What do you need to take to get admitted to St. Petersburg State University? How to apply to the budget department of St. Petersburg State University? Reception of documents from applicants

Created by decree of Peter the Great, since 1724 it has occupied a special place in the history of Russian psychology, since it was here that the first lectures on this subject were held in secular educational institutions in Russia. It was here, in psychology, that he began teaching this science. Much later, the famous I.P. graduated from this university and stayed to work there. Pavlov and I.M. Sechenov, who influenced the development of both domestic and world psychology more than others. Although how independent part structures of St. Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Psychology met its first students only in 1966; the scientific glory of this domestic science has been thundering for about a hundred years.


Modern psychology in Russia began with the formation of the field of practical psychology and the development of all its branch disciplines. At first, the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University dealt with engineering, and then social psychology. The centers of academic psychology quickly found their practical incarnation, which helped the university to shine in scientific research and prepare great shots.

Scientific potential was rapidly accumulating, external conditions were ripe for expanding the field of professional tasks, since psychological problems in society grew and multiplied. Within science, separate and often new directions and areas were differentiated in order to adequately reflect the processes of social life in the training of specialists who are called upon to solve these problems. New departments and specializations have appeared so that the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University can continue the glorious traditions of its alma mater.

Present tense

Psychology as a science has entered new areas of human knowledge. In practice, this is reflected in the fact that the Department of Psychological Support prof. activities and the department of political psychology were opened by the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century.

In addition to these absolutely new disciplines in science, many others have appeared: at St. Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Psychology receives feedback on trained specialists in social adaptation, personality correction, and psychophysiology. Such changes are also studied here human soul, such as behavioral anomalies, psychology of crisis situations, ontopsychology.


Now there is not just the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University. This is an educational and scientific center whose tasks include many conditions. The need for basic training of highly qualified psychologists for pedagogical, research and practical work. Mandatory continuous professional development, training and retraining of scientific personnel to conduct research in all main areas of domestic psychology.

And, of course, coordination scientific works in psychology pedagogical profile among universities in the country. The work takes into account not only domestic experience, but also widely uses information about achievements in the field of psychology at universities in the USA, England, and Germany.

Bachelor's degree

The professional activities of bachelors combine practical and research. The field of psychology is revealed in institutions of healthcare and education, in business structures, public and social organizations, in state power, consulting firms and research, and very often in private practice. Graduates will receive a bachelor's degree (qualification) having mastered the corresponding program, and the quality of education is guaranteed by the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University.

A passing score for admission to bachelor's programs (as well as to specialist training) is not established, so only successfully passed competition can guarantee admission. Based on the Unified State Examination result, a ranked list of applicants is compiled, and to be admitted, an applicant who wishes to participate in the competition must have at least the minimum score established for each subject. The bachelor's degree at this faculty has two profiles: psychology and conflictology, with only a full-time, four-year form of study.

Minimum scores

In psychology, enrollment in 2016 is planned to be fifty people, plus twenty-five will be accepted under a special quota. Minimum scores future psychologists: biology - 55, mathematics - 50, Russian language - 65. Future conflictologists: social studies - 65, history - 65, Russian language - 65. The Faculty of Psychology will wait for applicants who successfully passed the competition at St. Petersburg State University. Entrance exams the same, but only certain categories of applicants take them - everything is in writing, and these tests are carried out by the university independently.

Exceptionally high level of professionalism teaching staff for the lucky ones admitted: twenty-nine professors and one academician, ninety-four associate professors. Train students using the latest educational technologies: business games, trainings, case methods. Teachers and students collaborate closely, conferences, scientific schools, and master classes are held. There is an international student exchange program. The classrooms are well equipped with multimedia and computer installations, and there is a video classroom.


During their studies, students receive theoretical knowledge about methods of studying and describing the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche, about psychological categories and phenomena, about the main programs and approaches to psychological intervention at the levels of the community, group, and individual. Favorable reviews of the work of the department's graduates come from both employers and grateful clientele.

Certified psychologists firmly learn the principles of organizing educational and educational processes, learn about the basic principles and standards of psychodiagnostic techniques, their design and application. Purely practical skills also appear: characteristics of the mental process for various types activities, and counseling, mental state correction, prevention and many others.

Academic disciplines and practices

Reviews from students gratefully list the names of professors who easily and engagingly made their students understand psychological subtleties. In addition to general psychology, students study experimental, social, clinical psychology, and in addition, the most interesting classes are devoted to psychodiagnostics, counseling, developmental and educational psychology. In total, the program includes more than twenty subjects related only to psychology.

