Ivankov Yuri Anatolyevich Gormost birthday. LLC Publishing House VIP-MediaGroup


2019-07-15 11:30

Everything is accurate about the personnel officer, but also the current head of the legal department, A.V. Mirnov. he hasn’t gone far, not only is he a lick-ass and doesn’t know a lot of things, but he’s also covering for his personal driver. His obnoxious attitude towards everyone except his personal driver is annoying. And the driver, during his work, still does not know that the claim is being sent to the location of the defendant, not to mention serious things. IN working hours he most often prefers to eat according to his own personal matters, and then arrive at the end of working hours and sign documents with a deadline of yesterday. It is not surprising that there is a huge turnover of staff in this department; no one wants to work with an asshole. And if you want to go on vacation, he will try to make sure that you go in any other month, just not the one you want. In short, the personnel officer is resting.....

The personnel officer is so “smart, intellectual” that he told my son, who is studying at a university, that a copy of a college graduate’s diploma, certified by the university’s personnel department, is not a document, but a certificate that he is a university student, is also profanation. All these papers must be certified by a notary. He probably has little idea that the HR department federal university probably also competent in what he gives.

2018-03-03 22:16

on Ukrainian Boulevard the wipers are getting really impudent from the GORMOST. But I want and will remove snow at 8 o’clock in the morning on Sunday. And I don’t care that the residents of the houses are still sleeping. Ugly ugliness! I will fight them. So stupid! They do what they shouldn't do!

Tatyana, you are stupid, the workers are only following orders from their bosses. If you want to know, in the housing and communal services sector, management watches every step of the worker and what he does.

2017-12-25 00:11

On Ukrainian Boulevard the windshield wipers are getting really impudent from the GORMOST. But I want and will remove snow at 8 o’clock in the morning on Sunday. And I don’t care that the residents of the houses are still sleeping. Ugly ugliness! I will fight them. So stupid! They do what they shouldn't do!

2017-10-12 23:55

Well done, keep it up, at least someone wrote everything down correctly, there are rumors that Ivankov won’t have long to work in Gormost, that it’s hard to believe that as long as Bryukov is in power he will protect, he’s also with Kursk region.
This is all a vicious circle, we need to start from the top of power.

