Summary of an integrated lesson on fairy tales for middle group children. Summary of an integrated lesson with ICT for middle-aged children: “Visiting the fairy tale Kolobok” Progress of an integrated lesson in the middle group

Continue to introduce children to the folklore genre of fairy tales;

Ideas about winter weather phenomena, consolidate ideas about animals in the immediate environment;

To instill in children of the middle group a valuable attitude towards works of art.

Material and equipment: illustrations for a fairy tale, cards with images of mint and mustard, mustard plasters and mint in bags.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle, and after you guess it, you’ll find out what I brought you today.

Let's read it

And we learn a lot:

About the cowardly bunny,

About the gray mouse

We love with pictures

Children's... (book).

N. Enbulaeva

That's right, I brought it for you new book. Look at her. Who's on the cover? (Rooster.) What can you say about this rooster? What is he like? (Beautiful, bright, he has a long green tail, yellow wings, a bright red crest.)

Pay attention to his eyes and beak. What is the rooster's mood? (Good, joyful.) Let's take a closer look at this cheerful, beautiful cockerel.

The teacher introduces the children to the fairy tale “Know How to Wait” by K.D. Ushinsky.

IN. Who did the cockerel live with? (With a chicken sister.) Why are they sister and brother? How are they similar? (Shows an illustration, children answer: the body is covered with feathers, two legs, there are wings, eyes, combs, beaks.) How are they different? (Peter is tall, and the hen is short, the cockerel has a long tail, a large comb, the hen has a short tail, a small comb.)

What color are Petya's feathers? (Green, red, orange, yellow, blue.) The chicken has fewer colors in its plumage. What color are her feathers? (Red, yellow, red.)

What kind of currants did Petya peck in the garden? (The little green one.) Did the chicken warn him, what did she tell him? (Don’t eat, Petya, wait until he’s ready.) Show how the chicken warned Petya. (Children perform actions.)

Why is she unripe? (It was green.) Did Petya eat a lot of green currants? (A lot, pecked, pecked, and got pecked.)

Did Petya really force himself home? How did you understand this? (Shows an illustration, the children answer: he lowered his comb and tail, his eyes are closed, he can barely move his paws.) What did he say to the chicken? (Oh, trouble, it hurts me.)

Show me the cockerel. (Children show.) The chicken helped him go home, and then treated him, gave Petya mint and applied mustard plaster. Close your eyes and imagine that we are in the same room with a rooster and a hen. “Smell” what your nose will tell you, what it smells like? (Mint, mustard.)

Do you know what mint and mustard plasters are? (Children's answers.) Let's go to the table. (The teacher and the children come to the table and look at the materials.)

Mint is a very valuable and useful plant for people. (Shows an image of mint.) Since ancient times, mint has been used in medicine because it is an excellent remedy for many diseases and has been used in medicine.

Mint infusions are used to improve indoor air; they are used to wash hands and wipe floors. Mint is added to various baked goods, drinks and vegetable salads. So that you can treat with mint in winter, it is dried, packaged and sold in a pharmacy. Let's smell the dried mint. (Offers to children.)

Mustard is a plant. (Shows a picture of mustard.) The mustard oil obtained from it is used as a food product and for the production of medicines. A powder is made from the seeds, which is used to prepare table mustard, seasonings, and is used in medicine and also as a detergent. Pharmacies sell mustard bags - thin containers containing mustard powder. (Shows it to the children.) This is what it smelled like in the cockerel’s room.

Petya recovered and went to the field. There he ran and jumped, got hot and sweaty. (Children reflect the teacher’s words with actions.) And what did he want? (Drink.) He drank cold water (Children show the action.) and immediately he felt better. No? What happened? (Petya got sick.) Who treated the cockerel this time? (Doctor.) Why did the chicken call the doctor and not treat Petya herself? (He became seriously ill.) What did Petya do? (He lay there and cried.) Why was he crying? (Drank bitters, lay in bed for a long time, his throat hurt.) How did you understand that Petya lay in bed for a long time? (I only recovered in winter.)

Name the signs of winter. (Snow, ice, frost, cold, sledding, skating.)