The internships students undergo are also very interesting; they four years there are trainings three types: pedagogical, industrial and educational. It takes place on the basis of such enterprises as Gazprom, VTB 24 CJSC, St. Isaac's Cathedral Museum, Pavlov Institute of Physiology, St. Petersburg Real Estate Agency and many more interesting places expected for trainee psychologists. At St. Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Psychology, whose address is worth remembering for any applicant, knows how to interest applicants in their studies, interns in work, and graduates in employment. So, the address: the city of St. Petersburg, house number 6 on one of the most beautiful places in the city on the Neva.


Each graduate of the faculty has completely unique opportunities for choosing a place of work, where professional self-realization and career growth occur most quickly. Absolutely any field of activity is suitable for a psychologist - where there is a person and relationships between people, there must be an active observer of this process of development of relationships. Who, if not a psychologist, is more suitable for this purpose?

Former students of St. Petersburg State University work in PR and advertising agencies, in law enforcement agencies (FSIN, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), naturally - in healthcare, in the field of education at all levels, in publishing houses, in large business companies such as Coca-Cola ", "Megafon", "Ford Motor Company" and many, many others.

Master's degree

Faculty at St. Petersburg State University clinical psychology absent, but at the Faculty of Psychology there is such a specialization - a wide profile, problem solver diagnosis of diseases, their prevention, risky behavior, public and individual mental health, problems of assistance even healthy people who are in crisis, harmonizing the development of children in mental balance.

Specialists of this profile are engaged in research, psychodiagnostic, advisory, psychotherapeutic, expert, and teaching activities. The master's degree lasts two years. Together with the bachelor's degree it is six years. They are employed in medical and research medical institutions, in advisory, rehabilitation and crisis centers, in departmental psychological services of the Federal Penitentiary Service, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Internal Affairs Directorate, in sports teams and clubs of various levels and in social services.

undergraduate and specialist programs provided in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation", unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

10.23. When admitted to undergraduate or specialist programs, a foreign citizen who has Unified State Examination results can participate in the competition based on the Unified State Exam results or on the basis of the results of entrance tests in the relevant subjects conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently.

10.24. When organizing entrance tests conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently for studying the main educational program in the corresponding form of study in several streams, the applicant can participate in the entrance test in the subject once during the calendar year.

10.25. When organizing entrance examinations it is allowed (by decision Admissions Committee St. Petersburg State University) the use of video conferencing systems and the use of distance educational technologies, including the completion of written work by applicants in an electronic system distance learning St. Petersburg State University when connected via the Internet. At the same time, members of the examination commission must be able to verify that the person who submitted the application to participate in the competition is taking part in the entrance test.

10.26. Technical parameters for the use of video conferencing systems and requirements for end devices and the communication channel for the use of electronic distance learning systems of St. Petersburg State University by applicants are established by St. Petersburg State University and published on the official website of St. Petersburg State University in the manner prescribed by clause 1.6 of the Admission Rules,no later than June 01, 2016.

10.27. When applying for training in basic educational programs bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs for which the required level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language is established TORFL-1 or TORFL-2, as a result of the entrance test in the Russian language, a documented fact of successful completion of the educational program of the previous level or stage of education (not lower than basic general education) in Russian.

10.28. Enrollment in St. Petersburg State University for study in basic educational programs higher education foreign citizens, specified in clauses 10.5, 10.6 of these Rules, is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Admissions Committee based on the results of entrance tests for the relevant main educational programs until August 31, 2016


10.29. Enrollment of foreign citizens specified in clause 10.2.1 of these Rules, is carried out in accordance with the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

V terms determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

10.30. Foreign citizens enrolling in places with tuition fees paid by individuals and (or) legal entities are enrolled only after concluding an agreement on the provision of paid educational services.

10.31. The deadline for enrollment of foreign citizens into places with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities may be extended by decision of the Admissions Committee.

Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for Admission to St. Petersburg state university for training in basic educational programs of higher education (bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs) in 2016

RULES for conducting entrance tests for admission to study in the main

educational programs of higher education at St. Petersburg State University in 2016

1. General provisions

1.1. These Rules for conducting entrance tests for admission to the main educational programs of higher education at St. Petersburg State University in 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for conducting entrance tests) determine the procedure for conducting additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation, entrance tests conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently , upon admission to basic educational bachelor's programs, specialty programs and master's programs in 2016.

