Children's toys in English with translation. English toys - useful vocabulary

Lesson topic: "Toys"

Objective of the lesson: Consolidation of vocabulary and speech structures studied previously; introduction of new lexical item on the topic "Toys".

Lesson objectives:

    Development of skills on elementary level describe your favorite toy (color, size).

    Introduction of new vocabulary on the topic “Toys”.

    Development of attention and memory in the game “What toy is missing?”.

    Development of skills in all types of speech activity.

    Developing children's interest in English through play.

    Developing team behavior skills in children through group games.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment ( greeting ).

Teacher: Good evening, boys and girls!

Children: Good evening, teacher!

Teacher: I am glad to see you!

Children: I am glad to see you, too!

Teacher : Now let's get to know you.

Let's play a game « Circle of acquaintances."

Please stand in a circle. (Children stand in a circle with the teacher).

This will be our circle of acquaintances.

I have a ball in my hands, which we will pass around. The one who has the ball in his hands talks about himself, that is, says his name, how old he is and where he lives. Let's get started With me .

( My name is ( Name ). I am ( age ). I am from Ishim ).

(The teacher passes the ball to the next one, the children talk about themselves.)

What is your name?

How old are you?

Where are are you from?

Thank you!

Sit down, please!

2. Repetition of adjectives. Game "Complete the sentence."

Teacher : Children, do you know who this is? ( shows a toy mouse).

Children : Amouse .

Teacher : That's right, now let's play the "Complete the Sentence" game. I will read you a poem about a mouse, and you must choose the appropriate adjective to match the rhyme. English.

There lived a mouse on the planet.

Was happy, that means - happy

He didn't know any troubles

I wasn't sad, that means - sad

He found a huge mushroom

In English it means - big

Found a small fungus

In English this is small

The mouse's new friend - Sue

A because new is new

My friend was very young

He's not old, he's not - old

AND c the donkey was robin hood

Was good

Means - good

A there lived an cannibal in the forest

He was bad, that's it - bad

3. Repetition of speech structures " Yes , it is », « No , it isn't t . It s a …»

Teacher: The mouse has friends. Now I will show you pictures with animals, and you will monitor whether I named the animal correctly or not, if not, you will correct me.

( The teacher shows pictures, naming the animals depicted on them. If the teacher names the animal correctly, then the students agree: “Yes, itis" If the teacher makes a mistake, the students correct him: “No, itisn'tt. Itsa …”)

4. Consolidation of vocabulary and speech structures (Theme “Toys”).

Teacher : Children, there are toys on my table whose names you already know ( repetition is carried out previously studied lexical units).Please select your favorite toy and name its size and color. ( Children One by one they come to the table, take out toys and complete the task.)

Children: It"s a dog.(cat, pig, horse, fox....)

It"s a big dog. It"s a big, black dog.

What is it? What color is it? What size is it?

Physical education minute .

Teacher : Are you tired? You tired ? Let's have a rest. Let's let's rest .

(The class repeats after the teacher.)

Standup! Hands up! Hands down! Sit down!

Stand up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right!

Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sitdown!

Teacher : Now we’ll find out what pets and toys you have?

Have you many pets?

Children : Yes, I have.

Teacher : What pets have you?

Children : I have a cat (a dog, a turtle).

Teacher :

Have you a cat? (a dog, a turtle).

Do you like to play with a cat? (do you like to play with the cat?)

Do you like to play with a dog? (do you like to play with the dog?)

Teacher :

Have you many toys?

Children : Yes, I have.

Teacher :

Have you a ball? (a doll, a car, a top, a set?)

Do you like to play with a ball?(a doll, a car, a top, a set?)

Children: I have a ball. (a doll, a car, a top, a set.)

Teacher : What is your favorite toy?

Children: My favorite toy is…

5. Introduction of a new lexical unit on the topic “Toys”.

Teacher :

Today we will introduce you to a new toy. Look at the picture and tell me what is it?

Children : Bucket.

Teacher : In English bucket - bucket

What is it?

Children: It is a bucket .

Teacher : Have you a bucket?

Children : Yes, I have.

6. Game “Match the pictures and words.”

Teacher :

Our little mouse thought. He became sad because he could not cope with the next task. Shall we help him?

Children : Yes!

Teacher On the board we see pictures of toys and the words and names of these toys. The task is as follows: you need to find the corresponding word for each picture, read it and connect it with the picture.