Did Petya go ice skating or ice skating? Why? (Ice is thick, strong, and ice is thin, fragile.) What did the chicken warn him about this time? (Wait, let the river freeze completely, the ice is still very thin, you will drown.) Why did she warn him all the time? (The chicken is smart, caring, careful, patient.) And what about Petya? (Stupid, careless, inattentive.)

Show with your hands how Petya skated on ice. (Children perform actions.)

Look at the illustration and tell me, who else is outraged by the behavior of the cockerel? (Fish.) What could she tell him? (Wait, be careful!) Petya rolled on the ice, rolled. The ice broke under him and Petya fell into the water! They only saw him.

What would have happened if Petya hadn’t eaten green currants, didn’t drink cold water, didn’t ride on thin ice? (Children's answers.)

Who do you sympathize with in the fairy tale? Who do you feel sorry for? Who were you scared for? (Children's answers.) What does this fairy tale teach us? (Be attentive, careful, listen to others, do not rush.) And people also say: “If you rush, you will make people laugh.”

Guys, tell your parents a story about a cockerel at home. And don’t be such a careless “cockerel” yourself, listen to what they tell you, don’t rush.

Nadezhda Popova

Integrated lesson on speech development “Journey through fairy tales.”

Educational area: " Speech development»

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”

Forms of lesson: surprise moment, conversation, making and guessing riddles, didactic game, drawing, folding cut pictures, coming up with the end of a fairy tale, modeling.

Training tasks:

Strengthen the ability to recognize familiar Russian folk tales;

Strengthen the ability to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling;

Strengthen the techniques of unconventional drawing;

Developmental tasks:

Develop the ability to fantasize based on the plot of a familiar fairy tale;

Develop the ability to come up with the end of a familiar fairy tale;

Develop attention, memory, imagination, thinking;

Develop speech, activate vocabulary;

Develop fine motor skills and physical activity;

Educational tasks:

To educate children’s moral and patriotic feelings through small folklore forms;

Develop independence, confidence, accuracy;

To develop interest and love for oral folk art.

Dictionary of new words: magical, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, joyful, wise, instructive, unusual.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations, talking about the heroes of fairy tales, dramatizing excerpts from fairy tales.

Equipment and materials: satin bag, pictures with fairy tales, saucer, liquid apple, ball, cut-out pictures, models of the fairy tale “Teremok”, nest, Ryaba Hen, toy Kolobok, toy trees, large format Whatman paper depicting a forest, audio recording; cotton swabs, pieces of foam rubber, cotton pads, gouache, wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson

1. A game situation that creates motivation for activity.

The music “Come Fairy Tale” plays. The storyteller Marya enters to the music.

Storytellers Marya: Hello, guys! My name is the storyteller Marya. I am glad that you came to visit me in the fairy tale kingdom. You all hold hands and smile at each other. There was trouble in my kingdom. The swan geese carried Ivanushka to Baba Yaga. Will you help Alyonushka find his brother?

Storyteller Marya: But you must complete many difficult tasks: know a lot of fairy tales, solve riddles, assemble a fairy tale from parts, model a fairy tale, come up with the end of a fairy tale, draw, and you also need to be attentive, diligent, obedient. Aren't you afraid of difficulties?

Children: No.

Storyteller Marya: And this magical ball will show us the way to Baba Yaga. (Throws the ball, it rolls towards the wonderful bag.)

2. Didactic game"Guess the fairy tale."

Storyteller Marya. What is this?

Children: Bag.

Storyteller Marya: But the bag is not simple,

He's magical, that's what!

Want to know what's in the magic bag? (Children take turns taking out pictures and calling the heroes of fairy tales. “Crane and Heron”, “Snow Maiden”, “Morozko”, “Bull Resin Barrel”, “Little Fox Sister and gray wolf, etc.

3. Conversation about fairy tales.

Storyteller Marya: Guys, what kind of fairy tales are these?

Children: Russian folk.

Storyteller Marya: Why are fairy tales called folk tales?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Storyteller Marya: What is a fairy tale?

Children: A fairy tale is something that doesn’t really happen. It's magic. Miracle. In a fairy tale, extraordinary events happen to the heroes. Animals, things, birds speak.

Storyteller Marya: How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children: Magical, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, joyful, wise, etc.

Storyteller Marya: How do fairy tales end?

Children: Good conquers evil, the fairy tale has a happy ending, we rejoice with the heroes.