1.2. These Rules for conducting entrance examinations have been developed in accordance with Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Procedure for admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Procedure ), the Charter of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"St. Petersburg State University", Rules for admission to St. Petersburg State University for study in the main educational programs of higher education (bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs) in 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Rules).

1.3. St. Petersburg State University ensures verification of the work of all applicants in an impersonal form,

V form that excludes identification of authorship of the work.

1.4. Programs of entrance examinations conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently, for persons specified in clause 7.2.2 of the Admission Rules, additional entrance examinations of a specialized orientation in general education subjects are formed by St. Petersburg State University on the basis of the federal state educational standard secondary general education.

1.5. The forms of entrance tests conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently are exams in written or oral and written form, document competition (portfolio), creative competition.

1.6. The form of additional admissions tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation is determined by the List and forms of admissions tests for admission to St. Petersburg State University for undergraduate and specialist programs in 2016, approved by the Admissions Committee (hereinafter referred to as the List and forms of admissions tests for undergraduate programs and specialty programs).

1.7. Entrance tests conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently for admission to study in a specific field of study (specialty) are carried out in general education subjects established by the Admissions Committee in the List and forms

conducting entrance examinations for bachelor's and specialty programs.

1.8. The form of admissions tests conducted by St. Petersburg State University independently is determined by the List and forms of admissions tests for undergraduate and specialty programs.

1.9. The list and forms of entrance tests conducted by St. Petersburg State University for admission to master's programs are determined by the List and forms of entrance tests for admission to St. Petersburg State University for master's programs in 2016, approved by the Admissions Committee (hereinafter referred to as the List and forms of entrance tests for master's programs). master's programs).

1.10. The preparation of examination materials and the conduct of entrance tests for admission to the main educational programs of higher education at St. Petersburg State University is carried out by examination commissions created in the order established at St. Petersburg State University for conducting entrance tests.

1.11. The composition of the examination commissions is formed from scientific and pedagogical workers of St. Petersburg State University, scientific and pedagogical and other employees of educational, scientific and other organizations whose profile of activities coincides with the profile of educational programs and relevant examination commissions. The chairmen of the examination commissions are appointed from among qualified scientific, pedagogical and other employees of educational, scientific and other organizations whose profile of activities coincides with the profile of educational programs and the corresponding examination commissions.

2. The procedure for organizing entrance examinations

2.1. The schedule of entrance examinations for admission to the main educational programs of higher education at St. Petersburg State University in 2016 is established in accordance with the Admission Rules.

2.2. Before entrance examinations, with the exception of entrance examinations conducted in the form of a competition of documents (portfolios), applicants are provided with consultations to explain the structure of entrance examination programs, the procedure for conducting them, the requirements for work or response, and evaluation criteria.

2.3. During entrance examinations, entry into the premises in which they are held is permitted to the Rector - the chairman of the Admissions Committee, other members of the Admissions Committee, as well as members of the relevant examination commissions.

2.4. Organization of admission of applicants to the classrooms in which the entrance examinations, control of order in the classroom during entrance examinations and compliance with the test procedure is ensured by members of the relevant examination commissions.

2.5. It is prohibited to bring any personal belongings into the room in which the entrance test is being conducted, with the exception of materials and accessories permitted for use. Personal belongings may be left by applicants in a separate location designated by authorized officials. Communications and other technical means are first turned off.

2.6. To enter the classroom where the entrance test is being conducted, the applicant presents a passport or other identification document (with a photograph of the applicant).

2.7. The applicant is given a form of oral(oral-written) response or form title page with inserts for performing written work and (or) writing test task, as well as sheets for drafts. All sheets issued to the applicant must be certified by the seal of the Admissions Committee.

2.8. In the process of completing the tasks of the entrance test, the applicant can contact the officials conducting the corresponding test with a request to provide additional sheets of paper for completing the written application. exam paper or for drafts. Additionally, sheets of paper issued for work must be certified by the seal of the Admissions Committee.

2.9. Written work during admissions tests is carried out using writing instruments provided by officials responsible for conducting the relevant admissions test. The use of corrective devices is not permitted.

