Photos of zone 51. For everyone and about everything

The secret base "Area 51" is located in the Nevada desert. It is not displayed on maps, as it is carefully hidden by the US authorities. According to some rumors, the latest military equipment and unusual flying machines are being tested at this base. Some experts argue that this is where direct evidence of the existence of alien life is stored. Area 51 stores the remains of alien creatures, UFO debris and other artifacts that were collected throughout the planet.

1955, Nevada

The state of Nevada is located 150 kilometers north of Las Vegas. In 1995, Tony LeVere and Dorsey Cammerier ventured to fly over this area by helicopter. They were trying to find the mysterious “Area 51,” which many have heard about, but no one knows where it is. They flew around the entire perimeter of the state without finding anything, after which they decided to go to the Groom Lake plain. This is a vast territory, hidden from prying eyes by elevations (mountains and hills). Such a natural fence, it turns out, hid from outsiders the landfill belonging to the Commission on atomic energy. After 1955, mysterious builders will arrive in that area...

What is currently located on Groom Lake?

Today, according to some reports, the mysterious “Area 51” is located on the territory of Groom Lake. It received this name back in the 50s, when it was built. The most connected with this place incredible rumors. Random eyewitnesses claim that buildings, hangars, houses, asphalt roads and other infrastructure are growing out of the ground there. Random satellite images sometimes recorded swimming pools, parks, theaters and other entertainment venues on the territory of Groom Lake. to modern man. One gets the feeling that Area 51 is a real small town, equipped with everything necessary for a person.

Some believe that all of the above is just the visible part of the iceberg. In fact, Area 51 is equipped with an underground base in which all the most interesting things are stored. It is almost impossible to get out of the zone, and there is no need for it. “Area 51” is connected by a special terminal only to the Las Vegas airport, from where Boeing 737s constantly depart, which supposedly take people to work in the desert area. All these people are employees of a particularly secret zone.

Jeeps with armed guards constantly ride along the perimeter of the Groom Lake plain, making sure that no strangers approach Area 51. If any onlookers get too close to the restricted area, they will have to pay a fine of $6,000. Journalists are not allowed there either.

Despite all of the above, the number of people wishing to reveal the secrets of Area 51 is increasing every year. Among them are former employees of NASA and other organizations, former residents of Area 51 and ordinary eyewitnesses whose friends sometimes visited that area. A journalist can visit a nearby bar, located a few kilometers from Groom Lake, whose name says a lot: “Little A’Le’Inn”, or “Little Alien”. It is there that you can meet a huge number of people who, with great pleasure, will tell you everything they know about Area 51.

The most interesting legend about the zone is the one that says that the remains of aliens that were found on the territory of Roswell in 1947 are stored there. Also, many say that UFOs of extraterrestrial and terrestrial origin periodically appear over the zone. It is there that new flying machines are built using secret technologies that were removed from ships extraterrestrial origin after their crash.

The most “strange” theories that come from “Area 51”:

  • John Kennedy was shot dead by the Tsar for knowing too much about Area 51;
  • Special services mix it into the water ordinary people a drug to make them easier to control;
  • At the end of World War II, the Nazis landed on the moon and created a colony there that still operates to this day;
  • All photos from the moon are fake. In fact, human colonists have existed there for a long time;
  • The Americans were not able to reach our satellite at all, and they filmed the report from there in a specially prepared studio;
  • Aliens collaborate with Americans, constantly visiting Area 51.

Why is the United States government hiding UFOs in Area 51 from everyone?

As mentioned earlier, in the late 40s, a ship allegedly crashed on the territory of Roswell. alien plate, on board of which there were aliens. They all died, but their bodies remained intact. All the material evidence seized from the Roswell UFO suddenly disappeared, and the media abruptly stopped writing about the incident itself. The only real evidence that a UFO actually flew over Roswell is the words of First Lieutenant of the United States Air Force W. Haught:

Rumors about unidentified flying vehicles were confirmed yesterday. Signalmen of the 509th Bomb Squadron reported that a farmer reported a UFO that he found on his property. An unidentified extraterrestrial vehicle landed on the outskirts of Roswell, after which it was noticed by a farmer, who immediately reported it to the local sheriff.

The farmer who first found the UFO in Roswell was named William Brazel. More precisely, he discovered not a solid flying machine, but its fragments, according to appearance which could be understood for what they were before the crash.