2017-10-01 21:43

By the end of this year there will be nothing to pay state employees with salaries. This shocking statement was made by First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Tatyana Nesterenko. The last crumbs of the money supply are being drawn out of the Reserve Fund, and oil, which everyone hopes for, is stubbornly not rising in price.
A disaster is brewing in our state. But it will only affect the common population. Most of those who day and night “care” about the well-being of our country and its citizens took care in advance of creating reliable rear areas - they bought a certain number of hectares of land in different regions, built fashionable cottages on them, acquired a collection of apartments in business-class buildings, and some even organized farms so that environmentally friendly “butter and eggs” would come to their table.
You can't afford a salary
I would like to ask: how much money does such a banquet cost, comrades? Is it really true that officials, even high-ranking ones, have an immeasurable salary?
Take, for example, the current head of the Gormost State Budgetary Institution, Yuri Anatolyevich Ivankov. A modest rural boy, the son of the chairman of the collective farm "Dawn of Communism", which at one time existed on the lands of the Kursk region, made a dizzying career in a short time. Foreman, foreman, shift supervisor at the Zheleznogorsk Mining and Processing Plant, chief engineer of the mine's stripping operations, head of the mine's production department...
Perhaps Ivankov would have risen to the rank of director of the mining and processing plant and would have managed a large team of a large-scale plant, but... apparently, something in the worker’s career did not suit him. And, starting in 2001, his work history took a sharp zigzag. First secretary of the Komsomol district committee, chairman of the Zheleznogorsk City Council and, finally, here it is, Moscow! Yuri Anatolyevich Ivankov is the director of the Nagorny District DEZ, and in 2003-2006 he was already the head of the administration of the Danilovsky District of the capital.
It's a good position, but not too lucrative. According to the Decree of the Moscow Government of December 30, 2003 N 1069-PP “On the appointment of heads of district administrations of the city of Moscow,” Ivankov was given an official salary of 5,663 rubles. Well, how can you live on that kind of money?
But the future head of Gormost had not only the talent to quickly make a career. He was not embarrassed by the more than modest salary, although sometimes supported by additional payments and bonuses due to civil servants. It’s not at all necessary to live on one salary, is it?
Can't you forbid living beautifully?
In 2006, an official acquired 25 acres (to be precise, 2572 square meters, according to Information on income, property and property-related liabilities of managers government agencies, subordinate to the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow and members of their families for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2016) land on the picturesque bank of the Pakhra River in the village of Kolychevo, Domodedovo district, Moscow region for 3 million rubles. And so that the site would not be empty, the official - and by that time he had taken the position of deputy. Prefect of the Southern Autonomous District of the capital social work, then - 1st deputy. the prefect supervising construction and deputy head of the housing and communal services department - began to hastily build it up. Less than a year has passed since a cottage with an area of ​​almost 700 square meters (or according to the Information - 686.3 square meters) has grown on Kolychevsky acres at 6 Novaya Street. A little later, a utility block was erected nearby. This is how it is named in the documentation, despite the fact that the area of ​​this building is 258.4 square meters. meters - looks like another solid cottage.
Since the owner decided to make the Kolychev estate his main residence, everything in it was arranged to the highest standard - modern interiors inside, granite tiles in the courtyard, autonomous life support systems.
By the way, the price of granite tiles starts from 2 thousand rubles per square meter. This is exactly how much the cheapest, thinnest, 11-mm Russian-made granite tile costs. Facing one hundred square meters of courtyard area will cost at least 200 thousand rubles. But, as practice shows, officials of Ivankov’s rank do not chase cheapness...
Although the salary of the head of the administration of the Danilovsky district of the capital, the deputy prefect of the district and even the head of “Gormost” is also not particularly good.
Maybe that’s why the official came up with the idea of ​​adding a civil servant to his modest salary scientific title candidate of technical sciences? Still, the title gives weight in society. You can also become a teacher... if necessary.
One dissertation for everyone
Perhaps Yu.A. Ivankov had other considerations, but one way or another, on December 21, 2007, the defense of his dissertation on the topic “Methods and fuzzy algorithms predicting and diagnosing diseases caused by the complex influence of environmental factors.”
It is noteworthy that this fateful event did not occur in the capital, where at that time Ivankov was already hard at work as deputy prefect of the Southern Autonomous Okrug, but in Kursk, - more precisely, within the walls of the Kursk State technical university(now Southwestern State University).
Why didn’t the capital’s boss defend himself in Moscow, where he lived and worked at that time? Shy in front of the capital's scientific authorities? He chose to glorify the Kursk estate with his scientific discoveries? Are you too attached to your native university, which you graduated from at the dawn of your foggy youth?
Finally, how does the medical bias of the dissertation relate to the housing and communal services sector, which was supervised by a capital official at that time?
But the questions don’t end there either. Against. If you get acquainted with the dissertation itself, there will be even more of them.
Ten years ago, when the dissertation was submitted to the university dissertation council, anti-plagiarism systems were not yet particularly popular, with the help of which you can easily find out whether there are borrowings in a particular work. Therefore, many works, which were based on other people’s works, discoveries and calculations, “slipped” past those who accepted them. However, there are often cases when teachers themselves not only turned a blind eye to this, but also suggested to their students and graduate students sources where they could steal valuable ideas, use them in a dissertation, and ultimately receive an academic title.
The scientific supervisor for Yu.A. Ivankov’s dissertation was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Alekseevich Korenevsky. Now, according to the official website, he is a very respected person - “the head of the department biomedical engineering, academician, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of higher education vocational education Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.”
Obviously, the topic of Ivankov’s dissertation is very attractive to him. So much so that more than one candidate of technical sciences was born on its basis. This is evidenced by checking for anti-plagiarism the abstract of the dissertation, which is in the public domain, on the website https://text.ru/antiplagiat. The information obtained after running the abstract shows that before Ivankov, four more defended their dissertations on an almost similar, but somewhat paraphrased topic - Oksana Vasilievna Mednikova, Roman Fatikhovich Kalutsky, and Denis Vladimirovich Khodeev. The scientific supervisor of Mednikova, Efremov and Khodeev was the same N.A. Korenevsky, and Kalutsky, who defended his dissertation on November 2, 2007, was V.I. Serebrovsky.
The anti-plagiarism program shows that the abstract of Ivankov’s dissertation contains 47% borrowings from the abstracts of Mednikova’s dissertation, 39% from Khodeev’s, 38% from Kalutsky’s, 37% from Efremova’s. That is, we can assume that approximately half of the dissertation is plagiarism.
In general, the topic of “fuzzy forecasting” turned out to be very popular. After Ivankov, many of our citizens built their scientific careers on it: in 2008, Natalya Alekseevna Kopteva defended on it (57% of borrowings in the abstract), in 2009 - Liliya Viktorovna Starodubtseva (30%), in 2010 - Gennady Viktorovich Chursin ( 51%), in 2014 – Samaha Bashir Abbas (52%) and many others. Almost all of them defended their dissertations under the guidance of N.A. Korenevsky.
This is how scientists appear in our country...
Believed and not verified
It is unknown how much the defense of the dissertation influenced Yu.A.’s well-being. Ivankov, but law enforcement agencies became interested in the origin of his wealth. And then the official explained that the house in Kolychevo was built using funds from the sale of two apartments and a house in the city of Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region, as well as from personal savings. This is exactly what is said in the document dated May 10, 2017, signed by Art. detective officer of the 5th ORCh OEBiPK Department of Internal Affairs for the South-East Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, police major A.V. Dmitriev.
Under the document there is a consenting signature of the deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South-Eastern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, A.Yu. Medvedev, and the approving signature of the deputy chief of police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-East Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, A.V. Chepurnov.
None of these people in uniform bothered to check how much two apartments and a house could be sold for in the Kursk region and how many years it would take to save up money for an estate located a few kilometers from the capital’s Moscow Ring Road. They just... took Ivankov at his word! Why? Maybe because such subjects are in a “special position” and all their actions are secretly forbidden to be questioned?
After all, it was not difficult to verify information about the origin of Ivankov’s wealth. Even the lowest police officer and prosecutor would be able to do this. It was enough to open the local press or the Internet to see: prices for a 1-room apartment in Zheleznogorsk start from 700 thousand rubles and end at 1.5 million rubles, two-room apartments cost an average of 1 .5-1.8 million rubles, three rubles - for about 2 million rubles.
Houses in Zheleznogorsk are being given away almost for nothing. True, cottages are also offered for several million rubles. But judging by the fact that Yu.A. Ivankov comes from a poor family with rural roots, he could only dream of inheriting a luxurious mansion. But in reality, he owned an ordinary village house, which is not only almost impossible to sell at a profit, but no one needs it for nothing.
But let’s still assume that in the most favorable scenario, the owner of two apartments and a house in Zheleznogorsk and its environs was able to gain 5 million rubles.
As for personal savings, they could hardly be serious. Well, unless Ivankov found the treasure. By the way, in the Kursk region, amateurs are still trying to find the treasure of the robber Kudeyar. Maybe our official was lucky?
Now let’s estimate the price of a mansion in Kolychevo. The ubiquitous Internet shows, for example, a nice house (here https://domodedovo.cian.ru/sale/suburban/2777128/) for 19 million rubles. It is, of course, no match for Ivankovsky - the area is half the size, the size land plot let us down - only 17 acres, there is no natural granite flooring in the yard, and it is being sold urgently. Adjusted for all these disadvantages, you can safely multiply the price by two, or even three. So Ivankov’s mansion can easily cost 40 “lemons”.
Income, but not the same
How many years of life will it take for an honest civil servant who rejects bribes and kickbacks and lives solely on his salary to accumulate such money?
Based on the salary due to Yu.A. Ivankov, as the head of the Danilovsky district of Moscow, he would have to live 400 years to achieve this goal. And at the same time do not eat, do not drink and walk naked and barefoot.
True, if the official’s wife had helped, the term could have been reduced. About a hundred years. But it doesn’t matter – they don’t live that long.
However, our hero accomplished the impossible: during the 8 years that he headed the Gormost State Budgetary Institution, he managed to build and equip not only a mansion in the Domodedovo district, but also two more in the Kursk region, and organize a livestock complex there on 169,936 sq. . meters (calculate how many hectares that is!).
Yes, the salary of the head of Gormost is, of course, higher than that of the head of the council. If we look at the income statement of Yu.A. Ivankov, we will see that his income was: 2012 - 4,321,592.12 rubles, 2013 - 3,546,647 rubles; 2014 - 4,889,463.36 rubles; 2015 - 4,017,856.62 rubles; 2016 - RUB 5,680,972.28 Well, not bad. But even with 5 million rubles in annual income, it is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve the super-income that a government official now has.
I hope now everyone understands why the Reserve Fund is getting smaller and wage debts for public sector employees are growing?

