Thunderstorm all actions.  A.N. Ostrovsky

The events of the play take place in the 19th century, in the fictional town of Kalinov, which is located on the high Volga bank. In the center of events is the family of a local wealthy merchant and, concurrently, the legislator of local morality, Kabanikha. The action takes place in a public garden, on the banks of the Volga, where all the main characters of the play appear on stage. First, the local self-taught mechanic Kulibin discusses the inappropriate behavior of the merchant Dikiy, a rich man and a tyrant, with his young clerk Kudryash and the local man in the street Shapkin. They are joined by Boris, Dikiy’s own nephew, who tells what brought him from Moscow to this wilderness and why he is forced to endure his uncle’s antics. Dikoy promised to give away the due part of his inheritance on the condition that Boris would be respectful to him. Kuligin claims that it is unlikely that Dikoy will agree to voluntarily give the money, and Boris complains that it is difficult for him to get used to the customs that reign both in his uncle’s house and in the city.
Next comes a wanderer who praises the city for its splendor and especially Kabanova’s house. In response to Boris’s question about Kabanova’s family, Kuligin calls her a hypocrite who “gives gifts to the poor and eats their family.”
Kabanova appears, accompanied by her daughter Varvara, a rather lively girl who has learned to hide her feelings from her mother. Son Tikhon, not particularly evil, but completely under the influence of his domineering mother, who in her presence will not say a word against him. Along with him is his wife Katerina, a young, rather pleasant than beautiful, calm girl. She just can’t get used to the strict order in her mother-in-law’s family, where no one can express their opinion and, after her free childhood, the situation in her husband’s family resembles a prison.
While walking along the boulevard, Varvara was able to find out the secret of Katerina, who admits that she really liked Boris, that he is not like everyone else and she feels a kindred spirit in him. Varvara invites her to arrange a date, but Katerina is horrified by this proposal and refuses.
The tension of the situation is aggravated by the beginning of a thunderstorm and the city madman, who, at the sight of young girls, prophesies hellish torment for them, shouting that beauty leads to the pool. All this makes a depressing impression on Katerina, and she hurries home to pray and beg forgiveness for sinful thoughts.
Having accompanied her husband on a trip, offended by the humiliation expressed by her mother-in-law, Katerina agrees to meet Boris on a secret date.
The final action takes place in the garden, where townspeople are walking and ruins are visible with a surviving fresco depicting a fiery hyena and a thunderstorm is about to begin again.
Katerina is unable to get rid of the feeling of guilt for cheating. She publicly throws herself at his feet and confesses her sin, which causes Kabanikha’s anger, Tikhon’s horror and confusion, Varvara’s annoyance, Boris’s regret and the gloating of the townsfolk.
Unable to withstand the feeling of sinfulness for her offense and realizing that no one is going to help and support, Katerina throws herself off the steep Volga cliff. Here it isSummary of the play

Main characters: Savel Prokofievich Dikoy - merchant, significant person in the city; Boris Grigorievich is his nephew, a young man, decently educated; Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha) - a rich merchant's wife, widow; Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov - her son; Katerina, his wife; Varvara, daughter of Kabanikha; The action takes place in the city of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga, in the summer. Ten days pass between the third and fourth acts.

Retelling plan

1. The characters discuss the morals of their city.
2. Relations in the Kabanov family.
3. Conversation between Katerina and Varvara.
4. Tikhon is leaving.
5. Varvara, having learned that Katerina likes Boris, arranges their meeting.
6. Dates between Katerina and Boris. Tikhon arrives.
7. Katerina’s public repentance.
8. The last date of Katerina and Boris.
9. Katerina dies. Tikhon blames his mother for his wife's death.


Action 1

Public garden on the banks of the Volga.

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kudryash and Shapkin are walking. Kuligin admires the Volga. They hear Dikoy scolding his nephew in the distance. They are discussing this. Kudryash says that Boris Grigorievich “got to be a sacrifice to Dikiy,” complains about the obedience of the townsfolk, that there is no one to “suffer” Dikiy in a dark alley “like four or five of us.” Shapkin notes that, in addition to the “scold-wild,” “Kabanikha is also good,” who does the same thing, but under the guise of piety. He adds that it was not for nothing that Dikoy wanted to give Kudryash as a soldier. Kudryash replies that Dikoy is afraid of him, because he understands that he “will not give up his head cheaply.” He regrets that Dikiy does not have adult daughters, otherwise he would “respect” him.

Phenomenon 3

Boris talks about his family and home circumstances. Boris's grandmother (the mother of Dikiy and Boris's father) disliked "daddy" because he married a "noble" woman. The daughter-in-law and mother-in-law did not get along, as the daughter-in-law “felt very wild here.” We moved to Moscow, where we raised our children without denying them anything. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister studied at a boarding school. My parents died due to cholera. A grandmother in the city of Kalinov also died, leaving her grandchildren an inheritance, which their uncle must pay them when they come of age, but only on the condition that they are respectful to him.

Kuligin notes that neither Boris nor his sister will see an inheritance, since nothing will stop Dikiy from saying that they were disrespectful: “Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel!” Boris does “what he is ordered to do,” but does not receive a salary—they will pay him back at the end of the year, as Dikiy wishes. All the household are afraid of the Wild One - he scolds everyone, but no one dares to answer him. Kudryash recalls how Dikoy was scolded by a hussar on the ferry, to whom he could not respond in kind, and how Dikoy then took his anger out on his family for several days. Boris says that he can’t get used to the local order.

The wanderer Feklusha appears: “Bla-alepie, dear, blah-alepie! Wonderful beauty! What can I say! You live in the promised land! Feklusha blesses the “pious people,” and especially the “house of the Kabanovs.” Kuligin says about Kabanikha that she is a “hypocrite”, “she gives money to the poor, but she completely eats up her family.” Then he adds that for the general benefit he is looking for a perpetuum mobile (perpetual motion machine), wondering where he can get money for a model.

