Interactive training in dhow. Interactive educational technologies in preschool institutions

Zulfiya Khabibullina
The use of interactive teaching methods and techniques in preschool institution

Using interactive methods and techniques in a preschool institution

The first indisputable right of a child is

express your thoughts.

J. Korczak

At a certain stage of his pedagogical activity I realized that not only school, but also preschool institution the most modern methodology, pursuing the main target: development of the child as an individual.

Interactive teaching method– this is an innovation that I have been using for several years.

Word « interactive» came from English word "interact". "Inter"-"mutual", "act"- act. Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, with a computer) or anyone (by person). Hence, interactive learning is learning, built on interaction student with a learning environment, a learning environment that serves as an area of ​​learning experience.

The essence inter active learning is that that the educational process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Joint activities students in the process of cognition, development educational material means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to gain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, transfers it to more tall forms cooperation and collaboration.

Having passed education, participating in seminars, conferences, and later working in educational programs, I re-evaluated my capabilities, my ability to build not only lessons, but also GCD with using interactive methods.

This education gives unexpected positive results:

The ability to express your opinion and defend it;

Activity and desire to participate in work;

Relaxation when answering, self-confidence.

Efficiency and feasibility interactive methodology I observe in my practice.

Methods which I I use it when working with children.

I start GCD in groups by getting to know the children.


Goals: Create an atmosphere of trust and mutual support in the group; develop skills of self-presentation, overcoming uncertainty and fear of public speaking.

Usually, when introducing people, I ask children to tell the story of their name. (for older children and preparatory groups) : “Who and why were you called that?” Or “Tell me everything you know about your name.”.

After all the children have introduced themselves, I ask children:

Why is it important to know the history of your name?

For example: Subject: Seasons

Acquaintance: My name is... My favorite season is spring, etc.

« Brainstorm» - target: "brainstorming" or "brainstorming" is to collect as many ideas as possible regarding a given topic from all children over a limited period of time through disinhibition.

For example: Guys, what is the weather today?

« Role play» : Role play imitates reality by assigning roles to children and allowing them to act "as if for real". The purpose of the role-playing game is to determine the attitude of children to a specific fairy tale, skit, etc., to gain experience by games: She tries to help teach through experience and feelings. Sometimes children can act out their own situations that they have been in. It is also much easier to absorb and consolidate the material during the game.


Cluster translated from English language (cluster) means bunch, brush. Cluster is method, which helps you think freely and openly about a topic. This is a non-linear form of thinking. The breakdown into clusters is very simple.

1. Write a keyword or sentence in the center of the sheet.

2. Start writing down words and sentences that come to mind in connection with this topic.

3. As ideas come to you, start making connections.

4. Write down as many ideas as come to mind in the allotted time.

The breakdown into clusters is a flexible structure; it can be carried out both in a group and individually, depending on the purpose of the lesson.

For example:

Sleigh Holiday

Santa Claus WINTER Snowman

Gifts Christmas tree New Year

I propose to the preschool educational institution use like this. A picture depicting a key word is hung on the board and children are asked to name words related to this word. This the method can be used both in a group, also individually with each child, who is offered several pictures and finds a connection between them.


Sinkwine, translated from French– 5 lines. Cinquain – white (unrhymed) verse that helps synthesize information.

1 line: Topic in one word (usually a noun)

2 line: Description of the topic in a nutshell (two adjectives)

3 line: Description of the action within this topic (three verbs or gerunds)

4 line: Attitude to the topic, feelings, emotions (four word phrase)

5 line: Repeating the essence of the topic in one word (synonymous with topic)

For example: MOTHER

Kind, beloved

Cares, loves, feeds

I love my mom!

At the preschool educational institution you can use this way.

1 line: An object or phenomenon in one word.

2 line: Describe what this item is.

3 line: Actions of this item.

4 line: Do you like this item and how?

5 line: What is another name for this item?