2016-08-25 16:05

We live on Ukrainian Boulevard, where the fountain complex is maintained by Gormost. With full responsibility we can call them “Artel in vain work.” All year long we have been watching them doing almost completely unnecessary work:
- in winter, street benches are removed, and in summer they are put back in place. You might think that in winter people walking in the park don’t need benches.
- in winter, the park area is generously sprinkled with salt and reagents, although this is strictly prohibited
- every day in the morning they turn on the wind blower, raising dust and dirt, instead of using it for its intended purpose for cleaning fallen leaves.
- they painted the benches with black bitumen varnish, now all people stain their clothes, and the benches have acquired a terrible, unkempt appearance.
- in the morning, use a metal rod to remove moss from paving slabs.
And this is an incomplete list of absolutely unnecessary work for which funds and resources of a budget organization are spent.
I think we need to pay attention to the misuse of budget funds

2016-07-28 17:51

Everything is accurate about the personnel officer, but also the current head of the legal department, A.V. Mirnov. He hasn’t gone far, not only is he a lick-ass and doesn’t know a lot of things, but he’s also covering for his personal driver. His obnoxious attitude towards everyone except his personal driver is annoying. And the driver, during his work, still does not know that the claim is being sent to the location of the defendant, not to mention serious things. During working hours, he most often prefers to go about his personal affairs, and then arrive at the end of working hours and sign documents with a deadline of yesterday. It is not surprising that there is a huge turnover of staff in this department; no one wants to work with an asshole. And if you want to go on vacation, he will try to make sure that you go in any other month, just not the one you want. In short, the personnel officer is resting.....

2015-06-20 00:00

People, never go to work there! Violation of the labor code on all fronts, the attitude towards employees is boorish, all the bosses are former military men, so they are confident that they can do anything. Happy holidays in general another story. First vacation exactly one year after work. There will be no vacation in the summer. These “military” people will heat their fats at sea. The working hours are not observed, lunch can be cold in the evening and on the street, if, of course, you are lucky, or maybe not at all. So a person will work for 24 hours without rest or food. But this is not the worst thing, since the main work is on the roads of Moscow. There is a possibility that an employee could be run over by a car, even one of his own, from the same organization because the relatives of the deceased received compensation of 5,000 rubles. So think about whether all this is worth it for a salary of 25,000 rubles.

Lebedeva Tatyana

2015-05-29 00:00

For 3 weeks, if not more, the stairs on the Elektrozavodsky Bridge leading to Rubtsovskaya Embankment have not been cleaned; there are broken glass, syringes, cigarette butts and other rubbish underfoot. I can’t say anything about the condition of the other stairs of this bridge, because I don’t walk on them. We kindly ask you to remove the rubbish from the stairs(s) of this bridge. 05/29/2015 Thanks in advance.

2015-04-21 22:58

The order of the barracks and complete lack of rights for some and paradise for others - thieves, of whom countless numbers have been recruited! There are a lot of relatives and acquaintances, and acquaintances from acquaintances in Gormost. Clearly, places are being cleared for them by firing people from the AUP. They just fire specialists, but who will they bring in? The one who will work? Oops, I doubt it! The box is already full of such people, but they are still recruiting them, placing them in managerial, leading positions, sometimes even organizing departments for such people. The thieves are not going to go to work! Don't try to get into "Gormost", the turnover in the sections is terrible. The work is harmful - the cost of poisonous cheap paint and sandblasting of granite, and many other sad things, and the salary is so-so. Well, about the rudeness of personnel officer Eskov - this is a song that everyone knows.

2014-11-14 00:00

Dear! I am the wife of a worker at the Gormost State Budgetary Institution. I would like to ask you, how long will this injustice last? The guys work from morning to evening, humping their shoulders. And for some reason they eat lunch in the cold, with unheated food, is this normal according to sanitary standards and labor protection?! Patients work with high temperature. They are afraid to take sick leave because they know that the salary will pay little, including sick leave. I have to go to work sick so that my salary doesn’t get cut. For example, this month (November 2014) my husband received a salary of 38 thousand rubles. We paid off the loan, paid for housing and communal services and there is no money! What about food??? Where can I get them??? But the bosses buy expensive cars and allow a lot of things. We also want to relax on foreign seas, eat red caviar and not deny ourselves anything! And they each have families and children. The salary they pay is different every month, it’s not even possible to live until the next month, because you have to pay rent, buy food and pay off the loan, but how can you clothe your child and not even mention yourself. How long will this last???? And for what kind of awards are the site managers paid bonuses of 200,000 thousand rubles??? He sits straight on his butt and gets such bonuses!?!? The guys work in the cold, in the heat and get their hard-earned 35 thousand rubles. When will this justice come????? My husband comes home with no legs, all sick! Maybe you can start your checks?! Maybe all the heads of the Gormost State Budgetary Institution should be put on a salary of 35 thousand rubles and see how they can live on this money. Having paid for their mansions, a fleet of expensive cars and vacations on expensive islands. And stay outside from morning to evening in the cold or heat of 30 degrees with a cold lunch and dirty hands. Because there are no conditions for hygiene and for lunch! To the letter: There is video and photo material various violations. For example, how the boss says that you were deprived of your salary because you did not show up for the demonstration on November 4th. He will answer for this in court. A video channel of city violations is being created on YouTube, stop being patient! This letter will be finalized and sent to all authorities; the New Year's gift to the city council will be a letter to the government.

The Ivanovs, they say, are half of Russia. But Ivankov is a rather rare surname. How and when the “extra” letter appeared in the metric of a distant ancestor, Yuri Anatolyevich himself does not know. Maybe it was just a mistake. But, apparently, in some mysterious way it affected the character of the owners of the surname. In any case, in Olkhovatka, where the family originates, everyone will say: the Ivankovs are reliable, thorough, savvy and hardworking people.