2.10. In the classrooms during entrance examinations, the applicant, in addition to the writing materials specified in Clause 2.9 of the Rules for Conducting Admission Tests, may have a compass, ruler and eraser. When conducting individual admissions tests, an additional list of materials and accessories permitted for use by applicants during admissions tests may be established. The specified list is published in the manner prescribed by clause 1.6 of the Admission Rules, simultaneously with the schedule of the relevant entrance examinations.

2.11. The presence and (or) use by applicants and persons involved in conducting entrance examinations in the premises in which the relevant tests are carried out is not permitted:

2.11.1. personal computers(including laptop computers, pocket portable computers, etc.), other electronic computer equipment (including calculators) and other technical means, with the exception of technical means provided by St. Petersburg State University for conducting the relevant test;

2.11.2. mobile phones and other means of communication;

2.11.3. office supplies, except those listed in clauses 2.9, 2.10 of the Rules for conducting entrance tests (including corrective means, etc.);

2.11.4. any reference materials (including teaching aids, monographs, notes, geographical maps and atlases, etc.), unless their use is specifically provided for by the program of a specific entrance test.

2.12. During the entrance test, all organizational questions are asked aloud by the applicants conducting the test. The answer is announced in such a way that all applicants can hear it. Advising incoming students on the merits of the test is not permitted.

2.13. Applicants who are late for the start of entrance examinations conducted in written or orally and in writing, may be admitted to the classroom only with the permission of the person responsible for conducting entrance examinations, upon a written application from the applicant. A mark of lateness is placed on the title page of the applicant’s written work or on the form of the oral (oral-written) response sheet. Being late for the entrance test does not give you the right to extend the examination time. After at least one applicant has left the classroom and is familiar with the content of the examination task, latecomers are not allowed to take the entrance test.

3. The procedure for conducting the entrance test

3.1. The oral element of the examination (test) for each applicant is accepted by at least two members of the relevant examination committee. The applicant is given 45 minutes to prepare an oral response (20 minutes for working with text in a foreign language exam). During the examination process, the applicant may be additionally asked questions about the content of the examination card. The applicant prepares to answer the questions on the exam paper only on the form of the oral answer sheet. Examiners mark the correctness and completeness of answers to questions

exam paper and additional questions.

3.2. During the interview, the commission keeps a protocol in which questions to the applicant are recorded, brief comments examiners (annotations) answer them and grades are assigned for each section of the interview program.

3.3. The final points for the oral element of the exam (interview) are entered in numbers and in words on the oral(oral-written) response (interview protocol), which is signed by at least two examiners.

3.4. The duration of the entrance test, conducted in writing, cannot exceed four hours (240 minutes without a break) from the moment the examination task is announced.

3.5. The duration of the entrance test of a creative and (or) professional orientation can be established in each individual case in accordance with the program of this entrance test.

3.6. Before the start of the entrance test, each applicant must fill out the application form for the participant of the corresponding test on the first page of the title page by hand in legible handwriting in the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet. The signature of the person submitted on the first (front) page of the title page form confirms the fact that the work was performed by the person whose personal data is contained in the questionnaire of the participant in the relevant test, as well as the fact that he/she has read it

And agreement with these Rules, excerpts from which are given on the second (inner) page of the title page form.

3.7. Written examination papers are carried out on insert sheets on which any notes revealing the authorship of the work that are not directly related to the execution of the work are unacceptable. Applicants are not allowed to complete written examination work or its individual parts on the title page. Written examination work, fully or partially completed on the title page, as well as containing any notes revealing the authorship of the work, is not allowed to be checked by the examination committee; the applicant is given the lowest score (zero points), about which a report is drawn up, signed by the chairman (deputy chairman) the relevant examination committee and approved by the executive secretary of the Admissions Committee.

3.8. All sheets of paper used by the applicant as drafts must be marked with the word “Draft”. Drafts are not checked by examination committees.

3.9. The entrance test tasks are completed by each applicant independently.

3.10. During the admissions test, it is not allowed for applicants to communicate with each other, for applicants to change seats on their own, or for applicants to move freely around the auditorium or building in which the admissions test is being held.

3.11. Information about the possibility and procedure for a short-term exit of applicants from the classroom in which the admissions test is being conducted is communicated to applicants by the person responsible for conducting the admissions test before the start of the corresponding test. An applicant's brief exit from the auditorium in which the admissions test is being conducted is accompanied by one of the persons responsible for conducting the admissions test. The examination paper is taken during the applicant's absence; the person responsible for conducting the corresponding entrance test records the time of exit and the time of return of the applicant on the title page. The specified absence of the applicant in the classroom in which the entrance test is being conducted does not give the right to extend the time of the test. No more than one applicant of the same sex may leave the classroom for a short time at a time.

