bank University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Middlesex University
  • Napier University
  • Northumbria University
  • University of Northampton
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Robert Gordon University
  • Roehampton University
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Staffordshire University
  • Southampton Solent University
  • University of Sunderland
  • University of Teesside
  • Thames Valley University
  • University of the West of England
  • University of the West of Scotland
  • University of Westminster
  • University of Wolverhampton

Recently Created Universities- former colleges that received university status in 2005.

  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • University of Chester
  • University of Chichester
  • Queen Margaret University
  • University of Winchester
  • York St John University
  • University of Cumbria

We present to your attention a list of the 10 best universities in the UK, compiled annually based on the quality of education, student reviews, likelihood successful career after graduation and, finally, expenses for each university student.

10. Loughborough University

Loughborough University entered the top 10 universities at number seven in 2017. A year later, he slipped to 10th place, but is still the leader among British universities. In addition, it is one of the leaders in terms of spending on maintaining a comfortable educational environment for students: £1,056 is spent per person.

The university is known for its sporting achievements. At the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, students of this educational institution won 12 medals, including 5 gold awards.

9. Lancaster University

Lancaster University has been ranked 3rd for three years now and has continually improved its overall ranking. The university is very popular with students, in particular because it spends at least £2,860 per student: £1,917 on the academic department (library and computers) and £943 on sports.

In general, the university offers very quality education and a pleasant pastime, which is greatly facilitated by the location of the university near the Lake District.

8. University of Warwick

In the top ten universities in the UK, the University of Warwick's place does not change and it is consistently located in 8th position, but in the Midlands it is clearly in first place thanks to the 23 different subjects available for students to study. Employers are happy to hire graduates of this university. In addition, the University of Warwick boasts the largest student union in the UK with more than 300 student organizations and sports clubs.

7. University College London

This year, University College London showed the highest rise. As surveys show, students themselves are not always satisfied with the university, but a graduate of this university will find it easy to find a job. University College London has an excellent research base. Most of the university staff takes part in the research. In addition, 29 laureates Nobel Prize studied here.

Interesting fact: if it weren't for University College London, the 4 Coldplay singers would never have met.

6. Durham University

Durham University is a university made up of several independent colleges. It includes one of the oldest university buildings in the world - Durham Castle. In addition to the opportunity to live in a famous UNESCO World Heritage Site, the university offers its students excellent opportunities for career development, including sports.

5. Imperial College London

Imperial College London pays special attention to science, engineering, medicine and mathematics. It is with this educational institution that the creation of penicillin and the emergence of fiber optic technologies are associated. Therefore, it is not surprising that the university leads in terms of indicators in the field of research work.

The university is home to the world's largest "brain bank" with samples collected for research into multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. There is also a large center dedicated to global warming and ecology.

4. London School of Economics and Political Science

Over the past 10 years, this university has consistently ranked among the top five universities in the UK. It took 3rd place for four years in a row, but in 2018 fell to 4th place in the ranking. The university is a leader in terms of research performance. It is at this university that the second largest library in the UK is located. Students from 160 countries study at the university and the likelihood of getting a well-paid job after studying at this educational institution is very high. At the same time, the rating of reviews from students themselves about the university is the lowest.

3. University of St Andrews

The University of St Andrews moved up two positions in 2018 compared to last year. And all thanks to the reviews about this educational institution from the students themselves.

The university is famous for its traditions. For example, it is customary to wear academic robes to important events. In addition, freshmen are required to receive “academic parents”, whom they thank with a pound of raisins. Although nowadays a bottle of wine will do.

2. University of Oxford

Thanks to its consistently high ranking, the university has held second position for five years. Oxford University renowned for its reputation in education and the 38 subjects taught to students consistently achieve highest scores regarding the quality of education. At this university, the granite of science was "gnawed" by many famous politicians, such as Theresa May, Tony Blair and Bill Clinton.

1. University of Cambridge

For the seventh year in a row, this university has been ranked first in the ranking of the best universities in the UK, but it is not so easy to get into it due to high entry requirements.