What kind of name this is - Olkhovatka - in Kursk there is no need to explain to anyone. And in Russia, anyone who was interested in the events of the Great Patriotic War knows about this village and the height next to it: it was here that soldiers fought to the death so as not to let the enemy get to Kursk. But Olkhovatka was famous even before the war: a large village, rich. During the years of collectivization, as many as four collective farms were formed on its territory. And two of them, imagine, were created by Yuri Anatolyevich’s grandfathers. True, they were not grandfathers then and did not even imagine that they would become related. On the contrary, enmity is not enmity, but fierce rivalry took place. But their children got along well and started talking about marriage. Fortunately, a variation on the Montague and Capulet theme did not happen; the family lived together in harmony. When in post-war years collective farms were enlarged, Andrei Andreevich Ivankov became the first head of a large farm. And ten years later, in 1962, fellow villagers elected his son Anatoly, then still a very young man, as chairman of the collective farm “Dawn of Communism”. He remained in this position for twenty years, and under his leadership the farm became one of the strongest in the region. Government awards were not given in vain, and Anatoly Andreevich had a lot of them. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the “Badge of Honor”, ​​the medal “For Valiant Labor” are carefully preserved along with the military awards of his grandfathers by his son, Yuri Anatolyevich Ivankov. Today he lives quite far from his native Olkhovatka, in Moscow, but not only has he not lost his connection with his small homeland, but is strengthening it year after year. Yes, so successfully that now his grandchildren feel this corner of the earth as something especially dear and unique.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves and return to the chronological framework.

So, in the early seventies of the last century, Yuri Ivankov was deciding the inevitable question for everyone: who to be? My father, who once served in the navy, instilled a love for the sea. So much so that the boy even wrote poetry: “I have never seen the sea, but I loved it with my heart.” First failure when entering maritime school desires to become a captain long voyage(or at least by the navigator) did not fight off. The Polytechnic Institute was perceived as a temporary haven: to pass the time until next August and new entrance exams. But fate intervened in the plans, taking the guise of the beautiful Dina from a parallel group. In general, a young mining family arose - he specialized in the development of open deposits, she specialized in ore enrichment. Both came to court in Zheleznogorsk, which was experiencing its heyday and had the status of an all-Union Komsomol construction site.

Yura climbed the career ladder quickly, but did not jump over steps; he honestly walked to the next one: foreman, foreman, shift supervisor. But then the logic broke down: he, who had never held a position in the Komsomol above the Komsomol student group leader, was suddenly offered to become the first secretary of the Komsomol district committee. The organization is large, there are more than three dozen exempt workers alone. He accepted the offer, but even here he could not confine himself to, as they say, general leadership: he needed real, living work. And it was found. On the agenda was the issue of securing personnel in the village; young people were leaving the village. Housing at all times for young people is a serious argument. The construction of the Molodezhny village began on the Svoboda collective farm near Zheleznogorsk. The construction was unusual, the houses were erected in free time from the main work, so to speak, on a voluntary basis, using the method of public construction. We worked in the evenings and on weekends. Soon, about three dozen houses were ready to accept young families of agronomists and livestock specialists, machine operators and veterinarians. Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote about the unusual construction site and young specialists flocked to Zheleznogorsk. The acuteness of the personnel problem was removed. Several decades have passed since then, and the village of Molodezhny still stands today as a visible monument to the enthusiasm and organizational abilities of Yuri Anatolyevich. However, this was not the only notable activity of the district Komsomol during the period when it was headed by Ivankov. It is not for nothing that three banners of the Komsomol Central Committee remained with the organization for eternal storage. And yet, the failed sailor, but a fully accomplished miner, decided to return to production. He was willingly accepted to the position of chief stripping engineer, and soon became the head of the production department of the entire mine.

Changes in society brought him back to the public, or as it is now commonly called, bureaucratic path. He won the first alternative elections in Zheleznogorsk for the post of chairman of the city council. Of the seven candidates, he inspired the greatest confidence among voters. This is understandable: among them there were many miners who knew the candidate by his business qualities.

Perhaps he would have remained among the city fathers for a long time, but... It’s not for nothing that there is an Eastern saying about the time of change. Events in the country could not ignore Zheleznogorsk; the age of the Soviets of the new formation turned out to be short-lived. However, even today Yuri Anatolyevich, not without pride, recalls that he and his team, without falling into political rhetoric, were engaged in urban management, preparing for winter, and all sorts of shocks passed Zheleznogorsk.

The dashing nineties forced Yuri Anatolyevich to look for his place in a changing life. He even mastered a completely unfamiliar field of activity - banking. And at the beginning of the new century he moved to Moscow. Partly due to family circumstances: the children - a daughter and a son - already lived in the capital. Of course, he did not intend to limit “life to the family circle.” Ivankov’s analytical mind and organizational talent could not go unnoticed and unclaimed. The first position in Moscow was director of the Nagorny District Directorate. Then - deputy head (and some time later - head) of the Danilovsky district council, then deputy. prefect for social affairs in the Southern District, first deputy prefect in charge of construction, deputy head of the housing and communal services department. And for five years now he has been heading the state budgetary institution “Gormost”. Behind this rather dry name there are 1850 objects, and not just bridges. These are tunnels, all pedestrian crossings (both underground and glazed overground), monuments, piers, 120 kilometers of fortified granite banks, all large Moscow fountains. For example, the famous “Friendship of Peoples” fountain at VDNKh, which shone with new gilding last summer, was launched by the services of the State Budgetary Institution “Gormost”. It is unlikely that people sitting in cars racing through illuminated, clean tunnels will think about how complex this energy-intensive engineering structure is. And pedestrians hurrying at any time of the day, descending underground or rising above the highway, all the more rarely think that their comfort and safety are the result of someone’s hard work. Meanwhile, any mistake or negligence can cost people their lives. Yuri Anatolyevich leaves home every day at half past six in the morning and often returns after midnight. Small detail. Ivankov has two personal drivers; one simply cannot keep up with the boss’s working rhythm. After all, he often travels to sites on weekends:

In order to demand accurate work from subordinates, you yourself need to have a good idea of ​​what, where, and in what time frame should be done.

In this busy schedule, choosing time to relax is very difficult. But it still works. And then Yuri Anatolyevich goes to his native land. And he is not a guest here - he is the host. The fact is that he inherited land shares from his parents. He didn't sell or donate them. I decided to create a farm. This is not a business (not yet, anyway). More like a hobby. And it’s a family affair. Diana Mikhailovna, despite being a hereditary city dweller, loves the land very much. She even grows tomatoes and potatoes near her Moscow house, but in the village she’s doing her best. Since February, all window sills have been filled with boxes of seedlings of elite varieties of vegetables. And there is plenty of all kinds of greenery for yourself, your children, and even more distant relatives and friends. And on the spacious farm, sheep and cows, geese, chickens, and ducks feel at ease. A special article is horses. Their granddaughter, seventh grader Sasha, dotes on them. Eight-month-old Orlik is considered her personal pet, but for now she has an adult horse at her disposal. The question: where to go on vacation during the holidays is most often decided in favor of the grandfather’s homeland.