3.12. The presence of an applicant who is in the audience in which the admissions test is being conducted, as well as the use by the applicant during the relevant admissions test, of unauthorized written documents

And (or) printed materials, as well as technical means (including communications), as well as violation of incoming Clauses 3.9, 3.10 of these Rules entail the removal of the applicant from the exam, about which the persons authorized to conduct the relevant test draw up a report in the form established by the Admissions Committee. In such cases, the applicant’s work is not checked and he is given the lowest score (0 points).

3.13. In order to ensure the objectivity of the entrance examinations, oral and (or) the progress of such tests, including the questions and answers of each applicant, is recorded orally and in writing using audio and video recording tools. The admissions committee has the right to cancel the results of an applicant if, upon subsequent access to the audio and video recording of the admissions test, it is discovered that he has violated these Rules for conducting admissions tests. In this case, the applicant is informed in writing by the executive secretary of the Admissions Committee about the identified violation and the decision of the Admissions Committee no later than 3 working days from the moment the Admissions Committee makes the corresponding decision.

3.14. Applicants who have completed the examination work ahead of schedule can hand it over to the persons responsible for conducting the corresponding entrance test and leave the place where the entrance test is held without waiting for its completion.

3.15. When passing the examination work to the persons responsible for conducting the corresponding entrance test, applicants present a passport or other identification document, which confirms the fact that the work was performed by the person whose personal data is contained in the application form of the participant in the corresponding test.

3.16. At the end of the entrance test, the persons responsible for conducting the corresponding entrance test announce the end of the exam and collect all the written work of the applicants. The written work of applicants is sealed, certified and delivered to the Admissions Committee for verification. The admissions committee ensures that all applicants' works are checked in an anonymous form, in a form that excludes the identification of authorship of the work, for which all written work is encrypted.

3.17. Checking the completed work of applicants is carried out only in the premises of St. Petersburg State University, determined by the chairman or deputy chairman of the Admissions Committee,

And only by members of examination commissions in accordance with duly approved assessment criteria.

4. Conducting entrance tests for applicants with disabilities

health opportunities

4.1. Arriving from disabilities health if they do not have a certificate of Unified State Exam results pass entrance tests in accordance with the List of entrance tests and additional entrance tests (if any) in the form established by St. Petersburg State University independently, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics) of such applicants.

4.2. Entrance tests for applicants with disabilities are conducted at St. Petersburg State University in accordance with the Admission Procedure. When conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities, compliance with the requirements for conducting such tests is ensured.

4.3. The provisions of these Rules for conducting entrance examinations apply to citizens with disabilities, taking into account their individual characteristics. Applicants with disabilities may be allowed to use technical devices necessary to ensure equal opportunities to participate in entrance examinations. In the event that the technical devices used by such a person may interfere with the work of other applicants, as well as in the event that the person needs specially created working conditions, the official responsible for conducting the relevant entrance test must ensure that he has the opportunity to pass the entrance test in separate room.

4.4. The decision on the procedure and form of participation in the entrance test for a citizen with disabilities is made by the chairman of the relevant examination committee in agreement with the executive secretary of the Admissions Committee of St. Petersburg State University.

5. Rules for conducting a competition of documents (portfolios)

5.1. To pass the entrance test in the form of a competition of documents (portfolio), applicants submit, within the deadline for accepting applications, the documents provided for in clause 2.23 of the Admission Rules. All documents required by the admissions test program, conducted in the form of a competition of documents (portfolio), must be submitted within the deadlines for accepting applications and documents for master’s programs established by these Rules. In the absence of an established document on education for the period of the document competition, graduates of educational institutions of higher education provide a certificate from educational organization about the completion date of the program and the issuance of a document on education, as well as a certificate of training and (or) the period of study or a copy of the grade book indicating the disciplines studied and certification results.

5.2. Depending on the programs of the relevant entrance tests for the main educational master's programs, along with the documents provided for in clause 2.23 of the Admission Rules, the applicant provides documents and materials confirming his interest in studying in his chosen master's program, academic success, research work and practical activities:

5.2.1. motivation letter 1 outlining the reasoned grounds for interest and ability to study in a chosen field master's program. The motivation letter must contain the necessary information about the applicant’s professional training experience and (or) activities; information confirming the need to obtain knowledge, skills and competencies provided for by the selected master's program; prospects and plans for the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies in the future professional activities.