Phenomenon 4

Boris (alone) says about Kuligin that he good man, “he dreams for himself and is happy.” He grieves that he will have to waste his youth in this wilderness, that he is “driven, downtrodden, and yet he foolishly decided to fall in love.”

Phenomenon 5

Katerina, Varvara, Tikhon and Kabanikha appear. The boar nags her son: his wife is dearer to him than his mother, try the mother-in-law, “you can’t please your daughter-in-law with some word, so the conversation started that the mother-in-law is completely fed up.” Tikhon tries to dissuade her. Katerina enters into the conversation: “You’re talking about me, Mama, in vain. Whether in front of people or without people, I’m still alone, I don’t prove anything of myself.” Kabanikha interrupts her and blames Tikhon for not keeping his wife at bay. Tikhon replies: “Why should she be afraid of me? It’s enough for me that she loves me.” Kabanova reproaches her son for “deciding to live by his own will.” He replies: “Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will?” Kabanova notes that if you don’t keep your wife in fear, she can take a lover.

Phenomenon 6

Tikhon reproaches Katerina that he always gets it from his mother because of her. Left unattended by Kabanikha, Tikhon goes to the tavern.

Phenomenon 7

Katerina and Varvara. Katerina: “Why don’t people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That’s how she would run up, raise her arms and fly...” She remembers that golden time when she lived with her parents: watering flowers, embroidering, going with her mother, pilgrims and pilgrims to church. She had extraordinary dreams in which “invisible voices” sang, she smelled of cypress... Katerina tells Varvara that she feels as if she is standing in front of an abyss, sensing trouble. She admits that she has sin on her mind: “It’s as if I’m starting to live again, or... I don’t know anymore...” Varvara promises that after Tikhon leaves, she will come up with something. Katerina shouts: “No! No!"

Phenomenon 8

A half-crazy lady appears with two lackeys, shouts that beauty leads to the abyss, to the pool, points to the Volga, threatens fiery hell.

Phenomenon 9

Katerina is scared. Varvara calms her down, says that the lady “has sinned all her life from a young age... that’s why she’s afraid to die.” Thunderstorm, it starts to rain. Katerina gets scared, she and Varvara run away.

Act 2

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 2

Katerina tells Varvara about how she was offended in some way as a child and she ran out to the Volga, got into a boat, and in the morning she was found about ten miles away. “I was born this way, hot...” Then he admits to Varvara that he loves Boris. Varvara says that he also likes Katerina, but it’s a pity that he has nowhere to see each other. Katerina gets scared and screams that she won’t trade her Tisha for anyone. She says about herself: “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything.” Varvara argues with her: “In my opinion, do whatever you want, as long as it’s safe and covered.” Katerina: “I don’t want it that way. And what good!.. If I get tired of being here, they won’t hold me back with any force... I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the Volga...” Varvara notices that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she will sleep in the gazebo, calling Katerina with me.

Phenomenon 3

Kabanikha and Tikhon enter, getting ready to go on the road. Kabanikha tells him to tell his wife how to live without him: “Tell her not to be rude to her mother-in-law. So that the mother-in-law honors her as her own mother! So that you don’t stare at the windows!” Tikhon repeats her words almost verbatim, but they sound not like an order, but like a request. Kabanikha and Varvara leave.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina asks Tikhon not to leave. He replies: “If my mother sends me, how can I not go!” Katerina then asks to take her with her. Tikhon refuses: that he needs a break from scandals and everyone at home. Katerina begs her husband to take a terrible oath from her, falls to her knees in front of him, he picks her up, doesn’t listen, says that it’s a sin.

Phenomenon 5

Kabanikha, Varvara and Glasha arrive. Tikhon leaves, Katerina throws herself on her husband’s neck, and Kabanova reproaches her: “Why are you hanging on your neck, shameless one! You are not saying goodbye to your lover. Bow down at your feet!”

Phenomenon 6

The boar is alone. He complains that the old days show that there is no longer the former respect for the elderly. Young people, in her opinion, don’t know how to do anything, but they also want to live by their own will.

Phenomenon 7

Kabanikha reproaches Katerina for not saying goodbye to her husband properly. “Another good wife, having seen her husband off, howls for an hour and a half and lies on the porch, but you, apparently, are doing nothing.” Katerina replies that she doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to make people laugh.

Phenomenon 8

Katerina alone complains that she has no children. She regrets that she did not die in childhood, dreams of peace, at least in a cemetery.

Phenomenon 9

Varvara tells Katerina that she asked to sleep in the garden, where there is a gate, the key to which Kabanikha usually hides, then adds that she took away this key and put another one in its place. Gives this key to Katerina. Katerina shouts: “Don’t! No!”, but he takes the key.

Phenomenon 10

Katerina is tormented, argues with herself, wants to throw the key, but then hides it in her pocket: “Even if I die, I can see him... Whatever happens, I’ll see Boris! Oh, if only the night could come sooner!..”

Act 3

The street at the gate of the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha tells Kabanikha that the last times have come, that in other cities there is “sodom”: noise, running around, incessant driving. He says that in Moscow everyone is in a hurry, that they are “harnessing a fiery serpent,” etc. Kabanova agrees with Feklusha and declares that she will never go there under any circumstances.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy appears. Kabanova asks why he’s wandering around so late? Dikoy is drunk and argues with Kabanikha, who rebuffs him: “Don’t let your throat loose!” Dikoy asks her for forgiveness, explains that he was angry in the morning: the workers began to demand payment of the money owed to them. He complains about his temper, which gets him so bad that he then has to ask for forgiveness “from the very last guy.” Leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris sighs about Katerina. Kuligin appears, admires the weather, the beautiful places, then adds that “the town is lousy,” that “they made a boulevard, but they don’t walk.” The poor have no time to walk, but the rich sit behind closed gates, dogs guard the house so that no one sees how they rob orphans, relatives, and nephews. Kudryash and Varvara appear and kiss. Kudryash leaves, followed by Kuligin.

