Planetary ephemerides.

Before you criticize anything, figure it out first...

To do this, we need to find a post in this community called , find the 20th century there, go to the link and find the file corresponding to 1987

Scroll down the pages until you see exactly this

What is there and what does it mean?

Read the inscriptions in the upper left corner

This is the month and year for which the ephemeris is given. Month October, year 1987.

Read the inscription in the upper right corner

This means that the ephemeris is given on MIDNIGHT Greenwich Time.

It is clear that 0 hours 00 minutes on October 5 occurs on the night between October 4 and 5, and not between October 5 and 6. If they meant exactly midnight between October 5 and 6, they would write it as 24 hours 00 minutes.

Let's look at the first columns in the table

The first column indicates the day of the week and day

T 1 is Thursday, the first
F 2 - Friday, second.

The letter designations are taken from the English names of the days of the week - the first letters. This S Sunday M onday T uesday W ednesday T hursday F riday S aturday Our days of the week are deeply purple, so we won’t focus on this.

The second column is the sidereal time of birth. Let's take note of where to look for it, because we will need it later.

Let's look at the third column, where the Sun is.

There is a strange designation there:

This represents 17 degrees, 17 minutes and 10 seconds of Libra. Let's convert it to absolute value - we get 197 degrees 17 minutes.

We round up to minutes, since our time of birth is still not accurate (yep, we will also have midwives using atomic clocks to check the time accurate to the second. Right now. But believe me, mom had no time for that...)

Let's calculate the location of the Sun for the first working example. After homework 2 we should have got what we calculate for October 14 02 hours 15 minutes GMT

Let's subtract from the larger coordinate (this is 21 degrees 6 minutes - we take rounding) the smaller one (this is 20 degrees 06 minutes). we get 1 degree or 60 minutes).

60 minutes is the distance the sun traveled from midnight on October 14th to midnight on October 15th. But we are interested in where the sun was at 2 hours 15 minutes. This means that in an hour the sun will pass 60/12 minutes, i.e. 5 minutes. In 2 hours 15 minutes (2.25 hours) it will travel 5" times 2.25 = 11 degrees 45 minutes. Now we look at which midnight coordinate is smaller - the earlier (October 14) or the later (October 15). Less coordinate for October 14. Therefore, we add the result obtained to it, i.e. 20g06m+0g11m45s = 20g17m45s. What? Libra. Why Libra? We put our finger on the coordinates of our date and slowly move up. The first zodiac symbol we will meet is Libra, next to October 1st.

We take our leaf, put a protractor in the middle, combining 0 Aries and 0 protractor and mark `20^@18"` Libra. This will be `200^@18"` absolute value. Well, it's hard to poke by hand, poke somewhere between 20 and 21 degrees, in the middle.

In this way we calculate and mark the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Black Moon, Proserpina (we take its coordinates from a separate table, which is in this post

What are astrological ephemeris tables? Why are they needed? In astronomy, an ephemeris is a table of the celestial locations of the Moon, Sun, planets and other space objects, calculated after equal periods of time. For example, at twelve o'clock at night every day.

Stellar ephemerides are tables that indicate the apparent positions of stars, subject to the influence of nutation, procession and aberration. An ephemeris is also a formula that is used to calculate the moment of arrival of the next moment of minimum for darkened variable star systems.


How are ephemeris tables used? They are used to determine the coordinates of the observer. This term also refers to the position data of synthetic Earth satellites used for navigation, for example, in the NAVSTAR (GPS), Galileo, and Glonass systems.

Information about the location of satellites is presented as part of special messages. Under these circumstances, we talk about ephemeris transmission.

Historical editions

It is known that in 1474 Regiomontanus published his famous ephemeris tables in Nuremberg. This work contained ephemeris for the years 1475-1506, which were calculated for each day. This book contained tables of planetary positions, conditions for conjunctions of luminaries and eclipses.

Modern editions

Today, ephemeris tables are published in the most important astrological collections: “Astronomical Yearbook” (published by the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1921), Nautical Almanac, American Ephemeris, Berliner Astronomisches, Connaissance des Temps. In addition, there are websites that can help you calculate ephemeris. They are created by both enthusiasts and professionals.

Thus, it is known that on the NASA website Fred Espeñac published data on the positions of the planets solar system, Moon and Sun for 1995-2006. And on the website of the Institute for Calculation of Ephemeris and celestial mechanics» there is a calculator for the coordinates of space objects. In addition, there is a library with which you can make astronomical calculations on an Excel sheet using the ephemeris of Switzerland, JPL and Moschières.