A motivation letter, checked and evaluated by the examination committee in the mode of hidden authorship, should not contain information that makes it possible to identify its author.

5.2.2. essay (creative or research work) on one of the topics assigned for this area of ​​training. The list of topics, volume requirements and essay evaluation criteria are established in the programs of the relevant entrance examinations in the form of a competition of documents (portfolios).

An essay checked and evaluated by the examination committee in the mode of hidden authorship should not contain information that allows one to identify its author.

1 This document is provided on a mandatory basis.

5.2.3. copies of publications in scientific publications (periodicals, collections of articles, monographs). The applicant attaches a copy of the title page of the publication with imprint data to the text of the publication.

5.2.4. documents confirming the applicant’s participation in conferences, seminars, round tables and other scientific and scientific and practical events. These may include published abstracts of the report and the program of the event;

5.2.5. diplomas of the winner, prize-winner, laureate or participant in open all-Russian and regional competitions of scientific student works and student olympiads various levels;

5.2.6. documents and materials confirming the applicant’s participation in research projects, supported by grants, as well as confirming the results obtained;

5.2.7. documents and materials confirming the work (including the effectiveness of activities) of the applicant in scientific laboratories, participation in project groups, etc.;

5.2.8. an extract from the work record book or a copy of the employment contract and a copy job description, certified by an authorized employee of the organization, confirming the length of service and practical experience of the applicant;

5.2.9. certificates from organizations carrying out educational activities, confirming receipt by the candidate personalized scholarships(university, republican, Government of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation, foundation scholarships, public associations and other organizations), as well as documents confirming other awards and incentives;

5.2.10. certificates confirming the level of proficiency in foreign languages international certificates confirming knowledge foreign language(English: TOEFL (from 550 points and above), IELTS (not lower than 5.5), Cambridge CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), Cambridge BEC (Business English Certificate), Cambridge CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English); German: Goethe Certificate C1; French: DALF (Diplome Approfondi de Langue Francaise); Spanish: DELE); other international certificates, as well as diplomas Russian courses foreign languages ​​(with a duration of study of 2 years). As documents confirming the level of knowledge of a foreign language, documents confirming that the applicant has studied abroad (except for CIS countries) for at least one semester (including a higher education diploma issued by a foreign university (except for higher education institutions)) can also be provided. educational institutions CIS countries));

5.2.11. certificates of participation in winter/summer foreign schools or international schools in Russia in foreign languages;

5.2.12. diplomas and certificates confirming professional development.

5.3. The applicant has the right to mark the main (priority) document for expert evaluation.

5.4. If additional questions arise for the candidate, by decision of the examination committee, candidates may be invited for an interview.

5.5. The following are taken into account as competitive selection criteria:

5.5.1. the degree of motivation of the applicant to study in the chosen master's program;

5.5.2. the level and quality of previously received training, in particular, general subject knowledge within the framework of the chosen master's program (by rating the level of training in the field and in key subjects of the field);

5.5.3. level functional literacy in foreign language(s);

5.5.4. level of achievements in scientific work;

5.5.5. experience of professional activity, familiarity with the industry within the framework of the chosen master's program;

5.5.6. availability of other achievements, awards and incentives;

5.5.7. interest in improving professional qualifications.

Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for admission to St. Petersburg State University for study in the main educational programs of higher education (bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs) in 2016

Rules for familiarizing yourself with written work, filing and considering appeals

1. After the announcement of the results of the entrance test, in case of disagreement with the result of the corresponding test, the applicant (authorized representative) can familiarize himself with his written work in the manner prescribed by the Rules for familiarizing himself with written work, filing and considering appeals (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for familiarizing himself with the work), and submit a substantiated written statement statement of appeal (hereinafter referred to as the appeal). An appeal can also be filed if, in the opinion of the applicant (authorized representative), there are violations of the Rules for conducting entrance examinations.

2. The date of announcement of the results of the entrance test is considered to be the day the results of the entrance test are posted on the official website of St. Petersburg State University in the manner prescribed clause 1.6 of the Admission Rules.