Storyteller Marya: Well done guys!

4. Guessing riddles.

(There is a saucer with a poured apple on the stump).

Storyteller Marya: Where has our little ball rolled to?

Children: To the apple.

Storyteller Marya. Yes, this is my magic apple.

Roll, roll, pouring apple,

On a silver saucer.

Let's see what's inside. (Opens the apple and takes out riddles.)

Now guess the riddles.

A girl is sitting in a box,

At the bear's back;

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home (“Masha and the Bear”).

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("Cat, Rooster and Fox")

There is no river or pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

Storyteller Marya: All the riddles were guessed and all the heroes were named. Well done!

5. Didactic game “Collect a fairy tale.”

Koschey was visiting yesterday

What have you done, just - Ah!

He tore all the pictures.

Played leapfrog with the goblin.

Help me collect them

Call it a Russian fairy tale!

Storyteller Marya: We need to assemble a fairy tale from parts. (Children collect pictures of fairy tales from the parts and name them).

Fairy tales: “The Zhiharka”, “Winter Hut of Animals”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Geese and Swans”, “Three Bears”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

Storyteller Marya: Well done! We managed to put it together!

Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!

6. Modeling a fairy tale.

Storyteller Marya: (rolls the ball towards the magnetic easel) Our ball rolled and rolled into a fairy tale.

There is a tower in a field.

He is neither short nor tall.

And he’s waiting for his tenants,

Who will come here for whom?

Name a fairy tale.

Children: Teremok.

Storyteller Marya: We will show it using modeling.

(Children, using models, sequence the chain of heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”)

7. Coming up with the end of a fairy tale.

Children: Chicken Ryaba.

Storyteller Marya: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. They had Ryaba chicken. The hen Ryaba laid an egg, not golden, but iron. Grandfather beat and beat and did not break. Baba did not break it. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell, did not break, but crushed the mouse's tail. I came up with a new fairy tale, and you come up with the end of the fairy tale.

How to help a mouse free its tail? What happened next? (children compose the end of the fairy tale).

Storyteller Marya: Well done guys, they helped the mouse and didn’t leave her in trouble. Which a good fairy tale we made it up with you.

8. Difficulty in a game situation.

Storyteller Marya: We need to continue our journey again. Roll my magic ball. (Rolls a ball). The ball rolls towards the bun, which lies under the Christmas tree.

Storyteller Marya: Oh, who is this round guy, okay?

Children: Kolobok.

Storyteller Marya: Kolobok, why are you so sad?

Kolobok: You guys are all so cheerful and friendly, but I have no friends.

Storyteller Marya: Let's help the kolobok, draw a lot of koloboks so that he can be friends with them. (Children sit at tables.)

Storyteller Marya: Guys, what shape is the bun?

Children: Round.

Storyteller Marya: What can you use to draw with?

Children: With a brush, cotton swabs, a piece of foam rubber, a finger.

Storyteller Marya: Now let’s stretch our fingers.

9. Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales”.

(Children bend their fingers one by one and clap their hands for the last line.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know the fairy tale about the firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

10. Artistic and productive activity.

Storyteller Marya: Start drawing koloboks.

Calm music sounds.

Independent work of children. Individual assistance to children with difficulties.

Children draw koloboks on cotton pads and glue them onto whatman paper with a picture of a forest.

Storyteller Marya: Kolobok, look what friends the guys have drawn for you.

Kolobok: Thank you guys, now I have a lot of friends.

Storyteller Marya: Guys, let's hit the road to look for Ivanushka. (Throws a ball. Children follow the storyteller.)

11. Immediate result educational activities.

The disturbing music “The Flight of Baba Yaga” plays. (audio recording)

Storyteller Marya: Guys, Baba Yaga sensed us! But don't be afraid of her. If we turn to her kindly and greet her, then she will also be kind to us.

Baba Yaga (comes out of the hut): I smell the human spirit. Who are they? Why did you come? Why did you come?

Storyteller Marya: Guys, we need to politely ask Baba Yaga to return Ivanushka to us.

Children: Hello, Baba Yaga, please return Ivanushka to us. His sister Alyonushka is crying.

Storyteller Marya. Baba Yaga, the guys completed many difficult tasks to find you. Tell Baba Yaga what you did in my fairy-tale kingdom?