In 1997, the United States Air Force issued a report addressing the incident described above. This document stated that in the forties, somewhere over Roswell, ordinary military aircraft were tested, on board of which there were mannequins resembling a person in appearance. Perhaps the farmer discovered exactly one of these planes.

Even after this, inquisitive UFO fans did not calm down. Indeed, the US government could thus try to hide reliable information from people. Ufologists constantly demonstrated interesting evidence, among which the black and white film, which captured the process of dissecting an alien creature, deserved special attention. The legend said that in this video you can see exactly those aliens who were removed from the UFO in Roswell and then taken to Area 51. The operation, which one of the doctors filmed, took place in Ohio, where another similar secret base is located. Some evidence suggests that this operation was carried out directly on the territory of Area 51.

1989, Robert Lazar

In 1989, a certain Robert Lazar, speaking on one of the programs of a private channel, shared his story about how he worked in sector S-4, located in Area 51. He claimed to have seen an alien ship with his own eyes. According to him, the material it is made of is very reminiscent of special wax, denser and more durable than regular wax. The entire UFO, as he said, is made by casting, after which it is a single whole, which gives it special strength.

United States Air Force spokeswoman Mary Felto, in turn, said that there are no UFOs present in Area 51, as in other classified bases. What is hidden there from ordinary people does not concern aliens at all. And they hide it for other reasons, which she, of course, did not disclose.

Experts believe that supersonic flying vehicles are being tested in Area 51, which can easily be confused with a UFO.

Today, as certain experts suggest, in Area 51 they are designing, creating and testing new flying vehicles whose speed is five times higher than sound speed. If such a device flies over ordinary onlookers, they will most likely confuse it with alien ship. The latest generation of drone helicopters and stealth helicopters are also being tested at Area 51.

It is impossible to say exactly what is happening now on the territory of Area 51. Nobody even knows how much cash allocated for it annually. We can only believe the rumors that appear periodically. All that is known is that Area 51 is a real “black hole” from which reliable information has never escaped.

Area-51 (Area-51) is a secret military base, it does not appear on any map, and until recently it was an absolute secret. The remote unit of Edwards Air Force Base is located in the United States, in the southern state of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Lake. The airspace around it is limited for flight, and experimental aircraft and weapons systems are rumored. Is this true?

The secrecy of the base, the very existence of which the US government has only reluctantly acknowledged, has made it the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, especially about unidentified flying objects. Area 51 is often used in popular culture as a symbol of the secrets hidden by the military and government of the United States of America. Air traffic over Area 51 is prohibited.

Some information about Area 51 was declassified in the summer of 2013. The historian managed to achieve the publication of a report on the famous secret military base, where, as follows from conspiracy theories, the American authorities were hiding aliens. In fact, Area 51 was used to test a number of aircraft, including the U-2.

Area 51 is not an ordinary airbase: new types of aircraft are being developed and tested there. Once their designs are approved by the US Air Force or other agencies such as the CIA, they are used on conventional military bases. Soviet spy satellites photographed Area 51, and civilian satellites prepared detailed photographs of the base and its surroundings. However, it is impossible to obtain significant information about the training ground from them: only unremarkable bases, hangars and dry lakes are visible. According to unofficial data, the main part of the working part of the base is underground.

15. Mysterious lights

Having asked not to use their names, Nellis Air Force Base specialists said that on radar screens they had more than once observed how objects flying at incredible speeds over Area 51 suddenly, as if on command, stopped and hovered in the air. Mark Barnes, a powerful radar operator from Las Vegas, observed the same thing. Here are typical statements from people who worked in Nevada: “We have things there that are literally not from our world.”

One of the passengers on an American Airlines flight flying from San Jose (California) to Houston (Texas) captured mysterious lights and a giant disk on the ground in the area of ​​the top-secret Area 51, which is located in the south of Nevada, a British newspaper reported. Daily Express".
An eyewitness took a series of photographs that were published by the publication. The man said that everything happened on October 30, 2015.
"During the flight, I suddenly noticed a dazzling bright light in the desert. A large silver disk caught my eye, several luminous balls were visible above it. I grabbed my phone and started filming. At first I thought it was a satellite, but then I doubted it," - said an eyewitness. According to him, other passengers most likely did not see anything. The pilots and aviators interviewed by eyewitnesses stated that they had not encountered anything like this in their practice.
In the absence of official explanations, rumors begin. Of course, it is understandable that some information must be kept secret to keep the public from rioting due to fears and speculation, but honesty is always the best policy.