3. Information on the date of announcement of the results for each entrance test, the time period allotted for filing an application for familiarization with written work completed during the entrance test, the time and place of the procedure for familiarizing with written work, the time period allotted for filing an appeal, time and place the procedure for considering appeals for each entrance test is included in the schedule of entrance tests and is brought to the attention of applicants by posting in the manner prescribed clause 1.6 of the Admission Rules.

4. An application for familiarization with the written work completed during the admissions test is submitted by the applicant personally (or an authorized representative) to the Admissions Committeeon the day the results are announced or the day after

announcement of the results of the entrance test, from 10:00 to 16:00 (Moscow time), unless otherwise provided in the schedule of entrance tests.

5. The written work completed by the applicant during the entrance test is provided to him (the authorized representative) by an authorized employee of St. Petersburg State University,

V presence of which familiarization with the work is carried out.

6. The appeal is submitted personally by the applicant (or an authorized representative) in writing addressed to the chairman of the Appeal Commission of St. Petersburg State University (hereinafter referred to as the Appeal Commission) on the day the results are announced or the next day after the results of the entrance test are announced. An appeal in connection with a violation of the procedure for conducting an admissions test may be filed by an applicant on the day of the relevant admissions test.

7. The appeal must provide specific arguments for disagreement with the assessment or set out facts indicating a violation of the Rules for Conducting Admissions Tests.

8. When filing an appeal, the application is registered and the applicant (trustee) is informed of the time and place of its consideration.

9. The composition of the Appeals Commission is approved by the Rector of St. Petersburg State University or an official authorized by him.

10. At least three members of the Appeal Commission take part in the consideration of the appeal.

11. The applicant (trustee) has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. The applicant must have with him a document proving his identity.

12. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test. IN

Story: "More than education."

My name is Lyubov. I was born in Magadan, now I am 22 years old.

I entered St. Petersburg State University in 2008 for a specialty degree.

I really liked biology at school, but I didn’t want to be a doctor. Therefore, in the 11th grade, thinking about who to study, I went online and found out about the existence Faculty of Biology Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Yes, yes, imagine: I didn’t know about the existence of biologists. From then on, it became completely obvious to me: I should enroll in the biology department of Moscow State University. It is there that I will find my happiness, biology is my calling, I will definitely discover a cure for AIDS. Well, or not from him, but from some other terrible disease. There were only conversations and thoughts about the biology department. But this is home. At school, I kept quiet about my daring dream: I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get in, because the bar was very high.

Exams and admission to St. Petersburg State University

I had to pass 5 exams: 4 Unified State Exams (Russian, mathematics, chemistry, biology) and one entrance test in biology. I must say that I studied at a humanities school. In the 11th grade we had only 1 compulsory hour per week to study biology + 1 additional, the same was true for chemistry.

Since I knew biology well, I liked studying it and preparing for the Unified State Exam, I completely relied on my own strengths. Plus, I had a wonderful teacher. But with chemistry everything was not so rosy. I simply did not understand this subject, and I neglected it from the first year of study in the 8th grade. Therefore, I had to hire a tutor. Fortunately, the extra classes brought good results (thanks to the tutor who “trained” me like a monkey for the exam assignments). I had no problems with Russian: I passed the exam with almost the maximum score. But I didn’t study mathematics seriously, as a result of which I received a little more than 60 points.

Having passed the exams, I began to prepare for the entrance test at Moscow State University. It was scheduled for the first half of July. I collected the necessary package of documents: photocopies, beautiful color photographs, certificate and attestation. However, on the last day the trip was canceled due to some reasons that I would not like to mention.

After crying all night, I decided to apply to St. Petersburg State University for the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science. The Unified State Exam is the same, but without an entrance test. I sent a thick envelope by mail and began to wait for the results in August. I wasn’t accepted in the first wave, but how I jumped when I saw my name on the list of those recommended for enrollment in the second wave. And for the first time in my life I went to St. Petersburg to bring the originals.

First year of study at St. Petersburg State University

At the end of August I arrived in the city and settled in a hostel. I immediately liked the study. The teachers gave fantastic lectures, even the mathematician managed to keep us awake with his hilarious stories. During practical classes, we looked at algae in samples of Neva water, played with skull bones at anatomy seminars. The most interesting were biological disciplines, and the most difficult were mathematics, physics and chemistry. One guy gave such interesting lectures that at the end he received a standing ovation every time. I will never forget my first semester! So many things were done for the first time.

Near the stop near the faculty there is a smell of fresh Neva water

The faculty building is located on Vasilyevsky Island: nearby are the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Nevsky Prospekt. I saw this beauty every day. The sky was especially beautiful in the morning and evening over Palace Embankment...