Children: Guessed fairy tales, guessed riddles, collected fairy tales in parts, modeled the fairy tale “Teremok”, came up with the end of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, drew pictures for friends’ kolobok.

Baba Yaga: Well done! I’ll give Ivanushka to you, let him go home and return to his family. After all, everyone there loves him and is waiting for him.

Storyteller Marya: Baba Yaga, and the guys want to dance with you goodbye.

Dance with Baba Yaga. Melody "Grandma Ezhka".

Baba Yaga: Goodbye guys. Now I will be kind and will not offend anyone. (Leaves.)

Storyteller Marya: Well, it’s time for you guys to return to kindergarten. Did I like it in the fairy tale kingdom?

Storyteller Marya: Here are your gifts. (Gives baby books.) Goodbye guys.

The song “On the Road of Good” is playing.

Integrated speech and language lesson physical development children of middle preschool age.

Redkina Svetlana Vladimirovna - teacher

Goals: 1. Strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

2. Encourage children to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of actions, understand the meaning of the work, evaluate the simple relationships of the characters, characterize moral qualities(cunning).

3.Activate and expand vocabulary children

5. To develop in children agility, speed, endurance, attention, memory, thinking, and the ability to navigate in space.

6. Develop moral qualities and the ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, conversations and oral stories with children, memorizing poems by heart, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations and books on fairy tales, listening to and discussing fairy tales, drawing on the topic “My favorite fairy-tale hero,” consolidating basic movements on physical education classes, learning a new outdoor game.

Equipment: books with studied fairy tales, riddles, 2 flannelographs, a magnetic board, 3 sets of fairy tales, a book with the Kazakh folk tale “How the Goose Outwitted the Fox” and its illustration, sounds of nature accompanied by background music, backing track “Two funny goose", "tunnel", bumps, jumping bars, portrait of A. L. Barto.

Venue: music room

Progress of the lesson.

Children, marching in a column to the music, enter the hall one by one, stand near the chairs, say hello in Kazakh, and sit down on the chairs.

I announce to the children:

Today we will go on a fabulous journey, where we will be expected interesting tasks, unusual obstacles that we will overcome.

Throughout the journey we will talk and in order for our speech to be correct and intelligible, we need to prepare our tongue for this.

Pronunciation of a pure saying:

I walked on the pebbles

I found a new fur coat.

Riddles based on fairy tales

(3 times choral responses, 3 times individual). How to call it in one word: cubes, ball, doll, cars?


Now we’ll talk about toys, but first, tell me who is depicted in this portrait? What works of A.L. Barto do you know? Let's remember the funny poems of the poetess A. L. Barto, which talked about various toys.

Ask children who remember these verses to read them.

Poems by A.L. Barto.



5. Airplane.

.Phys. just a minute.

The teacher recites poems by A.L. Barto from the Toys series, and children doing exercises.


No, we shouldn't have decided

Give the cat a ride in the car.

The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned.

Children become drivers and run the distance with their arms outstretched, as if they were holding the steering wheel.


Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a boat along a fast river.

And the frogs jump on my heels,

And they ask me: “Ride the captain!”

Children seem to be pulling a rope and jumping “like frogs”

    " Airplane"

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests,

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.

Children “fly” in a circle, like “airplanes,” with arms and wings.

The bull is walking, swaying,

Sighs as he walks:

Oh, the board ends

Now I'm going to fall.

All children turn into Bulls - each one grabs the player in front by the belt. The first player puts his hands to his forehead, depicting the horns of a bull. They walk swaying from side to side and squat when they say “I’ll fall.”

Children sit down on chairs.

Over the course of several months, you and I have been getting acquainted with many fairy tales, and I want to know which animal in fairy tales is the most cunning? (fox) And I know a Kazakh folk tale where a goose outsmarts a fox.

Reading a Kazakh folk tale"How the goose outwitted the fox"

What is the name of this fairy tale? What people created this fairy tale? Who did the fox catch while walking through the meadow? What did she do to him? What did the fox ask the goose? What did the goose answer to the fox? What do you think, is the goose a fox or not? Why? What do you think, is cunning a good trait or not? Do you need to be cunning in life or not?

Phys. just a minute.