14. The crash of the "secret plane"

While flying over the Mojave Desert in April 1955, a CIA officer noticed a suitable area 20 kilometers northeast of Las Vegas. It served as a training ground for military pilots during World War II. In addition, there was a landing strip on the salt lake Groom Lake. In other words, it was an ideal place to test the U-2 and train pilots in the strictest secrecy. The Atomic Energy Commission, which owned the site, agreed to cede it. President Eisenhower included this sector of the desert under the cartographic name "Area 51" among the Nevada test sites.

In 1955, newspapers in the United States reported on a "secret plane" that crashed at Area 51 during a "secret" flight. 14 people were on board the plane when it hit the ground, likely scientists and military officials heading the Groom Lake Project (another name for the zone) from California. Information about the crash has been minimal, and it is unclear who exactly was on the plane and for what purpose. Of all the possible places, why did the crash happen there, why so close to the destination? There are many questions left.

Coincidentally, in 1955, at exactly the same time, the Vietnam War began. Whether there is any connection between these events is unknown. Since the Vietnam War started on November 1st and the plane crashed on the 18th, there is a chance that it could be related, but who can know today?

13. More about plane crashes

On May 1, 1960, CIA pilot Francis Powers began a planned flight from Pakistan and soon approached the Soviet border. The purpose of his flight was the territory Soviet Union: Take pictures of objects and record radio broadcasts. The route was supposed to pass through the Aral Sea, Sverdlovsk, Kirov, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, and the plane was scheduled to land at the Norwegian airport Bodø.
The plane was not destined to land. It was discovered already during the border crossing in the area of ​​​​modern Pyanj. A little over three hours after that, he was shot down by the very first missile fired from the S-75 complex. For greater confidence, the air defense forces then fired eight missiles (and accidentally shot down a MiG-19, raised to intercept. The MiG pilot, senior lieutenant Safronov, was killed).
Powers' fate turned out much better. The missile was fired at the plane and exploded near its tail. As a result, the cabin was not damaged, and Powers waited until the altitude was 10 km and left it. On the ground he was detained by local residents. As a result, he was sentenced to 10 years in the camps, but less than two years later he was “swapped” in Berlin for the Soviet intelligence officer William Fischer (Rudolf Abel).

In 1984, the deputy commander of the Air Force command system, Lieutenant General Robert Bond, was killed while flying a Soviet MIG. The accident occurred in the mountains close to Groom Lake. The authorities could not hide the death of the general, but they also did not want to admit that the United States had a Soviet fighter. The official report stated that Bond crashed in a "specially modified US Air Force aircraft." Experts immediately appeared and “figured out” the plane as “a prototype of a top-secret stealth fighter.” Apparently, it is from those media reports that “legs are growing” about the involvement of the MiG-23 in the F-117 development and testing program. Probably, such flights were carried out, just as they were carried out under other programs, for example the F-15E, but they were of a purely “evaluative” nature. It is not clear which MiG-23 Bond crashed on. After the accident, the area around Groom Lake was classified, and guards were stationed on the road leading to Area 51.

12. Testimony of Bob Lazar

When we imagine aliens, they most likely have a huge head, giant black eyes and a very thin body, right? This quintessential alien image was created by none other than Bob Lazar.
In 1991, he began his report like this: “From the end of 1988 until the spring of 1989, I worked on the propulsion systems of alien aircraft. The development of this problem was carried out for the US government. My place of work was a faculty located on the territory of the Nellis Air Force Base in Central Nevada, in a region known as S-4. Region S-4 is located about 15 miles south of the notorious Test Site 51 at Groom Lake, where the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes were developed. My work here was paid for by the US Air Force. "

Lazar was a physicist; about the aliens he literally reported the following: “The height of the creatures is 3-4 feet, weight - 25-50 pounds. They have grayish skin and large heads with large almond-shaped eyes, long and thin noses, mouths and ears. There is no hair. The creatures They said that they have been periodically visiting the Earth for a long time, and as evidence they presented photographs that, according to them, are more than 10,000 years old."

Unfortunately, it turned out that the physicist Lazar was allegedly found to be somewhat peculiar and his memory was quite blurred. He claimed that the government had erased his memory, and he himself said that he could not prove everything he told the world. But it attracted a lot of attention to Area 51 and brought closer the solution to the mystery of this place.