Phenomenon 4

Varvara makes an appointment for Boris in the ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden.

Phenomena 1, 2

Night, ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden. Kudryash plays the guitar and sings a song about a free Cossack. Boris appears and tells Kudryash that he loves a married woman, who, when she prays in church, looks like an angel. Kudryash guesses that this is “young Kabanova,” says that “there is something to congratulate,” remarks: “Even though her husband is a fool, her mother-in-law is painfully fierce.”

Phenomenon 3

Varvara arrives, she and Kudryash go for a walk. Boris and Katerina are left alone. Katerina: “Get away from me!.. I can’t forgive this sin, I’ll never forgive it!” She accuses Boris of ruining her and is afraid of the future. Boris urges her not to think about the future: “It’s enough that we feel good now.” Katerina admits that she loves Boris.

Scenes 4 and 5

Kudryash and Varvara come and ask if the lovers have gotten along. Curly praises the idea of ​​climbing through the garden gate. After some time, Boris and Katerina return. Having agreed on a new date, everyone leaves.

Act 4

A narrow gallery of a building that has begun to collapse, on the walls of which scenes of the Last Judgment are depicted.

Phenomena 1, 2

It's raining, people running into the gallery and discussing the images on the walls. Kuligin and Dikoy appear. Kuligin is trying to persuade Dikiy to donate money to install a sundial on the boulevard and to make a lightning rod. He swaggers over Kuligin: “If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush him.” Kuligin leaves with nothing, muttering to himself that he must submit.

Phenomenon 3

Boris and Varvara are discussing latest news- Tikhon arrived. Varvara reports that Katerina “simply became not herself... She’s trembling all over, as if she had a fever; so pale, rushing around the house, as if looking for something. The eyes are like those of a madwoman!” Varvara is afraid that she will “thump at her husband’s feet and tell everything.” The storm starts again.

Phenomenon 4

Kabanikha, Tikhon, Katerina and Kuligin appear. Katerina is frightened by the thunderstorm, considering it God's punishment that must fall on her. She notices Boris, gets even more scared, and is taken away. Kuligin addresses the crowd: a thunderstorm is not punishment, but grace, there is no need to be afraid of it. Boris comes out and takes Kuligin away with the words: “Come on, it’s scary here.”

Phenomenon 5

Katerina hears people remarking that the thunderstorm is not without reason and that it will definitely kill someone. She is sure that he will kill her and asks to pray for her.

Phenomenon 6

A crazy lady appears with two footmen. He calls on Katerina not to hide, not to be afraid of God’s punishment, to pray that God will take away her beauty: “into the pool with beauty!” Katerina imagines fiery hell, she tells her family everything and repents. Kabanikha triumphs: “This is what the will leads to!”

Action 5

Decoration for the first act. Twilight.

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench. Tikhon appears and says that he went to Moscow, drank all the way, “so that he could take a break for a whole year,” but never remembered about home. He complains about his wife’s betrayal, says that it’s not enough to kill her, it is necessary, as his mother advises, to bury her alive in the ground. Then he admits that he feels sorry for Katerina - “he beat me a little, and even then my mother ordered it.” Kuligin advises him to forgive Katerina and never mention her betrayal. Tikhon reports that Dikoy is sending Boris to Siberia for three years, supposedly on business, and says that Varvara ran away with Kudryav. Glasha appears and reports that Katerina has disappeared somewhere.

Phenomenon 2

Katerina appears. She wants to see Boris to say goodbye to him. She grieves that she “put him and herself into trouble,” that human justice is hard, that it would be easier for her if she were executed. Boris enters.

Phenomenon 3

Boris reports that he is being sent to Siberia. Katerina asks to take her with him, says that her husband drinks, that he hates her, that for her his caresses are worse than beatings. Boris looks around, afraid: “As if they might find us here,” he replies: “I can’t, Katya! It’s not of my own free will that my uncle sends me.” Katerina understands that her life is over, turns to Boris: “You go dear, don’t let a single beggar pass by; Give it to everyone, and order them to pray for my sinful soul.” Boris replies that it is also difficult for him to part with Katerina. Leaves.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina doesn’t know where to go: “Why go home, what to the grave!.. It’s better in the grave... And people are disgusting to me, and the house is disgusting to me, and the walls are disgusting! I won’t go there!” Approaches the shore: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!"

Phenomenon 5

Kabanikha, Tikhon and Kuligin appear. Kuligin claims that they “saw” Katerina here. Kabanikha turns Tikhon against his wife. People from the shore are screaming: a woman has thrown herself into the water. Kuligin runs to the rescue.

Phenomenon 6

Tikhon tries to run after Kuligin, Kabanikha does not let him in, says that he will curse him if he goes. Kuligin and his people bring dead Katerina: she threw herself from a high bank and crashed.

Phenomenon 7

Kuligin: “Here’s your Katerina. Do what you want with her! Her body is here, take it; but the soul is now not yours, it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!” Tikhon envies his deceased wife: “Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay to live and suffer!..”

The drama "The Thunderstorm" began in the summer of 1859. It was completed in October. This work is included in school curriculum, and many will be interested in reading brief retelling plays “The Thunderstorm” by N. Ostrovsky. This describes the situation in society that actually existed at that time. Representatives of the old, established way of life and those who sought to live in a new way entered into an irreconcilable conflict among themselves. And, of course, the main one storyline The work is an unhappy love.

In "The Thunderstorm" he talks about the life of a separate family - the Kabanovs. Katerina is married to Tikhon, but unexpectedly she meets a young man who recently arrived in the city - Boris . This situation becomes fatal for the girl. You can learn more about the fate of Katya Kabanova and other heroes by reading summary plays "The Thunderstorm" based on actions.