We were accommodated in a hostel in Peterhof (2 hours drive to the faculty). View from the window in autumn.

It was the first semester that was the most difficult. We weren't coddled like we were at school. I had to do everything myself. Many have encountered the situation when a teacher puts pressure on a student, threatens expulsion, or simply refuses to help or explain the material. However, there were still few such teachers, and they were not from our faculty.

I must say that there was no sign of bribery at our faculty. Most likely, this is a specific feature of all natural science faculties: people come here to study.

In the summer we went on a wonderful internship to the White Sea. There our course united even more. Personally, I can say that after it I became more hardened: after all, the harsh conditions of life in the field did their job.

Monument near the building of 12 colleges (the faculty is located here). Students jokingly call it a monument to a flunking student.

Work while studying

The first 2 years there was absolutely no time for work: I was completely absorbed in my studies. Then I started tutoring, and a little later (from the 4th year) I worked for a year as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Higher Inspection. Since I had more free time from the third year, work and study did not interfere with each other, I was able to provide for myself.

What now?

Do I regret not entering Moscow State University? Definitely not. St. Petersburg State University gave me friends, a profession; St. Petersburg is an amazingly sensitive, elegant city!

Between classes we were in a hurry to get from one building to another. Along the way we took pictures of what we liked. St. Petersburg is a beautiful and cozy city.

However, now, in my last year of study, I am not sure that I will work as a biologist. I am grateful to fate for this university and faculty, for shaping my thinking and partly my worldview, but I would like to try myself in something new.

Almost all of my friends from the faculty are already working in departments. Graduate students collaborate with the best research institutes in the country. Some stay, some go abroad. Fortunately, our graduates are in demand around the world, and biology is now on the rise.

However, before entering the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, be prepared to work day and night for the first 2 years, sleep little, have no time to work for the first few years, and proudly pass by the cultural life of the city, because you don’t have time for it. The percentage of expulsions from the faculty is high. Also, do not forget that the main difficulties arise not with biology, but with physics and mathematics. However, the pleasure of studying, communicating with teachers and classmates, practicing at sea and this city compensates for everything!

All entrance examinations in 2019 take place during the period from July 24 to August 4. Each exam can be taken only on the day determined by the schedule of entrance examinations of St. Petersburg State University. The schedule will be available on the website of the Admissions Committee of St. Petersburg State University no later than June 1, 2019. Before each entrance test, we conduct a face-to-face consultation.

Please note if you have good reason, according to which you will not be able to attend the exam on the scheduled day, you will be able to take the entrance examination on a reserve day. Applications to postpone entrance examinations to a reserve day are considered individually by the management of St. Petersburg State University.

GMAT or GMAT Model Exam | required for MiM, MCF, MiBA

Portfolio | required for MUMD

The portfolio includes a research essay, a letter of motivation and supporting documents about your achievements. Are taken into account scientific publications, speaking at conferences, participating in research projects and more.

Business Communications | required for all programs: MiM, MCF, MiBA, MUMD

We evaluate knowledge of the basics of management, knowledge of special English language, as well as the motivation of applicants to study at GSOM SPbU, communication skills and analytical abilities. This test is mandatory for applicants to all master's programs at GSOM SPbU and is completed entirely in English.

The test consists of two parts: writing an essay (two parts, each 30%) and an interview with the examination committee (40%). In-person presence in St. Petersburg is required.

The essay is completed in the computer lab of the city campus of GSOM St. Petersburg State University. You will be given 90 minutes to write it. The text is typed by the applicant in Microsoft Word without attribution. Essays in handwritten form are not allowed. The use of any auxiliary materials is not permitted.

Since the essay involves writing an answer to professional questions, all applicants are divided into two cohorts. The applicant writes only one essay depending on the cohort to which he was assigned.

To the first cohort includes those who applied only to the MiM and/or MUMD programs. In the examination tasks of this cohort, in addition to general issues in Management will include in-depth topics on governance as well as urban development.

To the second cohort those who applied for the MiBA and/or MCF programs are eligible. In addition to questions on general management, applicants from this cohort will be asked to speak on topics in finance and quantitative methods.

Important: If you applied for MiBA and/or MCF, as well as MiM and/or MUMD, you will be placed in the second cohort.

You can view sample questions, find out details and information about the interview at