I realized that children need to be raised and taught with kindness, exactingness, respect, personal example, and taught to build good relationships with others. To be understood by children, you need to understand each child individually.

I believe that a teacher's success is every day well spent. The main thing is to feel the child, see, hear, help when necessary, and not interfere when he is working on his own. It depends on the teacher what kind of pupils they will be. There is no need to force, it is necessary interest, be patient and attentive, friendly and sincere, do not reproach, do not criticize, but approve and believe in the child’s abilities.

Success in education and training can only be achieved if children are interesting to study. We, educators, must always remember this and be in a state of constant search for new ways of education and training and their implementation in your practice, collecting bits and pieces using everything, which turns activity into a joyful act of learning.

Literature used:

1. New school : Space of Possibilities

Materials of the Central Asian scientific and practical conference

Bishkek-2006 Page 9, 246, 325

2. Guide to Developing Critical Thinking

(Methodical manual ) Tashkent - 2002

Moscow, Mosaic – Synthesis 2005.

4. Authorized Education

(Manual for trainers) Information Resource Center for Positive Education. Tashkent - 2003

Interactive technologies make the work of teachers creative and exciting, increase efficiency educational activities, increase labor productivity.

Life in constantly changing conditions requires a specialist to be able to solve new, non-standard problems that regularly arise. A sign of today's times is increased professional pedagogical mobility. New tasks and directions for the development of education determine special requirements for the individual and professional competence teachers.

Promotion professional competence teachers is based on their activation cognitive activity. This helps them to demonstrate independence, “pushes” them to creative search, develops the ability to analyze and make decisions in various problematic situations. All new developments are subsequently used in working with children. And, of course, modern pedagogy gives primacy in teaching active methods.

Active learning methods is a system of methods that ensure the activity and variety of mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering knowledge.

The main condition for the development of a child’s personality in preschool age is communication. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to specially organize this activity, creating within it an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual trust - children with each other, children and adults. To solve this problem, the teacher can use interactive technologies.

The use of interactive technologies and teaching methods in modern kindergarten characterizes the professional competence of a preschool teacher. Interactive- means the ability to interact or is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. Consequently, interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, built on the interaction of children with the learning environment, the educational environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience, during which the interaction between the teacher and the student takes place.

The interactive form of training allows you to find individual approach to every listener and participant methodological event also allows you to build a subject - subjective relationships not only between kindergarten teachers, but also between teachers and their students.

The educational process, which is based on interactive learning, is organized in such a way that almost all children are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. In the process of mastering educational material, preschoolers carry out joint activities, this means that everyone makes their own contribution to the work, experience, knowledge and skills are exchanged. Moreover, this happens in a friendly atmosphere and with mutual support from each other. One of the goals of interactive learning is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the learner feels successful, intellectually competent, which makes the entire learning process productive and effective.

The organization of interactive training can take place in different forms. For example, an individual form implies independent decision the task assigned by each child; pair form, used to solve tasks in pairs; in a group approach, children are divided into subgroups; if the task is performed by all participants at the same time, this form called collective or frontal; and the most complex form of interactive learning is planetary. The main goal of the teacher is to apply one or another computer program taking into account the specific conditions of the educational process, use its content for the development of memory, thinking, imagination, speech in each individual child.

Basic interactive technologies for preschool educational institutions

Since kindergartens are attended by small children, it is necessary to use not particularly complex technologies. Modern gaming technology in kindergarten include:

  • "Work in pairs." This form allows children to develop communication skills, work together on tasks, and negotiate.
  • "Round dance". As part of this exercise, the teacher, using an object, teaches children to take turns completing a task. This technology is necessary to teach children not to interrupt their friends and to listen carefully to the answers.
  • “Chain” involves the sequential solution of one task by each of the participants. To achieve a common goal, the guys have to communicate with each other and offer different options for solving tasks.
  • "Carousel" is used to organize work in pairs. It helps to develop cooperation skills and mutual assistance.
  • "Tree of Knowledge". As part of this exercise, the teacher hangs sheets with pictures, tasks and diagrams on a tree. Children are divided into groups and complete tasks. After this, one child demonstrates the results of the group’s work, and the rest analyze them and give an assessment.
  • "Big Circle" The goal of this technology of playful learning in kindergarten is to teach each child to speak out, develop communication skills, and draw conclusions.