Main characters:

  • Katerina is a young woman. She is married and seems to be the epitome of virtue. Katerina is very modest and meek. The girl takes everything that happens around her to heart and hates injustice.
  • Tikhon - husband main character. He is a weak-willed and uninitiative person. Lives according to his mother's instructions.
  • Boris is the man with whom the main character falls in love. This is an educated and interesting young man who comes to the city of Kalinov to visit his uncle.
  • Marfa Kabanova is the widow of a wealthy merchant and Katerina's mother-in-law. She is very domineering and selfish by nature. She puts pressure on her daughter-in-law, trying to force her to obey.

There are other characters in the play - Tikhon's sister Varvara and her beloved man, Boris's uncle Savel Prokofievich, the tradesman Kuligin, who is interested in science, and the girl Feklusha, who spends her life wandering.

Thunderstorm. A.N. Ostrovsky (brief analysis)

Drama "Thunderstorm" briefly

Let's look at the play briefly, action by action.

Action 1

At the beginning of the work, we witness an argument between two characters - Kuligin and Kudryash. The first one admires nature. And Kudryash says that he is indifferent to the beauty around him. Suddenly the men notice Boris and Saul the Wild. The latter is clearly angry about something - he is actively waving his hands.

It turns out that Dikoy is not at all happy about his nephew’s arrival. He doesn't want to communicate with him. Boris also seems not too pleased with the meeting with his relative. But this is the only one close person, who is still alive.

In addition, the young man has a material interest. Some time ago, Boris’s grandmother died. She bequeathed him a substantial sum of money. But Savel Prokofievich does not want to give this money.

Kudryash, Kuligin and Boris talk about Dikiy’s bad character. In addition, the newcomer admits that the move was not easy for him. He doesn’t know anyone in the new city, and he’s not familiar with the local customs. Kuligin says that Kalinov is not the best city to live. The fact is that it is impossible to “make” a fortune in an honest way here. But if he had money, he would spend the money on creating a “perpetual motion machine.” Suddenly a wanderer appears next to the heroes, who speaks very flatteringly about life in the town and the merchants. She calls this place the “promised land.”

Boris says that he feels sorry for Kuligin. The man believes that the goals of his new comrade are unrealistic. He wants to create something incredibly useful for society, but it is unlikely that he will be able to do it. Boris also feels sorry for himself - he ended up in the outback, and even fell in love. The object of the young man's affection is Katerina. Boris met her in Kalinov, but he didn’t even get a chance to talk to the girl.

Tikhon, out of habit, agrees with his mother in everything, despite the fact that he is tired of being under her thumb. The boar is unhappy. She believes that her wife has become more important to Tikhon than herself. The mother demands that her son admit this. She also claims that Tikhon will soon completely lose respect for her.

The son's young wife objects to her. He says that this is not so at all - Tikhon’s mother is still the most important person. This does not reassure Kabanikha. She begins to be even more indignant. Calls himself a “nuisance” in their family. But she doesn't speak sincerely. Rather, Marfa likes to be convinced otherwise. Kabanikha says that her son’s character is too soft, and this is bad - his wife will not be afraid of him.

When Kabanikha leaves, Tikhon begins to complain about his mother. Varvara says that he deserves such an attitude towards himself. Tikhon, as a result, goes to Savel Prokofievich to drown out his feelings with alcohol.

Varvara and Katerina are left alone. They are talking. Katya admits that sometimes she compares herself to a bird. Previously, she lived in freedom. She was free and happy. Now she feels “withered.” He admits that he does not feel love for Tikhon. She suffers and feels that her life will soon end. The sister-in-law is worried about her daughter-in-law. She decides to somehow brighten up her life and introduce her to another man.

Next, the Lady appears on the stage. She points to the Volga and says that Katya’s beauty can lead her into the pool. The girls do not believe in the “predictions” of the Lady. True, the main character feels anxious.

Tikhon returns and takes his wife into the house.

Act 2

Varvara is worried about her daughter-in-law. She thinks that the girl was married off too early, so she is suffering.

And Katya feels sorry for her husband, but does not feel anything more for him. Varvara talks about the need to hide the truth. For their family, lying is normal. This way of life kills the main character. She says that she would rather leave her husband.

Tikhon needs to leave the city for a couple of weeks. He says goodbye to his loved ones and asks his wife not to upset her mother. He speaks, of course, in the words of Marfa Ignatievna.

Kabanikha warns her daughter-in-law not to look at other men. This insults the girl. She asks her husband to take her with him or not to leave at all. The main character feels that something bad is going to happen.

Tikhon bows at his mother's feet, as she orders. She says that Katerina should not hug her husband and become equal to him. As a result, the girl bows at her husband’s feet. The mother-in-law grumbles and says that the younger generation does not know the rules of decency.

Left alone, Katya thinks that she would like to have children. The girl also dreams of finding a job or doing sewing.

Varvara goes for a walk and says that she changed the lock on the gate in the garden. She hopes that her daughter-in-law will decide to meet Boris. But Katerina doesn't want to. She likes the young man, but she cannot go against the bonds of marriage.

Boris also does not want to go against family values. He is also not sure that his new acquaintance is in love with him, but the young man really wants to see her again.

Act 3

A drunken Dikoy enters the Kabanovs' house. He says that he wants to talk to Marfa Ignatievna. He says that everyone needs money from him. Complains about Boris, who annoys Dikiy.

Boris is looking for his uncle. He is worried that he cannot communicate with Katerina. While walking he meets Varvara. The girl tells him where Borya can meet Katya.

Katerina meets Boris on the shore. She is very agitated and asks the young man to leave. He tries to calm her down. The girl gives in to her feelings and rushes into Bori’s arms. She says that she will not be afraid of people judging her. Lovers tell each other about their feelings. Katya's husband unexpectedly arrives.