Ukrainian folk song “Two cheerful geese”

Children sing a song and perform movements.

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.


The other one is white

Two cheerful geese.

Stretched their necks -

Who has it longer?

One is gray

The other one is white

Who has it longer?

Washing the geese's feet

In a puddle near a ditch.

One is gray

The other one is white

They hid in a ditch.

Here's grandma screaming:

“Oh, the geese are missing!”

One is gray

The other one is white

My geese, my geese!”

The geese came out

They bowed to grandma.

One is gray

The other one is white

They bowed to grandma.

The children take their seats.

While the children are sitting on the chairs, paraphernalia for the next task is displayed.

I propose to overcome obstacles that will help you get to the land of fairy tales.

    “Tunnel” - crawl through a tunnel.

    “Hummocks” - step from hummock to hummock without getting your feet wet.

    “Jumping” - jumping over a cord (height - 30 cm).

    “Walking on tiptoes” - how the mice sat down in their places.

I say that a strong wind has blown (the sound of the wind blowing), we quickly close our eyes so that no specks get into the eyes. At this time, the necessary paraphernalia for the following task is set out: 1 flannelgraph, 2 magnetic boards, 3 sets of flat fairy tale theater, books and illustrations for the completed fairy tales. Children must name the fairy tale based on the illustrations they see. When the wind blew, the fairy tales got mixed up and need to be unraveled.

Game "Find the heroes of your fairy tale."

    "Little Red Riding Hood"

    "Fox with a rolling pin"

    "Three Bears"

Outdoor game "Entertainers"

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and say:

In an even circle,

One after another

We are going step by step.

Stand still

Together together

Let's do it... like this.

The children stop and give up. The entertainer shows some movement, and all the children repeat it. The entertainer changes, the game is repeated 3-4 times.

I praise the children for their active participation in the lesson and celebrate the most attentive ones.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, health, gaming.

Types of children's activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative.

  1. Develop speech, including terms in the active dictionary (left, right, less, more).
  2. Ability to decrease and increase numbers by one.
  3. Repeat the composition of number 5.
  4. Continue to navigate on a sheet of paper, fix the name of the figures.
  5. Consolidate knowledge about days of the week, seasons, months.
  6. Develop intelligence, attention, memory and logical thinking.
  7. Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to study.

Planned results: count objects within 5; has a basic understanding of the composition of the number 5; knows how to decrease and increase a number by one; navigates on a sheet of paper, understands the meaning of spatial relationships (top left and right corners, etc.); actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; develops thinking; when executing mathematical operations the desired condition and concentration lasts for 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment:

demonstration material: diagram-map with geometric figures, “house” of the number 5, number cards, planar image of the “castle”, cardboard numbers - stones;

handouts: numbers, pieces of paper, colored pencils, a “house” of the number 5, a key cut into three parts.

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the group to the music.

Guys, look, guests have come to us. Let us say hello to you and give the guests good mood (children blow away the good mood of the guests with their palms)

2. Fairy tale.

Educator: Children, do you like to listen to fairy tales? Wouldn’t you like to get into a fairy tale and help our heroes? Fine. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale, it’s not a simple fairy tale, it’s magical, with math problems. And to get into a fairy tale you need to close your eyes and say magic words“1, 2, 3 turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale.” We open our eyes. We kids are standing near the palace. The fairy tale begins. Once upon a time there lived a king. And he had a beautiful daughter. Once the king left on his royal business, but his daughter remained at home. She went out into the garden for a walk, and then the wind came, picked up the princess and carried her off to a distant kingdom. Ivan Tsarevich went to look for her. It takes a day, it takes two. He drives up to the hut on chicken legs. And Baba Yaga lives there. Ivan Tsarevich told about his misfortune. Baba Yaga promised to help if Ivan Tsarevich answered her questions.

Listen carefully to Baba Yaga's questions:

  • What day of the week is it today?
  • What day of the week was yesterday?
  • What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
  • What seasons do you know?
  • Name the autumn months.
  • Name the spring months.
  • Name the winter months.
  • Name the third shadow of the week.
  • Name the fifth day of the week.
  • Name the second day of the week.

Educator: We completed Baba Yaga’s task.