11. Conclusions Glenn Campbell

Some politicians They demand to know what exactly is happening today in Area 51. But, apparently, the US military does not intend to spend the day open doors. Workers are strictly forbidden from even talking about where they work, but Glenn Campbell, director of the Area 51 Research Center (a private organization), said that six unmarked planes are transported weekly from Las Vegas Airport to Area 51 around 600 employees, using a secret radio frequency for communication. According to him, hundreds of workers and employees of various specialties work in the zone.

10. The Case of Boyd Bushman

Former Area 51 engineer Boyd Bushman became famous for his dying confession about his time at the military base. He spoke in his dying 33-minute video about aliens who arrived on Earth long ago and came into contact with the earth's race, and stated that he was from the Area-51 video.
In his rather strange interview, the scientist also stated that anti-gravity was one of several working technologies that the government is currently hiding. The video recording that caused quite a stir was apparently made shortly before the death of 78-year-old Bushman on August 7, 2014. It was made public quite recently.
Bushman claimed that some Americans work for aliens 24 hours a day. According to him, the aliens arrived from the planet Quintumnia, 68 light years away from Earth. These creatures need only 45 minutes to cover such a huge distance. Boyd also claimed that there was a special flight path to Area 51 from space.

Bushman's video immediately became the subject of criticism and ridicule. Several people have noted that Bushman's photographs of aliens look very similar to the alien dolls sold in stores. Was Bushman delusional or telling the truth? Without a doubt, Bushman himself believed what he said. Back in 2008, he passed a lie detector test. During the test, he claimed to have worked on anti-gravity projects, extraterrestrial technologies, and even met and photographed aliens. He claimed to have examined at least eight different types of alien spacecraft. Boyd's video is called the delirium of an old man out of his mind. But what could prompt a scientist of this level to start inventing tall tales on his deathbed?

9. Canadian Hellier

Paul Hellier, former minister Defense Canada, told the world: "Two aliens are working for the US government." Sensational confessions were made at the “Civil Hearings on Declassification” conference in Washington. A video of his speech went viral on YouTube. His speech basically boils down to the postulate: aliens exist, the military knows about them, and there are living aliens living on Earth at the present time. At least two of them work for the US government.

Paul said: "My interest is in full declassification. The only caveat is that it would probably have to be 95 to 98 percent. I know of one or two things that shouldn't be talked about openly, at least for now."

Unfortunately, the sources from which Hellier draws his confidence about aliens are quite murky and often simply false. UFOs certainly exist, but it is unlikely that things have gone as far as Hellier believes. But there is certainly truth in his words.

8. Special developments

The evidence collected to date about the mysterious “Area 51” allows us to draw up general idea about the highly secret work being carried out there. There are many claims that the CIA is testing foreign DNA on people, and may be working on developing a human-hybrid. Although this sounds completely absurd, there is something that may be a little less crazy. According to whistleblowers, there are cases of reverse engineering.

Initially, in 1955, Area 51 was chosen by the Lockheed aircraft concern to test its top-secret brainchild - the legendary U-2 spy plane. At the beginning of 1977, here, ten years before the official unveiling, the F-117A stealth attack aircraft, developed using Stealth technology, was first flown into the air.

According to Lazar, the program in the S-4 region consisted of three projects. Project "Sidekick" ("Assistant"), within which beam weapons were developed using neutrons focused by special gravitational lenses. Project "Looking Glass" ("Mirror"), allowing you to look into the past. And the project "Galileo" ("Galileo"), which Lazar knew most about. It was about the technology of anti-gravity engines, which belongs to beings from the Zeta Reticuli star system.

In 2004, Dan Burisch (alias Dan Crane) claimed to have been working on cloning alien viruses in Area 51, as well as the J-Rod device, which was intended to teach people how to use telepathic communication. Burish is the subject of much debate.

7. Weather control

One of the most implausible theories about Area 51 involves experiments in weather control. In other words, the suppression, transformation and purposeful creation of certain natural phenomena. A more fantastic story about weather control was told in 2006 by Dr. Hendricks. According to him, this technology became part of a secret war between Russia and the United States: “The hurricane season in 2005 was Russia’s first major success. Think for yourself. The number of tropical storms this year was not only an all-time record, all of these major hurricanes seemingly accidentally damaged our oil production facilities and oil refining centers. I'm afraid this was just the beginning of a growing weather war." He also shared that in America, power lines control the weather (and the aurora antenna field pictured above) and that this is a major cause of global warming.