Act 4

Ten days have passed. Residents of the town of Kalinov walk along the gallery, not far from the Volga. A thunderstorm is brewing. Dikoy and Kuligin are arguing. Savel Prokofievich does not want to help Kuligin support his projects. Kuligin proposes to build a lightning rod to generate electricity. Dikoy calls the scientist a worm.

The stage is empty. All you can hear is the sound of thunder.

The main character feels that she will soon pass away. Tikhon sees that something is wrong with his wife and tells her to repent of her actions. Varvara breaks off this conversation.

Borya appears and greets Kabanov. Katerina turns pale in surprise. Varvara gestures for the young man to leave so that Marfa Ignatievna does not suspect anything.

Residents of the town discuss the approaching thunderstorm. Kuligin calms them down and says that they should not be afraid of the elements. Katerina feels that she will become a victim of a thunderstorm and tells her husband about this. Varvara asks the girl to calm down, and her husband says that she just needs to go home.

The Lady comes on stage and tells Katerina that you can’t hide from God. With her beauty, it’s better to quickly get into the pool. Katya, in despair, opens her heart to her mother-in-law and husband. She admits that she dated another man for ten days.

Action 5

Tikhon discusses Katerina’s misconduct with Kuligin. He would forgive his wife, but he is afraid of his mother's anger. She wants to bury her daughter-in-law alive. It turns out that Varvara ran away from home with Kudryash.

The main character has disappeared. The maid Glasha tells everyone about this. They are looking for a girl.

Katerina asked Boris for a meeting. She is worried about what happened, the man talks to Katya affectionately. But he says that he needs to leave the city. Katerina replies that he should give alms to the poor in memory of her. Despite the strange words of her lover, Katya’s chosen one leaves.

Important! Left alone, the girl rushes into the Volga from the shore.

Kabanov comes running to the screams of passers-by. He wants to jump after his wife, but Kabanov’s mother stops him. Kuligin takes Katya's body out of the water. He tells the Kabanovs that now they can do whatever they want with him. But the girl’s soul is already far from them. Free. And she is before that judge who is more merciful than the unfortunate family. In the finale, Tikhon says that Katya feels good now. And he will live on and suffer.


Nikolai Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" was greeted by society, theater and literary critics quite vigorously. Interestingly, the main character has a prototype. This is the famous theater actress Lyubov Kositskaya. It was she who played this role on stage in the future. Ostrovsky admitted that it was for her that he wrote this play. The girl’s talent left an indelible impression on him. Reading a summary of the play will help you quickly find out what its meaning is. But in order to appreciate the work, it is better to study the original.

Ostrovsky A N - Thunderstorm summary

A.N. Ostrovsky. "Storm". Summary

Drama in Five Acts (1859)

Act one

Boris Grigorievich, a young man, decently educated, came from Moscow to the city of Kalinov to visit his uncle, Savel Prokofievich Dikiy, in the hope of receiving an inheritance. According to his grandmother’s will, Boris must be “respectful” to his uncle - only if this condition is met will he receive a share of the inheritance - his and his sister’s. However, not only does the nephew do housework and get nothing, his uncle constantly scolds him and calls him a “parasite.” Boris tells the townspeople Kuligin and Shapkin about all this, who turned out to be unintentional witnesses to yet another scandal caused by Dikoy. Kuligin, “a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker,” confirms

that Savel Prokofich is known to everyone in the city for his tough temper and greed, “no one dares say a word about his salary.” In general, in the city of Kalinov there are “cruel morals” and “nothing but rudeness and stark poverty” can be found here. Kuligin himself dreams of inventing a perpetual motion machine, or, as he says, a “perpetu-mobile,” receiving a million-dollar bonus from the British for it, and spending it “for society.”

Left alone, Boris laments his difficult life. In addition to all his misfortunes, he fell in love with a married woman in Kalinova - Katerina Kabanova.

The merchant's daughter Katerina got married and lives in the house of her husband Tikhon Kabanov and his mother Marfa Ignatievna, whom everyone calls Kabanikha behind her back. Kabanikha’s house, surrounded by a high fence, ignorance and “cruel morals” reign here, are preserved

Domostroi rules: unquestioning obedience to elders, strictness towards younger ones, who should not “live by their own will.” But the main thing is the conviction that the family must be “kept in the storm,” i.e. under threat of punishment, everyone should be afraid of the owner or mistress of the house. Kabanikha constantly reproaches her son Tikhon for the fact that his wife is not afraid of him.

Katerina Kabanova does not like life in this family. Here only Varvara, Tikhon’s sister, understands and “sorries” her. In a conversation with Varvara, Katerina recalls how

She lived well “with the girls” in her parents’ house, where the routine was the same as the Kabanovs’, but everything was done with soul. Katerina loved to pray in church, embroider on velvet, and listen to the stories of wanderers. “How frisky I was! I’m completely withered,” says Katerina. And she admits that “sin is on her mind.” She fell in love: “It’s not good, it’s terrible sin“Varenka, why do I love someone else?” - asks Katerina.

During this conversation, “a lady with two footmen, an old woman of 70 years old, half crazy” appears in the garden. Seeing the young women, she knocks with a stick and “prophesies” that beauty will destroy them, lead them into sin, for which they will be “on fire.” burn unquenchable!” Varvara

she just laughs at the crazy old woman, and Katerina gets scared, she is afraid of punishment for her sins, “for evil thoughts.” Even thunderclouds in the sky frighten her as a harbinger of punishment, hellfire.

Act two

In the Kabanovs' house, where ancient rituals and ceremonies are observed, wanderers are traditionally received. While Katerina’s husband Tikhon is being prepared for the journey, the wanderer Feklusha talks about what she heard from others: about the lands where “salgans” rule:

unrighteous, “where are all the people with dog heads.” Katerina talks alone with Varvara, reveals to her that she is suffering a lot: she loves Boris, but must remain faithful to her husband. Loving a stranger is a sin. However, feelings are stronger than beliefs,

Katerina is afraid that she won’t be able to cope with herself and decides that if she can’t forget Boris, she will do “something on herself”: she will leave home or rush to the Volga: “I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me.” .