Baba Yaga gave a ball and sent the prince to her sister Kikimora. She has a map. The ball rolled, and the prince followed the ball. The ball rolled towards the swamp. And suddenly Kikimora appeared in front of the prince. She listened to the prince and decided to help. But in order to get the card, you need to complete the task.

Educator: Let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task. In front of you are pencils and paper. Get ready to listen to the task and draw:

  • draw a red triangle in the upper left corner;
  • draw a green square in the lower right corner;
  • draw a black oval in the center;
  • draw a blue rectangle in the lower left corner;
  • Draw a yellow square in the upper right corner.

Educator: Now let's check.

What geometric figure did Anton draw in the lower right corner? Where did Valeria draw the yellow circle?

In what corner did Vera draw the oval?

We completed the task, and Kikimora gave a map to Tsarevich Ivan, he can go further. The ball rolled further and brought Ivan Tsarevich to fairy forest.

So Ivan Tsarevich and I found ourselves in a fairytale forest. Miracles happen in the forest. The forest dwellers have prepared a task.

A house with the number 5 is displayed.

Look at this house, what number lives in this house? We need to assign residents by floor so that two numbers together make the number 5. Let's start with the top floor. Number 4 already lives on this floor, but what number should live next to it? 1. Well done, you coped with this task too.

The residents of the house advised me to gain strength to move on.

Physical education minute

Ivan Tsarevich once bent over, straightened up,

Two - bent over, straightened up, arms to the side, spread, and walked,

went, followed the princess into the wilderness of the forest,

Suddenly he saw a tree stump, sat down quietly and dozed off.

Educator: Children, open your eyes, you see, there is a castle in front of us. Here is the entrance to the castle. The door to the castle, behind which the princess is hidden, is covered with stones. To enter the castle you need to dismantle the stones. Ivan will sort it out at the board, and we will help him at the tables. Open the boxes and lay out the number line from 1 to 10 from left to right. Everyone got ready and started working.

  • show a number greater than 5 by 1 (6) ;
  • small number (1) :
  • a number that is less than 7 by 1 (6) ;
  • number indicating the day of the week - Tuesday (2) ;
  • number following number 4 (5) .

Educator: Well done, we cleared the door to the castle of stones. But we can’t enter, we need to complete one more task, if everything is done correctly, the door will open. Ivan Tsarevich dropped the crystal key to the ground, and it broke into pieces and was lost.

Guys, in order for us to collect the key, we need to find all the pieces. (Collect the key)

Educator: Well done. And now you and I will insert the key into the lock and free the princess.

Children insert the key into the lock and open the gate. It turns out that the princess thanks the children for helping Ivan Tsarevich in the search and release and gives the children puzzles with a fairy tale. Fairy-tale heroes say goodbye to the children.


And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and start counting from 1 to 5.

(Children count in chorus)

Here we are in kindergarten.

We've been in a fairy tale

We learned a lot

We returned back

The kindergarten is very happy for us.

a) Where have we been today, guys?

b) What did you like?

c) What would you like to wish our guests?

Summary of the integrated lesson “Travel through Russian folk tale»

Kostenko Larisa Anatolyevna, senior teacher of MKDOU "Podgorensky kindergarten No. 1"
Description of the material.
I offer you a summary directly - educational activities for children senior group(5-6 years) on the topic “Journey through a Russian folk tale.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. The outline of an integrated lesson is aimed at versatile, conscious repetition of the knowledge and skills of students through a combination of activities - creative, artistic, gaming. This lesson can be used to demonstrate at a parent meeting.
Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”.
Target: versatile, conscious repetition of students’ knowledge and skills through a combination of activities – creative, artistic, gaming; maintaining a positive emotional mood.
- consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, perform sound-letter analysis of words;
- consolidate the ability to form words from syllables and read them;
- consolidate the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale close to the text from memory;
- consolidate ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to group them based on shape, find shapes using symbols of their properties;
- consolidate knowledge and skills of composing and solving simple addition and subtraction problems;
- consolidate the ability to correctly read examples and solve them.

- develop speech, observation, the ability to express and justify your judgments;
- develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking;
- develop the ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts, without interrupting your comrades, to construct complete sentences;
- develop the ability to classify objects according to various criteria;
- develop the ability to work on an interactive whiteboard;
-give children joy and pleasure from educational games.