The use of interactive technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions presupposes the presence of interactive equipment.

Currently, interactive equipment for preschool educational institutions is represented by: computers with specialized software, interactive whiteboards, interactive tables, projectors, electronic construction sets (robotics).

  1. Interactive whiteboards.

Methods of using an interactive whiteboard in joint activities between a teacher and children in kindergarten can only be limited by imagination.

Using an interactive whiteboard to teach children younger age becomes more attractive and exciting.

  1. Interactive table

A sensory interactive educational table helps to attract the child’s attention and interest in the learning process, develops motor skills, and introduces the child to computer technology.

The children's sensory table can be used both for a group of children and individually.

The table technology allows several users to simultaneously interact with the touchscreen, creating an atmosphere for teamwork.

Many exciting educational applications that are reproduced by the interactive table.

Tactile problem solving and direct interaction with the task at hand are the main advantages of the interactive table, which increases not only the effectiveness of learning, but also the incentive for children to attend classes, because game uniform teaching for preschoolers is the most productive.

  1. Projector. Interactive floor.

Laptops have become a part of our lives, and many educators bring their home computer to work to listen to audio recordings, work with documents, or even show a cartoon to children. But the laptop screen is very small, the sound is quiet, so you can organize a full viewing only with a very small group of children. But using a projector allows you to more fully use the capabilities of your computer.

The image on the projector screen compares favorably with traditional forms clarity: it is large, bright and can be perceived a large number people at the same time.

  1. LEGO constructors. Robotics.

RoboThe Robotics in Kindergarten program is not just design classes, but a powerful innovative educational tool. Robotics has already shown high efficiency in the educational process; it successfully solves the problem of social adaptation of children of almost all age groups. robo2

Robotics classes are a kind of skill training.

At this stage, you can already see the future designers and engineers who are so needed by the country.

Mastering robotic design skills for preschoolers occurs in several stages:

At the first stage of work, an acquaintance with the designer and assembly instructions takes place, and a study of the technology for connecting parts.

At the second stage, the children and I learn to assemble simple structures based on a model.

And the third stage is assembling complex models and connecting them to motors.

  1. Thus, the use of modern information technologies by preschoolers is effective means education and development among them creativity, formation of their personality, enrichment of the intellectual sphere.
  2. Interactive equipment is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the learning process. Each activity causes an emotional uplift in children, even lagging children willingly play, and the unsuccessful progress of the game due to gaps in knowledge prompts them to seek help from a teacher or independently achieve knowledge in the game.
  3. The effectiveness of ICT teaching in preschool educational institutions depends both on the quality of the pedagogical software used and on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in the educational process.

Gorbacheva Marina Vitalievna Educator State budgetary in general educational institution city ​​of Moscow "School No. 1601 named after Hero Soviet Union E.K. Lyutikova"

Abstract: this article reflects the experience of using interactive technologies in preschool educational institutions at different age stages of child development.

Key words: interactive technologies, chain, carousel, aquarium, interview.

The purpose of educating a child is to make him able to develop further without the help of a teacher.

(E. Hubbard)

The entire process of preschool education is aimed at creating a comprehensively developed personality. With the advent of the unprecedented development of information and communication technologies in the structure of all spheres of education, there came a need to modernize, including the educational process in preschool educational institutions. This process is reflected in new educational standards. Interactive learning itself is a process built on the interaction of students with other subjects educational process and learning environment. Learning is based on dialogues and the joint process of children learning something new. The most important achievement This process is that the teacher gives way to student activity, learning where children find knowledge through independent search. All studies of interactive learning are built around the concepts of communication, dialogue, and interaction.