But now everything is ready for the journey, and the family says goodbye to Tikhon in the same way, as Kabanikha points out, “in the old-fashioned way.” Katerina promises him not to see anyone and not to think about anyone else, and swears: otherwise “I’ll die without repentance...” Tikhon is glad that

will be “of his own free will,” and therefore inattentive to his wife. But Kabanikha reproaches her for violating the farewell ritual, for sincerely expressing her feelings.

After Tikhon leaves, Varvara goes for a walk and tells Katerina that “mama” (Kabanikha) allowed them to spend the night in the garden. And he gives Katerina the key to the gate, through which you can leave the garden without the family noticing. Left alone, Katerina must

He doubts whether to throw away the key or leave her, because Boris may come to the gate, whom Varvara will warn. Then she will not be able to resist her feelings and will sin. In the end, she decides: “At least I should die and see him... Come what may.”

it will be, and I will see Boris! Oh, may the night come soon!”

Act three

Kabanikha sits on a bench near her house and talks with Feklusha, who talks about the “busy life” in Moscow, that there “for the sake of speed” “they began to harness a fiery kite” and that “ hard times have arrived,” now even time is “getting shorter and shorter.” Kabanikha agrees with the wanderer. Dikoy approaches them. He complains about his employees, who upset him by demanding money, but he doesn’t want to pay, because “just mention money to me, it ignites my entire inner being.” But Kabanikha knows that by “bringing himself into the heart,” that is, by starting to make trouble, Dikoy simply scares away those to whom he owes it, so that they do not approach him, the “angry one.”

At night, near the gate to the Kabanovs’ garden, Boris and Vanya Kudryash meet, a young man, Dikiy’s clerk. Boris admits that he is in love with a married woman. Kudryash advises him to forget her so as not to ruin her, because in Kalinov the people are like this:

“They will eat them, they will hammer them into the coffin.” When did Kudryash realize that we're talking about about Katerina, he warns: “... even though her husband is a fool, her mother-in-law is painfully fierce.”

Katerina comes out of the garden through the gate. Boris confesses his love to her. For Katerina, this is a harbinger of her “death,” but she does not have the strength to push away his love. Realizing that co-

commits the grave sin of betraying her husband, she repeats that now she can no longer live, that Boris “ruined her, ruined her, ruined her!” Unable to cope with her feelings, Katerina confesses to Boris that she herself fell in love with him at first sight , as soon as she saw that she was ready to go with him “even to the ends of the world.”

The young people meet during the ten days that Tikhon Kabanov is absent from Kaliyovo.

Act four

Citizens strolling along the Volga embankment take shelter from the beginning rain in a covered gallery. This also includes Dikoy and Kulitin. Kuligin persuades the merchant to donate to the construction of a lightning rod - this “will benefit all ordinary people in general.” Dikoy does not consider it necessary to even discuss this and, turning to Kuligin, expresses his position in life: “You are a worm. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush). They argue about what a thunderstorm is. Kuligin claims that this is electricity, the shock of which can be avoided with the help of a lightning rod, and Dikoy believes that the thunderstorm is “sent to us as punishment.”

Varvara enters the same gallery. Here she meets Boris, to whom she tells that Tikhon has returned. Katerina is now “not herself”, she’s still “thrashing about” and crying, she might “do such things... she’ll fall at her husband’s feet and tell everything.” Varvara and Boris are afraid of a scandal. A thunderstorm begins. Several more people enter the gallery, among them the Kabanovs. Katerina is so afraid of thunderstorms that even strangers notice. Kabanikha suspects that there is a reason for this - a great sin. Tikhon believes that his wife is “naturally afraid,” which is typical for the residents of Kalinov. Kuligin tries to dispel fear

fellow citizens: “Now every grass, every flower is rejoicing, but we are hiding, afraid, as if some kind of misfortune! The thunderstorm will kill! This is not a thunderstorm, but grace! However, the townspeople

They continue to wonder “who will be killed” by this thunderstorm.

Katerina has a presentiment that she will kill her. Then a half-crazed lady appears and repeats her threats and prophecies. Katerina is hiding from the old woman, she is barely alive from

fear. On Varvara’s advice to step aside to pray, she kneels down and suddenly notices that on the wall of the gallery is depicted “fiery Gehenna” (hellish

fire). Seeing in this another omen and call to repentance, Katerina turns to her husband in front of the whole company and repents to him and his mother for

that she broke her oath and walked with Boris all ten nights while her husband was not at home. There is a clap of thunder and Katerina “falls unconscious in her husband’s arms.”

Act five

On the way home, Tikhon meets with Kuligin and talks about how at his home “the whole family was torn apart. Not just relatives, but definitely each other’s enemies.” His mother “eats” Katerina, but he feels sorry for her, he still loves her, despite the betrayal. Tikhon believes that his mother is “the reason for everything.” She is very cool and “tyrants” her family. Even her own daughter, Varvara, left home with Kudryash. Boris is in charge

The student is sent “to Tyakhta, to the Chinese” for three years. The maid Glasha appears and tells Tikhon that Katerina has disappeared and cannot be found. Everyone leaves together to look for the fugitive.

Meanwhile, Katerina quietly wanders through the garden on the banks of the Volga. She talks to herself about how long she will suffer, why she should live now, that her only joy, soul, life is her beloved. Then, approaching the shore, he loudly calls Boris at the top of his voice.

After all, she feels bad and hard at home. “Who knew that we would have to suffer so much for our love,” Boris answers, saying goodbye forever. As he leaves, he says with tears

to himself: “There is only one thing we need to ask God for, that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time!”