- instill interest in educational activities;
- cultivate a desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations;
- cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of studying together.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, conducting Russian folk game"Vorottsa"
Equipment: objects from the fairy tale “Geese - Swans” - a stove, an apple tree with apples, Geese - Swans, music “Visiting a Fairy Tale”; interactive whiteboard, lesson presentation, wonderful bag.

Handout: “pies with examples”, plates with numbers for creating examples, sheets with “labyrinths”, flowers for the game “Plant a Flowerbed”, cubes, a logic mat with letters.

Didactic games: interactive games “Make a word”, “Divide into syllables”, “Maze”; Dienesha blocks; “Put the pies into baskets.”

Methods and techniques: visual (demonstration, use of ICT), verbal (explanation, story, conversation), practical and playful.

Progress of the lesson
Sly 1 (The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. The screen saver is Visiting a Fairy Tale.)
- Guys, today a fairy tale invites us to visit.

Let's go on a journey, we'll go to the land of fairy tales.
Listen, think, watch, guess our fairy tale.
You will get into this fairy tale on a carpet, on an airplane.

Let's make a carpet - an airplane from a rug with letters.
(Children assemble a carpet - an airplane).

- Name the letters on our airplane carpet.
(Children name the letters).
- Let’s all stand on the plane carpet and go to a fairy tale.
(Music "Visiting a Fairy Tale" plays)
Close your eyes together.
Let the fairy tale into your soul.

Here we are in a fairy tale. We open our eyes.
- Look, what kind of fairy tale are we in?
(Children look at the attributes: stove, house, geese - swans).
Children: In the fairy tale "Geese and Swans".

-Let's remember how the fairy tale begins?
Slide 2(Illustration for the fairy tale “Geese - Swans”).
Child:-Mother and father, leaving for the city, punished Mashenka: “Don’t leave the yard, take care of your brother!” And the girl ran off to play with her friends, leaving her brother alone. Geese-swans swooped in and carried away their brother. Mashenka ran to catch up with them.

Guys, can we help the girl get her brother back?
(Draws the children’s attention to the magic bag).
- Oh, guys, look, here is a bag from Mashenka. Let's see what's in it. Here are some diagrams.
-Let's read the diagrams and find the necessary geometric shapes.
Didactic game using Dienesh blocks.
(Children read diagrams and find shapes. Numbers and letters are written on geometric shapes).
1. Large blue triangle.
2. Not a square, not a circle, not a red triangle. (Red rectangle).
3. The circle is not blue, not red, not yellow. (Green circle).
4. .....
- Well done guys. Look, there are numbers and letters on the figures. To read Mashenka's message we must put the figures in order according to the numbers.
- Now let’s read Mashenka’s message.
(Children read the word “Help”).
- Guys, can we help Mashenka?
-So, let's go on our way.
- Let's walk along the fairy tale path.
(Children walk along the sports bumps and approach the stove).
We'll go down the path
Let's go to the land of fairy tales.

- Look, the path led us to the stove.
- Let's ask the stove where the geese and swans flew.
Children:- Stove, stove, where did the geese-swans fly?

Stove:(Sound from behind the scenes.)
“I’ll tell you, if you put my pies in baskets so that the answers in the examples correspond to the desired basket.”
(There are 2 baskets on the stove, on which are the numbers 6 and 8. Children take a pie, read the example and put it in the basket in accordance with the answer).
Solving Examples 4+2 (6), 4+4 (8), 8-2 (6), 5+1 (6), 7-1 (6), 6+2 (8), 7+1 (8), 9-1 (8), 5+3 (8), 3+3 (6).
Stove:- Well done, guys. Go to the apple tree, she will tell you.

Guys, we have completed the task of the stove and are moving on.
Physical education minute (Recording of wind noise sounds)
-And here -
A strong wind blew (children shake their hands above)
Spun and spun. (children spin around)
He blew on the apple tree (blows on fingers)
And the apples fell. (movement of hands to show apples falling)
They lie on the ground (sit down, place your palms on the floor)
They want to go back to the apple tree. (stand up, raise your hands up)

Children:- Apple tree, apple tree, where did the geese and swans fly?
Apple:(A voice sounds from behind the scenes).
“I’ll tell you when you solve the problem. Apples are cheerful on my branches. The swan geese were flying, flapping their wings, a strong wind rose, 3 apples fell and 4 remained. If you tell me how many apples there were on the branches, I’ll tell you!”
(The decoration is an apple tree. There are 4 apples hanging on the apple tree, and 3 apples are under the apple tree).