6. Film studio

Long before the cult television series “The X-Files,” in 1980, the science fiction thriller “Hangar 18,” which tells about the accident, was released on American movie screens. spaceship aliens, which the government hid in an underground bunker under Hangar No. 18 at the secret base "Area 51". There are other variations of the myth about hangar 18. One of them says that it contains the real remains of an alien aircraft, which crashed near Roswell in 1947. Another claims that this is where the underground film studio is located, in which Stanley Kubrick filmed the famous American landing on the moon, where no one actually landed. Well, according to the most dramatic version, it is in Area 51, precisely in Hangar 18, that the unfortunate aliens who have ever been shipwrecked on our planet are languishing in captivity.

5. Classic of the genre: Roswell incident

The Roswell Incident is the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA in July 1947. The wreck of the ship was discovered by local farmers. Beginning in the late 1970s, the incident became the source of intense controversy and conspiracy theories, primarily due to the unclear nature of the object discovered. According to the official position of the US Air Force, the discovered object was a weather balloon used as part of secret program"Mogul".

In various journalistic sources, a popular version is that the object was an extraterrestrial ship, and its pilot was an alien, whom the US government captured and classified. This event has become one of the most famous elements of American pop culture, and because of it, the name of the city of Roswell is often associated with UFOs. The incident was quickly forgotten even by ufologists and remained unknown for 30 years. Then, in 1978, physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the investigation of the events of 1947. Marcel was sure that the military had hidden the discovered alien spaceship. His story became widespread among UFO fans and researchers and was included in several documentaries dedicated to this topic.

According to other witnesses to the incident, the incident was a major military operation, the purpose of which was to reproduce an alien ship. Some witnesses reported attempts at intimidation by US government agencies.

4. Toxic waste

Of course, maybe there are UFOs and aliens, somewhere deep in Area 51, but what about toxic waste? 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl suggested that this is likely, and there must be eyewitnesses who could confirm or deny it.

Last year, a former Area 51 guard claimed that toxic fumes at the site caused him breathing problems for years. He says he needs a device that would force air into his lungs if he stops breathing in his sleep. He hopes his long battle will help other Area 51 employees seek compensation for their health problems.

What toxic substances? we're talking about? Which of them can lead to the development of such problems? According to a former employee, these were substances used for coatings vehicles. Well, what’s the problem? They would help their former employees resolve issues with health insurance. If they are so closed, Area 51, they would at the same time cover their employees with their wing.

3. NASA turned out to have nothing to do with it

In 2016, the head of the US National Space Exploration Office, Charles Bolden, said that the famous Area 51 is used only for the purpose of exploring foreign lands. Bolden denies information that representatives of other planets discovered in this zone are being studied. He emphasized that the only task being solved in the legendary place is the study of samples from foreign lands. The expert added that despite the significant number of foreigners, they can hardly be called aliens. The Chairman of NASA noted that he personally visited Area 51. He associates rumors about the presence of aliens there with the very long experiments in the field of aeronautics that took place here. Bolden himself did not see any UFOs or aliens there. The head of NASA also shared his opinion about possible life beyond Earth. The specialist believes that alien creatures will sooner or later be discovered by humans. Bolden believes that if the find is not made in solar system, it is possibly in billions of other similar systems.

2. Second section?

Many people are saying that a new facility has been built in Dulce, New Mexico. It is one of the most restricted and secluded places on Earth - even more so than Area 51. After all, if Area 51 failed and could not remain hidden, perhaps it would make sense to build a new facility...

1. Area 51 and stealth technology

At least once a month, reports come out in the Middle East about the US military using similar technology. From grainy CCTV footage of soldiers blending into their surroundings, to eyewitness accounts from the Iraqi military, to banned Russian Federation ISIS, chameleon soldiers appear as characters in military folklore. But where could such technology get to the United States? According to leaked reports on the Internet, its development is the focus of the Quantum Stealth project - one of the most ambitious attempts to copy alien technology ever undertaken at Area 51. The goal of scientists is to recreate the electro-optical camouflage that the aliens use for themselves and their ships.

This story, like many of its predecessors, was declared a rumor about ten years ago, but as corroborating reports from war zones and statements about the reality and success of the project from base personnel continue to emerge, it can be considered one of the most plausible stories about Area 51 .