We will perform the task “in a chain”, that is, one after another. (Children go out, read the word and connect it with the corresponding picture).

Game “What toy is missing?”

Teacher :

Game“What toy is missing?”(The teacher shows several pictures with toys. The children memorize them, then close their eyes, at this time the teacher hides one of the pictures, the children must guess which picture is missing).

7.Repetition of verbs.

Teacher :

Tell us what our animals can do.

(Students take turns naming the actions using a grammatical model.

A cat can jump.

A dog can run.

A crocodile can swim.

A parrot can fly.

- Anelephantcansit.)

Tell us what you can do.

(Students take turns talking about themselves: Ican...

8. Practicing demonstrative pronouns this - that , these - those .

(Toys are placed on the table, some farther away, others closer.)

This is a (an)…

That is a (an)…

9. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Our lesson has come to an end. Please tell me what was interesting for you today?

What did you find difficult?

What new word did we meet today?

Teacher: "Good bye, girls, good bye boys"

Children : « Goodbye our teacher, good bye everyone!”

The main goal of the lesson: Formation of lexical and improvement of grammatical skills, development of monologue speech skills based on the proposed situation.

Goal components:

  • Developmental component of the lesson goal: development of language, cognitive abilities students, the development of schoolchildren’s emotions and readiness for communication.
  • The educational component of the lesson goal: expanding the erudition and general horizons of schoolchildren.
  • The educational component of the lesson’s purpose is to create conditions for nurturing a culture of communication and maintaining interest in learning.
  • Practical component of the lesson goal: formation and improvement of practical language skills (lexical and grammatical), providing basic, cognitive communicative skills student needs, training in the use of learned structures; mastery of the alphabet.

Lesson equipment:

Textbook by Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A. English: textbook for 1st grade. schools with in-depth study of the English language, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and st. groups of children gardens 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 1998. – 160 p.: ill.; book for teachers, audio recording, Pukina T.V. English: Gaming technologies in the classroom and leisure. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.- 95 p., visual aids, toys, funny and sad faces.

Lesson progress

I. Beginning of the lesson, organizational moment.

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ch: Good morning, Oksana Nikolaevna!

Good morning! Good morning! It`s so nice to say.
Good morning! Good morning! and have a nice day.

T: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

Let us start our English lesson. Today we shall play with our toys, recite poems, play games and learn a new letter.

II. Phonetic exercise.

Gymnastics for lips and tongue.

  • Stretch your lips slightly, then return to a neutral position.
  • Round your lips, showing your teeth; the lips should not protrude; then return the lips to a neutral position.
  • Place the tip of the tongue between the teeth and quickly remove it, returning the tongue to a neutral position.
  • Place the tip of your tongue between your teeth and blow air through the gap.

Imitation of sounds.

Mr Tongue puts things in order: shakes out the dust from the sofa [d], [d], [d] ([d], [d], [d]) from the rug [t], [t], [t] ([t],[t],[t]). Pours water into a bucket to wipe the floor [s], [s], [s]. ([s], [s],[s]).

Mr Tongue went for a walk with his friends:

Mr Tongue sings a song to his friends , , [o], [o], , [o l] (, , [O]),

Very good, children!

III. Speech warm-up.

T: Listen to the poems, please. I shall read them in Russian and you will guess the names of the toys.

The teacher invites the children to do a warm-up: the children listen to the teacher’s poems and supplement them with the names of the toys they have studied.

Poodle dachshund and bulldog.
There is a name for them - Dog.
Jumped from the garden right onto the threshold,
Green beautiful frog - Frog.
The clubfooted bear can barely walk,
Bear, bear cub in English - Bear.
Why are there no sausages?
The redhead dragged them away - Cat.
And today I’m a pilot, I’m needed Plane – I need a plane.
Let's play with the doll - Doll,
Let's not forget the ball - Ball.

T: I have many toys in my magic box. If you guess a toy, I shall put it on my table.

The teacher shows the children a box containing various toys. If the students guess which toy is in the box, the teacher puts it on the table.

Sample questions and answers:

P: Have you got a train (a plane, a cat, a doll, a ball)?
T: Yes, I have. No, I haven't.

IV. Checking homework.

In the last lesson, I asked you to bring toys or drawings. Let's arrange an exhibition of pictures and toys. Two people will be exhibition managers. The rest of the guys are visitors. The exhibition manager's task is to show all the drawings or toys and name them using the structure (It is a..).