The basis of this type of educational process is that all children are involved in the process of cognition, each child has the opportunity to reflect based on their personal knowledge and reflections. During joint activities, each child makes his own individual contribution, there is an exchange of ideas, knowledge and, very importantly, methods of activity. This approach provides a positive, friendly, mutual atmosphere for knowledge exchange and leads to more productive forms of cooperation and cooperation. Interactive learning is used in all areas of education.

The motivation for creating this article on the topic “INTERACTIVE TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES IN PRESIDENTIAL IU

  • active work on studying modern approaches interactive learning in preschool educational institutions;
  • experience in using interactive learning technologies in preschool educational institutions;
  • practical observation of the effectiveness of introducing interactive technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

The relevance of the choice of the topic of the article is due to:

  • the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the development of educational learning, which determine the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular, the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and basic types of competence of students, including social and personal;
  • the need to form a UUD in older children preschool age.

In my work I use multidirectional interactive methods to obtain the above results in the educational activities of preschoolers. For convenience, we will consider the use of various interactive forms of work in groups age development children in preschool educational institutions.

  • II Junior group
  • round dance
  • work in pairs

Middle group

  • work in pairs
  • chain
  • carousel

Senior group

  • work in pairs
  • round dance
  • carousel
  • interview
  • aquarium (work in small groups "Triplets" )

Preparatory group

  • work in pairs
  • round dance
  • carousel
  • interview
  • aquarium (work in subgroups of 3 or more)
  • tree of knowledge

Let's look at each method using examples in work.

"Work in pairs"

Children develop their communication skills, choose a pair and agree who will answer the task (execution together) In this approach to the game, children learn to negotiate among themselves the sequence of completing a common task.

For example: Guys, each pair has cards with letters on the table

You need to collect the words and tell the meaning of each.

"Round dance"

Technique "Round dance" It differs in that at the very beginning the role of the teacher as a leader is necessary for the children to complete tasks one by one because most often preschool children cannot do this; to begin with, the game algorithm is developed with the help of the subject. The child who has the object answers the task and the others try to listen to him. Interactive technology "Round dance" It is effective in that it helps to develop voluntary behavior skills in children of primary preschool age.

For example: Game "Words" children name words based on the last sound of the word of the previous participant.


Consistent solution of one problem is the main goal of interactive technology "Chain" . Children are united by a goal and have a desire to support each other. This situation encourages acceptance general solution to the task at hand.

For example: Guys, each of you has a card with a letter on which a number is written, you need to build a chain as the numbers increase.

What word did you get? (Rainbow)


The introduction of this technique actively develops in children the skills of cooperation, morality, and mutual assistance. Active work in pairs.

For example: Children choose a mate and agree who will be in the inner circle and who in the outer. Children in the inner circle answer how many units there are in a two-digit number on the card. And the children standing in the outer circle answer what number of tens. When performing, the guys themselves choose among themselves who exactly will answer, and also correct each other’s mistakes.


"Interview" helps the child summarize all knowledge on a topic or summarize something. Actively developing dialogic speech which leads to interaction "adult-child" ,

"child-child" .


This technology. Interactive technology

"Aquarium" consists in the fact that several children act out the situation in a circle, and the rest observe and analyze. What benefits does this technique give to preschoolers? The opportunity to see your peers from the outside, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else’s thought, how they resolve an emerging conflict, how they argue for their thoughts.

"Big Circle"

Technology "Big Circle" is a technology that allows every child to speak out and develop communication skills.

Thus, interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative, promising direction in pedagogy. It helps to realize all the possibilities of preschool children, taking into account their psychological capabilities. The use of interactive technology makes it possible to enrich children’s knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults, and encourages children to actively interact in the system social relations.