You can swim in our river no worse than in the Mediterranean Sea,” says the girl.

Grandson, third grader Andrey is more restrained in his emotions, after all, he is a man. But he also remembers with delight the warmth of a real Russian stove. Yes, yes, in the new, spacious house, equipped with all the benefits of modern civilization, built on the site of Yuri Anatolyevich’s family nest, a real Russian stove takes pride of place in the middle of the kitchen! It was not easy to find a craftsman who remembered the craft of laying such stoves. But now here you can simmer cabbage soup and get a healing warm-up after riding down the hills. And the owner of the house also immersed himself in childhood memories, when, lying on the stove, he looked at the light of a kerosene lamp - electricity came to the village later.

Probably, this is exactly how, without lofty words and tedious instructions, love for the small homeland, respect for ancestors, and patriotism are brought up.

I suspect that someone, having read these lines, winced: it’s good, they say, to instill love if you can give your granddaughter a horse.

Yes, Yuri Anatolyevich himself likes to say: there is an opportunity, why not do it! (Most often, however, these words are heard when we're talking about about helping someone.) But how many examples do we know when these same opportunities are used to purchase a villa somewhere in Italy or Greece?! But Ivankov doesn’t care how people live in his native Olkhovatka. That is why so many fellow countrymen work in the Gormost State Budgetary Institution on a rotational basis. In Moscow, it is difficult to find hunters for such positions; the focus is on newcomers. So why not take your own? By the way, when he first joined the organization, there were also many recruits from the provinces. But they lived in such conditions that I don’t even want to talk about it. Now the rooms under the bridges are almost equipped with economy-class hotels: showers, refrigerators, microwaves, decent furniture. There is a good place to rest after a shift. And you can bring your family a very good salary, even by metropolitan standards.

There is a temple in Olkhovatka - a chapel in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And Yuri Anatolyevich Ivankov also made a significant contribution to its construction, who, by the way, was awarded a high church award.

To the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War on the initiative of the Kursk community at the historical Height of 274 meters near the village of Olkhovatka, the very one where the turning point in Battle of Kursk, it was decided to erect a memorial monument. Last summer, on the anniversary of the battle, a stone was laid there, under which a letter to descendants was laid, and a monument was erected - the Angel of Peace. As you understand, one of the most active participants in this good deed was Yu.A. Ivankov. After all, his childhood was spent on this blood-watered, glory-covered land. Then, holding prominent positions, he always treated war veterans with reverence, making friends with them not out of duty - at the behest of his heart. I took my grandson with me to the festive events and kept watching how the boy reacted to what was happening. He didn’t seem to show any special emotions. How happy the grandfather was when he learned that school essay, in which it was necessary to talk about the most memorable day of the summer, Andrei wrote not about the beauty of the Mediterranean, but about the Angel of Peace. So there is no doubt: the Ivankov dynasty will continue. Today in Yuri Anatolyevich’s house, in places of honor in frames, there are his grandfather’s military awards, his father’s labor awards, and a yellowed newspaper clipping - an essay about the talented leader, chairman of the collective farm “Dawn of Communism” Anatoly Andreevich Ivankov. The current owner of the house also has a lot of awards, among them the Russian Government Prize recently presented by Dmitry Medvedev, but for now they have been given a more modest place, not in plain sight. And that’s to say: the story is not over, it is still being written. Diligently, diligently, every day.

Daughter Elena, a respected doctor, candidate of medical sciences, son Mikhail, head of the State Budgetary Institution Promresurs, add their lines to it. And then the time will come for grandchildren, great-grandchildren... The dynasty will live long!


VIP #01-2015

". He spoke about current work and plans for next year, as well as how retail outlets in pedestrian crossings in the capital will be transformed.

Yuri Anatolyevich, you are in charge of many city facilities, what is your focus now?

In total, the Gormost State Budgetary Institution is responsible for 1,677 engineering structures. Of these, 493 bridges, 102 glazed pedestrian crossings, 67 transport tunnels, 422 underground pedestrian crossings, 64 fountains, 102 embankments and other objects. This year we were allocated one and a half billion rubles for major repairs of structures. This money goes towards bridge structures, underground and overpasses, and repairs to embankments.

- Which bridges do you repair first?

I want to say that the bridges in the capital were poorly repaired; funding was not allocated for many years. Many of them haven't seen renovations since the 50s. Now we are actively repairing the Gagarinsky Bridge, the supports are in cages, they have already collapsed. But we will finish the renovation next year. We are also working on the Oktyabrsky Tunnel and the Brateevsky Bridge, where the span is 303 meters. Now we are processing it using sandblasting, priming it, and painting it. In total, 53 bridge structures require major repairs in the coming years. We also repair expansion joints. Of the 50 kilometers of seams, 12 kilometers require repairs. Last year we repaired two kilometers of seams, this is the entire Garden Ring, and this year we will do five kilometers of seams. In 2014, we will completely complete the expansion joint repair program.

A large-scale program to re-equip pedestrian crossings is also being implemented by Gormost. What are the tasks in this area?

By the end of the year we must repair 12 pedestrian crossings. The Komsomolsky and Moskovsky pedestrian crossings are being renovated on the area of ​​three stations. We are also working on the transition near the Khudozhestvenny cinema, on Novy Arbat, on Mantulinskaya Street, on Kashirskoye Shosse.

- What are the specifics of this work?

The fact is that the process of restoring the stalls is underway. We had 1,300 retail outlets in the transitions. We were given the task of renewing the contracts on new terms, since the cost of rent had increased 10 times. Previously, the city received only 160 million rubles from this rent, which is virtually nothing. Rental prices have not increased since the 90s. Most of the money went into the pockets of individual resellers who re-rented the kiosks. The goal was to get rid of subtenants. As a result, after renewing the contracts, profit from renting stalls increased 11.6 times.

- Did everyone agree to these conditions?