Left alone, Katerina thinks about where to go. Going home is like going to the grave. And she doesn’t want to live. Everything disgusts her: people, the house, and the walls. “I wish I could die now,” she thinks. But he remembers that suicide is a sin, that you cannot pray for suicides. “He who loves will pray...” she finally decides, and shouting: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" leaves.

After some time, people with lanterns gather on the shore, looking for Katerina. Among them are the Kabanovs, Kuligin, and workers. “What, did you sew it?” someone asks. Kabanikha replies that Katerina “has definitely failed.” Suddenly a voice is heard from afar: “The woman threw herself into the water!” Tikhon guessed: “Fathers, that’s her!” - and wants to run with the others to pull his wife out of the water, but his mother does not let him: “I’ll be damned if you go.” The Kabanovs remain in place.

5 / 5. 1

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin, Shapkin and Kudryash are walking. During the conversation, they see the merchant Dikoy scolding his nephew. They begin to discuss Diky’s tough temperament, that he likes to scold people. Kudryash boasts that he is not afraid of the merchant and, if there were more young guys, he would teach him a lesson. Shapkin and Kuligin doubt it. At this time, their uncle and nephew approach them.

Phenomenon 2

Savel Prokofievich scolds Boris for being idle. The young man replies that he has nothing to do on the holiday. Dikoy leaves in an irritated mood.

Phenomenon 3

Kuligin asks Boris why he tolerates this attitude and won’t leave. Boris says that his grandmother left him and his sister a will that his uncle should pay them the portion bequeathed to them. But on the condition that they will be respectful to him. Kuligin believes that the brother and sister will not receive anything. The young man replies that he tolerates such treatment not for himself, but for his sister. Dikoy treats him harshly, like everyone else.

At this time the people are coming from Vespers. Shapkin and Kudryash leave. Kuligin talks about the philistinism as a rude, poor society, that a person like Boris will never get used to it. At this time, the wanderer Feklusha passes by and wishes bounty for the Kabanovs’ house. Kuligin says that Kabanova only helps such wanderers, but she completely eats her family. The man, dreaming of a perpetu mobile, leaves.

Phenomenon 4

Boris's monologue about his difficult situation: a difficult life with his uncle and love for a married woman with whom he cannot even talk, but only watch her leave the church with her family.

Phenomenon 5

Kabanova tells her son what to do and complains that Tikhon prefers his wife than his mother. Tikhon tries to dissuade her, but the woman continues to say something else. Katerina tries to protect her husband, but her mother-in-law is rude to her. The young woman doesn’t understand why she doesn’t love her, and Tikhon tries to convince his mother that he loves them both. Kabanova says that he can only be a nurse, that his wife has neither respect nor fear for him. And if this doesn’t apply to her husband, then even more so to her, and therefore there will be no order in the house. Having gotten excited, Kabanova leaves.

Phenomenon 6

Kabanov attacks his wife because of her, he gets it from his mother. Varvara, his sister, stands up for Katerina. Tikhon goes to Dikiy’s for a drink.

Phenomenon 7

Varvara feels sorry for Katerina. She talks about her childhood, that everyone loved her, spoiled her, and that most of all she liked going to church and singing prayers. Katerina shares with Varya the thought of imminent death. The girl tries to calm her down, but Katerina admits to her that she is a sinner because she fell in love with someone else. Varvara wants to help her.

Phenomenon 8

An old lady approaches the girls and prophesies to them that beauty will lead them to the very pool of the Volga. After that she leaves.

Phenomenon 9

Katerina was very frightened by the old woman’s prediction. Varvara says that this is all nonsense. A thunderstorm is brewing. Katerina admits that she is afraid not so much of a thunderstorm as of death, which could suddenly catch her with all her sins. The girls see Kabanov and rush to the house.

Act 2

Phenomenon 1

Glasha, the Kabanovs' maid, is packing her owner's things for the trip. Feklusha enters and tells her about distant countries ruled by different saltans. After talking with Glasha, she leaves.

Phenomenon 2

Varvara and Katerina enter, Glasha takes her things and leaves. Varvara asks Katerina for the name of the man she loves. The girl admits to her that it is Boris. Varvara invites her to see Boris secretly, Katerina refuses. She wants to stay away from these meetings as long as she can, and if she gets tired of everything at home, she will run away anywhere, even throw herself into the Volga. Varya invites her to sleep in the gazebo. Katerina doubts and waits for Tikhon.

Phenomenon 3

Enter Kabanov and Kabanova. Kabanova tells her son to give his wife orders and, upon returning, ask how she carried them out. Tikhon, embarrassed, gives orders to Katerina. Kabanova, calling her daughter with her, leaves, leaving Tikhon and Katerina.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina asks Tikhon to take her with him. Tikhon refuses, saying that he wants to take a break from her and his mother. The woman asks her to promise that she will not talk to any man. Kabanov says that this is of no use, but Katerina persists. At this time, Kabanova’s voice is heard.

Phenomenon 5

Relatives see Tikhon off. Kabanova makes sure that everything is done as expected. Kabanov leaves.

Phenomenon 6

Kabanova, left alone, talks about young people’s ignorance of customs and practices. The decline of antiquity is taking place, the young people don’t know how to do anything, and it’s a shame to look at them. Kabanova is glad that she won’t see anything left of the order.

Phenomenon 7

Katerina and Varvara enter. Kabanova shames Katerina for not howling on the porch after her husband left. Katerina replies that this is of no use and she doesn’t know how. Varvara goes for a walk, followed by Kabanova.

Phenomenon 8

Monologue of Katerina. The woman thinks about how to pass the time until her husband arrives and decides to take up sewing and give it to the poor so that they will pray for her and pass the time until Kabanov returns.