V. Introduction of new vocabulary.

T: I still have some toys left in the “magic box”. These are new toys, let's try to guess their name. Listen to the tape. 86. What is unusual about these words (robot, computer)?

P1: They are pronounced the same way as in Russian.
T: Great! It is from the English language that these two words came to us.

Listening to audio recording 86 - training in pronunciation of new words.

Consolidating new vocabulary through question-and-answer work between the teacher and the class.

Children stand in a circle and ask each other questions:

Have you got a robot (computer)?
- Yes, I have. (No, I haven`t).

VI. Learning the poem “It`s a frog”.

T: Listen to the poem about new toys. Working with audio recordings, 87. Listen carefully and try to remember who the poem is about.

It`s a frog.
It`s a cat.
It's a dog.
It's a rat.

T: Who is this poem talking about?
R 1: a frog, a cat, a dog, a rat.
T: It does great harm, you need to drive it out of the basement.
T: Listen and repeat, 87.

Reading a poem in chorus.

Acting out a poem using toys.

VII. Physical education minute.

T: Now let us have a rest! Let us do exercises.

Clap, clap, clap your hands.
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your head.
Nod your head together.
Dance, dance, dance and dance.
Dance and dance together.

VIII. Consolidation of new vocabulary in speech samples.

T: Now, open your books at p. 94, ex. 5. Read the task.

Look at the picture and try to remember all the toys. Then close the book and name all the toys that you remember.

T: Now tell me what Bob likes to play with.
P: I like to play with a ball.
T: We spoke all this on behalf of Bob. What toys do you like to play with?
R: I like to play with a doll.

IX. Getting to know someone new English letter Rr.

1.T: Let us revise the letters.

Let's remember the letters that we already know. Each of you will name the letter that he knows, the other student will name the letter of the first and his own. Let's see which of you has a good memory and who knows the letters best. We play the game “Snowball”.

R 1: M
R 2: M, D
P3: M, D, N..

2. Pictures are hung on the board, children come up and name what is shown in the picture, the sound with which the word begins and write down the letter.

(Frog – [f]- Ff, dog – [d]- Dd, ball – [b]- Bb, Plane - [p]- Pp, Train - [t]-Tt, Matryoshka-doll- [m]- Mm ).

3. Introducing the letter R r.

The letter R r is similar to I, but they are still not sisters.
Glad ram-Baran, the snowstorm has passed.
The rain and rain passed so well.

The story told by the letter R r.

For light things
Available in carriages rack- net.
It contains:
Racket– big racket,
Sports shoes,
Balls and shuttlecock.
And I put them in a net
Ram- Uncle Baran.
He took up sports.
Rush- rush around the courts
My uncle loved it with a racket.
Runk– title “Master of such and such sport”
Subsequently he received.
And he traveled a lot
By rail,
And simpler - railway around the country.
But now I’m old
And now, thank God,
To the farm - runс h coming to me.

T: The letter R r conveys the sound [r]. The English sound [r] is pronounced without vibration.

Open your work books and write the letter R r.

X. Final stage.

a) Summing up.

T: Now let's revise the words that you have learned today.

b) Assessment of students' RD.

T: I liked the way you worked.

c) Homework.

Your home task is learning the poem “It`s a frog”.

d) Reflection.

If you liked our lesson, show me the happy faces, if you didn’t like –the sad ones.

The lesson is over. Stand up!

“Goodbye, goodbye,” I don`t like to say

“Goodbye, goodbye, and have a nice day.”

An object intended for children's play, serving educational purposes; a work of art that synthesizes means of expression sculpture, decorative and applied arts, artistic design and theatrical arts… … Art encyclopedia

Toy- Toy. Children's horse. TOY, a specially made object used for entertainment and mental development child. Toys, images of people and animals, copies of objects, allow the child to learn their role and functional purpose,... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

toy-    TOY (p. 253)    Among the sensational reports about the life and death of titled persons, a brief note flashed almost unnoticed in a recent issue of Time magazine: a man whose name is familiar to each of us from an early age, Christopher, has passed away... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