“Interactive pedagogical technology in working with preschool children”

Yulia Yurievna Trishina


Municipal budgetary educational institution kindergarten No. 49 “Merry notes”, building 4 of the Togliatti urban district

Topic: “Interactive pedagogical technology in working with preschool children”

Target : Create conditions for the formation of knowledge among teachers about interactive pedagogical technology. Increasing the professional level and status of a teacher. Improving the quality of the pedagogical process in the field preschool education. Summarizing and sharing pedagogical experience.

Tasks :

    To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation to use interactive pedagogical technologies in practice.

    Transfer of experience through direct and commented display of interactive pedagogical methods and techniques in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

    Joint development of methodological pedagogical, psychological methods and techniques in the educational process with children.

    To promote the development of professional and creative activity, the disclosure of the internal potential of each teacher, by creating conditions for individual and collective work

    Reflection on your own experiencemaster class participants .

Form of conduct : master class

Participants: preschool teachers

Result: Students' mastery of interactive pedagogical technologies and their implementation in work with preschoolers

1. Part (theoretical)

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! The topic of my master class“Interactive pedagogical technology in working with preschool children.” Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education implements modern progressive ideas of developmental education, which are aimed and cognitive activity preschoolers in general and have high demands on the choice of teaching methods. IN modern conditions the child acts not as an “object”, but as a “subject” of education, the child is a Personality. The innovative process of social development also concerns the preschool education system, which is considered the initial step in unlocking a child’s potential. This approach places high demands on the system of preschool education and upbringing. There is a search for more effective modern technologies and psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process. And only with the right pedagogical organization activities of pupils, the development of the child as a Personality can and should become a stable character trait of a preschooler and have a strong influence on his development. The principle of child activity in the learning process has been and remains one of the main principles in didactics. In my practice, I use a variety of techniques to activate the mental activity of children in the classroom, including the main methodological innovations associated with the use of interactive pedagogical teaching technologies, so I chose the topic of the master class “Interactive pedagogical technologies in working with preschool children”

Colleagues! First, let's rememberWhat is “technology”, what is its difference from methodology?(Answers teachers )

Right. Technology – Greek. the word means “skill, art” and “law of science” - this is the science of mastery, which includes a complex of methods, forms, means and techniques.

The differences from the method are thatthe technology is not subject-specific, can be implemented on any subject, regardless of content, can be implemented any teacher.

What do you mean byeducational technology y? (Answers from teachers)

You are right, educational technology is a tool professional activities teacher andrecorded sequential actions that guarantee the achievement of a given result. It contains an algorithm for solving assigned problems; its use is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of learning and reproducibility of educational cycles. UNESCO expressespedagogical technology– as a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and acquiring knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education. The essence of pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced phasing (step-by-step) and includes a set of specific professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher, even in the design process, to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activities.

Who can tell what training models are there? (Answers from teachers)

Well done! In pedagogy, there are several teaching models:

1) passive – the child acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches)

2) active – the child acts as a “subject” of learning ( independent work, creative tasks)

3) interactive - mutual work between the child and the teacher.

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies, are classified by organizational forms, by subject, by author, by approach to the child, etc.

One of the main methodological innovations isinteractive teaching methods

Colleagues, let’s figure out what “interactive learning, interactive technologies” is. Who wants to speak? (Answers from teachers)

Wonderful! Interactivity inter - between active from act - to act, action Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, with a computer) or someone (person). Therefore, interactive learning – this is training built on the interaction of the student with the subject-development environment, which serves as the area of ​​mastered experience, i.e.“a type of information exchange between students and the surrounding information environment.”

The main objectives of such training and education:

    Development of children's initiative, independence, cognitive motivation;

    Formation of the ability to learn and independently obtain information;

    Integrated content of working with children;

    Partnership relationships between children and adults;

    Active involvement of the child in society, etc.

Purpose of interactive learning- creating comfortable learning conditions in which the child feels his success, his intellectual perfection, which makes the educational process itself productive

The essence of interactive learning– dialogue training, the learning process is carried out in conditions of constant, active interaction of all students, the child and the teacher are equal subjects of learning; the dominance of one participant in the educational process over another, or one thought over another, is excluded; And The use of interactive technologies makes it possible to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child takes an active part in this activity.