In the desert, not far from the bright and vicious Las Vegas, one of the most intriguing military bases in the world is hidden by dust storms.
Area 51 has always remained a philosopher's stone for every conspiracy theorist. Books, research, feature films So much has been written about this place that they should be given a separate genre.
The very existence of Area 51 was denied by the US government until 2013. According to official speakers, there are no buildings on this site that belong to Uncle Sam. More precisely, it wasn’t. The Freedom of Information Act forced officials to admit the existence of a top-secret test site. True, according to the military, there are no aliens here at all: only test benches for the weapons being tested.

The base really exists

2013 became a landmark year for all conspirators around the world. The government of the United States of America has officially recognized the existence of the so-called “Area 51”. True, official sources never presented any shocking photographs of aliens, yetis and other infernal creatures. It was stated that they were just testing some new weapons here. Of course, no one believed the government.

Official Projects of Area 51

Also in 2013, the US Senate showed the honest taxpayers of the country where exactly their money was spent. Three projects created during the Cold War and one modern development were demonstrated. All three studies concerned air force. This explained the closure of the airspace above the flight zone civil aviation. Journalists became aware of the names of three programs: U-2, OXCART and Have Blue/F-117. Each of them designates top-secret aircraft designed for targeted attacks on strategically important enemy targets.
In addition, information about the existence of the SR-91 Aurora reconnaissance aircraft was indirectly confirmed. It is assumed that this aircraft is capable of suborbital flights. It is also associated with the recently popular stories about the mysterious “Black Triangles”, allegedly repeatedly spotted over the territory of the base.

Roswell incident

In July 1947, the entire population of the small town of Roswell woke up famous. A mysterious flying object crashed not far from the settlement and was immediately seized by the country's security services. For the next thirty years, no one remembered the incident - the CIA worked so quickly. Then, in 1978, an interview with one of the direct participants in the operation, Major Jesse Marcel, was published. He directly stated that his group was responsible for the transportation and safety of both the crashed UFO and its alien pilot. The story of Marseille is still considered by ufologists to be direct evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms - despite all the assurances of the FBI that the cause of the “Roswell Incident” was a very ordinary weather balloon.

Research by Annie Jacobsen

The book by the famous journalist Annie Jacobsen, “Area 51: The Uncensored Story of America's Top-Secret Military Base,” published in 2011, put forward new, even crazier theories about the secret base. The girl collected interviews with 74 witnesses - almost half of the respondents served at one time at the base itself. Most of the book contains only information confirmed by the US Senate about supersonic aircraft projects. Each of the reliable sources describes exactly this data. Having established a certain level of trust in the reader, supported by an abundance of official documents, Jacobsen moves on to the second part of the book.

Aliens of Joseph Stalin

In the second part, Annie Jacobsen declares without a shadow of a doubt that there was no alien invasion. And they were just ordinary soviet people, sent by Joseph Stalin to intimidate the United States. The journalist writes that Stalin was so interested known history about the recitation of “War of the Worlds” on radio in America, which caused real panic among the population that he decided to repeat the experiment.

“Bodies were found inside the crashed aircraft. These were not aliens or ordinary pilots, but people who were used as guinea pigs. Unusually small for pilots, they looked like children. Each of them was under five feet."

On his orders, a reconnaissance aircraft of an unusual shape was sent to the territory of a potential enemy. His team consisted of children mutilated by doctors: hence the archetypal image of aliens with huge heads and inhuman eyes. The Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele, allegedly rescued from Germany on the orders of Stalin, worked on the creation of these creatures. Despite the fact that the whole story is sewn with the purest threads, Jacobsen’s book is a great success in the United States, and the theory she puts forward is considered one of the most reliable.

Area 51 is an anomalous place where a UFO landed back in 1955! The US authorities long denied the existence of the zone, but Soviet intelligence officers managed to establish the opposite! Legend has it that military aircraft were developed at Area 51! But many believe that this is just a cover. The fact that a trace from a flying saucer is visible on the territory of the zone is obvious!

Eyewitnesses claim that black triangles regularly fly out from there.

Those who worked at Area 51 swore never to divulge the secret of what really happened. There is information that tests on living and non-living aliens took place at Area 51. The few surviving photographs testify to this.

The US authorities decided not to attract international attention, hiding behind national security concerns. But, most likely, they were trying to study the design of a flying saucer and create a high-tech military aircraft using secret technology. But it didn't work out for them.