Not all. But in the end the scheme paid off. Three months before the conclusion of the contracts, we announced new conditions. The first auction for the transition was held at the City Hall building. We played 6 lots, 19 participants submitted 84 applications. During the auction, the rental price increased by 11.2 percent, that is, the tenants gave 700 thousand rubles more.

- What do you do with those who did not want to renegotiate the contract?

We demolish those stalls whose contracts have expired and repair the crossings. We are building our own in place of the demolished kiosks. They will belong to the city. By the end of the year, we will build 80 such stalls: on Three Station Square, on Kudrinskaya, on Elektrozavodskaya, on Preobrazhenskaya Square, on Mantulinsky Street, on Arbat.

- Will the new kiosks be different from the ones before?

They will be larger in area, eight square meters, and before they were only three meters. We also install toilets in the passages and supply water so that staff can work in normal conditions. We make suspended ceilings with good lighting, heating in the stalls. The kiosks' showcases will be made of explosion-resistant glass approved by GOST standards of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The crossings will have video surveillance and physical security. So the tenant will not need to hire security. In addition, we make all floors and transition walls in granite and porcelain stoneware.

- Will toilets be installed only for staff?

Basically, yes. True, there will be four toilet points on Komsomolskaya for passers-by. The crossings were built in the 50s for people to pass through; there is no water or sewerage there, so we are installing small treatment facilities there. And where it is impossible to supply water - dry toilets.

- How will the video surveillance system be organized in the crossings?

According to the Moscow security program, we install CCTV cameras everywhere. The image goes to the security point at the crossing, as well as to us at the security center.

- You are also in charge of the city fountains, what are the plans for work on them?

We deal with all major fountains: Poklonnaya Hill, Peter the Great, Tsaritsyn Fountain, Manezhnaya Square. They need to be maintained and constantly washed, because residents, unfortunately, leave a lot of garbage in them after themselves. We stop them at night and wash them with shampoos. Reconstruction of the fountain will begin in Gorky Park. It should be completed next year. The project is currently undergoing examination.

- A large number of coastal fortifications require processing. What are your plans in this direction?

This year we are also repairing 8 kilometers of coastal fortifications. The work on Brateevskaya embankment has already been completed; about two kilometers of fortifications have been built there; before there were none at all. We are working on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. We work on the water, from a barge. Next year we will finish the renovation. The work is very painstaking; each granite slab must be adjusted. Every year we remove the seams to prevent the grass from growing. For this purpose, 80 thousand square meters of coastal fortifications were sandblasted.

- Is work being carried out in the annexed territories?

Now we service 26 bridges in New Moscow. They were both built and not maintained in proper condition. We have a lot of comments on them. We examined them, now we will eliminate all violations. For now, we are installing external railings and fixing holes in the bridges.

In addition, we check the safety of the Shishkin Les bridge. From September 1st 8 will be launched there bus routes.

- What is the most important thing in your work?

People and safety. This is where we start and this is where we end. We always start meetings and planning sessions with safety. People should work their shift calmly, they are expected at home, but this does not always work out that way. There were many cases when at night during work there were collisions with fences. We try to warn drivers in advance about work on the road. Also, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we constantly conduct fire safety drills in tunnels.

They say that life is not about the days that are lived, but about the days that are remembered. If you look at the life of Yuri Ivankov from this position, it turns out that it is very long. Now, on the eve of his anniversary birthday, Yuri Anatolyevich involuntarily turns over its pages, various episodes pop up in his memory. They would probably be enough for a voluminous book. But we agreed to choose just six memorable days, an average of one per decade.

DAY ONE. Labor debut

It started very early. We had to have time to go to Kursk to get gypsum blocks for the barn. A truck driver is a serious person; you can’t be late. They brought the blocks, quickly unloaded them and went to the field, where the combine had already threshed a full bunker. Of course, he doesn’t remember now how many field-to-current flights there were. But he remembers that he needs to unload the car quickly in order to have more time. Moreover, their brand new ZIL is supposed to have three loaders, and they agreed to work together. It was the first working summer after sixth grade.

His hands deftly wield a shovel, and his head is filled with thoughts about what his cousins ​​are doing now, a whole gang of whom came from the city to visit their grandparents for the summer. The house of the ancestors on my mother’s side is located exactly across the road, but since Yura’s family has a larger home, the children spend most of the day here. My father's parents also live nearby. Yurka loves when his grandfathers come and begin to remember the post-war period. Both of them were “in office” at that time, one was the chairman of a collective farm, the other was the chairman of a village council, and during the post-war period, when they plowed with oxen, the women did men’s work (and there was a lot of it - everything was destroyed, it was necessary to build and restore), they drank according to the full program. Both grandfathers went through the war. But, like most front-line soldiers, they didn’t really like to talk about it. And yet, the grandchildren knew that Pyotr Trofimovich Lomakin, mother’s father, was seriously wounded near Velikiye Luki and was treated for a long time. And although his hand did not obey him well, he nevertheless returned to duty at the end of the war. But Andrei Andreevich did not get to the front right away: he was left at the disposal of the district party committee and destroyed equipment so that the enemy would not get it. What was it like to carry out this task for him, who put so much effort, ingenuity and labor into the creation of this very MTS?.. Well, then he fought, reached Königsberg, military awards has. Olkhovatka’s boys also knew about the war from school teachers. For example, mathematician Vasily Ivanovich Kuchkin, a former intelligence officer. It was he who took the tongue before the battle on the Kursk Bulge... What is it! The very earth in their native places screamed about those terrible but heroic events. 280 fellow villagers did not return home, as the monument now reminds of. And another one was installed on a mass grave, a thousand soldiers are buried there and among them are seven (!) Heroes Soviet Union... And the third one stands nearby - To the Hero-Artillerymen. There Yura saw real living heroes: I.N. Kozheduba, I.S.  Koneva, K.K. Rokossovsky. I even talked to Kozhedub. How can we not take care of these monuments today? Here we go this summer they were updated. We must take care of the dead, but we must not forget the living. The club helped renovate the sports ground at the school. The well was restored: what a joy it is to drink cold well water on a hot day... However, my thoughts are far from that day... And then the grandfathers did not come to visit. So the day ended in a patch where grown-up girls danced on the ground trampled down to asphalt hardness and expressed “suffering” in high voices.

DAY TWO. Hymn to the profession

Probably, it was on this day that he truly understood two important things: how huge and rich his homeland is and what it means to be a miner.