Interactive learning is dialogue learning, during which interaction between the teacher and the child takes place.

    At passive method learning information comes from the teacher to the student.

    With an active teaching method - interaction between teacher and student.

    Interactive learning is based on interaction in the “teacher-child-child” structure.

- What interactive technologies do you know? (Answers from teachers)

Fine! Interactive technologies are considered in two meanings:

    technologies based on interaction with and through a computer are Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

    organized interaction directly between children and the teacher without the use of a computer. - these are interactive pedagogical technologies

Dear colleagues! Recently, with interactive educational technologies become more important(“interactive museums of the world”) . Incorporate interactive technologies into preschool education possible in almost all educational fields. IN interactive models In the course of teaching, the interaction of the teacher with the pupils changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of the pupil, the task of the adult is to create conditions for the initiative of children. In interactive pedagogical technology, students act as full participants; their experience is no less important than the experience of an adult, who not so much provides ready-made knowledge as encourages students to independently search and explore.Application of pedagogical interactive learningis carried out through the use of frontal and cooperative forms of organizing educational activities, interactive games and methods that promote learning the ability to discuss.

Colleagues, what interactive pedagogical technologies can you name? Please name it!(Answers from teachers)

Right! All the technologies you named relate to one form or another of organizing educational activities, as follows:

At in the frontal form of work the following technologies: microphone, “Brainstorming”, “Unfinished Sentence”;

P In a cooperative form of work: work in pairs (“Face to face”, “One - two - all together”), work in small groups, an aquarium;

K and interactive games include: “Role play”, “Dramatization”, “Simplified court hearing”;

A to t teaching technologies in discussion: “Choose a position.”

The introduction of interactive pedagogical technologies in work with preschool children is carried out gradually, taking into account age characteristics preschoolers.

II junior group – work in pairs, round dance;

Middle group– work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel;

Senior group– work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interview, work in small groups (threes), aquarium;

Preparatory group for school– work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interview, work in small groups (triples), aquarium, large circle, tree of knowledge.

Let's look at each of them:

"Work in pairs"

With the help of an object to complete a task, children take turns interacting with each other, uniting in pairs at will. They develop such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other, improve the ability to negotiate, consistently, and jointly perform r work. Develop cooperation skills in a private communication situation

"Round dance"

With the help of an object, children perform a task in turn, they develop such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other, and develop the initial skills of voluntary behavior in preschool children"Big Circle"

Allows each child to speak out and develop communication skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem.


Two rings are formed: internal and external. The inner circle has students standing still facing the outer circle, and the outer circle has students moving around the circle every 30 seconds. Thus, they manage to talk through several topics in a few minutes and try to convince their interlocutor that they are right. It is used to organize work in pairs, stimulates communication between children, and develops in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance and cooperation skills.

"Work in small groups(in threes)"

Application of technology group work“in threes” gives all children the opportunity to work in class. The guys learn to evaluate their work, the work of a friend, communicate, and help each other. The principle of cooperation in the learning process becomes the leading one


The form of dialogue, when children are asked to discuss a problem “in the face of the public,” is that several children act out the situation in a circle, and the rest observe and analyze. Gives you the opportunity to see your peers from the outside, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else’s thoughts, how they resolve an impending conflict, how they argue their thoughts


The basis of this technology is the consistent solution of one problem by each participant. The presence of a common goal, one common result creates an atmosphere of empathy and mutual assistance, forces them to communicate with each other, offer options for solving a task, and develops the ability of preschool children to work in a team.

"Tree of Knowledge"

It develops communication skills, the ability to negotiate, decide general tasks. The teacher draws up leaflets - pictures or diagrams and hangs them on the tree in advance. Children come to an agreement, unite in small groups, complete the task, and one child talks about how they completed the task, the children listen, analyze and give an assessment.