Problem solution
- Guys, let's go to the tables where the plates with numbers are and solve this problem.
- How many apples are left on the tree? (4)
- How many apples fell? (3)
- How to find out how many apples were on the apple tree?
- Let's lay out the solution to this problem using numbers.
(Children work at tables. Lay out the solution to the problem 4 + 3 = 7).
- Seryozha, read, what example did you get?
- What example did Anya have?
- Right. How many apples were there on the apple tree? (7)
Apple tree.
- Well done, guys. Go to the river, it will tell you.

(The sound of the river is heard - audio recording).
- Guys, what is that noise?
Children: It's the noise of the river.
- That's right, it's a river.
Slide 3(There is an image of a river on the screen).
- Let's go to the river and ask her, maybe she saw where the geese - the swans flew.
-River, river, where did the geese and swans fly?
River:(A voice sounds from behind the scenes)
“I’ll tell you if you guess what fish swim at my bottom?”
Slide 4 Didactic game: “Make a word.”
(On the screen there is an image of silhouettes of fish with written syllables. Children select the syllables and read the name of the fish).
Shchu-ka, ka-ras, o-kun.
Slides 5,6,7. Didactic game “Divide the words”
- You need to read the word, divide it into syllables, name the vowels and consonants.
(Children read the words: geese, apple tree, river. Geese - this word has 2 syllables, g - consonant, y - vowel, s - consonant, and - vowel.)

- Well done, guys. Vanya is in Baba Yaga's hut.

Guys, how can you get across the river?
(Children's expected answers: Sail across on a ship, build a raft and swim across, swim across...)
- And you and I will cross the river on a magic bridge.
(Children walk along the sports ribbed path).
- Guys, what are these bricks on our way? What can you build from them?
(Children's expected answers: You can build a house, a castle, a fortress...).
- Let's build a new hut for Baba Yaga so that she becomes kinder.
Construction of a hut

-Now we’ll make a flowerbed in front of the hut. (A sports hoop is used to depict a flower bed).
- I propose to plant garden flowers in the flowerbed, Baba Yaga will be pleased and she will let Vanya go.
- We must choose only garden flowers and place them in the flowerbed.
(Children take a picture, name the flower and place it on the flowerbed).
(Child's answer: I will plant a tulip because it is a garden flower. And I will plant an iris - this is also a garden flower....)

- These are the wonderful flower beds we got.
- Guys, tell me which flowers we didn’t plant in the flower beds?
- Why?
Children: Because these are meadow flowers.

- Guys, Baba Yaga flew away and locked the hut.
- Maybe the mouse who lives in Baba Yaga’s hut will help us?
Mouse:(A voice sounds from behind the scenes)
- Guys, I can bring you the key to the hut if you help me find my way home.
- Guys, can we help the mouse get home?
- You have leaves with a labyrinth on your tables. Point the mouse to the right path.
(Children approach the tables on which there are sheets of paper with a labyrinth. Children complete the task, then check it on the screen).

Slide 8
- Anya, come to the screen and show the mouse the way home.
(The child comes out and explains the mouse’s path home: the mouse needs to go up straight, then turn left and continue its path straight, turns right and goes straight….)

Guys, come to me, look, the mouse brought the key. Let's open the lock
(The child comes up and opens the lock.)
Slide 9(On the screen is an image of the last scene of the fairy tale.)
- So we helped Mashenka free her brother.
- Guys, what should a person be like?
(Children's expected answers: Kind, sympathetic, brave, help other people).
- That's right guys. You need to be kind and responsive to someone else's misfortune.
- Let's remember how the fairy tale ends.
- Who can tell?
(The child optionally tells the ending of the fairy tale).
The girl said thank you to the stove and ran home with her brother.
And then the father and mother came.

Our journey through the fairy tale is over.
(The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays).
- Let's stand on our airplane carpet, close our eyes and say the words:
“1,2,3 – go to kindergarten again.”
- Here we are in kindergarten.
- Guys, Mashenka is grateful for your help, responsiveness and kindness.