Ephemeris tables are in service with every astrologer. Today, the movement of objects around the Sun has been studied very well. Various astrological associations have created mathematical forms for calculating ephemeris, competing with each other in accuracy. These samples are described in special astronomical publications.

Old theory

The ILE version is an improvement on Brown's theory. It was first proposed by E. W. Brown in 1919 in his work Tables of the Motion of the Moon, which was improved by W. J. Eckert in 1954 in his work Improved Lunar Ephemeris. Subsequently, changes were made to the theory several more times.

This model was previously used by F. Espeignac to calculate eclipses provided by the NASA website.

New solution

Version VSOP82 describes the movement of planets around the Sun. It was proposed in 1982 by P. Bretagnon and published in the astrological almanac “Astrophysics and Astronomy” under the title “Theory of the movement of all planets - solution VSOP82”.

Another version

The ELP 2000 version describes only the ephemeris of the Moon. It was published in the astrological collection “Astrophysics and Astronomy” in 1983 by M. Chapron-Touzet and J. Chapron, as well as in the article “Ephemerides of the Moon ELP 2000”. This theory contains 7,684 periodic terms for the ecliptic latitude of the Moon, 20,560 for ecliptic longitude and 9,618 for distance. The amplitude of the minor terms corresponds to 2 cm for distances and 0.00001 arcseconds. In a simplified form, the model is used by F. Espeignac to calculate eclipses published on the NASA website.

USSR Publications

What can you say about domestic astrology? Based on the DE200/LE200 version, he published ephemeris of the Moon, Sun and planets in the Astrological Yearbook of the USSR (since 1986).

JPL laboratory model

Version DE403/LE403 describes the movement of the planets around the Sun and focuses on the coordinates of the Moon. It was developed by JPL laboratory employees Standish, Williams, Newhall and Faulkner. It was published in the article “Lunar and Planetary Ephemerides JPL DE403/LE403” (1995) in a special publication of the specified laboratory. Today there are new ephemeris tables developed by JPL.

Convenient tables

The positions of the planets were calculated by stargazers for many years in advance, and the results of the calculations were translated into tables. They contain data on the apparent positions of the planets, which are calculated using a computer, guided by the laws of cosmic mechanics. The positions of celestial objects in the tables are indicated with a specific step, indicating the length of time between the two related instants for which the calculation is performed. It is convenient to use the following tables in one-day increments:

  • American Michelson ephemeris table for the 21st century from 2001 to 2050 and for the 20th century from 1900 to 2000.
  • Rosicrucian ephemerides (1900-2000).
  • Raphael tables (positions of planets for each year).

It is known that in Michelson's ephemeris the position of celestial objects is given at Greenwich midnight of each day, and the data is presented monthly. Each page contains the longitude values ​​of the planets for two months in the form of a pair of blocks (Longitude).

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An important question, especially for novice astrologers, where to get it - and preferably for free :) - ephemeris tables. In this article I will tell you where ephemeris can be downloaded for free, bought or even won in a competition.

Ephemerides are such magical manuscripts with which one begins to become familiar with real astrology... At least, when you pick up a hefty volume of these tables for the first time, this is exactly the feeling you get :) In general, ephemerides are tables that indicate the positions of the planets at a certain period of time (and with a certain frequency). They are needed for constructing horoscopes manually, for tracking transits and for other astrological work. Now ephemeris also publishes information about ingressions, aspects of planets, phases of the Moon, eclipses, changes in the movement of planets, etc.

So, where can a novice astrologer get ephemeris?

1) For example, the Swiss midnight ephemeris can be viewed and downloaded on this page Here are tables of planetary positions from at least 1400 to 2199. In addition to the planets, the positions of the Nodes, Chiron and the Black Moon are shown. To open the ephemeris for the year you are interested in, find the link for that year and click it; a page with tables for each month of the selected year will open in a new window. It can be downloaded to your computer in *pdf format. This is what the sign looks like for March 2013 (clickable image).

In the first column - the day of the week and the date, in the second - sidereal time, then there are columns with the positions of the planets/fictitious points in the signs of the Zodiac.