Used at the stage of consolidating or generalizing knowledge, summing up work. Thanks to the use of this technology, children actively develop dialogic speech, which encourages them to interact “adult-child”, “child-child”.

In my work I also use other interactive pedagogical technologies such as:

"Unfinished Sentence"

I tell the children an unfinished sentence and I propose to continue it. Forms logical thinking, imagination, oral speech.


I use it to summarize children's experiences to solve problems and develop ideas. .


I name the plot, and 2-3 children act out a mini-play conveying the appropriate mood, emotion, character trait, other children observe and analyze, expressing their opinions. Develops emotional background children's group, forms creative imagination.

"Group Story"

I start the story myself, and the children take turns continuing it. Forms oral colloquial speech, imagination, thinking.

- In conclusion, I would like to note thatusage interactive pedagogical technology is an interesting, creative, promising direction of pedagogy. And using it in my practice allows me to successfully do many educational educational objectives what I will try to show you now in practice

part 2 (practical)

Dear colleagues ! Today I offer you try experience some interactive pedagogical technologies that I use in the educational process and work interactively. First, let's greet each other and wish something good with the help of a ball that we will pass to each other. This technology is called"Chain" . For example: I start “Tatyana Petrovna, I wish you a good mood( Participants perform actions)

For the next game, I suggest you divide into squares lying on my tray, take a square each and whoever has squares of the same color will work together.(Participants are divided into groups by squares ).

As you may have guessed, some will work together, and some will work together. Technologies“Work in pairs” and “Work in a small group (three).” You will collect a picture on the topic “Food”, according to our thematic planning to the Establishment. You can start.(Participants collect pictures)

Are you done? And now I ask each group to think a little and summarize their knowledge about what is shown in the picture. I want to note that I didn’t tell you about this technology in the theoretical part, it’s called"Brainstorm" , use it to solve a problem and develop a consensus.(Participants decide, discuss, speak out)

Thank you! That's how much we all learned interesting things about vegetables and fruits! And now I will ask you to stand in a large circle and continue our acquaintance with interactive pedagogical technologies. I will pass the ball to each of you in turn and name something from food, and you, in turn, answer whether it is healthy or not and can justify your answer. This technology is called« Round dance." Let's begin! (Participants perform actions )

Applying this technology We remembered about useful and harmful products. And now I will give you picture puzzles and introduce you to the technology"Carousel", But For this I ask you to also make an inner circle.(Participants are divided into two circles, external and internal).

- Participants inner circle stand motionless, facing the outer circle, and the participants in the outer circle move around the circle, and at a signal they stop, and if the puzzles fit each other in meaning (For example: An apple and an apple in a section), then this pair explains why they fit and drop out games, and then watch the game from the side and analyze it. Then the Participants who are outside the circles will speak about how the other participants in the game communicate, how they react to someone else’s thoughts and argue their thoughts. In this game I used another technology"Aquarium". (The game is played 2-3 times. Participants perform actions )

Thank you! Go to your seats. And at the end of my speech I will use technology"Unfinished Sentence" . I would like each of you to express your opinion on the topic of my master class, starting with the words “I would use interactive pedagogical technologies because ....”(Participants speak out)

And so, our conclusion work. A little experience of our activities has shown that the skillful use of interactive pedagogical technology gives greater efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency in the educational process, makes it possible to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, encourages children to actively interact in the system of social relations. A modern teacher is an ICT teacher (intelligence, communication skills and creativity). We have a goal - raising a child as a Personality, but this goal can only be realized by a teacher who is professionally proficient in all modern innovative pedagogical technologies, confident in the effectiveness of their application in the practice of his work, who knows how to improvise, create, teach and educate. And therefore, the teacher himself should be interested in the constant search for new educational technologies, concepts, strategies, and projects. Create, improve your skills, share your experience. Good luck in your work! Thank you for your attention!


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