TOY- TOY, toys, women. 1. A thing that is used for children to play with. Children's toys. Apart from pebbles and shells, the child had no other toys. || An object of fun, entertainment. “Life is not a toy, but a difficult matter.” L. Tolstoy. This is not a toy! 2. transfer... ... Dictionary Ushakova

toy- matryoshka, giggles and giggles, trinket, tumbler, giggles, rattle, trinket, firecracker, fun, entertainment, Cheburashka, playing, pleasure, scarecrow, Vanya Vstanka, toy, game, trinket, trifle, kubar, joke, tchotchke ... Dictionary of synonyms

TOY- TOY, a specially made item that serves for the entertainment and mental development of a child. Toys, images of people and animals, copies of objects, allow the child to learn their role and functional purpose, contribute to the development... ... Modern encyclopedia

Toy- (foreign language) a small, tastefully arranged room. Wed. Her rooms and garden were small and not rich, but it was all arranged so neatly and cleanly... that the word toy, often used in praise by guests, was extremely fitting for the garden and... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

TOY- TOY, and, female. 1. A thing used for playing (see play in 1 meaning). Children's toys (also translated: about something that is easy to do; colloquial). As well as. (about someone beautiful, elegant). Toy store. Make a toy out of something. (translated: to do something... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

toy- TOY, and, f. Computer game... Dictionary of Russian argot

Toy- name of decom. types of items used in gaming. Aesthetic The level of art allows us to consider it a type of art in general and decorative applied art in particular. I. uses express. means of sculpture, design. Artist features I.... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Toy- an item intended for play. By recreating real and imaginary objects and images, I. serves the purposes of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. I. helps the child to learn the world around us, accustoms him to... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

1. My favorite toy is. It is light brown, it has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. My father gave it to me on my fifth birthday. I like my teddy bear because it is very sweet and cuddly. My soft toy is talented because it can read stories and fairy-tales to me. I like to listen to his stories before going to bed. My bear can sit and sleep with me. When I get upset, it calms me down. My teddy bear is my best friend!


My favorite toy is a teddy bear. It is light brown in color. He has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. My dad gave it to me for my fifth birthday. I love my teddy bear because he is very cute and soft. My plush toy is talented because the bear can read stories and fairy tales to me. I love listening to his stories before bed. My bear can sit and lie down with me. When I get upset, he calms me down. Teddy bear is my best friend!

2. My favorite toy is mine. It is very beautiful, it is neither big nor small. Her name is Twinkle. My uncle gave it to me for Christmas. Twinkle is slim, she has thick brown hair. Her eyes are blue, her lashes are long. My doll has five fashionable outfits: 4 lovely dresses and a pajamas. I like to dress her up, to do her hair and to play with her after school. Every evening I dress her in a pajamas and put her in my bed. We always fall asleep together. I am very happy to have my Twinkle doll. She is my princess.


My favorite toy is a Barbie doll. She is very beautiful, she is not big and not small. Her name is Twinkle. My uncle gave it to me for Christmas. Twinkle is very slim and has brown hair. Her eyes are blue and her eyelashes are long. My doll has five fashionable outfits: 4 beautiful dresses and pajamas. I like to dress her up, do her hair and play with her after school. Every evening I put her in her pajamas and put her in my bed. We always fall asleep together. I am very happy that I have my Twinkle doll. She is my princess.

3. My favorite toy is a. It is very fast and it works with a remote control. This car was a present from my father on my seventh birthday. My racing car is made of metal and plastic. It is red and very nice. The doors of the car open and close. When I play with my Ferrari car, I feel like I am driving it. It sounds like a real racing car. My cousins ​​also like to play with my favorite toy.


My favorite toy is a Ferrari car. It is very fast and works on a remote control. This car was a gift from my dad for his seventh birthday. My racing car is made of metal and plastic. She is red and very beautiful. The car doors open and close. When I play with my Ferrari, it feels like I'm driving it myself. It sounds like a real race car. My cousins ​​also love to play with my favorite car.

4. My favorite toy is my iPad Mini. I like it because of the games, music and videos. It was a great present form my parents for Christmas. I have much fun when I play or watch interesting movies and cartoons. I can also read books there and take pictures. I downloaded a lot of applications for children. The size of my iPad is very convenient, it is very thin and small, so I can carry it everywhere in my bag or my pocket.


My favorite toy is the mini iPad. I like it because of the games, music and videos. This was a cool gift from my parents for Christmas. I have a lot of fun when I play games or watch movies and cartoons on it. I can also read books and take photos on it. I have downloaded a lot of apps for kids. The size of my ipad is very convenient, it is very thin and small so I can carry it everywhere in my bag or pocket.