2) Also, Swiss (as far as I can see) ephemeris can be viewed on the website You can select the year you are interested in at the top of the site: in the “century” window, select 1900-1999 or 2000-2099 - depending on which year you are interested in; in the yr window - the last two digits of the year, and in the last window - the month. After clicking the “Go” button, a new window will open with ephemeris for the lane you selected iodine The table will look something like this (March 2013 again):

The date of the month and the positions of the main planets from the Sun to Pluto in the Zodiac signs are indicated here. Columns highlighted in red show the planet's retrograde motion. Here it turns out that Mercury is in retromotion until March 16, 2013, and Saturn is in retrograde throughout March (by the way, the indicator of retrograde in different tables may vary for some time, I don’t know how to “fight” these yet).

3) Another, already Russian-language and very simplified version of the ephemerides can be obtained on the page
There are two options for ephemeris - a table for the month and the position of the planets for a specific day and hour. In order, for example, to get ephemeris for the month of March 2013 that interests us, we need to select the year, month in the “Monthly Ephemeris” block and check off the planets whose coordinates we want to see. This is what the table looks like for March 2013 (clickable).

The structure of the tables is the same, but in this version there are no indications of the planet’s retrograde periods. Therefore, such ephemerides can be considered simplified. Using this service, you can “create” ephemeris for any month from 1900 to 2100, and in addition to the positions of the main planets, get the Nodes, Selene, Lilith, Chiron, Proserpina.

4) Also tables of Swiss ephemeris for a certain period (day, month, year...) can be generated in the astrological program Zet. To get tables, click “Miscellaneous” in the top control panel of the program, select “Ephemeris Tables”. In the window that opens, select the necessary settings and get the coordinates of the planets for the selected period of time. I don’t tell or show it in detail, since the program generates an image of the ephemeris that is not the most convenient for perception.


This is obvious: ephemeris tables can be bought in the form of a heavy paper book. This can be done in online stores(for example, in the publishing house "Urania" in or in) In major cities ephemeris is possible find or order in specialized (esoteric) departments in book markets and book supermarkets. To be fair, it should be said that paper ephemeris is not a cheap pleasure. Any ephemeris covering a large period of time (90-100 years) costs from 240 hryvnia/680 rubles and more. But if you are into astrology seriously and for a long time, then you cannot do without ephemeris. I recommend purchasing big book ephemeris for the current period, for example, Michelsen or Kucherenko ephemeris:

This, of course, gives them a special “vintage” charm :) But if you have the opportunity to purchase a hardcover book of ephemeris, do not refuse.

  • Hardcover now on sale “New ephemeris tables for the twentieth century. 1900-2000 at midnight" by Michelsen(Memorial edition from Urania 2013

Both books are very similar in structure. One
page = two tables for two months + lower block with planetary aspects, ingressions and other astro-events for a given period. Kucherenko shows the positions of the main planets + Lunar Node, Proserpine, Chiron, Lilith and Selene; and Michelsen has the main planets + Node + Ceres in the main tables + asteroids Eris, Chiron, Pallas, Juno, Vesta (at least in the memorial edition everything is exactly like that). Another important difference between Michelsen's ephemeris is that the position of the Moon in them is indicated at both midnight and noon of each day. This makes calculations more convenient.

I will show here a typical page from Kucherenko (long live March 2013:)), on it there are signs for two months and a lower block with current astro events (on the right, the picture is clickable).


Yes, and this is possible - this is an exclusive offer from AstroSchool :)

(the offer “worked” from 2012 to 2015, now it is not valid).

In general, ephemeris tables for 1950-2000, as well as all other necessary reference books - tables of houses, a reference book of time corrections and coordinates - are received in electronic form by everyone who purchased the training course “Constructing a horoscope the old fashioned way” (detailed information about the course is on the page But I I didn’t want to talk about this at all.

The fact is that at the end of the year, each student of this course has the opportunity to receive real paper (!) ephemeris tables. Winners of the competition for the best review about the course they will receive one of the sets of reference books necessary for constructing a horoscope manually, including Michelsen’s ephemeris for 1900-2000 (for the best review), or Kucherenko’s ephemeris for 2005-2020 for 2nd and 3rd place. Details about gift sets and competition conditions can be found in the article

This voluminous article has come to the end) To summarize, I can recommend that beginners download Swiss ephemeris for free from the Astrocom website - I mentioned it at the very beginning of this article. And for those who are seriously interested in astrology, be sure to purchase paper ephemeris. They hide a special magic...

Now you know where you can find-download-generate-buy ephemeris. I really hope that now it will be a little easier for you to master astrology)

See you at AstroSchool!


Ekaterina Lugovaya

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