In the summer of 2013, US authorities officially recognized the existence of Area 51, apparently to hush up this story once and for all. Today it is almost impossible to get to it. To get to the main gate of Area 51, you need to go around three checkpoints, 5 km long. But this did not stop ufologists from taking unique photographs and video materials that indicate that communications with extraterrestrial civilizations are taking place over this mysterious place, and that flying saucers are flying. All reliable data is deleted with the assistance of the US government, and photographs are recognized as fakes.

Area 51 is located in the USA, Nevada, coordinates 37°14′06″ N. latitude, 115°48′40″w. d.

History of Area 51

At first, the territory of Area 51 was actually set aside for testing the U-2 military aircraft. But the incredible happened! Already in July 1955, a flying saucer crashed in the vicinity of Area 51. The management was forced to close the project under an incomprehensible pretext. Apparently, research into the spacecraft and its contents has begun at Area 51. But in 1958, authorities began to suspect that spy surveillance was taking place from satellites, and the find would become public knowledge, so they began to seize land to create a perimeter around the zone. In 1962, the airspace expanded. Then the leadership of Area 51 believed that the plate could be lifted into the sky, and perhaps something similar could be built. In 1965, the zone's personnel numbered about 2,000 thousand people - specialists in various fields and workers. They all signed not to divulge the secret. In 1985, all computers and documentation were destroyed. As of 2013, only 355 pages were presented, which were shown to the public as a distraction. After all, the main documentation has disappeared forever. US authorities deny that there was indeed an alien ship at Area 51.

During the entire existence of Area 51, not a single serious test of fighter aircraft was recorded. What such a large number of people were doing in Area 51 is unclear. Every year the boundaries of the zone were increased, but the results of the activities were not convincing. Apparently, the human mind has failed to comprehend foreign technologies.

There are no symbols for it on any map. It was considered the most secret US base. And only at the end of the last century its existence was officially recognized. Area 51. Myths and reality.

Secret base

The area where Area 51 is located is in the state of Nevada.

You can get there by car, but the road there is always deserted. Neither village nor road sign, only huge shields indicating that there is a danger zone ahead. On one side the base is guarded by the military, on the other side it is surrounded by mountains. On its territory there are hangars, the purpose of which is to store launch vehicles. It is believed that the zone contains a research laboratory for the creation of modern nuclear weapons.

Employee stories

One of those who first told about the secrets of the zone was Bob Lazar. In his statements, he claims that the main facility of the base is underground, and this is nothing more than a ufological laboratory for the study of UFOs.

How do scientists obtain information about extraterrestrial civilizations, remains a mystery, but there are a number of assumptions that the data comes from the castaways. There is a theory that the American government is not just hiding information about UFO research, but is directly in contact with them. At the end of the last century, one of the employees of Area 51 made a statement that scientists had placed alien creatures on the territory of the base. Then the American authorities hastened to refute this fact. Even the president himself spoke out and officially recognized the existence of such a test site in Nevada, but categorically denied all rumors about a ufological laboratory. But Clinton's speech only fueled speculation about such research.

Opinions of ufologists and eyewitness accounts

It's no secret that there are people who carefully study UFOs. Their observations suggest that the number has increased sharply in last decades. In addition to statements from former employees, there is evidence from ordinary citizens that zone 51 has become a place for observing strange phenomena and objects. In the 90s of the last century, one of local residents said that it was descending over the territory of the base at a low speed. It hovered several hundred meters above the ground, but as soon as the searchlights illuminated this object, the ball slowly began to rise upward, and then disappeared with lightning speed. Around the same time, only a year later, Area 51 came into focus again. Several bright small objects flashed across the entire territory of the base at high speed. Bob Lazar claims that Area 51 often attracts strange objects. A special device installed on the base begins to vibrate and make noise.

What's really there?

Many believe that there is indeed a base located in Nevada. It is often called that way - area 51. Satellite photos can be seen on any maps. But is there really a hidden scientific laboratory there for studying alien civilizations, and even more so for establishing relations with them? Perhaps rumors about the existence of Area 51 are being spread in order to divert attention from the actual secret bases. If we take Robert Lazar's report as a basis, then the interest in this place is a common advertising ploy, which was made in order to show the superiority of the American people over other countries. But there are still experts who are more than confident that there is a secret laboratory located underground in Area 51. And to this day, every day, a plane delivers about 1,500 workers to this military base, and takes them back in the evening. What they do there remains a mystery.