They were on the first production practice in the Urals. We've been traveling for almost three days, and there's still more than half of Russia ahead. Then he mentally said to himself: I will definitely visit Lake Baikal and get to Kamchatka. Yes, until now it has not been implemented. Well, okay, it’s not evening yet!

And practice helped him understand that he had chosen the right path in life. This is a serious and difficult matter, “tearing the womb of Mother Earth.” Favorite university teacher Alexander Nikolaevich Kurochkin, who came to the department from production, talked a lot about the Ural mines. But it’s one thing to hear, another thing to see the whole process from stripping the quarry to obtaining the final product - enriched ore.

And although on the first day they, the students, looked more like excursionists than full-fledged participants in the process, he still understood: the chosen path was no less romantic than the maritime profession he dreamed of.

And in the evening the first letter arrived from Dina... He fell in love in his first year, married his second, and by this time had already become a young father. The practice became the first long separation from my beloved. And they wrote to each other almost every day. The letters were long and tender. These are not the current text messages!

...He will remember the Ural practice two years later, on his first day of work. Having chosen Zheleznogorsk for assignment (it’s easier to raise a daughter when her grandparents are nearby), he didn’t even take advantage of the allotted rest and immediately started work. And on the very first shift, trouble happened: the car overturned and could not rise from the quarry. The powerful BelAZ seemed like a helpless beetle... Thank God, there were no casualties. And Yuri, as once in practice, again thought that it was not easy, but important profession he chose. I learned a lifelong lesson from that accident: safety comes first. Even now, as the head of Gormost, Moscow’s most powerful state budgetary institution for the operation and repair of engineering structures, he holds his subordinates to account for safety violations more harshly than for production indicators.

DAY THREE. Unexpected twist

On this day, he, who by that time had risen in production to the position of shift supervisor and was not noticed in his desire for leadership positions in public organizations, did not rise in this hierarchy above the secretary of the Komsomol student group, was elected first secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol of Zheleznogorsk. The organization is very powerful (united for the city and village, 13.5 thousand Komsomol members), there is no experience in such work... But you have to be a diplomat, a business executive, and an administrator. Senior comrades helped: first secretary of the CPSU Civil Code Veniamin Afanasyevich Alekhin, second secretary Alexey Alekseevich Osipov, chairman of the city council Kim Alekseevich Demin, district council - Vladimir Vasilyevich Sekachev. And everything worked out. Delegations from all over the country went to Zheleznogorsk, which had the status of an All-Union Komsomol construction site, to gain experience. Three banners of the Komsomol Central Committee remained there for eternal storage during the four years that Yuri Ivankov headed the organization.

And the experience gained and the ability to synchronize the life of the city and the region were very useful when life again dictated that he become a leader in the 90s, when he, having returned to production and successfully moving up the career ladder (he had already become the chief engineer of stripping operations), was elected chairman of the City Council . Due to well-known events in the country, he did not remain in this status for long. However, if someone else had been at the helm in those months, to put it mildly, more emotional and less practical, the Zheleznogorsk residents, perhaps, would have felt the shock effect of the early nineties more strongly. When others were rallying, Yuri Anatolyevich was preparing the city for winter and directed his fellow subordinates to do the same. He helped the city survive the time of famine, relying on knowledge of the problems of the village and friendly relations with farms. For example, he helped repair the Lgov sugar factory by sending specialists from the mining and processing plant for a month, and provided the city with sugar for a year. Today, perhaps, someone has forgotten, and someone, being young, does not even understand what empty shelves in stores mean. And then...

DAY FOUR. Housing and communal services as a test of strength

A pipe burst on Serpukhovsky Val. Not just any kind - about twenty meters in diameter. He knew from a young age, from working in a quarry, that if something serious happens, you need to be with people, together you will overcome everything. While driving to the scene of the accident, I thought that the shaft was so unlucky! Not so long ago, in the same microdistrict, a transit pipe under a house burst. I had to drain all the water from the heating system. This is in twenty-degree frost! Heaters were installed in the entrances so that the system would not be blown apart, and people were asked to be patient and not abuse the heaters: the wiring could not withstand it. The accident was dealt with within 24 hours.

When I arrived at the place, I saw: water was flowing down the street like a river all the way to the Danilovsky Monastery. It turned out that a gas pipe had also burst - they opened the burners, and from there came no gas, just water... We had to cut off the water and gas supply to a hundred houses, half a district. There was a real danger of flooding at the Tulskaya metro station; 50 valves had to be closed. The work headquarters was set up right in the park of Serpukhovsky Val. In truth, that day turned into three days of continuous vigil: working day followed by working night. Surprisingly, people did not complain. However, Yuri Anatolyevich has long understood: if you speak honestly and work honestly, you are understood and accepted.

Paradoxical as it may sound, Ivankov considers it lucky that he had the opportunity to experience the peculiarities of metropolitan life, which, frankly, are very different from provincial ones, in the housing and communal services sector. Those who have passed this test are no longer afraid of anything.

Whatever Ivankov did, he preferred to understand the essence of the activity in practice, to study the situation not from the reports of his subordinates, but on the spot, assessing the situation with his own eyes.

When it was necessary to understand where something was wrong, I went into the courtyards: grandparents on a bench at the entrance are the best informants. I heard a lot of unkind words about control rooms, I can’t get through to them. I made night raids and saw: the phone was picked up, and the duty officer was sleeping... Word of mouth quickly spread word about the principles of the new boss’s work, and the drowsiness disappeared as if by hand.

And he personally supervised the execution of the work. I called once to find out if the water leak in the basement had been fixed. Yes, they say everything is fine. He dressed appropriately - and went to the basement. And he invited the head of the house management with him. She's wearing a fur coat and high-heeled boots. And steam swirls in the basement. We went outside and icicles formed on our fur coat. There were no more lies.

DAY FIFTH. The most ordinary one.

Yes, yes, we decided to talk about this day precisely because it is similar to hundreds of others. It would probably be difficult to remember him if not for the photograph. It shows Yuri Anatolyevich in his office with friends Komsomol youth: Azmet Malish, Plamen Mladenov and Eduard Izuddinov. This meeting turned an ordinary day into a special one. But it happened late in the evening, and before that it was routine, familiar, but so necessary work.