The University of Cambridge has a very strong research base, meaning almost all members of staff are involved in research, and students can hope to follow in the footsteps of naturalist David Attenborough or writers Sandi Toksvig and A.S. Byatt. not to mention the 96 Nobel Prize laureates who studied at this university.

Top 10 UK Universities. Rating 2018 updated: April 18, 2019 by: Elena Abdulaeva

Every year Quacquarelli Symonds“ (QS) publishes the World's Best Universities Rankings, which rank universities based on their academic reputation, faculty and student reviews, employer reviews and academic publication rankings.

List of the best universities in the UK, and in brackets - place in the world ranking:

18 (globally - 93). University of Leeds. The university, located in the largest county in the country, received the most highly appreciated from employers and scored a total of 61.8 points.

17 (87). University of Southampton. The university is located on the southern coast of the country, received 63.3 points for academic reputation, and a total of 65.6 points.

16 (84). University of Sheffield (Sheffield). QS gave this university a score of 66.9, but the university fell 4 places in the world rankings.

15 (82). University of Birmingham (Birmingham). Employers gave this university a whopping 88.7 points, which greatly raised it in the world rankings.

14 (77). University of St. Andrew. This university, with a score of 68.2, dropped 9 points this year.

13 (75). University of Nottingham (Nottingham). Having received a record 91.3 points from employers, this university scored a total of 68.7 points.

12 (74). University of Durham. The university is located in the north-west of the country. Such people studied here famous people as actor Sir Peter Ustinov. This year it fell 13 places in the world rankings.

11 (63). University of Glasgow. The university received 80 points for its academic reputation, and scored a total of 71.7 points.

10 (51). University of Warwick. Employers gave the university almost the highest possible score - 98.9 points, which brought the university a place in the TOP-10.

9 (41). University of Bristol. The best university in southwest England received 85.5 points for its academic reputation, but fell 4 places in the world rankings.

8 (37). London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The school is located in central London, this university received 100 points from employers, and scored a total of 81.7.

7 (29). Manchester University. Employers - 99.7 points, for academic reputation - 97.9 points. This is the best university in northern England.

6 (21). London King's College. This university is firmly established in the top ten universities in the UK. In London he is in 4th place, and in the world rankings he has moved to 21.

5 (19). Edinburgh University. Scotland's best university is located in the capital. He received 99.2 points from employers, and rose two places in world rankings.

4 (9). London Imperial College. Famous for its scientific achievements The college has overtaken such US “stars” as Princeton, Yale and Cornell in world rankings. And he missed out on only three UK universities.

3 (7). London University College. The best London university scored 95.6 points, and even 98 points in three indicators.

2 (6). Oxford University. Probably no one will be surprised by the second place of this university, which also holds high places in world rankings - this year it is in 6th place.

14). Cambridge university. This is the best university in the UK. In total, he scored 97.2 points, and in the world rankings he was only ahead of Harvard, Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

England's universities have centuries-old traditions and are among the most prestigious in the world. Check out the list and descriptions of the most popular universities in the UK and choose the one that suits you in all respects.

Receiving may seriously affect the ability to find Good work and advance in your career faster. Traditions are respected in this country and, not least, they relate to education. It is not for nothing that English higher education institutions are among the best, according to various experts. You can see a lot of foreigners here, their number exceeds 65 thousand people. Restrictions are related to age, which must be at least 18 years old. Of course, you need to finish school in your home country.

Requirements and features of training

Since in England, completion of secondary education requires completion of 13 years, a foreign applicant will not need a matriculation certificate, but will need to pass the A-levels exam. This can be done in one of international colleges or private schools, having completed two years of pre-university training

Also, you can unlearn in advance preparatory courses who will help you get into an English institute. There is an opportunity to transfer to study after the first or second year of a domestic university. You will have to demonstrate excellent knowledge of the English language and pass the exam.

The first three to four years will be needed to complete your bachelor's degree. This makes it possible to have a first academic degree and become a bachelor of law, humanitarian, technical, pedagogical sciences, as well as medicine and music.