Phenomenon 9

Varvara, getting ready for a walk, gives Katerina the key to the gate and promises to tell Boris to come there in the evening. Katerina gets scared and asks the girl not to do this. Varya says that she will need him too, and goes for a walk.

Phenomenon 10

Katerina, left alone, talks about what a hopeless, difficult life she has. Holding the key in her hand, she thinks about throwing it away, but hearing some steps, she hides it in her pocket. Katerina decides that so be it and wants to see Boris.

Act 3

Scene one

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha and Kabanova are sitting on the bench, talking. Feklusha talks about Moscow, how noisy it has become, all the people are in a hurry, they don’t respect ancient customs. Kabanova agrees with her that the old days are gradually leaving. Dikoy approaches them.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy begins to talk rudely to Kabanova. Kabanova wants to leave, but he stops her and asks her to talk to him. Dikoy says that he is drunk and only Kabanova can make him talk. The merchant complains that his nature is to offend people and be angry with them. Kabanova says that he does this on purpose so that no one will approach him. At this time Glasha says that the snacks are ready, and they go into the house. The maid notices Dikiy's nephew.

Phenomenon 3

Boris asks Glasha if they have an uncle. Kuligin approaches Boris and invites him for a walk. While walking, Kuligin tells the young man about the residents of the city, about their rudeness, lack of education, cruel disposition, that only young boys and girls walk around the city. While walking, they see Kudryash and Varvara kissing. Approaching the gate, Varvara calls Boris.

Phenomenon 4

Kuligin leaves, and Boris approaches Varya. She asks him to come to the ravine behind the Boar Garden in the evening.

Scene two

Phenomenon 1

Curly with a guitar approaches the ravine and, while waiting for Varya, sings a song. Boris arrives.

Phenomenon 2

Boris asks Kudryash to leave, Kudryash thinks that Boris wants to take Varya away from him. Boris admits that he is in love with Katerina. Kudryash tells him that if not Varya, then only Katerina could have called him here. Boris is happy. Varvara comes out of the gate.

Phenomenon 3

Varvara and Kudryash leave, Katerina comes out to Boris. He confesses his love to her, the young woman is ashamed of what she is doing and says that it is sinful. Boris tries to calm her down. Katerina confesses to him that she feels the same way.

Phenomenon 4

Boris and Katerina go for a walk, Varvara and Kudryash arrive. The young man praises the girl for how cleverly she came up with the gate. Kudryash plays the guitar, Varya asks what time it is. Having learned that it is time, they call Boris and Katerina.

Phenomenon 5

Katerina and Boris arrive. The couples say goodbye, Kudryash starts singing.

Act four

Phenomenon 1

A thunderstorm is brewing. Passers-by walk and talk about what was previously painted on the arches. Dikoy and Kuligin enter.

Phenomenon 2

Kuligin tries to persuade Dikoy to set the clock on the boulevard, but Dikoy brushes him off. Kuligin, seeing that a thunderstorm is starting, suggests installing lightning rods. Dikoy swears at him, he continues to prove the usefulness of lightning rods and says that a thunderstorm is electricity. Dikoy becomes even more angry with him for these words. Kuligin leaves, and after some time Dikoy leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Varvara is waiting for Boris to tell him that Kabanov arrived earlier than expected. Katerina experiences severe mental anguish. Varvara is afraid that she might tell everything to her husband. Boris hides when he sees the Kabanovs.

Phenomenon 4

Passers-by say there will be a thunderstorm. Katerina fearfully clings to Varvara. Kabanikha suspects the woman, Boris passes by. Varvara, seeing Katerina’s condition, makes a sign to him that he needs to leave. Kuligin comes out and addresses people with a speech that there is nothing to be afraid of a thunderstorm, because it is just a natural phenomenon. Calling Boris with him, he leaves.

Phenomenon 5

One of the passers-by says that the thunderstorm will kill someone. Katerina says that it is hers and asks to pray for her. Seeing the lady, she hides screaming.

Phenomenon 6

The lady notices her and says that all the sins are due to the beauty of a woman, that it is better for her to throw herself into the pool. Katerina can’t stand it and confesses everything to her mother-in-law and husband. Hearing a clap of thunder, he falls unconscious.

Action 5

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kabanov approaches him. Tikhon says that after Katerina’s confession, she is not allowed to live, Kabanova is watching her every step. Varvara ran away with Kudryash. Kabanov feels sorry for his wife, but he cannot go against his mother’s will. Kuligin asks about Boris, Tikhon says that he is being sent to distant relatives. Glasha comes running and says that Katerina has gone somewhere. Kabanov and Kuligin run to look for her.

Phenomenon 2

Katerina goes alone, hoping to see Boris. A young woman worries about her lover. Due to severe mental suffering, Katerina does not want to live, she wants to say goodbye to Boris and calls him. Boris comes to her call.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells Katerina that he really wanted to say goodbye to her. She understands that Boris is not angry with her and she feels better. Boris hurries the woman because he needs to go. They say goodbye.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina understands that she has become disgusted with her life: the people who surround her, her house, her walls. Realizing that she could be returned home, Katerina makes a decision. Having said goodbye to Boris, she rushes into the Volga.

Phenomenon 5

The Kabanovs and Kuligin come to the place where last time saw Katerina. People say she was alive. Kabanova grumbles at her son, saying that he is worrying in vain. At this time, someone shouts that a woman has jumped into the water. Kuligin runs away.

Phenomenon 6

Kabanov wants to run to the water, but Kabanikha stops him, answering that when they get it, then he will look. Kabanov asks if she is alive. People answer no. Kuligin and several people carry Katerina's body.

Phenomenon 7

Kuligin puts the woman’s body on the ground and, turning to the Kabanovs, says that her soul is now before a judge who is more merciful than them. Kabanov accuses his mother of being the one who ruined her. Kabanova promises to talk to her son at home. Tikhon throws himself on Katerina’s body and cries.

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