State Unitary Enterprise "Gormost" was headed by Yuri Anatolyevich eight years ago. During this time, the organization managed to celebrate two anniversaries: 75 and 80 years. But holidays are only desirable when everything goes fine on weekdays. So, during his tenure, the number of workers doubled and the volume of work tripled. As they say, comments are unnecessary. 170 underground passages have recently been lined with granite, but 200 are needed. It is already clear that they will meet the deadline. And how many embankments, bridges, piers have been put in order. Anyone who went on a boat trip in the summer could not help but notice the changes. But the principle of organizing the business is still the same: work in full force yourself, then you can ask others. That’s why the most ordinary day, like hundreds of others, began very early. At seven in the morning he was already in the car; the drive to the Nagatinsky Bridge was not far, he would have to manage to get through the traffic jams. It’s good that I decided to go to this particular site. We agreed on some working issues on the spot, resolved the issue with Mosteplo, and this saved a lot of time, which, as we know, is always in short supply. The time, of course, is not his, Yuri Anatolyevich’s, but that allocated for the overhaul of this difficult facility. There is a planning meeting at 8.30, you can’t be late: the heads of the sections are busy people, they also have a scheduled day. And it’s not good for a manager to set a bad example for his subordinates. Therefore, when driving past my objects, I did not ask to slow down, I just made notes for myself about which overpass I didn’t like. And the day rolled on as usual: documents were signed, visitors were received, conflicts were resolved, questions were answered. It’s good that I didn’t have to go to the mayor’s office that day (the housing and communal services department is called there 3-4 times a week for meetings), otherwise the meeting with friends would have been disrupted. They, as agreed the day before, arrived late in the evening. Quite by chance, everyone ended up in Moscow at the same time. Azmet lives in his native Adygea, he is an Honored Master of Sports in judo. Plamen became a successful entrepreneur in his Sofia; Eduard (he is from Dagestan) runs the reputable budgetary institution Dorinvest. Of course, we talked about today's victories and troubles, and exchanged family news.

But more often than other words sounded: “Do you remember?” Everyone loves their youth. And theirs was absolutely wonderful! What kind of speeches were made at the subbotniks, which, by the way, were not attended at all under pressure. It was a fun, loud time. They came up with free time After the main work, build houses. Not for ourselves, for rural young specialists, to anchor them on the ground. This idea became a sensation, people went to Zheleznogorsk for experience, and an all-Union youth movement arose. Of course, the memories were not pretentious at all; they remembered more all sorts of incidents, practical jokes and fun get-togethers. Someone remembered how an inspector from the Central Committee of the Komsomol came to the ORS. Anyone who lived at that time knows about the shortage. Even though he was from the capital, he still asked: is anything needed? The labor supply department could do a lot of things back then! And the visitor asked... for a tie. Apparently he had his eye on some girl and was going on a date. Kuryan women, a well-known fact, are recognized beauties. In short, the gift was a penny, and the bale of ties ended up in the farthest corner of the warehouse - this product was not in demand in the youth city. They searched for an hour, they turned over half the warehouse...

DAY SIX. Perhaps the brightest.

It happened quite recently, this fall. She didn’t particularly indulge in good weather, but here it was like a gift: it was warm like summer and bright like autumn. And the air is so clear!

Shortly before this, daughter Lena came to her father with a request: “Could you take mine to our places?” Mine is about colleagues (Elena Yuryevna - doctor highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, works in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals), and our places are about the northern face of the Kursk Bulge. Of course, he could not refuse his daughter, and on the weekend they went to small homeland Ivankov.

There were about thirty people who wanted to go, many of them took their children with them. He showed Kursk, Zheleznogorsk, Svoboda... There, of course, they looked at the Memorial Complex “Command Post of the Central Front”. And then we went to Olkhovatka, home. There, near the village, at an altitude of 269 meters, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the victory on the Kursk Bulge, the Angel of Peace ascended upward. Yuri Anatolyevich remembers very well the day when it was installed. Cold, windy. The height of the monument is forty meters, there is a fair amount of windage in the wind. From time to time we went into the tent to warm ourselves, so to speak, from the outside and from the inside - in such weather there is no way without a hundred grams from the front. It wasn't all easy. It's already night, dark. But they lifted it, installed it, and made it on time. And how joyful it was now to learn that since that moment 35 thousand people have already visited the memorial.

Telling his daughter’s colleagues about this, Yuri Anatolyevich saw Sasha’s face flush with pride (his granddaughter, of course, did not miss the opportunity to visit her beloved Olkhovatka). Then there was lunch in a large army tent, in the evening they cooked fish soup... In general, it was a good day!

...Of course, a story about just a few days cannot claim to be a biography. He doesn't pretend to. Moreover, life goes on! A bright, beautiful, honest and difficult life. Health to you, Yuri Anatolyevich, strength, new victories! I think that many of your fellow countrymen will join the wishes of the magazine staff. Happy birthday!

Ivankov Yuri Anatolievich

Graduated from the mining department of the Kursk Polytechnic University. He worked in the mining industry for more than 10 years, rising from mining foreman to chief engineer of an overburden quarry, deputy. chief engineer of the production department of the Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant.
From 1981 to 1985 - first secretary of the Zheleznogorsk Komsomol State Committee.
From 1990 to 1993 - Chairman of the City Council of People's Deputies.
In 2000 he graduated from the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.
From 2002 to 2006 - director of the Department of Economic Protection of the Nagorny district of Moscow, first deputy head of the Danilovsky district administration.
From 2006 to 2008 - deputy, first deputy prefect of the Southern Autonomous District of Moscow.
From 2008 to 2009 - deputy. Head of the Department of Housing and Public Utilities and Improvement of the City of Moscow.
Candidate of Technical Sciences.
In May 2009, he was appointed head of the Gormost State Budgetary Institution.
Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology, honorary worker of the housing and communal services of Russia. He has received several commendations from the mayor of Moscow.


VIP #05-2016

The company was registered on December 30, 2011, the registrar is Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for MOSCOW. The company State Unitary Enterprise "GORMOST" is located at the address: 111033, MOSCOW, VERKHNY ZOLOROGSKY lane, 5, bldg. 3. The main type of activity is: “Renting out your own real estate.” The organization also carries out activities in the following non-core areas: "Activities of children's camps during the holidays." The main industry of the company: "Road farming". The head of the company is Yuri Anatolyevich Ivankov. Organizational and legal form - budgetary institutions. Type of property - property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Address and telephone numbers + directions

General Director of State Unitary Enterprise "GORMOST" - Ivankov Yuri Anatolyevich

December 30, 2011
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for MOSCOW
Budget institutions
Property of subjects of the Russian Federation