Many universities pay great attention not only to studies and a well-organized and comfortable life, but also to the opportunity for students to learn English more deeply.

An important advantage is that every foreign student will be able to choose a program that will meet their own capabilities and needs. Of course, this does not cancel the mandatory course. But if at lectures you can get general information, then at the seminars you have the opportunity to study almost individually with a teacher, since classes are usually held in small groups.

Some orthodoxy did not prevent us from building it in such a way that everyone could more fully reveal their abilities and learn to independently solve various problems and find solutions.

After a bachelor's degree, you can move on to the second stage and obtain a master's degree. This will not only improve your professional level, but also actively engage research work. Therefore, it is important to choose a university that has a good laboratory and library collections. True, it should be noted that many famous scientists work at universities and, in addition to their own research, help young graduate students write their dissertations.

Rules and fees

It is important to know a few rules that will help you enter an English university faster and more successfully.

Need to pay attention English language. The Foundation program will help fill gaps and raise the level of knowledge.

After choosing a specialty, you need to study the university rankings and choose two universities that are most suitable. Those in the top ten have more stringent, special requirements.

The collected documents and application must be sent in advance. Admission and consideration runs from September 1 to October 15. You will have to come to Oxford and Cambridge directly to admissions committee submit documents.

In England, UCAS is the College and University Admissions Service, so admissions are made through this.

It is imperative to send the exam results, since only then there is a real chance to begin your studies at the university.

For foreign students, tuition fees may vary, since EU citizens receive certain discounts and some benefits. In addition, after receiving a diploma in this country, you can even work for two years in your specialty.

To obtain a bachelor's degree in England you will have to spend three whole years, in Scotland - even four. However, no one bothers you to simultaneously undergo an internship and earn extra money. This combination of study and work is a very common phenomenon in England.

Those who have chosen some areas of medicine or architecture will have to study until the age of seven. But it only takes two years to become a master.

The cost of education is also influenced by the prestige of the university and the rating of the specialty. On average, the price ranges from 10 to 12 thousand pounds per year. Is it true medical specialties can cost 20-22 thousand pounds.

But no matter where the training takes place, all that can be said is that the money was well spent.

The price of higher education at British universities ranges from 10,000 pounds to 30,000 per year (for medicine and paramedical sciences).

How to enter a university in England/UK? What documents and knowledge does the applicant need?

In order to enter an English university, you will need not only standard list documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

Basic list of required documents for the submitting family:

  • copy of passport
  • for a bachelor's degree - a school certificate and completion of the Foundation program or the International Year One program
  • for master's degree - completed bachelor's degree +, if required, completion of the pre-Masters program
  • IELTS certificate issued no earlier than 2 years before applying for a student visa
  • letters of recommendation from English and mathematics teachers, sometimes from the school principal/dean
  • motivation letter
  • Skype interview or personal visit to educational institution

Advantages of studying at universities in England

UK universities, including universities in England, have several advantages over other popular and prestigious educational institutions in the world. The first and most important thing is the international status: highly qualified specialists are trained here, diplomas are recognized in most countries of the world. The most prestigious are Cambridge and Oxford, but diplomas from other educational centers make no less impression on international employers. The education received in the country becomes a competitive advantage for the applicant.

IN TOP 10 best universities the world includes institutions of two countries: these are higher educational institutions in Britain, the list of which is presented in this section, and the USA. , as practice shows, is cheaper than the American one; the cost of education rarely exceeds 33,000 pounds per year, while at Harvard a student will have to spend at least 50,000 in the same currency. In addition, a bachelor's degree in England lasts 3 years, rather than 4, as in the United States.

Educational institutions (you will find the list on the pages of the Smapse catalog) are also distinguished by their first-class material and technical base, which makes the learning process more efficient. Educational institutions have all the necessary academic resources; students have both ancient libraries and ultra-modern laboratories at their disposal.

Studying at famous UK universities and internships for Russian students